Dragon Warrior Posted March 21, 2005 Share Posted March 21, 2005 [center][img]http://img86.exs.cx/img86/1666/durandeltitle1bx.jpg[/img][/center] [left][size=2][b]:::Story[/b] The world is Durandel, a futuristic planet where technology quit too soon, but the people grew weary and weak. As the world slowly fell to slums, the government began working on their own mission. In a particular city known as Durge, the government has been taking people right off the streets and conducting experiments on them in search of the perfect human species?but all they get are mutants that they release or even deaths from their specimens. The government rarely succeeds with their tests, but those that do survive are mutated, unusual, have oddities, or special abilities. The government, though they let them go, keep a tracking device deep within the specimen?s body, so they always know what the person is doing. And to mark their pride, each specimen bares the tattoo: The Mark of the Specimen. [/left][img]http://img167.exs.cx/img167/4902/symbol7lo.jpg[/img][left] Deep in the depths of Durge, there are places of beauty still. We call them Gardens. Within one of the Gardens, a secret organization called Rook Vanguard schemes against the government and plots mutiny. Led by a specimen named Alister Gunn, they plan to invade the main government headquarters and take out the source itself? their labs. As new people join Rook, specimen or not, they grow stronger. With each new specimen, they have to remove the device so their place in the Gardens isn?t seeked out. It?s no surprise Durge is falling under. It already has rogues, bounty hunters, and gangs like the notorious Dead Letters, led by a cruel, shrouded man with his second-in-command, Lokes. Obstacles are in the way of Rook Vanguard, but one must fight through them for what they believe in. Rook Vanguard is Durge?s and the world?s last hope? [/left][/size] [left][size=2][b]:::Overview[/b] A quick summary of the plot is that the world of Durandel is being corrupted by the government?s sick experiments on human life, especially in Durge where it?s a huge problem. Rook Vanguard, a renegade group of humans and specimens plan to annihilate the government one city at a time until they find the source of the massive problem. Some other notes:[list] [*]Durge is a slum city, one large trash pile. [*]It has small sections of London-style homes called Gardens. One in particular that was abandoned is the Rook Vanguard HQ. [*]The Dead Letters is a massive gang of men and women who take no sides in the conflict. They just try to get by using their own methods. The man leading the Dead Letters is unknown, but his right-hand man Lokes is always seen leading the men. [*]Rook Vanguard consists of three actual players and numerous NPCs. Alister Gunn, the leader, is not a playable character, so you may not sign up as him. [*]A large government system is located within Durge where they conduct experiments. It is highly secured and not many know how to get in. Some of the geniuses behind Rook will solve that problem. [*]Word on the street is there is a man behind the whole thing, but if he?s linked to the government or not is unknown. [*]The government wants to make the perfect human? so far, not so good.[/list] [/left][/size] [left][size=2][b]:::Sign Up[/b] There are only two spots to sign up in. Since Sage Kaley and I both created this RPG, we?re both participating and have positions claimed. You may see our character profiles in this RPG?s Underground thread. The deal is, you?re signing up as a specimen who is a part of the Rook Vanguard. You have already been associated with them for several weeks now. Because you?re a specimen, you can have some fun with your character. Give them some kind of special ability or oddity. Getting too wild with oddities or powers will kill off your chances of getting in, so keep it reasonable and don?t God-Mod. Also, no more changlings. Two is enough. You?re also not associated with the Dead Letters. As cool as they may seem, you?re not one of them XD Also, this RPG is rated PG, but it an contain some language and violence, plus alcohol and tobacco references, but please keep sexual scenes out of this. That means no prostitution, rape, porn, etc. I?d like to keep this clean for everyone. And be sure before you post your sign up that you run through spelling, grammar, etc. You may have a really slammin? character, but I may not be able to choose you because your mechanics are so poor it?s almost unreadable. I?d hate for that to happen. So yes, grammar and spelling count! [b]Name:[/b] Check out the names of characters mentioned in this thread and in the Underground thread and try to make something similar. No Japanese names, please. We?re not in Japan XD (First and last name) [b]Age:[/b] Twenty or more. Let?s not all be really young, now :P [b]Sex:[/b] Male or Female [b]Appearance:[/b] If you include a