corpseman Posted September 15, 2006 Share Posted September 15, 2006 I?m not really sure if this falls into the category of intelligent discussion but i always find these interesting so i'll go ahead anyway. How did you people come up with your internet/screen name? Do you use a different name for each community your a member of or do you have one identity which you use throughout the internet? I devised (well copied) my name from a voice outtake posted on [url][/url] from halo 2 which I thought was rather funny when I was trying to think of a gamertag about a year and 6 months back and being the uncreative person I am I kept using it [url=] corpseman[/url] (i think this requires quicktime) I have one identity throughout the internet, if you Google 'corpseman' you'll probably find some forums I?m a member of and a bunch of badly written profiles with horrible pictures of me on them... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adahn Posted September 15, 2006 Share Posted September 15, 2006 [size=2]In the computer game, Planescape: Torment, the main character is nameless. In fact, his name shows up as "Nameless One". When people ask him for a name, you can choose to lie. The name he always says is, "Adahn".[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]So, my name is a name made up by a computer game character. I am Adahn everywhere, in some form or another, except where someone else has already chosen that name.[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangome Posted September 15, 2006 Share Posted September 15, 2006 [size=1]I was a member of an ongoing chat group at Neopets, in 2004, which is where I met many of my online friends. We don't go to NP anymore, but many of us got our nicknames from there, including my own. I had seen that many users had nicknames, outside of names derived from their usernames. At the time, InuYasha was the hottest anime, talked about constantly on the boards there ((this was before I saw it, or anything on Adult Swim for that matter)). I had heard constant yammering of two characters - Sango and Kagome. I thought "Hey! Those names sound cool! I should mash them together and see what I get!", and the result was the name Sangome, and it stuck, and stuck fast. Sangome is my official net-name, and any forum I go to has Sangome derived in the username somehow, except for a new sites, like DA, Gaia,, and a couple others.[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horendithas Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Well since I've answered this question before...[quote name='indifference][COLOR=Sienna']Initially when I first started joining online forums I always used my name Crystia as a username. It just seemed odd to use a name that wasn?t me. After several negative experiences I decided to use indifference when joining new places. Most of the places I had trouble with no longer exist, but I was attempting to reflect my attitude that on some level if someone objected to what I liked in anime shows, well I was indifferent to their objection. [/COLOR][/quote]And there you have it. I've thought about switching back to Crystia, but I've grown use to indifference over the last year so I intend to keep it. ;)[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andy Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Hmmm.....well I pretty much use Kurayami Oji on any new sites I join, but the one I use to have thats on several sites is Dbzman26. And the name is starting to grow on me so I guess i'm going to keep it. And as for how I came up with the name, well.....its pretty funny because I looked it up in a Japanese/English dictionary. Yes, my username is Japanese, for, [spoiler]Dark Prince[/spoiler]. And no i'm not gothic, I chose that name because if you know anything about Vegeta from Dbz , he is also referred to as the Dark Prince. So, there you have it, and thats my story and i'm sticking to it^^[/COLOR][/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shinmaru Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [b][url=]It's just a random name I chose for my corporation.[/b][/url] I use it everywhere I go for advertising purposes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomad Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Wow, I leave for about a year (or rather it feels like), then come back; then I disappear for another 3 months and I come back and things hardly ever change here. There is always a new name thread. :p Not saying anything bad about it. Just stating what I've seen. Anyways, I've done this every thread I saw, and I'll do it now. Nomad: When I first came to OB, I wondered what I should make my account name as, and I had been listening to Metallica a moment before and decided on Nomad, but I didn't want just that, so I wondered some more... then I came up with NomadWondering, lol, but