Very nice. Knowing very little about the culture it's based on, I still find it quite intriguing.
Writing Code of Blood: A Samurai Tale [M]
I find this a really nice story. One thing I do like about it is that the first chapter is a lot like Samurai X. It's very detailed and another reason I like it is because I'm into that kind of stuff. Any way overall you story is nicely done. But I do have to agree on when you introduced Shizuka.
- 2 weeks later...

Guest Gun Preacher
gun preacher gives two thumps up for this story!!very nice i like the whole samurai vibe and that its like samurai x cant wait to read more 5 cool points for the pic.
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Aurons Ghost
A small nit though, in the section where you introduce Shizuka,
[QUOTE]Once he was sold to the slave traders, a teenage girl names Shizuka took her in.[/QUOTE]
you seem to mix up the him and her, or at least that was how I read it.
Anyway, as I said, very nice (and kudos on the pic too)
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Gendo Asakama sipped on sake as he listened to his advisor, Odo Kaisae. ?We are in need of another kakori, Gendo. With no Emperor, and the order of the Shogun dissipated, we got more rising enemies than I would like.?
The clan lord nodded as he listened to the tune of the geisha playing a shamisen. ?I take it you have a suggestion, my old friend??
Odo grinned. ?Yes. There is a man who comes to train in a poor training ground every day. His abilities dishonor those around him everyday.? He raised his finger, indicating an important point. ?I tell you the truth, on my honor, you will be surprised when you first lay eyes on this man. Your eyes will be as large as a woman?s nipples.?
?Oh thank you Odo?, Gendo smirked. ?Now I have to see him.?
Odo just smirked. ?When you see him, you will want more than just to observe, my Clan Lord.?
[center]* * * * *[/center]
?Men! Men! Perform a men you slobbering dogs! Men!? The drill instructor?s command to perform a head strike echoed across the training ground. Gendo and Odo just walked past the training soldiers until they reached a small hill overlooking the grounds. They guided themselves to under a tree where the oncoming storm would not
?Where is this man??, Gendo asked? Odo pointed to a man clad in a argent kimono, reading to strike a dummy with his blade.
?Him? That is the one?? Odo nodded. ?But he is only sixteen, eighteen at the most! Is this a bad attempt at a joke, Odo??
The advisor grinned. ?Watch.?
At that instant, the boy sliced the dummy in two.
Gendo?s eyes went as wide as a woman?s nipples. Odo just chuckled. ?You look surprised, my lord.?
Gendo turned to face him. ?That child?he must become one of our kakori. What is his name??
?Toshiro Murasama.?
[center]* * * * *[/center]
?Would I be correct in saying you are Toshiro Murasama?? The young boy was in the garden of Gendo Asakama, leader of one of the three clans that strived for power following the fall of the Emperor and the near annihilation of the Shogun.
Toshiro nodded.
?I will be straight to the point, Toshiro-san. You have told my associates that you wish to use your skills as a tool for the people. I wish to borrow that tool for the same reason. I need those who will be willing to kill for the new era.?
?And will that era be??
?An era full of equality for all of the four classes.?
?The other clans seem to be saying the exact same thing.?
Gendo nodded in agreement. ?That is true. They all say that they want the same thing, that they all want freedom and justice for all the classes. However, have the acts they have committed just justifiable to their commitment? The Kaisa Clan acts more like a Syndicate than an actual competitor for leadership, and the Xasair kills both civilians and our militia in their attacks.?
?And yet, you have committed a little of both.?
Gendo raised his eyebrow. ?You would trust the word of an alcohol clouded mind in the taverns??
Toshiro chuckled. ?My master always told me that sometimes the shadow holds more of the truth than the sun.?
The Clan Master grinned. ?Your master must of have been very wise to have said such a thing, for it is all true.? He sighed. ?Yes, I have bribed to advance the conflict in my favor, and yes, sometimes my soldiers got out of hand in the street battles with the Kaisa and Xasair. But what makes you think the other Clans are any better? They are both opposite extremes on the scale, while mine acts in the middle, as a medium.?
?Then maybe I shouldn?t join any of the Clans at all.?
?And then maybe you will find that you might as well throw your katana into the sea. Joining none of the Clans will mean you will not make a difference in the conflict.?
Toshiro sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, the Clan Master was correct. Join one Clan, or don?t make a difference at all.
?What is your decision, Toshiro-san??
?I will join as your kakori.?
?Then come, and let us feed the fish, and talk of our plans for you and the future of the people.?
Toshiro followed without hesitation.[/color]
kakori[/b] An assassin in service of someone in a high political status. This can range from a shogun to a clan lord.
[b]MEN![/b] A term used in Kendou and Kenjutsu to indicate a strike to head, but in this setting, it will be used by all fighting styles.
[b]Shamisen[/b] - A three stringed instrument that originated in Japan, but is rumored to have its base in China.[/quote][/center]
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