Desbreko Posted June 8, 2006 Share Posted June 8, 2006 [color=#4B0082]When the PS3 was first unveiled back at E3 2005 Sony showed a tech demo of the FFVII opening sequence rendered in PS3-quality graphics. Since then there have been rumors floating around about Square Enix remaking FFVII on the PS3, but they've never announced that it's in development. You can find a video of the demo [url=][u]here[/u][/url], on It looks pretty awesome, and I wouldn't mind seeing an FFVII remake with updated graphics and translation. But I'm not getting my hopes up.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anime Pet Posted June 8, 2006 Share Posted June 8, 2006 [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]I'm definitely not getting my hopes up, especially over a rumor. I just wish I could remember that thing I's really annoying when that happens.[/COLOR][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tatsubei Yagyu Posted June 16, 2006 Share Posted June 16, 2006 [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Well, I posted here earlier, but I never really put a summary of my FF Experience, so: [U]FF1:[/U] I got the GBA version of this, and am currently at the part after you get the Airship...I'm completely stuck trying to find the third crystal, and am flying around the World training my party, and gather supplies intil I accidently figure out what to do again. Actually one of my favorites, despite how much I get stuck...:animestun [U]Party Members-[/U] Tatsu the Ninja Kyosho the Black Wizard Hitomi the White Wizard Kojiro the Knight [U] FF2[/U]: I haven't played it in a while, so I completely forgot what I was doing... So I'm just traveling while leveling up my different skills, and such. The Battle music rocks. You can't decide your party on this one but I named the main character Tatsu, and he fights with his fists. It's very inexpensive. :) [U] FF3:[/U] Question: Would it be illegal to play a Rom of this game considering it never came out over here? Just wondering... :D [U]FF4[/U]: One of the best! Also the only one where you can have [I][B]FIVE[/B][/I] party members at once. It breaks my heart how many party members you lose, though. I've been beaten silly by so many inanimate objects in this game I'm starting to fear walls...(I think they heard me!!! <.<) Currently, I'm [spoiler]on the freaking Moon[/spoiler] and I'm getting my arse handed to me...I can't believe in Cave Bahamut, you face random Behemoths that you can't escape from. I need to power-level [B][I]again....[/I][/B] :animesigh The Battle Music's among the best, but it's to short, making it repeat alot...<.< Again, you can't choose your party members (apparently ever), which kind of gives it a different feel than the others, considering you never truly choose who's in your party. [U]Favorite Party Members:[/U] Cecil (I named him Cyrus, as Tatsu is never usually a knight) Kain (Dragoons own super hard, and I let him keep his name) Yang (Damn! [spoiler]His death[/spoiler] really hurt me, considering I was gonna name him 'Tatsu...':( Palom and Porom (I'll never stop using 'Soft...' :() [U]FF5:[/U] I like the job system, and how everyone has their own look for each job, and I'm currently trying to get into some flying ruins. But like in the others, I need to train so I can beat the Uber-Laser. The Chocobo is the coolest... [U] Party Members:[/U] Butz (Seriously, what kind of name...anyway I named him Tatsu, and he's currently a Hunter) Reina (White Mage) Galuf (Monk) Faris (Soceror, or Magic Sword iser person) [U]FF6:[/U] I forgot what I was doing, but I'm crossing the ocean on a mission with Sabin, Terra, and Shadow. I think Locke may be there, but I not remember. I'll probably play today. In my opinion this has one of the best Battle and Boss themes, along with World Map theme. [U] Favorite Party:[/U] Sabin (named Tatsu, my favorite characters in all of Final Fantasy!!! [I][B]"Aura Bolt!!![/B][/I]) Locke (named Kyosho, my best friend) Terra (didn't change her name) Edgar (didn't change his name) [U]FF7[/U]: I played it a long time ago, and I don't remember if I beat it, though I remember fighting the last boss completely...I have a Gold Chocobo, so I must of beaten it, right? :animeswea [U]Favorite Party:[/U] Cloud (No choice really...:animeswea ) Yuffie (Why do I hear that no one likes her? Her "Clear Tranquil" Limit Break was perfect to replace Aerith's "Healing Wind") Vincent (If only, if only, you could contrl his Limit Breaks...:rolleyes: [U] FF8[/U]: I could of beaten this 4 years ago, but my friends copy was so messed up, it keep freezing at the FMV on the Space Station, so I was stuck up there. That means that I couldn't even train if I wanted to...The best Chocobo Theme was in this game: Mods de Chocobo. I didn't like that it only had six party members considering I FFVII had nine, but it's ok. :) [U]Favorite Party:[/U] Squall (Four years ago, I wasn't using the name Tatsu in RPGs. I left the names alone.) Selphie (I liked her Nunchakus, but I didn't like her Limit Break, but really the only Limits I liked was Zell's and Squall's) Zell [U]FF9:[/U] Again, the discs to messed up to load battles properly, so I'm stuck...again...The Mexician-ish music that plays when you play Chocobo Hot and Cold is awesome. [U]Favorite Party:[/U] Zidane (named Kyosho, I thought the double ended sword-thingie was really cool.) Vivi (named Tatsu. Usually I name myself after physical characters, but Vivi is just to cool. ;)) Eiko (I don't remember if I changed her name...if I recall, she summoned something different than Garnet that I really liked.) Freya (I love Dragoons. They're just to cool. And Freya's story made me sad.) [U]FFX:[/U] Beat it. I only got Tidus' and Yuna's Ultimate Weapons unlocked, but I got everyone's I think. The Chocobo thing for Tidus' Second Power-up (Sigil?) was really fun, though I hear a lot of people don't like it...>.> [U]Favorite Party:[/U] Actually, I used everyone a lot, consideirng you couold just switch like that. But I usually used Tidus, Auron, and Rikku. I love Rikku...:heart: [U]FFX-2[/U]: Ummm...not much to say...I'm in the middle of playing it. I love the mini-game on Besaid Island, where you cap-a-buncha enemies. It was really fun. I actually really liked the battle theme at the beginning of the game, and wish it was the regular one. Also the Boss theme for LaBlanc and her crew owned, too. [U] Party:[/U] Not much of choice... Yuna (She was usually in Gunner mode, because I loved "Trigger-Happy," or White Mage, to heal obviously.) Rikku:heart: (I loved her Samurai outfit, and she was usually in that form. I think Auron's blade was a nice touch. And I loved her Theif Sphere, too, for speed is my thing. Also, I loved her "Machina Maw" uber Sphere, where she looks like she's wearing a Evangelion outfit with the weird looking mech she rides on.) Paine (Before I played X or X-2, I thought she was gonna be my favortie, until Rikku...:heart: Anyway, I usually had her in Warrior mode, but she knew White and Black Magic too, just in case.) Actually I tried to teach them all everything...:D [U] FFXI[/U]: Never played it, but I would be a Summoner, Ninja, or Dragoon. [U]FFXII:[/U] It's not even out here, yet! :mad: [U] FFTactics[/U]: I beat it recently, because I got stuck on the third to last fight, but I eventually got through it. The last two fights were nothing. [U]Favorite Party Members:[/U] Hirosho the Ninja (There's nothing like throwing books and crap at your enemies.) Cloud the Soldier (Because he was in the game.) "Thunder God" Cid (That isn't even his real name, that just nicknamed him that because his so cool) Tatsubei the Samurai (I loved using the Souls of the Katanas to vaquish my foes!) Ultima the Black Chocobo (I was gonna name him "Ruby" but this Chocobo flies.) [U] FFTacticsAdv[/U]: This one was really cool, I just wish I could of named my party members...harder to beat the "Tactics." [U]Party:[/U] Tatsubei the Paladin (I don't really make myself Knight characters, but I couldn't pass up using the Ragnarok Blade. I wish Samurai were in the game though...) Roland the Dragoon (Bangaas are cool, and so are Dragoons, so yeah.) Bernardo the Archer (He mastered all the Hunter skills and the ways of the Ninja, I just thought Archers looked cooler.) Meryl the Assassin (As long as she was next to you or behind you, it was pretty much a guaranteed one-hit kill.) The coolest thing was that they were my starting team that I stuck with til the end. :p Well, I think that's all of my Final Fantasy Legacy for now... I'm going to bed now. [/FONT][/COLOR] :animestun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anime Pet Posted June 21, 2006 Share Posted June 21, 2006 [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]Wow - I'm impressed :animestun The only character I've ever renamed is Barret in FFVII - I named him Mr. T, 'cause my dad and I thought he was hilarious. :animesmil My bro named Tidus, in FFX, after himself. :rolleyes: I read my Playstation magazine, and saw about FXIII - totally sweet. I'm so getting a PS3 once the game comes out - that and the other FXIII.....something I'm not entirely sure I understand. :animeswea But they look awesome. So does the one on PSP, but I don't have one. :animecry: I'm excited about FXII, though - I've got ants in my pants! (figuratively.....) I wanted to get Before Crisis, but it's only on cell phones!!!! :animecry: :animecry: I'm currently on a Reno obsession - he's just so cool! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest demonlover Posted July 2, 2006 Share Posted July 2, 2006 i cut my teeth on chrono cross then moved on to bigger and better games-played all the ff games except 2,crystal chronicles,xi,and i'm anticipating xii. my personal fave is a 4-way tie between 7,8,x,andx2-but for many reasons. x&x2 got to my heart because at the time i lost someone very important to me and i could identify with yuna's loss and search. 7-because sephiroth is just so COOL! he is my alltime fave boss(followed by albedo from xenosaga) 8 was just a great game all around(even tho my seed rank for awhile mighta been in the negative numbers!) but i guess overall my fave is still x2 because i love it when love conquers all. i admit it, i'm a sap..... :animeblus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anime Pet Posted July 3, 2006 Share Posted July 3, 2006 [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]Sounds like you're really into Final Fantasy! I can't wait for FFXII to come out, and I'm totally getting a PS3 just to get FFXIII and the other FFXIII game! :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magus Posted November 30, 2007 Share Posted November 30, 2007 [quote name='Tombstone']I'll come straight out with it. I am not a FF fan (I'm not fond of RPG's in general) but I have given it a chance. I do have respect for the RPG's but I don't think I'll ever like them. (Maybe cuz I don't like turn based games ^_^)[/QUOTE] [COLOR="Navy"]*Life* My opinion have certainly changed alot since that post lol. Still, you won't ever hear me going bonkers over these games, but I do enjoy them now. Kind of sad that I don't buy rpgs for the story lol. I now buy them to see if there's some cool limit break attacks. (Considering dishing out $35 for a copy of Xenogears) Anyways... [b]FFVII[/b] - I have it here. Sitting on my tv collecting dust wondering when I'm gonna play it again. I only beat it once, and haven't returned to it. That's gonna change, but probably no time soon. I think the last time I played it, my party was Cloud, Yuffie, and Cid. [b]FFVIII[/b] - My favorite of the series so far. Squall's cold attitude is funny to me. I just beat the game for a 2nd time recently. Odin seriously sucks when going for a no level up game. My party is/was Squall, Zell and Irvine. I beat Omega Weapon, and I'm a little confused about that card game. [b]FFX[/b] - I hate it lol. Honestly, I have to play it again because I only played up to the point to where I was meeting up with Auron, (After that beast guy got into it with his own folks) and called it quits. I couldn't bare Tidus wimpy voice. Love the graphics though. [b]FFXII[/b] - Played the demo. Didn't care for it. (gameplay wise) Apparently I don't know my style of gameplay, and I've been calling it an MMO lol. (I know MMO's have that same particular style of playing... so sue me :)) A friend of mine have told me that the actual game is different from the demo itself. So perhaps I may check it out again one day. FF Chronicles and FF Anthology just arrived in the mail yesterday and day before. I put my love for graphics on hold for a bit to see what I was missing. (And to see what was so special about these games) I haven't started playin any of them yet. Besides different consoles/platforms and whatnot, what are the differences between these and their GBA/DS counterparts? I'm thinking about getting Tactics, but I hate that style of gameplay too. Strategy is not my thing. And I've been debating on getting FFIX as well. "shrugs" I'm more interested in FFXIII Versus than FFXIII. Probably because I don't care for that style of gameplay in FFXII. I guess that's it for now.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted November 30, 2007 Share Posted November 30, 2007 [quote name='Tombstone'][COLOR="Navy"]FF Chronicles and FF Anthology just arrived in the mail yesterday and day before. I put my love for graphics on hold for a bit to see what I was missing. (And to see what was so special about these games) I haven't started playin any of them yet. Besides different consoles/platforms and whatnot, what are the differences between these and their GBA/DS counterparts?