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The Legionnaires Underground [PG-L]


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I have never been much into the fight scenes myself, either - that's why I spearated Melinoë from the rest of the group last time when they were fighting the immortal beast.

I suggest you do the same with Unhate, DeadSeraphim, if you're not interested in fighting. I see this mission as an excellent change to deepen my character (before the inevitable happens) by making her face her inner demons.

But as Baron said, there's still plenty of time (over a week) to post in the thread, so there's no hurry for making any solutions. However, it'd be nice if the party could move on deeper into the secrets of the temple.

Wasn't there a large door behind Sheba's altar?
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[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]It's been going for five days, and we have eight left to go. I hardly view 6 or 7 posts on the subject an inordinate amount. If we continue at this rate, we'll make around 4-5 pages, which is 60-75 posts. I think we'll probably do around 60 odd posts. I don't view this detour as extraordinarily long. This is a ceature that has been around for centuries. Takuya's post might have been somewhat forced, but without it, the battle did end too quickly.

There is no need for anyone's panties to get into a knot. Plenty of time and posts left for other things.[/size][/QUOTE]
Well, nice to see that someone agrees with me. And yes, maybe it was a bit forced. However, it's not like I made Sheba invincible or anything. She just shifted states and the bullets fell out. Liquid can do the same thing, as I stated in my sign-up. She can still die, which probably won't take much longer to happpen.

[quote name='DeadSeraphim][color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I don't agree with the concept of making a huge thing out of this boring, stereotypical, and worst of all, ripped-off monster. That's my final word on it. I'll post again when things are, what's the word cool kids are using? Oh, right, [i]interesting[/i].[/font][/size'][/color][/quote]
Hey, Baron Samedi's idea was the rip-off (although I don't know if he got the idea from Shelob or thought of it on his own, so maybe he didn't rip it off). I changed it to something I did think up on my own (the spider-woman is actually a creature I was planning on using in an old RPG of mine, but the RPG didn't ever reach that point). Like I said, Shelob was a part of my decision to make Sheba more than just a giant spider.

Oh, and Sandy, yes, there was a door, 'was' being the key word here. The door got blown up.
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[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Rip-off? Maybe so, though I didn't directly source it from anywhere. But it's not as if "scary hallucinations representing as physical manifestations" is a completely original topic.[/size][/quote]
Well, like I said, I didn't know if you got the idea from Shelob or if you came up with it on your own. And as for the nightmare thing, that was Shy's idea, as far as I know. I don't know where he got it from, or if he just came up with it on his own.
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[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']Rip-off? Maybe so, though I didn't directly source it from anywhere. But it's not as if "scary hallucinations representing as physical manifestations" is a completely original topic.[/size][/quote]
[color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]Scary hallucinations haven't "existed for centuries". This monster was never part of the nightmare angle, and now you're twisting it. Yay.[/font][/size][/color]
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[quote name='DeadSeraphim][color=indigo][size=1][font=arial]I'm more likely to post when presented with something that isn't a string of failed attacks, with no resolution, however.[/font][/size'][/color][/quote]

[color=crimson]Again, that's fine but you doing that doesn't help in the least. I understand if you don't feel like posting every day as some of these.. energetic people are doing but you are doing nothing to remedy the 'problem' and merely complaining about it.[/color]

[quote name='Raiyuu][color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I can feel the love in the Underground. Mmm, chilly.[/font'][/color][/quote]

[color=crimson]Clearly this is a time for action. We could:

A.) Have a group hug.
B.) Check our egos at the door before interacting with each other.
C.) Destroy each other.
D.) Summon forth a giant spider-woman.
E.) All of the above.

Choose carefully.[/color]
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Okay, Domon killed Sheba in his post. Happy now, DeadSeraphim? I personally think that Sheba should have put up a little bit more of a fight. I mean, Domon and I are the only ones who even mentioned Sheba's powers. Everyone else just seemed to overlook that part. Well, too late for that, I guess. Sheba's dead now.

Perhaps Unhate should fire a couple of those bomb bullets into Sheba's body. You know, make sure she's really dead by blowing up the body. And the Tetros confirms that the pieces of the body are real and not just an illusion. maybe whoever posts next could put that in the post (it won't be me. I don't want to post too frequently, and I just posted a couple posts ago).
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[quote name='Raiyuu][color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I can feel the love in the Underground. Mmm, chilly.[/font'][/color][/quote]

[SIZE=1]Indeed, if it gets any colder some of out extremities are likely to fall off. I vote we go with Ken's group hug followed by the destroy each other idea, that way when people die they might at least feel good about it.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I've got to work now, someone else can wrap up this farce.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote]

[color=crimson]Done. I wrapped up the 'farce' with a farce. Yatta.

