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Tattoo [M-LSV]


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[size=1][color=#C82356]It was only a matter of time before Amatsu would have contacted his colleagues or was contacted himself. She didn't want to stay longer to see who would be coming for her tattoos. It wasn't the fear of losing her tattoos, it was the fear of turning into the demon within her that drove her to leave the country, find the girl who was blessed with tattoos. She hurriedly grabbed only what she could carry and the things left behind were left in insurance. She was in such a rush that she didn't recognize the cautioning chill that trickled down her spine. Yuna merely shook it off and grabbed her things, heading towards the door, not knowing what lay behind it.

A voice sounded from outside of her home. She knew it to be Amatsu's ring leader for the strength in his tone and the demanding accent gave way to what she suspected a psychopath.

It called out her name, telling her what it wanted, what would happen if she refused, and why it was best not to refuse. Yuna didn?t care; she loved her tattoos and would not give them to anyone for any reason. It was engraved on her body and it would stay that way for eternity, even when her last breath is taken.

The voice was right at her door and anger boiled inside of Yuna. She touched her stomach area, waiting for the right moment to unleash a fury of power towards whoever stood outside that door. She anticipated every move, watching the shadows outside, listening for the right moment until a loud thud was heard.

Footsteps sounded as the voice entered the house. Yuna was prepared; she knew the day would come when she had to fight for the spirits that made its home in her, she just didn't realize it would be this soon, at this moment, at this second. She closed her eyes and touched where the heptogram was and it embedded into the palm of her right hand. The voice entered where she was.

[B]"Yuna..."[/B] Its sing song voice made Yuna cringe as it neared. His laugh was empty and just devilish. It had not remorse nor did it have any thought in it. It was a shell of evil and the only evil that could live was Yuna for the evil she carried were her demons.

[B]"I know why you're here. I know why you want me. I know. But let me tell you this, my name is Yuna and I possess my tattoos. They are mine to keep forever and if by any chance should you try and take them from me that would be your mistake."[/B] He chuckled and Yuna clenched her fists. This was her chance; she swung her bag over her shoulder and opened her fist, sending forth a bright flash and a shaking movement that sent the figure flying.


Breathing heavily, Yuna had got onto the private jet that awaited her. She closed her eyes, knowing she was getting far from Ireland, the one place she felt at home. It wasn't that she feared her life; it was more that she feared her tattoos would turn against her, especially Biliku, because of the fact that her aunt and uncle had said that her mother and grandmother possessed the same tattoo in the same area. It became known to her that Biliku was the eldest but the last to be found of the Wicked Three. She opened her eyes and looked outside, watching the jet fly over the clouds, awaiting the moment she landed in Milford Sound.

[B]"It's only a matter of time when my aunt's stories will come true, Biliku, it is only a matter of time. And when that time comes, I'll be ready. The McDowell curse will be lifted and my demons will surround me, aiding me in my time of need."[/B]

A red light appeared overhead and Yuna buckled herself in, ready for landing. She saw the beautiful snow covered mountains all around and when the jet neared the cabin, the pilot warned Yuna of a snowstorm and several people below, battling. She unbuckled herself and looked outside. She then saw the Maoui chief and the girl that her aunt spoke of, or at least the descendant of the woman that her aunt spoke of.

[B]"Captain, land away from the battle. I'll give you safe passage."

"But... Ms. McDowell, the snowstorm!"

"JUST DO IT!"[/B] He breathed out nervously as Yuna placed her hand on the side of the plane. She closed her eyes and a bright light appeared around the jet, enwrapping it in warmth that melted a path, allowing the jet to land and Yuna to run out. She saw the people and realized that the stories were true, that it wasn't just a story, but a prophecy or perhaps a legend.

[B]OOC:[/B] Sorry, I'm late. I had difficulty figuring out what to write. But I am here and ready, although my "alternate evil" is out of commission, lol.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][B]"What the fuck?!"[/B] Dimitri heard Alex's panicked scream. He looked up to see those red, piercing eyes, the white hair, the huge fangs.

[B]"Goddammit, he followd me?!"[/B] Seregei had his trademark grin slapped on his face.

[B]"Did you enjoy you're little vacation Dimitri? Too bad I had to ruin the fun."[/B] Dimitri felt the sting and the warm stream of blood fall from his arm. It steamed as it stained the snow. He put his hands down in the blood. No sword appeared. What the hell...it isnt forming?! He quickly realized it, but Seregei had sprung for an attack, his syringes glistening in the sun.

[B]"That piece of shit isn't gonna work in the snow!"[/B] Dimitri quickly dodged his attack. He started to run into the remains of the common room. I have to form it in a place where the ground is solid. He ducked behind a smashed table and the blood poured from his arm. He grabbed his sword and glanced at it, putting a smile on his face. It was quickly erased when three needles went through the wood and nearly nissed Dimitri's neck.

[B]"Come out, little one." [/B] He starte a grotesque parody of the Beatles' "Magical Mystery Tour" song.

[B]"The one who has failed before is going to accomplish today. He's coming to take you away..."[/B] Dimitri sprung out from the wreckage and dodged another syringe that dug itself in the broken wall. He was now trapped with the madman.

[B]"So, are you going to finally stop running and fight?"[/B]

"Fuck you." Seregei laughed.

[B]"Quite sure of himself. That'll land a man in a coffin!"[/B] Seregei made a leap for Dimitri's neck, but he managed to block his offese with his sword.


[I]What...[/I] Dimitri's mouth began to hurt. Seregei suddenly backed off and brushed a lock of hair from his eyes. Dimitri felt his teeth...they were fangs. He started to lose his train of thought while his hunger for blood was rising.

[B]"So you are like me? Good...let's see whose the better [I]nosferatu[/I]! [/B]

Before Seregei could attack, Dimitri went beserk. He blindly swung his sword at Seregei.

[B]"Wrecklessness will get you nowhere."[/B]

Seregei jumped and came down with his claws that Dimitri had never noticed before. It sliced open a large cut across Dimitri's chest, spilling blood all over the wooden floor. This only excited Dimitri. He arose quickly, but was cut down again by another slice, this time in the face. He could feel the pain in his chest and on his face, but this new found thirst for blood only hindered the thought of Dimitri's pain. Seregei smirked. Dimitri smirked back, and rushed at Seregei, aiming for his neck.

[B]"There's no...guhhargh!"[/B] A stream of blood came from Seregei's neck.

Dimitri was now in ectasy.

He knelt down to his neck and punctured two holes with his fangs. The blood was salty to the taste but sweet and satisfying to the heart. He could only smile as he continued to force what life was left out of his enemy.

But Seregei was a good bluffer.

His large hands gripped Dimitri's neck tightly. Dimitri could feel the claws digging at his neck.

[B]"Ha...ha"[/B] Seregei gave a menacing look and laugh. Dimitri struggled, his thirst for blood dwindling. He was losing grip of his sword and his conciousness. He only thought of one plan. He pulled back his right arm and plunged the sword through Seregei's midsection. The blow immedietly loosened the grip on Dimitri's neck and sent Seregei stumbling.

[B]"Shit..."[/B] Seregei held his stomach, smiling. He was giving Dimitri the same crazed grin he had given him on the hospital rooftop.[I] I better get lost.[/I]

[B]"This time you aren't running."[/B] A black aura enveloped Seregei's neck and stomach. It almost accompanied his entire body when Dimitri finally realized what was happening. He was regenerating. The blood from the floor was sliding up his suit and filling the stab wound in his body. His neck, flipping aroundwhile he laughed and held Dimitri in his hand was now back to normal.

[B]"Hee."[/B] Dimitri didn't know what to do. [B]"Told you it would be your last day."[/B]

[B]"And I told you before, 'Fuck you'"[/B]

Seregei pulled more syringes from his palm and flung them so fast they pinned Dimitri to the wall and knocked his sword from his hand.

[B]"Now I'll have a drink on you."[/B] He approached Dimitri. He was helpless, when he thought, [I]Grab a needle and stab him![/I] The syringe Dimitri dodged before was right in his arm's length. He grabbed it, and in lightning speed, forced it into Seregei's eye and pushed in the poison.

[B]"Fuck! You little shit! My eye!"[/B] Seregei gave a howl of pain. This gave Dimitri enough time to pull himself from the wall and grab his sword. He aimed, and in one clean slice, decapitated Seregei. His head rolled across the ground with dark liquid amd the syringe protruding from his eye. Dimitri crawled from the wreckage panting, taknig cove behind a tree as the other people battled on.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: Gelgoog, punish Seregei if you would like, since he failed again.

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown]Dave stared in disbelief at Nerve, who grinned back insolently from a rocking chair on the common-room's porch. There were others - quite a few others, actually - but he couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from Nerve's.

