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Guest Master O Beans
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]

well, that's just part of growing up, duo. pretty soon it's going to be a huge stress. >_<;; [/B][/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's either a huge stress, or you completely blow it off...either way, it definitely loses it's 'sparkle' ...Heh, somethin' to look forward to kiddies! Muahaha :p

Heh, I just found out that monday (today) was Christmas eve on friday...I had no idea it was already this close!!
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i]

well, that's just part of growing up, duo. pretty soon it's going to be a huge stress. >_<;; [/B][/QUOTE]

[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ummm. . . yeah. . it WAS a stress for me this year. .

Ok, first, I have a job that KILLS my whole week, and only have Saturday and Sunday where I could even TRY to shop. Other then that, I usually slept till about 4 - 5:00 pm and that only gave me about 5 hours to shop. You would think that would be enough right? Well, imagine having to plan my shopping around hanging out with friends, watching movies with friends, eating with friends, shopping with friends, hanging out with the parents - and you can sort of imagine how fast those five hours went.

Oh, then we have the whole money thing. Bad thing is, I get payed bi-weekly, so I was always broke every other weekend ^_^ I think I spent about 500+ dollars this Christmas, and still have to get a few little presents for a few friends that are out of town *ducks* (Don't tell!)

Ughhh. . next Christmas, I just hope to be living in my apartment, with a NORMAL job, and with plenty of time to go shopping for the ones I care about ^_^ Yeah~
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