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Subtitle or Dub?


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There few shows where i like the dub, yu yu hakusho's dub was alright, DBZ and Fruits Basket were good but Ruroni Kenshin was rubbish, none of there voices seemed to match character. On FMA I defenatly prefered the Sub, I don't really know why, it was just so much better.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest hanabi
i prefer sub as well........ the original voices are much more dramatic and such......but the dubbed ones are just copying the original voices...
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  • 2 weeks later...
I definitely definitely definitely any day of the week, prefer subs.

This is not just for anime this is for any foreign film. I really like to hear the original dialogue, because even though you may not understand what they are saying exactly, there are tones, emotions, and energy that come through in the original performance that get lost when you blanket them over with new sound.

I guess I have a slight advantage, my family has been taking me to see foreign films since I was 7 years old (I still remember my first film, it was "Salam Bombay" back in 1988 and the language was in, of all things, Hindi), so I am very capable of reading quickly and still be able to take in the entire film.

Also, anything anything I mean ANYTHING dubbed just gets on my nerves! Even if it is dubbed in a language I don't understand. One reason I cannot watch too much tv when I am in Europe, here is a film I KNOW is originally from, say, Germany (like Run Lola Run!) and it has been dubbed in Italian (cue nails on the chalk board). My one exception would be some Kung Fu movies with Jackie Chan (and that's even pushing it sometimes).

So yes, in conclusion, bring on the subs!!! :-D
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Guest TheAristocrat
[QUOTE=jakewise]Hi, I was just wondering how you like watching your Animations.
For myself, I'm a subtitle man.

Reason: I like hearing the original voices of the voice actors & actresses.

Especially the DragonBall series ... dubbed voices were just horrible in my opinion...[/QUOTE]

This is a debate in the anime world that will never end.

Personally for me, it's not that big of a deal. A lot of anime fans say they perfer the Japanese voice actors over American ones because they say that the Japanese ones are better.

That's not always true. I've watched some sub-title anime and some of the Japanese voice actors can sound terrible.

But like they say, too each its own. I don't mind dub or sub. It's all on what I can get my hands on really when watching a anime.
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[SIZE=1]Interesting, most interesting.

Dubs, I have the Perfect Uncut edition of Dragonball GT and I have to say I couldn't sit down and watch them in Japanese with subtitles only, listening to Kid Gohan voice Goku is bad enough, but listening to the "high-pitch-girl-like voice actors", to quote AzureWolf for more than five seconds is just too much.

Oddly enough I actually tend to watch it with both subs and dubs at the same time, so I guess technically I'd have to answer both.[/SIZE]
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I have no real preference. Though I did ask a Japanese anime fan what he thought of the deal, and he pointed out that there are some points that don't come across in dubs as well as they do in the subs. But...If I'm watching and enjoying the dub, then I don't see that that's really an issue.

If the dub sounds good, then I don't mind. If the voices in either are so bad they're distracting, then that's obviously a pain.
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The eternal question that separates anime fans. Personally, I prefer dub, and for several reasons.

1st: It's easier to keep track of the story without having to read constantly changing text - which is really annoying in those shows where you really have to pay attention to subtext and metaphysical/philosophical concepts.

2nd: With characters that are a mix of nationalities, or shows that are not set in Japan, it makes a bit more sense to hear it in English (ex: Hellsing, set in England with British characters).

3rd: I still can't get used to hearing Japanese. The inflections and pacing is all wrong to my ears. Not to say I wouldn't love to learn it, then it wouldn't be so bad.

And there are some instances where I've only heard the Japanese and still enjoyed it. Mostly Miyazaki movies.
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]I think i would like Both because you never know if you would like some animes in sub or dub. I would watch it both in Sub and Dub just to see which i like better ^^ Most of the time though i like it in Sub, but hey thats just my opinion :animesmil [/COLOR] [/FONT]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well I think it depends on the anime show. I normally watch the first 5 episodes in both and if I don't like the dub than I stick with sub. Like Sailor Moon I definitely stick with sub becuase the people who dubbed sound so horrible :animeangr that I couldn't watch any more of it in dub. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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[quote name='imablondeduh][COLOR=MediumTurquoise][SIZE=2][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well I think it depends on the anime show. I normally watch the first 5 episodes in both and if I don't like the dub than I stick with sub. Like Sailor Moon I definitely stick with sub becuase the people who dubbed sound so horrible :animeangr that I couldn't watch any more of it in dub. [/FONT] [/SIZE'] [/COLOR][/quote]
[color=green][font=Comic Sans MS]Ooh, yes! Agreed! Sailor Moon is a great series, but was saddly cursed with a horrible dub.

