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Tattoo [M-LSV]


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[size=1][color=#C82356]Disgusted by everything, Yuna wanted to get away. She hated the fact that she didn?t trust Maximus or that she couldn?t place where she had seen him before. In a sudden rage, Yuna punched the bathroom mirror and watched it shatter into a million pieces, watching it fall aimlessly and causing blood to drip from her knuckles.

The blood dripped to the cream white floor, staining it with a crimson red. Still enraged, Yuna walked out of her room and downstairs to the gym, to keep her mind off of everything, just to keep her sane and focused on nothing else but her training.

People smiled and waved to her as she walked past, but she was in no mood, nor was she ever in a mood, to wave back. She passed them by and until she reached the gym, she saw it was empty with a note attached to the door. Yuna ignored it and walked in, turning on the lights and releasing her energy into the room, making it her own atmosphere.

Yuna turned on her IPOD and listened to [i]Limp Bizkit- Break Stuff[/i]. She looked to the black punching bag that hung from the ceiling towards the back of the room. Yuna walked to it and blasted her music on high, to make sure she couldn?t hear anything but the music and her own breathing. She punched it and kicked at it, then began to fight it as if it was an opponent.

Sweat began to fall down her face, her breathing was getting heavier, and the movement of her body was starting to speed up. It was as if she was fighting for the last breath of her life, fighting for something she believed in. At the last moment, she was on the ground with one knee touching it and another helping her project into the air and spin-kick the punching bag.

Once she released her kick, the bag began to swing dangerously, a creaking being heard from where it was attached. Her training wasn?t finished and she wasn?t ready to leave the gym, yet she felt as if someone was watching. She smirked and walked to side of the room and dimmed the lights, taking off her shirt. She wore a dark gray sports bra over her regular one and her midriff was toned.

Standing in the middle of the room, Yuna began to practice some of the moves that she was taught in martial arts. Combining difficult moves only to take it a step higher and add in moves that even the higher black belt artists could not even achieve.

At this point, [i]Linkin Park- One Step Closer[/i] was blaring in her ears, giving her even more adrenaline and energy to train. Somewhere during the song, Yuna heard the sounds of clapping. She took off one ear and looked around, searching for who had entered the gym, wanting to know who was clapping at her training.[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=GREEN]Alexia plopped down her stuff and collapsed on the bed as soon as she had entered the hotel room. That day had certainly been a long and trying one for her. She wasn't about ready to really talk with the others, so she figured she'd stay in her room and turn in early for the night. But as soon as she turned out the lights, the all the events that had happened over the past few days began coursing through her weary mind, especially those of the past twenty-four hours: seeing her parents murdered, seeing her brother Cory for the first time in seven years.

After many fruitless attempts to lull herself to sleep, Alexia sat up in bed, grabbed the remote from the bedstand and began flipping through the channels on late night TV. After about an hour of this, she pulled herself out of bed and shut the TV off. [I]Nutin good's on this time of night, anyway![/I] she thought, frustrated.

She walked out onto the small balcony, the cool night air making herself feel a bit better. Alexia gazed down to see Dave, Renee, and Dimitri head out somewhere. "Hum... maybe I should see if anyone still up around here wants to go out somewhere," She thought about this for a second than changed her mind. Alexia wasn't exactly the type to force socialization, though she would willingly converse with others if they showed interest in her.

"I think I'll try sleeping again." So with that, she turned out the lights once again and slipped into bed, this time falling asleep almost instantly.
The next morning, Alexia was rudely awakened by the early morning sunlight streaming through her open blinds, which she had forgotten to shut last night. "Go away," she mumbled as she pulled the sheets over her head. She managed to sleep for another hour and a half before some kids from a family staying down the hall, ran past her room, yelling and screaming.

"Ug, how the hell can those damn kids be up this early?" She mumbled poking her head from beneath the covers. She glanced at the clock: 9:30. "OK, so it's not that early. Guess I should get up." Alexia pulled herself from the warm, comfy bed, dressed, then headed downstairs to the cafe in the hotel lobby.

"What can I get you this morning?" asked the person working the counter.

"Uh, yeah, can I get an iced cappichino?"

"Yes, ma'am. That'll be $3.75." Alexia handed him the money and began waiting for her drink while glancing over the people sitting in there. She noticed Renee and Dave sitting a good distance away from the window. Renee sat there rubbing her head. [I]Well, I guess that answers my question about where they went last night.[/I]

Alexia picked up her drink and headed over towards them. "Well, looks like you got yourself good and plastered last night," she said with a coy tone as she reached them.

"Uh... please don't speak," was all Renee could manage to say in reply.
OOC~ Sorry to leave it so abrubtly, but I've been working on this for over an hour and I can't write anymore. I'll let one of you guys take it from here. :animeswea [/COLOR]
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His grin was full of mirth...he didn't try to hide it from her now...he knew she didn't like him or trust him, and it wasn't like he cared. He just kept clapping after she spotted him in the corner.

[B]"Bravo...nothing like kicking at flies to get the blood pumping huh? Hahahaha. Tell me do you always exhaust yourself for no reason? Why...if a collector showed up you'd be quite vulnerable..."[/B]

In an instant it seems he is next to her whispering in her ear, she trembles a bit hearing his sweet but menacing voice, and the sound of him smelling her sweaty body.

[B]"Why don't you trust old Max...hmmmm? I haven't done anything wrong...yet you seem...afraid of me a little...why is that?"[/B]

[B]"Get away from me you freak..."[/B] She clenched her fists fully ready to clock him one in the chin.

Stepping back a bit the charming smile returning. [B]"Very well...I'll be waiting for you at the dinner table."[/B] He gave a wink and then left the room laughing to himself quite loudly. [I]Oh how I enjoy her...she is so full of....well...life...I will so enjoy breaking her....[/I]
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[COLOR=SandyBrown][B]"Uh... please don't speak," [/B] Dave half-snickered, but stopped when Renee glared daggers at him.