picture, I?d still wish for some description of their looks. Otherwise, I want a full, detailed one of them. [b]Weapon:[/b] You can?t all be skilled with a weapon just suddenly. Especially if you were a bakery store owner before you joined Rook Vanguard. So be cautious of this. If you weren?t that big of a fighter before you joined Rook, be sure that your weapon isn?t too elaborate. [b]Specimen Oddity:[/b] This is where you?d mention any oddities (tail, pointed ears, etc.) from the experiment. You may also mention any abilities you gained (telepathy or whatnot). Remember what I said above. [b]Information:[/b] Everything up to Rook Vanguard. This is your character, make them unique and make me want to choose you for the part! That?s about it. If you have any questions, comments, etc, please post them in the Underground thread. I thank you. [/left][/size] [center][/center] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46208]Link to Durandel Underground[/URL] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Citrus Posted March 21, 2005 Share Posted March 21, 2005 [COLOR=Navy]Name: Juliannete Hambagar Age: 22 Sex: Female Appearance: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/IGirl.jpg] Julliannete[/URL] Juliannete stands about 5?7??. She weighs in about 125 lbs, not very heavy at all. She wears a pink neon jacket with a green undershirt. Juliannete has a green pants with a pink skirt over them. Her style is very unique and she likes herself to stick out. Weapon: Katana, Juliannete has no idea how to handle this weapon. She tries her best to hold it upward but she seems to drag it across the floor. Specimen Oddity: Juliannete was scarred after the tests. She now has the power to transform into 2-D and mesh into the walls. She is currently working on slipping through them. Information: Juliannete was born in a run down city near Durge. Her mother died giving birth to her. Juliannete was once suicidal because she regretted her mother had to die because of her birth. At the age of three, Juliannete moved to the new city of Durge, even then it was a dump. She only lived with her father. He was a champion boxer and had a well-known name around the city. When she reached the age of four her father passed away also. She was given to an orphanage in one of the Gardens. On her tenth birthday she was downtown with her friends getting a present for herself. When they decided to take a short cut through an alleyway she was kidnapped. When she awoke she was looking straight at another wall in the same alleyway. Juliannete could not move speak or breathe. She fell out of the wall gasping for air; she then knew what her new power was. She would never forget that day. When she turned 12 she started to learn how to fix computers and learned how to hack into high-level programs. The orphanage soon set her out in the real world and Juliannete seemed to do pretty well. When she had heard about of experiments the government was conducting she knew she was one of the products. She looked for groups to investigate the horrible testing. She soon found out about Rook Vanguard. She joined them as a hacker/computer technician. Juliannete was very quiet and to herself, she wasn?t very open about her feelings which makes it difficult to communicate with her.[/COLOR] OOC: I am sorry I had a Japanese picture but I couldn't find pics like the ones in the Underground thread. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ozymandius Jones Posted March 21, 2005 Share Posted March 21, 2005 [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Name:[/B] Imahyn "Ima" Tyra [B]Age:[/B] 25 (she thinks) [B]Sex:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Five foot seven and slender, with a face that has been discribed as "cheerful", "cunning", "cute" and "scary", but never beautiful. She has high cheekbones, and those, coupled with her somewhat large nose, serve to make her eyes look sunk into her head. Her eyes are dark gold with red flecks and slitted pupils, and her ears are pointed sharply. Her hair is a tannish brown, and reaches to her midback. She has a forked tail, and is covered with coarse, peach colored fuzz. Ima always dresses in green. She's never ever worn any other color that she can remember. She has no clue why she has this preference, but she does. Her pants are baggy, but not too baggy; and her shirts are form fitting and sleeveless when she's working; but when she's not, she wears colonial style jackets, complete with the coat-tails. She generally wears sandals. [B]Weapon:[/B] A quarterstaff that has removable blades that snap onto the ends. [B]Specimen Oddity:[/B] The physical features mentioned in her appearance (golden eyes, pointed ears, fangs, fuzz and tail) and she also has the ability to teleport for short distances; never further than a hundred yards. [B]Information:[/B] Ima doesn't really remember ever having a family. Her first memories