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Chaos Eaters: The Outbreak Begins [M-LVS]


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Katrina ran over toward James, she had seen only bits and pieces of what happened through all of the chaos around. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Glad to see you back to normal?ish. You all right? Where's Dante?"[/COLOR]

She didn't like the look on James' face when she mentioned his name, immediately growing silent and expecting the worse. After a pause James answered. "Dante sacrificed himself to close those doors. He told me to tell you, he loves you."

Katrina had to sit down, but knew that there was something James didn't tell her. She could tell without even looking at him by the way he took his next breath. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"What aren't you telling me? And don't say nothing because I will kick your -" [/COLOR] A tear escaped down her cheek, even though she tried to hide it. Why would anyone need to see her cry?
"He was also an eight foot demon from Hell?" [/COLOR] James reluctantly said quietly wondering how Katrina would take it. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I can live with that,"[/COLOR] she replied, thankful for the truth at least.

James let her sit on the curb and deal with it, looking around for the others. Katrina wrapped her arms around her knees, not bothering to move the bit of hair that fell in front of her face. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"I love you too?"[/COLOR] she whispered.
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James walked and stuumbled through the rubble of the destruction. James felt an overwhealming sadness, it was like someone was crying in silence. James could feel there pain, but where were they. He couldn't tell amongst all the anger and fear he was sensing as well. he didn't have time to try and find them, he had to find Jory and Kyle quickly before something bad happend. He could a dark shadow on the horizon, he had to destroy it before it hurt anyone else. If he didn't Dantes sacrifice would have been for nothing. He dragged his feet through the ash in the street, he felt a something on his back. He turned quickly in anticipation of an attack to see nothing there, this bewilderd him, what was that feeling on his back. He reached behind himself and felt his back, when he pulled his had back in front of his face, his hand was coverd in a black fluid. He reached back and rubbed his back, this black fluid was oozing from the mark on his back, which was spreading down his shoulders now. He had to get out of here before it took over. He hurried through the streets hoping in a very crippled seeming motion. He felt over come with nausea, he felt himself about to vomit. His vision began to fail him, he could feel his body growing cold, it was like he was dying. He didn't know what was going on, he wasn't badly hurt "Whats...... wrong..... with....... MEEEE!!" he shouted just before falling to the ground. He started dragging himself across the ground "I have to save my family."
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Jory stumbled to her feet, blood driping down the front of her body to pool on the ground. She nearly fell over again as a freh wave of pain lanced through her. She looked at the woman laying at her feet, her eyes glazed over with death and a feral grin spread across her face. She was the winner of this battle she had lived longer then the wonam, even if she was to now die. She heard Kyle yell across the halls and stumbled towards him, she knew the risk she took but even then she couldn't let him die. She reached a large ruble pile and climbed it slowly, her blood splashing the ground with her effort. She watched as Kyle's clone attacked and then flashed back leaving Kyle with a large gash across his chest. She felt the anger riseing and let her body slide down the other side giving Kyle the distraction he needed. As the eatter turned to attack her he killed the eatter and ran to her side.
"Jory...you alright?"
His eyes widened in horror at the shape he found her in. she was bleeding form the large hole in her middle and she semed to be getting cloder as he laid his fingers to her lips.
"K-Kyle...I'm so sorry..."
"What do you mean?"
"When I spoke of a family...I meant it."
His eyes filled with tears as the meaning of her words sank into his very soul. He hugged her gently and shook his head.
"Don't worry...we can still have a family, but only if you live. We have to find James and the others and get out of here."
He picked her up cradleing her weak body against his own and began to walk through the destroyed area looking for James.
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OOC: My guy is not quite done yet.

Dante took the pain that was administered to him over and over again for betraying the devil. He smiled at the thought of them still being alive and doing well, at least he hoped they were still alive. He let out a yell as the whips came down again only harder and harder. A thousand years of this weren't so bad, he had lived longer then that and the humans had it eternally so he was thankful for this abuse. He looked up as a bright white light shone through. "What the?" In a matter of seconds a fleet of angels came down and foguth off the demons around him then freed him. "Uhh thanks"

The lead angel grabbed Dante's wrist and flew up to the light along with all the others.

Dante sheilded his eyes as they passed through then blinked as he took in the surrounding area. He was in heaven. "Why am i here?"

