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Your 5 Absolute Favorite Anime


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Mine are (no particular order):
Kino no Tabi.
It's one of the more "interesting" anime that I have watched. It's not overly depressing or really sugary. It has the right mood for me to enjoy. Also, Kino is really cool.

Ouran High School Host Club
The characters are the best. I would like all of them (except Hani-senpai) to end up with Haruhi. Tamaki is hilarious. ^_^ And the seiyuu are all excellent. And there is a *girl* otaku in it. Not an perverted guy otaku, but a girl (who *can* be likeable. to some, anyway).

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Of course. The characters are the type that you see a lot, but they aren't carbon copies. And Yuki is cool, especially in Episode 10. I was entranced from beginning to end (although I did watch it in chronological order). The Day of Sagitarus was hilarious.

Azumanga Daioh
Of course, I had to put this. All the characters are actually people that you could know, and are realistic. They aren't overly angsty or sugary (or moe). And then there are Tomo and Yukari-sensei, the 2 most hilarious characters I have ever encountered in any anime (except for maybe Tamaki). XD Osaka is good as well, she's interesting, for lack of a better word. And Chiyo isn't super sugary like lots of 10 year old in anime are portrayed, but she is believeably her age (although a lot more responsible). And her seiyuu is quite good, although too high. Do 10 year olds really sound like that in Japan?

The characters. There are a lot so when I saw the Wikipedia article, I was really overwhelmed. ^^;; But they are all really interesting. My favourite captain would probably be Byakuya (he is so cool!!!! *fangirl squeal*) I am also amazed at the depth. I didn't like the filler that much though. But the Arrancar arc started already, and I'm watching with interest, even though I read the manga.

By the way, I liked Fruits Basket as well, but it mainly concentrated on introducing characters (Hiro is only in 1 episode!!!) and so it didn't make it on. The manga is one of my top 5 favourite manga though! ^_^ Gotta love the characters.
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Samurai champloo-I like this anime because it's not like anyone ive ever seen before.The characters are drawn diffrently and the story line draws you in.The characters have personalities easy to fall inlove with.

Peacemaker Kurogane-One of the main reasons I like this anime is because I like the main character Tetsunoskae so much,but the anime is also good it has alot of fighting scenes and comedy.(my type of anime).
Their are also alot of supporting charcaters that you'll love.

Samurai 7-This anime is awesome it has a brilliant storyline.And all the Samurai's have something about them you'll love.The anime mixes swordfighting and machine fighting toghther sort of although the samurai stuff is more interesting it'll grow on you.

Im sorry but I cant think of anymore anime's that i really like only manga's.
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in no particular order,

samurai 7 - haven't finished this one yet, but the whole thing is amazing... the animation is insane... so gorgeous.. and the plot and all that are great too...

samurai champloo - :animesmil i love this one... again, i haven't finished it yet, but it's be watanabe-san so of course it's amazing.[spoiler]when mugen learns to read... the best episode ever! hehe tagging that castle with ∞ was so funny... one does wonder however.... he still can't read any kanji can he? though i guess that's way better than just "no"... oh, and that grass that was gonna make everyone happy or whatever it was... i laughed so hard at that...[/spoiler]

cowboy bebop - bounty hunters, amnesiac gambling-addicted sexy cryo-freeze girl, betamax, mushroom huinting, shinichiro watanabe.

hagaren (fullmetal alchemist) - cos alchemy's just cool, and i like romi pak. and because it's a really sweet two-brother's-long-journey-to-fix-what-they-broke story... the end is sad though.. if you watch this, DEFINITELY get the movie to wrap up the story completely. (hikari no hohenheim*?? that dante is strange...)

and saving the best for last,
Trinity Blood - sci-fi vampires and a psycho hundreds-of-years-old bio experiment gone bad trying to take over/destroy the world. need i say more? and abel's hot... (not father nightroad, he's annoying), this is why i'm learning japanese... ot (for the novels, which aren't going to be fully translated for years yet... i'll learn japanese faster than they'll release the translated ones...) /ot

like inuyasha too... it's so LONG though...