[B]"Aye, she was a bit...soused, y'might say. 'pearently she 'as no self-control."[/B] He shook his head. [B]"Poor girl. I -ow!"[/B] The spoon Renee had flung at him clattered to the floor. He rubbed his head, smiling at Alexia as he set the spoon on a nearby table. Renee crossed her arms, and seemed to doze off again.

[B]"'m sorry we didn't - [i]I[/i] didn't think t'invite you...that would've been better than jus' t'three of us...'course, then you'da 'ad an 'eadache, too...but it was late, an' I didn't know where y'room was, exactly...didn't want t'run into that Yuna girl...or Maximus..."[/B] He shivered. The newcomer...something about him sent shivers down his spine. [B]"Anyroad, 'ow are you this mornin'?" [/B] The conversation turned to other subjects as they sat in the dining room, waiting for Lani to arrive.[/COLOR]
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Rayne sat at the table with the others, and as usual was concentrating on her laptop, but she spoke up this time as she typed.

"So it seems you three had quite the time last night, no?" Her voice was filled with couriosity, not accusation. She took a sip from her coffee and without looking away from the screen smiled and shook her head. "You know thats how I got my first tattoo, after I woke up the next morning with a panther on the back of my neck I swore off getting drunk ever again. How about you Renee, you seem like you're not exactly having fun in the world of "the hang over", am I correct. We went out to eat last night thats all we did, nothing near as exciting as your night seemed to be. Wait a second I think I found what I was looking for." She stopped talking momentarily and focused on her laptop more. This is when those who cared to notice, noticed that she wasn't wearing her normal baby tee, but a black trurtle neck, and that all she had been wearing since she returned.

"If you don't mind my asking?" Dave spoke, breaking the momentary silence.

"Go ahead." Rayne stated continuing to type.

"The turtle neck, thats all you've worn the last couple of days, is there a reason."

"Just that I get chilly easily... thats all." She answered matter-of-factly.

"What is it you've found?" Lani asked approching the table. Rayne glanced over from the laptop for the first time in many minutes, then back at her computer screen.

"Well you said you were looking for a way to get into the pentagon, I think I may have found one or two options. I had to hack a little bit to do so, but no big deal."
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri awoke,he quickly rubbed his eyes and noticed it was almost 10:00. He lazily stepped out of bed and put oh some clothes. He went into the bathroom and checked his pupils: they were okay. He knew he was prone to do utterly dumb things while drunk, but last night, he didn't have as much as normal. [I]God...I wonder how those other guys are doing...[/I]

Dimitri descended the stairs to the breakfast alcove to check if the continental breakfast was still up. He saw one thing; a lonely box of Cheerios. [I]Dammit...I hate cereal...[/I]He took the box anyway, and sat near Dave, Renee, and the girls Rayne and Alexia. Dave was teasing Renee, who was ready to shove a fork in his eye.

[B]"How are you all today?" [/B]

[B]"Jus' fine, mate."[/B] He looked at Alexia and Rayne. The both replied [B]"Good."[/B] in unison.

Rayne took the liberty to explain why they were waiting. [B]"We're sitting, waiting for Lani. We have to get into the Pentagon to find more information on the collectors. I could hack in there if I need to."[/B]

[B]"Wow. That does not sound like a small feat."[/B]

Alexia sighed ad replied, [B]"Nope."[/B]. He glanced at Renne, who was slightly snoring.

[B]"Renee...how are you doing?"[/B] Dimitri knew he was walking on paper-thin ice. She looked up.

[I]Crack[/I]. He felt himself being jerked down...

He gave a cautious smile...

[I]Crack[/I]. His feet were wet...

"How do you think I feel?!"

[I]Wow, that water is cold...[/I]

[B]"[I]You[/I] two let me get drunk last night! Guess what I heard?! That [I]I[/I] tried to kiss the cabbie! What is wrong with you both?!"[/B]

Dave looked at Dimitri. They both were laughing like maniacs.

[B]"Fine! Next time you want to go out, don't you dare knock on my door!"[/B]

Dimitri sat next to Rayne and opened his box of Cheerios. He took a quick glance at Dave, and the two of them flashed a smile at each other. Rayne and Alexia were still smiling at Renee's explosion. She still sat there with a disguisted look on her face.

Dimitri backed his chair out a little and propped his feet onthe table, his knees close to his chest.

[B]"Dave, do you have you guitar with you still?"

"Yeah, why's tha'?"[/B]

[B]"Can you play a song for us? I'm in a good mood, so why can we not put Renee in a good mood, too?" [/B] Dave looked at Renee who was now nodding off...again. Dave stood up and started heading up the stairs.

[B]"Be back in a sec."[/B] He came down a few seconds later with his acoustic, his pick clenched in his teeth.

[B]"Wha'd you like me to play?"[/B] Dimitri shrugged, insenuating an [I]I don't know[/I] response.

[B]"I got it."[/B] He checked the tuning on the guitar and placed his fingers on the frets.

[I]Here comes the sun, do do do do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright[/I]

[I]Damn...dad liked this record[/I]

[I]Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter
Little darling, it feels lik years since it's been here
Well here comes the sun do do do do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright[/I]

Dimitri heard Rayne and Alexia humming along the tune.

[I]Little darling, the smile's returning to their faces
Little darling, it feels like years since its been here
Here comes the sun, do do do do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright[/I]

Renee picked up her head and was sitting there, her head back, tapping the table lightly with her finger.

[I]Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes[/I]

Dimitri wondered about his mom. [I]Is she worried for me? Has she told my sister? Is she alive?

Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it feels like years since its been clear
Here comes the sun, do do do do
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's alright
It's alright[/I]

Renee smiled and lightly punched Dave in the arm, while Alexia clapped, and Rayne complimented him.

[B]"That's really good, Dave!"[/B] He nodded back to Rayne.

[B]"Yeah..."[/B] Dimitri pulled himself from the table and waved goodbye to them.

They all stared at Dimitri while he headed out. Alexia broke the uncomfortable silence.[B] "What was that about?"[/B]

Renee shrugged, while Rayne just sat there. Dave set his guitar on the table and followed Dimitri. He noticed one thing: small droplets of blood. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]OOC: The Beatles lyrics. Currently, Here Come the Sun the best song ever.

Well, Dimitri is going to lock himself in his room, so can someone convince him to come out? I was hoping either Lani, Alexia, or Rayne could do that favor for me. It'd be really nice.

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani awoke to the sunlight blazing brilliantly in her eyes. She groaned and tried to turn over when something blocked her path. Beary-eyed, she looked over to what was stopping her rolling over. Shock spread through her body.

" What the hell!?!?!"

Her two white angelic feathered wings were still alive and well out of her shoulders. They hadn't returned to their dormant state. Quite frankly, she didn't want them too. She didn't know when she could summon them again.

Now sitting up, Lani looked over the floor to find any sign that Galatea might be truly living. But no. Lani got up and looked in a body-length mirror. Galatea was on her back, where the dragon had always been. Lani sighed in relief.

" Great.... I wonder what time it is."

She looked at her watch and swore. 10:30 am. Lani undressed herself quickly, had a shower and dressed in some fresh clothes. She had to make holes in the back of her favourite shirt so that her wings would fit through it. Another dilemma presented itself.

" How the hell am I going to hide these things?"

The sounds of the birds echoed in the silence as Lani thought of a way to hide them. While she was thinking, the wings lessened in size until them became the size of her forearms.

" Well that's better."

She threw a hip-length ocean blue leather coat on before exiting her room. Making her way down to the breakfast room, Lani went over a few things she had encountered last night. Her thoughts, however, were delayed as soon as she entered the breakfast room.

Alexia, Dave, Renee and Rayne sat at a table in the far corner. Lani walked over to them.

" Good morning all."
" Morning," they all replied in unison. Lani saw that Dave had his guitar, Rayne had her laptop perched on the table, and Renee was nodding off to sleep quite literally.
" How is everyone doing?" Lani asked.
Dave looked at Renee who was asleep and then back at Lani. " Hang-o'ers."
[i]Blunt and straight to the point.[/i] " I suppose you, Renee and Dimitri went out last night?"
" 'Ow did you know?" Dave asked, a bit bewildered.
" I saw you three leave. It's all right. I didn't expect anyone to not do something out of the ordinary."
" Oh."
" Where is Dimitri?"

The group fell silent. Even the soft clicks of Rayne's furious typing died. Lani looked at them confused.
" Still sleeping?"
" We don't really know. He was here a few minutes ago, but then he got up and left all of a sudden. We noticed blood drops from him," Alexia said, a look of concern on her face.
Lani nodded. " I'll go see him then."

A few minutes later, Lani arrived outside of Dimitri's door. She knocked on it loud enough so that if he were asleep, he would hear it, but it wasn't painfully loud to a person that had a headache.
" Dimitri? Dimitri, are you awake?"
A soft grunt came from inside the room. Lani didn't like talking through a door.
" Are you okay in there?"
Another grunt.
" Why don't you come out here?"
Silence. [i]Great...[/i]
" Dimitri, at least open the damned door and let me in."

[b]OOC: Heh. There you go Billy![/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[size=1][color=#C82356]Finishing off her training for the day, Yuna walked upstairs and into the dining room. She saw that the others were around the table, more specifically- Renee. She wasn?t as curious as the others, who wanted to know what she had found. She merely watched the people, observing them as if they were criminals, though they weren?t.

A strange feeling then came over Yuna. She felt as though she was being watched, as she had been in the gym. Her body tensed as she felt air brush past her, as if something or someone walked by. She then looked behind and saw no sign of anyone walking past. When she returned to look at someone, she was pulled into the dark hallway. A hand held her arm behind her and the other hand was used to hold Yuna in a sort of hold.

?Let me go, you undesirable menace!? At this moment, Yuna was growling and she was ready to fight. ?I have no business with you but if you keep this up, I will have business to kill you.?

Chuckling, Yuna knew at once that it was Maximus. He turned her around and pushed her against the wall, making sure she was looking at him. She looked to both sides and saw that he blocked her way by placing each hand near her, to make sure she did not leave.

?Why resist against me, Yuna? I?m not that bad at all, you see.? At this moment, Maximus was lightly touching her face, trailing his finger from her jaw line, moving it downwards. He stopped at her sternum but was now curving his finger at the tip of her breast. ?Why fear me??

?I don?t fear you or anyone. Why should I trust you? You?re nothing but a cowardly dog and there?s nothing that will make me trust you.? Yuna pushed away his hand but was suddenly pushed back to the wall. His eyes seemed to look past her eyes into her soul, as if he was searching a weakness. ?Get your hands off of me!?

?Tsk, tsk, Yuna, you shouldn?t resist.? Maximus leaned forward towards Yuna?s ear. ?I know your secret.?[/size][/color]
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Her body stiffened, her eyes went wide, and a small murmur escaped her lips. Maximus smiled deeply, a smile mixed with glee, charm, and malice. His thumbs brushing the skin of her shoulders softy.

