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Subtitle or Dub?


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[COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'm a subtitle person. When I watch the American verion anime, I get FURIOUS cuz the totally messed up the voices of the characters (they stretch out a lot of the words too)!! that's y if they don't have English subtitles, i don't even bother watching it lol

Has anyone seen the Chinese version of Cardcaptor Sakura the Movie? omg, i'm guessing they used a girl's voice, made it deeper to sound like syaoran. i was watching it with my cousin and we were totally cracking up! lmfao[/COLOR]
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Subtitles. Without a doubt. I have never seen a dub that is better than a sub.
I generally like Viz's dubs quite a bit. Like InuYasha, Naruto (yes, I was quite pleased with the Naruto dub), etc. But still not as much as the original.
One of the main reasons that I don't like dubs is that they pronounce some of the characters' names wrong.

ex. 1 Wakouji-sensei (Full Moon wo Sagashite). In the dub, they pronounce his name "Wa-ka-o-ji" in 2 syllables, seperated instead of "Wa-kao-ji", unseperated. This irritates me to no end.
ex. 2. Ritsu (Fruits Basket) They pronounce "Ree-tsu" as "Rit-tsu'".

Also, in Gundam SEED, Lacus's singing is a LOT better int he sub. I watched the dub first, and thought it was ok, but I listened to the sub later, and thought it was a lot better.
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[quote=aoi_hikari]ex. 1 Wakouji-sensei (Full Moon wo Sagashite). In the dub, they pronounce his name "Wa-ka-o-ji" in 2 syllables, seperated instead of "Wa-kao-ji", unseperated. This irritates me to no end.
ex. 2. Ritsu (Fruits Basket) They pronounce "Ree-tsu" as "Rit-tsu'".[/quote][color=#007520]Hm... From my experience with Japanese, you're supposed to pronounce every vowel sound as its own syllable. The only exceptions would be the letters "u" and sometimes "i". Those are soft and can sometimes appear omitted. So, for Wakaoji, it seems they were pronouncing it correctly. When you listen to Japanese, the syllables are sometimes slurred, but I'm pretty sure they're still supposed to be seperate.

Also, the Japanese "i" should sound like the vowel sounds in "eat" or "meet". ie. The Japanese "shi" would sound like the English word "she". So the "ri" in "Ritsu" should be pronounced like the "ree" in "reel" (as in movie reel). The second syllable, containing the aforementioned soft "u" would probably be pronounce "ts". But other than that, it seems like they were pronouncing it correctly too. 8)

Of course, I've never seen the dubs for either of these shows so I'm going by the way you described them.

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I must say that I agree with you.
I have watched anime series in German and English, and although I must say Germans are better at dubbing then Americans, they still loose something important.
I mean a language of one people is also a part of that people's character. The whole anime is simply made for Japanese language. You can clearly see they way of thinking and parts of their tradition in anime, so why not hear their language too?
Besides, every child that has started school (and even before) can read. I learned English watching movies and Disney animated motion pictures (I live in Bosnia and everything is usually subtitled here, but if a dubbed anime was bought, you will have to watch it in English with subtitles :animesigh). I usually watch anime over satellite on RTL2 (where they are all dubbed in German). I learned German in school.
The point is - I HATE DUBBING. I so much love to hear original soundtrack of any movie or anime.
Besides, didn't they noticed that it is much quicker and cheaper to make a subtitle?
Well, now you know my opinion of this matter.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I prefer dubbed because where I live there's not many places to buy subbed versiond unless you order it. Also, I like to watch it in english so I can like hear the voice actresses and actors.
I still am fond of subtitles but, I've only watched one anime in subbed version and it was still as good as the dub.
I know a lot of people absolutly loath and gripe about dubs like CCS or somthing like that but they really aren't that terrible. I don't really mind the voices that much.
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Guest Zero and Axl
I agree. Plus, I hate waiting for the dub lol. I mean isnt that reason enough?

And for One Piece, 4kids just messed it up. The dub for that show is HORRIBLE.

[COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Zero and Axl please try to expand more on your thoughs in the near future since here at Otakuboards we put an emphasis on quality discussion, telling things like how 4kids messed up one piece as well would be most greatful. If you have any other questions feel free to pm me or another moderator ~Ikillion[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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i prefer subtitled anime series actually... unless the subtitle is not clear... hehe! XD anywayz, subtitled has its privileges like you can understand the story well and that's for my opinion... XD
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I like dub alot more. I can understand that alot of people want to see the original or whatever but the dub can be the original it just has the American voices and translated in so that we can understand. As for voices whoever likes sub likes those voices because they are used to it, if you like dub voices same reason.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Ha ha. It's kinda funny how much this topic has been argued. It's absolutely ridiculous. I mean, it's not like the voice actors in Japan are way more talented than the VAs in North America, or vise versa.