[SIZE=1]*hohenheim of light[/SIZE]
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Britz0ers
1. Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne. Because its just amazing. The first few episodes are like the manga but then it starts to venture out. It was good, even if they changed it. It would still have to be my favorite anime and manga. I love it alot. It shows you how to be strong and how the girl Maron was weak but knowing even if she was alone and her parents left her. She had herself. I feel alot of people can relate to it, there alone, nobody there. Its defintaly my number one.
2. Would be Tokyo mew mew. I love romance once. It shows the girl ichigos trouble with her relionship with her boyfriend but how she would do anything to stay with him. Even tell him that she was a mew mew. Of coarse. Just like the Jeanne it was like the book fo rthe first few episodes then Ventured off. i do like the book more but the anime comes close to it. Its my 2nd favorite.
3..Hack. I love this series i just found it. Its short but it shows how much the kid wants to be with his sister. He wants the family to be together again. The art was cool and the plot was good. Ending wasnt so great. It was kinda a bummer. But i love it.
4. Uta-kata is a little 13 episode anime that most peopel havent heard of. I found it through youtube and had to watch it. Its amazing. I like how the girl is in this test the whole time and doesnt know. But then she cant help what choice to make at the end. Uta-Kata i watch with all my friends because its Awesome.
5. Inuyasha Is really good. I love the action in it and the love between Kagome and inyahsha.like i said im a romance geek. I like it alot. It has alot of epsiodes so i havent finished it yet. But i know it will end good.
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Guest Garnet_Odin
1. Chrono Crusade - number one favorite anime of mine due to the storyline. It's sad,humorous at times,and got lots of action ^.^ Not to mention who couldn't love a story of a devil,and a nun together as a couple.

2.Fate/Stay night - Darn good anime despite the game it came from was a hentai. Very action packed,and a kinda dark story to it,but it mayb be tied with my first up there xD

3.Bleach - what's not to love about Bleach....nothing XD I love the characters,and it's a really awesome action packed anime. Though they could leave off alot of the talking >>

4.Trinity Blood - I haven't seen all of it yet,but it looks really good ^^

5.Naruto - Okay this is a sad anime to me,and still really good for action. I love all of the characters in someway especially Haku,Itachi,and Gaara. I may edit this one later and add more xD
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Well it was difficult to guess what I liked the most but here you go there not in order though so whatever... :animesigh

[COLOR=Green]1.Mahou Sensei Negima!?-If you like a 10 year old in you room as a teacher this is the anime as Negi Springfield comes to Mahora Acadamy an all girls acadamy to continue his training as a wizard with crazy girls like, Asuna Kagurazaka, Makie Sasaki, Nodoka Miyazaki, Fei Ku, Setsuna Sakurazaki :catgirl: , & Konoka Konoue there's alot that can happen to him as Mahora recived a new teacher is it gonna be better or worst of Negi can tell
(Negima was exciting & excellent especially the Ova I hope i'ts in english soon)
Fav 5 girls of Mahora
3.Fei Ku

[COLOR=DimGray]2..hack//SIGN-Is there a world were we can escape pain? only online or is that pain as well?, well then what is realty to Tsukasa a Wavemaster is the MMORPG "The World" that is unable to logout why? we don't know as he wanders through the net he encounters so unlikey friends, & allies "The World" wasn't there only for fun something more deeper is in it's server with Tsukasa & friends what can thery find also who is Tsukasa in real life?
(.hack//SIGN was twisting & awsome, the game were very fun & long & the new G.U. is evan better)
Fav 5

[COLOR=DarkRed]3.Fullmetal Alchemist-Alchemy human's greatest science & greatest downfall Edward & Alphonse Elric were once two brother's with the mother on the country side Winry there clostest friend once lived happly ever after until alchemy was in there intrest they like it for it's magic but hated cause of there father once intrested in it the boys mother dies & much more is lost themselves due to human transmutation trying to bring there mom back, as Al's soul is implanted in a suit of armor & ed had lost both his right arm & left leg so save his brother from completly dissapearing as a replacement Ed had used automail to replacements as this moment happend they dedicated themselves to find a better way of human transmutation as there journey fowards there is trouble following the boys thus there journey begins...
(Fullmetal Alchemsit was personaly my favorite series I cried when Al transmuted himself to saved Ed thank god he came back)
3.Roy Mustang

