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Tattoo [M-LSV]


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[COLOR=DarkGreen]After Dimtri asked the question, Dave seemed a little shocked. He explained how he saw the fire that took his family, and how he would see parts of bad dreams he had. Dave talked about his throat and how it was injured in the fire.

[B]"That...sucks."[/B] The two of them laughed.

[B]"Yeah, does. Uh...so, now y'been livin' on th' streets for a year now? Sounds horrible. I know I'd never last a day."[/B] Dimitri looked up and took a deep breath.

[B]"I like it though. The only downside is being caught by the police and told to move somewhere else. Whenever that happens, I usually raid the nearest bar for as much liqour as possible." [/B] They laughed again.

[B]"At least 'er livin', know?"[/B]

[B]"I saw you playing the guitar. Are you a musician?"[/B] Dave nodded.

[B]"Yep. Used to be a singer, but the fire.." [/B] He tapped his neck with his index finger. [B]"Now I play me guitar."[/B] Dimitri shifted his position of sitting, then got up.

[B]"I do not have many talents. I guess you may call survival one."[/B] Dave smiled, but Dimitri started to walk off.

[B]"I will maybe see you later. I want to talk to that old guy and make him fix up my tattoo."[/B] He waved while walking back to his cabin.

[B]"See ya."[/B]

Dimitri made it to his cabin and flung himself on the bed. He wanted to talk to the old guy, but he was a little to stubborn and scared. He wanted to figure this out by himself, but he wasn't sure if the old man would be able to help him

He finally mustered up enough courage to go seek out the chief. When he approached him, the man got up from a chair and greeted him. Dimitri shook his hand.

[B]"Uhh...nice to meet you." [/B] Dimitri cleared his throat and sniffled.

[B]"Sit." [/B] They both sat on the ground.

[B]"How come my tattoo is not working. What happened to it?"[/B] The Maoui cheif looked up to the sky and then back at Dimitri.

[B]"It was the Death Flower that took your essence."[/B]

[B]"You mean that big thing that knocked me out? And Seregei was kneeling in front of it?"[/B]

[B]"Yes"[/B] Dimitri knew the Death Flower had something to do with his screwed up tattoo.

[B]"Ok...so, can you fix it?"[/B]

[B]"You must train first. You...you're a strange one. Your tatto bleeds, then forms the sword, correct?"[/B] Dimitri nodded, a little choked up from being nervous. [B]"We need to focus how much blood spills out. When you battled the first time, you would get dizzy from the loss of blood. We need to cange that so your mind stays clear and concentrated on your opponent."[/B] Dimitri was confused. How can concentrating on my opponent help me with the flow of blood? This old bastard has popped his lid!

[B]"Get up."[/B] Dimitri responded with no hesitation. [B]"Summon the blood to your tattoo."[/B]

[B]"I can not do it. That is why I came to you. To fix me."[/B]

[B]"Summon the blood."[/B] Dimitri was getting annoyed.

[B]"I told you, I can not do it!"[/B] The Maoui chief made a stern face.

[B]"Summon the blood!"[/B] Dimitri was fed up with this guy already. [I]He isn't yelling at me anymore![/I]

Just then, the pain started and the blood was flowing from the tattoo.

[B]"It senses when you are in danger. It will only flow at the time it's needed. We needed to spark the essence back into it. By putting you in danger, it reacts, thus the blood comes from your arm."[/B] Dimitri looked suprised, then at the ground. He put both hands in the pool and conjured the sword, all the while taking quick glances up to look at the cheif's stern face, staring at him.

[B]"Now, when the sword is done, it goes back into blood and re-enters the tattoo. More blood you focus into it, the larger it can get. I know you feel dizzy now, because you're blade is larger than you. Summon it back."[/B] Dimitri did just that, all the while shaking from the new revelation.

[B]"So, then how can I make it to where I control how much it flows?" [/B]

[B]"Summon the blood again."[/B] The chief picked up a rock and Dimitri felt threatend. The blood was just trickling down his arm, dripping into a small puddle.

[B]"First, concentrate on the tattoo. The more you think about the pain, the more the blood flows."[/B] Dimitri was concentrating on the pain so much, he fell over, extremly dizzy and exausted. He crawled over to the large puddle and summoned his sword again. The sword ws huge. The blade was about 12 feet long, the black jewel in the center at least 8 inches wide.

[B]"Your training is complete. Put the sword back and go back to the cabins."[/B] Dimitri did just that, returning to the group.

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: I won't be here from Wednesday to Monday, and I won't be logged on much next week. Try to have as much interaction with my character, if possible. Thanks.

-the one and only [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]In Auckland...[/b]

Asad helped the 'Death Flower' out of a white Rolls Royce and into a hotel. The other 'collectors' followed out of a fleet of black Rolls Royce behind the white car.

The hotel's manager came out and greeted Asad.
" Welcome Miss Jetta, nice to see that you have chosen the Regal again. Your room has already been set up and you have the same staff as last time. I trust that your stay will be comfortable," said the manager.
The 'Death Flower' nodded and glided along the red carpet that had been rolled out for her.

Making her way up to the top floor with Asad and Sergei at her sides, the 'Death Flower' floated into the room. She took off her mask to reveal a young looking face. She looked no older than 12 or 13 - a child no less.

" Mistress, what do you wish us to do?" Nerve asked.
Miss Jetta, aka 'The Death Flower', looked at her arm where Sakura's wolf had attacked her. Her pure black eyes scanned the room, now full of her loyal collectors. Her face was emotionless, lifeless and merciless.
" Get them....the ones we are after.......they must pay......dearly....." she hissed. " Attack their hearts.......wipe out their whole family.....wipe out their friends....make their lives a misery...."

[b]Meanwhile.....back at Milford Sound[/b]

Lani looked around at Dimitri and David. They seemed to be getting along with each other fairly well. At least some people had bonded, even the slightest. Alexia walked over and joined the chattering group. She looked rather depressed.

" What's the matter Alexia?" Lani asked kindly.
" Hm? Oh nothing. Just got my head bitten off by that Irish girl," she replied in her American twang.
" Ah. Yuna. She's a difficult one to confront."
" You can say that again."

" Lani!" called Torin, the Maoui chief. The group suddenly went quiet, as if an omen of something bad to go had just passed. Lani stood and walked over to the Chief. He looked deadly serious. Something bad was going to happen.

" What is it?" she asked. A bad feeling appeared in her stomach. Something bad [i]was[/i] going to happen.
" Your families, all of your families, and your friends are in danger. The 'Death Flower' has sent out orders to kill all that know you. They are in grave danger..."

Anger grew in Lani's stomach.
[i]How dare they go after innocent people....their families would just be the first to perish.....[/i]
" You know this as fact?" Lani growled. The group behind her were talking in low whispers.
Torin nodded. " Go...now...before it is too late....your training will have to come first-hand...."

Whirling around to the group, Lani asked some to go get the others for an urgent meeting.

[b]OOC: Ok guys. Go save your families! ONE POST ONLY. It should be fairly long. You can have your assigned enemy already be there and have killed some of your family if you wish to make it interesting. I'm looking for excellent posts here.

Gelgoog Pilot, go meet with Miss Jetta. She has special plans for you.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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OOC: Sorry its been so long guys my computer is still in the shop and I haven't been able to get to one to post. So hopefully this on will go well.

IC: Rayne told Lani that she would meet back up with them after her trip back to Paris. She had caught the first flight back to Paris and the closest Taxi to take her to her parents home. Her heart beat faster as they approached her parents street, images flew through her mind and she tried to focus but it wasn't working very well.
The taxi rolled to a stop and Rayne payed the driver bidding him farewell. She stood outside only a moment before darting up the stairs into her parents home. She flung the door open and entered the house looking for anyone that should be there.
"Mom... Dad!" She called out into the house, the lights were out and the feeling did not bode well for her. She slipped her slender hand into her cargo poket nd pulled one of her throwing daggers out just in case of attack. She walked silently along the lush carpet and held her breath as she entered each room with caution. She entered the kitchen to find a note addresses to one of the maids.

'[I]Eclair, sorry we couldn't tell you in person, but we are going on an extened buisness trip to germany. Please feed Rayne's cat and you are welcome to take the week off while we're away. Enjoy your time and thany you Eclair. [/I] The note was signed, the Charalmones. Rayne took a deep breath and felt releived that her parents were just merely out of town. She walked up the stairs to her parents room and opened the door. At that moment she dropped the dagger in her hand and gasped as she covered her mouth.