It is my opinion that if an anime is good, it's good, and if an anime is bad, it's bad, no matter who does the voice acting. In fact, I don't think I've ever even heard voice acting in an anime that I thought was really terrible. If the character's voice is annoying, that's most likely because it was meant to be that way. So... whatever. I don't know why people make such a fuss over this kind of thing.

However, I do understand why people tend to pick sides when it comes to subs vs. dubs. The thing is, it's not about people's voices "not matching the character", it's about what you're used to. If you're a person who generally watches the subs of anime before they're dubbed, it's only natural that you're not going to like that dubbed version as much. If you're used to the voice of a character, and you got to know the character that way, and that voice essentially IS the character, it's no wonder why when you all of a sudden hear this character with a different voice you immediately feel uncomfortable with it, and you start telling yourself the lie that the dub sucks, and hence that all dubs suck. It can go the other way, too. If you're used to the dubbed voice, you might not be all that crazy about hearing the original Japanese voice.

For example, I happen to like the dubbed version of Fullmetal Alchemist more than the subbed version. This isn't because of the VAs at all. The VAs on both sides of the world did a great job. It's just that I saw the dubbed version first, and I've become attached to the characters with these voices. I've never actually seen a dub of a show that I originally saw as a sub, but I can say that there are some animes that I'm watching right now that I've found myself hoping they never make a dub of. I just love the characters so much, and I feel like if they change the voices I'd somehow be losing a part of those characters. I don't really want to see them any other way. So yeah, I understand that completely.

Of course, it's not only about the voice acting. Some people prefer watching dubs simply because they don't like reading subtitles. Which is completely understandable. Sometimes it's nice to just watch the pictures and just understand what's being said, without having to worry about reading the little words at the bottom of the screen. I did find watching subs kinda strange at first, but I got used to it really fast. I guess it just depends on the person.

And then there are bad dubs. I am not for a minute going to deny that certain companies have mutilated certain animes in the past. I completely understand why people would rather watch the subs of those animes. However, this IS just because they were trying to target a younger audience, and they wanted to make it age appropriate.

One plus about subs though is that you're exposing yourself to a different language and culture, and you do actually pick up on some of the Japanese words. It also kinda sucks when the theme songs are changed in the dubs, so subs are good for that, too. On the flip side though, one plus about dubs is that it's available to a wider range of people who could potentially become anime fans. I don't think there are very many anime fans out there who DIDN'T see thier first anime in the dubbed form.

As for me, I don't really care. Subs, Dubs... whatever. Whatever I see first is probably what I'll stick with. The voice acting is usually always good, and lately I've found that a lot of good dubs have been coming out that haven't changed any of the original material.

I say, we should be thankful for our anime, no matter what form it comes in. Yet the sub/dub war rages on... :rolleyes:
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I usually prefer Sub over Dub, keeo the original charm and all that, but some dubs can be quite good, Chobits for example.

If you get used to original voices its not likely you will prefer a dubbed version, but if you only hear the dubbed version you can't say the original voices would be better.
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[COLOR=DarkOrange]Usually, I'll watch it Dubbed, unless the Dub absolutely sucks, then I watch it subtitled.
Sometimes I watch the sub after I've seen the dub.

But, I hate it when Viz liscenses an anime, because they always do a sucky job on the dub, and don't include the original Japanese track, so you can know what it's [I]supposed[/I] to sound like... -__-'[/COLOR]
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Guest Eilyndrath
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Well for me it all depends on the anime I'm watching. I would mainly use subtitles in most of the animes I watch, but I would occasionally use the dubbed version sometimes. Unless the dub sucks, I would use subtitles. Which is pretty much all the time. Most dubs such as Chobits and Furuba are really good in dubbed version. Well in my opinion.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][B]For me, it depends. I like to watch dubbed episodes, just so I can know what they're saying without having to read words, and possibly miss parts of the animation. But some people's voices sound better in Japanese. Take Jiraiya from Naruto for example. His dubbed voice sounds like a dead man off the street, but his Japanese voice suits him alot better.[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Plum]Well..for me, it really depends on the anime. For example, Naruto. I like to watch it in subtitles. To me Sasuke sounds pretty weird in subs, but I could careless.
I mostly use subtitles more than dubs. Most of the anime's I watch sound better in subs, but some sound better in dubs. Such as, Furuba, Chobits, etc.
It really just depends on the animes I watch.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[COLOR=Sienna][I][FONT=Palatino Linotype]For me, I prefer subtitle. Because I'm use to it. And I liked their true voice in japanese that in other foreign language.I'm not saying that I don't like dub :anime swea . I just want ot learn japanese with the help of their japanese voice and the subtitles. :catgirl:
But sometimes subtitles are grammatically wrong.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR] :animesigh
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I'm used to subtitles, reading scripts below.. yeah well... but then as said by peope above, u will miss the "part" or "seconds" of the show while looking in the bottom, especially when there ae surprises or events with suspense or action. Dubs, i am not saying i dont like them, but its that there are some the kind of ruin the whole show, well i know they are trying their best for the people's fun, but i know they can do better.

