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Hello everybody. I felt like bringing something to your attention that you may not have thought about before. It goes along the lines of 'put yourself in someone else's shoes', but a little more in depth.

When I think of this nice little saying, the first thing that comes to mind is, 'If you don't like someone, try walking a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away from them and you've got their shoes.' I personally love that little joke, perhaps because I'm simple. Anyways, that's how I feel about the saying. It might as well be a joke, because it's way too nonspecific.

If you happen to follow that little saying up there, the feeling evoked (for me) is how I would feel and what I would do if I were in someone else's situation. To me, that's a bunch of bullpoo. You won't learn anything important by looking at it that way, IMHO. I personally believe that what I have just said was the intention of the progenitor of that saying. Oh dear, I feel I'm going off on a tangent.

First of all, yes, I did say bullpoo. Second of all, words like progenitor make me happy inside. It's much more fun to refer to children and such as progeny. Either that or spawn, just for giggles. Progenitor. It's just so cool, isn't it? Gosh, I can't get enough of it. Anywho, back to what I was talking about.

I'm not going to come up with a nifty little saying to help you remember what I'm about to say, because I'm not that clever. BTW, I just looked up progenitor to make sure I can use it that way, and according to dictionary.com, I can. That makes me Happy ^_^. I'll leave it capitalized.

Okay now, here she goes. What to name the thought? I've already designated it as a female. It just doesn't feel right to say, 'Okay now, here he goes.' I'd have to question my sexual orientation if I considered things I felt fondly for to be male. Felt fondly for, it's not everyday you can naturally and unintentionally alliterate. Yay, I spelled it right! Her name will be Jenna.

Jenna: "I'm sure some of you take the time to consider other people's thoughts and feelings. Perhaps your mother seems to be in a bad mood, and you wonder what's the matter. You may ask her what's wrong, or try to do something to cheer her up, but you usually don't go deeper than that. What I have to say is this. Every person you know, everyone you've met, everyone you haven't met, everyone that has lived and died, is living and dying, will live and will die, is a person. You may be thinking to yourself, 'I know that Jenna, what you're saying has no meaning at all.' to which I would reply (smack) "Be quiet, I'm not done yet."

Jenna: "Every person has their own life. Their own thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires. They are their own person. They experience everything through themselves. They see through their eyes, and their minds are constantly behind them, silent to us. It is because these minds are silent that they are so easy to ignore. What I would have you know is that everyone is like you. They look at you, and see you as a you, not an I, just as you do. They have their own perspective. Beyond this, I will ask you nothing and tell you nothing."

Well, there's Jenna for you. I think what she's trying to say is that rather than put yourself in someone else's shoes, stand in your own and truly understand what it means to wear shoes. Ouch, almost lost more credibility. I spelled wear 'where', but I fixed it (obviously). I hope you enjoyed my post, and if you did not, then I want you to know that I enjoyed writing it. Oh, and if you did like it, I also want you to know that I enjoyed writing it. That information is not intended solely for those who did not enjoy my post. Just thought I'd clear that up.
Goodbye Everyone.
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The problem with ideals is that we usually forget them for the sake of our own happiness. A world where everyone understood and everyone could relate and put things in perspective. How lovely. A shame we're all too blind to make it happen.

[I suppose this is what you're aiming for, some philosophical ******** rant, or you just spent ten minutes writing a minature self-help guide.]
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[size=1]Your writing style could be lifted a tad Adahn. Great for an oral presentation, but perhaps not suited for all mediums :p

I too have considered the issues that are involved with trying to put yourself in another's 'shoes'. You look at someone in the street, and you realise just how impossible it is to really relate to people. You cannot ever know what it feels like to be them, or what their life is like. It's closed to us.

But I think that the progenitor's intentions were to remind us that we [b]can't[/b] know where other people have come from, and how they got there. We therefore cannot judge people because we don't know what they've been through to become how they are. The saying preaches tolerance.[/size]
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