Blayze Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 [center][size=1][u][b][size=3]Circle of Nine[/size][/b][/u] Our world is becoming dominated by darkness. Only the Guardians can save us...[/size] [size=1]---[/size] [size=1]We live within a tortured world. The skies were scorched, the land was ravaged, the seas were contaminated, all in the name of war. It has been many years since peace reigned over Meridian, this fragile world we now inhabit. Not since the days of the Ancients have we known peace...[/size] [size=1]Centuries ago, when this world was created by the Elder God, there was peace between the two races that inhabited it. The first race was known as the Ancients, men and women made in the image of the Elder God, and made only to worship him. They had bright blue eyes, black hair and large, feathered wings on their backs. They were revered as deities on Meridian, messengers to the Elder God, and they maintainted balance.[/size] [size=1]However, the second race, humans, were more troublesome. They were never made to worship anyone, or anything, the Elder God merely hoped they would decide to worship him of their own free will. Some did, but most did not. They saw the Ancients for what they really were, mere pawns of the Elder God, and, believing that they were superior, waged war on the Ancients.[/size] [size=1]But the Ancients, being favoured by the Elder God, drew upon their immense power and fought back, destroying vast numbers of humans. The Ancients were so powerful that they wiped out all but a few of the humans, including those loyal to the Elder God, believing that they could turn against the Ancients some day.[/size] [size=1]The remaining humans were driven into hiding, occasionally launching an attack on the Ancients, but to no great avail. All they could do was wait and increase their numbers, hoping for an opportunity to launch a great assault on the Ancients.[/size] [size=1]Meanwhile, the Ancients were building up their power, constructing massive fortresses to contain themselves from the humans, as well as weapons and equipment that the Elder God himself blessed. They were far stronger than the humans could ever be.[/size] [size=1]But the humans have found a way to end the war, and bring balance back to Meridian. The Pillars...[/size] [size=1]An ancient prophecy told of the coming of Nine powerful beings, part-human, part-Ancient, who would find the Pillars and bring balance back to Meridian. They would be the Pillar Guardians, each with their own area of power.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Death, holding the power of the cycle of life, death and rebirth, that which the Ancients hold most dear.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Conflict, holding the power of interaction of beings and objects, and new beings and objects rising from this interaction.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of States, holding the power of the nature of the physical world, including chemicals and all the laws governing the physical world, including electromagnetism and gravity.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Energy, holding the power of the vital force which animates creation and allows for the changing of all things.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Time, holding the power of the cyclical flow of time and the fated events to take place in order of their happening.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Dimension, holding the power of the dual directionality of the fabric of existence, allowing things which exist to exist and preventing things which do not exist from existing.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Nature, holding the power of the growth and evolution of living things, and everything which is animated or can be said to have a soul.[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of the Mind, holding the power of the soul itself, or the soul as it perceives itself, including all psychology, the study of the mind in relation to itself.[/size] [size=1]And finally, the Guardian of Balance, being the interactions of all eight other spheres of law, and all things which fall under the auspices of more than one set of laws. This allows for the existence of things such as neurology (a combination of Mind and States), sociology and politics (a combination of Mind and Conflict). Balance governs all of existence through its governship of the laws themselves, and is, as such, the most important Guardian.[/size] [size=1]However, the Ancients themselves have discovered the legend of the Pillar Guardians, and are seeking to destroy the Nine Pillars, destroying humankind once and for all.[/size] [size=1]I fear the end is closing in...[/size] [size=1]---[/size] [size=1]Kane Aldritch fell to his knees, coughing as something agonisingly painful ripped through his body. Waves of nausea and sharp pain shot through his veins like ice. He gasped, and a splatter of blood fell onto the dusty ground. His eyes bulged in his head as the flesh on his back, just over his shoulder-blades ripped and burst, sending two enormous black wings ripping into the air. Blood dripped steadily from them as they flapped experimentally, and then a final beat of the wings shook all the ebony fluid from them in one go.