The sunglasses were gone, revealing eyes that were a disarming, almost baby-blue. He had tattoos around both eyes- the eye-shadow and teardrop effect of the Eye of Horus. Despite the snow, his enemy was wearing a sleeveless shirt...the long dagger that he'd threated Dave with clearly visible, etched on his skin.

[B]"Unexpected, 'ey laddie?"[/B] Dave shook his head.

[B]"Q-quite. This...this whole mess is unexpected."[/B] Nerve stood. Dave backed away. It had always been his first instinct to run instead of fight[B]...[i]how ironic...and who am I to resist instincts?[/i][/B] He broke into a run, dodging into a small grove of trees.

[B]"You're really quite the coward, aren't you, Davy-luv?"[/B] Dave glared around him. [B][i]Sure, couldn't've picked weapon tattoos like normal people, could ya? Always 'ave t'be the original one...[/i] [/B] A bolt of fire crashed into a nearby tree, setting it on fire.

[B][i]Oh, crap...[/i][/B] He glanced out of the trees to see Nerve's eyes glowing; one a strange orange color, the other icy white. He gulped. [B][i]Horus...controller of the moon and sun...of course...[/i][/B]

[B]"Come out, come out wherever ye are...'ide an' seek's a child's game..." [i]Out of your bloody mind, if ye think I'm just goin' t'come out...[/i][/B] Another firebolt slammed the ground near his feet. [B][i]Think, David, think! What did that Maoui guy say? Something about only the host knowing what their tatto - wait...[/i][/B] Something seemed to flicker in the back of his mind. [B][i]Sing for the voice lost...I wonder...[/i][/B] Nerve was almost to his hiding space...Dave took a deep breath, and stood up, stepping out of the trees. Nerve grinned, flexing his hand so that the knife slid off his arm and into it.

[B]"So Davy's gained a backbone...get over here and take this like a man." [/B] Dave managed a smirk. [B][i]I think I'm gonna throw up...[/i][/B]

[B]"Not on y'life."[/B] Nerve's grin grew wider.

[B]"Gonna struggle, then, boy?"[/B]

[B]"Nope."[/B] Dave focused on his other tattoo...the notes...his arm began to tingle just a bit. The tingling seemed to travel to his throat. [B]"As a matter of fact, I'm not here." [/B] Nerve's eyes widened slightly. So did Dave's...his voice was normal, no rasp...he tried not to lose focus.[B] "As a second matter of fact, you just saw me run past you...I'm now back...oh...hundred meters be'ind you."[/B] Dave watched in stunned glee as Nerve turned and ran - straight into the Sound. There was a strange sizzle when the water closed over Nerve's head - and then silence.

Dave almost collapsed in relief, settling for treking back towards the others. As he walked, he came upon Dimitri. The Russian was standing there, panting, holding a huge sword; blood dripping down his arm. Dave winced.

[B]"'s tha' normal?" [/B] [/COLOR]

[SIZE=1]OOC: Notice how Nerve isn't actually proven dead...hee. I like leaving my bad guy's nebulous as to their health...plus I like my Nerve...[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]The horrendous giggling was back. Ren turned round in a circle, trying to figure out where it was coming from, with all the snow it was difficult to see anything.

[B]"Ah-ha-a-a-a-a-a, I see we're having the same problem as last time. Poor Renny-wenny can't find me. Boo hoo-oo-oo-oo. I'm over here!"[/B] Astraela materialized 20 feet in front of Ren, who groaned.

[B]"I was hoping you wouldn't show up."[/B] Astraela smirked.

[B]"First thing, darling, where's the fun in that? Second thing ,pumpkin, [I]Lupo non mangia lupo[/I]... Wolves don't eat wolves; and as much as I loathe the others, they're wolves too."[/B] She backflipped forward to land right in front of Ren. [B]"And thirdly, last but not least, sweetheart, I need those lovely tattoos of yours."[/B] Ren looked down at the ground.

[B]"Ok, I'll give them to you."[/B] Astraela's eyes narrowed

[B]"I don't believe you, you're lying."[/B] Ren shook her head.

[B]"I'm not! You know that Maoui Chief that's here? He told us a way that we can give people our tattoos without you having to skin us! I can give you them if you'll just hold on a few moments!"[/B] Astraela cocked her head to the side.

[B]"Liar, liar, pants on fire, sitting on a telephone wire-er-er-er-er-er."[/B] Her last phrase once again turned into a fit of laughter.[B] "You really expect me to believe that?"[/B] She rolled her eyes. Ren smiled, focusing on her back. Justice began to glow.

[B]"Don't need you to anymore."[/B] Justice's sword appeared in her hand. [B]"Kindly leave me be, or, well... I'll hurt you enough that the police can take you."[/B] Astraela bit her lip.

[B]"No, I don't think I'll do that... See, I'll dispose of you."[/B] She moved towards Ren, taking off the glove that covered her right hand, revealing a tattoo of a wolfsbane leaf. [B]"Don't worry... It will only burn. Eh-heh-heh-heh-heh."[/B] She jumped forward quickly and grabbed Ren's right arm.

Ren gasped. [B]"Let go! You can't do that, you pyscho!"[/B] She shifted her grip so that she was carefully holding the blade of her sword, and hit Astraela's wrist hard with the hilt, there was an audible crack, and Astraela released her grasp on Ren to hold onto her wrist.

[B]"That wasn't nice..."[/B] She pouted. [B]"I can still put you to sleep you know." [/B] There was a loud sizzleling noise in the Sound, they both turned just in time to see Nerve dissapear into the water. [B]"But it would seem that today is not our day, I believe I will need some modifications... Ciao, bebè."[/B] She raised her good hand, releasing a large amount of smoke, and dissapeared. Ren looked worriedly over at Dave who was walking nearby.

[B]"Do you think I want to what modifications are?"[/B] [/COLOR]

OOC: That was fun!
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[color=Navy]Sakura was listening carefully to Torin's words, she had managed to connect with her tattoos in a strange way, she just wished to have large animal pets/friends and to be able to fly. Whenever she wished/believed, the tattoos would come to life.

Sakura ran outside with the others as the blizzard appeared out of no where. They looked around in the snow to look for who was around, she saw no one but Ming, the same person she had first encounter in Japan who was trying to steal her tattoos.

The girl walked forward and Sakura quickly fell into a fighting position, ready for an attack. She felt a quick blast a cold sink into her skin and shivered slightly before steeling herself. Ming smirked and drew forth her dagger from a sheath on the back of her waist.

[b]"Hello again, Sakura..." [/b]Ming said, pronouncing the syllables of her name slowly.

[b]"What do you want?!"

"You know exactly what I want, and this time I will get them!" [/b]Ming screamed, leaping forward.

Sakura quickly started to dodge the blade as Ming slashed and stabbed. She performed a backflip and caught Ming's chin with the toe of her foot, pushing her back with the force.

Ming growled and there was a glow before the White Tiger that she had summoned the first time they met appeared, it roared loudly calling for competition. Sakura connected to her tattoos and called forth Lai, her faithful Wolf. As it appeared, the wolf lifted his head and howled to the sky. The two beasts clashed with each other and started to battle, but the summoners were locked in eye contact with each other. Ming started to slowly move around toward her and Sakura just waited for her, when they were standing across from each other, with nothing but snow between them.

Ming let out a war cry of sorts and charged, Sakura dodged most of her attacks, but one caught her on her side, slicing through her shirt and into her skin. Sakura cried out in pain and her concentration on Lai weakened, making the summon waver. Ming took the chance and called her tiger over who clawed at her, leaving claw marks in her shirt, also slicing into her white tanktop and knicking the skin. Lai was back after Sakura steeled her concentration and charged, knocking the tiger away. Sakura looked down at her shirt, seeing all the slices in it, it was hardly even a shirt now.

[b]"Subeta! This is my favourite shirt." [/b]Sakura complained, unbuttoning it quickly and throwing it to the snowy ground. She sighed as she felt the cool air, personally she loved cold weather, but was forming small goosebumps from the extreme coldness of the snow. Her white tanktop was marked with blood from her cuts and you could see through to her skin.

[b]"Oh, boo hoo, I don't care about your shirt, just hurry up and fight me so I can take your tattoos!"

[/b]Sakura's animal tattoos on her shoulder were now visible, and her wolf one was glowing. She started to call on her other two animals and dodged as Ming came at her again. It a shriek and a roar, her fiery red phoenix and blue dragon emerged, flying up into the sky, twisting around each other before coming back down to hover near by.

[b]"You have more animal summons, its pathetic that you rely on petty things to fight for you." [/b]Ming spat.

Sakura narrowed her eyes. [b]"Do you have another weapon I can use? Then I'll show you who's pathetic." [/b]

Ming smirked again and unbuckled something from her back, throwing it to the snow at her feet. Sakura looked down and saw a steel bladed katana in its sheath. She bent down to pick it up and unsheathed the weapon, swinging it experimentally.