[COLOR=Magenta]4.Rurouni Kenshin-A once known deadly samurai of the Meji era now a wandering swordsman!? Himura Kenshin a.k.a. Hitokiri Battousai wants to live in peace now but evan if the Meji era is peaceful there is still trouble as young sword intructor Karou Kamiya tries to find the Battousai that is disgraceing her father's name as Kenshin helps her she takes him under her house but it does not get better from the as the fake Battousai says he uses the Kamiya kashin style Karou's style she's losses students cause of this horror later the fake Battousai shows his trueself as Gouhe Hiduma a dropout student from Karou's school as he was goin to kill her Kenshin shows who he is & takes care of them with his style of swordsman ship the Hitien Mitsurugi Style & for saving her Karou's excepts Kenshin as the wander he is peace is found for him but how long?
(Rurouni Kenshin is a hell of a series all the chracters are unique & good fights in all
Fav 5
1.Aoushi Shinamori
2.Kenshin Himura
4.Hajime Saito
5.Sanosuke Sagara[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Orange]5.Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi-The only thing I can say is this is more [COLOR=Orange]crazies than FLCL 12 episodes long but soooo much happens it's insain if you love FLCL you will really love this that all I can say for this one
(Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi is...INSAINE!!!!!)
Fav 5
2.Mune Mune
4.Abeno Same a.k.a. Udius
5.Papa Arumi's french dad[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Other's worth watching:

Neon Genises Evangelion
Fate Stay Night
Cowboy Bebop
Death Note
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[COLOR=Purple]This is hard to think of only [B]5[/B] anime. I mean, I love a lot. Anyways, here we go!

1.XXXHolic- I can't believe no one had this up. I love the story! It's funny and serious. Two perfect combinations. Anyway, it's a story about a boy named Kimihiro Watanuki who stubbles upon a magical shop that grants your wishes owned by the space-time witch, Yuuko. Watanuki sees and is attracted by spirits who just won't leave him alone. Watanuki works as a servant to Yuuko and comes upon many and different things that you don't see everyday. I've seen both the series and the movie which a fantastic in my opinion.

2. Candidate for Goddess- this was a good anime but the book kind of left you off in a cliff hanger which I didn't like. Anyway, it's a story about a boy named Zero Enna who goes to G.O.A. an academy which trains young boys to become Goddess pilots. There's a special requirement for attending though. You have to be a boy! Your EX has to be confirmed, and you have to be a certain age to join. This anime is hilarious and I totally loved it.

3. DNAngel- this was my first manga series that I collected. It's a story about a boy named Daisuke Niwa who finds out that he can turn into the mysterious theif, Phantom Dark. This story is funny and romantic. And a must see for Shojo fans out there. I know I liked it and my sister liked it and I bet you would too.

4.Fruits Basket- every since my sister and I watched this series, her and I can't stop saying "fruits basket" everytime we think of fruit. It's a story about a girl named Toruh Honda who stubbles upon the Sohma household and discovers their dark secret. The whole family turns in to animals of the Chinese Zodiac if hugged by the member of the opposit sex. It's funny and has many twists to it. In the anime, you don't see Rin or Kureno in it which is a disappointment.

5.Naruto- I haven't seen the whole series but up to season 6. It's really good and I love the action and fighting in it. The whole ninja thing is totally cool. I love Naruto and his funny personality. He's always doing stupid things. Sasuke is so serious and never seems to give a crap about what's going on. I love the series and I'll say it again, I love it!

[U]other animes[/U]

1. Tsubasa
2. Fullmoon wo Sagashite
3. InuYasha
4. Ouran high school Host Club
5. Pretear
6. CardCaptor Sakura
7. MAR
8. Prince of Tennis
9. Pokemon
10. Digimon
12. Beyblade
13. YugiOh GX[/COLOR]
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[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]alright my first post *does a little dance*

well let's see.....[/COLOR]

[COLOR=SeaGreen][B]Naruto #1[/B]- well for one....IT'S GOT KIBA IN IT. seriously the first time i saw Kiba i was like "What kind of idiot has a dog on their head?!?" and now look where i am =P. it DOES take forever for them to start fighting but oh well i still l ike it alot =]

[B]Yu-Gi-Oh GX[/B]-one of my newer favorites. it's alot easier to understand then the old Yu-Gi-Oh. GO CHAZZ PRINCETON HE ROCKS!

