Redemption Posted February 22, 2007 Share Posted February 22, 2007 [INDENT][size=1][color=Indigo]The sound of running water echoed loudly in the empty bathroom. Zed stared at his reflection after washing his face thoroughly. He had just finished fifth period with a bang, literally. It had been the last five minutes of Chemistry and Zed decided to see what would happen if he put too much pure oxygen, inside of a balloon, with acetylene, and then light it with a Bunsen burner. Well, the whole chemistry class, and all the classes on that floor, knew the result. There was an almighty bang that scared at least three years of life from the chemistry students and the teacher. A cloud of soot also puffed up into Zed?s face, causing him to turn from white to black in a matter of seconds. He couldn?t help but laugh at himself and at the faces of the others when they looked to see what had happened. Just as the teacher strode over to him and was about to let rip, the bell rang. Zed managed to snatch his things, stuff them into his bag and dart out of the classroom before the teacher could catch him. He pushed his way through the corridor hastily to the men?s bathroom to wash off his face. As he now looked in his reflection, Zed noticed two shadows behind him. They weren?t like normal people?s reflections, more like ghostly apparitions of his past. As time wore on, the features of the faces of these two memories became clearer. One of them was a boy, exactly the same age as Zed. The other was an older, grizzly looking man. Rage unfurled in the teenager?s stomach as he realised who these people were. A sudden smash startled some of the people outside as Zed?s fist connected with the mirror. It shattered into bits, all falling onto the bench where the sinks where with slight, delicate tinkles. The teenager?s fist now throbbed as he exited the bathroom quickly and headed towards one of the sporting fields outside. The last period of the day ? the one he enjoyed the most ? was soccer practice. He took off his shirt in the middle of the field, as was custom for all the male soccer players to do before practice. Some of his team-mates couldn?t help but stare at the spider web-like tattoos all across Zed?s upper body before it was quickly hidden by his soccer jersey. 66 ? that was his number as he ran onto the field, stretching a little before training began. It was almost like a sign ? watch out? or the devil will get you.[/size][/color][/INDENT] OOC: Sorry it?s not great. Pressed on time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disenchanted Posted February 22, 2007 Share Posted February 22, 2007 [COLOR=White][SIZE=1]Claudia watched anxiously as the hands finally reached their destination signaling the end of her Computer class. She hastily grabbed her books and bag before almost hurling herself out the door. She asked herself one more time [I]'Why in the world did I decide to take IT?? [/I] Claudia navigated the busy halls in search of her locker to dump her books and gather her things for Drama class. Drama was one of her most loved subjects, next to Art and Biology. She adored learning about acting and how to express emotions. This was all despite the fact that her father didn?t want her growing up to be her mother, stuck in a studio all day and night. Claudia smiled as she retrieved her black clothes and various other materials. Today was a performance day and she couldn?t wait. Claudia grabbed her things and took off down the hall way, wanting to get to her class practice before anyone else even though this was designated nap time. At one point she wasn?t looking where she was going however, and ended up crashing into someone and spilling her gear all over the place. The person on the end of her barge cursed as they stood up and dusted themselves off. [B]?Why don?t you watch where you?re goin?!? Or your gonna?? [/B] The person finally looked up and stopped mid sentence.[B] ?Oh Claud it?s just you.?[/B] Claudia smiled apologetically to her friend and scratched the back of her head. [B]?Sorry about that Cam. You ok?? [/B] Cameron nodded her pink hair slightly swaying with her movement; Claudia thanked her lucky stars or whatever is was that she had, that she had not bumped into anyone else. Cam hurriedly helped Claudia pick up her things before they became trampled by the rampaging teenagers in the hall. [B]?How were your classes??[/B] Claudia asked, Cam shrugged and put one of her hands in her pocket while using the other to fix up her messy bangs, no thanks to Claudia. [B]?Music was good, everything else?? [/B] Cam trailed off unenthusiastically, Claudia nodded understandingly. [B]?I know that feeling.... wanna catch up after school?? [/B] [B]?Sure, where??[/B] [B]?The gardens, my dads out tonight so we can hang around till whenever.? [/B] The two arranged their meeting and then said goodbyes. Claudia could not stand to not rehearse her part several more times before performing. She suspected a rather large crowd of parents, grand parents and other students to be present. Butterflies were already flittering around in her stomach. She breathed in deep a few times as she made her way towards the other end of the school. Somewhere up there she hoped Jack was watching, this was all for him. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1]ooc: Blah! >< ... Erm, lemme know if you want anything changed [B][COLOR=Pink]Sakura[/COLOR][/B] ^ ^;[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doublehex Posted February 22, 2007 Author Share Posted February 22, 2007 [color=white]After Matt?s encounter with the incarnation of hotness, as his mind decided to put it, his day went by rather quickly. He slept through the whole of study hall ? the fact that it was quiet as a library helped things somewhat. He did wake up with more droll dripping onto his arm than he would of have preferred, but it went by fast. He had a bit of difficulty finding Miss Berger?s room, what with it being at the lowest floor of the school and all, but he knew the instant he heard the plump woman?s voice that she would be one of the kindest teachers he would ever have. It was the type of voice you would expect from a grandmother baking cookies for her grandchildren who had just come for their daily visits. She greeted Matthew warmly, talked to him a bit about what they would be doing, and found him a seat with great warmth and humility. Matt almost didn?t want to go to Lunch! Lunch somewhat slugged along. He didn?t realize that Jonas had the same lunch as him until the last five minutes, when he saw the back of his vaguely familiar T-shirt. Matt was about to walk away, since it would be awkward for him to suddenly jump into whatever conversation Jonas was having. But then, he had to see Matt and pulled him in. ?Everybody, this is Matt.? All of Jonas? buddies introduced themselves, in the kind of order and timing that makes one think that it was all rehearsed. ?Anyways Matt, I need a favor.? ?Being?? ?I?m heading for the Public Gardens after school. I need someone to come, but these oddballs have better things to do. You know how to get there, right?? ?Yeah.? ?Good man, I?ll see you after school.? Matt didn?t get to say anything to protest the sudden arrangement, since the bell rang. The Lunch became a giant crowd as it left the cafeteria. Upon his return to class, Matt found the remaining hour went by much faster than he expected any class to go by. Must have been because he probably had the nicest teacher in existence. In contrast, Science actually went slower than Math. Matt was becoming sore from all the times he had to flex his fingers to keep himself awake. The day ended with a bang in English. The class was assigned to write some poetry, to get them ready for Shakespeare, and Matt wrote the best one in the class, earning him a perfect score and brownie points to boot.[/color] [SIZE=3][B]OOC[/B][/SIZE] Hope this was alright with you Redemption. You didn't have your schedule up, but I didn't know a better way for Jonas to drag Matt to the Gardens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revelation Posted February 24, 2007 Share Posted February 24, 2007 [size=1][color=#4B5B5B][B]OOC: Revelation[/B], not [B]Redemption[/B]. Honest mistake, I?m sure. =][/size][/color] P.E. had gone by quick as Jonas had expected it to. He still couldn?t shake the feeling that somehow he was bound to bump into yet another person he was acquainted to. Trying to forget his thoughts, Jonas splashed water on his face and his hair. He changed into his regular clothes and walked out with the others, who went to either lunch or their fourth period. Jonas was part of the group that went to their fourth period. Entering the class, he took his seat in the back. He didn?t bother to listen to the first half of the lecture since he knew the teacher would repeat what he?d said earlier. Instead, he slipped his headphones on and let the music take over?at least he tried to let it take over. The music drowned out the sounds of his teacher?s voice but it didn?t drown out the sounds in his mind. The thought of that red-haired girl, the fight, Matt, and everything else just overwhelmed Jonas. He put his head down in his arms and waited for the bell which rang the minute he closed his eyes. Thankful for the bell, Jonas took his backpack and left the classroom. He walked towards the cafeteria and found his friends, who were dealing cards and gambling?as always. He was glad to see their jovial smiles as he grabbed a chair and sat beside them. Instead of letting his thoughts submerge him into a deep trance, Jonas diverted his conscious to cards, the one thing that never let him down. Like Nate had done in AP English, he began to talk about the car expo in New York. Jonas rolled his eyes in a joking fashion but as he did, he saw Matt from the corner of his eye. Jumping out of his seat, Jonas threw his arm around Matt?s neck and nearly dragged him over to his table. [B]?Everybody, this is Matt.?[/B] Jonas? friends introduced themselves to Matt and before the kid could sneak away, Jonas asked Matt for a favor. [B]?I?m headin? for the Public Gardens after school. I need someone to come, but these oddballs have better things to do. You know how to get there, right??[/B] Matt nodded and replied slowly, [B]?Yeah.?[/B] Jonas smiled big and smacked Matt on the back in a friendly manner saying, [B]?Good man, I?ll see you after school.?[/B] As if Jonas? words were magic, the bell rang signifying the ending of B lunch. Matt went his way and Jonas stayed behind, gathering his cards and waiting for his friends. Jonas entered his IB Social Anthropology class and resumed his natural state: sit, listen, take notes, answer questions, repeat. It wasn?t long until the bell rang and the students filed out of class. Jonas headed off to Spanish IV. He sat there trying to follow what the teacher was saying- with difficulty- only to be glad the bell rang. His next class- or lack thereof- was study hall. Upon entering the classroom, his entire cast of friends erupted in a thunder of noise. He nodded to them and took his seat, pulling out his cards as always. It was during this time that he listened to his friends? stories and anecdotes- no matter how odd they sounded. It was also during this time that he multitasked and finished his homework. He would have nothing to do at the end of the day except head for the Gardens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku Posted February 25, 2007 Share Posted February 25, 2007 [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]OCC: Matt, I am posting, so hardy- har har. But it'll be short, so suck on that. :P [CENTER] +++ [/CENTER] "Well, that was stupid..." Aizen quickly stood up as she gathered her things and walked quickly towards the exit doors. The boy had caught her quickly off- guard, causing her to blush bright red, ask him stupid questions and not even getting a chance to ask for his name... how else could this day get any worse? As she walked out the doors, her bright- blue hair gently gleamed in the sun, her hands brushing her bangs away from her face. She had a lot on her mind, what with school, friends and the new hot guy she had just met a few minutes ago. She had to go to Kendo practice right way, but since she was the top student in her class, her Sensei didn't mind wether or not she was late... just as long as she was there before class ended. She lifted her wrist and looked at her black leather watch... just a few minutes after the last bell rang. "Okay, I guess I'll stop by some place to eat before I head to Kendo class." Without even realizing it, Aizen was in the gardens in Boston- Two and spotted a very interesting looking guy playing cards. "Who's that?"