[b]"Ho, Kaze, go over and help Lai." [/b]Sakura said, not looking at her summons. They made sounds of acknowledgement as they flew over.

The two of them charged toward the other, their weapon raised, Sakura felt she had the advantage, using a longer weapon, but was surprised when the dagger grew in length. Sakura was puzzled but was too busy to be able to pay attention to such a thing. After a while they heard the dying roar of her white tiger and Ming snarled as she felt the spirit return into her body. Lai, Ho and Kaze were making victory sounds and Sakura returned them to her tattoos so they could have rest.

[b]"I'm sorry you've had to live such a life." [/b]Sakura whispered quietly as they continued to fight, she cut Ming in a large diagonal slash across her front.

[b]"Ha! I love my life, and now I'll take yours!!!" [/b]she cried, lunging forward, Sakura moved to the side and stabbed her through the abdomen with the katana. Ming made a choking sound and fell to the snow covered ground face down.

[b]"I-I'm dying....I'll get you for this Sakura!" [/b]she screamed as she took her last breath. Her blood soaked the snow, changing the pure white substance into the crimson shade of blood.

Sakura looked at the body and could see the katana protruding from her back. Sakura turned the corpse over and pulled out the katana, the blade was coated in blood. Sakura found Ming's tiger tattoo on the inner thigh of her left leg and the dagger she had used was lying beside her where it had fallen from her grip. It was back in its short dagger form. She picked up the weapon and examined it, she decided to hold onto it to figure out its powers and abilities that was so special. She wiped the blood off the katana onto Ming's clothes and slid it back into its sheath, taking that weapon with her too.

[b]"The price to pay of living such a life..." [/b]she whispered as a cold breeze blew past, ruffling her short hair. On her way back to the house, she saw her shirt and picked it up, taking it with her.

[b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]That was quite enjoyable. Ming is officially dead, hurrah![/color]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani dodged Asad's attack by rolling out of the way. He'd managed to flip her onto her back and was going for the kill when Lani managed to roll out of the way. His metal fingers dug into the now snow-covered ground.

" Geez. I came to New Zealand in summer for a reason you know!" Lani shouted, her teeth chattering. Asad wrenched his hand out of the snow, looking at Lani with a sadistic smile.
" Don't you love the snow Lani? It's beautiful, soft and crisp.....just like your flesh!!"

He launched himself at Lani who managed barely to dodge again. Although the dodge came at a cost. A large gash appeared in Lani's side. Asad had swiped at her and barely got her right ribcage. His metal fingers slashed her clothing and made a small incision into her flesh. Blood seeped out of the wound. Lani held it, a small grimace of pain on her face. Asad licked her blood off of his fingers with long licks of his tongue. Lani felt sick in the stomach watching him.

" You're sick..."
" Am I?"
" Don't ask questions you already know the answers to."
" But my dear snowflake, I think your blood tastes rather bitter. Is that the way you feel towards me?"
" Have a guess."

Asad laughed insanely.
" I guess I'll never get to find out what you taste like, inside and out. My Master has come."
Lani flung her head upwards to look Asad in the eyes.
" You have a Master?"

The snowstorm started to die down. Ice covered the Mirror Lakes. Lani could see some of the others. Some were still fighting, others were helping each other out. She turned her attention back to Asad.
" What Master? I don't see anyone."
Asad smiled wickedly. " You don't look hard enough snowflake."

Lani looked again. This time she saw something.

A black figure started to approach them from across the frozen lakes. From what she could tell, the figure had a stiff robe on, not allowing anyone to perceive what gender they were. The robe looked like as if it was modelled off a flower. As the figure came closer, Lani could see that a mask half covered their face. They seemed to be gliding because the robe didn't look as though the person it concealed was walking.

Soon, the figure was upon them. The instant they touched the snow, it turned black and vanished. Asad grovelled up to the figure on his knees.
" Master Death Flower...." he murmured pleadingly. Lani stood there, mesmerised at the instant death of the snow (if it was possible) on the touch of this person. She then noticed that all the 'collectors' were soon grovelling at this person's feet like love-sick puppies.

Lani hobbled over to the gathering group of tattoo-hosts. It looked like some people had sustained some major damage and were in no condition to fight.
" How's everyone doing?" she asked huskily, her breathing no-so-good after taking the hit on her ribs from Asad.
" Nothing immediately life-threatening..." mumbled a new person. Lani looked up.
" Who are you?"
" Yuna. I have tattoos too, but I have alrady disposed of my 'collector'."
" I'm sure he or she will be replaced."
" Right."

Everyone looked over at the pitiful sight. The person all stroked the heads of its followers as if a master giving a dog attention after it did something right. They heard a soft female voice eminate from the figure.

" My children....I need their tattoos.....get them for me......I need them....please help me...."

The sounds of her words danced around the ears of all that could hear her. All of the hosts were enticed by the words, almost persuaded to give them up willingly. But they knew it was a trick - a power.
" How does she do that?" Dave whispered.
" Do what?" Alexia asked.
" She entices anyone with her words. It like music....music that forces you to do her willing."
Everyone agreed with him solemnly.

All of the 'collectors' suddenly stood and faced the hosts. The unknown woman glided to the front of the coming onslaught. Her appearance was rather haunting. The snow started to decay around her.

" Who are you? Why do you want us?" Renee shouted at her. The woman glided over to Renee. The whole group of hosts started to shake. Her presence was like death itself. All saw images of death and destruction flash through their minds. The woman moved her hand out to touch Renee.

" Don't let her touch you!" Sakura shouted. Her wolf, Lai, leapt forward and crunched its teeth around the woman's arm. The woman reeled back with a scream as she held her arm. The group of 'collectors' swarmed around her protectively. Every one of the hosts recovered from the presence of the woman.

" Why shouldn't she touch people?" Renee asked, sounding as if she was in a trance and actually wanted the woman to touch her. Rayne walked over to her and slapped her across the face, waking her out of the trance.
" Because she'll kill anyone that she wants to, by touch," Lani said. " She lures them in by her soft, innocent words and her trances, then kills them instantly by touch."

Dimitri looked over at the group of 'collectors'.
" I think we have a problem," he said seriously.
" What?" Yuna asked.
" We have new members of the 'collectors'," he said even more seriously. The hosts looked over at the other group. What Dimitri was, unfortunately, true. There were new 'collectors' that had appeared out of nowhere.

The 'Death Flower' stood. No one could tell if she was angered, or had any emotion. She merely stood and glided over to the hosts again. They all shook as the images of carnage returned.
" You will regret that action.....all of you...."

She began to breath in. All of the hosts could feel something being drained out of them. Lani could see a white ribbon going from her body, to the 'Death Flower's' mouth. She could see sparkling essence being sucked from her into the 'Death Flower'. The group collapsed to their knees. All felt weak and sickened, the images of death overwhelming them. The last thing any of them saw was a great flash of white light.

[b]OOC: Hee hee hee. The 'Death Flower's' picture is attached at the bottom. Now, when you guys wake up, you will realise something is just not right with your tattoos, and that you can't summon them. This, and the white light, will be explained in my next post. Stay tuned.

And new 'collectors' have been assigned to the people that have killed theirs. Check the underground thread for details on your new collector.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[color=Navy]Sakura had watched the new arrival carefully as she walked through the snow, making it disappear in an instant. She was quite tired from her battle with Ming. Strapped to her back was the sheath that held the katana Ming had given her for the battle, and she had wrapped her torn shirt around her waist with the dagger protruding from the pocket of the shirt to use as a makeshift sheath.

Her arms had been ridden of the goosebumps because she was now numb from the snow, and couldn't feel her upper torso, though still being able to use them. Slowly a bit of feeling was returning due to the snow disappearing and the heat re-appearing. Sakura clenched and unclenched her fingers and could feel them again. Balling them up into fists she tensely held them beside her side at ready as this 'Death Flower' continued to approach them.

As she got closer, Sakura started to see images of death running through her mind. She shivered as her mind's eye looked at all the scenes being shown to her. She tried to stop it, but she couldn't. The scenes were splattered with blood, dead decaying bodies lying in grime infested streets, a small film of a battle with all the bloodshed and agonising screams of pain.

The collectors were standing behind the 'Death Flower' and Renee shouted something at her, making her glide over toward her and reach out a hand. Sakura snapped her head around and looked at Renee, her eyes were dull and hollow, void of any sense whatsoever.

[b]"No! Don't let her touch you!" [/b]Sakura shouted, seeing Renee couldn't hear her, she called on Lai and he raced forward, sinking his sharp teeth into her arm. The strange lady of death reeled back, crying out in pain as Lai bit harder.

Renee still looked clueless as she opened her mouth.