The lead angel turned to him. "Never before as a demon sacrificed his lafe in order to save a human much less the entire world, so that is why your here for selflessly throwing your freedom, rank, and everything else back into the devil's face"

Dante scratched his head as he looked at his arm. "But I am not an angel like you, i am a demon. I'm not pretty or anything like you"

The angel smiled. "That may be true but you are a angel none the less. A dark angel. Someone who better understands the forces of evil and will help us better fight them." He put his hand on Dante's chest.

Dante flinched as he flet pain on his back then a large pair of black angel wings came out. "Great now i have to practice at something all over again"

The agnel laughed. "You will find that you already know how. Now i am pretty sure that you want to go back to Earth"

Dante tilited his head. "You mean I can do that"

The angel nodded. "We are also making you a guardian of the Earth, but you won't have a human body and will have to be in your real form, no one can see you unless you let them. You have also been granted a wide range of powers and new weapons. Good luck"

Dante nodded and concetrated as he closed his eyes. When he opened them he was back on Earth oin the middle of the city standing in the middle of the group, except he was invisible. "Time to find James" He rounded the corner and saw him on the ground half dead. "I could heal him, but I want to see how much my sacrifice meant to him" He walked over beside James who was unable to see him and began whispering in his ear. "Come on, do you mean that my sacrifice was in vain, that I am going to go through a thousand years of torture and all you are going to do is lay here. I know you are stronger then this, just concentrate and you will succeed"

OOC: Here is a pic of my guy in demon form so you know what he looks like but be sure to add the large black angel wings and that he is only seven feet tall now due to him becoming an angel
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James could here a voice in his head, it urged him to move on. He pulled all his strength trying to get back to his feet as he felt his body grow colder. He twitched violently as this outside will urged and encouraged him to get up and go. He dragged his knee to his waist, he couldn't fell anything anymore not even pain. He could feel himself failing [I]'did Dante die for nothing' [/I] he thought to himself over and over again. He squinted and groaned "No.... He didn't die for nothing. I won't.... let it end.... like this." And with a blood curdlling scream that seemed to cool the air, the mark on James back seemed to move again, now throughout his body. It coursed and snaked it's way to his legs, his arms, his chest and his neck. James felt cold and numb, but now had the strength to move again "Dante didn't die for nothing and I will put an end to the insanity, and we'll all get to be happy again." James then turned his head to the east "Yes they're over there. Don't worry Dante, I'll look after them since you can't." James said as if Dante was right next him. James had given his body to the mark and didn't have much time before it would try to consume him again, he had to find the others before that happend. As he walked he seemed to chill the air around him and the eatters he encounterd seem to stand there distance from him like there was some kind of field around him. As James moved he could hear the voice in his head returning, his distrato was trying to take control again [B]"No. You shut up. I am going to find the others, I'll find those people who are so important to me."[/B]
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Katrina looked over at the now plain doors one last time, then stood up quietly. There was still a slight hint of red to her eyes. She caught up to James, she herself feeling a bit detached from the world. He looked like he was struggling a bit, but determined to continue. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Well, there's still work to be done," [/COLOR] she mentioned more to herself then talking directly to James.

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"?have to find the others,"[/COLOR] he repeated. Katrina peered ahead a way, carefully looking for Kyle and Jory. She saw somebody in the distance walking in their direction, looking like they were carrying some one else. Poking James' shoulder to see if he saw what she saw. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Wha-?" [/COLOR] she exclaimed a bit surprised. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"You're freezing!"[/COLOR]

Everything always happened all at once. By all logic she herself should have been dead a long time ago...They picked up the pace to meet Kyle half way. He was carrying Jory, and she didn't look so good. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh no?"[/COLOR]
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James looked at the blood soaked Jory and set his hand on her stomach. He began to chant incohearantly, as he did the bleeding began to stop. He lifted his hand which began to steam as he moved it. Kat looked at his hand "Did you just burn youse-" She was cut off as she grabbed his hand. James stared at his own hand "Far from burning, My body is freezing right now and I'm going numb. I haven't got long before my strength begins to fail again." He looked at Jory then at Kyle "What I did stopped the bleeding but I'm afraid that's all I could manage. she still might get infected and she has little blood left, treat her. Now if you'll excuse me I have some unfinished business to attend to." James said coldly as he walked away from the group. Kat came up behind him "Hey, I thought you were trying to find them? So, now your just leaving." James without even a glance "That's about the size of it." Katrina was upseted by his cold indifferent response "Hey, on't you even care a little that Jory got hurt for you?" She said as she kept on James' heels "Yeah, and that's why I have to go. Your alive and I can count on you to look after them, me, I started this, so I'll end it." He said without even glancing. Kat grabbed his shoulder "Just wait, let us help you. Jory said were a family right, well family stick together." James stopped for a moment but still didn't look back to her "I know, and I do consider them family. As such, I love them very much and for that I will protect them. She has already done so much for me, all of you have. Now it's my turn to return the favor." Kat stopped following and began to run back to the others. James sighed heavily as he finally turned bac k to shout to Kat "Don't worry. I won't die." He said as he turned back and walked toward the center of the city. He walked with a firm stance in his walk, though he couldn't feel a thing anymore. He could see a black shadow mounting in the distance, what was left of the eatters forces were mounting all there forces for there final attack.
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Dante followed James still invisable when James was suddenly surrounded by eaters. One of the eaters lunged at James but was caught by Dante's wrist blade slicing him clean in half.