[/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted February 25, 2007 Share Posted February 25, 2007 [size=1][indent]Summer opened and closed her mouth several times, but no words would come out. Not only was she still recovering from the shock of randomly being dumped, though she'd only been dating Daniel for a couple weeks, but now Zeke had gone and surprised her with the question she never thought she'd hear him say, and especially not to her. As long as she'd known him, he had only gone out with a handful of girls, and he never talked to her about them, despite all the teasing she gave him. Not that she minded, really. If he had talked about them with her, she would have felt... well, she wasn't sure - or at least wasn't going to admit that she knew. [b]?Z-Zeke--?[/b] she began once her voice had returned, but her friend cut her off. [b]?Hey, look. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. It's okay. Really.?[/b] [b]?Wait-- no, that's not what I--?[/b] she tried again, but this time the principal's secretary interrupted her. [b] ?You can go in, now.?[/b] Summer rolled her eyes at the woman's timing, and before she could say anything further, Zeke had stood up and walked into the principal's office. She cursed silently, knowing full well that her inability to answer the question right away would mean the two avoiding each other for the rest of the day, despite them having the next three classes together. [center]&&&[/center] [b]?Well... Getting chewed out was fun, huh??[/b] Summer tried to smile, but Zeke didn't look back at her. He merely grunted in response, fiddling with something he held in his hands. She let out a sigh of resignation, figuring it was best to answer his question as soon as possible. She hadn't paid attention to the principal at all while they were stuck in there, and had instead mulled over the question in her head. All it required was a simple yes or no answer, but there was so much more to it. If she said yes, she'd get to go out with Zeke, but if she messed things up, she'd lose one of her closest friends. If she said no, she'd probably lose him, too, [i]and[/i] she wouldn't get a chance to see what it would be like to go out with him, either. She had always had a little crush on him, but she never thought it could have been mutual. The way she saw it, both answers had possible negatives, but... She reached for Zeke's hand but he moved it, causing her to stumble forward and trip. She was about to hit the floor when he caught her shoulders and pulled her back up. He spun her around to face him and, much to her surprise, he was grinning. When he noticed her confused expression, he released her and chuckled. [b]?Sorry, it's just--?[/b] [b]?Yes!?[/b] Zeke stared at her for a second before asking what she was saying yes to, though the look on his face was obvious understanding. [b]?Yes I'd love to go out with you.?[/b] [b]?Geez. Took you long enough to give me an answer. Don't leave me hanging like that,?[/b] he smiled, leaning forward and kissing her on the cheek. Before he could pull away, she stole a kiss from him. When they separated, her cheeks were rosy and her body filled with an unfamiliar floating sensation. His startled expression faded into his familiar smirk. She knew he was about to suggest something perverted and clasped a hand over his mouth. [b]?Saw that one coming,?[/b] she winked. [center]&&&[/center] The rest of the classes seemed to speed by. The new couple paid even less attention in class than usual, and spent their lunch period somewhere other than the cafeteria. Summer was even less rude to teachers and students than usual, her good mood preventing her from feeling much other than giddiness. As the school day reached its end, the two suddenly remembered Zeke's 'appointment' at the Gardens later that day. Summer informed him of her plans to walk with Ana the long way to help her avoid someone, and he responded with a fake disappointed frown. [b]?So I don't get to walk with you??[/b] he pretended to pout. [b]?Nope,?[/b] she smirked. [b] ?Hey, shouldn't you be trying to convince me not to fight? I thought that was what girlfriends were for. Keeping us boys out of trouble.?[/b] [b]?I'm no good at that, remember? I'm the one always encouraging fights.?[/b] [b]?You didn't encourage this one,?[/b] he pointed out. [b]?Yeah, but that's 'cause I've seen what Zed can do,?[/b] she frowned. She had confidence in Zeke's ability to hold his own in a fistfight, but all Zed ever did was fight anyone and everyone stupid enough to give him a reason to. [b]?You'll be careful, right??[/b] she added. [b]?Of course,?[/b] he nodded. The bell rang soon after their conversation, and they left in separate directions. Summer found her way to Ana's classroom and greeted her when she walked out. [b]?Ready to go??[/b][/indent][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Engel Posted February 25, 2007 Share Posted February 25, 2007 [color=white][size=1]Zeke's lips split into a thin smile as he rummaged through his locker, allowing his smile to grow wide enough for his teeth to be showing. Slowly, he pulled his messenger bag out from his locker and draped it over his shoulder, stuffing his various assignments into the bag. [i]Lesse...I got French homework tonight...and some other stuff. I also...oh yeah, that fight with Zed. Meh, I'll make it quick, that little crap-shoot won't be able to stand after I'm done with him. I can't exactly stand people that act like that, so pointless.[/i] His fingers reached into his pocket, frowning softly as he retreived his headphones from his pocket. slowly, he applied the small white earbuds to his ears, using the touch-scroll of his iPod to search through his consortium of songs. After a few scrollthroughs, he nodded and picked one of his favorite albums, and the first song from it. Striding out the door, he tapped his fingers along to the beat on his messenger bag. [i]Bow down before the one you serve[/i] the fight would be easy. Zed looked like the type that would swing with all of his power and have somewhat lacking balance. Ezekiel would just have to watch his movements a little more careful than usual. That guy wouldn't get him, not today, not ever. [i]You're gonna get what you deserve[/i] But something troubled him. Summer always encouraged his fights, because she knew he could win. What was so dangerous about this little blue haired tattoed biggot? Ezekiel had never lost, not once. He wouldn't start losing now. [i]Head like a hole![/i] He still had time before the actual fight. Maybe it'd be kind of smart to drop off his homework and start warming up a little and think about the fight. Think about how to get into his opponent's head and use his fears and weaknesses as a weapon. Fear was a valuable weapon and destructive in the right hands. Zeke smiled as he remembered one of his favorite re-run TV shows, Stargate SG-1, and a quote from it. [b][i]"This is a weapon of fear, it's ment to intimidate the enemy. This is a weapon of war, this is ment to kill the enemy."[/b][/i] Right now, Ezekiel had need for both, to make sure this fight would work. [i]Black as your soul![/i] The sidewalk narrowed into the road before him. Quickly, he ran accross the road, crossing and weaving through the parked cars as he stopped off at the front of the apartment building that was his house. Slowly, he opened the door and looked around. [b]"Mum, dad?"[/b] He walked into the house, setting down his messenger bag and looking around. [i]Zeke- We're out of town for a couple of weeks, your Aunt Isen had to be hospitalized. There's money where it always is, and food in the fridge and freezer and cabinents. XOXO, Mom.[/i] Shrugging, Zeke looked through the pantry and eventually pulled out a box of granola bars, retrieving one from the package. Zeke grinned as he looked at his Chocolate sitting in a small pocket in his "Nine Inch Nails" messenger bag. Maybe Summer would pick up if he called her. Making his way to the table, he fished out the phone and hit the first speed dial, listening to the phone ring. [b]"Summer?"[/b] [b]"Hm?"[/b] [b]"I'll be there a few minutes early. We still have time, so I'm gonna do something, okay?"[/b] [b]"Okay. I'd ask you not to get in trouble, but you always do anyway, so try not to get into too much trouble?"[/b] [b]"I won't, I won't, I promise. 'Love you."[/b] He smiled into the phone and closed it after she replied with the same. Zeke sighed and jumped up onto the counter, sitting and staring around the room as he chewed on the granola bar, the flecks stuck in between his teeth. How to hurt Zed? --- The sunlight began to dim, but the lights around the park illuminated the soon-to-be battle stage. Everyone was already waiting, much to Ezekiel's surprise. Ezekiel wore only two black fingerless leather gloves, a pair of black baggy South Pole Jeans, and a white button up shirt. He approached Zed, who stood there with his arms crossed, wearing a sarcastic smirk on his placid face. [b]"So, yeh decided to show up."[/b] Zedidah said with a sarcastic tone. After all, it was several minutes before the fight was even supposed to take place. [b]"Yeah, I just thought I'd annoy you first."[/b] [b]"Whatever. I think I'll just beat the crap out of you and go home."[/b] [b]"You've got a very wild imagination, you should sign up for creative writing."[/b] Before the bickering could continue, someone stepped in the middle and grinned a not-too-friendly smile. [b]"I say that we make some stakes for the loser here. How about, the loser has to wear a dress on the next Midterms day, the entire day?"[/b] Ezekiel grinned. [b]"I'm up for it, but he doesn't have the legs for a dress, so let's ask him."[/b] Zed went blank for a moment before smiling back. [b]"Only you would know, crossdresser."[/b] And with that, the fight had begun. Zed ran at him without warning and Ezekiel barely had time to move. Damn, this kid was fast! Ezekiel ducked low to avoid the high aimed punch and quickly but fludily turned on his left heel, bringing his right foot up to Zed's head. Howeever, it was just barely met with an arm, blocking it and sending Ezekiel slightly off balance, causing him to jump back onto two feet. [b]"C'mon, Zeke, you think I'm that slow?"[/b] Zed ran at him, leaping into the air and pulling his foot back for a kick. Zeke feigned boredom with a yawn and brought his right foot up into the air, taking Zed's foot and using his momentum in a sweeping circular arc to bring Zed down to the ground. Zeke placed his hands on his hips and grinned down at Zed. [b]"You call me a freak, and yet I'm the one with the most wonderful girlfriend ever, and here you are, on the ground like a little weaseal, all alone. You freak."