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Demon's Rising RPG

Heaven's Cloud

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*Kool starts looking at the weapons. She notices one that stands out.*

Kool-what's this sword? It has wierd writing on it.

Zack-Oh that. I took that from a dead ogre that had died in battle. I don't know what the writing says on it, but it looks like the language that trolls use.

Kool-I wonder how the ogre got a sword that a troll used.

Zack-he probably took it from a dead troll just like I took it from him.
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As the rest of the group picked over the maps, Kiara made her way to the weapons, examining them. Kool was looking at the one she pointed out earlier, peering at it. Kiara frowned. "Why're you so interested in that?"

"I'm trying to figure out what the symbols mean...I can't read troll."

"Hm...let me see it." Kool passed it over, and Kiara traced a gloved finger below the characters. She frowned slightly, and then handed it back. "Seems to be an enchantment of some sort."

Kool blinked. "I didn't know Trolls could use magic..."

"You find an odd one in every species." Kiara shrugged. "Anyway, says something about black fire...that's the most I could make out." She glanced over her shoulder at Zack. "And if I'm right...that's a pretty powerful weapon. Pity the ogre didn't know how to use it."

"Do you?"

"Perhaps." With that, Kiara left Kool with the sword and continued rummaging through the other weapons.
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Kool-black fire. Hmm. Wonder what they mean by that. Hey Zack! Do you mind if we take this with us? You know, in case we figure out what it means?

Zack-go ahead. It's worthless to me. It's just an old rusty sword that would probably snap in two piecies after seeing one battle.

*Kool puts the sword at a spot at her belt and sits back with the rest of the group going over the maps.*
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[color=indigo]Heaven-We have to figure out where to go now. Kool, take my hand and concentrate, figure out where we go from here.

[i]Kool takes Heavens hand. At first, nothing happens, then Heavens eyes light up and a beam shoots out of his eyes. At the end of the beam are the Kincaid Moutains....[/i][/color]
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Kool-So that's where the first beam came from. When we first started this journey, that light telling us to go southwest...that came from me?! And the shield when we were fighting the scorpion. That came from me too?!

Heaven-yeah. Sorry I didn't tell ya sooner, but you have powers. Kool. Now that we know where we're going, do you want us to go now, or wait for a while longer and then continue our journey? Kool? Are you OK?

Kool-*looking slightly shocked at the realization that she had powers, finally came back out of her thoughts.* Huh? Oh...yeah. Let's go now.

*the group packs up and heads toward the Kincaid Moutains.*
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[color=indigo][i]The party reaches the foot of the mountain. As they begin their ascent the shy grows dark in front of them. Fire spews up from the ground and a demon appears. Its appearence is grotesque, an ape like body covered with hundreds of eyes and mouths. Voices cry out from each of the mouths with a different voice, each in agony. The eyes are everywhere, leaving no opportunity for a surprise attack. This is the party's first real test.....[/i][/color]
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OOC: Allow me to help a bit :D


As Heaven prepared a spell, Kiara unslung her cwellen and loaded it. The demon noticed this and lunged for her. The assassin quickly dodged, as Heaven took advantage of it's distraction and fired. The demon roared in pain, each of it's mouths a different octive, the eyes facing Heaven narrowing dangerously.

Kiara aimed and fired towards the demon's eyes, trying to blind it. It held up a giant hand, the missles sinking into it. She swore.
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[color=indigo][i]The Monster focused its attention on Heaven. Unsheathing his dagger Heaven leapt at his adversary. At the same time Kiara also leapt, but the two warriors were too slow for the beast. The demon swiped at both Kiara and Heaven. Kiara was knocked to the side and quickly recovered, Heaven's dagger slashed across the beast but the beast caught him in mid air and threw him into boulder, badly injuring him. As the other fighters began to attack the monster grew increasingly more viscous, dodgeing in and out of attacks. As Heaven began to recover he realized that as long as the beast could see, there was no possible way for them to win...[/i][/color]
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OOC: Is Zack's group with us?
*Kool took out her bow and arrows and took aim. She brought it back as far as she could, then fired. The demon caught it before it hit him. He snapped the arrow in two.*

Kool-(thinks)Darn! I wonder if I can come up with a spell to kill it. But what? What happened before I wasn't even thinking about it. *decides to charge it with the sword. The monster knocked her to the ground when she was in mid-air. Heaven got up and grabbed a handful of sand and threw it in his eyes. The demon was blinded in 3 of its many eyes, but it could still see through its others.*

Kiara-That's it! We can throw dirt in its eyes!

*all three start throwing dirt. When they think it's sufficiently blinded, they all start attacking with their swords and daggers. The demon then starts thrashing around blindly. It knocks all three to the ground. Kool then feels something burning at her belt. She looks at the dagger that has some incantation on it. It is glowing black. Kool takes it off her belt and unsheaths it. It starts glowing brighter.*
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Ash then started unloading bullets and shotgun shells into the creature. It is stunned and falls onto it's knees in pain. Kool starts running towards the creature with the dagger in her hand. She leaps up tino the air but the creature catches her in mid-air. Kool sticks the knife into the beasts hand and it catches alight and it drops Kool. As she lands she does two back flips and then as she lands on her feet she threw the dagger and it hit the creature right in the midle of the head. It started to burn with a black flame and it just fell onto it's back and in a matter of seconds was left in a small pile of dust.
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Kool-another fight already? *grabs her sword*

Heaven-there is hardly a moments peace here! *kills a demon that was about to kill Alexander*

Alexander-Heaven! You and your group made it here just in time!

Zack-*goes to his side next to Heaven* It's a good thing too. *slashes an approaching demon* Where'd they all come from?

Alexander-We don't know. They just came out of the forest and attacked us!

Kool-*kills a demon that was about to kill Zack and Heaven* Zack! Heaven! King Alexander! More demons are coming! Some just came over the hill that we crossed!

Heaven-Darn! They must have been following us. *they all start attacking and killing them agian*
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