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Underground [M-LVS]


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Cassidy came twice in a day and was still excited. Never has anyone had him this excited for this long. Cassidy licked and sucked on Toshi clit for at least 30 min. after he had came, regaiing his endurance. During the licking and sucking of Toshi's clit, however, Toshi came two additional times.

[B]"I think your the greatest woman i've ever met."[/B] Cassidy said, preparing to tell Toshi his secret. [B]"And I wana tell you..."[/B]

"No talking." Toshi said, smiling. "Show me how you feel."

And so Cassidy did. With Destovi's body, he put her knees on the couch facing her away from him. Putting her hands on the armrest of the couch, she expected him to enter her, instead, he stuck his tounge in her vagina and moved it slowly side to side. Cumming two additional times, Toshi turned around, biting down her lower lip, her face begging him to enter her. As Cassidy entered, however, he went very slowly, enjoying the tight warmth of Toshi's body. She moaned lightly, moving her ass to meet his member in a faster manner. Cassidy caught the hint, putting one knee on the couch and leaving the other foot on the ground, making their bodies clap faster and faster as their bodies intertwined perfectly. Toshi came three additional times, each time getting hotter and hotter until Cass couldn't take it. He released the remaining cum from his member, exploding warm honey into Toshi's gaping mouth. Cassidy cumming made Toshi cum even more than before, soaking the floor beneath them. Completly exhausted, Cassidy fell down onto the couch. Fortunately, Toshi wasn't finished with her specimen.
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[color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Behind Toshi, Shun cleared his throat.
"I know I know. Let me just finish okay? Your turn will come next." Toshi answered harshly, knowing that Shun knew she was just joking.
Toshi positioned herself above Destovi's member until it was inside of her. She sat on his lap and bounced herself up and down. Her perky breasts bounced in rythm with her bouncing. Destovi soon slid her off of him and sat her on the couch. Toshi scooted to the end and leaned back. He put himself inside of her again and continued thrusting. Toshi moaned until she came. He pulled out and she swallowed for him.

Toshi sat their panting on the couch, her juices dripping on the floor, as the others came inside from swimming. Most of them weren't really that surprised. Toshi looked up at them.
"I guess I should tell you why I threw a party besides to have fun..."
Toshi started explaining everything. Her thoughts about Underground, how she believed that she should make a group of strong friends, how she chose all of them, everything.
"I do hope we can be friends though. All of you are very nice. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Remember, we'll be meeting at lunch."
Toshi waved to all of them as they started to leave. Umiko and Tosoji dressed after finding their clothes and left also.

The only ones that stayed were Shun, Destovi, and Fayza because Toshi wanted to get to know her.
"I don't know about you guys but I need a bath." She laughed, looking down at the mess she was making on the floor.
She got up and they all followed her to the bathroom.

[size=3][b]OOC: Okay guys, I'm letting the party run for a little longer. So if you want to come back, come back. If not, go back home and get ready for tomorrow. Think about Toshi's 'truce' and stuff like that.[/b][/size]
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OOC: Normally I would apologize for the late entry, but it seems I missed the fun anyway. Lilt, for now I will leave my character on his own, and we can work out a way for him to join the group later.

[center]***At School, Prior to the party***[/center]

Kyouta sat at the top level of the school's fire escape and started into the distance. By now the day had to have been half over, judging by the appearences of other students, however he could not be sure since he had skipped out around his second class. Below the shouting of the gym class could be heard. Lately they had taken up rugby as a standard sport, just to help cull the herd outside of the Underground.

Having grown bored of the view, Kyouta picked his flute and began to play as he made his way onto the roof. Lately he had started work on a new melody, slightly more grim than his infamous "Banshee's Call," but still not quite near completion. It seemed that today would not bring and easy end to the song either.

"Finally found ya, you little prick," a voice shouted from the roof access. "You're gonna pay for what ya did to Touka."

Looking back Kyouta saw the form of a student he knew of only as Masami, the older brother of Touka. Kyouta slowly stood and faced the student, who was at least four inches taller than his own 5' 10", and probably fifty pounds heavier. Not giving Kyouta even a small grace period, Masami jumped right into a fight. Despite having the size advantage he was still out-classed. Kyouta managed to break several ribs with a sharp strike, and launched Masami back onto the fire escape from earlier with a kick.

Masami tried to regain his balance, and spat on the ground as his feet failed him. "Damn that witch. She told me you we a push over and just got lucky."