[/b] [/color][/size] [b]OOC:[/b] Note: Lyrics "Bow down before the one you serve / You're gonna get what you deserve / Head like a Hole! / Black as your soul!" are from the Nine Inch Nails song, "Head like a Hole", from the album, "Pretty Hate Machine." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revelation Posted February 26, 2007 Share Posted February 26, 2007 By the time Jonas got to the Gardens, Zedidiah was already there waiting for the big fight. He just shook his head and took a seat at one of the wooden tables. Jonas gave a quick look-see for Matt and when he didn?t find him, he settled himself comfortably at the table with his music blasting in his ears, his hood over his head, and his cards in his hands. As tedious as it seemed, Jonas didn?t care what people thought about him always playing cards. In fact, he didn?t care for what anyone said at all. Cards were his escape from the world like martial arts or music or drugs- in some cases- were for other people. It was something he couldn?t get away from and it was something he didn?t want to get away from; he wanted it and needed it. Chuckling to himself, Jonas looked up again and saw that Matt still wasn?t anywhere near the Gardens but instead he found, yet, another girl staring at him. He furrowed his brows in wonderment and went back to his card tricks thinking, [B][i]?First that red-haired and now her.?[/B][/i] Jonas dropped his head a bit and shook it, laughing at a thought. [B]?What is this world coming to??[/B] Looking up again, Jonas found Ezekiel walking towards Zedidiah. In his four years of high school, he?d seen many fights, most of which were caused by Zedidiah; but on one occasion he had seen a fight Ezekiel participated in. Looking at the two, Jonas began to line up pros and cons the two had; one was swift and agile, bobbing and weaving until the opponent tired themselves out while the other had an unorthodox fighting method. It wasn?t exactly clear on what Ezekiel could do but Jonas was sure he could keep up with Zedidiah. At that last thought, Zedidiah almost leaped towards Ezekiel. No one saw him going or coming and when Ezekiel finally noticed, he took action. Jonas watched the two for bit but became bored with the site. He wasn?t one for fights- even if they amused him ever so much- instead he focused on the girl who kept staring at him and was now walking towards him. [B]?Looks like I?ve attracted an audience member.?[/B] [size=1][color=#4B5B5B][B]OOC:[/B] Let me know if I need to change anything with any of your character, [B]Engel[/B], [B]Redemption[/B], and [B]Keyblade[/B]. =][/size][/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Vectis Posted February 26, 2007 Share Posted February 26, 2007 [SIZE=1]The day dragged on, longer then normal, but Kain had these days before. The kind of days that seem to last longer then humanly possible, that seem to draw out as much as it could to keep from approching the evening. As is the light was afraid of handing control over to the darkness, even if was ony 12 hours or so. But, Kain didn't let it bother him he just occupied himself with meaningless tasks and sleeping between hours, finding it was very relaxing to be able to nap during the day. He thought about how the school system should bring that back for teenagers, mostly because he liked sleeping over paying attention in English. But, there was one subject that drew his attention today quite heavily this day. It was in history class, it was on a Greek group called the Spartans. He listened closely to this lecture as the details of these people unfolded before him, there history or there politics, there lifestyle entirely based around battle. There daily activities that constantly worked there bodies. What trully fascinated him was how they were raised from birth to be the perfect warrior, fearless, ruthless and learning that death in the battle field was the most glorious thing possible. Kain marveled at this awsome civilization that refused to bow to anyone. He found much of his characteristics, as his friends explained to him, were like the Spartans. There relentlessness, there need to grow stronger, there sheer power and mind set was enough to inspire anyone to live like them. Then, the teacher came to one particular battle that showed the Spartans full potential and attitude. The Battle of Thermopylae , a hand full of Spartans against the mighty Persian army, what made the battle even more spectacular was it was three hundred spartans, against the thousands of thousands of persians that swelled the ranks. But of course, the spartans had back up, if you could call it that. They handed weapons to the farless capable Thespians and Thebans, even though the Thespians stayed willingly, the Thebans were reluctant to. While the Spartans, held there heads high and refused to back down when the Persians had managed to cross into Greek territory through betrayal. The Thespians and Thebans surrendered after Leonidas was killed in battle. But, the Spartans refused to give in and slew as many as they could, before there final stand when the Persians rained arrows down upon them. Kain had listened to this lecture intently, remembering every detail and letting it soak in. He was a bit angry that the Thespians and Thebans had just given up on the Spartans and thought of them has cowards. He leaned back in his seat as that final bell rang and he left quickly and rather quietly; his binder under his left arm and he was thumbing through his music collection as he dodged and avoided people. He stopped when he found the perfect song for his current mind set. He quickly tapped the button and listened to the soothing piano playing at the beginning of the Nine Inch Nail song Just Like You Imagined. Listening to each key closely; they somehow sturring his insides, getting all his aggresion and frusteration to ther surface. Then its quick yet, rythmic change to the drumming and metal consistency. Walking slowly to the front of the school, smiling to himself as he looked out the doors through his aviators. Pushing through the door into the outside world, he looked around to see a decent crowd of people and the senior off to his left side. He walked down the steps and over to the crowd, pushing through people into the center; where a nice area was set for Kain and his opponenet. Kain calmly placed his things on thr ground, removing his sunglasses and putting down his head phones and ipod. Kain then began to stretch, pulling his arms across his body and bending voer ot touch his toes, getting as much flexibility as he could get out of these simple stretches. He cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders a few times before he heard a satisfying pop. Then cracked his neck by leaning it left and then right, he shook his limbs one last time and readied himself. The senior looked a little irritated but waited anyways. [B] "All ready when you are."[/B] Kain said bluntly as he just remained standing straight with arms down. The senior broought his hands up and balled them into fists, then slowly approched Kain. In a split second he lashed out with one fo his fists, Kain narrowly avoiding it by leaning out of the way. Kain brought his hand up and smacked him square in the jaw with an open hand. Causing him to turn his head every so slightly, and his eyes opened with a little bit of suprise. He backed up and rubbed his face a little.[B] "What kind of a panzy hit was that?"[/B] Kain just shrugged witha goofy face. [B] "Not really a hit, felt like given ya a little smack before I actually hit you."[/B] The senior growled and swung again, this time swinging once then swinging instantly afterwards. Kain barely dodging the first and second blow and then brining two fingers up and poking them straight into this throat then drawing back and swiflty planting a kick to his chest, leaving a nice show print of dirt on his shirt. The senior fell back, coughing a little and trying to get the air back. He sat up and started to speak through gasps. [B] "What kind of cheap move was that?"[/B] Kain grinned. [B] "Its called reflex, try getting some then mabye we will try this again."[/B] Kain picked up his sunglasses and his things and walked away through the crowd. Grinning to himself as he made his way home, confident in himself and his new found knowledge of the amazing Spartan race. OOC: Just to state to any Thespians or Thebans out there, I am extremely biased on the Battle of Thermopylae since I am myself Spartan. So I just want to apologize to anyone head of time and just in case. You never know.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyriel Posted February 26, 2007 Share Posted February 26, 2007 [size=1][color=green][b]?Ready to go??[/b] Summer asked brightly.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana nodded, and then noticed the light blush that seemed to have spread across the girl?s face, [b]??Did something happen??[/b][/color] [color=green]Summer looked back at her, startled, [b]?What? No, of course not! Everything?s just same old??[/b][/color][color=darkslateblue] But the girl couldn?t stop another one of those smiles from peeking from the corner of her lips, and Ana watched as her new guide took another quick look at a certain boy who was leaving the school grounds? Ana couldn?t help but smile to herself: [i]I see, so something good did happen.[/i] But she didn?t say anything more, only waiting for Summer to lead the way. Suddenly, she saw the familiar car appear in the gateway of the school, [b]?Oh shoot!?[/b] Grabbing Summer?s arm, Ana pulled her behind some of the shrubs by the side of the building.[/color] [color=green][b]?What?s wrong??[/b] Summer immediately asked.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana let out her breath in a hiss, [b]?That?s what I was talking about?those people I was trying to avoid.?[/b][/color] [color=green][b]?You mean it wasn?t Jonas you were trying to steer clear of??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Oh, well?I don?t really know about him,?[/b] Ana said, brushing back a fiery strand of hair. Peeking around the bushes again at her driver and the bodyguard that had just gotten out of the car, she tugged lightly on Summer?s sleeve again, [b]?Can we get away??[/b][/color] [color=green]Summer smiled confidently, [b]?Ana, you don?t have to worry about a thing.?[/b][/color][color=darkslateblue] The two girls slunk away, Ana following the younger girl?s lead? [center]__________________________________[/center] As they walked along the sidewalks, cars passing by busily, Ana couldn?t help but look curiously around at everything.[/color][color=green] Summer noticed the girl?s wide eyes taking everything in, and asked, [b]?I?m guessing you?ve never been to Boston-Two before??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue][b]?Actually?I was born here.?[/b] [/color][color=green][b]?Really??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana nodded, [b]?Yes, but then I moved back to the European continent. This is the first time since then that I?ve been back here.?[/b][/color] [color=green][b]?Mmm?I see. Do you like it here??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana turned, looking to see if Summer was sincere. She expected to see something like a sarcastic smirk on the other girl?s face, something like Janos?s?but there wasn?t ? Summer?s eyes were honest and open. It surprised her a little, so she turned her flame-like eyes to her feet, [b]?Boston-Two is?different.?[/b][/color] [color=green][b]?You?re right about that,?