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I need help with Photoshop!

Cicatrice Du Adieu

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Hello, I'm lostvoice. I'm into pencil drawn art and would like to digitally color it. I, so far, have gotten absolutly no where using photoshop version 7.0. I have read through tutorial after tutorial unsuccessfully. I can't make heads or tails of what to do and I fail to grasp anything I read of photoshop correctly. I would like some suggestions from you if you have any. Perhaps you could give me some sites that you think would be helpful to my cause.

P.S. I am unsure that this is the right section to be posting in. If it isn't I will take care of it asap.
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[color=#b0000b][size=1]There's an art section, but one of the moderators will move this thread for you. Don't worry about it.

How you start coloring depends a [i]lot[/i] on what you hope your final image will look like. If you're hoping for something pseudo-cel-shaded like this:


I can tell you how to go about that.

Do you understand what layers are and what the different tools are called?[/color][/size]
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[COLOR=#656446]I found [url=http://www.polykarbon.com/]Polykarbon[/url] while looking for BattleChasers art 100 years ago. It's got easy coloring tutorials for Photoshop that make good use of basic tools like Gradient and Burn. Though the style may be leagues away from the soft pastels that's all the rage right now, it looks [i]fantastic[/i] anyway.

Best of luck![/COLOR]
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Hover over the tools with your mouse of you are unsure, hten a little duakog wilol appear telling you what it is (eg. hover over pencil tool and it will eventually pop up with a dialog telling you it's a "pencil")

Additionally, those icons with little arrows at the bottom have hidden tools, click your left mouse button and hold it down on those tools to see further tool options (eg. the gradient tool is hidden beneath the paint bucket.)

hope that heped.
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What exactly do you need to know about working with layers? Layers are an expansive topic and it would take me foreve and a day to cover it all. :p

You could always try consulting the Adoe help files, they're pretty expansive. Alternatively you could try Adobe online, accessable through clicking the adobe image at the top of the tools pallete.

Hope that helps.
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Thank you, much. When I was visiting polykarbon (the link listed some where above) I saw that 3 layers had names(red, green, blue) and the fourth was very diferent than the rest. I tried following the directions but I fear it didn't help and I exed out of a box, that I can't get back up. (I'm not old I just can't work with computetrs. I'm better with electronics than my mom,though. :catgirl: )
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