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Pawing at Paintshop [Image Heavy]


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[quote name='Lan][size=1]OK, I'm in love with the Wickersleeves Set Avatar. That is the coolest avatar I have [b]ever[/b'] seen! The banner's ok, but I don't really think that the fon't that says "A slave of DW's many works" really fits with the image 'n' what not. (By the way, what does is say on the right? I thought it said "The Accord" as in the car but that can't be right...)[/size][/quote]

To answer for Ms. Kitty, the character in the banner is named "The Accord" so it is correct. I personally think she shouldn't have left the words in from my sketch. And I agree the text is hard to read and could've been better if there was no shadow.

I did like how you manipulated my Wickersleeves art into a banner and avatar, though. It shows I have fans XD I like how you did the avatar because there's that space to the right and then a tiny bit of The Accord showing. It just works. Good job.

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[color=blue][size=1]About the Wickersleeves banner. I [i]hated[/i] the way the text's shadow turned out. It looked fine back in PSP, but once I uploaded it.. it got strange.. I don't know exactly how it changed, but it did. o.O;; So yeah. I tried to fit "The Accord" text in.. Maybe I should've made it lower.. Hmm.. I'll remake the banner one of these days. xD

Well, onto a new pair of sets. The first one was just me being lazy. I like the avatar, though. ^_^;; The second set turned out really nice, I think.. 'cept for the text. My computer ate my pixel fonts yesterday (along with my bookmarks!! Dx). T_T Soo.. I used a crappy replacement. So sue me. x3

[b][u]Goldfish Set:[/u][/b]



[b][u]Hi-Tech Set:[/u][/b]



I don't know why I named the two sets what I did, but oh well. So! Critique the banners and avatars.. not the set names please. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Hmm.. Well like I just got done telling you on AIM, I was surprised by the second set's background. It's pretty flashy and the cropping looks perfect *takes a second look*. I dislike the text though... I'm very picky when It comes to texting a banner (that's why I can never text my own hardly >.<) but you did a good job. It could of been made smaller to make up for all that empty space.[/COLOR]
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[quote name='chaoschris89']they look geat kitty the hi tech on is awsome the bright colors look cool but it could have used a different though but very nice[/quote]A different what? Please expand on your critique.
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[color=blue][size=1]Well, Stuie, I TOLD you. When I made that banner, I had all crappy fonts. T_T Get over it. Dx

Er.. thanks, Retri. >>;;

Here's some new stuff that I did.. twenty minutes ago. ^_^;; The first set (it has 2 avatars, too) was basically just a text experiment. Nothin' special about it. (In fact, they are just cropped and moved around a bit..) The second, third, and fourth sets, though, I had real fun making. Random effects are the best. ^_~

[u][b]Precious Set:[/b][/u]




[u][b]The Awaken Set:[/b][/u]



[b][u]Playful Set:[/u][/b]



[b][u]Angel Set:[/u][/b]



Wow.. Lots of images there. >>;; Oh, and just so you know, the symbols (hiragana) in the background of the "Angel" set mean.. well, angel. Soo.. Yeah. <<;;

Comments luffed. ^_^[/size][/color]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]Precious Set:[/B] Indeed "precious. Yes, I'll admit you did a good job on your choice for font and the texting, but yoy know what it's lacking... A background.

[B]The Awaken Set:[/B] I can see some flaws in the cropping, but it's only noticeable to the keen eye. The background is a bit dark and seems somewhat plain. The text you choose to use for this banner doesn't appeal to me, and the color of the text is a lot brighter than the text on the banner xD. Nice one.

[B]Playful Set::[/B] My favorite one you've ever made so far. The picture is clear and crisp, Nicely cropped and fitted into the banner. The background design and color both go very nicely with the picture and the font is also ONCE AGAIN done well. I love the little Kitty picture. I just may have to steal this one from you because I adore it so >_>

[B]Angel Set:[/B] All I can realy say is... What the heck is with the writting? Did you just scribble it on there or what? I like the faded out text though, that looks nice. Yet again though, you made a backgroundless banner and left the open area white. You may want to redo it and make a background.

I'm in a study hall right now in school so I better get going. You're improving more and more, I look forward to seeing more work from you Kitty! Oh and gimme a call tonight if you can't get on AIM.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[color=blue][size=1]Thank you for the feedback Stuie. ^_^

Now, here's my latest stuff. For my first set, I couldn't decide if the focus (the girl) looked better blurred or unblurred.. so I saved the banner two different ways. Heh.. And for the Pokemon set (yes, I made a pokemon set), I ended up screwing on the first two avatars by putting "diseased" instead of "infected". T__T;; Well, I fixed it, but I still have the old "diseased" avatars. I'm posting a link to view them, even though they look exactly like the "infected" avatars. I'm just saving space. ^_^;;

[b][u]Blurred Set:[/u][/b]




[b][u]Pokemon Infection Set:[/u][/b]


Link To: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionavatar2.png]Absol Diseased[/url]


Link To: [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/infectionavatar1.png]Mightyena Diseased[/url]