[/b] Summer agreed, smiling as she looked towards the gray sky.[/color][color=darkslateblue] Ana followed her gaze, trying to gauge what the younger girl smiled at, but didn?t find anything. Despite her being older, she felt as if Summer were older in spirit, more wise and more tempered than she. She held far more confidence as well. [i]I wish I was like that?[/i]Ana thought to herself as they continued walking. [center]__________________________________[/center] Later in the evening Summer led her to the gardens. They walked around for a bit, and the orange light streaked the sky as the sun started its descent. As they traversed along the walking paths they didn?t see anything out of the ordinary, but as they passed by some hedges and tall trees, they heard the sound of scuffling. Peeking through from behind the long branches of some trees, Ana saw the figures of the two boys facing each other, and gestured to Summer to take a look. Suddenly Ezekiel and Zedidiah leapt at each other, and Ana drew in a quick breath. She looked over at the other girl, and saw that Summer couldn?t seem to take her eyes off of Ezekiel. The two boys both took quick swipes at each other, and then began to circle each other as they attacked. Ana was intrigued at first ? she had never seen anyone fight before, not even a little schoolyard brawl, and watching these two come to blows was novel to her. Suddenly Ezekiel knocked Zed to the ground; Summer let out a sigh of relief as it seemed that Ezekiel had gained the upper hand?for a moment. Ana couldn?t stop from wincing as hits landed; violence was painful to her, ironic as it may be. She fingered the quills in the bag that was slung across her chest, and then rubbed her arms. The evening brought coolness to the air, another thing that was foreign to her, and she hadn?t brought a jacket. Her light shorts and blouse did nothing for warmth, and a chill ran through her body as she and Summer continued to watch. [b]?Summer, can?t we do anything??[/b] she asked suddenly, guilt digging into her.[/color] [color=green]The girl only bit her lip, [b]?It?s better to let them finish ? otherwise they?ll just keep at each other.?[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana stood up suddenly. Her guilt and worry overrode her fear and insecurity, and she started to walk quickly towards the two boys. She had absolutely no idea what she was planning on doing, but she felt worse just sitting and watching the two younger boys go at each other. That?s when she saw another set of eyes watching, recognizing Jonas?s dark hair and eyes. She tripped as soon as she saw him, surprise flooding into her, and then she felt grass beneath her cheek. He turned at the sound, but she was hidden by some shrubs. Watching him, Ana now saw him turn and watch a figure that was approaching him.[/color] [color=green]Behind her, Summer called out in a whisper, [b]?Psst! Ana! Are you all right??[/b][/color] [color=darkslateblue]Ana quickly scrambled up into a crouch, a blush spreading in embarrassment, [b]?Yes, I?m fine. Are you going to wait there??[/b][/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doublehex Posted February 27, 2007 Author Share Posted February 27, 2007 [color=white]Matt didn?t know how long he was out on the streets of Boston-Two, looking at road signs, checking our brochures, asking for confusing directions from people who didn?t seem to have any direction in their lives. He didn?t know how many times he thought the next turn would bring him to the park, only to bring him to a dead end. And he certainly didn?t know that if he had just taken that right from the start he would of have been at the Gardens so much earlier. Why did he have to do something stupid and take a left? Regardless, Matt eventually found himself at the Boston Public Garden, and he was quick to see that a small fight was already underway. A few other individuals were there as well, but the only he noticed was Jonas and that girl he encountered in the hallways. ?Hey Jonas?? Matt said as he approached the card dealer. ?What took you so long?? ?Don?t ask.? Jonas shrugged, seeing that he shouldn?t press the matter. ?So, what?s going on?? ?Don?t tell me you were home schooled. It?s kind of obvious. Tow guys fighting. One guy will win. Betters get money. Simple, no?? ?No. I just, oh, never mind.? Matt just stayed quiet, and watched the fight, and considered his options. One of them had silvery hair, and seemed to be one that was calmer, the type that would analyze the situation. He had probably taken martial arts or something. The other one, though, was acting all crazy like, like he was some sort of Jamaican fighter. His moves were anywhere and everywhere, and just downright impossible to analyze without giving Matt a headache. Both seemed like he could win. The crazy one kept on missing hits, but the calmed person seemed to get more and more nervous. Or, at least that?s what it looked like to Matt, what with this being the first time he actually decided to analyze a fight. Mostly, he would just watch, and not think about it. It seems like a lot of things were different at Boston-Two. [center]*[/center] C: Have they arrived? S1: Yes, Commander Tservi. The Analyzers have confirmed that the Blood Weapons have drawn the Devil Children to the Public Gardens. C: As expected. I need the Retrievers to rendezvous with them ASAP. Fate isn?t going to give us much time for this. S1: Of course. [/color] [SIZE=3][B]OOC[/B][/SIZE] Oh snap! The Prologue is almost over. When teh fight is finished, prepare for the awakening. And for a certain individual to create lots of chaos. xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redemption Posted February 27, 2007 Share Posted February 27, 2007 OOC: To all concerned, Zed isn?t that kind of fighter. He is very similar to Zeke in fighting style, FYI. It?s more experience than a style, per say. [INDENT][size=1][color=Indigo]Zedidiah glared up at the white-haired freak with his almost demon looking, blue eyes. They held nothing but loathing for the young man that stood above him. Kicking Ezekiel?s leg out of the way, Zed rolled over back onto his feet. He stood and brushed some of the dirt from his white, long sleeved school shirt. His red tattoos glistened through the white shirt faintly, giving him an eerie air. [b]? So what if you have a girl and I don?t,?[/b] Zed said confidently, now looking sadistically over at Summer and the girl that stood beside her, who he now recognised as the one slept through their physics class ? the one who started all this, in reality. [b]? Besides, she?s not that much of a catch,?[/b] Zed added with a hint of distaste as he looked Summer up and down. [b]? Are you insulting her??[/b] Ezekiel growled and stepped forward threateningly. Zed?s eyes glittered maliciously. [b]? And what if I am??[/b] The tattooed teenager could see Ezekiel?s attack coming from a mile away. One uppercut, which he dodged to the right; a kick to his waist on the right, by some miracle, he managed to duck underneath and finally, another swinging jab to the left of his head, which he danced around. Or so he thought. Ezekiel let a smirk thin his lips as he turned the jab around into a grab, thrusting his fist in the opposite direction to grab Zed by the shirt. The white-haired teenager gripped his opponent by the scruff with brute force and, using what momentum he could muster, attempted to throw Zed to the ground. Shock stunned Zed for a moment as a solitary thought flickered through his mind. [i]?? am I going to lose??[/i] The blue-eyed teenager grit his teeth with a resolved determination. Before Ezekiel could react, Zed swung his legs around and took his opponent?s legs out from underneath him. The two crumpled to the ground in a heap. A moment passed before the two turned to each other, both grabbing the other?s throat in an instinctive movement. When Summer realised that the two were going to choke each other to death simultaneously, she stepped in and pried them from each other. Zed stood, taking in deep breathes, his eyes looking wild and mad ? his now untidy spiky hair making him look like he was about to commit murder. [b]? That?s enough, both of you,?[/b] Summer said in a disapproving tone, glaring from one boy to the other. [b]? The fight is going to end as a draw.?[/b] The crowd around the two fighters were astonished. Between the two, there came no result. All thought either one, or the other, was going to win. It even took Zed by surprise, but he didn?t show it. Instead, he ran a bandaged hand through his hair with a soft smile on his lips. [i]It?s not a loss? just a postponement to the next battle?[/i] He looked up at Ezekiel, who was now being fussed over by Summer, and a few of his friends. Turning around, Zed started to walk to one of the darker parts of the park, away from the commotion of the crowd. A heavy sigh escaped his lips. [i]Not bad? not bad at all? I hope we?ll get to finish our fight soon? Zeke.[/i] [/size][/color][/INDENT] OOC: Sorry to keep you waiting Matt. You can start the next chapter now, if you like. ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doublehex Posted February 27, 2007 Author Share Posted February 27, 2007 [color=white][right]One 'The Beast...Maybe its just us...'[/right] A draw? Matt really wasn?t expecting that from his first big fight. He was expecting some sort of big finish, or a close call, or something totally unexpected. But no, that girl had to walk in and end it all. Saying he was disappointed would be insulting. ?Does that happen often Jonas? Or am I just lucky?? ?You?re just lucky.? ?Perfect?, Matt sighed. All of a sudden, Matt?s head started to get woozy, topsided. His vision was becoming blurry, like a bunch of merged colors. ?About time you decided to show up.? Matt turned to see the speaker. It was being casted in red, a trench coat that appeared scaled as its attire. It appeared human and demonic. It was demonic. Matthew shook his head, trying to make comprehension of what was going on. He saw that everything was black, spirits oozing out of the ground like some great horror movie. What the hell was going on? ?Still confused eh?? Matt didn?t speak. ?Let?s just say you managed to wake up.? Then it, and the realm, disappeared. ?The hell?just?happened?? Matt brought up his hand to steady his shaking face, but he winced at a cut. Confused, he looked at his hand. It was clawed?like that demon. ?Oh my god!? Matt fell to the ground out of sheer shock. ?What is this? This is a dream? Right? Yeah, it?s a dream. That?s all it is. That?s all it has to be! No?this is madness?.this is insanity?this is unreal! It?s not real! Its not! Its not!? [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redemption Posted February 27, 2007 Share Posted February 27, 2007 [INDENT][size=1][color=Indigo]Collapsing against a tree in the darkness, Zed looked around at the park that surrounded him. It was kind of odd how everyone turned up to that fight like that. No one would have been concerned if Zed had challenged some other kid, but it seemed that Zeke had a lot of followers, friends even. The sounds of the crowd were still nearby. None of them had left yet. Looking down at his bandaged hand, Zed remembered how he managed to injure it. Those faces were haunting him again, like they did every time he looked at himself in the mirror. They would always be there, looking back, mocking him. The tattooed teenager swore and felt like thumping his bandaged hand into the earth when he felt his skin move in a sickening way. Zed looked down at his hand, his eyes wide. The wound was bleeding again? but? it didn?t feel quite