Guest mrspackman89 Posted January 13, 2006 Share Posted January 13, 2006 :catgirl: mine came from the came packman is was and still is my favorite game to play it was the only thing that kept be busy when we had to do laundry [COLOR=Lime]undefined[/COLOR][SIZE=2]undefined[/SIZE][FONT=Verdana]undefined[/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku Posted January 13, 2006 Share Posted January 13, 2006 [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]My old user name was CloudsOnly189 before, as you can see. But, to me, it sounded like I was immature or something and I wanted it to be known that I totally love KH, so I changed my name to Keyblade Wielder because it sounds a whole lot better and it shows that I love Sora and Riku, the two keyblade wielders. Let's just say, that I can't wait until KH II comes out. XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ilovekyonkichi Posted January 21, 2006 Share Posted January 21, 2006 well, my name pretty much speaks for itself . . .i usually use the name stargategirl17 but i was getting tired of that . . .i just really [COLOR=Red]LOVE [/COLOR] Fruits Basket&i truly am in [COLOR=Red]LOVE[/COLOR] with [COLOR=DarkOrange]KYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :catgirl: :p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Endymion Posted January 26, 2006 Share Posted January 26, 2006 [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Instead of using the username I most commonly use, when I joined OB I figured I needed a change. Enthralled at the time with the Inuyasha universe, I felt that [I]Sesshoumaru [/I] and I were most alike. He, being an older brother, and myself one as well. Ever the lover of adjectives tacked on to the front of screennames, I threw [I]Dark [/I] in front of the name, and was born [B]DarkSesshoumaru [/B] nearly two years ago on OB. I enjoyed the name for awhile, but felt I wasn't myself under something other than my commonly used name. So when name changes were available (for some time they weren't, can't recall the reason). I had my name changed to [B]Endymion[/B]. I decided to not tack on my usual adjective, in the mood for the slightest of changes. In elementary, middle, and high schools I was very interested and loved Greek Mythology. In high school, my girlfriend and I would always read different myths to eachother, and we came across the tale of Selene and Endymion. We sort of adopted the names from that point, she was my dear goddess and I was her handsome lover. Selene, the goddess of the moon, fell in love with Endymion, and asked Zeus to grant him eternal life and youth(having seen what happened to her Eos' request). Zeus granted the wish and Endymion was placed in an eternal sleep, smiling, and dreaming of the moon in his arms. Selene had her love for an eternity(and she had 55 daughters from him). I didn't learn, maybe a year later, that Endymion was the name of the prince of the Earth in the Sailor Moon universe. Always liked that series for some reason, at least the first two or three seasons. Endymion was also a character in the Hyperion Cantos book series. It's pretty good though I haven't gotten through all of it yet.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinjitsu Posted January 27, 2006 Share Posted January 27, 2006 [color=red]...ok... well, basically to say it briefly - Shinjitsu = my name in Japanese. Truth = Shinjitsu. Yup yup, that's it, heh. Stupid and simple, I know *le sigh*[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Youzen Posted January 27, 2006 Share Posted January 27, 2006 I took the name of my fav. bishie. Youzen from Senkaiden Houshin Engi. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyler Koregaten Posted January 28, 2006 Share Posted January 28, 2006 All I had to do was type my name. My name is special to me because my last name means "of the highest honor" in old Danish. This name has brought me great respect amongst my people, and I resepct it back. ~ Tyler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sayuri-sama Posted January 28, 2006 Share Posted January 28, 2006 well actually my SN for OB is a geisha name. it comes from emmoirs of a geisha. that was the name young chiyo adopted when she became a full fleged geisha and "turned her collar" from the red of apprentice to the white of a geisha. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Sauce-Cakes Posted January 28, 2006 Share Posted January 28, 2006 [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=2][FONT=Tahoma]I came up with mine when my sister started calling me Sasuke, and poking my forhead like Itachi. Then, she came up with Sauce-Cakes, because it kind of sounds like Sasuke when you think about it. So, I am now Sauce-Cakes, and my sister always calls me that, and I call her Itachi- but it is still annoying of how she pokes my in the foreead. :animedepr [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheShinje Posted January 31, 2006 Share Posted January 31, 2006 [color=crimson] My latest name comes from a Wellington, NZ rap/rock group called Rapture Ruckus that I saw at the Parachute music Festival in the twilight of this month. I though, "Interesting, most interesting, that name is" and adopted it as my new username. I'm like, so totally over Evangelion right now.