James stood dumbfounded. "What the heck?

Dante let out a laugh as he revealed himself. "You miss me?" The rest of the eaters charged but were put down by several blasts. "here" Dante held out his hand as James wounds reduced to scars. "I have stopped your bleeding and healed your wounds but I can't restore your energy. It is one of the few things I can't do now"
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James huffed "You had to steal the show didn't you?" Dante looked at him and chuckled "Of course. Dead mans got to make a good reappearance." They both looked at each other and started laughing. James looked at Dante with a smirk plasterd on his face "So, you ready for one last battle before we blow this pop stand." Dante with same smirk looked at him "Sure, sounds like fun." They turned to look at the road ahead. They both spoke at the same time "Let's get the show started." As they walked Dante glanced to James "You sure you wouldn't rather sit this one out." James huffed again "You gotta be kidding. Me run away cause of a little thing like this...." Dante returned the huff "Right, what was I thinking?" They both started laughing again as they walked shoulder to shoulder into the flames ahead of them.
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"After this I have to find Kat" They entered the flames and took in the sight. Bodies lay everywhere. Bodies of humans, eaters, demons, and angels. Dante figured they were guardians as well. There was a major war going on. Humans and angel guardians were fighting demons and eaters and both side s were slaughtering each other. "that's strange" Dante noticed mambers of the Russian army and other various armies shooting at the attackers. "Seems like this is the hub and can access several different cities from here." A group of tanks rolled in and fired several rounds but were quickly demolsihed. Dante then noticed the doors of hell and the guardians of earth trying to fight their way to it. All of the others had white wings instead of him. "This is weird. Oh well time to get to work. I take the thousand on the left and you take the throusand on the right. Sounds good?"
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James smiled widely "Sure, just don't go dieing again." They both chuckled faintly. James jumped parallel to the right as Dante did the same to the left. James brought his hnads over his head and began chanting again, something in aramaic, and a sudden cold gust started to pull toward him. With a quick motion he jumped for ward and brought down three demons in a swing "heeh, Childs play." He said with a haunty, cocky tone. Suddenly the demons started to set there focus on James and Dante, they now saw they had a new, more frightening enemy to contend with. Dante charged in and James went in as well. The mark on James back seemed to come to life as he swung his and vicously and cut through the eatters and demons that came at him. The long, black, spinddling marks seemed to almost jump from his skin and grab and thing that came to close, as he killed more James seemed to become more and more vicous.
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Katrina only shook her head before staying with Jory and Kyle. A med team was currently looking after her, and Kyle was waiting in silence. She knew better than to go bothering people at the moment, and resided to just pacing back and forth. Absently, her hands found their way to a pack of cigarettes she had on her and a lighter.

[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Jory should be fine, but she's sleeping at the moment,"[/COLOR] A nurse said. Kyle stayed next to Jory and Katrina walked a few feet to the corner.

Flicking some ashes, she stared at the direction of all the action. Where they were currently at had quieted down, and it was obvious that the battle seemed to have become more concentrated although she technically wasn't over there a part of it. She sighed, thinking.
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James began to lash out at everything that got close to him, the mark on his back was now dancing off the tips of his fingers like small steel threads, shreding all they touched. He swung like a man pocessed, killing eatters with every swing of his hands. James was reaching psychotic levels, his mind was slipping from him, he even started attacking angels that strayed to close to him. Everything was his enemy. On the inside he tormented himself, trying to take control of this power he knew so little about. He could see the truth before him but he couldn't reach it. Every inch of his soul was filling with an unexplainable rage, as cut down angels, eatters, demons like there was no difference. Everything was his enemy, he filled with envy of those who could control there souls and there own wills. He desired more and more darkness, more blackend souls to fill his void. He needed something to stop him before it was too late to stop him.
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Dante cut down demon after demon with ease since they were weaker then he was and their attacks had no effect. He saw James out of the corner of his eye. "Not good" He appeared in front of James and caught both hands as James went for another angel.

