Raquel Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 siren: *blows her bangs upwards* no kidding... uggh.... they should know better... it's not like them to spring traps Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 Sean:...I onder if they got out...? [I]Sean pokes around the temple and sees that only the very tip top is sticking out[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 siren: *shudders* i hope so... orion pancake... uggh... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 [I]Sean laughs then shrugs[/I] Sean:...so how long have you been in the dark world? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 siren: *sighs* about five years... you? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 Sean:...about 10...I fell through when I was young...I have been here ever since...a thief..same as I was in the light world... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 siren: sheesh... a man kidnapped me drpoed me through the portal brought me out expirmented on me then tossed me back in when he found he coulden't use me... i'll kill him... if he's dead i'll hunt in the relms of the dead and kill him again... slowly Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted December 15, 2001 Author Share Posted December 15, 2001 [color=indigo][I]The floor starts to shake.[/I] Orion: This can't be good! Kizu: What's happening!?! Drake: Shite! Everybody out of here!!! QUICK!!! [I]The room starts to sink as they run towards the exit.[/I] Drake: WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!!! Andry: Maybe [I]you[/I] aren't. [I]By now, the exit to the room is a couple feet over their heads. Andry flys up to the exit, and lands on the edge.[/I] Drake: Hey! Take this! [I]Drake throws his rope up to Andry.[/I] Orion: If I don't make this... [I]Orion leaps as high as he can, and just manages to make it up onto the ledge.[/I] Drake: Lower the rope! QUICKLY!!!!! [I]Andry lowers the rope, and they grab onto it.[/I] Matt: PULL US UP!!! [I]Orion grabs the rope in his jaws and hauls on the rope as hard as he can.[/I] Kizu: FASTER!!!!! [I]The three of them get up onto the ledge, just as the opening closes up.[/I] Andry: Did you guys set off that trap!?!?! Drake: I sure didn't. I was being as careful as always. Orion: I didn't. [I]They all look at Kizu.[/I] Kizu: Hey! I followed Drake down that corridor exactly! Drake: Hmmm... Orion: Maybe it got set off when that thing died? Drake: Possibly... We should get moving. Orion: Yeah, I sure don't want to stay here. [I]They set off down the corridor.[/I] Drake: I hope there's an exit down this way... The floors sloping upward, but not very steep... Orion: I think there is. Drake: Well, I hope it's not to much farther... This sack is getting heavy... [I]They walk along the corridor for about a half-hour.[/I] Drake: Too... dang... heavy! [I]He takes out a cantine and takes a drink of water.[/I] Drake: I guess this is what I get for being such a great treasure hunter... [I]They feel a slight movement of air.[/I] Matt: Did you feel that? Orion: Yeah. We must be getting close to an exit. Drake: About time! *pant* [I]He takes another drink.[/I] Drake: Anyone else want a drink? Kizu: Sure. [I]Drake hands the cantine to Kizu, and he takes a drink.[/I] Kizu: Thanks. [I]He hands the cantine back to Drake.[/I] Andry: The air movement is getting stronger. [I]They continue down the corridor...[/I][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonfire1477 Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 Matt: I almost forgot! Drake: What now? Matt: When you guys came to get us, we were searching through the treasure, and I pocketed this item...... He pulls an orb out of his pouch and holds it up, everyone marvels at it while it glows. Orion: Astounding..... The orb glows a blinding white, and everyone is forced to look away while Matt holds on to the sphere. In a flash, Matt is covered in armored scales and armed with a specially designed dragon staff. Matt: Amazing.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 [I]Sean nods then moves around the edges of the sunken temple[/I] Sean:I hope they find a way out...would be a pity to lose that treasure... Siren:what about them? [I]Sean shrugs[/I] Sean:what about them?...we die every day if I took the time to mourn them all I would never get anything done... [I]Sean completes walking and searching the edges of the temple[/I] Sean:...drat...nothing... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deedlit Posted December 15, 2001 Share Posted December 15, 2001 Oh it's been so long since I posted here. Can anyone sum up what's been happening for me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted December 16, 2001 Author Share Posted December 16, 2001 [color=seagreen][size=1]OOC: Looking back at all the previous posts in this thread, I see that this...[/color][/size] [quote][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13[/i] [b]Somewhere in the forest, a young sorceress was practicing her magic powers.[/b][/quote] [color=seagreen][size=1]...is the only thing that you've posted that even romotely relates to the story. Everything else has been spam. If you don't want to read the posts to find out what has happened, don't post in this thread. If you want to be a part of this RPG, that's fine. But if you don't stop spamming, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.[/size][/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=indigo] Drake: Whoa... What happened to you? What is that thing? [I]They come around a bend in the carridor and see daylight.[/I] Drake: Finally! An exit!!! [I]He starts walking towards the exit, but stops a few feet away from the opening.[/I] Drake: Wait a minute... [I]He looks around at the walls, floor and ceiling.[/I] Kizu: What is it? Drake: Don't step here: [I]He points to a few of the coble stones in the floor.[/I] Kizu: Why not? [I]Drake picks up a small peble and throws it onto the coble stones. Large blades spring out of the walls that would've skewered anything standing on the stones.[/I] Drake: That's why. [I]They cautiously step over the trap and out of the temple.[/I] Drake: Well, I'm glad that's over! Kizu: where are we? This deasn't look like the Swamp... Matt: We traveled a long ways underground. We're at the eastern edge of the Swamp. Orion: We should get back to the others. Andry: But what's that orb that you got, Matt? Drake: Yeah, what is that?[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted December 16, 2001 Share Posted December 16, 2001 siren: dam.n, dam.n, dam.n... if they're dead i'll never forgive them... *sigh* what now? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonfire1477 Posted December 24, 2001 Share Posted December 24, 2001 Matt: I'm not sure what the orb does except that it supplies me with this armor. I don't know how to turn it off though.... Drake: Hey don't complain, at least you got something valuable out of it. Matt swings the staff in the air and listens to the sound of the blade in the air. Matt: I could get used to this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted December 30, 2001 Author Share Posted December 30, 2001 [color=indigo]Drake: Yes, I'm sure you can. Orion: Lets get going. We can all admire Matt's new treasure on the way back. Drake: Urrrrrrgggggghhhhhh...... [I]Drake grunts as he shoulders the sack of treasure once again, as they set off.[/I] Andry: I wonder if it'd work with anyone? Matt: I'm not sure... Possibly. Drake: I don't think I'd want all that armor. Give me a pair of leather trousers and a leather shirt and I'm happy. Oh yes, and a cloak. Kizu: Why wouldn't you want the armor? Drake: Because armor is heavy. And when you're a thief, you have to be quick. Orion: Or you're dead. Drake: Yes, quite right... Ironically, if you're not quick, you become dead quickly. Orion: No one has ever been quick enough when they were trying to steal from me... :demon: Drake: If you're trying to steal from a behemoth, you're not a thief... You're stupid. [I]They continue walking, on and on, step after step...[/I][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raquel Posted December 30, 2001 Share Posted December 30, 2001 sean: give up? siren: no way... i'm getting them back...c'mon! with that she turned and sprinted into the forest... ~~~~~~~~~ i'm playing with two dead chars... it would be nice if anti showed up from where ever he is... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted January 3, 2002 Author Share Posted January 3, 2002 [color=indigo][size=1]OOC: Yes, it would be nicce if people started posting here again. THIS RPG [I]CAN'T[/I] DIE! IT'S THE ONLY ONE I HAVE LEFT!!![/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drake: Uggghhhh..... Only a little farther... I can do this... Only a little farther..... [I]Drake shifts the sack of treasure to his other shoulder.