some took it as NomadWandering and assumed it was a spelling mistake, although it wasn't, :p . Then eventually, James and the others opened up name changing and I changed it to simply Nomad, and I've had it ever since. After I left OB for an extended hiatus, I became infatuated with Halo and Halo 2. Me and my friends began to give each other names of characters from Halo: CE, and we used them while playing 16-person LANs of Halo 1. Some of the names were Mendoza, Yayap, and my name, Jenkins. It stuck. So I continued to go under that name, until Halo 2 came out. Then I continued on with that. lol. So I've created account with suggestions to Halo and Jenkins. I've been Jenkins for a while now, and it's stuck. Previously, while still visiting OB, I continued to use Nomad, or slight variations of it, constantly on different forums I tended to visit occasionally. So yea, that's my story. lmao.[/SIZE][/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Sjenka Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [QUOTE=corpseman]I?m not really sure if this falls into the category of intelligent discussion but i always find these interesting so i'll go ahead anyway. How did you people come up with your internet/screen name? Do you use a different name for each community your a member of or do you have one identity which you use throughout the internet? I devised (well copied) my name from a voice outtake posted on [url][/url] from halo 2 which I thought was rather funny when I was trying to think of a gamertag about a year and 6 months back and being the uncreative person I am I kept using it [url=] corpseman[/url] (i think this requires quicktime) I have one identity throughout the internet, if you Google 'corpseman' you'll probably find some forums I?m a member of and a bunch of badly written profiles with horrible pictures of me on them...[/QUOTE] Well, the first name I was using was Labud (meaning "swan") and I liked it because in my language you can usually determine gender of a person through the username, but this one was unclear. It was funny when people asked me if I was a boy or a girl on mirc (foreigners didn't know the meaning anyway). I was planning on using this username always, but I soon determined that it is often already taken, so I choose another - Sjenka (meaning "shadow"). Although people who speak my language can easily determine that I am a girl now, it still points out that they know nothing. It's kind of mysterious and that's why I like it. I used my personal name and surname for my Otaku username, because I wished to submit my fan art under my own name. Since I am posting my story at my otaku site, I also want to connect those posts to the real me. Otherwise, I always use the username Sjenka. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ezekiel Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [SIZE=1]I've had a load of usernames on this site, as most people will tell you, but I think the most important ones were '[B]Imi[/B]' and now '[B]Ezekiel[/B]'. Imi was the name of my first original character. She was based on me, with some cool modifications like blue hair. Her name was originally Imogen (one of the names my mother considered for me) but my art teacher is dyslexic so he asked if I could shorten it to Imi. It just...stuck. I think it was a name I grew out of though, and my other usernames were much more mature. I thought so, anyway. I adore the names of the arc angels, and Ezekiel is one of them. As well as a prophet, I believe. Ezekiel is also the name of the main character in my planned manga. I love the way it sounds strong and somehow regal, and Zeke is an awesome nickname. On other sites I go by either [B]Gethsemane[/B] or [B]Ezekiel[/B]. I think I'm [B]Greebo[/B] on one or two sites (Anyone who knows what that name is from gets endless love). devART I use [B]Imi-Kagami[/B], but only because that's ages old. On Vox I'm [B]Raphael[/B], but I don't use it so that doesn't count. [B]Note:[/B] Will people please stop spelling my name as Ezeki[B][COLOR=Red]a[/COLOR][/B]l. It's Ezeki[B][COLOR=Red]e[/COLOR][/B]l. With an '[COLOR=Red]e[/COLOR]'. It gets very annoying. [B]BK[/B], you rock. Yes, Greebo is from Terry Pratchett.