[B]Bo-bobo-bo-bobobo[/B]- SO RANDOM! haha just like me ^______^ .who knows i just like the show. Gascan is my favorite =P

[B]Fushigi Yugi[/B]- my friend, Dara, just got me into it. i haven't seen the anime yet but i've read the first two mangas. Noriko is my #1 favorite......but i heard he dies =[ *sniffle sniffle sob*

[B]Crescent Moon[/B]- okay well it isn't an anime ......yet........ but it's good if you've read it you know. the storyline is good and Mitsuru is awesome. though his nose is a tad too big when he trasforms =/

hope you have found this informative! :catgirl:
~Colleen the Great~ X_X[/COLOR]
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Guest animehiyoko
1.Naruto~this anime is just very addicting and awesome >3< I don't know anyone who doesn't love it! It's comedy/action its freekin great!

2.Higurashi no naku koro ni~this is one sickly great anime. It's like the best scary horor anime i know! Also addicting like naruto.

5.The melancholy of haruhi suzimiya~the songs are great the dancing everything! This anime has everything! :animesmil

4.Pani poni Dash~This anime is so funny thats all i need to say :animeknow

5.Bleach~ i love con! So kawaii! And then rukia :D comedy/action.
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[quote name='animehiyoko']1.Naruto~this anime is just very addicting and awesome >3< I don't know anyone who doesn't love it![/quote]
[font=times new roman]Now you know one who doesn't love it. ;)

Anyways, I've been growing pretty fond of [b]Rahxephon[/b] as of late. I've heard all the Evangelion comparisons and whatnot, but I'm convinced that this is actually better (Granted that I never cared for Evangelion in the first place.) although there are some confusing parts here and there, and I have to re-watch it again to fully grasp everything.

I guess I can finally add [b]Bleach[/b] to my list of favorites as well. I do find it a bit overrated though. (I only watch the dub, so I'm not counting the voice overs.) But we're only at what, 25-26 episodes into the series? Anticipation is growing pretty high in terms of certain fights I want to see in motion.

And going back to an old favorite. [b]Dragonball Z[/b]. I'm a sucker for action, and this has lots of it. Mindless power-ups, screaming, and transformations. I can't seem to grow tired of it all.

By no means have any of those reached top 5 calibur for me though. Just adding on. :)[/font]
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[COLOR=Magenta]Well I can't say that I have 5 favorite anime but here are some that did make it to my top anime list and the ones that I also like but not as much. ^ ^

[B]Fruits Basket[/B]- I think that this is a wonderful and cute anime and manga. I know that the anime has ended with sorta cliffhanger to see which one Tohru chose as the one she loves and if she broke the curse or not. [spoiler]i'm sounding like a narroator[/spoiler]

[B]XXXHolic[/B]- This was another great anime that I love so much and love to watch. I like the style of the work and how it is done with greatness. I also collect the manga and I love it.

Well those are all that have made to my top anime list. Not many but hey it is something and it is really hard to find good anime these days and maybe some of you guys have seen some good anime too, not to be wrong or anything.

[U]Other anime that I also Like:[/U]
Mantei Loki Ragnorok
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[COLOR=DarkRed][B]1. Hajime No Ippo[/B] (known as Fighting Spirit outside Japan)
I can't get enough of it, 76 episodes, a movie, and an ova. The manga is still ongoing and the brilliance of the series still continues 18 year's on. The story line, character's, character development, action scene's, everything about it is just perfect. The show follow's the boxing career of Makunouchi Ippo, picked on up until high school, a chance encounter with a boxer named Takamura changes Ippo's life completely. Most people are skeptical about the series since it's about boxing, I was at first also, but after watching a few episodes I was completely hooked, well worth getting into.

For more information feel free to check out [url]http://www.dynamiteglove.com/index2.shtml[/url]

[B]2. GunGrave[/B]
I liked the video game so I was looking forward to this title, and it definately exceeded expectations. It is only 26 episodes long but from start to finish the show is pure bliss, and the ending is simply amazing. Here is a short summary of the series [url]http://www.7milesdown.com/wp/?p=98[/url]

[B]3. Great Teacher Onizuka[/B]
This is just pure comedy genius (the manga even more so) and had me in hysterics the whole way through, not to mention it actually has character development! Something I didn't expect the first time upon reading the synopsis.
Check it out [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Teacher_Onizuka[/url]

Number 4 has been said by numerous people so I'll just simply list it

[B]4. One Piece[/B]

[B]5. Eyeshield 21[/B]
Unfortunately the anime version is pretty butchered compared to the manga but it's still good. I've never had any interest in American Football but I still found this series quite enjoyable, it's mostly comedy and there isn't really much character development.
To find out more check out [url]http://www.deimonhigh.com/[/url][/COLOR]
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Guest TsukinoOokami
My top five are Wolf's Rain because it's so awesome, has wolves and lots of nice parts.

