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I've noticed that plenty of sigs, such as my own, offer links to threads created by the user. Sometimes they ay have their myO or mySpace as well. Recently several members have begon placing their RP characters in their sigs as well.

So here's my question -- does it work? If you see someone's story, RP, or thread in their sig, do you check it out?

Personally, I tend to look at them and if the title doesn't catch my eye I usually loose interest. I don't do many RPs, but I do usually click on the stories people put in their sig and check em out. I'm guessing that mine has worked cuz while there aren't many comments, its got live 400 some views.

So tell us OB -- do you pay attention to these things or not?
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

Generally as a rule of thumb, I avoid clicking links in other people's signatures, mainly down to the fact they are as you said links to MyO pages, MySpace sites or ads for RPGs or stories in The Arena. I don't visit blogs ever, unless it's someone who I find witty and don't get to talk to very often, like the recently-banned Brasil whom I used to always find very refreshing but spoke to only rarely. In terms of RPG ads, well the Square is my stomping grounds, and chances are I'll be aware of a decent RPG far quicker through general surfing than by clicking an ad in someone's sig.

So that's a resounding "No" from me. [/SIZE]
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[COLOR=SeaGreen]Sometimes I do, if it seems like a link that would be interesting. But for the most part, especially when it's says something like a link to their myspace account I usually don't. Now people's links that refer to their Deviant art account I'll occasionally click on as I?m curious to see what art they have posted. And the stories, usually I don't just because since I check in those areas of the forum I've usually already been to the thread so there is no need to click on the link.

If it's a link to their own webpage or another forum. The forums I don't visit and the webpage. Well occasionally I do if I'm curious to know more about the person, but not very often.[/COLOR]
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I'll hover over the link. If it's a thread here on OB, I'll have seen it already. There isn't a thread that goes by [Perhaps some in the Anthology and Anime Lounge, but meh] that I don't see.

If it's thier site, I may or may not check it out. Depends on the person.

MySpace links always get a click. Sometimes even an add. I don't visit very often anymore, but it's fun to see what someone you've been associating with for years looks like.

So meh. I'm right in the middle.

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[color=#b0000b][size=1]I click on the links of people I know/like, to see what they're up to.

Or if something is appropriately intriguing. It's neat when several people suddenly have blurbs for the same thing. It makes me want to know what's up.[/size][/color]
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[QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I click on the links of people I know/like, to see what they're up to.

Or if something is appropriately intriguing. It's neat when several people suddenly have blurbs for the same thing. It makes me want to know what's up.[/size][/color][/QUOTE]

That's basically my approach to it. I barely give most signatures a passing glance, but sometimes I'll see something in a friend's signature that I feel like checking out for the hell of it.

P.S. check out my site d00dz lol
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[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Sometimes, if the link looks like it might be interesting. But for the most part I do not. I have no interest in having a myspace account so I never click on those links. And the ones leading to other sections of the forum. Often I?ve already seen the thread so there?s no need to click on the link. Personal WebPages or other types of links like Deviant Art often catch my eye so I?ll check them out. But only occasionally. Most of the time I just ignore links in people?s signatures.

Though one of the funniest links was one that was an upside down question mark that lead to a ditzy Muppets video. But the person removed it and I don?t remember who had it in their signature. All I know is that I got curious as to why they had an upside down question mark in their signature and I was surprised to find that it was actually a link. ;) [/COLOR]
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