"You are a fool," Kyouta spoke quietly and in a level voice. "There is no room for fools. And they give me no pleasure." With that Kyouta grabbed the student, raised him off the ground, and with a open-palm slam to the chest knocked him off the the fire escape. A thud was all Kyouta heard as he turned away. Reaching up to his left ear he felt the earring he had taken from Touka after killing her in the Underground. "At least you were a worthy member of the family."

Kyouta was interupted by the sound of clapping. Looking over he saw a girl from the same class as himself. He believed her name was Toshi. "Just as I thought. That baffoon was not as good as you."

"So, you were the 'witch' that sent him?" She nodded. "Perhaps you have never seen me show dislike for tests."

"I know enough about you. In truth, I just wanted to know if you were worth inviting to my party."

"I don't do parties," he responded as he walked past her and into the school. Her hand stopped him in his tracks.

"Why not? You might make friends. From the look of it you could use some." She gave him a slightly snide grin.

For a time his laughter echoed through the halls of the school's upper level. "If you say that, then you know nothing about me." With that, he stalked away, bringing his flute back to his lips.

OOC: As stated above, Lilt, we can find another way for him to join the group. A party just does not seem like his thing anyway.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]OOC: I missed all the fun!! :animecry: Well I kinda fell asleep here...might as well just get a good post in.

Fayza sat in a 'clean' chair with a blanket wrapped around her shivering naked body. She had left to swim to try and keep her anger in check. The rush of emotions from witnessing what Destovi did to Toshi was a bit much for her. She would have agreed to a shower but it could wait till she returned back home. She heard footsteps behind her and tried to get herself to stop shaking so much.

"Fayza? Don't you need to get a shower." It was Toshi, luckily.

"No, I'll nab one when I get home. Morgane will be asleep and I'll be able to get some things done." She pulled the blanket around her tighter to keep her wet hair from hitting her skin. "Wish I could have been here to enjoy the fun."

Toshi tucked herself under the blanket with Fayza, "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"Me? There's nothing to tell. I paint to make a decent living, and I do well in school. Fighting in the Undergound is just something I do to survive another week." She closed her eyes to keep the tears from falling. It wasn't worth it to cry now.

"Don't you have any friends?" Toshi pokes her in the shoulder to get her to open her eyes again. "Anyone you're interestend in?"

"Friends?" Fayza blinked and laughed a bit, "Friends are a risk so I don't have any, but it would be nice to have some for the time being. As for your other question...yes I'm interested in someone...but I don't believe he'll notice me."

"What makes you say that?" Toshi's voice carried a bit of sympathy to it.

"Well, it's just that most boys think I'm just the girl who's nice to everyone and not really intrested in being anything more than friends. "

Fayza stopped and looked up because she had heard footsteps. Destovi and Shun had obviously finished thier shower and were busy toweling themselves off. She could feel herself going slightly red again and turned away quickly.

Toshi got this knowing smirk on her face and tired her best not to giggle. "Well I see you're a bit shy, we'll fix that eventually."

Fayza shook her head and buried her face into the blanket, this was going to be a long night.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi moved closer to Fayza and hugged her underneath the blanket.
"Don't worry, you haven't missed all the fun." Toshi grinned and got out of the blanket.
She walked over to where Shun and Destovi were standing and drying off. Toshi grabbed Shun's arm and looked over at Destovi.
"Destovi, what are you doing?" She whispered.
"Can't you see Fayza is cold? Go help her dry her off okay?" Toshi grabbed some towels and handed them to Destovi.
After winking at him, she walked off and pulled Shun along with her.

After they left the room, Shun stopped.
"What's gotten into you?" He asked.
"I thought we should give them some time alone. That way you and I can be alone too." Toshi answered as she smiled and kissed Shun.
"It's a nice night, so why don't we spend a little time outside?" Toshi suggested, leading Shun to the back porch.
OOC: Okay, Gemini. PM me if you have any ideas on how he can meet up with them okay?[/b]
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Tosoji sighed texting Toshi
"next time you have a party dont invite me" she texted not expecting an answer she went to her desk and checked her email nothing new again... she sighed and started writing her story again she wanted to write novels when she grew up her story was about a young girl forced to fight rabid dogs every day and who wanted some freedom she wrote and finsihed the page she was on and emailed it to Toshi and Umiko who were her un officcal critics she smiled putting on her PJ's and crawling into bed sighing waiting for friday and her next match
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As they went onto the porch, Shun spun toshi around and pressed her against the wall. He ran his thumb around the edges of the towel onhis waist and it slid off and to the ground. He pressed himself up against her until he was completely inside her. As he did she moaned lightly, then kissed him. Shun took his hand and started playing with her right nipple, just dragging the tips of his fingers around the edges of it. He then backed the two of them off the wall. Toshi pulled herself off him and started down on her knees. She set her hands on his hips and set the edges of her lips on the head of his dick. Shun started to breath deeper as she started rolling her tongue along. Shun set his hands on either side of her head and ran his fingers through her hair. He then went down to his knees to kiss her. He then laid her on her back on the floor and decided to return the favor.
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(In Toshi's room where Fayza sit freezing cold...)