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheResplendent Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [QUOTE=Ezekiel][SIZE=1]I've had a load of usernames on this site, as most people will tell you, but I think the most important ones were '[B]Imi[/B]' and now '[B]Ezekiel[/B]'. Imi was the name of my first original character. She was based on me, with some cool modifications like blue hair. Her name was originally Imogen (one of the names my mother considered for me) but my art teacher is dyslexic so he asked if I could shorten it to Imi. It just...stuck. I think it was a name I grew out of though, and my other usernames were much more mature. I thought so, anyway. I adore the names of the arc angels, and Ezekiel is one of them. As well as a prophet, I believe. Ezekiel is also the name of the main character in my planned manga. I love the way it sounds strong and somehow regal, and Zeke is an awesome nickname. On other sites I go by either [B]Gethsemane[/B] or [B]Ezekiel[/B]. I think I'm [B]Greebo[/B] on one or two sites (Anyone who knows what that name is from gets endless love). devART I use [B]Imi-Kagami[/B], but only because that's ages old. On Vox I'm [B]Raphael[/B], but I don't use it so that doesn't count. [B]Note:[/B] Will people please stop spelling my name as Ezeki[B][COLOR=Red]a[/COLOR][/B]l. It's Ezeki[B][COLOR=Red]e[/COLOR][/B]l. With an '[COLOR=Red]e[/COLOR]'. It gets very annoying.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=tahoma]It's probably not what it's from, but would Greebo by chance be a Terry Pratchett reference? As for my name. It's actually supposed to be Bklynstyles. But for some strange reason (don't know why), OB wouldn't let me have i had to shorten it to BKstyles, but essentially it means the same thing. Bklyn or BK is the shortened version of Brooklyn, which is where in New York i am from. Styles has many meanings, but there are two that stand out the most. One is that it's part of the ring name of the professional wrestler that revived my love for the sport after it seemed to be dissipating (The name was invented originally for a message forum that specialized in wrestling). It is more versatile than that however since it's also representative of my pride in my hometown, as in "Doing it brooklyn style", get it...well yeah i never promised a riveting explanation but it's chiefly a hometown thing. [/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [color=crimson]Death Knights are in several games, most prominently in DnD. DnD Death Knights are either undead warriors who are risen back to life by demon lords and evil gods or paladins/lawful good warriors who committed a very evil act or betrayed their code of honor and are cursed by the Gods for their actions to being a Death Knight. They retain their personality from their prior life and, if applicable, follow the code of honor they used prior in regards to combat/situations. When I was fourteen undead+evil things were pretty cool. Death Knights are the coolest undead, evil thing around so there you go. Screen names for me usually just come spur of the moment which.. probably explains their poor quality. :p[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlueYoshi Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [color=darkred]This is my third user name, and it's the one I've stuck with for the longest. I first heard about "Bombu" during college in an English Literature class, where my teacher was talking about some fictional comic book character, and was using it as a text for us to study. I thought about using the name for a while because it sounded cool, and then I later accidentally discovered that a Bombu is, coincidentally, a "life-form of raw energy" from the Metroid Prime series, heh. They come in two forms: Pulse Bombu and Scatter Bombu, but I settled on Bombu because shorter is sweeter. Here's a pic of a Pulse Bombu: [center][img][/img][/center] I took it as a sign, and thought what the hell.[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sakurasuka Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [size=1] First, I'll go with my names on this forum. SakuraMinomino- I only ever used this here. Sakura is the name of my favorite character in Ren of the Shrine, the manga I created at the age of ten [and am still working on, by the way]. Minomino is actually misspelled, it should be Minamino, but I'm an idiot. Suichi Minamino [aka Kurama from YuYuHakusho], is my one and only love <3 sakurasuka- Sakura + Asuka. But names of characters from my comic series, ROTS. Buuuut, SauraAsuka looked exteremely anime-nerd-ish to me, so I merged the A's and made it sakurasuka. I don't even remember if the lack-of-capitalization was intentional or not. Names from elsewhere- suka- Derived from sakurasuka. I use it when I'm making an account somewhere that I most likely won't visit often, but I ned an easy-to-remember name in the case that I decide to come back. Noodle- Used on other anime forums. Hah. This actually has a long, perverse story that I'll refrain from delving into. itsyourpunishment- Used mostly when I get up the courage to make a website, I'll choose this as the url. And it's my myspace url. It's just lyrics from Green Day. 