right. After taking off the bandage, Zed looked at the large gash the mirror shards had made. But what he saw made him gag. Four thick globules of his blood oozed out of the wound and onto his palm. With an astonished face, the teenager watched the four blobs of blood snake up to each of his fingers ? from his index to his pinkie ? and start to form some sort of jewellery. Zed?s throat was tight, his mind a blur with thoughts such as [i]What the hell is going on[/i] and [i]What did that Ezekiel kid do to me[/i]. After a time, the four globules of blood became hard and touch like steel, becoming rings. However, these rings still remained the colour of his blood ? a rich, dark red. Zed turned his hand over, the wound now entirely healed, to look at the rings more closely. One the little finger?s ring was a hangman?s noose; the ring-finger ? a small angel; the middle finger ? the yin-yang symbol, and last but not least, the index finger, which was a skull. The skull ring was the one that intrigued Zed the most. It looked very cool, but at the same time, forbidden. As he went to take off the ring, he felt his body got stiff as a cold blade was run through his heart. His eyes were wide but the world around him grew dark. Was he dying? Zed looked down to where he felt something through him. To his shock, an ornately carved hilt of a sword poked out from his chest. He looked over his shoulder to see the long, bloody silver blade of the sword poking out from the other side. The young man felt vomit rising in his throat as he turned around to see a foreboding man looking down at him. The man was dressed in a black armour, with a mask on. Zed looked up at the mask and saw there were no eyes behind it. His body was starting to grow cold, as if he was dying there and then. The ?black knight? leant down near Zed?s whitening face, his hand wrenching up Zed?s sleeve to reveal part of his tattoo. [b]Use that ring? and you will take the life of another? and it will flow into you by these?[/b] The knight stroked Zed?s red spider-like tattoo. [b]? but be warned? if you use it? you will also take some life of yourself? three times is your limit, before you become a living corpse?[/b] With that, the knight slid the sword out of Zed?s body and let the boy collapse onto the ground in front of him, which was now the springy turf of the park. Zed felt life rush back into him, taking in a huge gasp of air as he got to his feet slowly. He looked at the rings on his right hand cautiously. What exactly happened on this night of all nights?[/size][/color][/INDENT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riku Posted February 27, 2007 Share Posted February 27, 2007 [COLOR=LightBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Tahoma][B]"What in the world is going on...?"[/B] Aizen slowly walked towards Matt and crouched down next to him, scooping his sweaty body into her shaking arms. She quickly looked at his body, trying to realize what the symptoms were. His eyes were slightly dazed, his mouth was uttering words that she couldn't hear, his hands were violently shaking and his whole body was continuously shaking. It was as if something had appeared to him in his own vision... something that scared him half to death... [B]"Hey... hey! Wh... what's going on?!" "Matt... Matt, what's wrong?!"[/B] Aizen looked to her side to see the card- playing boy leaning next to her, also wondering what could be wrong with Matt. Without even realizing it, Aizen had remembered that this was the guy which she had made a fool of herself in the locker hallway, forgetting to even ask his name, but now... here she was, trying to comfort him in this chaotic state. She then looked at the boy next to her and tried to understand who he was and what was going on. [B] "Do you... know who he is?"[/B] The boy nodded. [B]"Yeah, his name's Matt... he's fairly new to this school, but... I don't understand... what's going on?" "Wait, you mean... he hasn't done this before?" "Not that I know of,"[/B] he replied while shaking his head, [B]"but from what it looks like, it seems like some monster appeared right before his eyes without us even realizing it."[/B] The boy then looked at Aizen's worried face and slightly nodded his head without her knowing. [B]"I remember... you're also new at our school... my name's Jonas, the one you were staring at."[/B] he said kindly, chuckling a bit. Aizen blushed slightly and apologized for her curiosity. She slightly nodded and smiled a bit, still a little shaken up from the action at hand. [B]"It's nice to meet you, Jonas. My name's Aizen Strife..."[/B] Before she could say anymore, a soft thud coming from the area in the Gardens where the two boys were fighting. The two looked up and saw the boy with spiky blueish- black hair leaning on the ground on all fours, gasping and sweating just like Matt... as if he, too, had seen a ghost. [B]"Him too..."[/B] she stuttered, nervously biting her lower lip. [B] "Seems like Zed also had a problem... something's going on here..."[/B] Aizen slowly turned her head to a thinking Jonas, wondering what could be going on. The name Zed rang through the back of her mind from a lot of gossip going on at the school. He was quite popular and mostly known for his great fighting skills, but also for being a total bully and a sharp attitude. She stared at him for awhile while he was still on the ground gasping for air, thinking about some thoughts of her own. [B]"So... I wonder how it feels to actually be kneeling on the ground in a loss instead of standing up and winning..."[/B] Suddenly, as if something had hit her head violently, a sharp headache came into her head, causing her to use her right hand for support with the other still holding Matt. In a few seconds, the pain grew more and more painful, causing her to lay her head onto Matt's body and her hand clenching her hair, small groans coming from her mouth. [B]"Aizen, are you okay?! What's wrong?!"[/B] Jonas quickly replied while he saw her in pain, his hands softly clenching her shoulders in order to keep her from falling onto the ground. [B]"I... I don't know,"[/B] she replied meekly, still holding her head and supporting her body, [B]"I just got this massive headache out of nowhere and..."[/B] Before she could say anything else, more pain came rushing into her head, causing her to yell and drop Matt onto the ground while holding her head with both hands as her body felt more and more weak. Aizen felt like she was about to vomit, so much pain flooding her mind, not allowing her to think straight. The pain became so intense that Aizen passed out, the darkness enclosing in on her vision. She was then on a barren wasteland of darkness, nothing standing in the distance except a cold wind blowing, causing her to put her hands around her body to try to keep warm. [B]"Wh... what's going on?"[/B] she slowly replied, small blows of cold air escaping from her mouth. She started walking into nowhere, looking around for some sign of life, until spikes of ice quickly shot up from the black ground, causing her to jump out of the way in time before she was stabbed. More and more kept coming up until it created a sharp array of ice spikes, the darkness now a bright yet shiny transparent blue. It had become more and more cold, causing Aizen's body temperature to decrease below normal. But, before she could feel the consequences of the weather, a blue woman with long icy- blue hair with strands wrapped around ice clips, her body and chest wrapped in a blue cloth with snowflake designs and pieces of ice in certain places floated in front of her with a sword in hand, landing gracefully on the ice. Aizen quietly gasped in awe of the woman's icy beauty, but also felt a sense of closeness to her as if she had known her forever. The woman stepped towards her with grace, trails of ice encased in the ground with every step. As she was a few inches away from Aizen's face, she leaned in closer and delicately lifted her right index finger and lightly tapping Aizen's nose, a small blue and white light glowing. Aizen flinched a little, but as she was slowly opening her eyes, her body didn't feel cold anymore... in fact, it felt... normal. She looked at herself in awe, then at the frozen beauty, whom was smiling as she placed her hands to her side. [B]"Young yet bold... small yet strong,"[/B] the woman started saying, [B]"Aizen Strife... I have known you for so long, yet you continue to grow in different ways that will help yourself and others in the future..." "B... but I don't know w.."[/B] Aizen was suddenly stopped with the woman's finger, an icy coldness sealing her words. The woman smiled again and lightly placed her hand on Aizen's head. [B]"My name is Shiva, I have been and will be watching over you from now on... the calm yet violent power of the icey depths will now be in your control... you must use it with utmost caution... for if you do not, not only will you suffer... but your friends and the others around you will fall apart... left behind in the blizzard of life."[/B] Shiva then lifted the sword and handed to Aizen's slightly shaking hands, the hilt glowling a soft blue. Aizen slightly gasped, remembering that this was her sword that was in her closet in her room ever since her father died many years ago. Before she could say anything else, Shiva gently placed her right hand on the sword and used her left to slowly lift Aizen's chin. [B]"Your blood weapon shall be that of your father's.. use it well..."[/B] she smiled and nodded, [B]"Blue Winter shall now be upon you... do not be scared, but trust in the coldness that surrounds the depths of your soul..."[/B] And suddenly, everything faded to black, all the ice and the woman named Shiva had dissapeared into nothingness. [B]"Hey, are you awake now? Aizen?"[/B] Aizen's eyes slowly opened, looking at the two boys whom she was with before she had passed out. Jason, whom was watching her, was relived while Matt, whom she was holding, was looking down at her, her head in his lap. She slightly gasped and quickly sat up, whincing from a slight twinge of pain. [B]"Woah, woah... easy now,"[/B] Matt replied, holding her before she fell down, [B]"you don't want to rush yourself after passing out."[/B] She looked at him while he was smiling, causing her face to turn bright red. [B]"What happened?"[/B] Jonas finally replied, [B]"First you're okay, then... you pass out suddenly..."[/B] [B]"I don't know..."[/B] she replied, her hands covering her hot, flushed face, [B]"but, something... happened.. something strange..."[/B] [B]"You're telling me,"[/B] Matt replied, pointing at her mouth, [B]"it's about eighty degrees outside, but your breath is letting out cold air."[/B] All three of them looked at each other in confusion as Aizen slowly put her hands over her mouth, becoming cold from her icy breath. [B]"Something astonishing happened... didn't it?"