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Jewel Banner and Avi


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[SIZE=1]Yes as you can clearly read I would like a Jewel, as in precious gems, banner.

[U]Banner: [/u] I would like a women wearing some type of jewelry. The women and all but the jewelry gem to be in black and white. So I would like just the piece of jewelry to be in colour. (If you can't do that it's fine) You can use one of the images I provided or if you know one better you can use that. Than I would like the phrase "Jewels a woman's best friend" or something along those lines.

[U]Images: [/u]
[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/jewel2.bmp] here [/URL]
[URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v352/KIttychanann/jewel.bmp] here [/URL]

[u]Avi: [/u] For this I would like an opal or another precious gem to be on it along with my name.

Thanks very much in advanced.[/SIZE]
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[COLOR=#B33D79][SIZE=1]Head's up!



Um, I hope you don't mind me tweaking the girl's pic. The pendant's different now; figured that she should sport an opal pedant rather than one made out of pearls.

To tell you the truth, I'm not very fond of the avatar (perhaps a better one will come along) but I added it in anyway 'cause I *love* the pic.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1]Thank you Delta I love the banner. It's fine you tweaked it, I am very happy on how it turned out. I just had those images laying around on my computer from a jewerly ad I just finished.

Yeah I am not fond of the avator either. It seem rather plan when compared to that great banner.

I am going to use them for now, but I am hoping that someone else will give it a try. Thank you Delta.[/SIZE]
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