GuyYouMetOnline Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 [left]Okay, this is an RPG I did a while ago, and I've decided to try it again. If you participated in the original, feel free to use your old character.[/left] [center][size=3][b]Welcome to the world of [i]Digimon[/i][/b][/size][/center] [i]Welcome to [/i]Digimon[i].[/i] Digimon[i] is a fully interactive virtual reality game. Players will explore an entire virtual world, interacting with other players as they wander throughout the vast landscapes of the Digital World. It is a world inhabited by creatures called Digimon. Many are dangerous, but fear not. You will have your own Digimon for your protection as you travel the world. You will encounter many Digimon. Some will be good, some neutral, and some evil. Will you fight for truth and justice, or will you cause death and destruction? Will you protect innocents, or destroy them? The choice is yours.[/i] [i]New players are advised to browse the[/i] [url=" More sharing options...
Frankie Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 Ah yes yes i remember this... Ill be the same person as before. And i found my old sign up so yay for me! [b]Name:[/b] Rain Anne Hawthorn [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Username:[/b] Rain [b]Partner:[/b] Lopmon [b]Digivolutions:[/b] Endigomon [i](The one from the movie.)[/i] Antylamon [i](The one from the movie. Not season 3.)[/i] Kerpymon [i](The dark purple one. From the movie... Who liked to juggle)[/i] As for appearance everything says the same with the pic below except for two things. She has no tail and she has no cat ears. Her hair is that long but more blue color but everything else is the same. Well except for clothes. She wears darker things. For example the pants are black, the under shirt is hot pink and the over shirt coat thing is black as well. Oh and her eyes are purple. (Outside the game however its uh... Well she uses contacts to make them purple.) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] OOC: See same person.. except for i changed what she wears...mainly. Aside from that its the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted April 20, 2006 Author Share Posted April 20, 2006 Your sign-up's good, Frankie (but I'm sure you knew that, seeing as how you're using your old character). Oh, and I forgot to say this, so I'll say it now: if you don't specify how long your character's been playing for, I'm going to assume that he/she is a new player. That doesn't necessarily mean that he/she is playing for the very first time; it just means that he/she hasn't been playing for very long. Now, here's my sign-up (I'm also using my old character, though I did change her age): Name: Kiva Salqarian Age: 25, and has been playing for about three years. Gender: Female Username: Kiva Appearance: A little over 6 ft. tall, aand of about average build. Good-looking, but not beautiful. Over the so-called 'ideal' weight, which basically pusts her at about the ideal weight (in terms of health) for one of her size and build. She's in very good physical shape, as well. Partner Digimon: Hawkmon Digivolutions: Champion: Thunderbirdmon Ultimate: Gigadramon Mega: Machinedramon Befriended Digimon: Garudamon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Venge Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 Name: Matthew Duffey Age: 18 Gender: Male Username: Zelex Appearance: [url=""][/url] The one with the glasses and white hoody is the most recent. Thats what my character (and me in real life) look like. Same outfit, except for the game. Teh game ish not included. ^_^ Partner Digimon: Guilmon [u]Digivolutions[/u] Champion: Growlmon Ultimate: WarGrowlmon Mega: Gallantmon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JJ Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 [Size=1][Color=DarkBlue][B]Name:[/B] Jacob Elder [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Username:[/B] JJRiddler [B]Appearance:[/B][URL=]Here[/URL] Although Jacob currently wears a white sweat suit instead of the button down shirt and khaki pants. [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Ryuudamon [Iai Blade, Helmet Return] [B]Digivolutions:[/B] Champion: Ginryuumon [Armor Piercing Blade, Battle Rod Break] Ultimate: Hisharyuumon [Growing Dragon Blade, Juuouguruma] Mega: Ouryuumon [Eiseiryuuoujin, Ougai][/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rei Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]Name: Yoshino Fujieda Age: 18 Gender: Female Username: Yoshino Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Partner Digimon: [URL=]Raramon[/URL] (Nuts Shoot) Digivolutions: Champion: [URL=]Sunflowmon[/URL] (Sunshine Beam) Ultimate: Lillymon Mega: Rosemon[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1nOnlyCloud Posted April 20, 2006 Share Posted April 20, 2006 [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][B]Name:[/B] Cliff Warren [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Username:[/B] Saladin [B]Appearance:[/B][IMG][/IMG] [B]Partner Digimon: [/B] Patamon [B]Digivolutions:[/B] [B]Champion: [/B]Angemon [B]Ultimate: [/B]MagnaAngemon [B]Mega:[/B] Seraphimon[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revelation Posted April 21, 2006 Share Posted April 21, 2006 [size=1][color=#33A1C9]I think Angel will be gracing this wonderful Digi-RP ^_^. It?s been a while since I?ve used her. [Center][B]Name-[/B] Angelina Raylie Promitier [B]Age-[/B] 23; has been playing for about 3 years [B]Gender-[/B] Female [B]Username-[/B] Angel [B]Appearance-[/B] [URL=]Angel:[/URL] As strange as it may seem, Angel prefers to wear unorthodox and not-so-everyday clothes. [B]Partner Digimon-[/B] Wormmon [B]Digivolutions-[/B] [i]Champion:[/i] FlaWizardmon [i]Ultimate:[/i] Mystimon [i]Mega:[/i] Dynasmon [B]Befriended Digimon-[/B] RhodoKnightmon[/center] -- Sorry about that, my computer sort of freaked out on me ^_^;;.