[/B] She slowly looked up at Matt, whom had a seriousness covering his expressions. Aizen realized that Matt knew exactly what she had just gone through... they had a sense of closeness while Jonas just sat there in astonishment and confusion. [CENTER]+++[/CENTER] OCC: Yay, finally, a long post from me! :D Hope this was okay for you guys, Matt and Revelation, because I had a lot of fun. I hope I get to meet more people along the way, aswell. :3 Also, I support the MattxAizen Fan Club all the way. *roots for Aizen and Matt* >;3--[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Revelation Posted February 28, 2007 Share Posted February 28, 2007 Jonas knew at once that something definitely wasn?t right; it didn?t really take a genius to realize that; there was something off from the beginning of the day. His friends always teased him about having a ?sixth sense? but this was by far something his friends wouldn?t have teased about. He knew it from the moment he woke up and yet dismissed it, thinking it was his vivid imagination. First Matt passes out and when he regains consciousness his right hand becomes a claw then Aizen does the same only to wake up with icy cold breath. Then a few feet away the agile fighter, Zed, had done what both Aizen and Matt had done; albeit, Jonas couldn?t say for sure what he was going through. Jonas could only see the two kids in front of him and they seemed calm, a bit nerve-racked, but calm nonetheless. They both didn?t know what was going on and what just happened but it didn?t seem to affect them much. They looked at each other with concerned but also awestricken eyes. [i][B]Jonas??[/i][/B] Someone had said his name. It was a whisper but he had heard it. Jonas looked around the park quickly, knowing that he heard his name. He looked all around to see if any of his friends were around but they were nowhere to be seen. Blinking his eyes a few times, he looked back at the two younger kids with confusion in his eyes and again? [i][B]Jonas?[/i][/B] This time the voice had gotten closer. Jonas was now more alert; his heart pounded, his hands clenched into a fist, and his breath quickened. He looked to his left and he looked to his right, searching for the source of the voice but found nothing. He unclenched his fist and again? [i][B]Jonas.[/i][/B] When he looked behind him his face met with a white mask similar to that of a comedy/drama mask. In surprise, Jonas stumbled backwards and fell onto the wooden table. This face was floating in the air and as it moved closer its body became more visible. It wore an orange and white jester?s outfit- shoes, gloves, hat- and in his gloved hands were a deck of cards. Jonas tried to speak but he couldn?t, something either stopped him from doing so or he was still shocked and his body refused to work. Instead, the jester that was walking in the air spoke. [B][i]Well, hello.[/i][/B] The jester spoke with an accent that sounded like a mix of Irish and English. [B][i]?S matter, mate?[/i][/B] The jester leaned forward and put his face close to Jonas?, examining his face. [B][i]You look like you?ve just seen a ghost.[/i] ?More like a deranged mental patient.?[/B] Finally Jonas? voice returned. When it did, he managed to sit up straight and found that the world around him stopped. All he could think of to say was, [B]?Am I dead??[/B] The jester straightened up and laughed. He took a hand to his eye-hole and wiped away nothing, only acting like his eyes were tearing up from his laugh. [i][B]My boy, you?re not dead. If you were, I wouldn?t be here.[/B][/i] The jester proceeded to play with his cards more. [B][i] And by the way, I am no ?deranged mental patient.? I?m? well we?ll get into that later. For the time being, you can call me?[/B][/i] The jester let the cards play themselves in the air as he took a bow, saying as he looked up, [B][i]Mephistopheles. And these cards, the ones you always carry?[/B][/i] It was then that Jonas searched himself, realizing that the jester that called himself Mephistopheles had them. [B][i]Let?s just say they have a[/i] special purpose [i]in your life.[/B][/i] Jonas blinked a few times. Before he could ask any questions, the jester looked at his make-believe watch and said, [B][i]Whoops, time for me to go. Here, take these cards. You?ll need them.[/B][/i] Blinking again, life had returned to the Gardens. Jonas looked at the deck in his hands and each had a significant picture and name. It reminded him of tarot cards?but these were far different from mere gypsy cards. [B]?Mephistopheles, huh? I?ll probably be seeing you real soon, I?m sure.?[/B] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kitty Posted February 28, 2007 Share Posted February 28, 2007 [size=1][indent][b] ?What was that for??[/b] Ezekiel asked gruffly, rubbing his neck as he watched Zed walk away. [b] ?Ah, I was guilted into it. [i]I[/i] wanted to see you beat him to a bloody pulp, but when you two started choking each other I started to wonder. What good would two dead bodies serve anyway??[/b] Summer joked. [b] ?Thanks for your concern,?[/b] he replied sarcastically as she helped him off the ground. She began dusting himself off but paused when she suddenly felt very dizzy. Zeke picked up where she left off with a slightly annoyed expression on his face before realizing that she was beginning to stumble about. He grabbed her hand, but that only made her balance worse, and she fell forward onto the ground. Her dizziness had developed into nasuea, and that into a tremendous pain, as if her stomach was ripping open. [b] ?Summer? Summer?! What's wrong? Are you okay??[/b] he repeated, but she couldn't hear him anymore. She was sweating, shaking and mumbling incoherently as she rested in Ezekiel's arms, but soon she could no longer feel his presence. And suddenly, the pain went away, and with it, everything else. Summer blinked her eyes open, but she'd have preferred her eyes were still closed. It was complete blackness around her, but it wasn't just a lack of light, as she could see her hands in front of her, as well as her feet below her. [b] ?What the hell is this...??[/b] In an instant, the pain from her stomach returned and she let out a cry as she crumpled into a ball, moaning and crying as she threw up a few times. And then, she watched as a large, black shape began emerging from her abdomen. She tried to crawl away, as if it was climbing onto her instead out from within, but to no avail. She wanted to scream, but she realized that the pain was leaving with the... whatever it was. When it was completely out, she looked down at her stomach, pulling up her shirt to check if there was a large hole where the black [i]thing[/i] had come out of, but her body was intact. Looking up, she was startled, to say the least, by what she saw. [i]?You have awakened, I see,?[/i] spoke a strange female voice. Standing before her was a winged creature, its feathers navy blue in color. Over various parts of its body were glowing blue inscriptions in some strange language that, while Summer didn't recognize, could read flawlessly. Its torso was covered in dark fur, ornaments hanging from several longer strands. Its legs were thin, seemed to drape strands of a black silky material, and their blue color faded to white at its hoof-shaped feet. Part of its neck and its entire tail were covered with red, pupil-less eyes, but the only one that Summer really noticed was the one on its face. Around its lone eye, a black 'x'-shaped mark scarred its smooth, blue face, and white streaks trailed down towards its chin. Long white hair flowed down to its human-like shoulders, several strands falling over a long red horn protruding from the side of its head. [b]?Who-- ... [i]What[/i] are you??[/b] Summer asked the creature. [i]?You know who and what I am. You've just forgotten for the moment. But to save some time, my name is Caliga. Now, please open your hand.?[/i] Obediently, she looked down as she slowly revealed her up-facing palm. It was empty at first, but then she saw a black shape poking out from her skin. Even though it had happened only a minute or so before, and with much more pain, it was still an unsettling sight. When the shape had made its way out of her palm, again leaving her body without a single sign of ever being inside of it, she grabbed a hold of it and noticed that it folded out into a rather large fan. [b]?What's this for??[/b] [i]?Again, you already know. You've--?[/i] [b]?Just forgotten. Yeah, I get it. Look, just 'cause I'm supposed to know who you are doesn't mean I necessarily like you. And from this little... 'episode', I'm pretty sure you aren't someone I'm very happy to know,?[/b] Summer spoke, slightly resentful that the creature, now named 'Caliga', wasn't willing to answer her questions. She observed the fan in her hand, noticing some of the same inscriptions written on it when she folded it all the way out. [i]?Well, that may be true. Are you unhappy with yourself??[/i] [b]?What does that have to with anything??[/b] Summer asked, confused as to what the creature was trying to get at. She then heard an eerily human chuckle echo through her mind as she realized she had amused her company. Angrily folding the fan back up with a loud snap, she glared at the creature, though she knew she had no chance at intimidating it no matter how hard she tried. [b]?Don't see what's so funny. But I don't really care anymore. Just how long am I going to be stuck here with you, anyway??[/b] [i]?Not much longer. In fact, I'd say you're just about to wake up.?[/i] As the last couple words rang through Summer's ears, she felt herself getting drowzy as Caliga approached her and suddenly revealed an arm from underneath the dense fur and feathers covering its torso. Its hand touched and held her cheek as her eyes fluttered closed and she fell 'asleep' for a moment before coughing and gasping for air as she sat up where she had first fallen. [b]?What the hell was [i]that[/i]??[/b][/indent][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyriel Posted February 28, 2007 Share Posted February 28, 2007 [SIZE=1][b]This was not the first time.[/b] [color=darkred]The feeling was familiar, this sinking feeling in the middle of her chest, the nausea that washed over her, and the dread that built in waves. Ana watched as other students started to fall to the ground; it was as if invisible forces had suddenly appeared and taken control. And then the recognizable black tendrils suddenly began to appear around her. She kept perfectly still, waiting for the inevitable. [i]Bathory madness?[/i]she thought to herself, as she closed her eyes to try and make it go away.[/color] [b]?It?s futile, girl.?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana?s eyes snapped open at the voice, the voice that felt like a ribbon of silk sliding across her throat. She looked up to find herself staring at coal-black eyes. She wanted to disappear, to become invisible to those eyes, but instead she only bowed her head to the entity that had appeared, whispering a greeting to the dreaded figure, [b]??Lady.?[/b][/color] [b]?You dare not say my name, I see,?[/b] [color=darkred]the figure replied, smiling cruelly. It was a slender figure of female form, with skin so pale it was almost translucent, and eyes and lips and nails that were like black shadows. Everything about the being was shadowy, wavering, sending black tendrils around Ana in gentle but threatening caresses. Midnight tresses of hair were cut sharply in an arcing line down towards the lady?s slender chin, and soot-black ribbons were twisted carefully around her neck ? she kept playing with a deep black thread in her hands, constantly weaving and winding it into different patterns and designs, as if she were plucking the strings of an instrument. [b]??Why are you here??[/b] Ana asked, her voice barely making a sound. The figure circled, [/color][b]?Do you still have the quills I gave you last time we met??[/b] [color=darkred]Ana nodded, pressing her lips together tightly. She could feel the shadows running through her hair, fingering the white linen of her clothes.[/color] [b]?Still afraid, are we??[/b] [color=darkred]the lady asked again. Her dark eyes showed nothing, but instead seemed to draw in and neutralize any light whatsoever. [/color][b]?Why it is you of all people, I do not know. Your father, your brother, your sister?any of them would have been a better choice, a better vessel. But for some reason?fate seems to favor the weak, in your case. What a cowardly girl? Julia would have been perfect for me ? so?mercurial, so fierce; but no, it?s you instead. Only you seem to be able to see me, to feel me?so I have no choice.?