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Do any of you have a clip of Goku turning SSJ?


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I downloaded it a while ago, deleted it and now i want it back. lol. I've checked around but can't find anywhere that has it and can't remember where i got it from. It doesn't matter if you have it split in parts or whatever, but if you have it, could you please let me know........

E-mail ---> [email]stonie3_stonie@hotmail.com[/email]
ICQ ---> 67338880 <--- i don't get on this much though

If you have it it'd be cool if u could zip it up and e-mail me it:)
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sephiroth.. did you know that morpheus(sp?) and kazaa are both on the same network?.. thus.. they both have the same stuff on them! :) .. also explaining why they both look almost exactly the same..

using logical guesses ;) i'm guessing kazaa came first.. then morpheus(sp?) started up (or is a part of kazaa) then took the kazaa program and edited it a little bit.. but keeping the network settings so that they could share files between one another..
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I've tried Morpheus. There was one on a while ago, i tried to download it, but it said remotley queued or whatever and wouldn't change. So i can't get it from there. Anyone on here have it or know of a site that has it? I know someone who used to post here had/has it cuz they said they would send it me, but it never came through. So can anyone help me out?
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When it says remotely queued just press resume and then right click on the file and choose the option ( while its searching or while its downloading) "find more sources". I personally like kazaa better than morpheus. Morpheus is exactly the same but its so gay. It doesnt even let me log on as a new user. But what ever. I'll stay with kazaa. Right click. remember. Oh and where can I get DBZ episodes? Like dlw them from the net for free. I've got some but they are not even in order. I had 12 of them.
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Hey Vegitto4, though morpheus and kazaa are the same I would suggest using kazaa. I believe kazaa has better downloading. From kazaa you can get so many things. My brother has downloaded so many movies from there that he only had out of 13 GB of his computer he only had 500 mb left, from all the movies.
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well, all I really need to do is put the computer that me and my siblings use, and i will have it in my room, because our DSL line is my phone line, but they wont let me put a computer in my room until me grades come up, and that is farfrom happening, GEOMETERY SUCKS ROYALL ***!! sorry about the language
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