Destovi, no longer controlled by his other personality, walked over to where Fayza sat shivering cold. He had no thoughts of sex on his mind nor regret for what happened between he and Toshi (Because he couldn't control himself). What he did feel, however was a deep concern for a shivering woman he hardly knew as well as Toshi. He was happy that Toshi had told him about the Underground compititions held every week under the school though, confirming the weirdness in that building. He walked closer to Fayza, trying not to think about the truce he made with everyone today, the school that he signed up for, or the number of deaths occuring on a Friday. He just wanted to make sure she was ok. Destovi's words were unprepared for the beginning conversation:

"Fayza, is it? Why are you sitting in here alone and shivering?" He grabbed one of the fluffy towels Toshi gave him to the shivering young woman. "Take this, it'll make you feel a little warmer."

"Thanks." She said, beaming a light smile at him. Quickly evaporating the smile, however, she asked "Shouldn't you go give your [I]lover[/I] a towel too?"

Destovi cringed, signaling that the comment hurt his feelings. He then sat on the ground, trying to explain himself while Fayza listened patiently.

"I have a different side to me that's [I]out of the ordinary[/I], per se." He said using his fingers as quotations. "That side of me usually acts purely on emotions rather than thought."

Fayza listened, staring into his light brown eyes, actually interested in what he had to say.

[I][B]"What are you doing Destovi, you're telling her our secret!"[/B][/I] Cassidy butted in mentally.

[I]No Cass, I'm telling her [B][I]my[/I][/B] secret." [/I] Destovi thought, breaking eye contact from Fayza. Fayza couldn't understand why he had stopped.

[I][B]"What about Toshi?!"[/B][/I]

[I]"What [B]about[/B] her?" [/I] Destovi thought, smart-mouthing Cass. [I]"She's [B][I]my[/I][/B] friend and [B][I]your[/I][/B] lover for all I care."[/I]

[I][B]"But this girl's dull damnitt!"[/I][/B] Shouted Cassidy. [B][I]"She's no fun and she fuckin' shivers!"[/B][/I]

[I]"[B]My[/B] kind of a [B]real[/B] woman."[/I] said Destovi, a slight smile sneaking through his face.He enjoyed pissing off his other 'self'.

Before Cassidy could put in his two cents of fuck you's, Fayza interrupted Destovi's train of thought. "Please, continue." She said softly.

[I]And so, Destovi stayed in the room with Fayza, telling her everything there was to know about himself. The interruption by Cass while Destovi was talking to her, what happens when he changes, and Destovi's involvment with Toshi. He explained all of his secrets to her in the span of an hour, also getting to know each other on a personal level as well. Destovi (not Cassidy) felt comfortable around Fayza, letting her know anything she asked him... [/I]

[I]Cassidy for all intents and purposes hated Fayza because he didn't like what Destovi liked about her...[/I]

"So Fayza," Destovi said smiling, moving closer to Fayza. "Tell me about yourself."
OOC: I just thought about something. It's the middle of the night and were partying. Eventually, shouldn't we be getting some sleep? (Imitating a mother's voice) "It's a school day tomorrow!"
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]Fayza nodded and just silently took in what Destovi was telling her. It was a bit hard to understand but still not that difficult. She glanced nervously down at the floor when he asked her to tell him about herself.

"Oh...umm, well there's really nothing to tell. What you see now is basically all there is." She was lying and she knew it, but there really wasn't anything worth telling anyone.

"You don't have to lie." Destovi smiled lightly as she turned red a bit.

"Well, I'm just me. I don't live with my parents because they're out somewhere on a 'trip', so I live with my mother's friend Morgane. She's cool and everything, not strict at all...unless I fail a class. Me, I like to do art and everything. I'm just an average person..."

"What kind of art do you do?" Destovi interruped her with a fair question.

"Oh! I paint, I just adore doing watercolors! I have this one of when I could have sworn the moon was blood red in my room, it's absolutely beautiful!" She stopped when she realized she was just going on and on.