are running around the slums, begging from Garden residents. All through her childhood, Ima moved from street gang to street gang, staying with one until she grew bored or got on the leader's nerves enough to get booted. Over time, Ima became quite the thief. She specialized in pickpocketing, lock picking, and generally pulling over elaborate pranks on government officials...she did this until she was around 19. Around that time, she was caught pulling the mother of all pranks in a fairly high ranking goverment official's office. Instead of being sent to jail (what would be the point? Jail was better than the streets...), she was sent to the government's project. The project was hoping to make a human who could travel vast distances in the blink of an eye. What they got was a girl who could travel, at the most, three hundred feet. Not exactly their goal. So Ima was released back into the public...but since her release, she hasn't really gotten back into the thieving...there really seemed to be no point, and the fun was gone. So she went searching for the Rook Vanguard, being contacted by them weeks later after (she assumes) a background check of some sort... After a rocky start with the Vangaurd involving a few very stupid jokes and some missing files, Ima was forced to make a decision - give up her pranks, or leave. Obviously, she chose to stay...some things are more important than entertainment.[/COLOR] ooc: there ya go...got my character finished a lot earlier than I expected...and before I get reemed, yes, her abilities and the fuzz & tail are based on Nightcrawler. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venge Posted March 21, 2005 Share Posted March 21, 2005 [b][color=black][font=Verdana][font=Arial][size=1]Name:[/size][/font][/font][/color][/b][color=black][font=Verdana][font=Arial][size=1] Matthew Duffey [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] He stands at a height of 5' 8'', rather short for his age. His hair is dark brown, almost black, and rather unkept due to its short length. His attire is mainly just a black waist length leather jacket, with the sleeves being slightly longer than his arms to hide small objects. He keeps it unbuttoned to expose an undershirt which has no sleeves, but is a creamy white and presses against his upper body as it if wasn't there. He wears a pair of black jeans, with two grey portions on the right pant leg near the ankle. His shoes are black leather boots which tie at the tongue and he likes to rest the pant legs over the tongues of the boots.[/size][/font][/font][/color] [size=1][font=Arial][b]Weapon:[/b] Sliver bladed dai-katana with a ruby pommel and a sapphire colored handle. He can handle it better than the average person, but due to the size and weight, he can't use it perfectly.[/font][/size] [size=1][font=Arial][b]Specimen Oddity: [/b]His eyes have become blood red and permanently bloodshot, obscurring his vision by 35%. But he has slightly hightened senses to make up for his blindness. Matthew also has a small bit of telekineses powers, but he can go beserk if used too often too much.[/font][/size] [font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font] [size=1][font=Arial][b]Information:[/b] Matthew had been born into a Garden near Durge. He doesn't remember his parents all that well, but all he can remember is they were kind and loving to him. Next thing he remembered was being in a Garden, being raised by a foster family.[/font][/size] [font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1]At the age of 7, Matt had a sudden obession with swords and guns. From then on, he decided to train in the art of swordsmanship and marksmanship. He trained for 5 years before a team of government agents ran into the Garden, grabbing various specimens, including Matthew. He suddenly blacked out from a blow to the back of the head from the butt of a gun.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1]He awoke in darkness, barely able to see. As his eyes adjusted to the light, he realized his vision was slighly obscured. Matt looked at his surroundings, finding himself in the slums. He looked at his body, which had grown. He felt his body to make sure he was alright and found a small ID tag around his neck, telling his name, age, gender, height, weight, and other various pieces of information.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1]For 11 years, Matthew wandered around, finding out what the government done to him. He was shunned by all and ignored by most. The select few that had helped him in the time of need he remembered.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1]After searching, Matthew heard rumors of an underground resistance called the Rook Vanguard. He kept his ears open, finding out more and more things about this group. Seeing the group as a way to get back of the government, Matt went out in search of the Rook Vanguard.