That picture for the Pokemon set was drawn by someone, not from these boards, but I can't remember her name. >_< I had it written down, too, just so I [i]wouldn't[/i] forget. Gah... It's good, though, isn't it? It's very bloody. I like that. x3

Anyway. Comments + Critism = Love <33[/size][/color]
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[SIZE=1][b]El Blurred Set[/b] I don't like to much. Sorry for the bluntness. The avatar is probably the best, with its semi-clarity. It could probably be cleaned up to look better, but as it is, it's fine. The banner's fonts don't fit at all. You've used like ... danube and bambino, one for tech, and the other for psychadelic stuff. Finally, the overall blurriness covering up and nearly drowning the stock is a no-go. Try to keep your stock image defined, and if it was your aim to blur it this much, be sure that there's more of the subject than the background. Here, you have another rather large white space.

[b]La Infeccion Set[/b] was better. Although the avatars made me squint for the added text, the overall look of them was fine. Try to make the font stand out a bit more somehow. The banner was a winner, save the fact there's just too much space on the right hand side. "Spreading the Infection" could've been closer to the subject. In alot of your banners, I'm noticing this. If it's just your style, then by all means, go ahead (I hope I don't sound ignorant), but if you're unintentionally doing this, try cuddling the text nearer to the rest of teh banner, so you don't have this wasted no-mans-land.

If I sounded harsh, it's only because you're my friend. (^_^) I tend to be slightly harsher to those whom I know rather than some random other person. [/SIZE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=blue][size=1]Ah! You know the names of my fonts! >> .. *goes into hiding*

Well, I know what you mean. Like I said on AIM, I suck at fonts. ^_^;; I need to practice. >_< And with the placing the text away from the subject in my banners, I guess it's just a habit of mine. o.O;; I did it again in this latest set. xD I'll work on that, now that you've pointed it out. ^_^

[u][b]Extravagence Set:[/b][/u]



That's all for this time. Again, I did a bad job with fonts + text placement. My bad. ^_^;;

Rate please. <3

EDIT: Well, with no replies, I'll update anyway. xP

Here is a set without any image (gasp, right?). I tried my hand at using lame filters. I didn't do too good a job since, afterall, I used premade brushes. My favorite thing about the banner is the text, really. That's about it.. But here it is anyway. ^_^;

[b][u]Pointless Set:[/u][/b]



Here's another set that I just finished with. I'm really proud of it, too. I've been checking out a bunch of tutorials (so that I can get better at Photoshop, which I just got for my Macintosh) and I managed to combine three of them to get this banner. The avatar was just a silly little thing I made. I got the idea for it when I was looking at my profile. Go figure. >>;

[b][u]Advanced Set:[/b][/u]



Hopefully someone will rate this time. ^_^;;[/size][/color]
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Quite hard to explain. They are so wonderful and I love them so much that words cannot explain :P

Ok so here we go *Sigh*

Extravagence Set:
Amazing Everything blends so well and it really just F...L...O...W...S I can see the whole banner and its not hard on the eyes at all.

Great job

I like it to an extent I mean its very simple and everything flows, the colors go great but it almost seems a little bland for my taste.

But dont get me wrong its simply amazing but bland for my taste :P


Advanced Set:
*Bows* Everything is just great I cannot really explain this banner set since if you just look at it you know that its great. Everything flows and the colors are simply amazing and the render it fits so well I wish I was of your skill level that is all I have to say.

Avatar: Really it is the same as above it flows well and I can see the image as a whole its not messy and you can tell that you know what you want and how you want it to look.

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How could you... You've fallen to the bleak blackness side of [I]Photoshop[/I] after everything I've tought you the ways of Paint Shop Pro, You turn againest me.

The last one is quite nice. The cropping job is smooth but I can notice a hint of red I suppose this means the orginal picture has a red background? It's a picture of good quality. What I don't like is your chose of font and color background. The font just doesn't seem to fit at all with your picture It's bleack blackness and very "techy" looking. The background, although it is very bright it looks well but if you look closely you can see it's quite sketchy and you might want to soften that up but then again, I guess it doesn't matter. What do I know about photoshop. The color...Well perhaps a different chose in font could change my look on things.

Here's another thing...


Notice the little red tint in where I've circled? It might just be my eyes dying out on me but I don't believe that belongs there. Acutually I notice quite a bit of red tint left behind.

[B]6/10[/B] Keep trying and you'll do well with future photoshop banners.
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[color=blue][size=1]Actually, the character came off a white background. o.O;; It was probably the color balance I used.. or, at least, I [i]think[/i] I used a color balance.. >_< Gah.. Can't remember. Oh well.

Here are my latest "works". Tell me whatcha think. One of them I got the idea for having just finished read my latest Trigun manga volume at the time. It's like a wanted poster or something. I thought it was cool. x3

[b][u]"Wanted" Poster:[/u][/b]


Next, I made a little header for this thread. I got the idea by visiting Retri's thread, and popping into Sean's (which I haven't replied to yet - sorry Sean!). The black around her head turned choppy because of the transparent background behind her head. But other than that, I think it was well done.