The sight in the room was what she thought to be unimaginable, until that moment. Blood covered everything from the carpet to the light fixtures, she could see her fathers body covering her mothers as though had tried to protect his fallen love in the very end. Their faces were twisted with the fear they felt in their dying moment, she felt her body begin to tremble as she slumped to the floor. She couldn't take her eyes off of her parents, even as her sight began to blur with tears. She flinched as the sound of foot falls entered the room. They continued until they were right behind her, and then she felt a presence she did not know. She could smell the fresh scent of roses, and turned slowly to find a man standing behind her. She crawled back a few feet and tried to speak but only tears came. Her heart felt as though it would leap from her chest, and her thoughts as well as her sight were blurred.

The man was fairly tall, maybe 5'11, with auburn hair down to his midback pulled back in a loose ponytail, and tied with a black ribbon. His dark blue eyes almost matched his exquisite three peice suit which he wore. She felt a unique gentlness come from this man, [I]Who is he?[/I] She thought starring through tearful eyes. He knelt down infront of her and spoke softly.

"I'm sorry you had to see this Rayne, I was hoping the police would have gotten here before you did." He spoke with a soft british accent and Rayne's heart skipped. His voice was so gentle and kind, and his eyes shown concern.

"Who... who are-" Rayne's voice shook as she began to speak quietly.

"Who am I? I am one of the buisnessmen that works with your father, I cam here to take him to the airport and accompany him on his trip but when I got here this is what I found. I am sorry Rayne." He paused a moment and his eyes met Rayne's. "I must be honest though I have been dying to meet you, the famous Rayne Charlamone young computer master, daughter of the popular french buisness family. My name is George, I live here in Paris now but I'm from London." He replied holdinghis hand out. Rayne had never met this man let alone hear of him, and yet she found herself in his arms crying before she realized what was happening. She couldn't speak, all she could do was cry, cry into the arms of this man who claimed to know her parents, and she found somthing absolutey irresitable aout him.

George held the delicate french girl in his arms as she cried, her sobs were quiet but audible, an unseen smile crossed his face. The door downstairs opened and he could hear what he guessed to be the police coming up the stairs. They entered the room, and he pointed to the couple on the ground. Rayne glanced over at the bodies for a moment and left George to speak with the police. She walked over slowly taking in the sigh fully, more than before, then she saw it... her mothers fingers moved.

"Mother!" Rayne shouted bending down and moving her fathers body with care. The police ran over to her.

"Hey you can move him thats evid-... Oh my, hey this ones alive bring in the meds." He replied to one of the other officers.

"Mother, I'm here It's alright you don't have to worry any more." She spoke soothingly to her terrified mother. Her mother lifted her hand and pointed in the direction of the door, and Rayne glanced over to see what she was pointing at but she saw were the police, George had gone downstairs.


Hours had gone by since Rayne had joined her mother at the hospital and she was exhausted from everything that had happened in the last week. She sat quietly next to her mother who was sleeping, every now and then she would wake to see if Rayne was still there. Durring the night Rayne awoke to the smell of freshly cut roses. [I]Just like earlier.[/I] She thought as she opened her eyes slowly, reaching for her glasses, she found them but as she picked them up a gentle hand took them from her. It was dark and Rayne couldn't make anything out, then she heard that smooth deep voice again.

"Come now you don't need these, you know what I look like." His tone showed no hostility toward her as he spoke. Her body began to tremble as she listened to the englishman, she could hear him coming closer. She stood quickly and stepped back until she hit the wall. [I]Thats not good.[/I] She thought realizing she was cornered. George stepped closer, he could hear Rayne's breathing get faster, he smiled.

"Whats wrong, I'm not going to hurt you, I just cam to see if you were alright." His voice was quiet, soothing almost. Rayne's felt herself calm as she listened, and realized the fresh scent of roses was him.

"You have no need to fear me." He whispered, a chill ran down Rayne's spine. Then suddenly before she could speak his lips were pressed softly to hers and she lost all thought on the presant situation. The kiss went on for what seemed an eternity, Rayne couldn't move or think straight, roses is all that were on her mind. Abruptly the kiss stopped and found herself being strangled by a rope that was slung from the curtain behind her, though it was not tight enough to kill her, not yet. She opened her eyes to find George, his eyes narrowed and a wicked smile across his face.

"You're..." But thats all she could manage to say.

"I'm one of them, is that what you're trying to say? Well my dear Rayne, thats is precisley who I am. It's really a shame I have to dispose of you though, you really are quite beautiful, and I haven't had myself a descent french girl in quite sometime." He replied brushing Raynes cheek with his gentle hand. She kicked at him, but decided that wasn't a good idea as the rope tightened. She watched in horror as he walked over to her mothers bed, then pulled a small metal cord from his coat pocket. He swiftly placed the cord around Rayne's mothers neck and pulled tight, and as her own life slowly slipped Rayne watched as this man took her mothers life.

The anger that had been building for so long, finally broke through as she pulled at the rope around her neck, releasing it from the curtan rod. She stood still catching her breath not even removing the rope fromher neck.

"You... shouldn't... have done... that." She replied her voice slightly raspy. She ran forward only to make contact with the chair that George pushed in the way, she fell to the ground hitting her head against the tile and lost conciousness for only moments. When she came to she found that rope was gone along with George. She stood and looked to her now dead mother, tears formed and rolled down her cheeks. She found her glasses on the table and put them on, there was a crack in them.

"I'll kill him for you mother, and father. Let him know... I already miss you." She replied leaving the room.


14 hours later she was back in New Zealand, along with the others.

OOC:Done! Yes! :animesigh
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[b]OOC: [/b]Now this is exciting, I'm hoping to get back into regular posting now.

[color=Navy]Sakura was shocked, they were after her family and friends. Sakura tried to use her wings but remembered that they still weren't working. She growled in anger, hating what 'Death Flower' had done to them.

[i][b]'Just wait mother, father. I'm coming...' [/b][/i]she thought silently, telling the group that she'd meet them later.

Sakura caught the first flight to Tokyo and ran her way to the large building that her father worked and practically lived in. Sakura entered the door and her eyes widened in horror, there was mess everywhere, and splatters of blood.

[b]"No..." [/b]Sakura whispered as she walked around, there were lots of tables around with equipment and things that had been taken apart. After all, her father did fix electronics. She ran toward the back, her father's work area was in the back. She had already seen bodies of dead workers, massacred because of her. She heard a shout of a male and recognised it as her father, running as fast as she could.

[b]"NO!" [/b]Sakura cried as she rounded into his area. She saw a girl that she didn't realise, but the important thing was that she was standing there with a scythe to her father's throat.

[b]"No...please. I don't know who you are but-" [/b]Sakura stepped toward them.
"Don't come closer or I'll kill him. You should know exactly who I am. Watashi wa Masame desu, hajimemashite." [/b]she said, introducing herself in a spiteful way with a smirk on her face.

[b]"Collector..." [/b]Sakura growled, wishing that her tattoos were operating.

[b]"Correcto. Say sayonara." [/b]the other japanese girl said, slitting her father's throat and letting the body fall to the ground. Then the scythe disappeared, Sakura noticed and realised it was her tattoo.

He let out a cry as his blood spilt, taking his final breath.

[b]"NOOO!!!" [/b]Sakura cried, tears flowing from her eyes as she ran to her father's body.

Sakura glared up at the laughing girl. [b]"Subeta!" [/b]she cried, lunging forward but Masame just dodged the attack.

[b]"Hm...I thought you were a martial arts teacher, that means you know that anger clouds your judgement when fighting. Perhaps you should check your mother and dojo. Ja matta." [/b]Masame laughed spitefully before running away quickly.

Sakura sniffed and wiped her eyes as she kissed the forehead of her father.[b] "Otousan, gomen, gomen!" [/b]she cried[b] "Sayonara, arigatou gozaimasu." [/b]Sakura said, getting up and leaving for her dojo which was closest.

She arrived and saw just one bloody body on the wooden boards, it was her co-instructor, and close friend. Sakura cried again before leaving for her mother's work.

Sakura arrived at the lab and saw trembling people cowering under their stations. She ran for where her mother would be and found her on the ground holding her left arm that was bleeding profusely.

[b]"Okaasan!" [/b]she cried, coming to her knees beside her.

[b]"Sakura, an evil woman was here." [/b]her mother said.

[b]"Shh...I know....she got father..." [/b]Sakura said, tears falling from her eyes. Her mother started to cry too.

Sakura saw a piece of paper, she picked it up and saw it was a note from Masame.


