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cat lovers


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Cats are cool.

I have two of them, a really big and strong black and white cat (Spike) and a small tortie shell (Dutchess) (think calico, except with black instead of white)

Spike used to be a really intense cat. I've got several scars on my forearms from when he was a little kitten. My cousin retarded (literally) Ryan used to shove him into the freezer, and my other cousin used to dress him up. I also used to throw him whenever he looked like he was about to attack, so I'm not completely innocent. (Hey, it was funny watching him do a five-star frogsplash everytime that I threw him off me) I'd be a little edgy too if I were him. But he's mellowed out since then, and you can pet him now without having to worry about having a gash on your arm at the end of it. Also, I wasn't kidding when I said that he's strong. Even his tail puts up resistance when you try to push it down. I've never seen him loose a fight either.

Dutchess is second stupidest cat that I've ever seen. (the first was so stupid that she plopped down on top of her kittens to feed them) You'll hear her at the door meowing to get in, and when you open it, she'll just look up and continue meowing. She's meowed so much to the point where she's lost her voice. Damn, that's annoying.
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[COLOR=#503F86]Kai123, the Anime Lounge is for discussing topics about anime. Please make sure that you start threads in the correct forum, and be sure that you use as few abbreviations as possible in your posts.

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