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Twilight: Light vs Dark (M-SLV)


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[i]That[/i] one was a shock. Laqara had been expecting something a bit shocking, but not something like that. "You're- but- if you- then Jag- and you- are you serious?"

Nida nodded. "I am."

"Then Jag is your brother? And your father ordered him to kill you?"


"But he didn't kill you. He drugged you and your mother and left you somewhere, then went back to his father."

"That's right."

Laqara could hardly believe it. Of course, it was also hard to believe that her egg had entered her and changed her into some sort of water-based being, but she'd accepted that. In fact, compared to what had happened to her, Nida's situation was actually pretty ordinary.

Laqara looked around at the others, and could tell that they were having a harder time than she was with accepting what Nida said. A couple were nervously looking at Nida's weapons. Laqara noticed that Katelyn in particular seemed uncomfortable around Nida. Laqara stood up and walked over to her.

"You look nervous," Laqara said to Katelyn. "Is it because of Nida?"

Katelyn nodded. "I don't think we can trust her," she said, her voice a whisper. "You heard what she said. She's one of them."

"One of who?" Laqara asked, not bothering to keep her voice low. "A bandit? Look around you. I don't see any bandits in our group. Do you?"

Katelyn was still whispering. "Keep your voice down! I don't want her to hear us. Yes, I see a bandit. I see Nida."

Laqara still didn't lower her voice. "I don't see any bandits," she told Katelyn. "I see newly hatched creatured and respectable or at least decent people. No bandits. I see a girl who's related to bandits, but Nida's not one of them. I've known her for a while. You probably have, too. We lived in a pretty small village, after all. No, she's no bandit, even though she's related to some."

Laqara could tell that Katelyn was still skeptical, so she decided to approach things from a different angle. "Let's look at this another way," she said. "You're judgeing her based on her relaives and the fact that she lived with bandits in her early childhood. that was a long time ago, and she's not that erson. She's no bandit, just like Kyo there is no monster."

Katelyn didn't get it. "Why would Kyo be a monster?" she asked.

"He's not, but he's different," Laqara explained. "He's a half-elf. He was actually banished from his hometown. because of what he is, he's considered a monster."

"Why? Why would people think that?"

"Because they don't nderstand perspective. If people understood the difference of perspective, that they're the different ones to Kyo, I think they'd understand that he's no monster. here, let me demonstrate. What do you consider the most obvious difference between yourself and half-elves like Kyo."

"The ears," Katelyn replied, her voice at a normal volume this time. "Half-elves have pointy ears."

Laqara nodded. "Yes. Now, let's ask Kyo the same question. Hey, Kyo!"

Kyo turned towards her. "Yes?"

"What is the most obvious difference between half-elves and humans?"

"The ears. Humans have rounded ears."

"Thanks." Laqara turned back to Katelyn. "Notice a difference?"

"Different words," Katelyn said, "but the same meaning."

"Not the same meaning," Laqara stated firmly. "You noticed the difference as half-elves having pointy ears. That they're the different ones. But Kyo noticed the difference as humans having rounded ears. To him, [i]humans[/i] are different. To humans, he's the odd one, but to him, [i]we're[/i] the odd ones.

"Now, let's go back to Nida. Kyo and other half-elves are outcast because of minor differences. They're seen as monsters, or if not that, certainly not respectable individuals. They are hated for being half-elves, with no though given to what kind of people they are. You, on the other hand, are judgeing Nida by her family. You're assuming that because her father was a bandit, because her mother was a bandit, because her brother is a bandit, that she's a bandit. You saw her brother, Jag. You're assuming that because her brother's a bad person, she is, too. That's simply not true. Nida is Nida, and not Jag."

Katelyn seemed to be thinking about what Laqara had said. Laqara took a look at the others. They'd overheard the conversation, and seemed to be thinking about it as well. Laqara returned to Nida and sat down next to her.

"That's some pretty surprising stuff," Laqara said to Nida. "I think some of the others are having second thoughts about having you in the group. I hope I talked at least a little sense into them, but I don't know. Well, either way, we'll know before too long. Meanwhile, is there anything ese you have to say?"
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Nida laughed, "Yes. Jag isnt a bad guy. You might think im saying that because he is my brother but its not true. Id say it even if i wasnt related to him."

"How... May I ask... Is he not a bad guy?"

"He is actually quite kind."

Laqara looked at Nida's arm that was bandaged from the arrow he shot at her, "You call that nice?"

Nida laughed slightly, "Beleive me. If he ment to really hurt me he would have aimed for my heart. He even said he was going to kill me. He would have actually knocked me out in one way or another and make the others think i was dead. He has done it before but not with the same bandits around of course. He is almost completely different when he has no one to folow him. He killed our father for having made him go out and kill me and mother. Jag didnt kill us be he still hated our father for it so he grew up more and killed him. Of course then he got a little... selfish."

"A little?"

"Ok... Really really selfish. He decided to lead the bandits but you really shouldnt worry about him now. Like I said hes is actually a nice guy when his mind isnt clouded by being leader." With that nida sighed and looked at everyone else. She knew they probably didnt trust her anymore and even if they still somewhat trusted her she figured they would never look at her the same way.

"Im not so sure..." Laqara said looking in the direction they last saw jag sitting on the ground.

With that nida stood up, "Yeah... I know. But think of it this way. He is no longer a bandit either. Hes been abandoned by all of them. The one that got away has told the others. So now he is an enemy of bandits as well. He has nothing left. Except for me."

She sighed and walked out into the grass. Zash woke up and followed her out of curiosity. No one grabbed him to stop him because they couldnt touch him. Nida had the gloves and he was allergic to human type skin so the let him go.

Nida walked through the grass and avoided the bodies of the bandits they killed earlier. She looked around and went to the small clearing where jag and her had been fighting. Still on his knees jag sat there staring off into the warm sky. He didnt even seem to acknoledge her existance near him but she knew he knew. Nida dropped to her knees next to him and looked at what he was looking at.

Nida rested her head on his shoulder and took in a deep breath of air. Zash walked in next to her and sniffed Jag. Zash bumped into Jag's knee to get someones attention. Jag looked down at the little dragon. "What is that?"

"A dragon. I gave him my name." Nida said not moving to look at Zash.

"Cute." Jag rached out and touched Zash and instantly Zash whined and moved to get out of reach. "Great even the dragon hates me."

"No jag he doesnt. He is allergic to human skin. Try petting him with these on." Nida took off her wolf skin gloves and let him use them. Jag put one on and scratched Zash under the chin. Zash made a strange purring noise and layed down in front of Jag. Nida still had her head on jag's shoulder and she just watched.

"You really screwed up good this time you know." Nida said without moving her head.

"Yeah I know."

"Hey it was about time you gave up on that job anyways right?"

"Yeah... Hey Nida?"

"Yes?" Nida said with her eyes half closed.

"Sorry about your arm. I didnt hit anything to important did I?"

Nida smiled, "Im fine."
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