'BOMBS AWAY, it's your punishment. Pulverize the Eiffel Towers that cirticize your government.' animeprotege- That is, hopefully, pretty self-explainatory. Yeah, that's my AIM sn, my email, and mutitudes of other things. There you go. I'm not that interesting after all. [/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sikaurai Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 Mine's pretty boring, but I always put in my 2-cents . . . "sikaurai" is the name of one of two Azsynthian races in my book "War of the Realms"--an 800-page endeavor that's slowly consuming my life--but hey, at least I'm in the process of working out a royalites contract. *whine* My character Sascha is a sikaurai warrior priest, and I'm secretly in love with him. Oops, guess my secret's out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doublehex Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 My name dates back to when I was a fanatic thirteen year olf playing Warcraft III. I was trying to think of a username that fit a fanatsy setting, and after all the draculas, demons, fire_gods, and sorceror_of_impending_doom come out as used, I came up with Doublehex, probably the most unique one of the bunch. Even teh password (which I won't say here, for obvious reasons :-P ) has a 'fantasy' theme to it. And for some strange reason, the name just stuck. So, for four years (gawd, has it really been that long?), I have been doublehex on the online world. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aaryanna Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [COLOR=SeaGreen]My user name is simple. It?s the name of my Bichon and also my avatar and signature banner. When I was first thinking of what to use I decided on her name since I love my dog and I wanted to have a Bichon themed avatar and signature set. I chose it because in the end, even though I love anime and other fun names from them, in the end I love my dog more. ^_^ I only belong to OtakuBoards and myOtaku but I suppose if I ever get another account somewhere, it will probably be some form of variation of her name as I?m quite fond of it. ^_^[/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekkaman Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=darkgreen]Well, for my name, it's very funny how I came up with mine. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=darkgreen]I was a big fan of the movie [b]"Troy"[/b] and I loved how Brad Pitt played [b]Achilles[/b], period. I was so smitten by the movie, I started looking up greek mythology on the internet [which I am quite fond of doing now]. I read up on Achilles in Troy and wondered where he went to when he died. Boom. I start reading up on the Underworld: Land of the Dead and find the River Styx [also where Achilles first got his amazing invulnerability]. I thought that was cool and interesting so I look up the river Styx and I figure out there's more river's connected to the Styx. I read up on them all but for some reason, [b]'Acheron'[/b] seemed to stick in my mind. So I started using the name in everything I do online. [color=navy]=][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=darkgreen]The End. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=2][color=darkgreen]([color=darkgreen][b]P.S.[/b][/color] That was the short version)[/color][/size][/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ellerby Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]Let's see how my answers have changed over time! :whoops: [QUOTE=White - Aug 11/2003][size=1][b]On that note.. My OB name comes from Scorpio. Which is a Zodiac, Scorpion! I myself am a Scorpio. Since, I couldn't think of anything better I put Scorpio. BUT! There are these things called Alt-Codes and § is one of them. Soo.... §corpio! There you have it. But I'm thinking of changing my name anyways... :cross:[/b] -=§=- :wave:[/size][/QUOTE] [quote=White - Aug 21/2003][size=1][color=darkred]I chose mine because... I'm also a Scorpio. Like alot of other people here. Because Scorpio's rule! Ending with the great quote of Terpischore... I am SCORPIO - hear me ROAR![/size][/color][/quote] [QUOTE=White - Aug 28/2005][color=#333333] This has got to be the third time I have posted in a thread similiar to this one. To start off, I first joined OB as [url=]Winged-Kid[/url] in January, 2003. I stayed around as Winged-Kid for about four months, which is when I decided I wanted a different screenname. So, because I was such a noob, I created a new account to get the different name. Thus creating, [url=]Roket[/url]. After that, not even a month later, I wanted a[i]nother[/i] screenname. So, I made §corpio. After creating §corpio (when I wanted to change my name for the third time) is when I found out about the name changing. So [i]much[/i] later (around the time Logan became Leh) I became [url=]Lrb[/url]. But enough about that, let's hear the background of each name. [list=1] [*][B]Winged-Kid [/B] was originally chosen because, when I was in elementary school, I fantasized about being able to fly and all that. It also happened to be in my e-mail at the time. Nothing interesting there. [*][B]Roket[/B] was