"Get out of my way"

"You are out of control"

"Get out of my way" Red energy pulsed through James hand into Dante but had no effect.

Dante smiled as he knocked James to the ground and put his hand on James' back and began chanting in a demonic language. Suddenly the mark on James' back began withdrawing back.
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James could feel the rage regresing, he was taking control again. As he laid there he could hear a voice call out to him "Pathetic..." James looked out a head to see he was once again in a warp of green. The voice spoke again "So I spent all that time teaching you to always be strong but here you are barely able to control your own strength." James knew the voice, who was it "What you can't remeber what your old man sounds like, god you are still just a child at heart aren't you." James snapped around to see his grand fathers sillhouette coming into focus in the background. James reached to the shadow "Grandpa....." "Come on kiddo, your not giving in like that. Though I suppose it's to be expected, you killed father, your mother, and your sister for a power you don't want and now you can't even weild it properly. have you forgoten everthing I taught you, have you forgotten what your fighting for. Have you forgotten!!!!" the voice shouted angrily "I.... I'm sorry. I'm not strong enough." His gradfather huffed "You expect me to be okay with that. You don't even know what you believe in anymore, are you really that worthless." James filled with a strange kind of anger and sadness "NOOOOOOO" James looked to his grand father "I have not forgotten. I do this to protect what's right, to save people to from the evil I unleashed. I still believe in my mission and what you taught me and to reach my goal I'll give up everything else nothing else matters." A the envelope turned black, then white and he watched as the two swirled together. He could feel the strength mounting, he would destroy all the enemies of humanity and send them back to hell. an echo filled the outside air and his physical body was engulfed in a tie dye rainbow effect. the long cylinder that encassed his body shatterd like glass and he stood in the middle transformed and a new strength filled him. he was filled by his own determination, a strength he had never known. James looked to Dante "Lets end this thing."