[/COLOR][/QUOTE][color=#4B0082]Load times mainly. The PS1 collections have horrible, horrible load times. They also have opening and ending CG cutscenes but that hardly makes up for it. The GBA versions are based on the previous Wonderswan Color ports of the games (released in Japan only) so their graphics and music are updated. Or at least FFI-FFV are; FFVI on the GBA is pretty much untouched in those areas I think, other than the audio quality taking a hit because it's on the GBA instead of the Super NES.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueYoshi Posted November 30, 2007 Share Posted November 30, 2007 [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Load times mainly. The PS1 collections have horrible, horrible load times. They also have opening and ending CG cutscenes but that hardly makes up for it.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]It's true. The load times are so bad on Anthology that I just stopped playing it because it got ridiculous. Long loading times from saving and loading up a game are understandable, but when it takes you ten seconds to get into the menu alone, then that's taking the piss.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magus Posted March 1, 2009 Share Posted March 1, 2009 Alright FF fans. I'm in need of your help again. What's the difference, or rather which is the better version to get, the DS or GBA version of Final Fantasy IV? I've read that the DS had a 3D makeover and is harder than the GBA version. I've seen the 3D version, but I'm not into the chibi-ish looking characters, but at the same time I've learned not to let that type of look fool me. (FF7) I've been trying to get input all over the interweb, but no one or nothing (reviews) is really selling me on anything. I know it comes down to preference, but I'm really having a hard time deciding on which to buy. One's cheaper (that's already calling my name) while the other is suppose to be harder. (And I like hard games.) Edit: Also, once I figure that out, I'm debating on whether to get FFIV or FFVI first. I've heard a lot of talk amongst the 2, so yeah, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boo Posted March 1, 2009 Share Posted March 1, 2009 [size=1]If anyone would know about FFIV, it would be Desbreko, anyway. Personally, I prefer Final Fantasy VI over any of the other Final Fantasys, because anything below that one became tiresome, even though IV is really an awesome game, and anything after that one... well, I just did not like as much as VI. So yeah. Final Fantasy VI is my suggestion. Debbie might eat me with salt for that claim though. Besides, if the DS version of IV is so difficult... Yeah well, the game is difficult enough on it's own. *sobs in a corner* It took me a lot of effort to finally beat it, [spoiler]and then after I erased the data I found out that there was more to the game after you beat it[/spoiler]. ;_;[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Man Posted March 17, 2009 Share Posted March 17, 2009 [quote name='Magus']Alright FF fans. I'm in need of your help again. What's the difference, or rather which is the better version to get, the DS or GBA version of Final Fantasy IV? I've read that the DS had a 3D makeover and is harder than the GBA version. I've seen the 3D version, but I'm not into the chibi-ish looking characters, but at the same time I've learned not to let that type of look fool me. (FF7) I've been trying to get input all over the interweb, but no one or nothing (reviews) is really selling me on anything. I know it comes down to preference, but I'm really having a hard time deciding on which to buy. One's cheaper (that's already calling my name) while the other is suppose to be harder. (And I like hard games.) Edit: Also, once I figure that out, I'm debating on whether to get FFIV or FFVI first. I've heard a lot of talk amongst the 2, so yeah, lol.[/QUOTE] GBA for sure brother. You'll like it alot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magus Posted March 18, 2009 Share Posted March 18, 2009 [quote name='The Man']GBA for sure brother. You'll like it alot.