I've decided to leave your mother alive for you, but keep on guard, you never know when I'll pay an unexpected visit.


[/b][/i]Sakura growled and crumple the paper in her hand, throwing it into the bin.

[b]"Let's go Okaasan." [/b]Sakura whispered.

The two went back to their house and bandaged her mother's wound.

[b]"I have to go again, but I'll lock everything and turn on high security. Don't go to work anymore, ne? It's not safe. And Otousan's old aluminium baseball bat is still under the bed, use it as protection. Ja matta ne. I'll come home again as soon as I can. And I'll get her for killing father..." [/b]Sakura said as she left her mother in her bed.

Sakura locked all the windows and doors of the house, and turned on the alarm systems around the house before leaving and locking the front door. She had a flame of hatred in her eyes, she would avenge her father.

[b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]I'm not sure what we're supposed to do next so I left it there. And for who don't know the Japanese, Sakura speaks, here's a simple guide of the words/phrases in this post, don't quote me on some of these though, I haven't studied it for a while now;
[b][i]Watashi wa Masame desu. Hajimemashite.: [/i][/b]My name is Masame. Pleased to meet you.
[i][b]Correcto:[/b][/i] That's in katana form for Japanese.
[i][b]Sayonara: [/b][/i]Goodbye
[i][b]Subeta: [/b][/i]B***h (swear word/insult)
[i][b]Ja/Ja matta (ne): [/b][/i]Seeyou (Informal goodbye)
[i][b]Otousan: [/b][/i]Father
[i][b]Gomen: [/b][/i](I'm) Sorry
[i][b]Arigatou gozaimasu: [/b][/i]Thankyou very much (When Sakura said it, she meant thanks for everything that he'd given to her from life)
[i][b]Okaasan: [/b][/i]Mother
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[COLOR=SandyBrown]Dave stared at the seat in front of him. He was twitching slightly, his leg bouncing with nervous energy. Normally, he would have some sort of release - but here on an airplane, he couldn't play his guitar, couldn't run...in short, he was stuck.

[I][B]"They've been sent after our families..."[/B] An impromptu meeting had convened on the front porch...Dave felt his stomach drop. The thought of Nerve or any of the others near his family made a strange chill, a mixture of anger and fear, run down his spine. [B]"I guess we're going to have our abilities tested..."[/B]

Last time, he'd paused to get his belongings from his apartment; this time, the only thing he did was say goodbye... [/I]

After what felt like an eternity later, the plane landed at the Heathrow International Airport. Ignoring the line of taxicabs, he broke into a run the moment he exited the terminal. It was nothing like the last time - the warm tingle had been replace by something that felt like heated shards of glass, or knife blades, shooting into his foot...[I][B]didn't really expect it to be easy, did ya? Wish I'd trained a little more...[/B][/I] The only training he'd done had been two hours spent with the old Chief, before his conversation with Dimitri...it had felt closer to meditation than training...

[I][B]"That is because your powers are defensive, young one...unlike those with the animals and weapons, your powers will be used not to attack, but to stay far from battle." [/B] Dave sat with Torin on the shore, staring out at the waters.

[B]"But...what good is that? If all I can do is run away, or 'ope me enemies are close enough to 'ear me, I'm pretty much useless in a fight...." [/B] he sighed, rubbing his forehead. [B]"...I'll wind up gettin' m'self or somebody else killed." [/B]

Torin just smiled.

[B]"Do not worry, my son...your abilities will not let you fail."[/B][/I]

Now, Dave ignored the pain as he forced himself to run. Slowly, but surely, he felt himself gaining speed. The buildings and people seemed to become a blur. It was only by grabbing a streetsign at precisely the right moment that kept him from missing the street he was looking for. He slowed to a stop outside an apartment that looked mere moments from collapse, pounding on the door. [B][i]Hope he's not completely fried...[/i][/B]

[B]"Garret! Open up!" [/B] The door creaked open, and Garret Taylor, one of his classmates, opened the door, bleary eyed dispite the fact that it was noon.

[B]"Yeah, whaddya wa -"[/B] He saw Dave, and his mouth fell open.[B] "Dave! Where y'been, man? Everyone's been worried sick, they found your pack shredded an - "[/B]

[B]"You still have that Glock?" [/B] Garret's mouth closed with a snap.

[B]"I never told anyone I bought that. 'ow'd ye..." [/B] Dave narrowed his eyes.

[B]"That day you came t'class completely drunk? Y' 'ad it in your car's boot. Y'really shouldn't keep guns in y'car." [i]'e shouldn't come t'school blitzed, either...but I can't really do anythin' about tha'...[/i][/B] Garret had the good sense to look abashed.

[B]"Right...f'got about that..."[/B]

[B]"Never mind that, d'you still 'ave it?"[/B] Garret nodded. Dave held out a hand. [B]"I need to borrow it. Now."[/B] Now it was Garret's turn to narrow his eyes.

[B]"Why? You in some sort of trouble?" [/B] Dave tried to silence the clock in the back of his head, counting every second.

[B]"Yes, I'm in trouble y'idiot! I need that gun!"[/B] Garret crossed his arms.

[B]"Someone after you? What did you get yourself into? Drugs? Women?" [i]Great, of all t'times for 'im to get a concience...[/i]

"I 'ave no clue, but it's none o' that...they already tried t'kill me, 'e's goin' after me parents...give me t'gun b'fore I come in [I]for[/I] it!"[/b] Garret backed up, hands raised.

[B]"Alright, alright! C'mon." [/B] He led his way into his apartment. [B]"Stay 'ere, I'll get it." [/B] He disappeared up the stairs. [i][b]What's takin' 'im so long? 'ope I'm not too late...please, God, don't let me be too late...[/b][/i] Garret reappeared, holding the handgun.

[B]"'ere."[/B] He watched as Dave hoisted the gun...it was heavier than it looked. [b][i]Never actually touched one of these before...[/i][/b] [B]"'ow y'gettin' 'ome?"[/B] Dave stared at the gun in his hand. [i][b]Never thought o' that, did ye?[/b][/i]

[B]"I...I don't really know."[/B] Garret grabbed his keys out of the sink, pushing Dave out the door.

[B]"Y'can't get there on foot. I'll give you a lift."[/B]



The ride to Liverpool seemed to take forever, despite Garret's infamous disregard for life, limb and vehicle. When the car finally jerked to a stop in front of Dave's parents' house, Garret made as if to get out. Dave held out a hand.

[B]"Stay 'ere...I may need to leave in an 'urry." [I]Please don't make me 'ave to leave in an 'urry, please please please....[/I][/B]

The rickety steps to the front door creaked in all the same places, the dingy grey house looked the same as always...every thing looked normal. Even the front door was locked.

Dave drew his key out of his pocket, sticking it into the lock. He pushed the door open, sticking his head inside, the gun a reassuring weight in his pocket.

[B]"Mum? Da?" [/B] There was only silence. He took two steps into the house. [B]"Anyone 'ome?"[I] Bea should be gettin' 'ome soon...[/I][/B] The house seemed empty as he climbed the stair up to the second floor and the bedrooms. He was halfway up when the stair behind him creaked. His tattoo seemed to react involuntarily, flashing the hot spikes into his foot as he spun, jumped into the air and kicked out, using whatever was behind him as leverage to get away from it.

"It" was Nerve. He stumbled back against the wall when Dave's feet impacted his chest. Dave himself hit the banister, flipping over it to land flat on his back on the living room floor.[B] [i]Ow...maybe that wasn't such a good idea...[/i][/B] He rose to his feet and dodged for the door, almost making it when something slammed into his back, spinning him around and pinning him to the wall. Nerve grinned in his face, a heavy arm across his chest...

[B]"MiLady was most displeased with you, lad...doesn't do to have that, now. Your wonderful parents and I just finished havin' a lovely little chat..." [/B] There was a thud as Nerve's knife stabbed into the wall a centimeter from Dave's neck. The blade was stained deep red. [B]"Now we just wait for little Bea to get 'ome....we 'ave a little talk with 'er, and then it's Davy's turn..."[/B]

With the perfect timing of every horror movie he'd ever seen, the kitchen door creaked open. Dave glanced up to meet Nerve's eyes, covered again with the sunglassess. The collector's grin grew. [B]"Right on time..."[/B]

[B]"Mum? Daddy? I'm h - "[/B] The rest of the sentence dissolved into a scream, giving Dave very little doubt as to where his parents were. Nerve wrenched his knife out of the wall.