[B]"That's right...you're not all that hard to figure out my dear...now...the question is...what to do about your....I'm sorry...OUR little secret?"[/B]

Although seeminly impossible his smile grew wider, his face once again close to hers. His breath a steady beat, as he looked at her...not at her face, but her being. He gave her a quick peck on the cheek, laughed in a manner that only mad people use and saundered off towards the kitchen. As he left he spoke just enough for Yuna to hear.

[B]"This is what I like about you Yuna, that strength you think you have, heh. So much is it ingrained within you, that you'll never ask for help...for that...I thank you..."[/B]

He sat quietly at a table across from the others, having set out the stuffs needed for cereal, he poured the milk and began eating. A few of the others glanced at him noticing the odd smile on his face and he munched away.

A few moments after Yuna returned again seperating herself from the others. She had the same determined face as she had before the little conversation in the hallway. Maximus caught her watching him, but paid it no heed, he was enjoying his food too greatly.

[I]I must remember to slip away tonight...there are things that must be taken care of...Oh...the girl? FINALLY MAXI! No you twit...some loose ends...Who? You know who, other ones such as these. I found some, I think we should start adding to Lady Jetta's collection. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I knew you at least had something fun in store for us...you never do let me down entirely.....Shut up...[/I]
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Rayne glanced over at Maximus for only a moment as she continued her typing, not even wondering for a moment what he might be smiling about.

[I]' He's an odd one.'[/I] She thought to herself her thoughts wondered and her hands typed whatever felt right. Computer skills were always an art for her, not a chore nor a hassel, she could get lost in world of computers if she didn't fear the lonliness of it. She glanced back over at Maximus, he was looking at Yuna who was sitting at a table all by her lonesome.

[I]'I don't understand her.'[/I] She again thought to herself as she sat silently. Dave was playing his guitar again, Renee was sleeping, and the two americans Alex and Alexia were talking amongst themselves. Rayne turned her eyes back to her computer and read the security layouts that covered the screen. Hacking had always been an easy task for her, it came naturally, almost as easily as programming was to her.

"I hope Lani is having luck with Dimmitri." Dave stated as he strummmed quietly on his guitar as not to disturb Renee too much. Without even looking from the screen Rayne spoke in her usual quiet tone.

"She's got a good head on her shoulders, I imagine they're doing just fine." Her statement was said very matter of factly.

"You seem to think you know her pretty well." Dave replied, a smirk crossed his face.

"I analyze people the same way I analyze computers, It makes quite easy to understand if I should trust someone or not." Rayne remarked as if speaking with a client, she didn't do it on purpose its just how she spoke to people.

"Really?" Dave sounded interested now. "Well then miss programmer, analyze me." He stated sitting up staight and setting his guitar aside. Rayne looked up and even stopped typing for the first time since she sat down, and she focused her dark framed eyes on Dave.

"You are quiet, but not because you're shy - you just don't see a point in talking that much, unless you have something to say. You're confident in your abilities, but you don't like to show off. You're somewhat of a loner - a loner who, ironically, gets along pretty well with other people, but there is a sadness in your eyes, a sadness that says you've lost someone and that you hold on to their memoery every waking moment." Rayne said all of this while Dave starred in awe.

"Thats amazing, how did you do that?" Dave asked curiously. Rayne had begun to type again.

"I told you, I analyze peolple the same way I analyze a computer, and besides I do a whole lot more watching than I do talking, its easier to figure someone out when you watch close enough.
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri didn't want to respond to Lani. He was too afraid to let two people in on his secret.

[B]"Dimitri! Let me in!"

"What do you want from me?!"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing! Leave!"[/B]

[B]"No, dammit!" [/B] He heard her pound on the door. [B]"I said I was concerned, so let me in!"[/B]

The [I]click [/I] of the lock was heard, and Lani slowly pushed open the door.

[B]"What is wrong?"[/B] Dimitri turned around and sat on his bed.

[B]"The song...reminded me of Russia...and..."[/B] His voice trailed off and he averted his eyes to the floor.

[B]"What? Reminded you of what?"

"Dad. He liked that song. We used to dig out the record, and he would always play that one. He would try to sing it in Russian, but the words would be too long."[/B] He smiled softly.

[B]"Why were you...bleeding?"[/B]

[B]"I do not know."[/B] He knew why. He felt nervous and threatened. He wanted to tell, but he couldn't. He felt ashamed.

[B]"What do you mean 'you don't know'"

"I do not know, okay?!"

"Fine. I'll just leave you here. You can sulk and pout all you want. I tried to seem concerned, but it doesn't work with you. So next time you want to talk, find someone else."[/B] She started to head out of the room.

[B]"I...am sorry...it is I just...cannot tell anyone."

"Well, how come? Why do you have these secrets? How are we supposed to work together?" [/B] Dimitri wanted to just explode and tell everyone his curse. [B]"Your tattoo, I know it bleeds and then forms that sword, but why was it bleeding now? What happened, besides you being reminded of your dad?"

"I felt threatened, everytime I think of him! My tattoo bleeds when I feel unsafe! I was never safe when I was with him!"[/B] He was yelling now, tears gathering in his eyes.

[B]"Why do you feel threatened by yor dad?"

"He beat me. I would come home...messed up on something...then he would just beat the shit out of me. Even when I wasn't messed up...he would always scream at me."[/B] He felt a warm tear fall from his face.[B] "I ran...all the time..." [/B]

He felt the blood trickle from his tattoo.


"Do not say it. Please...just go. Let me clear my head...please."[/B]

[B]"Okay...will you comedownstaris in a while?"

"Yes...I am sorry."

"I understand."[/B] She quietly closed the door, and Dimitri layed on his bed. He fell asleep a few minutes later. [/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Sorry it took so long...

-the one and only[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=Sienna][I]It's easier to figure someone out when you watch close enough.[/I]

[I]She's got that right.[/I] Dave leaned back in his seat, softly strumming his guitar as he watched Rayne type. Her fingers were practically flying - but she seemed to be holding her shoulder stiffly, like she was tense, or sore...or...