[b]"Why shouldn't she touch people?" [/b]she asked in a tone that confirmed Sakura's suspicion of her being in a trance.

Rayne walked over and slapped her, waking her and Lani explained why they shouldn't go near her. They were then alerted to the fact that new collectors had appeared, no doubt to take over the position of those who had been killed.

Without emotion, the 'Death Flower' glided back over to them and told them that they'd regret the action, sending the images of death into their heads again. Sakura tried to shake them out, but it wasn't possible.

When Sakura took a deep breath and opened her eyes, she saw several coloured streams of energy flowing out of her body and to the 'Death Flower'. One was blue, red, and grey. She felt weaker and fell to her knees, she then saw a great flash of white and was unconscious.

[b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry the end of the post is weak, I have to go right now so I rushed it. The colours are symbolising from her three different animals, not counting the wings on her back.
I'll do the wake up thing in my next post.[/color]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown][B]"Do you think I want to what modifications are?"[/B]

Dave looked from Dimitri, who looked seconds away from collapsing, to Renee.

[B]"I don't think we do." [/B] He gestured towards Dimitri. [B]"'elp me with 'im, 'ey?" [/B] The Italian girl moved to help support the bleeding Russian. Together, the three hobbled back towards the others, just in time to witness the arrival of....that thing.

[B]"My children....I need their tattoos.....get them for me......I need them....please help me...."[/B] The female voice was like a melody; lilting sweet and gentle...or at least, it was at first. Whether because of years of music, or because of his encounter with Nerve, the tone sounded false, like a sour note hidden in a symphony. Her (his? its?) voice sounded...wrong, somehow, but still alluring.

[B]"How does she do that?"[/B] [i]Did I sound like that to Nerve?[/i] That thought made him shudder. Visions of death began to swim in his mind as the Death Flower person approached them...[i]smoke and flames, a twisted pair of glasses, blood covered and broken, on a hard cement ground, planes crashings, flames, blood dripping into his eyes...more flames...[/i] He shook his head violently, [i]No, it's an illusion, it's not happening, not real...it couldn't happen here, anyway...[/i]

[B]"No! Don't let her touch you!"[/B] Sakura's shout broke him out of his daze. They watched in horror as Renee reached out toward the DeathFlower...and Sakura's wolf bit down hard on her arm. The visions disappeared...and Dimitiri grimaced.

[B]"I think ve have a problem..."[/B] Dave looked. More people were joining the freaky flower lady...including, he noticed with a pang of fear, an dripping wet Nerve...

[B]"You will regret that action...all of you."[/B] The thing seemed to inhale - and Dave's knees gave out. Something was being sucked from inside of him, turning his knees to water...he tried to keep his eyes open, but all that flashed before them was images of death. He tried not to whimper at the image of Bea, sprawled on the floor next to his parents - there was a brilliant flash of light - and then everthing went black...


[I]Nerve was there, grinning down at him...

[B]"Thought you could drown me, 'ey, lad?" [/B] Large hands closed over his mouth and nose, clamping down hard. [B]"Must return the favor..."[/B] He couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't yell. He thrashed against the hands...[/I]

Before sitting bolt upright. He was in his bed. In the cabin. Alone.

[B]"What the heck?"[/B] His hand went to his throat. His voice was gone again; the rasp was back...he tried focusing on the tattoo...it didn't do a thing. He groaned, standing up to limp out the door. [I]I have to find the others...[/I][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Eek! Sorry for taking so long to post, I had some personal crap I had to deal with. But I'm fine now. This starts before the Death Flower showed up.

Upon first seeing the freakishly sudden blizzard, Alexia?s initial thoughts were [I]Wow! Snow? Real snow![/I] since living in Florida, she didn?t get many chances to see the white stuff. But her joy quickly turned to fear when she saw who was standing in it: the sinister looking man in the black trench coat with the long blond hair. ?No? Torent?? was all she managed to say as her body seized up with fear. After she had gotten on that plane from Miami, Alexia figured she was finally safe, and meeting up with Lani and the others had only ferther hammered down that idea, after all, they say there?s safety in numbers.

But now, Torent, the same enemy who had attacked Alexia in her home thousands of miles away, was slowly approaching her, ready to attack. Alexia began nervously backing up. She had had virtually no experience in fighting and normally tried to avoid physical confrontation at all costs. As she backed up, she suddenly stumbled on a small rock buried in the snow. She landed with a thud on the ground; her jacket slipped off her right sholder just enough to expose her falcon tattoo to the cold air.

As Torent drew nearer, she saw him extend one arm straight out to the side. Suddenly, his arm became smooth and rigid in shape and becoming silver-ish in color. Before long, it had completely transformed into a blade. [I]Oh, crap![/I] thought Alexia nervously. ?Well, well, well, my dear. It seems we meet again,? snickered Torent who had come to stop directly over Alexia, who was still pinned to the ground in fear. ?Any last words before I kill you,? Torent pointed his blade-arm at Alexia?s throat.

Then, just as before, she could feel the energy in her body collect at her falcon tattoo. She could feel him come to life as he peeled away from her skin. Except this time, something was different; she felt control. Once he had emerged, Rei, who she had come to call the falcon in his manifested form, perched himself gently on her lap, being careful not to pierce her with his talons. This was different from the other times; usually he would immediately do what needed to be done to save her, but now Rei seemed to be awaiting orders or something.

?Not you again,? said Torent remembering his last encounter with Rei. ?No matter you shall easily be dealt with,? he said, starting to swing his blade.

?Rei, attack!? yelled Alexia. Torent?s blade came swinging across Alexia?s lap where Rei had been, until he flew quickly into the air escaping his attack. The blade only managed to rip Alexia?s shirt and give her a shallow cut on the torso. Rei, meanwhile, had sored several feet into the air and began his quick desent towards his target. Talons posed, he quickly clawed at Torent?s blood red eyes before he even knew what was happening.

Alexia quickly stood back up and backed away from Torent, who was now on the ground covering his heavily bleeding eyes. Rei landed on her sholder, his task completed. Suddenly, Torent began reaching his blood covered hand towards her as he got back on his feet; an evil grin spread across his face.

[I]Come on, think![/I] thought Alexia nervously, [I]What did that Maoui chief say about bringing our tattoos to life? Something about infusing with the spirit or something?[/I]

?Come here my dear, Alexia. I promise it won?t hurt for long,? Torent laughed menacingly. Alexia backed up and closed her eyes tightly. [I]Concentrate! The tattoo on your ankle, it?s a spell for speed. If I can just focus my energy on that, then maybe I can activate its power willingly.[/I]

She could feel the warmth of the power spread from her ankle tattoo throughout both of her legs. Suddenly she could feel herself move and when she opened her eyes, Alexia found herself standing a good distance away from the battle, on a near by hill. ?How the hell?? she said in shock looking at herself. She looked down on the battles between the others and their respective ?collectors.? She spotted Torent who looked like he had tried to grab her the second she sped off.

It didn?t take Torent long to spot Alexia on the knoll. The rage building up in him was evident, even from Alexia?s standpoint. A circular wind began forming at Torent?s feet; it soon grew into a huge whorl wind which quickly enveloped him. ?I?m coming for you my dear,? he said in his menacing laugh, which somehow had an ecco effect due to the wind.

But this time Alexia showed no outer signs of fear; she had a plan. ?I hope this works?? closing her eyes tightly then opening them again. ?Rei, attack Torent through the eye of the tornado, throw off his concentration.? Rei took off from Alexia?s sholder. He flew swiftly into the air then dove directly into the center of the whorl wind. Moments later, Alexia saw the whorl wind subside. ?That?s my que,? She sped off towards Torent and the dying wind and quickly began circling him repeatedly to create her own whorl wind. The wind soon propelled the weakened assassin high into the air and he soon came crashing back down to Earth, landing near the edge of the lake.
(OOC~ Fast forward to after Reiku?s post)

Grusome images of death filled Alexia's mind. The blood covered dead bodies strewn every where along the streets of a demolished city.

THUD! Alexia awoke to find herself on the floor of her cabin, twisted up in her bedsheets. "Ow!" was all she managed to say as she rubbed the knot on the back of her head. "Was that whole thing just a dream," she wondered as she finally got up and walked over to a mirror. She shreched her arms, causeing her tank top to rise up and reveal a faint, yet visible cut across her lower torso.

"It wasn't a dream," she said in amazement touching the healed wound. "I wonder if I can summon Rei now," Alexia said, feeling confident in her new found control. She focused her energy into her tattoo. But nothing, Alexia couldn't even feel his presence any more. She lightly touched the tattoo on her sholder. "Something's wrong..." she said.[/COLOR]
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Rayne's body shook with fear, as it usually did in situations such as this. She watched the terrifying creature approch the intalian and Sakura's wolf attack, but what she remebers most is Keria's wicked smile. She walked over to Renee in all the confusion and slapped her hoping it would bring her back to reality, luky for her it did. She was joined by Lani in explaining that the creepy lady was a bad idea.