[B]"Stay right 'ere like a good boy..."[/B]

[B]"Screw that!"[/B] Dave pushed the hulking collector away from him, breaking into inhuman speed, through the kitchen to scoop his little sister into a bear hug, covering her eyes. There was blood all over the kitchen...

[B]"Don't look, baby, don't look..."[/B] He shoved Bea behind his back, drawing the gun out of his pocket as Nerve strolled calmly into the kitchen. [B][i]Wow...not even shakin'...[/i][/B] All emotion seemed to have transmuted into a pure, simple rage.

[B]"So the coward get's brave for the little one, does 'e?"[/B] Nerve stopped when he saw the gun. [B]"Oh, ho...s'ya think that'll stop me?" [/B] He took a step forward. [B]"Takes a little more than a little gun t'put the Baine out o' commission..." [/B] Another step forward. Dave pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into Nerve's right leg. The collector collapsed, growling. [B]"Gonna break y'neck, boy!" [/B] Dave didn't stop to think, scooping Bea into his arms and dashing out the front door. [B][i]Shoulda shot him dead, Dave...[/i][/B] He shook his head, feeling the tears begin to form as he reached Garret and the car[B].[i]Bea 'ad t'come first...much as I wanted to...[/i][/B] His classmate just stared, opening the car door.

[B]"What the he-"

"Just drive!"[/B] Garret reacted admirably, flooring the gas so hard that Dave and Bea were thrown back against the seat. Bea was sobbing quietly into his shirt. She was thirteen now...but she looked like a fifth grader. She'd always been small...he hugged her close.

[B]"It'll be ok, I promise, luv..."[/B]

[B]"They're DEAD David!" [/B] Bea's sobbing grew louder. [B]"They're not comin' back!" [/B] Dave buried his face in his little sister's hair.

[B]"I know that, Bea...I know..."[/B] That was the last straw. The tears began to run down his own face as Garret silently drove back towards London.

[I]An' it's all my fault...[/I][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]ooc: great. I can kill off my character's parents, but I still can't get rid of Nerve. Odd. My psycho muses' wanted to kill off Bea, too, but I put my foot down.

For the record, Reiku? You're still a meanie. :p[/COLOR]
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Maximus grinned getting off the plane. Sure he was no doubt being looked for by the police. One would at least expect that much for delivering a plane filled with dead passengers. He still remembered the look on the womens face when she opened the side door to let the passegers off, she screamed so sweetly, who would blame her, 128 or so dead people give out alot of blood.

[I]"Hmmm now...I wonder what she has planned for me? I didn't think you had it in you anymore Maxi, I thought you went soft on me... Be quiet, if they had simply shut up it would have been fine...but then again they just had to be heroic. It's their faults now."[/I]

As he entered the lavish hotel he could hear the distant screaming of sirens. This made him smile even more. He rode to the top floor on the glass elevator...looking nervously down at the lobby.

[B]"I hate hieghts..."[/B]

Knocking on the door a young maid answered, her cheeks flushed giving her a very attractive look. Her soft voice questioned him curtly.

[B]"Can I help you sir?"[/B]

[B]"Mi'Lady Jetta has requested my presence, my name is Maximus Leopold. I trust you know of it."[/B]

[B]"Oh...of course sir, come right in she's waiting in the sitting room."[/B] She curtesied and walked into another room. Maximus simply walked into the room he was directed to. There he saw her. Her delicate form sitting lazily on a large soft couch. She always did have a strong presence about her, even for her young age of fourteen.

[B]"Maximus...come...sit with me...We have much to discuss"[/B]

He walked over, sitting down on the opposite side and turned to her. She watched his every move intently, then upon him being seated slide herself closer ot the dark man. Maximus' eyes narrowed as she did this.

[I]"She always was good at making me feel uncomfortable..."[/I]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]Auckland...[/b]

Miss Jetta looked at Maximus sternly. She loved how she made her followers uncomfortable - a sign that she had control over them. Her young eyes pierced Maximus's. He shifted uncomfortaby in his seat. Her jet black eyes were always unnerving, even for the stout-hearted.

" I have instructed that my collectors go to the hosts' families and friends and destroy them. You are to go to Montreal in Canada, to the Internation Airport, to the Lounge there. That is where the hosts will be meeting next. Capture them Maximus. I want them.....their powers....they don't realise they can change the world.....I need it......to survive......"


[b]The Greek Isles...[/b]

Lani ran across the ancient paved roadways, fighting off the images that she was imagining. Her green hair fluttered behind her as she ran up the hill, towards her house. It was a stepp climb when you were walking, but running it was like running the wrong way up a esclator - getting nowhere.

Her muscles screamed at her to stop. Stitches starting to hurt in her chest as she ran up the hill.

" Mama......please don't be dead...."

Finally coming to her house, Lani noticed that the door was slightly open. Anger rose in her throat. Opening the door, Lani slipped in to see her grandmother's body with her head missing, sprawled across the floor. She felt her stomach lurch. Looking away, Lani tip-toed through the house, hearing soft scuffles. Her anger was almost to a point she couldn't hold it back anymore.

Coming into the kitchen, Lani saw Asad with his long metal fingers through her mother's throat, blood dripping from the metal onto the floor.

" Mama........" Lani's fists shook with anger she had never felt before. " Asad.....you are going to pay."

Asad, aware of Lani standing behind him, let her mother's body drop onto the floor. The lunatic liked the blood off of his metallic hand. Lani felt her stomach lurched against.

" Mmmm.....so sweet.....she struggled.....a hint of wildness...." Asad hissed, making Lani's stomach turn and her anger grow. Her whole body shook with pure rage.

" That's it Asad....you've pushed me over the edge........." With those words, Lani's white feathered angel wings unfurled from her shoulders, ripping holes in the back of her shirt. Except these weren't transparent like before, they were real.

" You have anger....that will please the Mistress. Your tattoos will be so sweet to take. But that is not for now." With a sickening grin, Asad leapt out of the window, breaking the glass on the way out. All Lani wanted to do was rip his head from his shoudlers.


[b]Montreal, Canda...[/b]

Lani waited in the "High Flyers" Lounge at the Montreal International Airport - the place she had told the others to meet her. She had made a choice - a major decision. She was sick of running, sick of being chased and taunted by these 'collectors'. It was time to fight back.

Waiting for the others to arrive, which could take any amount of time, Lani started looking for a clothing shop, to buy another shirt.

[b]OOC: Meet Lani at the Montreal Airport, then we'll get into the good stuff.

Gelgoog Pilot, watch from afar and wait for our characters to meet together.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee stood for a minute, stunned by what Lani had just told them. [B][I]But she can't kill babbo... I can't allow her too... [/I][/B] It took a couple of minutes before her brain started to think rationally again. [B][I]She won't be able to anyways... nobody knows where he is...but... Tia![/I][/B] She quickly ran to her cabin, grabbing her i.d. before she headed back towards the road where she could grab a bus that was just stopping. She sat down next to Dimitri, breathing heavily.

[B]"Are you going back to Russia to help your family?"[/B] She asked, leaning back in her seat, trying to catch her breath.

[B]"My family... we do not really get along well... at least me and my da'. Sergei, the collector sent after me... I think he knows that and will not go after them."[/B] Ren nodded.

[B]"I see... Would you come with me to Italy then? The only person in my family still alive and living there is my Tia, I couldn't stand for her to die just because of me...and since you are not planning on going back to Russia..."[/B] She looked over at Dimitri. [B]"Will you?"[/B] He nodded.

[B]"I may not be able to do much, as I am wounded. But I will help however I am able. Have you been able to figure out how to summon your tattoo again?"[/B] Ren shook her head and he spent the time it took to get to the airport telling her what the Maoui Cheiftain had told him pertaining to the tattoos.

Once on the plane they both fell asleep, not waking until they arrived in the Venice airport.

[B]"How far is it to where she lives?"[/B] Dimitri asked as the walked out of the airport.

[B]"Not far at all, my Tia has two places. The one she would be staying at now is out by those hills over... there..."[/B] Her voice slowly dropped off as she noticed the bright light that usually comes from a city, or a house that is on fire.

[B]"Mio dolce Signore!"[/B] Dimitri looked at her in confusion, asking,

[B]"What is wrong?"[/B] Ren broke into a run, calling over her shoulder.

[B]"Get to the nearest house you can and get them to call the police and fire department for you, tell them to come to Tia Magdalena's house, then meet up with me as soon as possible!"[/B] She rounded the corner and hurried on to her aunts house which was totally engulfed in flames. She tried to find her way in, but the flames leaped and danced higher, making it impossible.