ITs true that there are shows that have better dubbing, like FMA... yeah its true. So it really depends on who dubs and translate it correctly, sometimes interpretation changes, which kind of ruins the plot or the idea of the conversation. Im used to reading words under the pictures... it's not tiring but sometimes i miss out the good parts of the show... :animesigh
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For me, it really depends on how much I dislike the dubbed version. I would much rather watch anime in my own language, because in the long run I'll be able to enjoy it more. But (obviously) sometimes, I find I don't like the dubbed version, so at least I know I'll have the subbed to fall back on.

You could say that because the anime was originally created in Japan, it'll sound better with the original Japanese, in the same way that an American cartoon or show sounds better in English (just take Gilmore Girls for example). But dubbed anime just keeps getting better and better.
Like [b]medafunk[/b] said, part of it is that you watched the show in Japanese first, so hearing the English voices sounds weird, or vice versa. Actually, right now I'm trying to get myself used to the English dub of .hack//Roots. I love that show, but I first loved it listening to it in Japanese, so of course hearing it any other way will be weird. Trust me, you can go to myOtaku and see my long rants about just the first two episodes. Reading them, you might think I hate the Roots dub, but quite the contrary. I think the dubbing isn't bad; no, in fact, I could even say it's good in time, it'll just take me a bit to get used to it. I've already found that I prefer one of the character's English VAs over his Japanese; that's pretty darn good, considering how much I adore Roots.

The biggest problem I have with dubbed anime is how awkward they sound sometimes. Again, that's one issue I'm having with the Roots dub. It just sounds off at times, and that ruins the experience. But also, people have brought up the fact that we don't understand Japanese; for all we know, the Japanese VAs may not be doing a great job. To us, it may seem like it's great, but how are we to know?

There was something else I wanted to say, but can't remember. Oh well.
[b]medafunk[/b], the sub/dub wars never end. XP
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  • 2 weeks later...
Mostly for me it's subtitles, about 90% of the time it's better than the dub.
I also like it because I've actually learned some Japanese while watching it. ^_^
I also think that a LOT of the times the dubs kill the anime.
For example: - Escaflowne 's terrible dubbed, Trigun's bad dubbed too, Furuba's a bad dub as well.

However, for Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed's voice's hot so, yeah. I did that one in english and it was fine. :animeswea
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Guest demian syndrome
ı definetely prefer subbed ones. I cant stand horrible english dubbing. If an anime that i want to so much has only dubbed version in places in which i looked, I prefer not watching it till i find the subbed versions.When characters talk in an emotional scene with other languages, i can never feel the atmosfere as much as I feel in the original version. But maybe that's because i watch anime in japanese for a long time. I know there are good dubs. I dont make fun of them.
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I´ll like both! First time I see an Anime DVD, I first watch it with the german voices.
But the second time only with subtiles. It´s fun to hear the original voices, too!
Sometimes, if there was a funny spot, i change to japanese voices and watch it again! :D
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[indent][font=Impact][size=4][color=blue]IN my opinion, almost all english dubs can be easily burned in the depths of the underworld and noone would notice. English dubs, are, Crap. BUT i have to admit that the DB dubs I like. Strange isn't it, I must be the only one...:cool: [/color][/size][/font]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ah the dub vs. sub argument. Perhaps a decade or two before technology made it a simple matter to provide both on a DVD I could see arguing over it. But today? It?s pointless when you can have both. I?ve only just started watching anime this past year, so I haven?t seen any of the terrible dubs that people often complain about. Terrible shows, perhaps, but not the dubbing.

That being said, it?s a fair assessment to say I prefer hearing it in my own language. I?ve no desire to become one with Japanese anime to the point that it has to be in the original language. Occasionally I?ll switch tracks if something seems confusing to me, but the rest of the time. I?d rather watch than read.
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I sincerely hope they never go to a format of subtitles only. If they did I?d never be able to watch another anime show again. I have issues with my vision and most subtitles are too quick for me to read them, the few times I?ve tried I kept having to re-watch the same part to eventually read all of it. In the end it?s just to annoying.

So for me I definitely prefer dubbing, regardless if it?s anime or anything else for that matter.
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