'[I]Now that was the type of pain I've been looking for... I'll have to show it to you.'[/I] She heard Keria's smooth voice in her mind and she shuddered. Rayne shut her eyes tightly to covered her ears, tears streemed down her cheeks. Lani watched as Rayne did this, she understood what was happening, at least she hoped she did.

[I]'Leave me be, please? All I want is to go home and be with Phantom and type. Maybe it will all go away, if I can just wake up, this all has to be just a nightmare.' [/I] She thought to herself as she felt her knees buckle beneath her and she fell to the ground. She opened her eyes to find everyone else unconsious and the collectors closing in on her. Her heart beat quickly and her breathing increased, she could feel her self sliping out of conciousness, and she tried to hold on to it. [I]'No not now, someone help me please.'[/I] Once again found her eyes shut and she waited for the impending doom that was coming. [I]'Am I really this pathetic?'[/I] She thought picturing herself. She opened her eyes again never to shut them in fear again. She glanced around at the real situation, Renee was over with Dave helping Dimitri, Sakura was unconcious and she had lost track of Lani, Alex and Alexia. She forced herself to stand, pain shooting through her body as she did, and she finally reached the knife in her shoulder and pulled at it releasing it. She held it before her and took aim at the Death Flower. She could see the streams of energy leaving her but Rayne refused to allow that stop her from trying, and she threw the knife as hard as her muscles would allow. She watchedthrough blurry vision as one of the collectors darted infront of the knife catching it in their hand.


Rayne awoke with a start, her shoulder ached and she was dripping with sweat. She couldn't remember anything after the knife she threw accept for falling to her knees again, and hearing someone call out her name, or so she thougt. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and headed for the door, and as she did she could feel that something was wrong, with her, or at least her tattoos, it just didn't feel right.

OOC: Sorry its so short I don't have much time. :animeswea
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[SIZE=1]OOC: Wow. Thanks, everyone, for copying the going unconscious part. So creative...

[b]When I wake up... whenever that will be[/b]

Alex woke up slowly, furrowing his brow as he did so.

"Wha... where am I, exactly?" He examined his surroundings, realizing he was inside his boring cabin once more. Quickly, his hand shot to his cheek, feeling the shallow scar on it. It was noticable, but not very prominent. He swore internally that his face was cut and damaged, but shrugged it off.

"So... I guess I had better be going if I'm about to be fighting to the death every day. I'm sick of this... sick of being away, sick of being in new company. No one really notices, or cares for that matter. It almost reminds me of home..." he trailed off.

"But I'm gonna tell them all, straight up that I'm about to leave." His internal resolve becoming stronger. Last time he wanted to tell them all he was going to leave, it ended up to be disastrous. Not only did he fail at leaving, but someone gave him the guilty move. Asking him not to leave, just to give things a shot. He had seen it in the movies, the ones that ended tragically. He did not want to die, or live a strange life.

He stepped off the bed, happy he was in his regular clothes. At least whomever had decided to take the liberty of helping him had had the decency to keep him in his tattered, wet clothes. He walked out of the cabin, seeing a group of the people whom he had fought with but had no idea what their names were.

"Hey... uhh... I'd like to thank whoever helped me out, back there, dragging me into that cabin was nice of you," someone nodded silently. He couldn't really tell who, but he wasn't exactly concerned with that. "But you all should know that I'm going to leave soon. At least I want to leave. I guess next time I come into contact of transportation good enough to take me State-side."

He finished his sentence, feeling somewhat sorry he had broken in rudely on their conversation. A few frowned, others opened their mouths to talk. He waited for their responses.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri was propped up against a tree and saw the Englishman Dave sitting against one. Dimitri took a few steps forward, bloody and dizzy. Dave looked over at him, and twisted his face in disgust.

[B]"'Is tha' normal?"[/B]

[B]"It's the tattoo..."[/B]

Dimitri slipped in and out of conciousness for a second. He heard Dave yell to another person to come help him. Soon he was being guided by two people under his arms, one Dave, and the other person, the girl that greeted him in the common room. He was too woozy and battered to remember who it was. He smiled at both of them, the girl smiling back and Dave sort of staring at him. He had a "Christ, man, you're a wreck" look on his face.

When they reached the others, Dimitri was let down on his own. He looked up to see a woman, or man, he couldn't see. He then became oblivious to the world and fell unconcious.


[I][B]"Dimitri, don't go out. You're old man will kick the shit out of you if you come home messed up."

"Alexi, I'll be fine. He's just some old bastard, what the hell can he do?!"

"Are you already messed up?! Jesus Christ, Dimitri! I'm trying to help you as an uncle and a friend! I was in you 'rebellious' stage for 5 years! You don't wanna come out like me, working in some pisshloe factory with a buch of goons and..."[/B][/I]

[I][B]"Whatever. I'm gone" [/B] [/I] Dimitri stepped out with his fathers' car keys clanging with every step. He unlocked the door slowly and tried not to wake his dad when he shut the door

[B]"I'm telling you, come home before he gets up!"[/B]


[B][I]"Dimitri, whats going on, my friend?! Glad you could make the party!"

"Borishkav, how are you doin'?"

"Good, good. Want a drink?"[/I][/B]

[I][B]"Gimmie it with a little ice"[/B] [/I] Dimitri winked at his friend. He smiled and nodded.

He was handed some vodka and 'ice' in a plastic red cup. He chugged the whole thing. It left a long stinging sensation in his throat, but he was just waiting for the 'ice to melt'.

He made some conversation with a few people at the party. He sat down with a girl on the couch, and they started to make out. Now, the 'ice' was really in effect.

[B][I]Lime and limpid green, a second scene, a fight between the blue you once knew
Floating down, the sound resound aroun the icy waters underground
Jupiter and Saturn
Obertron, Miranda and Ttina
Neptune, Titan, stars can frighten
Shook, click, ckick, click, flicker, flicker, flicker, bang, pow....[/I][/B]

He was sprawled on the ground with a gunshot wound in his arm. His head was bleeding.

[I][B]"He's almost dead!"[/B][/I] He heard sirens, saw lights.

He came home the next week with a bandage on his head. He got the tattoo to cover up the gunshot scar. He went to a friends to get high, came home, and then got into the final fistfight with his dad. Ever since...he's been on the street. It's been one year.

Dimitri woke up. He was lying on the ground along with the others, who didn't look consious either.

[B]"He is finally up."[/B]

The thing opened its mouth. A white light surrounded him, then more darkness came.

Dimitri woke up in a cold sweat.

[B]"What the fuck?!"[/B] He was panicky, while the room was dark. [I]Where the hell am I? [/I] He felt his way over to the door. [I]It's...locked? Shit![/I] He punched and kicked the door, tring to force it open.

[B]"Let me out! Goddammit, let me out!"[/B] He thought, [I]what about my sword?! Good idea![/I]

He tried to summon his sword, but no blood appeared. [I]What happened to my tattoo?![/I]

[I]What I wouldn't do for a bottle or a needle right now...[/I][/COLOR]


[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: That whole mass of words before Dimitri is shot is some lyrics to an old Pink Floyd song called "Astronomy Domonie", or something like that. It is to simulate Dimitri's acid trip. I will explain the gunshot and the head trauma in my next post with whoever brings it up. PM me if you'd like.

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Do you think I want to what modifications are?"[/B]

Dave looked from Dimitri, who looked seconds away from collapsing, back to Renee.

[B]"I don't think we do."[/B] He gestured towards Dimitri. [B]"'elp me with 'im, 'ey?[/B]" Ren nodded.

[B]"Ok." [/B] She walked over and helped Dave lift Dimitri up by the arms. [B]"Are we going over there with the others?"[/B] Her question was soon answered as they hobbled over to the others, the wounded Dmitri between them. They turned to look at the group of collectors bowing down before the figure who had seemingly just appeared.

[B]"My children....I need their tattoos.....get them for me......I need them....please help me...." [/B] Ren frowned,[I][B] maybe I should...[/B][/I] As soon as that thought had crossed her mind, Dave's voice shook her from her thoughts.

[B]"How does she do that?" [/B] The American woman, Alexia. looked over at him.

[B]"Do what?"[/B] Dave answered her.

[B]"She entices anyone with her words. It like music....music that forces you to do her willing." [/B]

[B][I]So maybe that's why I felt like I should give them to her...[/I][/B] Ren thought, suddenly sickened. She shouted at the woman.

[B]"Who are you? Why do you want us?"[/B] The woman turned and started to glide towards her. Ren got one brief image of Venice falling in flames before she got this sense of calm. The woman was about to touch her when she heard Sakura, like listening under water.