[B]"Tia! Tia Magda! Can you hear me? Please answer!"[/B] The voice she was coming to hate, not that of her aunts, was the only reply she got.

[B]"Quando la gatta non è in paese, i topi ballano. [I]When the cat's away the mice will play[/I]. You weren't here so she had to go...because she [I]is[/I] gone you know..." [/B] Astraela brightened, clapping her hands. [B]"Aren't the flames such a lovely colour?"[/B] She grinned like a little kid getting a present. [B]"And I started them all by myself!"[/B] Ren felt a burning feeling working its way down her arm.

[B]"Why?! Why did you do this? Couldn't you have just come after me? Instead of killing Tia?!"[/B] Astraela shook her head, pretending to pout.

[B]"No I couldn't... You see, she was the only one of your relatives that would get you here, what with us not being able to find your father and all."[/B] She raised her arm and pointed it at the burning building. [B]"I wanted to use my new tattoos!"[/B] She waved her arms. [B]"There's even a rhyme about them!"[/B] She started chanting in a voice that sent shivers down Renee's spine.

[B]"One for Sorrow,
Two for Mirth,
Three for a Wedding,
Four for a Birth,
Five for Silver,
Six for Gold,
Seven for a Secret Not to be Told.
Eight for Heaven,
Nine for Hell,
And Ten for the Devil's Own Sel'."[/B]

As she spoke each of the numbers, a flaming crow, each about the size of a large rat, seemed to peel itself from her flesh and become airborne. [B]"I know that they can not do as much damage to people as some of Miladys other servants tattoos... but it gets the job done!"[/B] The feeling that had been working down Ren's arm all the time while Astraela had been talking finally released itself, manifesting itself into her sword. She lunged towards Astraela with it.

[B]"This time I am not going to be nice and simply crack your wrist! You've killed my aunt, pray for forgiveness because you won't be here much longer!"[/B] Astraela shook her head, as all her crows came back to her. They could both hear sirens coming up the road.

[B]"You are right about the 'won't be here much longer' part... But as for you killing me, I don't think so. Le cattive nuove sono le prime, [I]Bad news travels fast[/I]. And the police are coming. We will finish this eventually, but now is not a good time. And besides that, I want it to be sunny when you die. Common courtesy, you like the sun better, don't you?"[/B] She bowed to Renee. [B]"We will finish. Remember that."[/B] As she had before at the campground she dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

Renee walked down the street away from the fire, meeting Dimitri as he came out of someones house. He walked alongside her as they headed back towards the airport. Finally he broke the silence.

[B]"Your aunt... did she survive?"[/B] Ren shook her head.

[B]"No. She did not."[/B] They walked the rest of the way to the airport, and boarded the next flight to Canada. Once in their seats Dimitri spoke a little awkwardly.

[B]"I wish to tell you that I am very sorry for you and the death of your aunt."[/B] Renee smiled at him.

[B]"It means a lot to me, and I thank you."[/B] They both remained quiet for the remainder of the flight except to thank the flight attendant when she brought them their meals.

Getting off the plane in Montreal they went into the "High Flyers" lounge where they were to meet up with the others and sat down at the table next to Lani. Ren noticed that her face had a look of sadness on it along with a look that could only be described as righteous anger.

[B]"They killed a member of your family also, Lani?"[/B] Lani nodded,

[B]"My mother, she was all I had left. We're going to stop them."[/B] Ren hugged Lani before sitting back down.

[B]"I agree whole-heartedly."[/B][/COLOR]

OOC: Waaahhh! No more Tia Magdalena...and in case you can't tell, I'm sorta-kinda babysitting Dimitri...
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[size=1][color=#C82356]?Why did you not leave, Yuna? The others have left to defend their families and friends, yet you are still here, why??

A voice came from behind Yuna as she threw the butt of her cigarette. She blew out the last of her smoke and stood up straight.

?I have no one.? Yuna cracked her neck and left the chief standing where he was. She merely whispered the words she always told herself, ?I?ve never had anyone, so why start now??

Frustrated with herself, she decided to ride around Milford Sound for a while, knowing that being on her bike made her feel free and empty. It made her think of only one thing and that was the rushing adrenaline that pumped inside her body, making her want nothing and everything at the same time. She came to a stop and pulled out a smoke, but put it back into her pocket. She knew it wouldn?t do any good. She sighed and watched her reflection, but was disgusted by it and left.

Upon returning, the chief still stood where he was last. He smiled when Yuna returned. There was nothing odd with his smile, just the fact that he was smiling made her feel uncomfortable. She came up to the porch and stood in front of the chief. In a situation like this, others would have many questions to ask, but Yuna was one who rarely questioned. She knew that the answers would come in due time, whether they came during her death or they came before. It didn?t matter, she would know anyways.

?Chief, is there anything else that I can do at this point??

?Yes, there is. Lani wants you to go to the Montreal International Airport. Meet her there at the lounge. I believe she has news for you.?

Yuna cracked her neck once more and left, riding on her bike, away from the cabin, towards the liking of fights, blood, and pain.


Walking into the airport, Yuna had a reason to be cautious. She had a feeling that a collector may pop up out of nowhere and try to take the spirits that were in their tattoos. She was wary, yet casual. She walked in sense of guard but was informally at peace. She soon found the girl that they called Lani and two others with her. She stood close enough to hear slight conversations, but far enough so that she didn?t feel the need to throw one of them up against a wall.

Lani looked at Yuna and found it odd that she stood there, almost nonchalantly. She wondered whether or not her collector destroyed her family, yet she didn?t want to ask, fearing her head would get bitten off by a rabid Yuna.[/size][/color]
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[color=Navy]At first after she left her home, she wandered around the city aimlessly, so many things spiralling through her mind. So many things had happened in such a small time. She squeezed her eyes shut at the memory of watching her father being killed. She felt the urge to hit something at the thought of Masame.

She should have known it wouldn't be that easy in killing Ming, the 'Death flower' had just sent another collector after her, and she bet that's what happened to the others whose collectors died.

Sakura let out a cry of frustration and slammed her fist into a lamp post that was beside her, making a dent in it and sending pain through her knucles and up through her arm. She wished she had her tattoos. Then she remembered what Torin had said about reconnecting with them. She looked at her watch and saw there was still time before she was to go to her flight to where they were meeting.

Sakura set off at a run, knowing exactly where she was going. She stopped on top of a walkway, climbing the lone tree that stood there. It was one of her favourite spots. Sakura steadied herself and started to concentrate, focussing on her tattoos and her friendship/relationship with and story behind each of them. She concentrated on each of the parts individually, starting with Lai, her wolf. The first part of her three animal tattoo that she'd gotten, it symbolised herself in many ways, her being a lone wolf, but also travelling with others in a pack. She was vicious and her bite was definately worse than her bark.

Sakura opened her eyes after a time, she felt a tingling warmth and lifted her shirt sleeve, seeing Lai was returning to colour slowly. She smiled and looked at her watch, cursing under her breath as she jumped out of the tree and ran for the airport, if she was fast enough she would just make the flight.


Sakura arrived at the other end of her flight and headed into the area they'd been told to go. She saw Lani herself, Renee, Dimitri and Yuna. Sakura walked over cautiously and joined them, she didn't even try to fake a smile, she wasn't feeling happy, sure, she'd gotten Lai back, but her father and close friend along with innocents had been killed, just to get to her. It was bittersweet, and the only part Sakura could focus on was the bitterness.
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OOC: Ugh....I had more ingenious things in mind than waiting but...I'll abide by your request.

[I]Waiting...always waiting...even my patience has a limit...I just wish all of these would come together already...I'll get stiff sitting here.[/I] A fimiliar figure walked by, not like the others before her had...this one was more, paranoid it seemed. Maximus smiled. [I]She should be...there are wolves among this flock...so close...I could reach out and touch her, that would be fun...I'd at least be entertained.[/I]

Maximus leaned back casually switching from looking out the window and then back to looking at the small group that was forming. Again he smiled. Unlike those fool collectors, Maximus valued the ability to blend in more, sure he had to put make-up on to hide the tattoo on his face but it beats sticking out like a sore thumb. An hour passed...he spent his time watching them and thinking. He had been doing alot of thinking. Lady Jetta had yet told them the reasons behind this. All Maximus knew was that she needed them, and that the world would be a much different place once she succeeded.