"I'm sorry Destovi, I'm....just.." she yawned loudly and rested her head against his shoulder. "..tired.."

He kissed her gently and she fell alseep with a soft smile on her face.

OOC: omg! sorry...but i'm in a serious hurry, gotta test to study for![/FONT][/COLOR]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][b]OOC: Yeah we should, Destovi. XD This party went on longer than Toshi had planned. So she'll probably apologize to the both of you tomorrow. I'll let Fayza post whatever she wants to about you and her and then you two will go home. Shun will go home too.[/b][/color][/size][/font]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Oh and also, some of the kids don't care about getting to class on time. The teachers don't really do much about it.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi looked up at Shun and kissed him on the lips as she lay on her back.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Actually, let's go inside now. It's getting a bit chilly." Toshi suggested.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Shun nodded and picked up Toshi. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he pushed himself inside of her. THey walked inside this way and passed through the living room.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Don't mind us." Toshi said to Fayza and Destovi as Shun brought her upstairs.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Soon they came to Toshi's room and Shun gently set her down on the bed. He licked at her nipple and played with the other one with his hand. Toshi moaned and closed her eyes. Shun moved down lower and sucked at her clit, still playing with her nipple with one of his hands. Toshi's moans grew louder. When Shun stopped, Toshi got up and turned around. Getting on her hands and knees, she made room for Shun behind her. He got on the bed and pushed his member inside of her vagina. He started a thrusting motion that caused Toshi's breasts to sway back and forth. She grabbed onto the blanket and didn't hold back her moans.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Soon they both lay down on the bed next to each other. Toshi looked over at Shun and smiled. It was getting late and it was time to go. Unless either of them were killed Friday, she would see him again. If Shun was killed, she would remember this night for the rest of her life.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Okay guys, besides Sky you can all post about the next day of school. Toshi will be a little late but she'll meet you guys at lunch.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Sky, continue Destovi's post and then after that you can continue onto the next day of school okay? ^^[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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Shun rolled over and stepped off the bed as Toshi rolled onto her stomach. Shun kissed her forehead and left the room. He gatherd up his clothes that were scatterd about the house. He dressed himself and made his way out the door and onto his bike. He took one more look at her house. He saw her come to the window for a moment and wave to him. The lights went off in the room and Shun started up his bike and road off into the night.

It was close to midnight when Shun pulled up in front of his house. His dads car was in the driveway and the engine was still warm. Shun walked in and saw his dad rummaging about the kitchen, gathering the left overs on a plate. His dad gave him a simple wave, which Shun barely acknowledged, let alone returned. Shun gave a slight nod and simply went up to his room. It had been about a month since the last time he had been with Toshi, so it was kinda refreshing for him. But still, for her to call them all out just for a simple orgy was something out of her nature. She was either really concerned, or just wanted to do something new with her sex life. Either way, this meant that things were going to changing soon. All he could do was hope it was for the best.

Shun sat up for a bit, debating whether or not to go to school tomorrow. In the end he decided it would be best for him go. Even if it was too just see the others, he was going to go to school.
Shun rose the next morning, the house was already alive with exitement. Karin and Yuzu were already up and fast at work. Shun walked down stairs as he pulled a shirt over his and trying to button his pants. As he got downstairs Yuzu started in on him "What were you doing all night? Did you even eat anything?"

Shun smirked a bit "Yeah I ate something?"

This only upset her even more "And what does that mean?"

Karin looked to her "You don't want to know." And she then turned her look to Shun "And you don't tell her."

Sometimes it was frightening how mature Karin was. It disturbed him a little, but it was to be expected. Shun grabbed a couple pieces of toast and walked right out the door. He put both of them in his mouth and got on top of his bike. He turned the engine over and rolled out of the driveway and out to school.
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Suzu awoke in the early morning before his parents were up. But up course Haruko was up. He threw some cloths on and just about walked out to the kitchen. For a second he paused almost as if time itself had stopped. He went to his desk and silently lifted up his Sakabatou. He knew once he took a step out of his room Haruko would throw a stick at him,reflex training for the Underground.

As he stepped out a whirring sound appeared. In a flash, he unsheathed the Sakabatou flipped the blade so the sharp end was pointed at the stick, and lopped the brown cylinder in half.

"Very good!" Haruko said while clapping her hands.

"Why, thank you" Suzu replied.