[/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted April 21, 2006 Author Share Posted April 21, 2006 Okay, everyone's good so far (although I would appreciate it if you could get rid of all those smilies, Revelation). I'll leave sign-ups open for a few more days. I'll probably start this early next week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakura Posted April 21, 2006 Share Posted April 21, 2006 [B]OOC:[/B] I'm back with the same sign up as last time. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Sakura Valentine [B]Age:[/B] 21 - Been playing for 3 years [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Username:[/B] Sakura [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Here[/URL], but she usually wears a black, long sleeve top with the sleeves pushed above her elbows, and long leather pants, with gloves that only reach her wrists. And her goggles are a permanent accessory. [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] Renamon - Can reach Mega level [B]Digivolutions:[/B] [I]Champion -[/I] Kyuubimon [I]Ultimate -[/I] Taomon [I]Mega -[/I] Sakuyamon [B]Be-friended Digimon:[/B] [I]Seraphimon (Mega) -[/I] Sakura chased this digimon for a year before he finally agreed to join her team. She was determined enough that he thought she would be a good partner. [I]Piddomon (Champion) -[/I] Sakura stumbled across Piddomon and he just accepted her invitation to join the team easily. She got Piddomon during her chase for Seraphimon.[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokopoko Posted April 22, 2006 Share Posted April 22, 2006 [color=teal][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Daniel Morris [b]Age:[/b] 19 [Daniel has been playing since he was 15.] [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Username:[/b] Danny [Uninspired but meh.] [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=]Click here[/url] [b]Partner Digimon:[/b] Daniel?s primary Digimon partner is [b][url=]Fanbeemon[/url][/b]. Fanbeemon is a study in opposites compared to Daniel. Whilst in the game Fanbeemon is always concerned with the task at hand, be it fighting other Digimon or tracking down whatever it is he and Daniel are searching for. He sees it as his duty to protect Daniel as well as push him in the right direction when it comes to making important choices. However he is very cheerful and always sees the Brightside to a situation. His attacks are: [i]Gear Stinger[/i] - Fires a small needle at an enemy at incredible speeds. [i]BB Call[/i] ? Summons a swarm of small worker drones that overwhelm the enemy. [b]Digivolutions Champion Level ? [url=]Waspmon:[/url][/b] Waspmon has similarities to Fanbeemon but due too the incorporation of cybernetic parts into his new form he understands that Daniel will sometimes have a different way of carrying out a task and Waspmon is able to weigh up the variables and inform Daniel of the best course of action. His attacks are: [i]Turbo Stinger[/i] - Fires a laser blast hidden in his stinger. [i]Bear Buster[/i] ? A honey like ooze is fired from his stinger causing the enemy to get stuck in place. [b]Ultimate Level ? [url=]Cannonbeemon:[/url][/b] Cannonbeemon is the furthest level of Digivolution Daniel has been able to achieve, though only a hand full of times so Daniel doesn?t know much about this form of Fanbeemon. What he does know is that he seems to have more of Fanbeemon in him in terms of a slightly lighter side. His attacks are: [i]Nitro Stinger[/i] - Fires a laser that can penetrate even heavy armor at a super-large diameter. [i]Sky Rocket Infinity[/i] ? Fires a cluster of homing missile from within Cannonbeemons back mounted rocket launcher which cause significant damage to the enemy. [b]Mega Level ? [url=]TigerVespamon:[/url][/b] Daniel knows nothing off TigerVespamon other than his attacks as his Fanbeemon has never attained this level yet he has researched TigerVespamon in the Digidex. His attacks are: [i]Mach Stinger Victory[/i] - An attack that stabs the opponent with the "Royal Meister" weapon in a twin-blade style. [i]Royal Meister[/i] - An attack that tears apart the opponent with the hive-shaped "Royal Meister" weapon.