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Not much action around here anymore.

Guest Tyco

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I still to this day have a grudge agenst OB but I will lay off it for now to say this message. I would very much like to make an apology to all of those who where emotionally damaged with my rude an immature action over the period of the time I was here at OB. I owe much thanks to OB and I am forever in in its debt. I remember the good time here at OB, I had a few slip-ups when I was first going here, but they just made me stronger as I moved on. Mystic, if you still go here I just want to say I was an A-hole to you and I?m truly sorry to you. I would most like to apologize for pulling that dumbass sister act a while back. You people need to learn though, that peoples emotions are not supposed to be played with. You all just pushed me to far that time and I apologize for that to. Everyone here I thank you all so much for the fun times I had here. I wished for those days never end. In my heart I know all of you will find it in you to say ?apology accepted?. I will leave you all forever, and my extremely absence is because I have grown to old of this place to be around it with all of you people who deserve the best in life. I do hope though that you will all find time in life to enjoy other things because wasting away on a message board that servers no purpose in life. Transtic I want to say im sorry for being a total jerk everytime I asked you for a banner, but what I really admire in you is that you made it anyway. Its acts of kindness like that that make people like you deserve better things in life. TOPAZ thanks for making me Ultima a while back, it really ment something to me. Thanks Shinji for not making me a mod, I realize that would have been a terrible mistake. Thank you all old Otaku?s for sticking by me all this time. Thanks H-bomb for being so nice to me when I asked to be a mod. Thank you old staff members for cleaning up the spam that I infested OB with.Thank you Justin for setting up the old OB and what got me into OB.There are just to many thank you and apologies to say. There is only one person I really want to thank anyway, and his name is Adam, enough said. Thank you all??.(None of this includes James or Safer)
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Even though I haven't the slightest clue about what you had done wrong, but its really sweet of you to apologize. Some people just say " I'm logging out, for good!" And get all pissed off, even when they know they're wrong.
I'm sure those that you'd done harm will accept your apology.
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i]
[B]thats so so sad.....so so sad.. [/B][/QUOTE]

[color=orangered][size=1]Yes, it's very sad.

I should have saved my conversation with Tyco on AIM today to show all of you what a jerk this guy is.

He messaged me and told me that he hated me (I've never even talked to this guy before in my life, thus, he doesn't even know me).

He was like "u think ur so good cuz u think ur better than everyone else on the boards". Uhh...no, not quite.

"A 2 year old culd do ur job, all u do is watch a bunch of kiddies on the boards all day. U do nothing for otaku, all u do is watch the boards and sit there. U think ur so good and u make out like ur better than me. Ur just the same as everyone else" blah blah blah.

I don't know where he gets that from...

I simply put it down to jealousy. From what I know about him, he's a relatively unsuccessful webmaster...I think he hates the fact that OB is a success while he isn't.

And I had to remind him that if Adam here here often and were doing my job, people who break the rules would hate him just as much. Why? Because these people hate [i]anyone[/i] who tries to do their job.

And believe me, if myself or the mods didn't do our jobs...we'd get heaps more complaints about the boards having too much spam etc.

I found this guy really funny...he was basically telling me what I do and don't do for Otaku Media. lol...but the thing is, he has absolutely no idea what my responsibilities are.

He thinks that all I do is sit here and watch what people type on the boards. He ignores the fact that Adam and I are working very hard on rolling out more than three new sites within the next month.

Gee...guess he didn't notice all those teaser ads since the middle of the year...tsk tsk.

Oh well. Where there are lots of people, some of them are invariably idiots.[/color][/size]
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[SIZE=1]What the hell is he on... James does the most around here, you have NO idea what he does for Otaku Media... (I'm talking to a banned person, how quaint...) He designs the sites, he takes a day making all the backgrounds and getting all the sponsers onto the site, then he has to update it like twice a week and then he does alot of other complicated stuff which you wouldn't understand you peice of ghetto crap...[/SIZE]
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Guest Voodookanaka
tyco, just bugger off, i dont think anyone really cares what u have to say. Shinji and topaz hardly visit no more so whats the point in appologising to them, what u dont like is that u were here posting and saw other members rise above yourself for no reason. and why have a grudge against a board..technically its just a load of 000000000001111111010100000000000 's when everything taken apart.
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[size=1][b]Well James to tell you the truth you are the best one here. You own the boards and you do your job (qith Adam ofcourse) and this guy has no right to do it. People like that just don't care. I wouldn't have posted in this crap topic unless you did about your conversation. He is just a jerk that is upset that better people than him are mods and admins. Stupid fools. I'm glad that **** got banned.... [/size][/b]
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[SIZE=1]I don't understand why he would hate james in the first place. He does so much for the otaku sites and he is a really nice guy to boot (well, I don't know this personally but he [i]seems[/i] like a nice guy.) Anyway people like this shouldn't be here in the first place.... and any other kind of point I want to make James has already done for me, so thats it I guess.[/SIZE]
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[color=deeppink]I know basically what he's talking about...but I do remember him being things other than apologetic...

Fact of the matter is, he's gone. If you guys rip on him (especially if you don't know him or have never heard of him) then you're just as bad as him ripping on anyone else. Just ignore stuff like this, no need to rehash it all. Hence, this topic shall be closed.[/color]
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