[/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=1]~Hope that is okay. PM me if any changes is needed.~[/size][/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pumpkin Posted March 23, 2005 Share Posted March 23, 2005 [CENTER] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=black][b]Name:[/b] Mint Dejon [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v494/PurpleFire/profyle.jpg[/img] Medium length light brown hair with light brown eyes. 5'5" ft tall and has a slim body figure. Is usually seen wearing buisness suit attire or something more formal and rarely seen wearing anything revealing. She is always smiling and never seems to lose her cool under tight situations. [b]Weapon:[/b] Not very skilled when it comes to weaponry but carries around a laptop that she uses as research and when needed to actually fight can be seen throwing daggers or darts and has pretty good aim. [b]Specimen Oddity:[/b] Has been known to have abnormal hearing and vision to where she can track someone down by smell or sight from miles away. Her abilities are hard to control and sometimes she experiences visions of the future that are hard to figure out because they come out in pieces. Her abilities are not yet at their full potential yet. [b]Information:[/b] Mint grew up in a poor small house outside of the gardens by a harbour with her mother and her twin sister, Kelvia. She was always a happy child, even though she never knew her father who had gone missing days before she was born. She would play outside the gardens with her sister who was her best friend . One day, the government came to their house asking for Mint and Kelvia. They wanted to try and conduct experiments with twins since they had never researched on them before. Shocked and frightened, Mint's mother tried to hide her daughters in an old abandoned mill but were discovered. Because of her act, her mother was banished and she has not seen her since or known whether or not she is infact still alive. Mint and Kelvia were taken to the inner city where they were experimented on, but Mint soon grew ill from the mistreatment she received. Discouraged and having found no luck with conducting on twins, they tossed her out into the streets. She has no memory of what went on after she was taken from her house but has since had miscellanious flashbacks. She only had her memories of home and the times before she was torn from her family. Lost, Mint wandered into the gardens where she met up with a man that went by the name of Alister Gunn. He offered her shelter and food, and asked her to join up with the Rook Vanguard. She never wanted to become involved such a renegade, but the thought of finding her twin sister gave her hope. Hoping to find a way to get inside the place that conducts the experiments to help her sister escape, Mint decided to join the vanguard to reach more information about its whereabouts. To find her sister. To be reunited. To remember what happened. And to save the city of Durge in the process. [/COLOR][/FONT] [/CENTER] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakura Posted March 23, 2005 Share Posted March 23, 2005 [color=Navy][size=2][color=Black][b]EDIT: [/b]I finished, I hope the sign up's ok.[/color] [b] Name:[/b] Cassie Miller [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b][/size][/color][font=Verdana] [url="http://img91.exs.cx/img91/4927/ai9yl.jpg"][color=#000000]Here[/color][/url][/font][font=Verdana][color=navy], keep her goggles but replace her clothes with a forest green button up shirt with pink cherry blossoms embroidered on the bottom right side of the shirt, and creamish white cargos. She also wears fingerless, greyish blue gloves with grips on the underside. She's medium height for her age and is quite toned and strong from all the exercise and sports she participates in. Cassie looks like a hybird, with furry pointy ears that sit on her head, longer canine teeth, a tail and retractable nails, her hair also has a few streaks of grey and black from the fur of her wolf forms, [/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=navy]all results from the experiment[/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=navy]. [/color][/font][color=Navy][size=2] [b]Weapon:[/b] Cassie is skilled with weapons because she's been around them for a long time, thus she carries [/size][/color][font=Verdana][color=navy][url="http://img92.exs.cx/img92/5388/TwinBlades.jpg"]Twin Blades[/url] that can be put together to form a staff (like the one in the pic) which is how she usually carries them. The weapons are made of strong oak for the hilts and silver for the blades and gold ring around the point where they join to form the staff. [/color][/font][color=Navy][size=2] [b]Specimen Oddity:[/b] Cassie gained the abilities of changing into a full wolf or werewolf type creature, but she usually stays in a sort of hybrid form which is less of a wolf than her