[/I] Matt: You could let me carry it... :naughty: Drake: :therock: I would, except for that grin on your face... [I]They continue on... and on...[/I] Orion: Hey! What was that?! Drake: Urgh... What was what? Orion: I heard something... Andry: Something dangerous? Orion: Something moving very fast... In this direction. Drake: Ahh, crap. [I]He drops the sack and pulls out a trowing knife.[/I] Orion: It's almost here... [I]Just then, something burts out of the bushes running and barely dodges Drake's knife, which sticks into a tree an inch beside it's head.[/I] All: Siren? Drake: You're lucky I'm tired... [I]Siren looks at the knife sticking in the tree next to her.[/I] Siren: :therock: Drake: Okay, I'm sorry... Siren: What happened to you guys?! Matt: We can talk on the way back. It's almost sunset. Drake: Urrrgghhhhh..... [I]Drake walks over and pulls the knife out of the tree. He puts it away, and then picks up the sack again.[/I] Siren: Want me to carry that for awhile? Drake: Sorry, Matt already tried that one. :smirk: Siren: Heheheh... :smirk:[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted January 3, 2002 Share Posted January 3, 2002 OOC:I'm back!! ^_^ *as the group walks back, Sean drops out of one of the trees, his knife to Drake's throat, the other all have thier weapons drawn instantly.* Siren:Sean!...they are friends... *Sean looks at each of them and then pulls his knife back* Sean:.....you guys are carrying lots of loot... Drake:...and who are you?... Sean:...a friend of Siren's.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kizu Posted January 4, 2002 Share Posted January 4, 2002 Kizu: Hey where did you go? I can't see anything. All: Were over here kizu, Stop shouting. Kizu: Sorry, I though that you left me in there. Can we get out of here now. I am starting to get hungry. Orion: Just waita few minutes, and don't set off any boobi-traps. Drake: Yeha that last one almost killed us. Kizu: I already told you that I didn't touch that one. Drake: Ok, but it still stays the same. Don't touch anything. Kizu: Ok *muttering to himself* They always treat me as a kid *picks up a stone and throws it* Drake: What was that? Kizu Did you touch anything? Kizu: I just threw a stone Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted January 4, 2002 Author Share Posted January 4, 2002 [color=indigo][size=1]OOC: Ummm... kizu? We're not in the Ruins anymore. We're out in the Swamp, away from the Ruins.[/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drake: Well that's good. I wouldn't want to have to kill you with your own knife. [I]Drake tosses Sean's knife back to him, and Sean catches it expertly by the handle.[/I] Sean: What the $%&#? [I]Sean looks down at his empty hand.[/I] Drake: :smirk: Am I good, or what? Sean: You better not try anything like that again... Drake: What, like this? [I]He tosses Sean his Rupee pouch.[/I] Sean: Okay, that's it... Orion: Hey now, you two settle down. And Drake, he was right when he said you shouldn't do that again... Okay? :demon: Drake: Whatever... :naughty: Orion: *sigh* .......... Matt: [I]Anyway[/I], What happened to that temple? Kizu: Yeah, we almost got killed. Siren: It sunk. Drake: What do you mean, it sunk? Like, right into the ground? Siren: Yes! It sunk! Drake: Well that's odd... All: :therock: Drake: What? Siren: Nothing... Matt: Like I said before... We should get back and make camp... Drake: Right! Yes! Off we go then! Orion: (off to the side, to Matt) Do you think that maybe he's getting a little loopy, from being so tired? Matt: (off to the side, to Orion) Well, he [i]has[/i] been carrying that sack for a [I]long[/I] time... Orion: (off to the side, to Matt) This can't be good...[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kizu Posted January 4, 2002 Share Posted January 4, 2002 OOC: Oh, woops, guess that shows what happens when you forget about a thread for a while. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kizu: I'm tired of this. I am leaving by myself. A group just isn't my thing. Siren: Are you sure. It is a lot safer when we are together in a group. Kizu: Yeah, but I still have to watch my back and make sure that Drake isn't trying to steal from me. Siren: Well it is your choice. Kizu: Well see you around. Tell Orion and Matt that I left and not to look for me. Ok bye Siren: Bye Drake: Wheres he going? Siren: I think he will go to the Woods, that is the place where he first came to Dark World. Maybe he will be able find a way back to Light World. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted January 6, 2002 Author Share Posted January 6, 2002 [color=indigo][size=1]OOC: NNNOOOO!!!!! You can't leave! I need someone to bounce my humor off of, and the others just won't work! (Well, maybe Orion). Okay, whatever. I'm just glad you kept posting here. :)[/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drake: I hope he didn't take my attempt to break him too seriously... Siren: Huh? [I]She notices that Drake is now limping along, from the weight of the sack.[/I] Orion: If you're a treasure hunter, shouldn't you be used to carrying heavy packs and whatnot? Drake: There are two reasons... [I]He holds up three fingers.[/I] Drake: ...why this is making me so tired..... :therock: [I]He lowers one finger.[/I] Drake: [I]Two[/I] reasons..... One, Both me and you were together, so we ended up getting twice as much as I would normally take by myself. Two,-- Siren: You refuse to let anyone else carry the sack because you're too stubborn, proud and paranoid? Drake: .......... Bingo... :cross:[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti Posted January 6, 2002 Share Posted January 6, 2002 [I]Sean looks down from ontop of the bags[/I] Sean:three he has extra weight.... Drake:wha... [I]Sean jumps down with some of the treasure in another bag[/I] Sean:well you were so tired, just figured I would lighten your load a bit... Siren:*glares* Sean: only lighting...I will give it back...umm some... Orion:some? [I]looks at him, threatingly[/I] Sean:meep...most? Drake:all Sean: ok ok... [I]Sean walks along Drake, a portion of the load on his shoulders[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kizu Posted January 6, 2002 Share Posted January 6, 2002 Kizu: I guess that I have to start taking to my self agian, *sigh* Kizu 1: I wonder wear we can find a way back to Light World? Kizu 2: I think that we would have the best luck going to the hill in the Skull Woods. Kizu 1: But we might get lost in there, last time it took us two days to get out of there. Kizu 2: Yeah but isn't it worth it if we find a way back to Light World Kizu 1: Yeah I guess, your right. Kizu 2: So which one of us gets the map? Kizu 1: Were are the same person, so I guess I will. Kizu 2: Thanks, which way back to Skull Woods? Kizu 1: *Points in a direction* That way, lets get going. Kizu 2: Ok, I wonder if we will be able to find the hill that brought us into Dark World? Kizu 1: I hope so Kizu 2: Me too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted January 18, 2002 Author Share Posted January 18, 2002 [color=indigo][size=1]Whay does my RPG keep dying!? What's wrong with it?[/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Drake: You're lucky I'm tired, or I'd kick your #%&... Sean: You'd try... :rolleyes: Drake: Don't tempt me... [i]They both glare at each other for a second, as they walk down the path.[/i] Orion: We're getting close to the campsite. Drake: GOOD! [i]They finally reach the campsite.[/i] Drake: Well, I think we did pretty good today... Shall we count up the treasure and devide it, then? Matt: Ugh... Lets leave that for tommarrow. Andry: Even if you haven't carried a huge sack of treasure for 25 miles, it's been a long day. Drake: Yeah... I guess you're right... [i]He unrolls his sleeping bag and lays it out on the ground. He takes his throwing knives out from beneath his cloak and puts them somewhere in the sleeping bag. Unbuckling his sword, he sits down.[/i] Drake: None of you snore, do you? All: No! [i]They make a fire and sit around it, having dinner. Drake takes out a few strips of preserved meat and starts nawing on them.[/i] Siren: What kind of meat [i]is[/i] that? Drake: It tastes better if you don't think about that... Siren: Riiiiight... Drake: So where do we go in the morning? [i]SNAP![/i] Orion: What was that!? Drake: Oh, sorry. That was me breaking off a piece of this meat... I think it's a bit old.....[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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