Well.. Tell me whatcha think. ^_^

Oh! And thanks for the reviews so far everyone! (Especially to those who were kind enough to give me nice lenient ratings. xP) *eyes Helba and Retri* <_<[/size][/color]
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Hmm well here's a few things I should point out. There are a lot of spots you forgot to crop out in between her hair, tisk tisk Kitty. Also there is a spot in the bottom right hand corner that is a brighter red then the rest of the background. I told you on AIM about those earlier but It would seem you didn't correct them.

I'll update this later and edit my opinon on the second piece. Right now I'm a tad busy.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[color=blue][size=1]You never updated Stuie.. I'm hurt..

Ah, I kid, I kid. But really, I'm here to update the thread with my latest stuffness. I finally got some brushes for Photoshop and I've been using them practically nonstop (I'm new to it! So sue me if I get a little over-excited. >_>). xD I, personally, am proud of a few of them. The others.. meh. =P

Some of you know that I'm participating in a GFX Battle with [b]Sean[/b]. I put up my entry a while ago, so now we're waiting for him to add his entry, then the voting starts. I'm putting it here for you to gawk at. ^_~ I even made an avatar for it, but that was before I realized I made the banner too big. xD Oh well. ^_^;

[u][b]GFX Battle Set[/b][/u]



This next banner was made for Annie (aka Goddess). I love the quote she wanted. It's just so.. so.. Annie-y. >_> Wow.. I had no idea how retarded "Annie-y" sounded until I actually read it off the screen. xD Eh. Here's the bannerness! And yes.. the stock is a bit pixel-y, but it worked for the theme. So meh. =P (Shika-shika-maru! x3)

[u][b]Goddess Request Banner[/b][/u]


Next, here are some banners I made for "Sig of the Week" competitions on GreyCobra Forums. I lost last week, but I made a redone version of my entry which I think is cool. This week's entry was a Wolverine banner. Tell me whatcha think. <33

[u][b]Sig Of The Week Banners[/b][/u]



Well, that's it for now. Comments + Critisizm = <33 from Kitty. (You know you want it, lol.)[/size][/color]
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[SIZE=1]Hellz yeah I want Kitty <3!

[b]GFX Battle Set[/b] is alright. It's cluttered, and looks like you overused the brushes. Go easy on them next time. That's about all. =p

[b]Request Banner[/b] is good, but I don't like the stock. Like you said, it has poor quality. The background feels random, and there for the sake of it. I don't know how to articulate... Maybe don't use to many shapes. Keep things smooth (like your sig). The typography is unorthodox, but in a good way. I like the creativity and outside teh boxiness of using two completely different fonts. Good!

[b]Link[/b] is downright awesome. The typography is the first thing standing out at me. Lovely job you did with it. "serve & protect" feels a bit crunched though. Space it out a bit. I'm loving the feel of it, the stars actually compliment the rest of the banner, rather than looking like noob-rendered stars. That's d_amn hard to pull off, too. PROPS!

[b]Wolverine[/b] not as good, but Link is a hard act to follow. The brushing (I'm assuming) looks over done in places and skimpy (see top of banner) in others. Maybe that's how you intended, but I'm telling you how it looks. *shrug*. The stock in and of itself is a good choice, but he doesn't blend well. The font isn't really working for him, maybe because the it stands out too much? Turn the color to a more burgundy color. Finally, there's a little tech pattern at the bottom. I'd get rid of that, as it's not a tech banner.

[B]Getting a whole lot better! ^___^[/B][/SIZE]
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[quote name='Retribution][SIZE=1']Hellz yeah I want Kitty <3![/SIZE][/quote] [color=blue][size=1]You got it! x3 *tackles* <33 Mwahaha...

But yes, I'm glad that you think I'm improving. It's strange, but I thought the Link banner was my best out of my most recent as well. >_> We share the same tastes.. Kinda. =P

Enough of my babbling. I have come to update! (Yes. Fear me.) This one was another of my little "Sig Of The Week" (SOTW) series, except for a different forum this time. Hehe. (I signed up to six different graphic boards in the last week, so expect to see a lot of them. x3) I was really proud of the way it turned out. Tell me what you think. ^_^

[b][u]SOTW Banners (continued)[/u][/b][/size][/color]

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  • 1 month later...
[size=1][color=#003aaf]My, my. This needs revivin'. =O *revives*

Yes, I've returned with updates (finally.. <_<''). I've been in a Kingdom Hearts-obsessed feeling for the past few days, and I made a wallpaper to satisfy my obsession. xP I showed a few people, and put it up on my DA account, but I want to know what the OBers thought of it. And yes, I made this with Paintshop Pro. ^_~

[b][u]Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper:[/u][/b]


I also found a splash I had done [i]months[/i] ago, before I lost Photoshop CS2 on my Mac. (Hehe.. Used the trail version. x3) Oddly enough, it's also Kingdom Hearts. =P Tell me whatcha think.

[b][u]Kingdom Hearts Splash:[/u][/b]


That's all for now. :3 Comments are appreciated. ^__^[/color][/size]
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