werewolf form as described above. Another small ability is the power to communicate with any animals of the Canine family, using that she's made friends with a lot of the stray dogs that live in the city. She also has enhanced senses from her wolf part; sharper vision, excellent sense of smell, excellent hearing, faster, more aware. Though sometimes Cassie breaks out in spasms and immediately starts to flicker between her forms. She'll roll on the ground roaring and crying in pain, but no one can do anything about it because her wolf side gets the urge to come free and uses it as a way to gain control. Sometimes the wolf will be victorious and Cassie will walk around in wolf form, kinda posessed and everyone has to be careful of her then. It never lasts longer than a day, and when it stops, she's unconscious and when she wakes up she'll have a splitting headache. [b]Information:[/b] Like a lot of other citizens that live in Durge, Cassie was born and bred in the slums. She is one of three, the three of them are triplets and all look alike, she's the oldest, by 5 minutes from the middle child, and 15 minutes from the youngest. Her other two siblings are both male and are named Ed and Al, Ed being the older one. Cassie enjoys playing with her brothers and they're all very close because they're triplets. None of them have ever met their father because something happened to him that their mother doesn't want to reveal to them. Her mother herself is very sick and weak, they're not sure what caused her sickness, but they believe its from the polluted fumes that drift around from factories and other such things. But living in the dumpy part of the city, the three of them learned how to defend themselves from others, to protect themselves, each other, and their sick mother. There were always gangster kids that walked around looking for fights. At the age of 12, the three of them were well known in the slums for being hard to pick on, though many took it as a challenge and attempted to attack them, but they beat all of them with ease, the hard life of the streets had already sunk into their blood from the moment they were born. One day when Cassie was fighting a gangster type guy, he fell to the ground and Cassie stepped on him, but he wasn't willing to give up, he pulled out a gun and aimed it at her, but Cassie quickly dropped to her knee, pinning the arm under her leg. He still fired the gun and it embedded itself into Ed's left shoulder, he fell to the ground and Al ran over to help him. Cassie looked at the scene with shock before turning back to the guy. She had hatred burning in her eyes and swiftly knocked him unconscious, and he would feel that in the morning. Cassie got up and ran over, the blood was seeping everywhere. This was the first time that any of them had been hurt so badly. Cassie and Al thought that they could feel the pain through their connection as triplets, but it was nothing compared to Ed's pain. Cassie had pulled the bullet out, painfully and then bound his shoulder tightly with some cloth bandage they had in the house, also applying pressure. After that Cassie, Al and Ed didn't fight as much. Ed healed up, but he still can't move his shoulder very well and he'll always have a scar there. When they were 15, they were low on money, so Cassie left secretly without Ed and Al, looking for a fight she could get to to earn some money. Cassie found a fight and was halfway through when a car pulled up, two men in suited clothes got out and stopped the fight, pulling both Cassie and her opponent into the car. They threw her into the government experiment, and she didn't know what happened to the other person. The experiment tried on her was to create a person that could morph into any animal at will using mind power. The first animal she thought of was a wolf, and she could change fully into a wolf and back, into a werewolf mode, even a hybrid mode. But she couldn't morph any other animals. So they threw Cassie back into the slums and she made her way back to her house where her brothers and mother was. When Cassie re-appeared, they were shocked to say the least. Cassie now had furry, pointed ears that sat on top of her head that she could move around, longer canine teeth that looked like fangs, a tail, and she could retract her fingernails to make them shorter or longer. After that Cassie became an even better fighter and made lots of money for her family. But while doing so, she heard rumours about a resistance called Rook Vanguard. Deciding to investigate, she went home and told her family that she was going, everyone that looked at her gave her the look that shouted 'freak!' she didn't belong anymore. They all hugged, tears flowing as they said their goodbyes. But Cassie shook her head saying, [b]"It's a seeya, not a goodbye, we'll see each other again."