One thing, however keep popping up in his mind. The families, what reasons were there fo such a worthless act. Sure making the ones you hated suffer could be enjoyable, this however was a serious matter. There was no time to anger the prey when you needed to catch them off guard. This tactic would only counter their purpose. He was sure he'd find out why after this little excursion.

[I]That Yuna...the one that fool Amatsu couldn't take care of, she distances herself from the others...I'm going to find out why. Heh, the tough loners are always the easiest to break, I always did find that hilariously ironic. I'm going to enjoy breaking you Yuna, count on it.[/I]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown][B]"Flight 84, Heathrow to Montreal, now landing. Please leave your seat in an upright position, turn off all cell phones and lap tops, and buckle your safety belts. And thank you for flying British Airways."[/B] Dave sighed, buckling his seat belt. Once this was all over - if it ever was over - he never wanted to see another airplane again.

He'd left Bea and Garret in the protection of the London police...there hadn't been time for explantion. He'd taken Garret's car, and got to the airport as fast as he could.

He got off the plane and headed for the "High Flyers" lounge, silently joining the others. For once, he didn't even wish he could talk.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani growled as the images of Asad killing her mother and grandmother ran through her head. She was sick of running. Even if they didn't know how to summon their tattoos, they sure as hell will learn.

Standing up, Lani noticed that all of her companions had returned. She looked at them with pure fury in her eyes, something that even herself had never experienced.
" I assume that all of you have made arrangements of the appropriate kind and that have come back here on your own will."

She looked at them, and they all nodded with agreement.

" Then I would like to offer a proposal. The proposal is that we fight instead of run. They have taken what is most precious to us away. And that is not forgivable. All of us have suffered because of these 'collectors'. And we need to know why. Properly why, not like what Torin told us. He was too vague. We need to know exactly why are we being hunted and why this 'Death Flower' needs our souls."

" However, I don't have any idea where we could find the answers we are looking for. But I know we're going to have to change things. Lets turn the table shall we? Made the hunters become the hunted."

" If you all agree, we will hunt down these 'collectors' and the 'Death Flower' and get our answers from them. I'm certain there is a much bigger picture to this than just them."

All of the others nodded in agreement. Everything she has said, had been true to the smallest detail. Lani gave a small smile to all of them, thanking that they were going to join her in their fight.

" Good. I know exactly where to start."

[b]9 and a half hours later....[/b]

The group had travelled to Washington DC, United States of America. Lani had a plan that they would find out as much as possible about the 'collectors'. All seemed to have some sort of illegal backgrounds, and their first stop will be the Pentagon.

Checking into a small although nice-looking hotel, the group all went into their separate rooms for a few hours before going to dinner. After dinner, Lani explained what she had in mind for a plan. Everyone put in comments and suggestions, all forming a plan. Tomorrow night, they will be breaking into the Pentagon.

[b]OOC: Just post what you like whether it be bonding, or training, or getting ready for the mission. Whatever you wish.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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OOC: *huff huff huff* Whew...you don't make it easy to catch up with you guys Reiku...its hard to find an opening for your idea of my post... : animesigh Ok here it goes.

Maximus had waited long enough. The plane trip, the dinner, now that everyone was assembled in this lounge area he should make himself known. Getting up cautiously he made his way over to what seemed to be with leader, or at least the one giving all the speeches. Then next moment all eyes were on the strange young man walking towards Lani, all were alert for an attack of some sort almost, Maximus suppressed a girn.

[B]?Hello?? Maximus extended his hand. ? I am Maximus Leopold?I hate to intrude but?I couldn?t help but over hear you speaking about tattoos, and buy the sounds of it?not normal ones either.? [/B] He smiled pleasantly as Lani took his hand shaking it.

[B]?Yes, we were, I?m Lani, umm, I see you also have tattoos.?[/B] She took her hand back letting it rest at her side.

Maximus looked around quickly seeing most of them relax a bit. All but Yuna, she had a strange look on her face, but Maximus wasn?t worried she had never seen his face back at the flat, so she had no reason to know him.

[B]?Ah, yeah, I used make-up to hide it from?well some unpleasant people.?[/B] His smile was genuine this time, mostly since he hated the others with a passion.

[B]?Wow, you are being attacked by collectors as well!? Does that make-up actually fool them though?? [/B] Renee came up and touched his face to test the make-up a little.

[B]?No, not really?I figured it was worth a try though.?[/B]

?I?ve seen you before?.tell me?why have you been following us.? The group?s eyes collectively looked towards Yuna, who was now standing their with her arms crossed defiantly across her chest.

Maximus looked down for a moment. [B]?Yes, I have been following you, at least since I heard at the airport about tattoos and noticing that you all had at least one. I thought that maybe we were connected, especially when you mentioned ?collectors?.?[/B] After saying this several of the group nodded as Yuna walked away temporarily satisfied.

Maximus was quite happy with himself, at first he figured they would find him out and he?d have to haul all of them back himself. Now he figured if this kept up they would to the hauling for him.

Lani looked back at Maximus and smiled a little. [B]?Well you?re among friends now, uh Maximus was it??[/B]

Maximus smiled deeply, and while the others thought it was a smile of gratitude, it was actually the beginning of their undoing.
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[color=Navy]Sakura went to her room after they had finished planning and everything, she still hadn't gotten over the shock of her father dying, along with her mother being injured. She lay on the bed, Masame's face and the image of her killing her father was burned into her memory, she would never forget it.

Sakura sat up and lifted her left shirt sleeve, seeing Lai was back in full colour now, she decided to next bring back her wings for transport in case she needed them.

She thought about their meaning, firstly, since it was one of each type; a demon wing and an angel wing. It kinda told a bit about her personality, because she could be innocent as an angel at times, then as evil and cruel as a demon. Sakura sat there, meditating on her wings, but then she heard a phonecall. She opened her eyes and looked at the time, it had been about 2 hours. Sakura pulled her phone out of her pocket, answering. It was her mother and they just talked for a while, she was just checking up on her. They hung up and Sakura went to the mirror in the bathroom, looking at her back, the colour was returning to the wings slowly. She was happy that two things had gone right, which neutralised the day since two bad things had happened.

She couldn't sit around so practised her martial arts, centering her mind, what Masame had said about her teachings insulted her, which would be another thing she would avenge on her new collector.

Sakura couldn't wait for them to find the mastermind of their group so they could take them down for good. She hoped that nothing would happen to her mother, but just in case, she called the family's guards to make sure that no one entered unless they had been authorised.

She did a few more martial arts moves, finishing with a backflip. Sakura looked up and fire of vengance burned deep in her eyes and within her soul.

[i][b]'I'll get her for you, Otousan.' [/b][/i]Sakura promised silently, hoping her father could hear her.
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[size=1][color=#C82356]As everyone else gathered around the dinner table, enjoying their meal and conversing with each other, Yuna felt she had no need to stay. She stood and walked away from the group, someone something had made her feel weary and alert. She had a feeling someone was following her every movement. Yuna felt this way since that ?Maximus? fellow had been with them. She sighed and walked out to the balcony, pulling out her cigarette pack and picking out one to smoke on.

?Damn collectors. They ought to give their own tattoos to that ghastly Death Flora or whatever its name was.?

?Death Flower.? Yuna turned menacingly to whoever interrupted her venting moment. ?The person who wants your tattoos is called Death Flower, just so you know.?

?Does it look like I care?? She turned away from Maximus and smoked on her cigarette, letting the puffs of smoke escape her mouth. ?What do you want anyways?? Maximus leaned against the rail and watched Yuna with an interest. ?If there?s nothing that I can help you with, then you?ll have to excuse me. My blood?s still boiling and an extraction of stress is in order.?

Yuna turned to leave but she was stopped by Maximus? hand. She felt his grip around her wrist and this enraged her, though she knew not to show her anger for it could entangle her into a fight that she might not be able to win. She merely tugged it out of Maximus? grip but was not able to. He tightened it around her hand and she turned to look at him. His eyes told a different story than his voice had. They were cold and empty, distant and calloused, just plain evil, though his voice faked warmth and a kindness.

?Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want from us?? Yuna was filled with a steaming frustration that needed to explode from her body; though she held it in, suppressing it each moment she spoke with Maximus.

?You know who I am.? He smiled a grin that was deviant and almost sly. He leaned closer to Yuna and whispered into her ear. ?I?ve come for you.?

At that moment, Yuna?s hand was enwrapped in a blinding fire that was about to blast Maximus over the rail, though a voice called out and urged people in. It was extinguished and she left him alone, her anger furthering her boiling point. It was time that the training she prepared was put to good use.[/size][/color]
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Excuse the lateness...