Naruto because he always seems to be the stronget but then gets beat by sasuke(Some how)

Onepiece because it's funny to watch luffy eat

Inuyasha because of the fighting

Cow boy bebop because ed is funny
[indent][size=1][color=#007520][b]TsukanoOokami[/b] your posts are borderlining on spam. Keep in mind that Otakuboards emphasizes quality in member posts. Read up on [b][thread=55649]How to Post in Anime Lounge[/thread][/b]. You [i]did[/i] at the very least explain your reasons in this post, albeit very barely, so I wont delete this post. :P
PM me or any of the other staff if you have any questions. :) -r2[/color][/size][/indent]
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Haven't been on the sites for a long time... So I'm going to post now...

1) Detective Conan: EVERYBODY LOVES A GOOD MYSTERY. Plus, I think the struggle in this anime really keeps me going...
2) Tokyo Mew Mew: What can I say? I love anime where the people inside transform...
3) Pokemon: It is so cute!
4) Yu Gi Oh: Doesn't anyone like it anymore? It's still a big hit in China! (No, I don't live there!)
5) Megaman: Still... I like technology and stuff and in this anime, it has ADVANCED technology!! WOOT! ^^

NOTE: I'm still under age of 16 if you're wondering why I like these babish shows!:animeswea

6) Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch: In the japanese version, I love most of their songs. Sometimes, I think that the animation is weird, but it's okay.
7) Ojamari Doremi (I GOT TO CHECK THE SPELLING): Mostly, I read books about how witches formed, how to destroy witches, and what spells they use. I like witches a lot.
8) Winx Club (^^ NEW EPISODES ROCK)- Faeries are great too. I sometimes think that I can be a fairy if I really try. I'd like to fly.
9) Shaman King- That should have been top five...- The way 4kids dubbed it really doesn't get me INTO it, but somehow, I like the idea of spirits and forming with them as one.
10) Sailor Moon- The prophecy is good. The animation and characters are good too. I still like the way they transform. Sometimes when they transform, I find out that maybe I'm changing too- inside, not physically.
11) Spider Riders- LOVE IT- definity should have been top five...:animesmil - Sometimes I'm freaked out with spiders, but ten foot long ones are just so cool!

Adding when I think of something...:catgirl:
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[QUOTE=MCRLolitaDoll]1. Sailor Moon
2. Chobits
3. Pokemon
4. Final Fantasy
5. .Hack//Sign[/QUOTE]

[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1]I hate you so very much. Between your title and this post I could incinerate you.[/SIZE]
Anyway, partly in the name of bringing re-life to my thread that has started to degrade into hapless posts, I shall now unload some massive paragraphs.

Right now, this is what my top 10 looks like:
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion
2. the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
3. Kanon 2006
5. Serial Experiments Lain
6. Kino's Journey
7. Mushishi
8. Boogiepop Phantom
9. Air
10. Paranoia Agent

It occurs to me that I haven't talked about a few of these here yet.

3. [B]Kanon 2006 [/B] - This how made me feel more emotions than any other show on the planet. It is the only show to ever make me cry over the characters. Mind you, I've been sad over characters, but there were actually a lot of times that Kanon brought to to the brink of tears (and 2 parts where I actually shed a few.)

Kanon takes anime archetypes and works wonders on them. Despite their cliche, I ell in love with these characters and wanted to watch them till the end, and that's the drive that kept me going to the end. The series is amazing all the way through and can touch even the coldest of hearts. I will say this - you have no soul if this series doesn't make you sad at some point.

Also, Yuuichi is an all-around great protagonist. If we had more guys like him around, the world would kick ***.

7. [B]Mushishi [/B] - Admittedly, I've only seen 14 of the 26 episodes of this anime (and read volume one of the manga) but it remains deserving. Mushishi is a collection of strange but always intriguing tales revolving around the tiny creatures known as Mushi - the evolutionary beginnings that exist everywhere. Mushi do all kinds of strange things to people and that's why it's up to Mushishi such as [B]Ginko [/B] to keep balance in the world.