[/QUOTE] [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]That's not really telling me anything. Thanks though. Boo, you're probably the third to say get VI over IV. It's still a hard choice for me, so I think I just might get FF Chronicles and Anthology again because of the cheap prices. Can't escape being cheap :)[/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted March 18, 2009 Share Posted March 18, 2009 [color=#4B0082]FFIV Advance is basically just the original game with the added ability to swap out party members once you get to the final dungeon, plus a couple extra dungeons. The only differences in the actual gameplay are some slowdown and bugginess, which is mainly present during battles. You have to be careful to make sure the cursor actually moves when you press the control cross or else you may end up selecting the wrong command. Also, there's a bug in the turn order where sometimes a character will get to take two actions in a row even though their ATB gauge hasn't refilled. It's annoying but it doesn't cripple the game, and the slowdown actually makes some battles easier than the original hard type version. The first extra dungeon is mainly just a place to level up and get better equipment for the secondary party members that become available again just before the end of the game. The second one opens up after you beat the game and is pretty huge, featuring separate paths that each require the use of a different character. FFIV DS has a lot more changes from the original, though I don't know too many specifics since I still haven't actually played it myself. (Other stuff seems to keep sapping my monies first...) Instead of being able to swap party members near the end, whenever a character leaves your party you get to take their special abilities and give them to your remaining party members, and there's also other ways to customize the characters' abilities. Monsters and bosses also have new abilities, and I'm guessing new stats as well since I, too, have heard that the DS version is harder. And obviously there's the new 3D graphics, FMV sequences, and voice acting. Though, to go along with the voice acting, you can no longer change the character names. I'm not sure what kind of extra content FFIV DS has, other than some minigames and a couple little side-quests. As for whether to get FFIV or FFVI, that's a tough call. I, personally, prefer FFIV but a lot of people I've talked to seem to like FFVI better. FFVI also happens to be my second favorite in the series after FFIV, so it's not even a large gap in preference for me. But, preferences aside, here's some of the big differences between FFIV and FFVI in terms of gameplay: [list][*]FFVI is substantially longer. Like, about three times as long as FFIV – think 60 hours instead of 20 if you want to clear all of FFVI's optional content and get all the characters. [*]FFVI has a much larger cast of characters, each with a unique special ability. Most of them are interesting and well-developed, too. [*]FFVI's magic system allows almost everyone to use both black and white magic, which makes the game substantially easier than FFIV if you build your characters well. [*]FFVI's party size is four, whereas FFIV's is five. This plays into the last point, since you don't need as many specialized characters and it makes battles easier to manage. [*]FFVI Advance fixes bugs from the original game (yay for the evade stat actually working) rather than introducing new ones as FFIV Advance did.[/list][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailTactics Posted March 28, 2010 Author Share Posted March 28, 2010 **phoenix down** lol GREAT to see how this turned out! Looking back this was before FFXII I posted lol!Been awhile posting (obviously) and now as you would have guessed Im playing XIII. Im near the end and didn't own a PS3 before the game. XBOX jacked it up.. if it was a PS3 exclusive imagine how much more power could have gone into the game to make it better *already stunning. Amazing to see how much work went into this game what I heard made game history as the longest game to go into production. I have to say it shows as XIII definately puts the "fantasy" in the title more than any other in the series thus far. As stated Im coming toward the end and it is getting UBER (can I say that?) difficult but as with the other in the series Ill get this one down as well. UPDATE: Beat FFIII for DS in '08 then someone stole it. Beat XII last year. Got all summons and Zodiac Spear. Two Zodiac Shields as well -they are hidden in a cave I forget which one but if I remember it is the one with the Zodiac summon in it.. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: **FF makes history within its own series to have a dark skinned character since Barrett (Wakka don't count) lol. But I question cuz he calls red-head vanilla and paradigms shifts to diversity *also both Barrett and Sazh have guns one of which has a hand for a gun **dance flick lol** -where is SE gettin at with this?** Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ExcelExcel Posted March 28, 2010 Share Posted March 28, 2010 I punked final fantasy, over an over. I've played 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 (my fave) 9, 10, 10-2, tactics, and 12. I did not beat 2, 6, or 12. But, I love the final fantasy games. They rock. However. I DESPISED the battle system in 12. I wanted to strangle the creators. Hopefully, 13 will redeam the FF series. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailTactics Posted April 1, 2010 Author Share Posted April 1, 2010 UPDATE: Beat FFXIII [no fools joke] -excellent game awsome story but def. not as indepth as some other FFs -extremely fantastical from beginning to end mos def. lived up to its name -Orphan slayed, saved cacoon, fullfilled my focus -need I do more? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailTactics Posted August 31, 2013 Author Share Posted August 31, 2013 **Raise** This is great! I'm here to update the world on my FF experience. Since 2005 I have kept everyone updated about my progression in the series. I would have posted yesterday when I got all the trophies but complications with my login and all this delayed things (thanks Petie [Mod] for your help). Right now I just beten FFXIII-2. I know I'm late its been a rough year. Truth is I put gaming on hold for school and well, right now it's all about gaming. So - without further ado.. FFXIII-2 - Annihilated the game. Taught Caius whos the true keeper of time (not you Link, at least here). But if you saw the secret ending /spoilers you would know that Sarah and Noel correcting the timeline was actually part of his plan I put approx. 240+ hours in the game (thats more then I had in FFX-2, WOW) and got every trophy. My next assignment is to get all titles in chocobo racing and purchase all th DLC for the game - no wonder why the game was only $20. Dam cheap for a dam good game. But then the fanboy (or girl) in all of us has to get EVERYTHING so there it goes with the DLC. Current: I just purchased FFXIV: A Realm Reborn and haven't even opened it yet. My situation calls for it. I have to be good and ready before taking on this badboy. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster - I want this.There is no such thing as a "budget" for this game. I need it on Vita and PS3. Must have it now but so much untold about the release its starting to get to me. This will be good. Expect me to be around to give you an update of FFXIII Lightning's Return : the last of the Fabula Nova Crystal...somethin series.. and also FFXV in the future. Keep on gaming! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailTactics Posted August 31, 2013 Author Share Posted August 31, 2013 (edited) Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will also feature cross-play, which is dope!! Edited September 2, 2013 by TailTactics Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailTactics Posted September 1, 2013 Author Share Posted September 1, 2013 FFX - I hate it lol. Honestly, I have to play it again because I only played up to the point to where I was meeting up with Auron, (After that beast guy got into it with his own folks) and called it quits. I couldn't bare Tidus wimpy voice. Love the graphics though. Im about 6 years too late but I was rummiging through these posts.. came across this and said to myself why this guy even bother posting. Are you serious - FFX has epic art, graphics, storyline, gameplay, music among other and this is the only reason a game was stopped - Tidus's voice? He sounds intact to me and you would probably want to stay away from other FF games such as XIII b/c forbid you hear what Hope sounds like. Point is give a valid reason like maybe the gameplay wasn't your style, you didn't hav time to get to the controls and figure out the battle system, or simply the game was just too hard for you to play. Cuz this reason, honestly, is hanus. Even with these reasons and Tidus's "voice" the game is still worth playing through again and again (HD Remaster). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magus Posted September 1, 2013 Share Posted September 1, 2013 (edited) Im about 6 years too late but I was rummiging through these posts.. came across this and said to myself why this guy even bother posting. Are you serious - FFX has epic art, graphics, storyline, gameplay, music among other and this is the only reason a game was stopped - Tidus's voice? He sounds intact to me and you would probably want to stay away from other FF games such as XIII b/c forbid you hear what Hope sounds like. Point is give a valid reason like maybe the gameplay wasn't your style, you didn't hav time to get to the controls and figure out the battle system, or simply the game was just too hard for you to play. Cuz this reason, honestly, is hanus. Even with these reasons and Tidus's "voice" the game is still worth playing through again and again (HD Remaster). Would you look at that. Come back to visit and I see this. Yeah, you're definitely late. Because you're 6 years too late I don't really know how to respond to this either. Around that time I was more of a RPG rookie. Now it's more like if it's not the Mass Effect series you won't really see me touch RPG's let alone, JRPGs. I won't say that I'm done with them (yet) since I just bought a JRPG for the 1st time in a long time (Tales of Xillia), but I will say even with this HD remastered whatever, I have no desire to play it. Turn-based combat is something I've gotten tired of quite a while back, but then again, to be fair my interest have died on quite a few things. I was picky with my games back then, but I'm even more picky now. I suppose I could try to give some valid reasons, but considering this was a 6 year old post, there's really no point in doing that. I must admit that I can't help but laugh at that old post of mine. Wow. Edited September 2, 2013 by Magus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailTactics Posted November 30, 2016 Author Share Posted November 30, 2016 what has it been.. 11 years since my original post and I keep coming back to revive. The phoenix is strong here.. this may be my last post but call it a personal journal, still I'm creating this post to commemorate a FF title that has been 10 yrs in the making; which released today. FFXV .. got the deluxe edition since the collectors edition has been on wait list for months. I preordered this game twice once with gamestop to get A King's Tale which is savage, then on SE online store to get SE points. In any case so far its amazing.. the open world, detail, also being able to play old school FF tracks while in the Regalia is a neat touch to the original. Getting used to the gameplay since this is an action RPG. As seen, the entire industry is getting rid of RPG origins ie turn based, which is disappointing... but these new school gamers have minimal appreciation for the old due to what I believe is saturation. But perhaps adaptation is necessary and since it's so... SE is pulling it into their own arena, as they do spectacularly without fail for years.Going backwards a bit but as in my previous post I did purchase FFXIV, killed it (got months time on it) and got through A Realm Reborn 100 percent platinum trophy, maxed out classes and beat all content pre-Heavensward. Everything after Heavensward, although purchased (for both PC and PS4) I barely got through the content. I know its an awesome game though, and with the new expansion for 2017 Stormblood, I most likely will not get back. But the time I spent on ARR was amazing, my main was a scholar - I enjoyed playing ALOT highly recommend.And yet another update.. I beat FF11 main story. This year I purchased the game and all expansions and got through as a Red Mage main second Dancer, which is all I really wanted it for. Pretty easy to level up. I played some expansions too ie Chains of Promathia but got it mainly to beat the story.I also beat FF1 and FF2 again. Didn't know FF2 had a side story called Soul of Rebirth, beat that too. Pretty fun to play - pretty much killed FF2 100+ hrs on the smartphone, heh.FFXII is getting an HD remake next year. It's about time it was remade HD, been 10 years - 11 when it comes out. When I think about it that was about the same amount of time it took 10 10-2 to be remade so I suppose ntb. Speaking of 10 been hearing rumors of FF10-3 in the making.. and where is my Auron default pic for this forum? lol.In any case, there you have it - I beat FF 1-14 count 15 in. Gotta go play.. 'til next time, perhaps.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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