[/b] she said as she left, carrying a bag. Eventually she seeked them out, using her excellent hearing to listen for more rumours and clues and asking some of the dogs around if they knew anything. When she finally found them by piecing together all the clues, it was revealed that they were in a Garden. Cassie was in awe of the different places, because she'd never been to a Garden in her entire life. Cassie met with the leader of the group, Alister Gunn and asked to join the group, her experiment was already partly shown from her appearance, but she also explained her ability to morph into a full wolf, werewolf, the ability to talk to canines and all of her enhanced senses. Alister accepted her gladly and they looked for the tracking device and found it near the base of her tail where it was sensitive. When they pulled it out, she felt a lot of pain but withstood it. She wanted to stop the government from doing this to anyone else. Cassie despises the tattoo of the Specimen as its displayed on her left upper arm near the shoulder. [/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2010DigitalBoy Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 OOC: I changed his appearance and bio. he is now complete [COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: Aria Iro Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [url]http://www.tri-ace.com/product/so3/char/fate.gif[/url]. 6'2" Take this guy and turn all the blue into green and all the white into blue. Get rid of the sword as well. The gloves should be red. On his left arm is a blue tatoo of a cross. He also has a large cross tatoo on his chest. The brown gauntlet at the top of his right arm conceals a hideous mutation. He has a long scar that streaches all the way up his right leg. Weapons: Aria boasts a small laser stungun that looks like a magnum, but its blue and has a green cross embedded on the top. He also has a real magnum, but has no idea how to use it properly, though he has recently been training. Specimen oddity: In times of danger, a third and fourth eye appear on his forehead which are able to lock on to a target, allowing him to aim perfectly. Unfortuanately, he cannot control who he locks on to, though he will not open his third and fourth eye unless his life is being threatened. Information: Aria was born in the slums of Durge, and grew up an only child. Because he was a son of poor parents, he never had any toys as a child, so he trained himself to be a tough kid. One day, a man was being chased down by the government and decided to hide in Aria's house. The man stayed with then for a week and told Aria stories of how the government is corrupt. In order to keep the family out of troublle, he decided to leave, and left Aria with a laser stungun with a cross embedded in its top. Only 2 weeks after the man left, Aria found him dead in an alleyway. He decided to dedicate his life to taking down the government. He spent years practicing to use the stungun. When he was 18, he decided he wanted to singlehandedly take down the government. He was caught breaking into a government facility and was captured. The government officials operated on him, trying to create the perfect marksman. Unfortuanately, he lost all control of himself and began to mutate. The project was ended before the mutations branched beyond his arm. After his release, Aria immediately traveled back to his home, only to find that it had burned to the ground. He quickly dug through the rubble trying to find the bodies, but there were none. Someone nearby told him that the government officials had come and laid waste to the house 2 years ago. Aria spent the next four years traveling. He tried to leave Durge, but was chased down by the government. Along his travels he picked up some tatoos and battle scars. Just as he had lost all hope, he heard about Rook Vanguard. As soon as he heard about Rook Vanguard, he immediately sought them out. When he met the leader of Fook Vanguard, the he told Aria that there was a tracer somewhere on his body. The only place Aria hadn't checked was his arm which he had been to scared to look at. He found that it was hideos beyond imagination. The skin had eroded and the inside of the arm was a bulging red mass of flesh. Without the gauntlet, the mutation began spreading. The leader of Rook Vanguard quickly found the tracer, and Aria put his gauntlet back on. Finally, the leader took him to the garden. Currently, Aria is training to learn how to use a real magnum.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Orcus Posted March 24, 2005 Share Posted March 24, 2005 [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=1][B]Name:[/B] Vallen Oller [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.infoclamp.net/img/serie21/galeries/gal11.jpg]The man in the red and black jacket.[/URL] [URL=http://www.infoclamp.net/img/serie21/galeries/gal05.jpg]Also sometimes wears this suit.