For breakfast Suzu had a waffle,coated in brown crystallied syrup. After finishing he grabbed his bag and sped out the door before Haruko could throw anything else at him.
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Tosoji woke up and got dressed and got on her electric scooter to the coffee shop the clerk greeted her as usual she worked there part time so she got a 10% discount and got to use the supplies she got her two muffins one blueberry and one poppy seed and took her tremas of soup out of the heater and she left waving and she headed for school she sighed she hated school because it was boring she signed in and went to the underground as a spectator she really didnt need to go to class she smiled watching people kill eachoother
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]Fayza woke up in her own room with no idea of how she got there. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep agianst Destovi and that was it. She yawned and grabbed her clothes so she could make it downstairs for breakfast. Fayza paused as she passed the bathroom and peaked in to make sure she didn't look like hell. Pleased with her appearnce she finally came downstairs and grabbed the piece of toast that Morgane was about to eat and took a big bite out of it.

"Fayza! Make your own breakfast. Oh and who was that nice young man that brought you home last night?"

Fayza dropped the piece of toast she was munching on and looked at Morgane in disbelief. "Well, umm....heh. That was Destovi, he's like this new kid at school...and I gotta go!"

She dashed out of the house and jogged the few blocks to school. Today was going to be interesting, at least she hoped.

OOC: Yes, short. Homework is kicking my butt....[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[COLOR=33999][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=1]Umiko wondered off from everyone else taking pictures around the house. Yes, it might be rude to take picture of someone else house. Umiko really didn?t care, she wanted to remember this night. This was her first time getting invited to someone else house. She had to keep the memory fresh in a solid good picture.

Umiko left the party earlier then the rest. After she got her pictures she got her stuff and left. Umiko never felt like interacting with other people, she wasn?t a people person. Her camera was her only friend and the picture memories it took. It might be sad, but true and Umiko wouldn?t want it any other way.

She went home, went to bed for school the next morning. She got up, stretched and opened her window. There was a cool breeze outside. Umiko inhaled deeply taking in the air to wake herself up. She rubbed her eyes and looked outside; it was a great day to take pictures. Umiko smiled and felt like the wind was smiling back.

Umiko went downstairs to the kitchen. ?U..mi..ko..? He father sang

Umiko yawned ?Toast with cream cheese, beacon and orange juice please!? Umiko grabbed her camera on the kitchen table and started cleaning her camera lenses.

?Wow, just an order and command. No hi father ?

?Hi dad, now please toast!? Umiko said. Her father sighed and started doing breakfast. Umiko cleaned her normal lens and snapped it on her camera. She turned it to face her and smiled warmly at her camera. She put the rest of her lenses in her bag and started eating breakfast.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi sat up in bed and stretched. She was still a little tired from last night. She went to the bathroom to take a shower, grabbing a towel and her school uniform on the way. Toshi turned on the water and relaxed. Today was going to be a long day. She had to get most of her new friends to agree with this idea for a truce. It was the only way they could all survive. Toshi turned off the water. As she was drying off, the phone rang.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi's mom called from downstairs.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"Toshi, that was the school!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi opened the bathroom door and yelled in the direction of the stairs.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"What did they want?" She asked.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"They said that you can't wear your school uniform!"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi was a bit puzzled by this.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"What do they want me to wear?"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"They said nothing!" Toshi's mom answered.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi walked back into the bathroom and looked at her uniform.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"I always hated it anyways." Toshi said as she threw the uniform in the trash.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Coming downstairs with only her shoes and socks on, Toshi ate a quick breakfast.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]"Have fun at school." Her mom smiled.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi smiled back at her and waved goodbye.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Toshi knew what the school was up to. Normally the school's administration doesn't bother with trouble makers or rebels since they usually die off in the Underground. But since Toshi was still alive, they wanted to punish her by humiliation. They chose the wrong way to go about it though. Toshi wasn't the kind of person that was exactly shy. Also what the school was doing was perfectly legal of course. Ever since the crisis in Japan, not much was illegal anymore and public exposure definitely wasn't one of those few illegal things. Toshi got on the bus to go to school. She knew this was going to be a long day. Now if she could only get everyone together at lunch.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]OOC: Okay guys, we'll eventually meet up at lunch unless you want to avoid Toshi. There she'll discuss her plans for the truce. But besides that, just post about the usual day of school before lunch time.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font][/b]
[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]Oh and Digi unless those are the recordings of Underground, Tosoji won't be able to watch that right now. I'm sorry if I didn't mention this before, but the fights in Underground only take place on Friday. Sorry. ^^;[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Fayza was glad to see she was the first one in the class this morning, it made it easier to get some sleep. That party last night had worn her out more than anything...but it was worth it. She heard one of her paint brushes fall to the ground but didn't bother to pick it up.