[/size] [size=1]Kane got to his feet, pushing his jet-black hair out of his eyes. He flapped his wings a few times to see how powerful they were, as people all around him fell to their knees in terror, or drew their weapons angrily.[/size] [size=1][b]"He's a spy! He's been sent by the Ancients to destroy us from within!"[/b] cried one man, his crossbow shaking in his pale hands, [b]"Kill him!"[/b][/size] [size=1]The men around him lined up, aiming their crossbows at him. He panicked and launched himself into the air, flapping his wings as hard as he could, crossbow bolts zinging through the air as they rushed past his ear. He did not know what to do, so he simply flew away from the men, trying to find somewhere peaceful to land, to comprehend what just happened to him...[/size] [size=1]---[/size] [size=1]Across Meridian, eight more just like Kane fell to the floor, their ancient and untold potential emerging from within. Eight humans discover something about their heritage that they were unaware of before. Eight humans discover that they are able to save the world.[/size] [size=1]They are the Circle of Nine, the Pillar Guardians.[/size] [size=1]---[/size] [size=1]Here's a little bit of information about this RP.[/size] [size=1]It is a fantasy-based RP, loosely based on some of the aspects of the Legacy of Kain games, but completely different. If I'm lucky and this is as popular as I am hoping it will be, there may be more to come after this. If not, we can make a good go at this one.[/size] [size=1]I will be accepting eight and only eight participants, there are no arguments about this, and my decision as to who is in is final. Each player will be playing the part of one of the Pillar Guardians, and here are the options:[/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Death, aka The Necromancer - this Guardian is able to control life and death, bringing cadavers back into a state of half-life, and destroying the souls of the living. They are also in control of the delicate power of rebirth, controlling whether someone should be granted another chance at life. [b](Gavin)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Conflict, aka The Warmonger - this Guardian can control people's state of conflict, pushing them into a fight, or even starting wars with a single thought. They can also decide whether or not a war is just, and end it with another thought. [b](Ozymandius Jones)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of States, aka The Alchemist - this Guardian can control all chemicals and compounds, bending the creation of these chemicals to their will. They can also control such laws of physical nature as gravity and electromagnetism. [b](Jokopoko)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Energy, aka The Energist - this Guardian holds the power to all creation in their hands, and is, in some ways, the most powerful Guardian. They can drain life force from living beings, and take energy from anything that emits it. [b](Ikillion)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Time, aka The Timestreamer - this Guardian holds the keys to the Timestream. They can step into it and move back and forth at their own will, and with this ability they can also see the entire Timestream, past, present and future, all at the same time. [b](StarrStruck)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Dimension, aka The Planer - this Guardian controls existence. They can judge whether things exist or otherwise, and put these things right. They are also able to step through the barriers holding dimensions apart at will, stepping from one universe to the next. [b](Sakura)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Nature, aka The Druid - this Guardian holds the power of growth and evolution, and is able to control plant growth as well as the growth of humans and other living creatures. They hold the power of the environment, and are able to do such things as transform earth into water and vice versa. [b](Sinistra)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of the Mind, aka The Mentalist - this Guardian is able to control people's minds, and they are often mistaken for a mere telepath. But the Guardian of the Mind is much more than that. They can create or destroy the mind with ease, and view a person's soul as they perceive it themselves. [b](Ezekiel)[/b][/size] [size=1]The Guardian of Balance, aka the Scion of Balance - this Guardian is able to control all of the other Guardians, and bring their abilities together. The Scion is truly the mst powerful Guardian, as they hold the power of all eight others. Without the Scion, the world would crumble [b](Blayze)[/b][/size] [b][u][size=2]Information on the world of Meridian:[/size][/u][/b] [size=1]Meridian is a strange place. It is like our world in many ways, but in many more ways it is completely different. The main religion is that of the Elder God, a vastly powerful God who built the world's first race, the Ancients, in his own image. They were born with jet black hair and electric-blue eyes, as well as black feathered wings on their backs, and they were only supposed to worship the Elder God.