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Zelda Avatar resizing request


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I hate to ask since I usually do this myself. But I upgraded to Windows XP and my previous software was only compatable with Windows 98, sadly I'm too broke at the moment to get another software program.

Basically I already have the avatar I want it's just too large. 160 x 160. I would like to have it resized to 80 x80. I know that avatars can be 150 x 80, but I don't want it to be distorted either.

Anyway, if anyone could resize it for me I would be forever grateful. Thanks! :animesmil
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...you can't read the words anymore, but I did resize it...and theres not much I can do about the words...


And just in case you changed your mind about the normal sized avi...
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22771&stc=1[/IMG] [/COLOR]
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[QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange]Well...you can't read the words anymore, but I did resize it...and theres not much I can do about the words...


And just in case you changed your mind about the normal sized avi...
[IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=22771&stc=1[/IMG] [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

Wow! Thanks! :animesmil It didn't occur to me that you could just trim the picture to avoid distortion, the other choice looks really cool too! I saved both of the images so I can use the other one later if I want. Thankyou so much! :D
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