[/URL] Vallen stands at 6'3" and has short, black hair. His eyes are a fiery red, though are rarely seen, as he hides them behind his shades. He wears the outfit shown, but the jacket cuts off at the sleeves, he has a undershirt that is long-sleeved and white, and his pants are black and baggy. He likes having room to move and thus dislikes tight pants. He wears gloves that cut of at his knuckles and both hands. Just above the glove on his right hand he has three rings, one on his pointer finger, one on his middle, and one on his pinky. The pointer has dragon?s head with a red gem encrusted in it, the middle, a wolf?s head with a gold gem, and the pinky, just a blue gem. He is of a fairly muscular stature due to the many brawls he underwent in his youth and experiments he went through. He also has a scar lining his eye and one going across the length of his chest. He?s always seen smiling, but it?s an empty smile, though sometimes a genuine smile breaks through. The mark of the specimen is located on his upper arm. [B]Weapon:[/B] His fists. From childhood he was raised on the streets, and had quite a few encounters with gangs, thugs, and just people out searching for a fight. He became a great street fighter that way. He also fights well with swords, lances, maces, and axes, as the family that took him in when he was a teenager had many medieval weapons residing in their house. They were collectors of artifacts and antiques. Some of his strength is due to the many experiments conducted on him. Rook Vanguard has provided him with a blade, the one shown in his picture, and he weilds it with ease. [B]Specimen Oddity:[/B] Vallen can create and manipulate flames. This oddity could only be used for short periods of time at first, or else he might ?overheat?; his body will then begin to take on a burning sensation and he must rest for hours at a time. Every time he ?overheats?, however, the period of time his ability is used lengthens. Currently he can do it for thirty minutes, but he hopes to be able to do so for longer. He can also read minds, but usually it requires being very close to the person, or having direct eye contact with them, even if only for a second. He also has enhanced strength due to his experiments. [B]Information:[/B]Vallen's childhood was one filled with happiness, and pain. For many years of his life he lived happily with his family, and had no worries in the world. His brothers and sisters were happy as well, and their parents were always there for them, even with the ever-ensuing threat of the government on hand. One day ended Vallen's easy childhood, however. Government lackies came by the house and demanded money, food, and residence in their house. Vallen's parents refused, and in turn, the officials killed them. They spared the children and left the children with nothing. They were forced to take to the streets all alone. Vallen was a child of nine, and his parents had abandoned them on the streets. He had no idea of how he would take care of them all. Vallen was ten at that time. It was at the age of fourteen that his life changed drastically. Three of his siblings, Kate, Jack, and Rod, were the same age as him, and the other five were Gave, age twelve, Kitty, age ten, Matt and Relena, age eight, and Duo, age five. The older of his siblings assisted him in taking care of his younger siblings, and always made sure to provide food and shelter. He personally did not mind the slums of Durge, he even found comfort in the streets, but he wanted better for his brothers and sisters. Soon after his wish, Government officials found them in the streets. They offered to take them, but at first they were hesitant. They then promised them plenty of food, drink, and shelter. They readily agreed once that was said, an were taken to the military HQ. They were fed and treated hospitably for many weeks. However, the military soon went against there promise, and then began to perform experiments upon the children. Vallen was kept in a Test Tube, and was forced to watch as they transformed his family. He helplessly watched in horror as he family was killed off one by one, none surviving except for him. Every night he shed tears and cried himself to sleep, wishing every night for death to take him. When he finally acknowledged that death would not come he swore to destroy the government for what they had done to him. The experiments continued, but his abilities were not noticable, all but his manipulation of flames. Deemed a failure, they planned for his release. He was released only a year after, with the tracking device inside unbeknownst to him. He traveled the streets again, only this time, alone. For many days he wandered, without food or rest. Finally he collapsed in the streets, sure that he would now die. He once more alluded death, for a family came by and took him in. They rushed him back to their house and gave him nourishment, helping him to regain his health. When he once again able to take care of himself, he