[/size] [size=1]But the Elder God was not content, and he was a great lover of conflict. So he created the humans, beings with entirely free will. In one portion of his mind, the Elder God hoped that the humans would worship him of their own free will, but in another, he wished that they would turn on the Ancients' faith.[/size] [size=1]And they did. They renounced the Elder God, and from this simple action came Holy War. The Ancients and the humans fought, but the Ancients were too powerful. The humans were driven into hiding, and the Ancients built their own impenetrable fortress, known only as the Dark Eden, a huge black castle, surrounded by massive walls that were reinforced with the sorcery of the Elder God. The leader of the Ancients, and the self-proclaimed voice of the Elder God resides within this fortress, and he is known only as The Nemesis. He has five great warriors who act as his personal bodyguards, and they guard the path to his inner chambers. No-one has ever penetrated the inner sanctum of Dark Eden.[/size] [size=1]However, there was a prophecy created at the time of the humans' creation which stated that Nine Pillars, created by powerful sorcerers, would be reactivated when the world needed them most. In this time of war, the world needs the Pillar Guardians more than ever.[/size] [size=1]The Pillar Guardians are Nine beings, half-human, half-Ancient, who have a sacred quest to reactivate the Nine Pillars, and save the world.[/size] [size=1]---[/size] [size=1]Here is what I am going to need from you in terms of a sign-up:[/size] [size=1][b]Name:[/b] something fantasy-like[/size] [size=1][b]Age:[/b] 18-29[/size] [size=1][b]Gender:[/b] male or female (duh)[/size] [size=1][b]Appearance:[/b] a picture or detailed description will be fine, both would be great (remember, everyone is half-Ancient, so there has to be some kind of hint of Ancient in your looks. I have the whole lot, the black hair, blues eyes and wings, but you don't have to have all three)[/size] [size=1][b]Personality:[/b] a decent paragraph, an in-depth look at your personality if what I'm looking for here[/size] [size=1][b]Weapons:[/b] remember, fantasy. Swords, axes etc. would be ideal[/size] [size=1][b]Pillar:[/b] which Pillar are you Guardian of? Remember, everything is listed above[/size] [size=1]I'm not going to ask you for a Bio or Character Snippet, as this means you have to be able to convince me into letting you into the RP with the rest of your sign-up (hint: personality is the main part I'm going to be judging). This also allows for greater character development in-game.[/size] [size=1]I think that's all I need to put here, if there are any questions then please don't hesitate to contact me via PM or IM if you have my addresses. Enjoy creating your characters, and mine will be up fairly soon.[/size] [/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ikillion Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 [COLOR=#af992f][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Name: Xinatioa Youvinea, Xin for short Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance:[URL=] Xin[/URL] Personality: Xin is one who likes to, well play with people's mind, manipulate their emotions, and toy with every kind of distraught though that they ever had. If one had to say, they may have even called him sadistic. Yet that is not the case at all. He finds some kind of passion in that. Even tending to use death in a conversation that never really needed such references in the first place. However, away from his more sadistic side he does tend to have a small ability of being inventive, finding a new and completely different way of doing something when the supposed best way had been found. With such a personality, it seems that he is a kind of oxymoron. As having a person who can tend to be sadistic one second yet oddly inventive when his sadistic intentions aren?t gleaming their way out of his body. They do though make a rather interesting person when it all comes down to it. Weapons: Contrary to his pillar He carries a jagged looking scythe just incase he must get serious. Pillar: Energy OOC: Done and done, although the appearance part did partially confuse me. Pm me if any changes are needed.