[strike]Anyway- all applicable parties fall into pandemonium if you desire your character to. Or, just let Kaida be zonked for awhile. Choose your poison.[/strike]

Edit: Baron, nice post. Two thumbs up for you.

Uh, carry on.[/color]
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All right, Liquid's now given a theroy about the nature of the enemy, based on its statements earlier in the mission and information given by Melinoe. And then I set things up to split up the group. If you want to make use of the opportunity, go right ahead. Just remember that I'd like to have Liquid end up with Kaida.
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Instead of making the Legionnaires face yet another immortal and invincible monstrosity, I split them into two groups. Melinoë is now sliding downwards with Unhate and Vernacular, and the other five - Kaida, Liquid, Arachnid, Pandora and Tetros - are carried away in another tunnel. Feel free to continue from that.
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[quote name='Sandy']Instead of making the Legionnaires face yet another immortal and invincible monstrosity, I split them into two groups. Melinoë is now sliding downwards with Unhate and Vernacular, and the other five - Kaida, Liquid, Arachnid, Pandora and Tetros - are carried away in another tunnel. Feel free to continue from that.[/quote]
[size=1]A good idea, since I believe the mission briefing suggested having the group split up in the first place.

The living temple. [b]It[/b] wanting something from The Legionnaires, all strong ideas. It's good to see the mission get back on track. Here are some suggestions to put you onto the right path...

[spoiler]Kaida's group stumbles across the bones of past adventurers from various centuries and eras. Murals along the walls give clues, revealing local villagers sacrifice heroes to [b]It[/b] in exchange for protection from the curse of nightmares.

Meanwhile, Vernacular and Unhate come across an underground river and are greeted by an ancient-looking man on a gondola. He introduces himself as the 'Keeper of the Beast,' and offers them a ride downstream. The Keeper explains telepathically (for he does not speak) that there are two paths to confront the Beast, and that he will guide them on theirs. He explains that [b]It[/b] has a unique interest in Vernacular.

Kaida's group is confronted by evil dopplegangers of themselves, although they don't realize what or who they are fighting at the time. They realize that the spider monster was an alternate, darker version of Arachnid. Looking in the mirrored walls they see that the roles are reversed, and instead of seeing themselves they see the dopplegangers (and vice versa.) Tetros' doppleganger (the original Tetros) reveals to the group that the one they have on their team is an imposter... but do they believe it?

Along the river, Vernacular and Unhate find the body of Joseph floating face down in the water. His camera is missing. The Keeper informs them that his last thoughts were of 'being abandoned by his fellow teammates.'[/spoiler]

Please elaborate or throw away ideas as you wish, but this is an discussion thread so have fun with it. Been a while since someone has died, huh? Gonna have to fix that. I'd check your PM boxes in a few days if I were you...

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Uhh, don't do that, Shy! You're giving me the creeps by mentioning only Unhate and Vernacular but not Melinoë! She's [I]with[/I] them! X/

Unless... [size=1]Eep! 8([/size]

Anyways, I love the doppelganger idea - I really thought Arachnid facing Sheba was a bit too much for a mere coincidence. ,:D
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[quote=Takuya]Just remember that it's already been established that Sheba was a being many centuries old. We'll have to be sure to factor that in, but I see nothing wrong with the general idea. The doppelganger concept is one I like, though I decided to handle Liquid's doppelganger a bit differently than what Shy was saying. What's different? Here's a hint: 'Kiva' isn' actually Kiva (none of our characters know this, however).

Now, I'd appreciate it if you all let me do the part where it becomes known that 'Kiva' isn't Kiva. Meanwhile, just post her as another character. For the record, she has powers similar to Liquid's, but wind-based instead of water-based. Also, Kiva has no state-shift ability. Oh, and she knows Liquid as Laqara, so she'll be calling her Laqara.

Oh, and Sandy, remember that Melinoe still has Liquid's gun.[/quote]
[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You know, [i]personally[/i], I'd be suspicious of my best friend appearing in a ruinous, demonic temple, and knowing I'm a mutant now and being a mutant too. I mean, seriously, my alarm bells would be all "DINGAF**KINGLING RETARD". [/font][/color][/size]
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I agree with Seraphim... All that Kiva stuff was very naive, and has nothing to do with doppelgangers.

The doppelgangers should be monstrous versions of your characters, not some mysterious being posing as you long lost friend.

Besides, how stupid do you think the Legionnaires are, falling into such an [I]obvious[/I] trap, Takuya?