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sojio Posted February 1, 2006 Share Posted February 1, 2006 Well Sojio is my Alias for preatty much every site im a member of. It originally started as Soji from Peacemaker Kurogane but then i thought that was sorta copying so i cahnged it to Sojio becase that is original and kinda cool. XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Marisela Posted February 1, 2006 Share Posted February 1, 2006 I just like the name that's all ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Parunga-Sama Posted February 1, 2006 Share Posted February 1, 2006 :animeswea :animeswea :animeswea I've just always wondered how Dende would look as a demonised version of himself! :animeswea :animeswea :animedepr :animedepr :animedepr LEAVE ME ALONE! I KNOW I DON'T HAVE A NORMAL BRAIN! :animedepr :animedepr :animedepr :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: <----- ME GO SLEEPY NOW. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elfpirate Posted February 4, 2006 Share Posted February 4, 2006 [font=Comic Sans MS]This has to be the easiest thread I've ever replied to. I chose my name because my nicknames offline are "elf" or "elfy" , based upon the fact that my features are rather elf-like... and I have a fascination with pirates. It's not particularly interesting, is it? :P [/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Sakilo Posted February 4, 2006 Share Posted February 4, 2006 [COLOR=SandyBrown]I got my username from my NexusTK charatcer name and I've been told it means wine or something in another lanuage[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kenshin DX Posted February 4, 2006 Share Posted February 4, 2006 Simple, I like Ramen and I like Ban Mido so I combined them.I like the way Ramen Mido sounds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reikimaru Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 [COLOR=maroon]My name comes from my original charcter. It can mean many things but I go with "cold purity." Reikimaru is also my username everywhere I go though before it used to be just Reiki. I added 'maru' because I wanted the name to be more masculine. To tell the truth I didn't know its meaning untill a few months ago and had the name for at least a year. :animeswea[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kitsune hime Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 Well, Kitsune Hime means fox princess. My roleplaying character Misako is a white fox that is the daughter of a nine tailed fox so she's basically the fox princess. I'm so brilliant with names... :catgirl: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest xDNACRISISXx Posted February 5, 2006 Share Posted February 5, 2006 i got mine from dnangel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sora Posted February 6, 2006 Share Posted February 6, 2006 Mine was pretty easy, I got it back when kingdom hearts was just starting to get big so nobody had already taken it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest AnimeRules15421 Posted February 10, 2006 Share Posted February 10, 2006 AnimeRules well thats self explanitory. But 15421 I got from: g.p.15421 Also the Gorillaz Rule. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KatanaViolet Posted February 10, 2006 Share Posted February 10, 2006 I've used it in other forums. I'm not sure where it came from, I kinda just pulled it outta my head. Katana's are cool. Violet's my favorite color. (well, purple is, but KatanaPurple just doesn't have the same ring to it dontchya think?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kanariya Posted February 12, 2006 Share Posted February 12, 2006 [size=1][font=georgia]I've had three names... [b]1. Inuluvr1[/b]: I had no clue what else to put as my name, so at the time, I was a fan of the show, hence 'Inu.' Then hooked on phonics spelling of 'lover', followed by '1' indicating a '#1 Fan' or something. Yes, yes, I was one of those crazed InuYasha fans. Had Inuluvr1 for a while, before I changed to.. [b]2. Wasabi[/b]: I decided I completely didn't like it anymore, and I felt desperate for a name change. So, Wasabi came. And first of all, I hate the green mustard, so I didn't name it after that. Wasabi was the name of my now deceased cat, which my neighbor had taken care of before giving him to us. He was lovable, and had the cutest collar, with a bell on it. I wasn't there when he had died though (from leukemia, in which we didn't even know he had it), so I never got to see him again after death before he was creamated (spl?). Kind of rises sadness as I type. And lastly... [b]3. Kanariya[/b]: I felt the need for another change, and in came Kanariya. This, I think means 'Canary' in Japanese, although not totally sure. I used this for a new AIM screenname (except in mine 674 is after Kanariya), because someone hacked or something into my previous screenname and caused trouble, so I made a new one. I wanted it of an Ayumi Hamasaki song, so there's 'Kanariya.' Then I used it for my new Photobucket account, and now Otakuboards name.[/size][/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Snowflakes Posted February 17, 2006 Share Posted February 17, 2006 well....i like snowflakes :| but yeh, my other name is usually sakura (not very original) or i use my personal character's name - storm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cat Posted February 17, 2006 Share Posted February 17, 2006 I like cats and I was 14 at the time I signed up. Togethter that makes Cat14. Of course that also show how long I have been with Otakuboards too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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