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Mordred Del'Averia [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Appearance: [/B] ([U][URL=]Here[/URL][/U] is the inked sketch. I?m colouring it a little later, so hopefully that?ll be done before the sign ups close.) Mordred is a man who has always been blessed with good, albeit feminine, looks. His hair is thick and black, hanging to his shoulders. It's cut roughly to enhance the fact that he has so much of it, and the blackness somehow makes his unimpressive eyes stand out. His eyes, a very boring dark blue, are certainly not his best feature. They look tired most of the time and even when he smiles no warmth spreads to them. His skin is lightly tan, hidden mostly by his brown and green robes, the trimmings being light brown and the rest a forest green silky hue. His tattoos are light blue mixed with turqiose, giving them a very watery look. [b]Personality:[/b] I will tell you a story of man who could see pain. Mordred Del?Averia did not know how vast his powers were, until the day he touched a man?s mind and recoiled in horror at the sight of rolling, swelling, purple pain. Most people assume that red is the colour of pain, but Mordred will tell them otherwise. It is a sickly purple, like that of the night sky, and feeds on a person?s emotions. It is disgusting, and it will forever haunt the dreams of the Mentalist. This aside, Mordred likes what he does. He is a man wrapped up so tightly in his defensive illusions that he is simply blind to the world, not seeing things if he doesn?t wish to see them. His sense of what is right and wrong is perverse, and yet he manages to garner respect and love everywhere he goes. Mordred does not believe in violence, the death of his family as the hand of brutish Ancients have scarred his mind and made him weaker, but Mordred is very happy to destroy a person mentally. There is something about Mordred that you must understand, and that is he cannot kill. When a person ?loses? their mind, they do not die. They become a vegetable. A useless specimen, which is in most ways even worse than a swift death. Mordred, however, sees this as just and right. He finds it hard to trust people and cannot help but peek into their thoughts and desires, because he knows that what one sees is not what one gets. His motto, you might say, is: ?Never judge a book by its cover?. Once he trusts a person, however, as deeply as he trusts the other guardians, he is a man worth having on your side. His calm attitude and poker face appearance means he is hard to read, but that makes him all the more useful when judging a potential threat. Mordred does not consider himself to be a strong man, and would much rather sit back and plan ahead rather than charge out up front. [B]Weapons:[/B] Mordred is a great hater of physical violence (though he is not averse to breaking someone down from the inside), though he does carry with him a very simple wooden staff. The top has a large, swollen knot at the end, which acts as a hammer. [B]Pillar:[/B] Mordred guards the Pillar of the Mind, taking on the title of Mentalist. While the large bulk of his abilities revolve around telepathy, his powers are much more destructive than that. Much more so than people know. With enough concentration Mordred could probably annihilate an army, or at least use his powers to subconsciously convince them to just drop their weapons and go home. He can destroy a person?s mind and soul and manipulate them to do whatever he wants, but he will never (personally) harm their physical being.[/CENTER] Overkill on the personality? Never![/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ozymandius Jones Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 [COLOR=Navy][size=1][b]Name:[/b] Hollyhock Everlian [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Holly is a short woman, slightly plump, with long black hair that she wears in braids. Her eyes are a dark, cobalt blue, and set in a pleasant, friendly face. She is quick to smile, and her grin seems to light up her whole face. She carries herself with a humble, quiet air, and it is oftentimes easy to forget she is there. She dresses simply in long blue-grey robes and sandals, and wears no jewelry. [b]Personality:[/b] Holly gives the impression of being friendly and helpful. While she is that - most of the time - she is also highly manipulative, masking her words and their meanings in ways that make it very easy to confuse what she's saying. She often enters people's conversations uninvited, but usually does it so subtly that you'd tend to forget that she wasn't a part of the original conversation. Once involved, she takes people's words and twists them ever so slightly - not overtly, but still twisting - so the conversationalists soon begin to forget what they'd originally been saying and argue. Holly generally feels no real remorse for the confusion and arguements she causes, although she usually fades into the background once the arguement begins, where she will stay until the next opportunity to wreak havoc. She seems to thrive on the confusion, chaos and annoyance she causes. Holly is also facinated by new things - new inventions, new places, new songs, new methods of doing things - if it's novel and interesting, she's all for it. As a result, old methods of thinking are often thrown away once she encounters new philosophies. This seems to make her surface personality as changeable as the face of the sea. [b]Weapons:[/b] Holly prefers words over actions, but carries a simple dagger in case she needs it. [b]Pillar:[/b] Conflict. Holly is a master at twisting words and creating illusions, inciting paranoia just by what she changed the words to. She has the ability to also remove the moods she herself