"Never thought I would see you sleeping in class."

Fayza about fell out of her chair when Toshi came up behind her. When she finally got a good look at Toshi she just sighed.

"What did you do so bad to make them tell you to come to school naked?"

Toshi sighed as she took her seat behind Fayza, "I was just being me. We all know how this school is."

She nodded and rested her head back on her desk, "Wake me up before anyone else comes in..."

After what was only probably a few minutes she felt someone's presence in the seat ahead of her. She opened one eye and was looking straight into Destovi's face. This caused her to nearly topple out of her chair agian.

"Is it everybody's plan to try and make me fall out of my chair?!?"

Destovi just smiled and ruffled her hair a bit, "Just seeing if you were alive."

She shook her head and rested her head on her arms now to keep herself from falling asleep again.

"So what's with Toshi?" Destovi was looking over Fayza twoards the back of the room.

She turned around to find Toshi in a deep conversation with Shun.
"Toshi!! I told you to wake me up before anyone else comes in!!"

She just smiled innocently and went back to her conversation.

Fayza turned back around and sighed.

"So Destovi, what's new?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
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OOC: oh Im sorry ignore that part of my post I'll delete it after after this post

she arrived at her 1st class art and yawned this was the only class she had to do because she needed one more class and she didnt want to take gym she saw Shun, Destovoi, Umiko, and Toshi who was naked she sat down she sucked at art but she was a little ok she was drawing a picture of the character in her book fighting the rabid dogs and other animals waiting for friday she was up against a junkie named michiro it was expected to be a very easy battle she sighed she wanted a good fight she was sick of having weakling opponets she wanted a challange she took a bite of her muffin and sighed
"hey Toshi" she said
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(After the Party)
Destovi put Fayza into his car nd drove her home. Thanks to her directions, he was able to find his way very easily around town. During the drive, Fayza fell into a deep sleep on his shoulder, slightly snoring away the night. Destovi looked at her face and had a sudden impulse to kiss her on her forehead, which he did as he thought it out. This caused him to think for a minute as he was driving, having a quick [I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]'mind chat'[/COLOR][/I] with Cass.

[I]"You like her too don't you?"[/I] Destovi thought smiling.

[I][B]"What'dya mean 'like her'?"[/B][/I] Cassidy said.

[I]"I've never acted on impulse or emotion before, just you. So you, in fact, know what I mean."[/I]

[I][B]"She's okay. She's no Toshi but she's ok I guess."[/B][/I] Cassidy admitted.

[I]"I knew we could agree sometimes. I just knew it."[/I]

Destovi's left hand jerked the wheel into the opposite lane, almost causing him to run into a semi. Destovi jerked the wheel back to the right, nearly avoiding the collision.

[I][B]"Don't make me feel all mushy inside 'cause we won't live to tell about it."[/B][/I] Cassidy said in a gleeful manner.

[I]"Same 'ol Cass."[/I] Destovi thought, getting off on Fayza's exit.

(At school)
Destovi lurched into his classroom completly deprived from sleep. His father wasn't upset as Destovi came home and went to bed, just concerned. When Destovi awoke for school, washing up and brushing his teeth, he told his dad everything that happened yesterday (with the exception of Cass emerging and having unprotected sex with someone he didn't know.). As Destovi got to school that day, the only two people that woke him up completely was a naked Toshi entering class and Fayza, who Destovi was starting to admire.

Destovi stared at Toshi, saying "What is with her. Does she enjoy taking off her clothes everyday?!"

Cass interrupted, [I][B]"Shut up, you like it. Hell, I like it. Look at those tit----"[/B][/I]
Destovi cut off his train of thought, looking at Fayza sleeping on her desk.

"She's... beautiful." Said Destovi softly, walking towards her. "And she has all her clothes on."

[I][B]"Dude, you can do soooo much better than her."[/B][/I]

Destovi cut off his thoughts, sitting down next to Fayza, waking her. As she awoke, she yelled at Toshi, who smiled back at Fayza.

[I]"Did I miss something Cass?"[/I]

[I][B]"I think so 'cause I didn't catch it either."[/B][/I]

Fayza turned to Destovi and asked him what was going on. Destovi put a piece of gum in his mouth before speaking, trying not to scare off Fayza with bad breath, even if he did brush his teeth this morning.