I sincerely suggest you take another shot with your post, make it a bit more sensical. I'm saying this with all due respect - you [I]must[/I] see the paradox yourself, don't you?
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You're both right, but, well, I was rushed, so I went with the first idea that popped into my head, and it sucked. Well, my mistake. Now I know better than to go with a rush job. Lesson learned, and post deleted. We're back to Baron Samedi's post now, so let's go from there. I won't be making the next post, I don't think. Someone else can do that, and I garuntee you that you'l do better than I did with my ****** rush job. Take it away, whoever.

Now, I'm still trying to come up with a good idea for a monstrous version of Liquid. Any ideas, anyone?

Oh, and Sandy, even though I deleted my post, Melinoe still has Liquid's gun (Liquid gave it to her during the battle with Sheba and forgot to get it back).
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Yes, I'll try to remember that Melinoë has the gun. ;D Maybe she'll even gets a chance to give it back to Liquid...

I really respect you for admitting your own mistake, and not clinging onto such a weak idea. You'll do better in your next post, I believe. ;D
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Hopefully. I'll certainly make sure I have plenty of time when I decide to post next, whenever that is (I'm currently out of ideas; the only ones I've had over the past couple days have been crap). If I'd had more time last time, I'd probably have seen just how bad an idea it was and scrapped it, but I was rushed, so I posted before thinking about it. Well, we all make mistakes, I guess. I'm just glad that nobody'd posted after me, so that I could delete the post without risking making things worse.

On a different note, Shy, will those of us whose characters die still be eligable to participate in Hero Patrol?
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I'm just wondering when the heads start to roll, as there's only less than five days left before the Body Bags close... :/ Is it going to be one big massacre, or are the majority of participants going to survive after all?

So far the mission has been pretty... bland. There hasn't been much tension (at least I haven't noticed any), because the anticipated aura of death haven't hovered above the players after all. Sure, three people have been announced dead in the thread, but they're all characters of unative players.

To borrow the words from my own RPG: [I]Game On[/I] already! :P
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[size=1]The issue here is that inactive players need to be taken out of the story before we start killing off the ones who actually [i]do[/i] post. I understand your concerns, Sandy, and hopefully this can be corrected in the next round of 'Bags.

As for the current situation, expect the body count to rise within the next day or so. The PM(s) will be sent out in the next few hours, and should carry us through the end of the mission. The next round of missions will launch immdiately after Body Bags wraps up... these Legionnaires just never get a break, do they?

Takuya, Hero Patrol will require an entirely different sign-up, and players may participate in both RPGs. Having said that, I'd like to point out that while Hero Patrol is connected to The Legionnaires in some way, it can be enjoyed without knowing anything about the event itself. Think of this as a stand-alone tale.

On a different note: Do you feel that posting on a more regular basis effects the quality of the posts? Would you rather post less frequently, and have something more coherent overall? We may be switching the post system with the next round of posting. Something similar to what is being done in Body Bags seems likely.

Questions? Comments?

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On a different note: Do you feel that posting on a more regular basis effects the quality of the posts? Would you rather post less frequently, and have something more coherent overall? We may be switching the post system with the next round of posting. Something similar to what is being done in Body Bags seems likely.

Questions? Comments?


In my opinion posting more often doesn't affect the quality [I]unless[/I] you let it. Like Takuya said, writing in hurry is what eats the quality. I personally always write my posts directly to the thread itself, without editing them much afterwards (except the grammatic errors, of course). Some people may do it otherwise, and spend much more time writing their stuff, but I haven't get any complains about the quality of my posts either so far... (unless that's the reason I'm in the Body Bags currently. XP )

So to me, the system we're using in the Body Bags currently (aka "the traditional system") is much better, it gives you more control on your character as well as the story. Also it enables interaction between players much better. The one post/day limit is in itself enough to prevent worst cases of godmodding.

If you ask me, I say you keep this system. ;D
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[QUOTE=Shy][size=1]On a different note: Do you feel that posting on a more regular basis effects the quality of the posts? Would you rather post less frequently, and have something more coherent overall? We may be switching the post system with the next round of posting. Something similar to what is being done in Body Bags seems likely.

Questions? Comments?


[SIZE=1]Well personally I find that having a proper amount of time to formulate a post, without having to factor in the possibility of someone either beating you to the post, or changing the parameters of the story and thus requiring a complete rewrite is often very beneficial for these kinds of large scale RPGs. I know many people favour the first come, first post scenario but while I admit it allows often for more character development and story progression, it doesn't necessarily mean that the posts would be of the same quality as those in the ordered structure.

In other words and to make a long story short, I think the big problem is actually getting people to post promptly in the current missions system. There's no point in having our traditional first come, first post system if it means that one person will post ten times where as someone else will only post once. This current run of Body Bags has cut out all the stragglers who wouldn't have been able to post on a regular basis so I think there's no point in switching now. [/SIZE]
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