incited, and some amount of that created by others. [/size][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gavin Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 [FONT=Verdana][LEFT][size=1]Interesting, most interesting. [B]Name:[/B] Uriel Arcan [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=][B]Uriel[/B][/url]. Deathly pale by complexion, many would be forgiven for believing that Uriel had never seen daylight in his entire life. Tall and thin, but not gaunt, at 6?3? Uriel could be described as looking malnourished, but taking in account his piercing blue eyes, his appearance reflects someone of mad brilliance, or perhaps simply madness rather than self-imposed starvation. Most disturbing of all Uriel has sprouted a pair of pitch black wings from his shoulders, which are kept tied to his back to prevent others from realising his truly stark differences to normal humans. [B]Personality:[/B] [INDENT]"I am that which chills the heart, stifles joy and wroughts but grief. I am he who knows not love, knows not mercy, knows no peace. I am that which creeps in shade, stealing in the moonlight pale. I am he who takes your soul and guides it to it's resting place. On the road that we shall meet, where your mortal soul shall seek. On this path that we shall share, passed the darkness and the bleak. And on our journey you shall ask, where my heart doth lie on the earth. What my name was ? Whom I loved ? Whether I was a man of worth ? And I will answer if I can, I was Uriel." [B]- The Tragedy of Uriel[/B][/INDENT] [B]Weapons:[/B] [url=][B]The Spear of Longinus[/B][/url]. The Necromancer with all his power has no need for human weapons, capable of shattering a soul with a single thought. The spear's main function is to instil fear in those whom he deals with and on very rare occasions, defence. The shaft is 4'8" in length surmounted by the 1'10" spear head giving the weapon a total length of 6'6". [B]Pillar:[/B] The Guardian of Death, aka The Necromancer[/SIZE][/LEFT][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blayze Posted July 25, 2006 Author Share Posted July 25, 2006 [center][size=1][b][u][size=3]The Scion of Balance[/size][/u][/b] [u][b]Name: [/b][/u]Kane Aldritch, the Scion of Balance [/size][size=1][u][b]Age: [/b][/u] 26 [/size][size=1][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Male [/size][size=1][b][u]Appearance: [/u][/b]Kane is a good-looking young man. His jet-black hair falls gracefully into his eyes, which are a shocking, electric blue. His skin is lightly tanned, just so much that it is not deathly pale, but he is not overly tanned. He has a number of bodily tattoos, one ringing around his left bicep, in a sort of tribal-style, and one across his chest in the shape of a huge, flame-red bird in flight. He wears a simple white shirt, which, by now, has become slightly creased, and a dark suede jacket with a high collar. His trousers are a similar dark suede to his jacket, but are worn loosely, with a belt with a few pouches hanging off it holding them up, and he has a black chain around his torso which keeps his swords attached to his back. His feet are clad in large black leather boots, which have become scuffed through a lot of use. Since the two enormous black wings burst from his back, he has taken to strapping them up with thick leather straps and wearing his clothes over the top of them. This way, he can walk around without people thinking he is a spy for the Ancients, but his wings are easily accessible when he needs them. [/size][size=1][b][u]Personality: [/u][/b] Kane is, contrary to the Pillar which he guards, an extremely unbalanced individual. He has many conflicting emotions within him, there is much anger over the untimely deaths of his parents, there is also sadness over this event. There is happiness that, while his parents were snatched away from him, his twin sister is still with him. He cares for his sister more than anything in the world, and would do anything to protect her from danger. He is loyal and trustworthy, but he is also headstrong, and often rushes into situations unprepared. [/size][size=1][b][u]Weapons:[/u][/b] Kane merely carries a pair of short swords. There is nothing special about these weapons, he only carries them because his father gave them to him when he was very young. [/size][size=1][b][u]Pillar:[/u][/b] Balance. As the Scion of Balance, Kane has a degree of power over all eight of the other Pillars, as well as having the unique power to combine all eight powers into one, the ability with which he is destined to save the world. He can utilise small portions of the power of each Pillar to do his will. However, he is unaware that he is the most important of the Nine, and he is unaware that he is destined to be the one who heals the world. --- Alrighty, folks, you're all doing great. I forgot to mention when I first posted the sign-up sheet, could you put what kind of thing you can do with your powers under the "Pillar" section of your sign-up? My fault entirely, I just forgot to put it in. Anyway, I'm going to say that you are all accepted! Those of you who aren't finished yet (Zeke and Ikillion), I know you're worth the wait, so I'm accepting you as well. So our current cast is: Ikillion - [/size][font=Verdana][color=Black][size=1]Xinatioa Youvinea aka The Energist Ezekiel - Mordred Del'Averia aka The Mentalist Ozymandius Jones - Hollyhock Everlian aka The Warmonger Gavin - Uriel Arcan aka The Necromancer Blayze - Kane Aldritch aka The Scion of Balance Congrats! Everyone else, keep those sign-ups coming! [/size][/color][/font][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