occ: James reborn
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"Ahh, another guardian. This is going to be alot easier" Dante stood back up as James began attacking the army of demons. "Alright Father. Time for you to stop this invasion on earth" The door to hell poured out flames as a being stepped out. The Devil himslef. James immediatly rushed him but Dante held him back. "I'm sorry but this fight is mine alone, it is a personal thing, you understand" He stepped forward and got into a ready stance as the Devil began to luagh.
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James stood back as the hideous beast began to kackle. James realized this was an issue that Dante had to deal with himself, he stepped back and charged the gates instead. As he reached the gate he turned to Dante still staring down the devil "Hey, I'll see you on the other side." and with that said James walked into the void and marched ahead. It was like marching through a tunnel of fire, but it felt cold at the same time, like he was hot on the outside and frozen on the inside. He cold see the shadow at the end of this tunnel. He walked out into a world with a charred sky and large castle on the horizon "I guess this is as close to hell as a human is allowed to go." He walked to the castle, as he neared he could hear the eatters watching him, they were waiting for something to happen. James reared up his ear and heard a whistling, some thing was coming at him. He leaped to the air as a large spear hit the ground and demolished three eatters hiding over a ridge. James turned to look to where the weapon had come from. Floating delicatly in the air was the woman who had tried to seduce him earlier. She began to laugh "I knew you'd come eventually, now you can join me forever." She hurrled the weapon at him again. James rolled through and teh spear went right past him "Don't think you can control me like last time, this time I'll kill you." She smiled "I'll enjoy bathing in your blood and in your final moments you beg for me to hold you in your final minutes and I will hold you to my body as you grow colder and colder." James cringed "well, sorry to break your heart, but I don't beg for mercy from the merciless." With a whip of his wrist a pair of shains dropped from each wrist and had a large barb at the end of it "This time I'll see to it that you and your master decend to hell together."
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Jory's eyes snapped open and she felt strenght flame inside her...she felt as if her wounds had been healed. Looking around she saw Kyle and Katrina.
"where are the others?"
Katrina jumped and Kyle looked ready to cry.
"Jory! Your alright!"
"Yes, why are we here? Why aren't we helping the others?"
"You were hurt and well.James told us to stay here..."
"Damn him!"
Katrina jumped back as a string of curses flooded from Jory. She smiled and looked up at them her eyes a dark black.
"It seems my half sister still lives..."
Katrina blinked as well as Kyle.
"Jory, babe...what do you mean...you have no siblings..."
"Oh yes I do...a half sister that the sindicate never mentioned...a dark sibling..."
She stood and shook her shoulders letting out a primal growl and began to walk towards the battle in the distance. Katrina ran and stood infornt of her.
"I cant let you go, you'll be killed."
Jory walked around her and then ran for the battles as she reached it she felt a tingle on the back of her neck and smiled as she found James, he was diffrent and Jory knew why.
"You transformed."
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
The women looked down at them and cackled wickedly.
"So Jory...I see I was unsuccsessful in killing you."
"Correct. You forget...I have your blood in my veins."
"Fathers blood is soiled in you!"
"And yet his heart rots in you."
the women's face flushed bright red with anger and she let out a pierceing wail. Jory smiled knowing that she had hit a nerve.
"You will never add up to father older sister."
James reeled back and looked at the two, they looked nothing alike...but as he looked at Jory he saw her eyes, dark and black like that of an eatter, like that of a demon and knew that it was the truth.
"Why did you ever tell us Jory?"
"Why didn't you?"
James took a steady breath and nodded. smileing Jory looked at him and let her eyes goe darker.
"I want another chance at my older sister...will you give me that, I f I can not kill her this time...she is yours."
James nodded and stood back. Jory looked up and smiled wickedly, a black aura surrounded her and she felt small fangs grow in her mouth and felt the bloodlust take over as her half sister came at her and they began to tumble about slashing and administering as much damage they could.
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James stood back and watched as the two sisters went at it "So, Jory's like us. Kind of surprising." WithThat being said, James turned and headed for the castle again. He looked ahead to see a small army of eatters standing in front of him "Well, you guys don't learn you lesson do you?" James let his barbed chains roll down. He braced himself for there charge, when he noticed they were parting in the back to front motion. Something was coming to front, toward James "Well, looks like we have a new fool ready to fall into nothingness." Then someone walked through the croawed and spoke to James "Trader, you did this and now you will pay." James looked ahead, unable to see the persons face "Who are you and why do I care?" The person began to laugh and walked closer, there image coming into focus. It was another woman "You do this to me." She said over and over again. James threw his chains at the person. She grabbed the chains and dropped them. She flicked her hair back and spoke again "Is taht anyway to treat your little sister?" She jumped forward and dug her nails in to James black skin. James looked to the girl 'it can't be Sarah, it just can't' She jumped back and landed roughly twenty feet away "Come on big brother, kill me like you did before."
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Katrina sighed letting Jory run off. She would have gone too, but being unarmed was a tiny drawback. There was no doubt she would die almost immediately, not even being able to help in the least. Useless. She could feel it. Somewhere, deep down, but nonetheless still there.

Not that it would matter in the long run, Katrina would find herself as some other identity?if the general theory was correct. She almost laughed. Until an image flashed in front of her eyes, she was having a major deja vu. A similar scene of another time, but a memory jogger even so. Why was she able to see this person's life so clearly? But it had hit her. There was nothing to lose.

There was a bit of rubble where there was once a door to a small flower shop, a building that had been there for a very long time, always blessed with very good upkeep. Things have changed, and she hoped she would be able to find it. If [I]it[/I] even existed.

Eventually Katrina found it, all rotted and stowed away in it's hiding place. An image of a delicately carved box flashed through her mind as she reached in and pulled out was left of the case. Cobwebs were the only adhesives holding the top together as she removed it, pulling out two knives. The blades on each were of a surprisingly good look, after all of the years. The glint of a little light almost made them glow softly. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Oh my?"[/COLOR] she trailed off. The plain handles felt surprisingly like she had held them before, almost as if at home. There was only one way to find out.

Running instinctively in God only knows what direction, she figured it was now or never?or die trying. The scene was worse than a full out war zone, even though that's what it was. [I]'What can I say, 'I'm a tad stubborn.'[/I] She thought, as calm as if she?d been in the middle of a war before.