ventured around their house and discovered something that lit a flame in his heart. They were a family of fighters, and were skilled with weapons. He decided he would stay with them, as his first step towards revenge. There he lived until age twenty-three, honing his fighting skills and preparing for his assault on the government. He finally decided that he was prepared and would set off on his quest. His family wished him good luck and he made haste. He found that he, however, did not know where to start and it seemed that all of his training and preparation had been for nothing. He wandered aimlessly for a couple of years, picking fights with governmnt officials when he ran into them, until he heard of the rebel force Rook Vanguard. He heard that they dwelled in a Garden. Vallen laughed silently at the thought. His family had always wanted to see a garden...and he would be fulfilling their dream without them. His anger raged as he thought back to his fallen family. He sudenlly knew what he had to do, and he went in search for the group of rebels. It took him many days, but he found an operative of the group. The operative tested Vallen, and knew he must have been experimented on. Thus, he probably had a tracking device in him. He told Vallen that he would only be allowed to come if the tracking device was removed. After successfully removing the tracker in Vallen's arm, the operative led him to Rook Vanguard. They gladly accepted him, and there he has been, working faithfully, ?til this day. [COLOR=Black][B]OOC:I hope this alright.[/B][/COLOR][/size][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted March 25, 2005 Share Posted March 25, 2005 [b]Name:[/b] Aurora Sky [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-Three (23) [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v332/PicKitty/05red_scarf.jpg]Aurora[/url] Aurora stands 5'11", and carries the Mark of the Specimen on her right shoulderblade. Her hair is not quite as long as in the picture, but closer to halfway down her back, and it is almost always in a braid. Never without her favorite boots and gloves, she makes a bit of noise since the gloves are metal. The boots, however, are just a similarly colored fabric. The cape, she wears for no reason other than force of habit. Aurora wears an assortment of clothes that she recieved mainly by ransacking abandoned apartments and Gardens. She also has a gun holster on her waist. [B]Weapon:[/B] The blades on her boots from the picture, and a Bullet-Gun she recieved from the Dead Letters. [B]Specimen Oddity:[/B] Aurora's physical form was left intact after all the experimentation. However, she gained the ability to see through walls and things. She also has developing telekinisis. She meditates to advance her powers, but so far can only levitate herself, other things (large or small) and read the minds of those she is within five feet of (not a very large distance at all). [b]Information:[/b] Aurora was born into a science influenced family. Her father was a scientist, her mother used to be a doctor, and her older brother Lucas was just out of college with a major in biology, and had already written several fantastic essays on the theories of evolution. At the age of 39, however, Aurora's mother died from a strange form of cancer, leaving 7 year old Aurora in her brother's care since her father was always busy with work. At first, Lucas took good care of his sister. But once he got a job, he became more occupied and had less time for her. She went to school, but came home to an empty apartment and an empty fridge. Some days she would eat nothing, and other days she would even eat toothpaste. At age 14, Aurora just left her brother's and returned to her old home, where her father resided. He had always had a short temper, but it was horrible that day. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]OOC: I'll have to finish the info later. Sorry. ^_^;; [/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragon Warrior Posted March 27, 2005 Author Share Posted March 27, 2005 Sign ups are now officially [b]closed[/b]. The results will be posted soon with the two who got in. Please do not attempt at changing your sign ups at this point since it won't make a difference. It'll take some time for Sage Kaley and I to decide who made the cut. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sage Kaley Posted March 28, 2005 Share Posted March 28, 2005 The results are in! In the end we decided that ThatOneOddDude and Pumpkin would be the newest recruits. Congratulations to you both ^_^ We know you?ll do great. I?d like to say that everyone did a wonderful job and that it was hard deciding who would make it in. It was very fun though, reading all the sign-ups. The RP will soon start so look for more details at a later date. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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