[B]"Y'got 'urt, didn't ya?"[/B] Rayne looked up, startled.

[B]"Excuse?" [/B] That cemented the belief in his mind.

[B]"When y'went 'ome, y'got 'urt, [I]that's[/I] why y'wearin' the turtleneck."[/B] [i]Why wouldn't she tell?[/i] For some reason, it bothered him that she hadn't told...

[B]"I..." [/B]

[B]"Why didn't y'tell anyone?"[/B] He crossed his arms and continued to stare, trying not to look accusing as he waited for a response...[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Well, natchan, I suddenly realized that Rayne didn't get her throat checked, and since Dave also has throat problems...well...tag! ::runs off giggling::[/COLOR]
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Rayne was thrown off by the comment, and waited a moment before she answered. I was attacked while I was at the hospital with my mother, a man, a very handsome one at that attacked me. When I least expercted it he managed to get a rope around my neck, I don't know where it came from all I knew is that I thought that was the end. The rope was already choking me and tearing into my skin, it didn't help that I tore myslf from the curtain rod which was holding the rope." She replied quietly as she shuddered from the memory.

Dave scoot his chair closer to Rayne and asked quietly.

"May I take a look?" Rayne nodded her head and rolled down the turtle neck so that Dave could see. He could see cleary what happened just from the wound, it was a deep cut all the way around and the skin was very tender. He touched it gently and Rayne flinched.

"I'm sorry." He replied quickly.

"It's alright, Its just real painful still." Her voice shook slightly.
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani looked at Dimitri?s door. A little anger grew up inside her throat. She punched the door hard, feeling her knuckles bruise at impact.

? Bloody hell Dimitri?..? Lani trailed off as she walked back to the breakfast room.

When she entered, she saw Dave inspecting Rayne?s large rope scar around her neck. Rayne hid it after she saw Lani approaching. Yuna was over in a corner, seemingly fuming. Renee was still asleep on the table. Dave and Rayne looked up.

? ?Ow?d it go with Dimitri?? Dave asked.
Lani shook her head. ? Don?t ask.?
Rayne noticed her bruised knuckles. ? What happened??
? Oh, this? Oh it?s nothing. I just got angry with Dimitri and punched his door. Didn?t realise I was that strong.?
? Is ?e coming down?? Dave asked.
? He said soon. But I don?t know. Anyway, lets get this started.?

Lani explained how the security worked at the Pentagon. She told them how to get into the information centre and get into the computer systems, although they would need Rayne?s skills as a hacker to get into the top-security files. The plan was they were going tonight, and all needed to be included.


Lani and the others had caught a few cabs to outside the Pentagon. There was more security this time. Lani could see the extra patrol officers with more guard dogs on leashes.

? More? damn??

? What should we do?? Renee asked. Everyone was gathered on the other side of the bank of the river that ran past the Pentagon. Maximus, Yuna, Renee, Rayne, Dave, Dimitri and Lani looked at the five-sided building.

? Everyone, lets get inside and get to that information centre. It?s our best chance at the moment.?

Everyone nodded.

[b]OOC: There you go. You have a little free reign on getting into the Pentagon. Run into some obstacles. Make it fun. Oh, and Gelgoog, you can have fun with some of the guards if you want.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Ok, I've had writer's block, plus April's been hella busy for me. Just one more month of school and I can go home :animesigh
? Everyone, lets get inside and get to that information centre. It?s our best chance at the moment.? Everyone nodded.

[I]Yeah, easier said than done,[/I] Alexia thought to herself, however. Security around the premises was tight, even tighter than Lani had warned it would be. Plus she knew just how crazy the idea of breaking into the Pentagon sounded, I mean, this was the miliatary nerve center for one of the biggest and most powerful, military-driven nations on the planet. But she also knew the information they needed was inside, so Alexia didn't argue.

The others spit up into smaller or single-person groups. Even though Alexia always got along great with others, she prefered to work alone since she worked best that way. She walked along the perimeter of the property, carefully studying the positions of the guards.

She knew her best bet of getting inside was through the use of the speed spell tattooed on her ankle. The only thing was that, unlike the others, she hadn't really tried to use her tattoos since the battle with the Death Flower back on Milford Sound. She thought back to what Torin had said about their tattoos.

Alexia closed her eyes and cleared her head. [I]My tattoo, think of the tattoo...[/I] she thought intently. Soon she could feel the energies of her body make their way to her legs and feet. "Alright, let's give this a try." she said quietly, reopening her eyes. Without waisting another second, Alexia quickly dashed through the front entrance as it was closing, past the guards and dogs in the yard, and into one of the side entrances to the building.

[I]Okay, I'm in... Now what?[/I]
OOC~ Sorry, didn't really know what to write. I'd like it if Alexia met up with someone else after a bit, don't really care who.[/COLOR]
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[I]'Alright how do you get a computer whiz into a tight security facility?'[/I] Rayne thuoght to herself as she knelt down next to the wall where she wouln't be seen. She had positioned herself a few feet away from a side gate, one with just a tad bit less gaurds, and she had her laptop out and ready. She pulled up the pentagon's security cameras with ease and found the entrance she was waiting at. She watched the 4 gaurds as they circulated through the area, and found the exact gap she was looking for. She hacked the system and allowed herself clearence. The gates surprisingly opened silently and she shut the laptop and dashed through the opening just as the gates swung shut and she found a bush to hide behind she opened the laptop again and checked the surrounding areas, in one camera she could see Alexa, and she wasn't to far off. She waited til it was clear and made her way in that direction.

"Psst, over here." She replied only loud enough for Alexia to here. Alexia glanced over to a line of shrubbery.