[/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted April 22, 2006 Author Share Posted April 22, 2006 Sakura and Jokopoko, you're both fine. I'm going to see if I can't get this started by Sunday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Circ Posted April 23, 2006 Share Posted April 23, 2006 Name: Michel Léroux age: 23 gender: male Username: Eiffel Apperance: [url=]See previous signup[/url] Parnter Digimon: Patamon Levels: Champion- Piddomon Ultimate- Asuramon Mega- Orochimon Michel has been an irregular playing for a little over a year and has befriended a Guilmon. [I]For those who participated in the first version of the RP, be aware that while [spoiler]Kalika will likely resurface[/spoiler], this is a version of Michel without the backstory involved in the original Digimon: Immersion[/I] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted April 24, 2006 Author Share Posted April 24, 2006 You're good, Circeus. Okay, this RPG has officially started, so go have some fun. I'll be leaving sign-ups open for a while, so if you want to participate but haven't signed up yet, then go ahead and sign up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deathsye Posted May 30, 2006 Share Posted May 30, 2006 Name: Adamu Chastian Age: 18(new) Gender:Male Username: Deathsye Appearance: He has Red hair.Navy blue eyes . Wears a black hoodie with a red stripe going around it and has red pants and sneakers. Partner Digimon: Black Agumon Digivolutions: BlackGreymon>BlackMetalGreymon>Blackwargreymon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted June 2, 2006 Author Share Posted June 2, 2006 Okay, Deathseye, you're in. Just please wait until after I make my next post (which should be sometime within the next couple of days) before you make your first post. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ellerby Posted June 8, 2006 Share Posted June 8, 2006 [FONT=Tahoma][CENTER]Well, you haven't closed the sign-ups yet so I'm assuming I can still join. I hope that's alright. If I can't, I'll just delete my post. :whoops: [B]Name:[/B] [color=#555555]Jaret Hannison[/COLOR] [B]Age:[/B] [color=#555555]23 (never played before)[/COLOR] [B]Gender:[/B] [color=#555555]Male[/COLOR] [B]Username:[/B] [color=#555555]White[/COLOR] [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=][color=#555555]Without the weapons and gloves.[/COLOR][/url][/CENTER] [B]Partner Digimon:[/B] [color=#555555]Gomamon[/COLOR] [B]Digivolutions:[/B] [color=#555555][I]Champion[/I] - Ikkakumon [I]Ultimate[/I] - Zudomon [I]Mega[/I] - Vikemon[/COLOR][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted June 8, 2006 Author Share Posted June 8, 2006 Yes, sign-ups are still open. One nice thing about an RPG like this one is that it's easy to get new characters into things.You're in, White. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DracoGuardian Posted June 8, 2006 Share Posted June 8, 2006 So long as it is still ok for new players Name: Daryl Corey Age:23 Playtime: 1 month Username: Dark Guardian Appearance: Dark brown hair to his shoulders. Dark brown eyes, he has a slight tan and wears a very dark green t-shirt along with blue jeans and black sneakers he tends to carry himself as a loner but will help those that need it much to the occasional dismay of his partner digimon Partner digimon Rookie: DemiDevimon Champion: Devimon Ultimate: Skull Satamon Mega: Daemon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyYouMetOnline Posted June 9, 2006 Author Share Posted June 9, 2006 Mostly good, but I need you to make two name changes. Please change PicoDevimon to DemiDevimon and Demon to Daemon. Do that, and you're in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
squirr31y Posted August 14, 2006 Share Posted August 14, 2006 If it's all right, I think I'll join. Name: Brent Age: 17, started at 15 Username: Kurayami Eiyu, or Kura for short. Appearance: A little under six foot, he has blonde hair that's a couple inches long and has a runner's build. Wears t-shirts with sarcastic sayings on them and a pair of camoflauge cargo pants where he keeps various knick-knacks. He has an old, battered lighter that he likes to play with and is hardly ever seen without it. Partner: Kura's Partner is a Renamon who cares mostly for power, and less for subtle means. Ready to help most people in a pinch, she has some trouble controlling any form beyond Champion. She enjoys a good fight, and will often jump right into a fray wihtout leraning any details, leaving it up to her partner to figure things out. Her attacks are Diamond Storm and Power Paw Champion level: Kyuubimon. She has little to no trouble controlling herself in this form, but finds it lacking in any serious firepower. But she will be the first to admit that it's better than her Rookie form. Attacks are Dragon Whell and Fox Tail Inferon Ultimate leve: Kimeramon. She has reached this stage only a handful of times, and can't remember much of the time. In this form her only thought is to destroy everything except her partner. However, because she still retains some protective thoughts, if the enemy strays too far from her partner, then she will give up and return to her partner's side. She will also somewhat listen to her partner. Attacks are Heat Viper and Scissor Claw. Mega Level: Milleniumon. As far as Kura or Renamon know, she has never reached this level. However, Kura's Digivice has stats describing Renamon in this form. In this form she doesn't have the power that the true Milleniumon has, but is still unbelievably powerful. The only drawback is that she is left as simply a creature of instinct Kura and Renamon believe that with enough work, that Kura may be able to get some control over her in this form, similar to in her Ultimate form. She can use Milleniumon's Mugen Cannon, Energy Blast, and a nameless attack which launches lightning from her claws. Kura and Renamon have determined that if her Ultimate form and a Machindramon were to DNA digivolve they may be able to have a fully powered Milleniumon, but they don't know at what cost and have discarded the idea of ever trying it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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