[B]"Don't let her touch you!"[/B] And then she saw Sakura's wolf leap at the lady, biting her wrist. Ren turned towards Sakura.

[B]"Why shouldn't she touch people?"[/B] She asked, confused... didn't they see that Milady was their Master? Another girl walked over and slapped Ren across the face, waking her from her trance.

[B]"Why?"[/B] Ren looked at Lani for an explanation.

[B]"Because she'll kill anyone that she wants to, by touch,"[/B] Lani replied [B]"She lures them in by her soft, innocent words and her trances, then kills them instantly by touch." [/B] Ren grimaced. And then turned to listen to Dimitri.

[B]"I think we have a problem,"[/B] he said seriously.

[B]"What?"[/B] That was the new arrival asking, Ren couldn't remember her name...

[B]"We have new members of the 'collectors',"[/B] Dmitri said even more seriously. Ren looked over at the 'Death Flower' and saw what Dimitri had said was sadly, true.

The 'Death Flower' stood and came towards them again, speaking softly. The images of a burning Venice returned as she spoke.

[B]"You will regret that action.....all of you...."[/B]

The 'Death Flower' began to breath in very audibly, and Ren felt something being pulled from her before everything went blank.


Ren woke suddenly, lying on the back porch of her cabin. She looked at the small plant beside her head.

[B]"Hello little one, looks like you need to grow a little more or the next rain will squash you."[/B] She reached down towards it and tried with her tattoo to make it grow; finding she couldn't, she frowned. Suddenly all the memories of what had happend earlier came flooding back to her; she got up and hurried towards the front of her cabin muttering to herself. [B]"I hope Lani can explain this..." [/B][/COLOR]
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[color=Navy]After Sakura was out unconscious she felt something pulling at her in her mind and when she woke up, she was back in her cabin alone. She sat up and put a hand to her forehead, she had a headache and felt incredibly drained of energy. She looked to her left arm that was revealed because of her lack of shirt. Something looked wrong with her tattoos, they were duller than usual. Sakura tried to summon her wolf, Lai but nothing happened. She was puzzled and tried her phoenix, Ho next, the same thing happened. Then she tried Kaze, then her wings, nothing.

Sakura was distressed, her tattoos weren't working for an unknown reason and she felt woosy from lack of energy. She got up from the bed and walked over to her clothes, untying the ruined shirt from around her waist and pulling out the dagger, she threw them onto the bed, along with the katana. Sakura undressed and went into the bathroom for the first aid kit. She painfully washed her wounds and bound them with the rolls of cloth bandage. Sakura got a new tanktop and button up shirt out, putting them on, her shirt was black with her tattoos painted on it, the shirt reflecting the exact places where her tattoos sat. She had gotten it specially made.

She unsheathed the katana and dagger, taking them to the sink to wash any of the remaining blood off them before slipping the katana back into its sheath. Sakura looked at the sheath carefully and noticed another section. She realised that it was another sheath, where Ming had kept the dagger. She slipped the dagger in too and strapped it to her back.

Sakura set out from the cabin toward the common room, she had to find the others, wondering if the same thing had happened to them.

[b][color=Black]OOC: [/color][/b][color=Black]Sorry if its short, not much to post.[/color]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani awoke to find herself in her cabin room, tucked in her bed. She slowly slid herself out of the bed and firmyl planted her feet on the floor.

" What happened?" Her hands held her head softly.

Walking out into the afternoon of Milford Sound, Lani felt a prickle of fear go up her spine. It was like, she knew something was wrong.

" What were those threads? And what the hell did that girl do to us?"

She heard a kicking and screaming coming from a cabin. It was Dimitri's. Lani walked up to it and opened the door. Dimitri fell out of it.
" Dimitri?" Lani asked, wide-eyed.
" Oh. I thought I was captured by the 'collectors'," he said as he got to his feet.
Lani looked at him very puzzled. " Do you have any idea what happened?"
" None whatsoever."
She looked at the ground and sighed. " Can you summon your tattoos?"
" No. I tried but it didn't come."
" I thought so. Thanks anyway Dimitri." Lani walked off, her mind clouded with her own thoughts.

Torin, the Maoui chief, walked over to her. Lani kept on pacing around.
" I'm guessing it was you that was responsible for the white light?" Lani asked.
" You're very perceptive Lani. That's one of the reasons why I shared with you my clan's magic."
" But now none of us can summon our tattoos. What are we supposed to do the next time the 'collectors' come looking for us?"
" You can summon your tattoos. Just not as easily as before."
" I don't understand Torin."
" You and the others all have a special gift inside of your souls. It is called [i]jaher[/i]. It is the ability to fuse your souls with tattoos."
" So we have to fuse our souls with our tattoos in order to bring them to life again?"
Torin shook his head. " You are all still too young to understand what your gifts are."

Lani sighed. " We're eager to learn Torin. All of us have our lives at stake. Isn't that enough to warrant some sort of training or something?"
" You cannot train to become what you already are," Torin replied back mystically.
" THEN HELP US GOD DAMMIT! WE ARE ALL GOING TO LOSE OUR LIVES IF SOMETHING OR SOMEONE DOESN'T HELP US!" Lani yelled at him, feeling she was responsible for the gathering of the group and their protection.

Torin was rather taken aback by this sudden outburst of emotion. Then he smiled kindly.
" Very well. I will endevaour to teach you and the others how to trully harness your gifts."

[b]OOC: Sorry for the short post everyone. I'm coming down with the flu and feel absolutely terrible. Your instructions for the next few posts are to mingle with the others, get to know them better, because we'll have to work as a team to harness our gifts, as Torin said. You may start training anytime you like.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown]Dave sat on the porch, staring out at the Sound. The water was calm...the exact opposite of his feelings.

[I][B]Great, get magic powers, an' then they leave. Least the Chief said you can get them back...don't want to think about bein' without 'em anymore, do you?[/B][/I]

He scuffed the stairs with his foot. The snow was gone, leaving the area warm once again, something he was greatful for. He didn't want to think about being cold. Death was cold...and he didn't want to think about that. At all. [i][b]But it's so 'ard not to...[/b][/i]

[B]"Hey."[/B] He glanced up to see Dimitri leaning against the wall. He smiled slightly. The tall Russian was heavily bandaged, but able to stand on his own.

"'ey. Feelin' better?" Dimitri nodded, moving to sit down, his back against the wall. [i][b]Bet 'is was as bad as yours, y'know...[/b][/i]He glanced at the trenchcoated man. [B][I]It's 'ard to tell what 'e's thinkin'...[/I][/B]They sat in silence for some time before Dave pluked up the courage to open his mouth.

[B]"If y'don't mind me askin'...when that thing was 'ere...what did you see?"[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Short post...'tis all yours, Dy...[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri kept pounding on the door. He was sick of the darkness and wanted out of this room immidiatley.

[B]"Let me...woah!"[/B] A girl opened up the door and Dimitri fell out. He hit the ground with a loud [I]thud[/I]. He got up to see Lani, laughing at him.


[B]"Oh. I thought I was captured by the 'collectors'." [/B] Lani gave him a quizzical look.

[B]"Do you have any idea what happened?"[/B] Dimitri felt stupid having no answers

[B]"None whatsoever"[/B]

She sighed, then asked him, [B]"Can you summon your tattoos?"[/B]

[B]"No. I tried, but it wouldn't come."[/B]

[B]"I thought so. Thanks anyway Dimitri"[/B] She walked away. [I]Crap...everyone must be screwed out of their tattoos then...[/I]

Dimitri came out of the doorway of his cabin. He longed for the cold air. Mother Russia always took care of him, no matter what. It didn't matter if he was on the streets back there. He missed it. All the parties, the girls, the drinks, the drugs. It was his lifestyle he loved. He didn't think about the side affects of his unhealthy living. What mattered was what was happening now. Getting back at the thing that knocked him out was most important.

He walked out onto the porch, and saw Dave sitting there.

[B]"Hey."[/B] Dimitri gave a small grin, trying to pronounce his best English.

[B]" 'ey. Feelin' better?" [/B] Dimitri gave a small nod, even though his entire body was taped up and he was in excruciating pain. He slid down the wall he was leaning on and sat there far a small time. Dave asked him a question,

[B]" If y'don't mind me askin...when that thing was 'ere...what did you see?"[/B]

Dimitri took a sigh, and replied.

[B]"First, I thank you for helping me. It was very nice of you. The bastard wh is trying to take my tattoo is pretty tough. I get exausted quickly. My tattoo, it bleeds. I put my hands in the blood, and it soaks up to make a sword."[/B] Dimitri was making a demonstration with his hands. [B]"After I got the tattoo, I used this to get back at..."[/B]

[B]"Who?"[/B] Dave seemed puzzled at the sudden stop.