There was one place farther ahead through the maze of chaotic streets that looked almost as if it was being avoided for a big standoff. A stray Chaos Eater that didn't look to be caught up by something or another ended up right near her. Something in her head told her to go ahead and try. Throwing the one, it hit dead on as if a bull's eye on the Eater target. It reared back in pain, during which time she used to finish it off, and collected the former projectile from the ground. [I]'Thank you Dina?' [/I] Katrina thought approaching closer to the 'ring' area.
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Dante smiled as he and the Devil stepped closer together. "Nice to see you again"

"You were always stubborn, don't you realizxe that I could take your powers away right now?"

"Go ahead and try" Dante let out a smile as the Devil snapped his fingers and nothing happened. "See..." A blast sent him across the pavement. He flipped up and wpied the blood from his mouth. "You know that I could call and report a case of child abuse"

"You are always joking around arn't you?"

Dante flew forward and ducked under the Devil's striker. "Thanks to the power you gave me and the power from the angels. I am alot stronger now" A white ball formed in his hands as he shoot it into the side of the Devil sending him into the air. They collided and exchanged blows and engery blasts back and forth, moving fastere and faster to where they were becoming a blur. Both evenly matched.
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Sarah drew her hand back and with a sweep over the ground a sudden fissure ripped open under James feet and he took to the skies. His sister took off after him and he threw his chains at her she rolled and evaded them. James pulled back and diverted his chains into her back. She remain un detered and dug her nails into James stomach, her nails felt like they were as hard as iron and burned like they were molten. James brougth up his foot and heel pushed off him then threw his chains to her again. Shr gabbed them and James used them to pull himself to her, he drew back his fist and slammed her across the face witht he back of his hand. This sent her twenty feet in the other direction, but she managed to maintain flight. She rubbed her check and looked to James again "So you'd kill me a second time? Your the one who belongs in hell brother." She said and charged him again. James was having a hard time fighting her with all his strength, he was the one who sent her soul her as a sacrifice. She was here because he gave her to them. James remained firm, he wouldn't question himself now, she was now the enemy and he would destroy her if he had to. As she drew closer James brought his knees up and smashed her in the face. Then he grabbed the back of her head and he plumeted to the earth and buried her in the ground with one powerful slam. He grabbed hold of one of her legs and pulled her free of the ground, as she came free she immediatly dug her nails into his stomach again, aiming for the same spot. James cringed for a moment, then booted her in her stomach. He jumped forward and meet her fallen body with a fist, crushing the ground beanth her. He picked her up by the the collar of her shirt and looked in the eyes. She scowled at him again "Well , go ahead and kill me. I know that's what you planned on doing." James looked at her and smiled for a moment. He set his hand on her head "Don'tt worry, I'll make this right." There was a flash of bright energy and when James opened his eyes he looked up as the white light faded in to the dark smoke "I have purged your soul, go to heaven Sarah. I'm sorry I can't do better then that." He looked back down tot he ground and started to march again. His family was down here and he knew this was goin to just one long gauntlet of horror, having to fight loved one after loved one.
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Dante took blow after blow as the Devil plummeled him into the ground, then threw him through the hell gate. The Devil then threw him into the ground and laughed. "You were never like me, not as strong either"

Dante flipped up and let out a laugh.

"What are laughing at angel?"

"I am not an angel, but a demon angel. So let me show you something" He held out both hands a ball of light energy fromed in one and a dark ball formed in the other. He slwoly broguth both together casuing it to become massive. "You like" He threw the ball causing it to hit the Devil in the chest and send him flying back out the gate. Dante flew out then noticed a broken locker on the way out. He turned and looked at the gate then saw it was the school doors. So the school was the main portal. Dante was flung it the wall. "Damn" He ducked under another punch and flung the devil back into the gate then created a huge ball of energy and blasted the school completely destroying it and the gate. "Now to finish off the rest off them"
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Katrina was locked in her own small fight, getting by dealing with whatever happened to come along as the situation came. She wasn't prepared for the school blowing up just after she arrived though. No voice left her throat as she was flung to one side by the force of it all.

The girl could feel her back slammed into something pretty near and she could have sworn something, somewhere cracked. Her body was human after all. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"ow?" [/COLOR] she managed to groan, it hurt to breathe?a lot. Katrina's vision was a bit fuzzy, she felt like her head was swimming although she wasn't dizzy in the least. She caught a look at a small glance of blood before she couldn?t hold consciousness any longer. Her eyes closed and her head rested on an arm.
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