"Nothin' much. I talked with Cass today like I do everyday. I think he's warmin' up to you." Destovi said smirking.

[I][B]"You asshole."[/B][/I] Cass said deep in Destovi's mind.

"Well you tell Cass that i'm not interested in him, only you." Fayza said keeping eye contact.

Destovi kissed Fayza on the cheek, making her blush. Some kids in class made oohhhhs and aaahhhhs while others giggled. Nevertheless, Destovi and Fayza had sparks between them and now, everyone knew it.

Destovi continued talking with Fayza, wondering when class would start.
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[color=RoyalBlue][font=Book Antiqua]Toshi glared at Destovi when she heard his comment. She smiled at him after that though as Fayza explained Toshi's situation to him. Toshi didn't mind her punishment. It was a little interesting going to school naked but it wasn't embarrassing her like the teachers had hoped.
"Hey Toshi."
Toshi stopped talking to Shun and looked over at Tosoji.
"Hey Tosoji. What are you drawing?" She asked.
Toshi moved over to look at Tosoji's painting.
"Oh that's the character from your book right? I got your email. You're a good artist and writer, Tosoji." Toshi smiled.
Toshi got back into her place as the teacher walked into the room.
"Okay class, today we'll be drawing the nude figure." Mr. Akira announced.
Toshi sighed. She should have seen this coming. Mr. Akira was probably going to have her stand up in front of the class to try to embarrass her. Toshi started to stand up.
"What are you doing, Ms. Kado? Sit back down. Now as I was saying, we will be drawing the nude figure today. So I will need a boy and a girl to volunteer."
Not surprisingly, no one raised their hand.
"Fine then. I'll choose for you. Miss Fayza Katavo and Mr. Destovi. Will you come up here please?"
Toshi looked over at both Fayza and Destovi. She was sorry that they were chosen and let them know that.
"Sorry you two." She whispered.
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Destovi had thought about why the teacher had said Mr. Destovi instead of saying his last name. Perhaps his father didn't tell the school, and if Destovi knew why, he was right for not telling. Still, as Destovi was first to walk up into the front of the class, the teacher caught him by surprise.

"Excuse me Destovi." The teacher said politely. "What, perhaps is your last name? Your father never gave us one."

A deep sigh escaped Destovi's lips before he answered the question.

"Mishima." Destovi said aloud.

"Mishima?" The teacher said.

Destovi, seeing the puzzled look on his face, wanted to tell him exactly why he didn't like saying his last name. Although some students knew the last name and what it represented, Destovi wanted to let 'the teacher' know himself. He whispered just loud enough so that he and Fayza could hear him.

"I'm the son of Kado Mishima; a millionaire diplomat here in Japan and the grandson of deceased [I]Heihachi Mishima[/I]; one of Japan's greatest fighters."

the teacher, letting all of this information hit him at once, froze in place as the Mishima descendant stepped up onto the stage, immediately helping up the stunned Fayza as well. The teacher grabbed the walkie talkie from his waist, pressed the button and began speaking nervously into the mic, never breaking his eye contact from Destovi.

"We may have a slight problem." he said.

Toshi looked at Destovi from her seat with a smile on her face as Fayza began asking him about his last name on stage.

"I knew I was right in picking him." She thought, knowing of the Mishima lineage.

OOC: Lilt, let me know if this is okay by speaking OOC or by PMing me. Got homework to do, i'll be back later.
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Shun's eyes moved about the room as he sat in the far back of the room. He wasn't the artistic type, so this wasn't something he'd usually stay awake for, but with Toshi and Fayza up, how could he resist. This was a sign that the school had no understanding of it's students. Because anyone who knew her, knew that Toshi was far from shy, or even modest for that matter. She was all to proud of her body to let something like this bother her. But poor Fayza wasn't the same as Toshi, and seemed like she wanted to die up there.

Wonder why they targeted her and the new kid, Destovi Mishima. The last name definitly put things in perspective. His dad still told him stories about the infamous Heihachi Mishima. With such a big name behind him, Shun wonderd how Destovi stacked up. Only time would tell. He would have to wait til the end of the week for the underground to fire up the next round. The new guy's always had to fight there first week in. Which is why most people tried to keep from getting friendly with the newbs. They usually didn't live for very long.

Shun noticed Umiko hard at work. She was quite the artist, or so her heard anyway. He didn't know her very well, but she sure seemed to like taking pictures of people. She had even caught Shun by surprise a couple of times. Shun looked to see that Toshi too was quite intentive in her drawing. Or maybe she was just trying to cover her face from the teacher so she could sleep the period off. Either way, he decided to get her attention. He patted her shoulder "Hey Toshi."