"Oh... shit. Mom? Dad?" The sound of his voice echoed through his childhood home. The house that was full of so much happiness, so many memories, all the good times, was now cold, deserted, alien. He walked around the first floor, desparately looking for his parents. They were not found. They were at Applebees, eating lunch together.

[i]Lunch? Now?[/i]

Of course. The time zone change was messing with his mind. The flight from the west coast, back to the east coast again set his internal alarm clock horribly off, and his frantic state of mind wasn't helping the situation. Almost automatically, he walked back out the door, and sprinted to the main street. He could catch a cab, then go to Applebees. At the curb, he froze in shock, in anger, in frustration.

He had killed the man already.

"What am I doing out here now, then? WHAT THE HELL!?" He said, his voice progressively getting louder with each passing word. Shaking his head in disbelief, he instructed the incredulous driver to take him to the airport. He really didn't feel much like entertaining his own thoughts, much less conversation with someone. Brushing past security quickly, he made it to the gate, and was soon back on a flight to the lake.

"I can't believe it. I just can't believe it." He shook his head, back and forth, slowly slipping into a shallow, unrestful sleep. In a few hours, he touched-down, and from there, he hurriedly signaled a taxi which took him to the secluded spot.

"Christ, I'm never doing that shit again. Ever." He said outloud, getting his bag out of the car's trunk and walking back to his cabin.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Don't worry, Retri, your not the only late one...
Okay, again, I'm sorry I haven't been online in a while, but I actually suffered a loss of my own in the real world. One of by younger brother's best friends suddenly passed away last week. You can read my thread in Otaku Lounge titled "Sudden Losses" if your currious about the whole thing.
Backtrack several hours:
Alexia had really felt no need to go back. She honestly didn't care whether her parents were alive or dead. In fact most of her family had labled her a traitor to their town and even to the South as a whole.

[I]Stupid, backwards thinking, rednecks! Serves them right,[/I] she thought frustrated at first. Then she thought of her brother, Cory, and young cousin, Danny. They had been the only ones to support her over the years since she finished high school. She had even managed to keep in conntact with them over the years, though she hadn't heard from either of them in a few months. The least she could do was go and see if they were alright.

Soon, Alexia's flight had landed in Bermingham, AL. She rented a car and quickly started driving through open country to the tiny town of Rusty. Within an hour she had arived in what looked like at first glance, a run down old ghost town. "Huh, shoulda thougt, nothing's changed." she laughed coyly to herself under her breath.

"Well lookie wat jus dragged her sarry ass intah town," Alexia rolled her eyes and groaned at the sound of this oh so familiar voice. [I]Oh, good God, not Bubba![/I] She whipped around to see a highly overwieght man in a stained white t-shirt and dingy overalls. "Wat da hell ya doin back, ya Yankee-lovin traitor."

"Shadup, Bubba! I don't have time for this." Frustrated, Alexia turned to leave, headed towards her old house.

"Ya sound kinda funny, ya been livin wit dem Yanks too long."

Alexia whipped around at this, "Ok, I live in Miami now, which is in Florida by the way." then sarcasticly she added, "Can you say Flor-i-da?" streatching out the syllibles as if she were talking to a baby.

Bubba stood there confused for a second, trying to figure out whether he'd been insulted or not. Meanwhile, Alexia quickly took her leave.

As she approached her childhood home, she took a few nervous deep breaths, unsure of what she might find. The first thing she noticed was the screen door, which was lying on the porch in peices. [I]Not good,[/I] she thought fearfully stepping over the threshold and into the house.

"He-hello?" she managed to stammer out. Suddenly she heard something break in the kitchen. Alexia quickly hopped over an overturned rocker and into the kitchen where she was met with a horrific sight.

There they were, the bodies of both her parents, horribly mangled, blood covered everything. "No," was all she could manage to say horsely. A tear trickled down her cheek. She regreted everything, everything bad she had ever said, ever thought about them. Dispite the fact she hated them, they still didn't deserve a fate this cruel.

The back door to the kitchen slammed and Alexia looked up to see a young man, clutching a stab wound to the sholder. It took her a second to realize it, but when she did her eyes grew wide. "Cory?" She quickly rushed over to her little brother, who wasn't so little anymore. In the seven years since she'd last seen him, his fine blonde hair had grown darker and curlier, and he was now almost a foot taller than her.

At the hospital in Bermingham, Alexia sat with her brother in the examining room. They have been talking the whole drive there, but Alexia glanced at her watch and realized she had to leave soon. Rummaging through her purse, she pulled out a piece of paper, a pen, and one of her debit cards. She wrote her pin on the paper and handed both the paper and the card to Cory.

"Here, I want you to use this to pay for the treatment and to get yourself a hotel room here." Cory opened his mouth to object, but Alexia just smiled at him. Just think of it as seven years worth of late birthday and Christmas presents. Now take care of yourself, while I go avange the parentals."

"Good luck, and be careful," he called after her as she left.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown]Dave stared out the hotel windows at the lights below...it was midnight, but he couldn't sleep. His head was too full...thoughts raging through it at a million cycles a second. He sighed, turning away from the window, just in time to see Renee pace down the hall for the fifth time in twenty minutes...

[B]"Fine, whatever...forget this..."[/B] If he couldn't rest, he wouldn't. He headed down the hall to Dimitri's room. [B][i]Why are you doing this again?[/i][/B] He answered his own mental question...[B][I]Because I can't sleep, and if I can't sleep, no one should.[/I] [/B] He knocked on the door. Dimitri opened it, looking about as tired as Dave.


"Look, I can't sleep, and Renee can't either...I'm goin' out, I'm gonna ask if she feels like comin'...want t'come with?" [/B] Dimitri frowned.

[B]"Where to?"[/B] Dave shrugged.

[B]"Out. See what's around...anythin' to be out of the hotel..." [/B] Dimitri brightened slightly.

[B]"Bar?"[/B] Dave nodded.

[B]"Most likely..."[/B] Dimitri dissappered back into his room, reappearing with his coat.

[B]"I will come then."[/B] Dave led the way down the hall. Renee was making her sixth pass, coming back up. She stopped when she saw them.

[B]"What, you can't sleep either?" [/B] Dave nodded.

[B]"We're just gonna go out, wander 'round, maybe go t'a bar or somethin'...want t'come?"[/B] Renee nodded.

[B]"Anything to get out of here..." [/B] The three of them went out...the first bar was only a block away. Dave shook his head as Dimitri headed straight for the bar...

The second bar only happened after the pool players in the [i]first[/i] bar had started harassing Renee. Dimitri had...disagreed with their stance, and the bouncer had disagreed with [i]Dimitri's[/i] stance. The second bar had been a bit better...until the barkeep decided he didn't like "Brits." By the third bar, things were starting to get a little fuzzy...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Three foreigners, loose and bored in DC...oh, help...I get the feeling Starr, Billy and my characters are gonna have headaches in the morning...and technically, this is "bonding"...:p[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee entered the third bar behind Dimitri and Dave, hopefully [I]this[/I] one wouldn't have people who liked her, or hated Brits. They went and sat down in one of the booths. Dave remained standing beside the booth.

[B]"Wot'll you two 'ave t'drink?"[/B] Renee looked at the card set in the center of the table, trying to focus.

[B]"Ask Dmmit... Dmiri.. Mi...Ask Tri firs..."[/B] Dave shook his head, grinning slightly.

[B]"Y'know you're drunk."[/B] She shook her head solemnly.

[B]"S'not drunk... jus, mildy inebriated."[/B] Dimitri leaned his elbows on the table.

[B]"You're drunk, and I will have a vodka. If they have it here in America."[/B] Dave nodded,

[B]"And you, Renee?"[/B] She leaned back in her seat, thinking.

[B]"My name's Ren, and I will have... champaigne, if they have it... if not, a martini will do..."[/B] She nodded decisevley. Dave rolled his eyes at Dimitri, but was soon back with her champaigne, Dimitri's vodka, and his beer.

[B]"So what'dya wanna do?"[/B] Dave shrugged, Dimitri pulled a pack of cards out of his pocket.

[B]"Do you know how to play the russian game Svoi Kozyri?"[/B] She didn't but apparently Dave did. They had soon taught her the rules and she was winning quite a few hands. They both looked at her in consternation.

[B]"You are playing good for someone who just learned how."[/B] She shook her head.

