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Manga Title Design

Sho Ayori

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I'm not too good when it comes to designing letters and banners, my only main strength in that field is just character design. Anyway, some of you may remember part of my manga that I put up a little while ago. I'd have a link to it but the thread seems to have disappeared...

Anyway, my manga is titled 'Onii-Chan!', and I was wondering if some of you could give me some ideas for the layout of the title, it doesn't have to be anything too fancy or illaborate, just a simple yet effective title design. The colur scheme I'd prefer is probably a light colour craft, with colours like aqua, lilic, white etc. In can be at any size you wish, since I can always tweak it if neccesary. If you wish to add a little extra to it (eg, a small character etc) feel free and I'll let you know what I think.

The person whose design I favour most will win respect points from me. :animesigh Maybe a cookie...

Thanks in advance, I apprreciate it. Remember, the title is 'Onii-chan!'
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