[B]"These people."[/B] Dimitri was very embarrased because his English was so horrible. [B]"They beat me up one night. I took too much acid..roamed the streets too long, and they found me. I guess I messed with one of their girlfriends. I did not know. I was too stoned. So, they beat me in the head and shot my arm."[/B] He could hear the sirens while explaining the story.

[B]"They had me in the hospital for a week. I was there to heal my head wound. I actually snuck out a bathroom window so I would not have to pay." [/B] They both gave a small laugh. [B]"So, after I left there, I went and got the tattoo. I just picked out the cheapest thing. It was to hide the scar from dad. Then, I went to a friend's house to shoot up. I was so sick of the pain. Then, I went home and had a fisfight with my dad. I ran away. Then, I stayed at that friend's house for a few days. He said he knew the people who beat me. I found them, and when I started to fight, my arm bled. I tried to stop it, but then it soaked into the sword. The people got scared and ran."[/B] He smiled at the thought of the gang members running in fear.

[B]"Every time I feel unsafe, it bleeds. I have my sword to help me."[/B] Dave seemed interested in his tattoo.

[B]"So, now, it ain't bleedin' at'll?"[/B] Dimitri shook his head.

"Did 'e hit you in your stomach? When we 'elped you out, you had a little blood on y'mouth."[/B]

[B]"I..."[/B] Dimitri was afraid to tell Dave his vampiric power.[B] "Listen, you cannot tell anybody else."[/B] Dave nodded and asked, [B]"Well...what is it?"[/B]

[B]"I...turn into a vampire-type thing. I want to drink blood...I just...snap. I sucked Seregei's blood. I cannot help it."[/B]

[B]"Ok...now I know when I ain't s'posed to mess with ya..."[/B] They both smiled. [B]"I won't tell a soul. Swear."[/B] Dimitri nodded, and felt good for once. It wasn't a 'high' good, just a feeling of extreme relief.

[B]"What about you, Dave. Did you have a seeing of death?"[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]backstory = goodness

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown][B]"What about you, Dave? Did you have a seeing of death?"[/B] Dave glanced down at his shoes. [i][b]'e told you, now your turn...[/b][/i]

[B]"Mine...was very disjointed...mostly bad memories...like the fire that did this..."[/B] He gestured at his throat. [B]"It...I saw somethin' with my mum and da and me little sis dead, an'...the rest of it's just snippets of bad dreams..." [/B] He planned to stop there...

[i][b]copout...'e just tol' you e's part vampire, y'could at least tell 'im what y'saw...[/i][/b]. He sighed, telling the voice to shut up.[B]"My da was in New York on business when those planes hit in 2001, so there was some of [i]tha'[/i]...my 'ero was murdered two years b'fore I was born...there was some of [i]that[/i]...add in Nerve, and y'got plenty of room for death an' destruction..."[/B] He shuddered.

[B]"This whole thing is just so weird. Y'know, me mum always told me tattoos were a bad idea. Now she'd probably tell me "serves ye right, y'should listen t'y mother!" all the while hittin' Nerve upside t' 'ead with a broom..."[/B] He smiled at the mental image, falling silent. [B]"Wonder if they even know I'm gone...wasn't supposed t'call 'ome until Sunday this week...don't even know what day it is anymore...[/B] The two sat in silence again, both lost in their own thoughts...[/COLOR]

ooc: don't know whether to say sorry for posting again so fast, or sorry it's so short...ah, well...ya said to get to know each other...i'll probaly edit this once I get a chance to talk to Dylan again....
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee looked up from her conversation with Sakura and Rayne to see Alex standing there. She was about to ask what he wanted when he bagan speaking.

[B]"Hey... uhh... I'd like to thank whoever helped me out, back there, dragging me into that cabin was nice of you,"[/B] Sakura nodded [B]"But you all should know that I'm going to leave soon. At least I want to leave. I guess next time I come into contact of transportation good enough to take me State-side."[/B] Ren stood for a minute considering what he had said, before speaking to him.

[B]"I know that some of us haven't talked to you much, myself being one of them, but we have all had a lot on our minds."[/B] She paused before speaking again. [B]"And I know that this must be very strange, being attacked for no reason other than the fact that we all have tattoos. But I believe that we should all stay together in case the collectors come back, that way we can protect each other."[/B] She laid her hand on Alex's arm. [B]"Please reconsider your decision, I'm sure we can figure out another way to make our tattoos come to life. Just please consider changing your mind."[/B][/COLOR]


OOC: Tag, Retri.
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[SIZE=1]Alex looked at her, thinking of his reasons for staying or leaving.

"I... I miss the city. I mean, I'll stay, but dammit this countryside is too quiet, too empty, too dead. Thank you for wanting me to stay, though. I guess I'll ... stick around for a bit, see how things turn out. I just gotta sort myself out," he finished, nodding at Renee for asking him to stay. Part of him felt attached to everyone, even though he didn't know them. The rest of his soul screamed to leave, to hear a car honk it's horn, to smell second-hand smoke, to see a skyscraper again.

He turned, walking slowly to the rock cropping out over the water. Glancing down into the cold, crystal-clear water, his eyes began to tear up. He fought them back, but one freed itself of his eyelid, falling down into the water to be united with its bretheren. The rest of the drops leapt from his face uncontrollably, each one rejoycing with a ripple when it hit the pond.

"What's inside of me?" He asked himself, not really wanting the answer. He took another step closer to the edge of the rockface, wanting desparetly just to fall. So he did. He slipped off the rock, falling headlong into the quickly approaching water. [i]Shit...[/i] he thought, realizing he didn't want to get wet in mid-fall. Everything froze. He was upside down, looking at the water. The pond still had ripples telling the tale of his sadness, his internal turmoil. Then a ghost, a spirit, which one Alex could not tell, rose up from the water floating to his eye level, staring deep into his soul.

"You will find your place here," It said in some sort of synergized voice... perhaps a combination of many peoples. After a dead silence hung in the air again, a golden orb floated in front of Alex's chest, compeletely stationary.

"Now move it." Alex furrowed his brow in question, turning his eyes once again to the orb in front of him.

[i][b]Move.[/b][/i] It gave a slight budge, not even completely revolving. The ghost smacked him hard against the cheek.

"I told you to move it. Not pussy foot. Move it." Alex fought his anger down, thinking again for the golden orb to move, to revolve, to rotate on its axis. It began, slowly at first, then quickly picked up its pace and rigor. Which each passing revolution, Alex screamed harder at it to keep going, to keep spinning around. Soon, several words floated within it... but Alex had no idea why.

[i]Sadness, Confusion, Strife[/i].

The ghost nodded at him, and pushed Alex up back to the top of the rock again, and time began once more. Alex blinked, and the ghost was gone. The ripples of his tears were gone. Even the orb had completely disappeared. He shook his head, wondering exactly why everything was happening the way it did. Was there such thing as fate? Destiny?

He violently shoved the thoughts from his mind, and picked up a smaller rock he wrested from the ground. He tossed it in the air, begging it each time to freeze. It seemed the divine 'forces' were against him, as it continued to move. After much throwing, and even more frustration, it finally hung in the air, for a few seconds, but he had no idea what to do from there.

Just before giving up, he tossed it again, willing it to freeze where it was. The wheels of time screetched to a sickening halt, hanging the rock in the air once again.

[i]Orb! Form now![/i] he commanded. A gold one quickly presented itself, just the the other times. Once again, he forced it to spin, faster and faster, until the a ghost picked up the rock and threw it as hard as it could in the direction desired by Alex. It made a hole through a two-foot-thick oak tree, and the projectile flew with considerable force and speed. He guessed it was faster than a bullet. But the problem was, he didn't know exactly where it would go, just the general diction. It would be a long day before he could throw it with accuracy, but then again, he had plenty of time, he thought as he picked up anohter rock.

OOC: Sorry everyone. I'm gonna be gone for a week. Try to keep my character in the actions of the RPG. I might have some computer access during the week ... but just check my sig for the time. Thanks in advance[/SIZE]
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OOC: :animestun Wow...sorry about that...first I was waiting for someone's post...then regretably I took the option for an exciting spring break. So yeah...Its my fualt I was gone for so long...I'm back though lol.

Maximus watched her leave. His eyes were cold with hate at letting himself open. He paused there on the ground starring into space, then began laughing. His laugh was indeed one of an insane man. Had anyone been about they would surely been frightened out of thier witts.

He gathered himself as he stood up, brushed the dust from his clothing and walked to the waiting limo. [B]"Driver...airport...NOW!"[/B] The young man jumped into action, luckily the company had told him this client was a bit tempermental. Also it had been going around that he could make people disappear. With such insentives anyone could put up with a rude passenger. Maximus was the definition or rude, not only did he insult the man on his driving and breaking for pedestrians he also spent the entire trip cursing loudly and becoming quite violent.