"Now I know I'm outta my mind when shrubs start talknig." Alexia stated under her breath.

"No you silly american, its me Rayne." She poked her head out from behind the bushes.

"Really, I just thought it was a French bush." She replied almost sarcastically coming over to crouch next to Rayne. "So any bright idea's for gtting us inside the building?"

"I've run a complte security check to see where everyone is trying to get in and luckily I can't find them on the cameras which means they're doing a nice job, but that also means I'm not sure where to set my diversion." Rayne explained as she sifted through the different camera views.

"How about there, its just a garage that isn't directly linked to the building, that would be the best spot... don't you think?" Alexia replied pointing to a lone garage on the map.

"Brilliant, now I'll just push this here and enter this code." Suddenly the alarms in the Garage went off and many of the gaurds headed off in that section. "Gaurds are so stupid sometimes." Rayne remarked.

OOC: Sorry I'd write more but I gotta go to class.
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[COLOR=Sienna]Dave stared at the Pentagon. For such an important building, the outlying security looked almost non-existant. He smirked. [I]Saves me a lot of trouble...[/I]he strolled towards the front lawn.

[I]Am I glad this was built before everyone started gettin' paranoid...[/I] the alarms had distracted the gaurds...and it was easy work to will his tattoo to life. In a flash, he was against the wall, peering through one of the ground floor windows. The interior was deserted, empty...he grinned as something seemed to short out in the window's alarm for a second.

[I]And there's miss computer wiz[/I]...he pried the window open, sliding though and shutting it just as the lights blinked back on. [i]Lessee...if I were an underground information center, how would I get to me?[/i]

Picking a random direction, he began to slink down the hall.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: Sorry so short, it's late, just didn't want Tattoo to disapperate... Will probably edit more in later...unless one of you guys wanted to catch up with Dave, then I'd just post again.[/COLOR]
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Maximus grinned, he loved how feeble minded these 'chosen' were. He strolled casually around the building looking for a good point of entry. He could almost get in anywhere now that the alarms had sounded. As he continued to walk just begining to march across the lawn he caught something out the corner of his eye.

[I]That man...he's been following me...I sense...something...ahhh yes....the one that eliminated his collector from the start. Well...I'll just have to finish the job.[/I]

Maximus stood there waiting for the man to approach. He did of course, and tapped Maximus on the shoulder.

[B]"Hey, your tattoos, and those others...you all share the ability to manifest them don't you...I can...feel it. They call me Scarcrow...perhaps you've heard of me?"[/B]

Maximus grinned, not letting it be known that the grin was the last thing he'd see. [B]"Why yes, you're another chum of ours then aren't you? My name is Maximus Leopold pleased to meet you."[/B] Maximus extended his hand, and as the other moved to take it, a strong blast of energy emminated from his palm, slamming into the Scarecrow's chest.

The smell of charred flesh began to fill the air. A few onlookers scattered as Maximus looked at each of them with a cold deadly stare. He stooped down to the body, reaching behind his back and retreavied a small ornate dagger. His other hand revealed a pouch like object hidded in one of his pockets.

Methodically, Maximus carved the tattoos off of the corpse's body, then placed each of the two into the pouch. He wiped his blade off on the others clothing and put it back behind his waist. He quickly tucked the pouch away in his pocket and made his way to the government building, leaving the body for others to sort out.

As he entered the unmaned door Maximus again drew his blade, just incase someone was waiting for him. Two guards called out to him as he entered the building, they charged down the corridor, both rather angry.

The first one to arrive huffed out orders to sound the alarm upon seeing the dagger. The later never made it to the alarm, a dagger drove into his back. The one still out of wind began to panic frantically pulling his pistol out of his belt. Again, the task went unfinished. Maximus placed his hand on the top on his head and with a brisk flick of the wrist, turn the guards head 180 degrees, snapping his neck. The body thuded to the floor as Maximus again cleaned off his blade. He then stalked off in a random direction, wanting to find the others, but not caring if he did all the same.
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[size=1][color=#C82367]The others took long on finding an entrance, while Yuna was already inside. She searched for the Information Center, though she could feel a sense that someone or something was following her. Instead of finding a place to hide, she turned and found the one who followed her. The cloth that wrapped around his face did not allow her to see his smirk.


?Yuna, how nice to see you. Taking a midnight stroll? Mind if I join you?? Yuna turned to leave but was snatched towards Maximus. ?Remember, Yuna, I know your secret and if you aren?t careful, the secret may slip and fall onto the lips of someone dangerous.?

Growling, Yuna wind milled her arm and was let out of Maximus? grasp. She then closed her eyes and felt the energy of her astrological tattoo take over her. Her eyes opened and showed no dot of color, only an oblivious black that could scare away normal people, unlike Maximus, who stood there unfazed.

?Yuna, Yuna, my dear Yuna. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Didn?t I tell you that fighting me would be futile??

?It?s not you I?m fighting, it?s the one behind you.?[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Lani watched as the others infiltrated the building. However, her thoughts turned to Maximus. Something about him, wasn't quite right. She could sense he wasn't like everyone else, more.... evil.

Using what abilities she had, Lani concealed herself and followed Maximus. She knew he'd known that someone was following him, but she had to find out more about him. The Pentagon would prove a valuable source of information, since it held profiles on every person that could influence the public by money, or some other means. And the 'Death Flower' was one of them.

If she had the collectors under her control, wimping like love-sick puppies, then the Pentagon would have to have some information about her.

Sneaking through surrounding shrubs and hiding behind trees, Lani watched Maximus greet with another man who looked as dark and evil as him. The two conversed for a moment before Maximus slew his opponent with relative ease. Shocked, Lani stumbled backwards as she watched Maximus carve the tattoos from the corpse, putting the flaps of skin to a pocket and wiping the dagger clean.