Other series, that not only have good dubs, but also make more sense in English, such as Fullmetal Alchemist, I'll go ahead and watch in english. The same goes for series that make more sence in Japanese, ie. Chobits, Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, and other series set in past or modern Japan.

But more times than not, I don't have a preferance and just watch whatever is available to me at the time: dubbed on TV, subbed on-line.[/font][/color]
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Sub or Dub really doesn't matter in my opinion. If I had to choose though, I'd probably prefer the subs. Mainly because all the anime I own has been encoded by reliable sources and you can understand what the characters are talking about. Some subs are horrible though, take the Yugioh edition for example. That had some of the worst subbing I've ever seen. Most of the time I could never understand what the subtitles were on about or they just didn't make sense. Thankfully, Yugioh is also dubbed which suits it so much better.

Many of the anime that I have on my computer, are in japanese and have decent subs. The lettering suits the anime and is the right colour so it doesn't ruin the mood. These particular series that I own are AIR, Kanon, Elfen Lied, Gunslinger Girl, Chobits and Shuffle. Sometimes I wish I could watch them in a dubbed edition just to hear what their voices would be like in English.

In the end though, I'm not bothered as long as I can watch and enjoy it.
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I watch both though I sometimes prefer the sub. The only dubbs I don't like are the ones made more suitable for kids like Naruto, One Piece, and Yu-Gi-Oh otherwise I like the dubbs like with Fullmetal Alchemist and others. And I also watch the subb when the show hasn't been dubbed like most of Detective Conan and D. Gray-man.
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[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I know so many people are going to hate hearing this... but I prefer the dubbed versions ^.^; It's more of a personal preference and I know that like so many others have said that the subtitles keep the original text and some people prefer those voices more than the English ones. But I really like the dubbed version... maybe because I don't have to read a lot, I can automatically understand what they're saying, understand the emotions better, the words in the language don't give me as much of a confusion headache, and I actually prefer the English voices more. ^.^; Either way usually the dub isn't too far off from the original version anyways because they tried to match the voices with the old voices and keep the wording close to the same so the stpry doesn't get screwed up. ^.^ There is one dubbed version I hate though!!! I hate the Tokyo Mew Mew dub! I hate how they changed the characters names to those dopey, out-of-place English ones... I think they changed Ichigo to Zowey or something strange like that... @.@ madness XD[/FONT][/COLOR]
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  • 3 weeks later...
[COLOR=Blue]I have been wondering for a while which one might be better to watch. The orginal Japanese version or the English Dubbed.[/COLOR]
I have always thought that the english dubbed rocked because the subs on the Japanese version would sometimes go by to quickly to read...
Then i learned that the original japanese versions are usally better because they have alot more details and once you can read quickly it really helps.
Of course this is only for some anime.
One of these anime i believe is sailor moon. The English dub leaves so much information out! sometimes its sooo fraustating!!! :animestun
[COLOR=Red]What do you think? English or Japanese?[/COLOR]
[INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][B]Sakura_Blossom[/B], I merged your thread with the already existing one on this topic. In the future, if there is already a thread discussing a topic on the first page of two of the forum, do not create a new thread. Simply join the current discussion. Please take a moment to check the sticky on How to post in Anime Lounge and if you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
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funny...i was actually just thinking about this yesterday

so far, i don't prefer any one way.
how ever the anime is when i get it, that's how i watch it.

i do agree having to read everything kind of takes away from seeing what's going on, especially if there is a lot of dialogue
but on the other hand i like hearing the japanese

so i guess i am officially on the fence...
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  • 2 weeks later...

unless i'm watching on adult swim...then i don't really have a choice, but the dubs are ok i guess, but i prefer the subs... the subtitles from naruto (on dvd) are funny... subbing kuso as darn... *snicker* i almost fell off my bed the first time i heard that.. (yeah, i don't really know why either.. wasn't THAT funny)... ah viz... (and the dubbed naruto isn't THAT bad... once you get used to it...)
I read fast so that's not a problem, and i like being able to hear the japanese, because of those things that just don't translate into english very well, as well as the fact that then anything a character says in english has the intended impact, instead of just being a normal part of the conversation or whatever... ah, and the english voice actors are annoying sometimes too.. they do try to match the voices, but they're just not the same...
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