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Armoured Core: Angels of Chaos


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Kevin: I can see them but where is the Zodiac fleet.

Tus: Look on your radar their coming.

Kevin: Dragonfly who's on the radar?

Dragonfly: ACs Identified as Genocide, Apocalypse, Armageddon, and Cataclysm.

Kevin: Who are them?

Tus: The four of them can destroy the whole Zodiac fleet that was here.

Kevin: What!? Aeon are still you alive over there?
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Aeon: siren.....their is a small revolt base in orbit around one of jupiters moon....i am sending you the coordinates....see you later

Aeon:Sworld transfere the coordinates to Revolt HQ


Kevin:Aeon are you still alive over their?

Aeon:....yes we are fine...is that you Kevin and Tus?

Tus:Yeah it is.....we saw you get hit by that blast so feared the worst

Ken: The worst is coming

Aeon: Yeah we are all heading for a revolt base....

Kevin/Tus: ok we are coming along

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siren: move us in camos...

camos: moving in

siren: use the storm

camos: entering storm

siren: who are you... we'll just have to find out...
as siren spotts the on coning acs she wished she haden't

siren: thoes are the ones that distroyed the coloney... my mother... and father... camos get us to the corodinates that aeon specified...

camos: plot locked in... engadged
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*the 5 AC's enter space*

Æon: Sword is their any bases nearby

Sworld: Yes

Æon: ok guys lets stop at this base *sends cordinates to the others* we will stop their refuel resupply and wait for siren,,,,

Ken:.....sounds good

Æon: ok......Chole should we go in as civilians?

Chole: Yeah we should

Æon: Sworld turn off Revolt Sig. Turn on Civilian Sig.


Æon:Base 1241 5 Ac's requesting landing clearance.....

Base1241:state your buisness

Æon: We are seeking resupply and refuel....and to purchase a dropship

Tus: We should also get a drop ship to carry our Ac's on

Æon:and to purchase a dropship for a trip

Base1241:Where are you heading?

Æon:Mars....then towards the outer planets

Base1241:well you hae landing clearance...enjoy your stay

Æon:....ok lets land guys.....

*the 5 AC's Land*
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The two Ac's continue towards Saturn.

Craig: Mecha, how long until we arrive?

Mecha: ETA 14 hours 25 minutes.

Craig: Hmm.... guess I'll take a nap.

Craig gets on the comm link with Sephiroth.

Craig: Hey Seph, I'm gonna take a quick sleep.

Sephiroth: Why, whats our ETA?

Craig: About 14 hours.

Sephiroth: I see...... well, I'll stay awake incase of any trouble.

Craig: Okay, we'll take lookout shifts..... every 3 hours.

Sephiroth: Sure.

With that, Craig puts Mecha on auto pilot, and puts his head back, trying to get to sleep.
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Kevin: If it alright with you guys I'll go get the dropship.

Aeon: Sure go ahead but what about your AC it need to refuel and restock on ammo.

Kevin: Yes I do. Dragonfly can pilot itself. So it can just follow you guys to refuel.

Tus: Auto-pilot.

Kevin: And it look like you're not going to die just yeah Tus.

Tus: Yeah.
*Kevin walk off to get a dropship*
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*the piliots climb out of their AC's*

Æon: hey you....refuel and repair our AC's

Mechanic1: Ok let me take a look and i will tell you how much

Mechanic2: Holy S*it you did a number on this AC mister

Aeon:*sweatdrop*ummm yeah and?

Chole: Haha thats Aeon for you

Mechanic2:well it will be about....

Æon:WHAT!?! surely it isn't thatt much!!...fine I will do repairs myself just refuel it

Mechanic1:think you can repair that thing

Æon:erhm yeah no problem.....Chole will you give me a hand?

Chole: Sure

Ken:I will go get us some rooms since we are going to be here till Siren gets back

Tus:I will be with Ken....

Æon: Ok see you guys in a little while....

*Æon and Chole set about repairing the Ac's*
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i]
[B]Akira:Damn, more ACs! I want all guns to fore!