" So... he's one of them... I'm not that surprised actually."

Lani watched Maximus enter the building and do whatever work was necessary. She looked up at the uniquely five-sided building.

" They call it the Puzzle Palace. Maybe I should have given them all maps. No matter. They'll find the centre courtyard easy enough. It's not like they could miss it."

Concentrating so that her wings would enlargen, Lani flew up into the sky and to the centre courtyard of the Pentagon. She landed softly, not to alert the major alarm and waited for the others. As soon as they stepped into the building, the alarms went off, so at the moment, all of the others were running for their lives or fighting.

" Perfect. A good training session. I must sound really evil saying this. But they all need it. So do I, but my wings have already become reality, so I can live with that for now. Now I know what the Maoui chief was saying. To beat these collectors, we have to fuse our souls with our tattoos. In other words, we have to make them real."

Lani watied patiently in the centre courtyard, ready to infiltrate the information centre that was right underneath her feet.

[b]OOC: Ok everyone, have a few fights with guards and what not to get your tattoos to come alive again and actually become real.[/b][/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR=DarkGreen]Dimitri crouched behind a bush near the side of the Pentagon. He looked for an accsessible window, but didn't find one. He had to get access from the front door or throught the roof, and the doors were locked...

Dimitri bounded on top of the roof and had to find a way in. He noticed an air conditioner grate he probably could fit in. The grate came off without any struggle. He jumped into the duct and slid down, crashing through a ventalation shaft.

[B]"Ow..."[/B] He brushed himself off and looked around. The room was pretty dark, and Dimitri felt for a light switch. He walked until a string brushed his cheek. He pulled it to reveal a small basement-like room, full of old paper, books, and folders. Dimitri might have fallen into the old filing room.

[I]Hmm...this won't do any good. It'll take me hours to go through all this[/I]. He quietly exited the filing room and entered a long hallway. He heard footsteps. The blood trickled a little bit, letting him form a dagger. Dimitri saw the shadow, and slinked towards it. He sprung from the corner to see...Dave.

[B]"God! You scared the hell out of me, Dave!" [/B] Dave looked just as shocked.

[B]"'orry, mate. Did'nt mean to. Where did you come from?" [/B]

[B]"A filing room...it was very small, and would take me hours to go through all the records."[/B] [/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Sorry I didn't tell you Ozy...I needed to update.

-the one and only[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=Sienna][B]"A filing room...it was very small, and would take me hours to go through all the records." [/B] Dave nodded, trying to calm down - his heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. [i]'e could've killed me![/i]

[B]"Let me see..."[/B] Dimitri led the way back into the small room, lined with filing cabinets; seemingly oblivious to the panic he'd caused. Dave shook his head, sliding one of the drawers open. It was ful of old, old papers. He lifted one out, scanning down the yellowing text. [B]"Bah. This is just old budget stuff from...like...the fifties or something. Weird. Guess they keep their junk..."[/B]

[B]"For fifty years? That is a bit obsessive..."[/B]

[B]"Who knows."[/B] He shoved the paper back into its folder. [B]"I don't think that's much help at all...I don't think this is the room she was talking about."[/B]

[B]"I do not believe so either."[/B] The two of them stepped back into the hall. Alarms were blaring, but they all seemed to be coming from the other side of the building. Dave couldn't surpress a slight grin.

[B]"Guess somebody got clumsy, 'ey?"[/B] Dimitri laughed as the two of them continued towards the center of the building. The turned round one of the many courners - and walked almost straight into a wall of gaurds and guns. Dimitri rolled his eyes as both of them froze, hands in the air.

[B]"Or else not so clumsy."[/B] The leader of the gaurds stepped forward, face grim.

[B]"Don't even think about moving."[/B] Dave glanced at Dimitri. Dimitri winked. Dave lowered his hands slightly, focusing on the tattoo on his arm, and the warm sensation spreading through it, over his shoulder to his throat.

[B]"Who's thinking of moving? We ain't movin'...see? We're both stayin' perfectly still, jus' like y'told us..." [/B] In truth, the both of them were backing towards the hall they'd just came from. The gaurds stayed still...whatever they were seeing [i]wasn't[/i] what was really there. Once around the corner, they both broke into a mad dash for the next corridor. After running for several minutes, and hearing no-one follow, the two paused, Dimitri panting slightly. He grinned.

[B]"So, the musician is now a sweet-talker, no?"[/B] Now it was Dave's turn to roll his eyes.

[B]"'s nothin' special...it's just a different type of weapon from tha' chopper you've got..."[/B] He turned to walk down the hall again when he realized Dimitri was staring.


[B]"Are you speaking with your tattoo?"

"No, wh..."[/B] He focused on his own voice. The rasp that had been there for the last ten years was gone, leaving a still-deeply-accented tenor in its place. He felt like yelling at the top of his lungs, or singing, or...well...anything, but given the circumstances, that would have been very foolish. He settled for grinning widely as the continued towards the center.

[B][i]Guess that's wot t'chief meant by makin' our tattoos real...hmm...wonder if the horseshoe'd stay, or just the speed?[/i][/B] He began to focus on his feet as Dimitri continued to prowl ahead. The burning glass sensation didn't even show up this time, as his foot tingled. His steps were becoming lighter as he focused. It was an...odd sensation. He'd never bothered to try the tattoo when he wasn't panicked and running for his life...he almost felt like he was floating when - abruptly - the tingling sensation disappeared, leaving his feet still as light as before. Grinning like a maniac, he moved as if to take a slow, typical walk - and was almost instantly in front of Dimitri. Dimitri raised an eyebrow.

[B]"What are you doing?"[/B] Dave darted ahead and back, feeling like a hyperactive ten year old.

