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Metallica= Coolness

Tatsubei Yagyu

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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I've heard numerous songs from this band and I love there stuff. Some of their coolest songs in my opinion are "One" and "Frantic." But there's one song that I can't remember; one that I like the most out of any of their stuff.

It was a song that had mostly music and no singing other than the chorus. It was probably the coolest song they had...Does anybody know what I'm talking about? :animestun [/FONT][/COLOR]
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I do and the're awsome. you should check out some of these:
Master of puppets
King nothing
Ride the lighting
Enter sandman
For whom the bell tolls
Sad but true
and there are alot more you might like, but those are some of the more popular songs. If your interseted you might want to check out Metalica and the san francisco syphany (excuse spelling) if you want to hear a mix of classical and hard/metal. as far as you question you might be thinking of the call of Kutulu.
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I fully agree that Metallica are a very cool band and don't understand people's sudden hatred of them of late. I still consider them my favourite band and they are the band that first got me into Rock/Metal music.

Although I prefer most of the earlier stuff, the newer stuff still rocks hard and has some quality moments.

With regards to the song you're talking about, it could well be 'To Live Is To Die' from the '...And Justice For All' album. It starts with a fairly sad sounding guitar (which is awesome) and then slowly gets into a hard riff and keeps getting harder as it goes along and then there's a few words in the middle and then the riffs fades back out into the sad guitar to end. Other than that I don't know what you could be referring to.
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I?m also a big fan of Metallica, I prefer their more melodic stuffs though. My favourite albums of theirs are probably Load, Reload and Master of Puppets, although I think I?m in a minority with the first two.

The best thing is I?m gonna be seeing them live this year! I?m going to a three day festival with a load of bands there and Metallica are gonna be headlining one day, so I?m happy about that. Not a fan of the newest album though, or their newest bassist actually.

Oh and sorry I can?t help you with that song, I?ll try and think of what it could be.
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[color=darkred]I'm looking forward to Kerrang's "Remastered" tribute to Metallica more than anything. Check out who's doing what:

Machine Head - 'Battery'
Trivium - 'Master Of Puppets'
Mendeed - 'The Thing That Should Not Be'
Bullet For My Valentine - 'Welcome Home (Sanitarium)'
Chimaira - 'Disposable Heroes'
Fightstar - 'Leper Messiah'
Mastodon - 'Orion'
Funeral For A Friend - 'Damage, Inc.'

I'm personally looking forward to Bullet for my Valentine's and Trivium's remastered versions of their songs, seeing as they're two of my favourite bands.[/color]
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[QUOTE=Flame_Alchemist]I?m also a big fan of Metallica, I prefer their more melodic stuffs though. My favourite albums of theirs are probably Load, Reload and Master of Puppets, although I think I?m in a minority with the first two.

The best thing is I?m gonna be seeing them live this year! I?m going to a three day festival with a load of bands there and Metallica are gonna be headlining one day, so I?m happy about that. Not a fan of the newest album though, or their newest bassist actually.

Trust me those are some of the more pop. albulms so your not in the minority. I would recomend the self titled albulm or better known as "the blackest albulm"
as far as their new bassest they been in search of a good one since Cliff Burton died in their tour bus accident. I dont think they will ever find someone like that again. Cliff was the one to be the wildest on stage and was a huge part of their live preformances.

Where is this place where they're playing. I myself is hoping to catch them in Reno or in San fran. If they ever come back.
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I love[B] Metallica[/B]!!!!!!! They're one of the best bands ever. One of my favorite bands ever too. I have all their albums. I've been lucky to see them in concert a couple of years ago too. Because of them ( not only them) but they pushed it I statred playing drums. After I saw their video for " ONE" I was blown away. It left such an impact. I was in love and wanted to be just like them and play the drums just like Lars, My HEROS!!!!! The song you are thinking of is of the album [B]"And justice for all"[/B] I hope I get to see them again.

The song is called [B]" To live is to die" [/B]
I'm pretty sure that's what you are thinking. It has very little singing it it.
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Metallica is one of my most favourite bands, I like "one" and "enter the sandman" the most of all of them. I was watching one of the videos and there really deep in emotion ... it was funny cause there was a guy with a disease and stuff and my sister started crying telling me to call those people and tell them to help him, I laughed at her for that.
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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Ahhh...

I found the remembered the name of my favorite one. It's "St. Anger." I couldn't remember it because I thought them were saying 'Same fingers down my neck." :animeswea

I love how at first the song has long delays between the drums beats, then they get shorter, and shorter once more to the point were they were extremely short.

