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Phantom Dust-Ghosts of the Past (M-LV maybe S)


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Sky tried to answer but was voiceless for a moment.

"M-My dad" She managed to choke out before she started to cry.

Suddenley she got up and ran out of the room and bumped into tsudo's back and fell to the ground onto her right shoulder where the dagger had hit. She screamed with pain and tsudo turned around and looked and was instantly beside her. Deathsye ran up momentarily and helped tsudo help her up.
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Deathsye was a bit more Concerned by Sky's situation then he had thought and Tsudo was more confused.

"What is going on all of a sudden?" he asked. "We leave and she is injured again."

"It was her vision..." said Deathsye. "Look's like if this continues I might have to make more water for you Sky."
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"Ok listen the thing is that when you destroyed the monster tsudo there was something else lurking in the shadows.I heard its breathing from here and thats not a good sign" Sky said as she felt a sharp pain in her right shoulder.

"Tsudo i dont want to hurt you if i go into another trance" She choked out.

Suddenley she hugged tsudo tightly and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking away slightly limping.
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OCC- Sorry for not posting the last few days - -; had some family issues.


Tsudo was surprised by the kiss.

"What was that for?" he wondered.

Deathsye slightly jealous walked off to the bar. As usual Tsudo was close behind and started drinking quite heavily. He wasn't buzzed till after the 13th drink.

"This stuff is so weak..." said Tsudo. "Not like...."

*Flash Back*

Tsudo was in a kind of good looking darkly lit bar in a city like area. A guy in poofy hair sat next to him.

"So how are you Tsudo?" he asked.

Tsudo put down his drink and smiled, "I am fine Edgar. Thanks. It is good to know I have at least one friend in this city..."

Edgar laughed,"I thought you were after some girl..."

"Yeah... But with my rep she wouldn't even want to talk to me... Hard to believe a names meaning can do so much harm to a guy... Tsudomashi..."

He swigged a hard liqour.

*end of flashback*

"Hmm.... Wierd..." said Tsudo coming back to the real time. "It is like it happened only yesterday... And too bad we can't find a recipe for... Whiskey I think it was... This beer isn't cutting it..."
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  • 3 weeks later...
[COLOR=Red]ooc// suddenly, Ruby appears from out of nowhere!
*flash! Things explode!!*

[i] Not my memory box , huh?[/i] Ruby sighed in dissapointment. She was in her room and looked up at the ceiling. She sighed again in bitter dissapointment.

"All that work for nothing.." She said outloud to noone. Kampfer had passed her with she was in her brooding mood. He didn't need to ask, Ruby wouldn't have answered anyway.

[i]I wonder what the hell happened to the dust to make it lock everyones memories away.[/i] Ruby pondered. Getting frustrated, Ruby checked her wounds. They had sort of healed. She decided to go see Meister for more missions on the surface.

"Anythings better than laying around here anyway." She reasoned.[/COLOR]
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