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Manga Sites


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*Dr. Nick voice* hello everybody!! anyways im right now looking for sights that have english mangas and would like to know whats out there on the internet. BTW i already know about [color=red][i]link removed[/i][/color] and [color=red][i]link removed[/i][/color] anything else??? :confused:
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I know alot of manga website were you can legally download manga for free I also know a site where you can download a manga viewer for your computer if you dont already have one. There are different sites for diffrent manga types :). The question is what type of manga are you into? You tell me what type of manga you are into and I will post the sites for you where you can find that type of manga I would just post all the manga sites that I know of but I might affend you since I dont know what type of manga you are into and i know manga sites from just regular manga all the way through yaoi, yuri and hard core and I would not want to offend you by posting a yaoi manga site or something like that if thats not the type of manga you are into so just tell me what type you are into and i will post those sites and if you dont have a preference and like all types i will post them all and if there is a type you dont like just tell me and i will post everything thing but that. ok? :)
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Just as we forbid linking to fansub sites and so forth, we don't allow members to post links to scanlation sites, either. Since that's the main focus of this thread, I'm going to close it. Please send a private message my way if you have any questions about OB's policies. Thanks!

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