She leaned her head back and gave him a sideways kinda glance "Yeah, what do you want?"

Shun leaned into her ear "Not that I'm complaining, but I know you didn't pull us out ot your place to re light some old flame and start a few new ones. What were you really trying to do?"

She looked back to him for a moment, then back ahead to Destovi and Fayza, then back to Shun "I can't say anything now. I'll talk to you at lunch. Now leave me alone, I need to finish."

And with that said, Shun dropped it and let her be for the remainder of the period.
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[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Century Gothic]Fazya was paler than she had ever could have imagined a person could become. She could feel her heart pounding rapidly. She couldn't possibly do this any longer, this was going to kill her.

"Sir, may I please put my clothes back on and sit down?" She was desperatly trying to keep her voice level.

"Not till the class has finished the drawings."

Fayza started taking deep breaths to keep herself from getting hysterical.

"Fayza, you okay?" Destovi glanced at her still paleing complexion.

She nodded and continued to sweep her eyes over the class. Everything started to fade in and out of focus, she could feel herself starting to sway back and forth.

"Fayza?" His voice sounded so far away, everything was getting harder to see.

Her breathing became a bit labored, she could have sworn she felt everybody's eyes on her exposed form.

The ground seemed to be getting closer and she could feel herself slowly slipping away.

Fayza finally collapsed to the ground, she had fainted.
OOC: Sorry, but my poor Fayza, she couldn't take it.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
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[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=royalblue]OOC: It's okay, Fayza. It makes the story more interesting.[/color][/size][/font][/b]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]As soon as Fayza had fallen, Toshi ran up to the front of the class. She didn't know that her drawing was going to turn into a prediction.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Fayza!" She yelled.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi stooped by Fayza's side. She glared up at the teacher. Then she looked over to Destovi.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Help me carry her out of here okay?"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Destovi nodded and they started to bring Fayza out of the room. Mr. Akira called after them.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"I want you back in here soon, Miss Kado. You will be taking her place."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi didn't even look back.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi looked to Fayza. She and Destovi had managed to set her down on a couch and had covered her in a towel. Toshi wiped Fayza's forehead with a cold rag once more.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Can you keep an eye on her Destovi? Tell her that I'm sorry this happened okay?"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Destovi nodded and Toshi went back to art class.[/color][/size][/font]

[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Ah Miss Kado, I see you have finally decided to return. Why don't you and Mr. Tomokaza get in front of the class please? You'll finish where Mr. Destovi and Ms. Katavo started."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi didn't like the sound of that. She also didn't like the look of the large white object in front of Mr. Akira's desk. Shun undressed and joined Toshi in front of the class.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Now we will move on to 'the lover's embrace'." Mr. Akira said to the class.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi knew that Mr. Akira would try to make this harder for her. Still, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction he had gotten from when Fayza fainted.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi and Shun moved into position. Shun had one hand across Tosh's bottom and the other hand was holding her hand. They were kissing and Shun had to move so close next to her that his member was inside of her. After they held that pose for a few minutes, Mr. Akira told them to move on to the next pose.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]With the next pose, Toshi found out what the white object was for. It was a large cushioned piece of furniture that was covered with a sheet. It was almost bed-like in a way. Toshi lay down on her back and Shun got on top of her. For the next step of 'the lover's embrace', Shun and Toshi were suppposed to have sex in front of the class. Shun looked down at her.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"Are you sure about this?"[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi nodded.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]"If we back down, then he'll come up with some worse punishment. Besides, I don't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking that he made me back down from something."[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]Toshi kissed Shun and then he put his member inside of her. He started thrusting and Toshi panted as the class was drawing the two of them.[/color][/size][/font]

[b][font=Book Antiqua][size=2][color=#4169e1]OOC: Okay guys, after this we'll move on to gym and then lunch time. Destovi, make sure Fayza is alright. If she is, then you too will meet everyone at lunch.[/color][/size][/font][/b]
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Tosoji left
"Are you leaving Ms.Katazo" the teacher said she nodded he smiled he wondered close to Toshi
"Im sorry I'll get you out of your next punishment whatever it is" she said she spat on the teacher he just smiled still as she left and saw destovoi "is she alright" she asked but Destovoi was sleeping she smiled leaving heading for the underground there was no matches but she knew there was a work out area so she wnet down and put on her training outfit and flipping her hair it seemed darker in the light as she started to beat up on a dummy
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