Ginko is a cool character in that he's your average nice guy but with all sorts of crazy abilities and knowlege. Ginko isn't the best part of the show, though, as the mushi obviously are. The strange and often frightful tales of the mushi are always a joy to learn and things happen very fast in this anime, so a story doesn't ever bore you. There are some moments that really make you go 'OMG!!' and that's always a good thing.

8. [B]Boogiepop Phantom [/B] - Before I begin, I should let you know that the origional novel, [B]Boogiepop and Others[/B], is my favorite piece of media ever created. I would argue the books perfection to my own grave, and it has inspried everything I do in some way. The anime in no way lives up to the books absurd greatness, but it's still a damn fine program to be sure.

The biggest thing about Boogiepop Phantom is the dark atmosphere. The whole time it seems to be closing in on you, and you're always shrouded in the night. There are some really, really messed up things that go on in this show, all of which wer amazing. [spoiler]When the kid blew up the cat, I had to pause the show just to give me time to freak out properly.[/spoiler] Streaming this all night while in the dark is downright creepy.

I loved seeing some of my favorite characters from the novel appear in the anime, and all around it's just a great watch that will give you nightmares for sure.

9. [B]Air [/B] - Like Kanon, Air is win for being a heavy-hitting anime with characters you fall in love with. Only Air is ar more extreme than Kanon, only dragged down by it's short run time (13 episodes and 2 are recaps?!). Air has almost no realism to it as well, which really makes you feel like just about anything can happen, and in that light it keeps a layer of suspense at all times.

I can't really say much about Air without giving anything away, but I will say this -- it is terribly sad right to the last minute.

10. [B]Paranoia Agent [/B] - Like Boogiepop, PA is a dark, psychological series, only this one is on a larger scale and isn't closed-in like Boogiepop. PA brings to life the darker parts of the human mind and society's evils. This series has great suspense and some really cool, trippy stuff. By the end, everything gets so wild you can't help but wonder what will happen and it does not disappoint.[/COLOR]
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Guest Stormheart
Okay, here's my Top 5 [hey, it'd be cool if we had something like Rate the Hits.com- except it would be Rate the Anime instead!]

1.Full Metal Panic!
Okay, this is about a 16 year old girl named Kaname Chidori. She has a power called 'Whispered' which allows her to know everything- when she learns to control it! She is unsuspecting of a plan by KGB led by a man called Gauron who is ...crazy. They want to kidnap her, to take her powers into their own hands. Anyway, a military group named Mithril can't let that happen. :animestun So they send over a nother teen called Sagara Souske, to protect her. With all the Armslaves going around, the two are in for a wild ride as they fight wars, defend cities, defeat Gauron and of course....stop the pretty Teletha Testarossa from kissing Souske while Kaname loses her fiery temper.

2. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Everyone knows what this is about, so i won't go into it. Anyway, I so wish I could go to Duellist Academy! Jaden, JADEN, JADEN! He's only what? Seventeen? I'm cool. Yep. And that Aster guy, too. Ha....... :animeblus

3. Naruto!
Oh yeah! Sasuke Uchiha! Yaayayayay! Everyone knows what this is about, too, right? Yeah, i'm here for Naruto's pranks, Sasuke's coolness, Sakura's raving, and of course- Kakashi's mild amusement and indignation. :catgirl:

4. One Piece
You can't go past this....yeah, i love Zoro's impatience. He's my favourite. And man, Luffy! He's so stupid yet so funny. I love it. Gumgum....oh. I'm hungry. What's for eating? :animestun

5. Last but never least....Megaman: NT Warrior.
Although Roll bugs the brains out of me, the techno stuff is cute. And so is Megaman when he behaves like a parent 'Well, it's your fault. You should have done your homework yesterday, instead of battling Gutsman and Dex yesterday!' :animeswea

So that's all. One more thing to say_

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Senza
O.K. I know this is lame, but I can't realy choose between my favorites. Limiting them down to just five is so cruel!!! But for the sake of my post, I'll see what I can do.