Pilots:Right!(the 2 groups af ACs engage)

Akira:This is Akira to enemy pilots, who am i fighting?

Siren:This is siren u are fighting.

Akira:Well siren, prepare to meet your defeat at the hands of the mecha orcs! [/B][/QUOTE]

i'm on my way to mars... not fighting you
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*a few hours later*

Æon:whew finnally finished on Sword'Soul....how you feelin girl *pats sworld on the leg*

Sword'Soul:....All damage repaired

Æon:....*sigh*i need to give you a personality.....which one next Chole?

Chole: oh...I am i going to try and upgrade mine again....

Æon: ok.....I guess I will go look over the others......

*Ken walks in*


Æon:Hey Ken

Ken:...hey....how's everything going?

Æon:all the ac's are refueled...we are looking all of them over and doing repairs

Ken:Alpha needs a few

Æon: ok I will get right on it...want to give me a hand?


Sword'Soul: Casmos with Siren aboard is nearing the station

Æon: Ok Sworld send cosmos a message telling them that we are on this station


Æon: ok now lets go work on your AC Ken
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camos: message recived...

siren: well then...play it!!

camos: very well "siren... it's me aeon... we are at the station at there coordinates... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, " end of transmission...

siren: plot new course for blah, blah, blah

camos: course locked... we'll be there in approx. 15 min...
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to destroy us....man lots of enemies....don't count us staying still for long Majora....anyways


Sword'Soul: Casmos is changing course and approaching

*Aeon sits up but hits his head remembering he is repairing Alpha*

Aeon: ouch......thanks Sworld'Soul... *Æon goes back inside Alpha and continues repairs*

*Tus and Kevin walk in carrying 5 trays*

Tus:....Me and Kevin brought some food for you guys

*Æon again hits his head then climbs down. Ken and Chole also come down*

Æon:FOOD!!....Kevin did you get the drop ship?

Kevin: Yeah I did

Æon:great *Æon begins to dig into his food*

Chole:....wish my computer would take the stupid upgrade...

Æon:you'll get it Chole your a good mechanic and I havn't seen an AC yet you couldn't repair or upgrade....


Tus:...so where you guys heading...?

Æon:well we are waiting for siren then heading for the Revolt HQ

*Tus nods. Everyone sits around eating their food.*
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Akira:Colnel! I have intercepted a transmission!

Colnel:Lets hear it!

Transmission:"siren... it's me aeon... we are at the station at there coordinates... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, " end of transmission...

Akira:Interesting coordinates.

Colnel:Yes...what ever happened to numbers? Well anyways, thats the location of an enamy supply depo, so we'd better

Akira: Destroy it?

Colnel:...Well i was gonna say send them cookies, but i like your idea better.

Akira:The is squadron leader to squadron! Meet me in the docking bay.
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siren: request perrmission to land

base1241: state your buisness

siren: to stock up and refule.. and get somthing in my dying stomach

base1241: where are you going?

siren: the outer planets..

base1241: granted... go ahead

siren: thanks! camos... scan for aeon's ac... and bring us down there
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Akira pilots the AC carrier twords the cooridinates.

Radio:Icoming carrier, identify yourself.

Akira: (runs over movies in his mind)This is the shuttle Tyderium. We have supplies and parts for the forest moon.*smaks himslef on head*

Radio:Right, your clear to land on docking pod 105.

Akira:thanks very much.*closes radio tranmission*
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Sworld'Soul:Casmos is appraoching

Æon: ok

*casmos glides into a landing spot*

Æon: Hey Siren

Siren:Hey...I am starved

Æon:Here *Æon hand her a tray with food on it*


Æon:well most the repairs are complete.....Kevin can you begin loading upp the AC's?


Æon:Sworld'Soul follow Dragonfly to the drop ship

Sworld'Soul: Autopiliot engaged

Æon:.....so....we should move quick before we have to deal with anyone else....*Æon stands up and streches then leans against the wall watching the others*
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