[B]"I don't even 'ave t'focus anymore. 'eck, I dunno if I'd even need t'tattoo anymore..." [/B] Dimitri continued walking.

[B]"Joy for you."[/B] Dave slowed slightly. It was odd, having to focus to [i]slow[/i] down. He nodded towards Dimitri's arm, and the small drop of blood that was trickling down towards Dimitri's wrist.

[B]"Ain't y'gonna see what y'can do with [i]that[/i]?"[/B][/COLOR]

[COLOR=DarkOrange]OOC: w00t! I'm almost done with school, and I am soooo sorry for not posting sooner. Finals are very bad for RPs, very bad indeed. :grumble: But I am back! And tag, Dy...I wasn't sure how large a blade Dimitri would choose if he was making his sword real, so I didn't pick for you.[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee had gotten in quite easily. She had found a grate in the ground next to the building and had climbed in. She walked slowly down the halls in the basement, looking for well...anything.

As Renee moved down one of the many hallways a guard walked out of one of the rooms and before she was able to hide, spotted her. She brought her gun up, aiming at her.

[b]"Ma'am, you'd better be planning on coming with me without a fight, because you are [i]not[/i] supposed to be down here."[/b] She took a step closer to her, gun steady. [b]"How did you even get [i]in[/i] here?"[/b] Renee tried to smile innocently.

[b]"I was let in by the man at the desk? Aheh."[/b] The guard shook her head.

[b]"I rather doubt that, you have to have pretty high clearance to be down here, and I doubt that you [i]actualy[/i] have that."[/b] She stepped closer to Renee who brought her left hand which now had her sword in it up.

Renee swung the sword up and to the left, striking the gun from the guard's hand and making it skid down the hallway and into another room. The guard stared at her.

[b]"You didn't have that before. Where'd it come from?"[/b] She dodged as Renee pointed her sword at her. She managed to get behind Renee, and grabbing her wrists, tried to place her in handcuffs.

Renee focused on her rose tattoo, feeling it once again raise itself from her flesh. The guard yelped, letting go. Renee took off the minute the pressure was gone from her arms, heading down hallways blindly before stopping in a unoccupied room.

She sat down leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. Just as she caught her breath she looked down and noticed that her tattoos were still manifesting themselves. Ren tried to get them to vanish once more into their plain tattoo forms but couldn't. Sighing in exasperation she took her sword and made a cut through the bottom of her backpack, using it as a carrier.

She got up and slowly walked down the hall, searching for some of the others and trying not to stab herself with the thorns from the rose tattoo.[/COLOR]

OOC: Sorry for the "long time no post" I had absolutly no idea how to do this until now.
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[COLOR=GREEN]OOC~ Ug... Writter's block's a bitch :animesigh
Alexia poked her head out from a vacant room. The alarms were blaring in the halls and guards and other personnel in the building were scrambling hastily. "Dammit! Some klutz musta tripped the alarm," she wispered to herself. She ducked back into the room just as a group of armed guards turned the courner and quickly marched down the hall past the door.

[I]That was close,[/I] she thought, trying to keep quiet. She looked around the room for another way out. It was completely empty with no windows or other doors. The only way out was a ventilation shaft that ran across the top of the room.

Then suddenly a strange feeling came over Alexia. She didn't know exactly how this would help, but something in her gut was telling her to summon her falcon tattoo. [I]How exactly is Rei supposed to help?[/I] But the feeling kept persisting. She finally let out a sigh as she took off her jacket and tied it around her waist. She then focused her energies on Rei. The falcon pulled away from her skin as it matterialized. He hoovered for a bit before landing on her bare shoulder.

Rei nipped playfully at Alexia's ear. For some reason she sinced something "real" about him, but the feeling soon passed as the falcon suddenly took off from his purch. "What is it?" asked Alexia. Rei flew up to the grate in the vent. He scraped away at it until it jimmied open.

"Well there's a way out, but how am I suppossed to get way up there?" the vacant room held no furneture that could be easily moved. Rei swooped back down and grabbed Alexia's wrist in his talon. "Crazy bird, you can't lift me... can you?" The falcon eyed her with a look that seemed to say, [I]Just watch me![/I]

With that, the falcon took off, still gripping her arm tightly and amazingly Alexia's body lifted off the ground, not slowly, but rather quickly. Once close enough, she grabbed the edge of the vent opening with her free hand and Rei let go. He flew up into the vent while Alexia pulled herself up and in and shut the grate behind her.

[I]Okay, I guess I should head this way,[/I] motioning in the direction she was facing in the shaft. She wondered if this was the right way, but she also wondered why Rei hadn't dematterialized yet.[/COLOR]
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Rayne found herself hiding in one of many cubicals occupying the room she was in. She could hear footsteps near by, just a couple of rows over, and she could feel her heart beat increase.

"I know you're in here, come out with your hands on your head and no harm will come to you." She listened silently to the guard as he grew closer. She needed help there was no way she could take an armed gaurd on her own, with or without martial arts training. She whispered almost silently and focused on the thought of her feline friend, then she felt Noirs soft fur up against her skin.

"I need you to help me again my friend, but please donot kill these people theyt are just doing their job." Noir gave her a reasuring nod and made his way through the cubical halls. Rayne stood slowly with her hands above her head and began speaking french, finguring the gaurd didn't know what she was saying.

"Now I don't know what you're doing here, but its time you leave. This is official US Goven--" The guard was cut off suddenly by Noir pouncing onto him and sending him crashing to the ground, and conveniantly knocking him out.

"Thanks again Noir." She replied as she stroked the fine creatures soft fur, and this time she knew that Noir was entirley real, and that he wouldn't be going away. The two of them left the room of cubicals and headed down another dark hallway.
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