1. Trigun
2. Wolfs Rain
3. Naruto
4. Rorouni Kenshin
5. Hellsing

O.k.... I did it... it hurt... I left out Neon Genesis, Fooly cooly, Blood Plus, Full metal Alchemist, and so many others. My other favorites are mad at me now. I'M SORRY, BUT I HAD TO CHOOSE!!![COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT][B]Senza[/B] please work on your post quality, simply listing shows as your favorites without bothering to explain why you like each show is spam. Please take a moment to go over the rules, faq and the sticky on how to post in anime lounge. If you have any questions feel free to simply pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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My top 5? Ooooohhh! Soooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD

1. Rozen Maiden- I like this because....because, well, living dolls that "enslave" a human, constantly drink tea and watch cartoons is almost comical. Even though it may get confusing sometimes, it can be really easy-going. I love the art in it! Also, it was a good choice to make the opening song(s) by Ali-Project.

2. Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances)- Most things in this anime seem so true; like, they could (or did) happen in real life! Sure, there are some fantasy things in the anime, though. Yukino is just like your average popular high-school freshmen girl. I like how they incorperate some pictures from the manga. It's perfect!

3. Papuwa- Sorry, but I gotta laugh! It's over-the-top humerous! They try to put some seriousness to it, but it doesn't really work out and just goes back to silliness! At first glance it may look like a common children's show...but as you listen to the dialogue, you soon learn that that's completely not true!

4. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex- The action! The drama! GITS:SAC was amazingly put together. I enjoyed it greatly!

5. Princess Tutu- I like the simplicity of this anime. It's not a very complex story line, but it is enjoyable. Plus, I don't believe it takes place in Japan (for once). Whichm I believe gives it a uninque quality.
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My top 5 anime would probably have to be something like
1:Elfen Lied
2:Serial Experiments Lain
3:Samurai X Trust and Betrayal
4:Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu
5:Love Hina
In no specific order really its 2 hard to do that

Elfen Lied is one of those must see shows for anyone that likes anime. It has so many different things in it that people look for in an aime. It has romance, lots of gore and action, a good dark story and characters that you can love. Anyone that hasn't seen it should look into it for your own good.

Serial Experiments Lain is a show unlike any anime that I have seen so far. Its a great story that anyone who is into their computer and e-life can really enjoy. It sorta makes you think.

Samurai X Trust and Betrayal episodes are some of the best anime you can find. Not often are english dubs better then the original japanese versions but I think this is the case with these. If you ever watched Rorouni Kenshin and haven't seen these yet then you really are missing out on something great. It has a sad and intense story all about Kenshin's dark past and how he came to get the crossed shaped scar on his face. Trust and Betrayal definitely take a more serious side then the show does.

Iriya no Sora UFO no Natsu is a short but good Drama, Love-Romance, Science-Fiction show. It kept me on edge of my seat wondering how things were going to turn out in the end. If you are into the romance thing then u definitely watch this show.

And last is Love Hina. This is just an all around good uplifting show to watch. Not so much for romance I think really more for just comedy but is entertaining none the less. One of the shows that I've enjoyed the most out of all the anime that I have seen to this day.

I also have to mention
Neon Genesis Evengalion
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Fate Stay Night
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  • 1 month later...
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Top five, eh? Well, my top 3 are lready in my signature but top five, hmm, that'll be hard to do...

1. Genshiken
I love this show because of the way it porttrays otaku culture. It's very relatable since the characters are realistic (except maybe Ohno) and they act like otaku do in real life. My favorite parts of this show are the ones that show the purist nature of the characters. Like when they discuss strategies for buying doujin and stuff, it sounds really rediculous, but that's what otaku really do. Also, Madarame is king of the cosmos!

2. Death Note
Okay, I actually like the manga a lot more than the anime, but the anime is still cool. I like the manga more because i read really fast and the anime talks really slow. Even though all the flashy effects and stuff are nice, the manga leaves it up to your imagination to make things cool. There are scenes in the anime that have more feelng than the manga, such as the gemocide sweep in episode one, but other scenes like when Light's dad crshes the bus into sakura TV seemed cooler in the manga.

This show is just awesome and completely insane! I love how it can be so crazy and yet still tell the story of Noata growing up and stuff. I've read a lot of thesis abot this show and deeper meanings in it and stuff that's all really cool, and I think the creator was a genius (or a madman!)

4. .hack//SIGN
Even though there was a lot of talking in this show and not very much action, I thought it had a really cool story. The way it takes place in an MMO is really cool and I love the characters. Sora is my favorite, though, cuz he's crazy and really smart for a 4th grader! I didn't like any of the other series as much. Legend of the Twilight was good in the manga version, but I hated the anime. It changed the story entrely!