derived from me finding Sonic fan-art. It was an albino porcupine (it was made using a Knuckles sprite) and I decided to name it Roket. Thinking Roket was a cool name, I wanted it. Again, nothing interesting. [*][B]§corpio[/B] came from my zodiac. It was around the time I found this book all about star signs and such in my house. I read about Scorpio and the other symbols a lot and decided it'd be neat to take Scorpio as my screenname (but with the § because it "looked cool"). [*][B]Lrb[/B] time! The only screenname I chose that has a fairly interesting story behind it. Basically, my friends (along with some friends' parents and some teachers) [i]all[/i] call me by my last name (it's a nickname, I guess). It's Ellerby. A long time ago, I figured out that you could also spell it L-r-b (because of the way it's pronounced), so I took Lrb as my screenname. [/list] Wasn't that fun? ^_~[/color][/QUOTE] And now I guess I should explain [b]White[/b]. I was getting sick of Lrb and people making fun of it. Larb this, Lerb that. It was annoying as hell. However I never got my name changed just because I couldn't think of something. It was one day, when I was walking to my friend's highschool at lunch that I looked around at the snow surrounding me and thought... [i]White[/i]. It was really just a spur of the moment thing. I got home, PMed Des for a name change and made a matching banner and avatar saying "FormerlyLrb" with a snowflake.[/FONT][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Annie Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [size=1]I have...many names. Haha, I couldn't help it. Anyway, I'm not very active on message boards anymore. Over the years, I've taken on names from "Grim Reaper" to "Af Bri" (Af Bri is an angel that excersise control of the rain), and I'm most known around these [b]Boards[/b] as "Goddess/Annie/Athena". "Goddess" came from my first, and very old, AIM s/n "GoddessUnluck". Which, I miss, and I think it's time to go back to that one. Anyway, people just called me "Goddess" for short in those crazy OB chats. So, it just flowed naturally to the OB. And then it took over a few random message boards I tried to get into. "Annie" is short for my full name, and it's what everyone in the universe calls me. I only used this s/n here on the OB. "Athena" was used here only. I wanted to change my name from Annie to Goddess, again..but I wanted to be specific, and someone suggested "Athena". I looked into her, and she and I could be twins. Just in personality and attitude. I'm much prettier. :p "Étaín" came from.....shyte. I wanted to rid myself of Athena because it was too endearing and was a reminder of what I once had, and now I don't. So, I asked Dags to pick something. And this is what she gave me. I will admit, I haven't read the story behind this name just yet, but according to Dagger, it's an Irish folk story. So, me being half Irish, I'm intrigued and love it. It's pretty, and doesn't remind me of anything. As far as games go, the only game online I played was Guild Wars. There, my main character was Belial Hades. Hm, let's see...where else? MySpace? Well, for my url I chose "as_33"...because that's the element arsenic. Poison. My display name changes frequently, usually depending on my mood. That's pretty much it.[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aaryanna_Mom Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 Seeing that this is the first and only online place I?ve ever joined (besides e-mail) I was clueless as to how one goes about choosing a name. So since my daughter is a member I finally settled on her user name followed up with the _Mom part as I?m her mother. I?ve been called mom for so long that the idea of having a different name just seems strange. And even if I did try to change it, I wouldn?t even know what to change it too. :animesigh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ellerby Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']Seeing that this is the first and only online place I?ve ever joined (besides e-mail) I was clueless as to how one goes about choosing a name. So since my daughter is a member I finally settled on her user name followed up with the _Mom part as I?m her mother. I?ve been called mom for so long that the idea of having a different name just seems strange. And even if I did try to change it, I wouldn?t even know what to change it too. :animesigh[/quote] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]In all honesty, I think that almost all the teenagers (and some others) on OtakuBoards think of you as [i]the[/i] OB Mom. I know that whenever I see you've posted in a thread I'll be posting in, I clean up my post a little bit just because it feels right. You should definitely just change your name to [b]Mom[/b].