While his violent outburst raged on the outside, his thoughts were on something else. The girl. [I]I'll find her...and she'll find that I'm not a push over..nor am I going to be intimidated. I will have her tattoos...hell I'll have all of them, then this annoying collection process will be over with. [/I]

As he walked to the main information booth he grimaced at the young women behind the counter. She tried to hide her fear of him but it didn't work, this obvious fear only made Maximus's grin more sinister.
[B]"Tell me the recent departures...also I'm looking for a young women who may have bought a ticket a few minutes ago."[/B]

[B]"Um...well there were several fights that are to leave this morning...and I did happen to sell a ticket to a young girl yes."[/B] She looked at him suspiously.

[B]"Be a good girl and tell me where it was to..."[/B] A charming smile had replaced his earlier grimace. It gave him an almost handsom look.

[B]"I'm sorry sir, but I can't by law tell you that information. If you know her you can simply contact her...the flight may not have left."[/B]

His cold evil demeanor instantly returned, as Maximus grabbed her throat and squeezed.[B]"You WILL tell me...do you understand little girl...I have not the time to triffle with little matters."[/B]

The girl became frightened now and started to sputter out the gate that the New Zealand flight was to leave on. The fear had been too much for her, because as Maximus released his grip on her neck she called out for help. It would never come, almost the instant after her cry, she had gone silent. Her head lolled back as the broken bones could no longer support the weight. Maximus discretely moved her limp body to a broom closet, he paused for a moment, able to feel her well figured body beneath the clothing. [I]It's a shame I had to kill her so quickly...hmm I suppose it was for the best, I'm lucky enough that no one was around. NO...there just isn't enough time to play with her you know. So I say we find the girl and finish this little loose end. I DO NOT want to have fun...she's dead that enjoyment would be all yours not mine.[/I]

Maximus had reached the gate and happily found that the flight had left a few seconds ago. [I]Damn you are your wants...you made us late.[/I]

OOC: Yes yes...my character was talking to himself...I suppose I'll explain later.
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[size=1][color=#C82356][i]The imperil screams shrieked as Yuna ran away. Footsteps were sounded as a voice began calling her name. This voice belonged to the man that entered her home, wanting to finish the job Amatsu could never finish. His voice was cold and empty, it had a tone of malice hanging and dripping from it.

It wasn't fear that made her run nor was it the man that made her run, it was unsure as to what made her run but she grew tired of it and stopped. The voice chuckled and his footsteps stopped as well, he stood a few feet from Yuna, waiting for her to make a move. She turned with her fists closed tight, a fire burning in her eyes, and her teeth clenched. She didn?t want to fear him anymore, she didn?t want to run, all she wanted was the pain to stop and the only way was for him to be gone or for her to give up her tattoos, a choice she didn?t want to make.

The man saw this and his chuckle grew louder and louder until an evil laughter overcame it. His laughter ceased as he stared deep into Yuna?s soul, knowing that she was ready to die just to protect her tattoos. She couldn't see him and it brought a bit of fear and anxiety into her, she couldn't fathom what she was up against and it brought a liking to the man.

Yuna readied herself by having a sun appear on the back of her hands. The man started to speak and it made her cringe, but she tried hard not to show her angst. Her breathing was slow, her stance was steady, and her eyes were never averted from where the figure stood.

"My dear Yuna, don't fight it. You know you want to escape to my side. I can make it happen, you know? Watch."

He closed his eyes and something covered her. Yuna couldn't escape it, her breathing was rapid and heavy, her fists unclenched, and she gasped for breath. She wanted to rid of it but it was too late. When it was all over darkness clouded her sight and her purity was ripped from her. He stepped forward and she saw him, though his appearance wasn't as abhorrent as she thought it to be. He placed a hand on her face and...[/i]

Yuna awoke gasping for breath and in a hot sweat. She feared that this wasn't a dream but a prophecy or something worse. She sighed and stepped out of bed, shaking a bit as she walked towards the door. She touched the doorknob and tried to open the door, yet she shook too much to grab hold and open the door.

"What the hell's wrong with this stupid thing?! Why won't the damn door open?!" Frustrated, Yuna stepped back and kicked the door, making it open abruptly. "Stupid door, keeping me in this damn room."

Still a bit shaken up from her dream, Yuna appeared outside, holding a cigarette in her hand. She closed her eyes but opened them quickly when she realized someone had joined her.

"What do you want?"[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani sat on a mossy boulder on the edge of the crystal clear water of the Mirror Lakes. She looked at her reflection in the water.

" Why did I do this?"

She saw a face of sadness in the water.

" I endangered myself, let alone all the people that I gathered. We were sitting ducks in one place. I'm no fighter. I'm an academic."

Slight ripples in the water distorted the reflection of her face. Lani looked at the source of the ripples. It was a fish, swimming along easily underneath the surface, in its own environment. She sighed. Lani missed the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It was so calming. This place was certainly beautiful, but it lacked the soothing sounds of the ocean.

Lani dangled her feet in the cool water. She looked over her shoulder and saw some of the others bonding. Sighing, she turned back to the water.
" I'm glad that some people are bonding..."

Standing up, Lani stripped down to her underwear and dived off of the boulder and into the water. The sensation of the cool water against her bare skin was invigorating. It felt like home. How homesick she was. Coming up for air, Lani's hair plastered against her head. She bobbed in the water, keeping her mouth just above the water line.

[i]I feel so alone.....so alone in this fight.....the others seem to be getting along well with each other. Why aren't I there with them, talking? Is it because I feel so guilty for bringing them into this mess? Yes....it is my fault.....[/i]

Lani whirled around in the water, looking at a nearby waterfall. The streaming flows of water from the waterfall reminded her of the threads that the 'Death Flower' sucked from her. Thinking about them, Lani remembered the sparkling dust gliding along them up to the girl.

[i]I'm guessing that was the magic that summoned our tattoos was sucked out of us by her. That's what the essence was. I wonder if it was the same for everyone else.[/i]

Swimming back to the shore, Lani got out of the cool water and gathered her clothes. She put them on, wrung the water out of her hair and joined the others in conversation.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Yeah, sorry again for taking a while. I went home for Easter and didn't have much time to post :animeswea
Not knowing much else to do, Alexia desided to take a stroll through the woods. It was very calming and quiet, much to her liking. For some reason, things just felt right being among nature and all its beauty. Most of the others were near the cabins and the lake, leaving her in the peace and quiet to think about all the things that had happened over the past cupple of days.

All of her thoughts seemed to lead back to her tattoos. It had been nearly seven years ago since she'd gotten them; Alexia thought back. She had just started college in Miami. Living on her own for the first time, she had quite a list of things she wanted to do that her parents never allowed, and tattoos were one of them. They had said that tattoos difiled the "perfect" body God gave you and to change it in any way was a sin.

This was one of many reasons Alexia dispised her parents, they beleived religion was the answer to everything. Not that she dispised religion, it was just that she didn't beleive the Bible was the end all solution to all of the worlds problems.

Following a worn trail through the woods, she found herself by the cabins again. She was just about to head back to her own cabin when she heard the loud noise of someone's door being broken down. Alexia dashed over towards the cabin to see the Irish girl, Yuna, standing on her cabin porch, smoking, the broken door by her feet.

"What do you want?" she said with a bit of annoyance on her tone, noticing Alexia standing near by.

"Oh, uh, nothing really. I heard your door break down and I just wanted to see if you were okay."

"Well obviously I am."

"Yeah, well I'll leave you be then." Alexia turned around and began walking off. [I]Dammit girl, why do you always have to talk to the reclusive ones.[/I]
OOC~ Please excuse the crappiness :animeshy: [/COLOR]
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He sat with an annoyed look on his face. The flight had been delayed, by five hours. That meant five more hours of sitting by these noisy children. He was losing his patience, and those damn kids wouldn't shut up. [I]Hmmm that little girl is nice huh? You know we could get it. Shut up...I'm waiting. Well so am I. We need to entertain ourselves...or else we'll go insane my friend. Grrr...I said shut up...do you ever listen? You know I do, but you passed up the last treat. We'll pass this one up too...show some damn class.[/I]

His thoughts were interupted by the ringing of his cellular phone.


[B]"Incredible Mi'Lady, I would have never thought you'd bother with them yourself..."[/B]

[B]"Yes, yes I finished my task, she evaded my for the moment.They all are? Of course I know where she went, I didn't think they were all assembled yet."[/B]

[B]"Rile them up? As you wish Mi'Lady. I will be there shortly."[/B]

He hung up his little phone plunging it back into his pocket. He sat there thinking for a moment his evil grin spreading over his face. Getting up he cracked his knuckles walking to the adjacent gate where a plane was almost ready.

[B]"I suppose I'll just take this plane then..."[/B]
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