4815162342 Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][b]Name:[/b] Kannes Erskine [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=]Reference[/URL] Kannes is an average height of five foot nine inches and has a slender, birdlike build. His hands are small and gentle, though slightly bony and his hair just reaches his shoulders and is a dark brown the color of wet mud. He always has a slightly puzzled or dreamy expression set on his face, which only lends more of a childlike look to his fine-boned features. His eyes are a deep sapphire blue, with almost no reflection in them giving the impression that you?re looking into a bottomless pool. Kannes walks slowly, and flowingly ? calmly, almost never in a hurry to get anywhere. He dresses mostly tunics and trousers of deep blues and blacks and his only jewelry is one silver chain. He never wears shoes. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet. Calm. Dreamy. Kannes does not say much, and when he does he thinks it over thoroughly as he wants what he has to say to have meaning. He is often confused, as if he isn?t all there, and if asked why will most likely supply the seeing of past, present and future all at once for the reason. Kannes likes to be in the company of others, even if he is not conversing with them and does not like to be put on the spot about anything. Even on the rare occasion when his attention is fully on this time he doesn?t talk much but will sit and listen to what others have to say. [b]Weapons:[/b] A fire-hardened [URL=]ash[/URL] staff. [b]Pillar:[/b] Kannes is the Guardian of the Pillar of Time. He is The Timestreamer, and as such can see what will happen in the future, what is happening now, and what has happened in the past. And, if he so wishes it, he can step into time itself and travel where he will, seeing what he will.[/COLOR] OOC: Ooops, Meridian is the name of the world. Knew I'd read it somewhere. Kannes last name is changed now.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheResplendent Posted July 25, 2006 Share Posted July 25, 2006 OOC: Was typing up my app while jokopoko posted, can there be more than one person in the running for a position or should i change my app? [size=1][color=darkred][b]Name[/b]: Vidale Orias [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Vidale stands tall with long dark black hair with hints of silver streaks, falling slightly below his shoulders and parted across his shoulders. They resemble multiple threads, as if his hair is always wet. His eyes are sharp and narrow, deep blue with hints of white; they are often compared to a glacier filled ocean. His stare is constantly focused, as if carefully analyzing everything he sees. He dresses in a knee length, black open coat with silver ribbing around the sides. Underneathe is a white shirt, long slightly baggy black and silver pants, and a thick belt with a silver plate of an ancient inscription at the border of the upper and lower body attires. Wears a long chain which hangs in the middle of his chest with a gothic style cross with engravings of the symbols for the planetary metals known to the ancients (Sol/Luna/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Mercury/Saturn) [b]Personality[/b]: A focused and serious individual Vidale is, with a mostly dormant sense of humor and a strong sense of obligation. He believes alchemy is the most artistic aspect of the world we live in, and dosen't hesitate to using it to it's full potential. He punishes justly and without discrimination, but likes even more to exploit the various aspects of the world that rely on his capability and overseeing. He is a perfectionist and therefore despises flaws and frowns upon those he sees with flaws, whether it be in their personality or their craft. When he messes up, he dosen't deny it but rather silently admonishes himself and becomes determined to not only rectify, but raise his standards as well in order to achieve even greater success or accomplishments. Vidale isn't neccesarily anti-social, but is often quiet unless there is a topic worth discussing or if people he respects are in need of help. Needless to say he dislikes idle chatter or wasting time. [b]Weapons[/b]: Uses a long metallic staff with blades resembling a small trident at the top. The staff's base color is black, with golden and silver designs and symbols running up and down the shaft. Uses the staff at his will for melee or recomposition for other purposes. [b]Pillar[/b]: The Guardian of States, aka The Alchemist [/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sinistra Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Illaria Enfinati [U][B]Age:[/B][/U] 24 [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Female [B][U]Appearance:[/U][/B] [URL=]Illaria[/URL] Adorned with short, jagged black tresses and uncommonly crimson red eyes, it has been said that those characteristics bring about a rebirth in Meridian for reasons known to few. This picture is Illaria without her wings, which upon first appearance were black and white: the left black, the right white. Illaria stands at 5'7" and has a very slender build; it doesn't appeal for battle, but Illaria makes it work. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Illaria is much like a peacekeeper; with her understanding of growth and evolution, she is patient and empathetic. This therefore, makes her approachable and much like a pillar for those around her when it is needed. However, when it is required that she fight, she isn't afraid to kill. It is in her belief that she kills for a reason to balance Nature and that reincarnation will take over after her judgement. Illaria has a strong sense of herself, but can adapt quickly if need be as that is Nature's way. [U][B]Weapons:[/B][/U] Illaria carries a whip that has many sharp thorns much like the stem of a rose; also in the case of a quick attack, she carries a dagger around her left hip. [U][B]Pillar:[/B][/U] The Guardian of Nature, a.k.a The Druid. Illaria can manipulate the amount of growth in any living creature and control earthly elements such as Fire, Wind, and Water for defense, etc. purposes. [/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Billy Shears Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 [COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]Name: Evetta Viste Age: 18 Gender: Female Apperance: [edit soon] Personality: [edit] Weapon: Evetta carries an axe with an iron-cast head. Pillar: Planar[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1]---[/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I will edit as soon as possible. I'm really sorry.. -the one and only.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakura Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Mirichai "Miri" Tauran [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=]Reference Pic[/URL] Mirichai is 5'6" with long, jet black hair that reaches a few centimetres short of her waist. She's quite a pale woman, with only a very slight tan to provide some colour. Her hands and fingers are very supple and delicate from obvious care and a lack of heavy labour. Miri has crystal blue eyes, in contrast to her dark hair colour, her true emotions can always be seen through them. She has a lithe figure and looks delicate, but in reality she can stand the wear and tear of life, being actually quite athletic, especially in the gymnastics area. Bursted from her shoulderblades are a pair of large deep blue wings, to hide them, she folds them flat again her back and wears her clothes over the top; as soon as she wants to use them, she is able to release them. As for attire, she usually likes to wear a white, casual, light button down blouse and a pair of slightly baggy pants, usually navy blue or dark green. [B]Personality:[/B] Mirichai is a very thoughtful person, who thinks everything through before she does anything, weighing out the good and bad, and taking into account possible consequences. She's one of the more quieter Guardians and always talks with a calm and decisive tone in her voice, even when situations are rough. Some people come to her in times when they have trouble making a choice, since as a controller of existing things, everyone knows she has a good sense of judgement. Sadly to say that most people are always rushing about, and always want hurried answers, which result in mistakes a lot of the time; when people talk to Miri, they often think that she isn't paying attention to them because she is always looking in another direction, staring off blankly and not showing any response, while in reality she is planning things out as she's being told things because a good decision is always one that takes time. Not very often, but it does happen, Mirichai will walk away saying she has to think more about it before replying with a straight decision. But even so, she enjoys any type of environment, whether it's in the middle of a busy street at rush hour, or in a serene grove up in the mountains. In her free time she meditates in order to release her mind, which in turn helps her with making what she feels is the right decisions. The company of fellow Guardians beats all in her opinion, since she can be herself around them, while other folk are always so critical of others, judging people by appearances alone. If she truly needs to get away, sometimes she will go off to another dimension or universe. [B]Weapons:[/B] Miri's weapon of choice is a [URL=]Glaive[/URL]. [B]Pillar:[/B] The Guardian of Dimension, aka The Planer - this Guardian controls existence. They can judge whether things exist or otherwise, and put these things right. They are also able to step through the barriers holding dimensions apart at will, stepping from one universe to the next.