[/FONT][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fyxe Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [size=1][color=slategray]Let's see. The history of my names... [B]Conna_da_fox[/B]: I honestly have no idea. Somehow I'd made up the name Conna somewhere along the way. It probably was inspired by a few other names, but names I cannot recall. I used it for so long, that I actually convinced myself it was a real name. Haha. And then I added _da_fox on the end because of my adoration of the fox creatures. Plus, Conna was a character I had made up when I was about ten for InuYasha fan fictions... and she was a fox demon. How dorky is that? :p [b]Lix[/b]: Another made-up name. It originated from my obsession with Felix from the Golden Sun series. As I looked at the name once, I realized the lix part could be separated on it's own, while still sounding quite awesome. (In my mind anyway. XD) Plus, it sounded far more mature than Conna_da_fox. So I took it. Then, after so long.... people pointed out that it sounds like "licks" and I got ridiculed for that quite a lot. Haha. So, I got sick of it and changed. [b]Bláse[/b]: I guess this name crossed my mind when I realized how much I wasn't impressed by anything anymore. Everything seemed familiar, like I'd been through déjà vu countless times. I was acting incredibly laid back and mellow about everything in my life, even when things seemed to get out of control. I just didn't care anymore, so I thought the name "Blasé" would be fitting. But, being the genius that I am, I put the accent mark on top of the wrong letter. Ah well, it didn't bother me much... and I'm too lazy to get it fixed. As for other names I've used in various places- [B]Vexare[/B]: I believe it is the Latin word that "vex" comes from. I found that one day and thought it sounded sexy. Haha. I don't remember where I have that name... probably in some forum somewhere... and I've used it for different site account names. It's also the name of my band on Guitar Hero. :) [b]Fyxe[/b]: Well, this one is on my avatar, which ties into my fox set right now. Plus, it's my username on some small forums. I really love this name. It's the Old English word for female fox, which molded the word "vixen." I stumbled across it once when I was randomly looking up words in my dictionary. Vixen happened to be one of those words, so I got to read up on it's history.[/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeathKnight Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [quote name='White][COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Tahoma]I know that whenever I see you've posted in a thread I'll be posting in, I clean up my post a little bit just because it feels right[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=crimson]Yeah, she scares the [strike]****[/strike] [strike]crap[/strike] bejeezuses out of me too. ;) [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claire Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [FONT=Arial]I haven't had that many names, actually, and I'm about to get it changed again. [B]CaramelGhost[/B] - Honestly, I don't even remember signing up with this. But I know it used to be mine, not only because it was listed as turning 15 on the birthdays the same day I was, but because my first livejournal was of the same name. [B]Ailes de Velour[/B] - This was the first username I used for a while. It's supposed to mean Wings of Velvet in French. I think I was very interested in that language at the time, and I was obsessed with velvet. Other than that, I can't really think of why I chose it. [B]Amelia[/B] - This was the last username I signed up with, because I realized I could just have it changed. It's my favorite name for a girl, as well as my alter ego's name. I used to have a roleplay character named Amelia Revenant, and it just grew on me. [B]Marsh[/B] - My current name comes from a character my boyfriend gave me in Runescape. It was originally a girl named Marshxmello, but that became extremely boring and I turned it into a male transvestite. Everyone thought it was still a girl, though, which was a lot of fun. Anyway, they all referred to me as Marsh, which also grew on me. [B]Clurr[/B] - This is the name I'll be using soon. It's a play on my real name, Claire. Lots of people I care about use this as my nickname, and I like it a lot.[/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DeadSeraphim Posted September 16, 2006 Share Posted September 16, 2006 [size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]It's an honorary title, given only to those who can successfully hold of an alien invasion without civilian casualties. Fortunately, the government never saw fit to examine the contents of my 'Casualty Pit', otherwise I might have something lame, like RiflesAtRecess, or Shinmaru.[/font][/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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