5. Trigun
Trign was just really cool in every way. Vash and Wolfwood are some of the coolest heroes ever, and the show was epecially awesome because of the bad guys. There were a whole ton of villains and tehy were all really col. Great plot.[/COLOR]
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In no particular order:

[b]1. Azumanga Daioh[/b] - The unique feel of this show is unmatched (thus, unique ;p). The animation is bright and beautiful, and humor is sublime in its subtle, semi-dry (in spots) execution. The idiot-genius of Osaka and other things in the series can always put a smile on my face. It is the ultimate unwind and feel-good series, in my opinion. Namako Team, peoples.

[b]2. Boogipop Phantom[/b] - While most find how hard this anime's tangled plot is to follow, I loved watching it multiple times, tracing connections between dark stories, sordid and/or depressing characters and distrubing scenes. I dig the dark (almost too dark) art style, and how bright tones are used throughout the series to express mood and meta-plot. I throw it in with Lain and other sorts like it, but Boogiepop Phantom will always be the king of freaky/weird/distrubing/slighty-confusing anime.

[b]3. Tenchi Muyo (OVA)[/b] - This was one of the first anime series I watched in full, and it led me to pursue interests in more romance-centric works. It is, to me, the champion of harem-esque anime. Aeka and Ryoko's bickering is gold in of itself.

[b]4. Fruits Basket[/b] - Though I hated how it ended too soon into the story compared to the manga, I loved the look of this sweet-centered anime. Some of the sacrine-sweet wisdom stuck with me to a surpising extent.

[b]5. Ouran High School Host Club[/b] - I know it's really new, but I adored how this series looked, and the comedy was consistent and pleasing. I'd love it even more if they produced more episodes, to keep up with the manga.

Rurouni Kenshin[/b] - The Shisio story arc is one of the best I've seen as far as action series go. All the crap filler holds it back in my mind though, and how it peters off into more filler after the Shisio deal. :(

[b]Cowboy Bebop[/b] - I wanted to rank it in the top, BUT a real plot doesn't get going until too far into the series, which is the downfall of many anime. Great characters and backstories, yes, but it's too rag-tag as far what happens. Also, Spike is too static (unchanging throughout) as a main character to be better to me.

[b]Neo-Genesis Evangelion[/b] - I should have put it in the top 5, and still want to...Argh...so good. Of course it has wonderful undertones, symbolism and yada yada (what everyone loves Eva for). I love how polarized people are on it mostly due to the ending. :D

[b]Haibane Renmei[/b] - Full of more subtle symbolism than Eva, with a sweet but slightly-unsettling plot (especially at the end), this explain-nothing anime's final revelations and ending are among my favorites. I was semi-speechless after finishing it. Reki is among my favorite characters [i]ever.[/i]

[b]The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi[/b] - The heavenly animation, great humor, and underlying serious message had my jaw on the floor. I couldn't really talk after watching it. The music is way too addictive; I hate and love it at the same time.

If you can't tell, I have a hard time narrowing it down, and on a different day, I would've picked a different top 5. :D
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Guest Kazoki
[COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Courier New]Ha. The other day I was just deciding what my top five faves are. For the most part, they are in order of preference. And here they are.

[B]Sailor Moon[/B]
Well, I guess the fact that it was my first anime may influence it being my number one. But it's just good. It's a lot of fun and has a good story. It's my first love <3

[B]Death Note[/B]
This series just has two amazing characters (Light and L) and a plot that will blow your mind. You just get so wrapped up in it and their genius is amazing. This series is just so addicting.

[B]Fullmetal Alchemist[/B]
The plot in this series is also really good. And the characters are just so easy to love. It's funny, sad, and filled with great action.

[B]Prince of Tennis[/B]
Ok, with this series, I just think it is utterly hilarious. When they're not playing tennis I am usually laughing insanely because it's funny. But apparently I'm the only one that thinks this...but the tennis matches are great and all of the guys are awesome.

Lots of fun characters that you're bound to love and a good plot [[ignoring the 85 filler episodes of course]]. It's also funny and has its tense moments that wanna make you keep watching.

[B]Runner ups[/B]
Ouran High School Host Club
Fruits Basket (mainly the manga, but whatev)
D.N. Angel[/FONT][/COLOR]
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