[B]"You now how? I'm cheating."[/B] They went back to playing, and she kept winning. Dave looked over at Dimitri.

[B]"You know she might 'ave been tellin' the truth..."[/B] [/COLOR]

OOC: Tag, Dy...
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[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: I'm really sorry I haven't posted...family has been here, and Iv'e been with them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri was getting sick of losing, and his vodka glass was empty.

[B]"Ok...let's not play anymore. She is cheating."[/B] Dave shook his head.

[B]"'Nother drink?"[/B] Dimitri walked to the bar and greeted the bartender ,who and smiled.

[B]"Are any of yous from here?"

"I am from Russia, he is from England, and she is from Italy. We are here on...holiday."[/B] Dimitri put all three glasses on the bar.

[B]"He will have a beer, she would like a martini, and I will have another vodka."[/B]

[B]"Comin' right up."[/B] Dimitri walked back to the booth. He noticed Renee's arms were folded with her head rested on them, while Dave kept nudging her.

[B]"'ey...Rene-e...wake up..got another ma'tini for you..."[/B] She mumbled something, then pulled her head up.

Dave chugged down the glass along with Dimitri, and Renee sipped through the straw in long gulps.

[B]"You guys..ha...oh..."[/B] Renee started to laugh after knocking over her martini glass. The bartender yelled from the bar.

[B]"Ok, you guys, why don't you take her home? She's crocked."[/B]

[B]"Think she 'ad enough?" [/B] Dimitri nodded.

[B]"Alright Renee, let's go back into the hotel. You have had too much to drink."[/B]

[B]"No! I don't need...to have...much to drink! Let me get a Mary's blood!"[/B] They both covered their mouths to stifle their laughs.

[B]"It ain't a Mary's blood, love, it's a Bloody Mary."[/B] Dimitri grabbed his coat.

[B]"I am going to find a cab." [/B] They both smiled, and Dimitri flagged down the nearest taxi. They all climbed in, trying to keep Renee from talking. The ride home was nice when Renee didn't talk. They all went back to the ir rooms, Dave helping Renee into hers, then cautiously closed the door, fearing what dumb things she might do when she is this drunk. Dimitri and Dave waved goodbye, and went into the rooms, ready for a hangover.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS][b]OOC: *gives a large round of applause to Ozy, Billy and Starr* Thank you guys for being creative!!! That was what I was expecting of you guys![/b]

Lani sat in a cab outside the gates of the Pentagon. The American driver looked at her in the rear vision mirror. The expression on her face was one of pure determination.

" Here ya are ma'am. The Pentagon. Just as you said. This is the closest I can get," the driver said.
" It's all right. You did a fine job. How much?" Lani asked, turning to the driver.
" 8.50 ma'am."

She handed over the money, glad to have had some Ameican currency in her wallet. Climbing out of the cab, Lani shut the door and heard the cab drive off. The wind moved her yellow-green hair around her head softly.

" So this is it. I never thought I would be doing this, not in a million years."

Stepping towards the gates, Lani looked at the uniquely, five-sided building. She drew close to the fence. Her mind elsewhere, Lani didn't notice three Rotweiller dogs run up to her, barking. They attacked the fence she was standing near. She jumped backwards out of fright and fell to the ground.

The feeling of Galatea peeling off her skin made Lani realise that the silvery-blue dragon was now out in front of her, snapping at the dogs fiercely. Scrambling to her feet, Lani looked at Galatea growling at the dogs who started to back away now. The dragon's growls became louder and louder.

The loud thudding footsteps of three security guards could be heard in the distance. Both Lani's and Galatea's head snapped around.
" Come on Galatea. Now that you're out, lets get out of here."

The dragon nodded and swirled around Lani's body.
" I need my wings....badly....."

Thinking about what could summon them, the images of her mother's and grandmother's dead bodies on the ground of the floor of her house. Sparkling white essence started to flow around Lani's body. Her favourite type of music started to ring in her ears. It always had the effect of making her feel more powerful. The white essence started to gather around her shoulders, where her angel wing tattoos lay in hibernation.

The angrier Lani became, the more the white essence concentrated around her shoulders. Finally having enough of the images, she screamed out as real angel wings burst from her shoulders. Blood splattered the ground behind her as the wings erupted through the skin. Breathing hard, Lani flexed the wings, feeling the tendons stretch in her back. She stood and focused on the building before her.

Slowly Lani rose into the sky and flew over the security fence on the Pentagon.

[b]Hours later....[/b]

Opening the door to her room, Lani dragged herself inside. She shut the door behind herself, careful not to close it on her wings. As she walked into the room, she was aware of the the blood-soaked shirt on her back. Lani took it off and began scrubbing it in the bathroom, the red watered-down blood running down the sink hole. Finishing up witht he shirt, Lani walked to her bed and collapsed on it, falling asleep, her wings covering her warmly.

The sun began to rise.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Doves cooed outside the window, lending their song to the sunny morning. One flew in the window and landed on Renee's nightstand, cooing in her ear. She pulled her pillow over her head and growled at the bird,

[B]"Silence, evil being, you're making my head ache worse."[/B] She sat up quicky, regretting it as soon as she did. [B]"I know your laughing at me for being stupid, just don't do it so loud..."[/B] She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and walked over to where she had put her clothes the night before. Getting what she needed from her suitcase she headed into the bathroom and started the shower as cold as it would go, and turned on the radio to listen to [I]quietly[/I] as she showered.

[I]What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor?
What do you do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning?

Answer: Put him in a longboat till he's sober.
put him in a longboat till he's sober,
put him in a longboat till he's sober,
early in the morning.

Hooray, up she rises.
hooray, up she rises,
hooray, up she rises,
early in the morning. [/I]

Renee shook her head. [B][I]What station plays that now-a-days? They must be doing it just to spite me... [/I][/B] She threw her soap at the radio and got dressed quickly, sitting down on the chair in her bedroom, where she fell back asleep and didn't wake up again until 10:00.

While she still had a headache, it was less than it had been earlier. She took a tylenol to try and relieve the dull ache and headed out the door to the breakfast room the hotel provided, sitting as far away from the window through which streamed bright sunlight that only made her head feel worse. She scowled to herself. [B][I]Should have known not to drink so much... ouch...[/I][/B][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown][I][B]Ack...did anyone get the number of that truck that hit me...?[/B][/I]

Dave woke slowly and painfully...his head felt as if it had been inhabited by a marching band...after said marching band's bus had run him over. He all but fell out of bed. [B][i]Note to self: drinking is bad...[/i][/B] After a shower, however, he felt oddly refreshed, his aches all but gone.

He made his way to the dining area, coming across Renee as he did. She was sulking in a chair, far away from the sunny windows. He smiled down at her.

[B]"Not feelin' well this mornin'?"[/B] She moved her head only slightly, narrowing her eyes until she looked like a very, very angry cat. She answered slowly, in a low but very clear voice.

[B]"I hate you."

"No, y'don't."[/B]

[B]"Yes, I do. I hate you, and I never wish to speak to you again." [/B]

[B]"Aw, don't be that way, luv...last night you loved everybody..."[/B]


[B]"Don't you remember? You tried t'kiss the cabbie..."[/B] Renee just moaned, raising her hand to her head.

[B]"I hate you even more now...go away!"[/B] Chuckling, Dave headed to find himself food.[/COLOR]
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OOC: Sorry its been a while, I've pout of town and my computer is still in the shop!

Rayne was still shaken a bit from her trip home, but she found the american atmoshpere quite calming, kind of like a dream. She entered the hotel room set her laptop bag on the bed, then walked over to the window to open the curtains. It was a beautiful view of the city and the sun was getting lower in the sky, her stomach growled.

"I guess I haven't eaten in a while." She replied in french to herself. She walked into the bathroom to freshin up and then left the room. She didn't want to sit around think about anything, especially alone, she needed to be with someone. She continued down the hall toward the elevator, she was joined by Sakura. Rayne pushed the down button and stepped back to wait, she glanced over at Sakura and then smiled.

"Are you doing anything in particular this evening?" She asked through her thick accent. Sakura shook her head 'no' and replied.

"No... why?" The elevator opened and the two of them stepped in.

"Well I was just thinking that maybe... you, Lani, and I could go out to eat, maybe get our mins off of... well you know. I saw Dave, Dimmitri, and Renee head out a little while ago and thought that going out was a good idea, and its much more fun with people, wouldn't you agree?" She stated nervously. She wasn't used to trying to make friends, but she needed them now more than ever.

OOC: Sorry its so short I have to go back to work now.
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