[/COLOR] [B]OOC:[/B] I hope that's ok, Blayze. Let me know if there's any changes to be made.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokopoko Posted July 26, 2006 Share Posted July 26, 2006 [size=1][color=teal]OOC: Hope you don't mind that I went for a slightly different approach Phil ^^;. Just a note, the two underlined bits are links to images, hope you enjoy this. [center]~*~[/center][/color][/size] [FONT=Lucida Calligraphy][center][size=2][b][u]My Encounter with the Alchemist[/u][/b][/center] ?Read now as I tell you of the time I first encountered the Alchemist, Guardian of States, able to create anything possible in this world with but one thought. He told me his [b]Name[/b] was [b]Malekith[/b], he may have been lying to me but I for one know not to question the word of a Guardian of the Pillars so I shall forever know this one as [b]Malekith[/b]. When I first saw him I supposed his age to be [b]28[/b] but who can tell the age of those said to be both Human and Ancient at the same time. [b][u][url=]His face[/url][/u][/b] seemed to have years of existence etched into it. Shades of grey appearing on the sides of his head were in stark contrast to the rest of his hair which was black as night. Piercing blue eyes gave away his heritage as one of the Ancients Kin. While up close he seemed quite intimidating it is a strange thing to note that his height and overall sive are no different from normal men, I had not expected this. His manner of dress was quite peculiar, you see it was made of the most simplistic of fabrics yet was coloured and embodied so fantastically that it seemed to me to be not possible in this world. From what I saw the garment was coloured blue with gold stitching but it seemed to shimmer and change as he walked with me, most fascinating. As we continued our journey to claim an artefact, I know not its name, [b]Malekith[/b] revealed little about himself. He rarely spoke to me and whenever I attempted to strike up a conversation he would be too lost in his mind to reply. I could have taken offence and called him aloof, acting superior, but I know better than that. I noticed that he carried a book with him at all times, perhaps he uses this to write down how he is feeling or what experiences he has gone through rather than telling those around him, but I again I know better than to question him. Midway through our journey we were attacked by a band of savages how would have killed us and robbed our corpses were it not for the battle prowess. As if from nowhere he produced a [b][u][url=]Staff made of blackest Obsidian[/url][/u][/b]. It had powers of magic as well as simple brute force when [b]Malekith[/b] wielded it against the attacker. Where ever they came from the Staff found its mark, many times the attacker would vanish in a brilliant light and once my sight returned to me there was no sign of the assailant. My assumption is the [b]Malekith[/b] had used his powers to transform them into something wholly un-human. Eventually we reached our destination and [b]Malekith[/b] left me at the entrance of a great cave, saying that it was not for me to enter. As I turned my back I knew that I should always remember my encounter with the [b]Guardian of States, the Alchemist[/b]. That being able to turn lead into gold, able to brew potions of incredible potency. Able to do things with the natural world that are beyond me understanding, perhaps beyond the understanding of any save the other Pillar Guardians. I shall always remember [b]Malekith, Guardian of States[/b][/size][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blayze Posted July 26, 2006 Author Share Posted July 26, 2006 [center][size=1][b][size=3]Sign-ups are now [u]closed[/u][/size][/b][size=3] [size=1]Thank you to everyone who signed up, I am impressed at how quickly I managed to fill all nine spots. Unfortunately, not everyone can participate in this one. I need only nine people, including myself. So here is the cast list: [/size][/size][/size][font=Verdana][color=Black][size=1] Gavin - Uriel Arcan aka The Necromancer [/size][/color][/font][font=Verdana][color=Black][size=1] Ozymandius Jones - Hollyhock Everlian aka The Warmonger Jokopoko - Malekith aka The Alchemist [/size][/color][/font][size=1]Ikillion - [/size][font=Verdana][color=Black][size=1]Xinatioa Youvinea aka The Energist StarrStruck - Kannes Erskine aka The Timestreamer Sakura - Mirichai Tauran aka The Planer Sinistra - Illaria Enfinati aka The Druid Ezekiel - Mordred Del'Averia aka The Mentalist Blayze - Kane Aldritch aka The Scion of Balance [/size][/color][/font] [size=1]Congratulations to you all, and condolences to those who didn't quite make it. If all goes to plan, there will be a second part to this, so you are more than welcome to sign up then. As for this time round, I should have the Square thread up by the end of the day. Thank you to you all for letting this move so quickly. Let the games begin. [/size][/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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