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Final Fantasy Hell on Earth ( M for Fantasy violence crude humor expict sexual theams


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The world is on the verg of destruction by the evil cult Cion and only a small group of travelers are try to stop them, even though the towns and city's hate what Cion is doing they are not powerful enough to stop them. So they depend on these people to stop Cion and defend the world, after Cion took out the Controling nations ( Usa, U.K, and China) The world has been going down hill. More contries are being taken over as we speak.

Cion was started by Kaymar an evil Sword wielding man bent on the destruction of the world his followers will do anything at his commandall he has to do is snap his fingers there have been multipul suicide missions to take control of the world nearly all have failed but not all. he uses monsters made for stone to move his troops of followers over the world his troops alsohave personal motorcycles to move around, they are often seen in deserted towns and city's.

Sign up:


Age: (must be at least 16)


Wepon: (or wepons Max. of 3)



other info:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heres my sign up sheet

Name: Has

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Wepons: Two handed Mega Blade, Double bladed axe, and a 3barrel pistol.

Description: Normal highth, he dresses in a black hoodie and very baggy torn pants he has lether straps on his back connected to his sword and axe's sieths he puts his pistol in the pocket of his hoodie.

Personality: Has hates Cion and everything it controls he tries to Forget his memories because of his destructive past he cant resist girls its what gets him into trouble.

other info: Has was once a drone in Cions plans he saw what was happening and quit wial he could now he is exiled from Cion and if he's seen by Cion they are orderd to kill him.


I hope you will join my rpg i will be posting the underground thread after we have at least 5 people ill let 15 people in after that you will have to private message me with your sign up sheet and tell me why you want to join.

Thanks yo guys :catgirl: madwitch5
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[COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Century Gothic]Welcome to the boards, [B]madwitch5[/B]!

Before you start creating RPGs here, you should read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44318]sticky[/URL] about Adventure Arena Basics [I]thoroughly[/I].

Once you have, you will learn that we require a few specific things from our games, that the writing is legible and has a good grammar, that an appropriate rating would be put to the headline, and that the introduction would be at least three paragraphs long.

In your case your grammar as well as your background story are both very lacking, so I'd suggest you work on both of them.

I'm going to have to close this thread, but feel free to recreate it once it's meets the requirements. And if any more questions arise, we mods are only a PM away!


[I]- Sandy[/I]

[SIZE=1]PS. As a devoted Final Fantasy fan, I see nothing even remotely FF-ish in this game, so please don't try to attract players to your game by using a famous title if there's no base to it.[/SIZE]

[B]*thread closed*[/B][/FONT][/COLOR]
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