I love that song... :heart: [/FONT][/COLOR]
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[quote name='Jakehammaren']In my opinion, Metallica was great until the Black Album, which was only alright, and every album since has been downhill utterly and completely. But they used to be great.[/quote]

[SIZE=1]I would agree with you here; Kill 'Em All, Ride The Lightning .etc were there best albums but as they progressed and brought out new albums they got worse and worse. The Black Album is the point where this mainly started, look at St. Anger compared to Kill 'Em All.

How is it possible to go from KEA to St. Anger...

I haveb't disowned Metallica because of this, but whenever I listen to the newer material it just gets me annoyed to know they went downhill so badly.[/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=hentai#1]Trust me those are some of the more pop. albulms so your not in the minority. I would recomend the self titled albulm or better known as "the blackest albulm"
as far as their new bassest they been in search of a good one since Cliff Burton died in their tour bus accident. I dont think they will ever find someone like that again. Cliff was the one to be the wildest on stage and was a huge part of their live preformances.

Where is this place where they're playing. I myself is hoping to catch them in Reno or in San fran. If they ever come back.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to see them live in Donnington in the UK, they appear on Saturday the 10th of June. I really can't wait to go.

Anyways I have all of Metallica's albums but I just like those albums because I prefer melody and those albums have the most of it. I was talking about other Metallica fans when saying I was in the minority. I agree with you though Metallica is an awesome album no doubt about that.
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Metallica are my favourite band, i reccomend listening to the first 3 albums most. Kill 'em All would have to be my favourite of them all, but my favourite song is Creeping Death, i Reccomnd that one Tatsubei

[quote name='Flame_Alchemist']The best thing is I?m gonna be seeing them live this year! I?m going to a three day festival with a load of bands there and Metallica are gonna be headlining one day[/quote]

Hell yeah, you're coming with me in my car, its gonna be great

and as far as Metallica going downhill after 'Metallica' a.k.a 'The Black Album' i agree, their best stuff was before that album, hopefully they pick up again with the release of their new album :D
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[quote name='hentai#1']does anyone find Metalica and the San Fransico syphany a little to weird or something that goes well on certain songs?[/quote]

Well, im not too fussed on it, i think it ruins some of the songs, but theres one or two that sound cool, i Liked the songs they made up for the concert though, especially 'No Leaf Clover' i think thats a great song
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My favourite songs on there are No Leafed Clover, Nothing Else Matters and One. Which are all pretty slow songs really. I just like the way the symphony sounds with them. I think No Leafed Clover should be on a studio album but you can't win them all. At least that's all I can think of now. I love this album, it's my favourite of the live concerts.
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[color=#555555][FONT=Tahoma]Well, my favourite album by Metallica is definitely the Black Album. So many Metallica classics in there. Too good to resist, really.

As for my favourite S&M song... I would have to say Battery. Most likely because the introduction is just so [i]awesome[/i]. I'm certainly loving the big bang when the [i]real[/i] song begins.

I'm okay with St. Anger. It's a love and hate relationship. I'm not very happy with Metallica for releasing songs so different from others, but it's better than nothing and the songs themselves are still decent listening.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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I was just wondering, does anyone know when Metallica's new album is out? Or does anyone know if it will be more like their older music (before St Anger)?

I really hope it isn't like St Anger, that album was weird and not very good in my opinion, to put it lightly. Although it did have one or two good songs, Unnamed Feeling, All Within My Hands and Sweet Amber were pretty good.
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[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS][quote name='Flame_Alchemist']I really hope it isn't like St Anger, that album was weird and not very good in my opinion, to put it lightly. Although it did have one or two good songs, Unnamed Feeling, All Within My Hands and Sweet Amber were pretty good.[/quote]


St. Anger is my favorite Metallica song... I'm sorry you don't like it... :(

It would be totally awesome if they had a new album come out. I really want to hear some new stuff. ;) [/FONT][/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry but I havn't heard of that one, I'm not really a techno fan though, even if they are redone Metallica songs I'm not sure if I could enjoy it.

Well all this week I have been recovering from the 'Metallica's Master of Puppets Revisited' that came free with last week's Kerrang magazine. Most of the songs have been butchered so much.

The only song I liked was Trivium's version of Master of Puppets, all the others I just couldn't agree with. I mean when Charlie Simpson (of Busted and Fightstar 'fame') started singing I actually laughed out loud, it just didn't fit at all.

Although the worst crimes were commited by Funeral for a Friend playing Damage Inc. and Chimaira playing Disposable Heroes. What's with the unnecesary screaming? Well that's my complaining over and done with. For now.
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