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana eyed her book-bag on the ground beside her, thinking of the carefully rolled quills that were encased inside. Shadows streamed out, opening the bag and unrolling the soft leather case. The quills floated in rows before her, and the lady ran her hands over them, touching each one. Then she looked up at Ana, [/color][b]?You haven?t used them yet. What are you waiting for??[/b] [color=darkred][b]?I?can?t,?[/b] Ana breathed. Her lips were cold. The lady took one of the quills in her pale hands, twirling it skillfully in her fingers, [/color][b]?This isn?t a choice you can make. It is not your choice to accept or deny ? [i]you are not allowed to refuse[/i].?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana clenched her fists, [b]?It is only madness. It is only the Bathory madness that my father warned me of??[/b] The figure laughed; it was jolting and eery,[/color] [b]?Is that what you think? That tale of the Blood Countess Bathory, your ancestor?is that what you believe? Oh Ana, you naïve little child ? this is no tale or dream. This is not something you can make disappear. I am real, and I?m not going anywhere.?[/b] [color=darkred]The girl could only look down, closing her fiery eyes again, [b]??It is only madness.?[/b] [i]Oh, if only it were so,[/i] she thought. She prayed, but deep inside, she knew?[/color] [b]?Shall I prove it to you, then??[/b] [color=darkred]The words made Ana?s eyes snap open a second time, and she saw the pale, slender figure begin to walk towards one of the tables, a quill in her hand. Dark eyes smiled mercilessly at her, [/color][b]?Come girl, come Ana, do you need proof? It?s what you want, isn?t it??[/b] [color=darkred]The shadows moved closer to the boy on the table, Jonas? Ana waited, her breath frozen inside her. The lady moved closer, and then the quill was poised above him, Jonas? Black eyes looked back at Ana one last time, and then the slender form of shadows struck the quill down towards Jonas?s throat with lightning speed ? [/color][/size] [size=2][color=darkred][b][i]?Erzsebet!?[/i][/b][/color][/size][size=1] [color=darkred]Ana?s voice ripped out of her. The shadows disappeared as if they had never been there, and then the quill appeared beside her, as did the rest of Erzsebet. The lady could only smile, dark eyes shadowed with satisfaction, [/color][b]?Ana?if you wait so long next time, someone could get hurt.?[/b] [color=darkred]Ana?s eyes were moist, but not with fear or sadness; it was anger that had replaced her hesitancy, [b]?Erzsebet?you will [i]never[/i] do that again.?[/b] The lady nodded, and then bowed deeply, [/color][b]?As you will, Mistress Sanglante.?[/b] [color=darkred]Pale fingers tipped with black nails wrapped all of the quills carefully back into the folds of the soft leather casing, tying the red ribbon tightly around it to secure it closed. [/color][b]?But Ana?you find that boy too similar to Janos, your brother. If you continue to do so, it may hinder you.?[/b] [color=darkred][b]?Do not trouble yourself ? I no longer see him in that way, thanks to you. But that was probably your purpose all along, wasn?t it??[/b] Ana asked as she took back the leather case back from the slender woman. Her voice was hard, still angry at the threat that Erzsebet had presumed to make; but the dark being had been put back into her place?for the time being. Erzsebet bowed, her dark hair waving in an invisible wind, [/color][b]?Then I shall retreat for the time being, if you would allow.?[/b] [color=darkred]Dark eyes met dangerous red ones, as if daring Ana to challenge her. But Ana only said, [b]?I will keep Sarvar well.?[/b][/color] [b]?Thank you, Mistress,?[/b] [color=darkred]and the shadows dissipated, leaving only the chill of the evening. She found that she clutched the case of quills so tightly that her knuckles were white; and her knees felt weak now that the danger was gone. Ana took deep breaths, watching the other students go through their awakenings. [i]Let them have spirits from heaven?instead of shadows from hell. Let them have blessings instead of darkness.[/i] But inside she still felt dread curling around her heart.[/color] OOC: If you didn't figure it out, Ana has already been awakened before this, but she thought that it was a manifestation of a genetic disease that has been passed down in her family. [/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Disenchanted Posted February 28, 2007 Share Posted February 28, 2007 [COLOR=White][SIZE=1]The final bell rang and Claudia was out the door as fast as a lightening bolt. She was tired, annoyed and wanted nothing more than to go home, but she still had to meet with Cam. The thought of having a good time picked her spirits up somewhat, her feet felt suddenly lighter. Claudia made her way home before taking a detour to the gardens; she needed some cash and a change of clothes. She sighed as she flung open the front door. Jack would usually be waiting for her at the breakfast bar, talking with her father, but neither of them was there. Jack would never be there again. Claudia quickly threw on a torn and much worn pair of jeans, her favorite pair, with a black singlet top and a large leather cuff on her right wrist. The black tank top exposed a [URL=][COLOR=Red]tattoo[/COLOR] [/URL] on her right shoulder. The tattoo covered most of her shoulder blade, a ram?s skull facing forwards looked menacingly with hollow eyes at all who would try and stab Claudia in the back, large twisted horns protruded from each side of its head. It served as a reminder to her, despite its somewhat slightly macabre appearance. Claud grabbed her bag, wallet and phone before locking the door and flying down the street. She was running so fast and in such a hurry that she suddenly tripped over on something and fell flat on her arse. She lay on her back, staring up at the blue sky for a minute or two, trying to regain her composure. Thankfully nothing hurt, badly, but she still didn?t feel like getting up. Out of the top of her vision, a face appeared; it looked down at her, half concerned and half ?something else. It was a familiar face; Claudia could have sworn she had seen it before. The boy looking down at her had long black hair, Claudia immediately blushed, he was hot! During her momentary swooning she finally remembered where she had seen him before. He was that boy she had seen this very morning doing weird hand-stand-like pushups at school. [B]?Are you ok?? [/B] he said with a slight air of arrogance. [B]?I?m fine?? [/B] Claudia trailed off, she was still admiring him. Her acquaintance extended a strong hand and she clasped it firmly and let him haul her up. Claudia dusted her self off and smiled with gratitude. [B]?Thanks.? [/B] He shrugged and began to walk off. Claudia watched him leave for a few moments, thoughts of jack came flooding back and she beat her self mentally for her momentary admiration of another man. [B]?Wait!? [/B] She called after the guy; he stopped and looked back at her over his shoulder. Claudia ran to catch up with him. [B]?I?m Claudia.?[/B] He looked her in the eyes as if analyzing her very soul. [B]?Kain.? [/B] He spoke confidently; Claudia swallowed hard and gathered the courage to ask him to go to the gardens with her and Cam, she felt compelled to ask him. [B]?Look, ahh? seeing as you were kind enough to see if I was ok and all? Would you like to hang out at the gardens with me and my friend? You know, just have a general good time??[/B] Claudia rocked backwards and forwards on the balls of her feet with her hands behind her back. She resembled a little child waiting for a treat from her mommy. She looked into his eyes for any indication of what he might say but they wee unreadable. Claudia could usually tell what another person was thinking by the way they acted or spoke, but this Kain; she couldn?t tell what he was thinking. He paused for a while, as if pondering he words carefully before responding. [B]?Sure I?d love too.? [/B] Claudia?s eyes lit up and a large smile broke out on her face, something which had not happened for a long time. [CENTER]+ + + +[/CENTER] Claudia arrived at the gardens with Kain in tow. She found Cam easily enough, she was sitting under a large tree, her pink hair slightly swaying in the wind. [B]?Cam this is Kain, Kain Cam.? [/B] Cam looked at Claudia a bit strangely, as if too say, [I]?where did you find him??[/I] Claudia shrugged and smiled mischievously. The three talked for a while about various things, school, work and other stuff. They seemed to click pretty well; Kain came across a bit arrogant from time to time and some what blunt but not so much so that you didn?t wan to be near him. Kain and Cam began chatting about something or other when Claudia?s attention wavered and her eyes began exploring the garden. A group of people caught her attention immediately; she recognized most of them from school. Two seemed to be engaged in some sort of a fight. Others were just standing around watching, Claudia stood on her tipi toes to better observe what was going on. Eventually Kain and Cameron also joined her, adding various comments about who they thought would win and such. Just as quickly as the fight had begun it ended and the three were suddenly left without entertainment. They began to talk amongst themselves again when Cam shouted out something, interrupting their conversation. [B]?Hey look!? [/B] Cameron pointed, Claudia and Kain looked over. The first to fall was Matt; at least Claudia thought that was his name. [B]?Looks like he just had some sort of fit??[/B] Kain added. Claudia nodded still trying to see what was going on. The next to fall Zed and then a new girl neither of them had ever seen before. After her, two more became dazed. The three started to get worried looks on their faces. [B]?What?s going on with that??[/B] Claudia stated. Cameron shrugged, both girls looked towards Kain. [B]?What ever it is, it doesn?t look to good.?[/B] He spoke curiously. Claudia watched as more of the group on the other side of the park began suffering more or less the same thing. Claudia began to back away from the scene when she felt something. A presence maybe, but she really felt something. Claudia looked around her, momentarily locking eyes with Cam and Kain. She felt as though someone was tapping her on the shoulder, but every time she turned to see who it was they would move. She suddenly felt a searing pain in both her wrists and ankles, the pain was so great she let out a scream and was forced to the ground. Everything went black. Darkness surrounded her where ever she looked. Claudia was surrounded by it; she couldn?t even see her hand in front of her face, if she still had hands. Claudia began to panic, her heart began to beat faster and her breathing rate increased to border line hyperventilation. Suddenly and yet, quite strangely, small white-yellow lights began to appear in the darkness. Now instead of a black void, it was a spotty yellow-white void. She finally realized where she was, she was in space! Suddenly a calm and strangely echoing voice bean to speak to Claudia, from seemingly everywhere at once. [B]?Welcome and congratulations.?[/B] It spoke with a strange quality; Claudia could not tell weather it was male or female. [B]?Who or what are you??[/B] Claudia demanded from the voice. [B]?Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers??[/B] Claudia said nothing in return, she stood and pondered the question, the origin of the voice still has not revealed it?s self. [B]?I will say nothing more. I leave you with a gift. Happy awakening.?[/B] Claudia started to speak but assumed that the voice was gone. She looked down to where she thought her body might be and was horrified at what she saw. Her wrists and ankles were bleeding profusely. Pair of metal wings had been bolted to her wrists and ankles. The wings were of a magnificent gold and black metal, they would have been almost beautiful, save for the fact they were covered in blood. Horrified Claudia fell to her knees, floating in space. Would she ever wake up from this nightmare? A pain began to shoot though her newly attached wings, apparently this horrible dream wasn?t going to end anytime soon. From within the metal folds of the wings themselves two black and gold objects began to protrude, growing out of them. Eventually the objects came out of her wings completely and came to rest in front of her. Two Sai that appeared to be made of the same material as her wings now were placed at her eye level. The weapons, as if by themselves, flew into each of her hands. The weapons although seemingly identical bore different inscriptions on their blades and hilts. Within an instant Claudia was back in reality, she in haled deeply and let out a sigh. [B]?That was?strange.? [/B] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1][B] Blah, I'm not happy with that. I just wanted so that Sakura, The Spartian and my self could be up to speed with everyone else without too much trouble. I'll edit this later, refine it, mabey change it alot. Let me know if you want anything changed The Spartian or Sakura. ^ ^;;[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Vectis Posted March 1, 2007 Share Posted March 1, 2007 [SIZE=1]Kain watched in a sort of horror as people collapsed around him. He had kept his emotions from being evident but he could still feel this encroching terror creep into his skin and up his body, like an infection that coursed through his veins. Threatening to take over his entire being and to never let go, a cold feeling clawing its way into his gut and gripping tightly, not going to let go anytime soon. What truly seem to bring everything to a realization was to see Claudia collapse as well. He thought of her as very beautiful and was rather concerened for her. He started walking over to her to see if he coudl bring her out of it when he stopped dead in his tracks. Everything started out with a light shift in the earth, losing his balance for a moment then regained his composure. But, soon enough, everything started to spin, slow at first but slowly gaining speed and gave no sign of slowing down anytime soon or giving in. Soon, the spinning forced Kain to his knees, his face pointed to the ground and his breathign geting harsh and rather erradic. His eyes opened wide, the aviators had fallen off which revealed his hawk eyes, with there hazel color intensifying. His pupils constricting forcing his eyes to focus harder, small beads of sweat began to develop on his face and body. Kain stayed on his hands an knees for a few more moments. He felt the earth stop moving, he felt that everything wasn't spinning anymore and that everything was calming down around him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he then started to stand up while exhaling and taking in another breath. Calming himself down enough where he could think straight and react properly if need be. He slowly opened his eyes and his eyes widened without his face reacting at all. He was no longer in the gardens, but in a desolate wasteland, one of fire erupting from the ground and spewing into the air and sky. The sky itself was blood red with the same colored moon hanging ideally, as if it was an eye watching him. Kain looked around as the terrain continued to erupt around him, showing how unforgiving it was. Kain kept turning in circles, trying to find a way out, trying to find a means of escape from this level of hell he had managed to fall into. Kain was about to risk getting brunned by running past the erupting fire when it all suddenly stopped and died down. His eyes continuesly searching and surves. He uddenly stopped dead as he caught a glimps of something and then is disappeared. He then felt its presence, the presence directly behind him. He turned around smoothly and calmly, only to find a hulking figure towering over him. Its stance was tall and unforgiving, confident and menacing. A cold, metal mask covering the beings face from Kains sight. Even though he was a little more preoccupied with the being features, its well defined and large muscles and the way its form was structured, as if it was built for battle and war. To easily take a spear head to the chest and just break it off and continue forward without thinking twice. His skin was a variation of every green and black possible, with a slightly slimy and rough texture with clawed fingers that well outsized any adult Kain had ever seen. Its dreadlocks hung over its shoulders, even though they looked hard and nothing like hair, it still was. Kain looked down to its feet and saw clawed toes as well with a consderable amount fo scars placed randomly on its body. Giving the impression it was in battle before. The tribal armbands and legbands certinaly add to the effect. Kain then heard a voice, echo through his mind with a hollow tone. [B] "Welcome Kain. I hope you are enjoying your stay. I know this place is very, wats the word,"[/B] The creature moved its hand in a poetic manor, which seemed impossible for it, [B]"Repulsive and terrofying. But, you get use to it."[/B] Kain stared at the being with hard eyes, trying to not let this creature believe he was scared or weak. [B] "What is this place, and who are you?"[/B] The being let out a vocal chuckle, sounding rough but still powerful with the resonating tone, its face pointing to the blood red sky, then coming back to Kain. Its head slightly tilting to look him over. [B] "This place is my home, and you will find out about me soon. But, for now. I must let you become better aquainted with your new, abilities. Hope you enjoy the gifts I give you."[/B] The creature turned around and staretd to walk off, it got about three steps away when it turned back aorund and walked up to Kain again. [B] "Oh, I almost forgot. Here's a, physical gift. From me, to, me."[/B] The being took one of its clawed fingers and jabbed it into Kains chest, he groaned and looked down at it as the being pulled his clawed finger out and stepped back. Kain fell to his knees and placed his hands right on the spot of his chest, he then opened his hands to see the blood pooling in them, then it staretd to take shape, the shape of a small rod that was protruding from his chest. He grabbed it with his right hand and slowly began to pull. The pain coursed through him as he pulled it out, he did everything he could to ignore it as he started to use two hands to pull out the rod. He continued to pull until the rod stopped, which was about five feet long itself, when he saw a piece of a razor sharp edge appearing, he then continued to pull. The edged slowly revealing itself as he drew it out more, soon enough he saw three spikes on the opposite side of the razor edge and at that point, he yanked it out and roared in pain as he breathed heavily and harshly. He then looked at the weapon in hand and saw that it had a sort of hooked edge then continued with the edge, around the pointed tip over to the other side until it touched the three spikes. Kain then looked to where the being stood and heard its deep throated chuckle. [B] "Beautiful isn't it. Well, my young host, I shall see you again when the time comes and we are to fight as one. Until then, I bid you farwell. Kain Cull."[/B] The being disappeared and the whole world he stood in vanished before him and he stood in the garden once more looking around to make sure everything was what he saw it as. He sighed with relief to himself then quickly remebered Claudia, he went to see how she was doing. But much to his suprise, found her well with a new sort of, accessory. He grinned to himself. [B] "She just gets more intriguing as we go. Mabye I should get to know her a bit better."[/B] Kain said to himself as he tightly gripped the glaive in his hand, the dark gray metal cold in his hands. His grin returning as he picked up his aviators and palced them on the top of his head and then walked ot Claudia in his smooth manor. Trying to act like nothing had happened and his glaive was natural, he seated himself next to her and looked at her new accessories with more interest, he thought of the question to ask that would work right. [I] 'Hmmmm, this could more difficult then I thought.'[/I] Kain thought as he kept looking for the right question.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Engel Posted March 2, 2007 Share Posted March 2, 2007 [color=white][size=1]As Summer sat up, she saw something that wasn't right in the least. Ezekiel lay on the ground, his usually dark skin looked bleached a pale white, his hair thin and tussled, his eyes open but unblinking. He lay there as his body began to contort into strange positions, most of which were humanly impossible. It was like something had turned him into a doll of realistic clay and begun to mangle him. Smash him out of anger, contort and break him. However, in Ezekiel's reality, he couldn't tell that was happening. When Summer had collapsed on his lap, he had kept trying to wake her and see if she was alright. As he'd went on, he slowly realized that the world was losing all colour. The deep shades of green dripped off of the trees and left the brances and leaves as a dull, colourless husks. Ezekiel blinked his eyes and looked at the trees again, before looking down. Ezekiel had to keep from yelping as he saw that Summer was nowhere to be found. Growling, Ezekiel forgot about his fear and turned that fear into something else. Anger. The kind of anger that got you ready for a fight and wouldn't let you go until your lust was satisfied. He stood, pulling his fingerless gloves back on and flexing his fingers tightly, walking up to the black and white trees. The rest of the world was melting away in front of his eyes. The world dripped off of the fabric of reality as wet paint off of a fresh canvas, pooling at the bottom. The puddle of the world writhed and twisted and then fell still in front of Ezekiel's deep eyes. He looked down and noticed two things. One, he was the only thing still in colour, and two, the puddle had begun to take a definite shape outside of the restrictions of reality. Ezekiel nearly fell to his knees at the sight. While he was a person of strong will, seeing this, this that defied and challenged the laws of nature right before his very eyes as if it was a natural occurence that happened nightly, it nearly drove him to tears. Was the world all a fake and shoddy canvis after all? Able to be torn down and melted and reformed at whoever's whim? No. Out of the puddle, a figure rose. In the abberation, the first thing that Ezekiel saw was in fact the rough outline of serpentile, bone-ridged wings. Narrowing his eyes, he could see the outline begin to take shape and form, tracing deep outlines and carving the ornate markings as if an invisible artist of inconcieveable skill wrote across this painting, giving it depth and reason. When Ezekiel blinked his eyes, he came face to face with a handsome young man and the reality as it had been minutes before, but without colour. Instead, it seemed like all of the colour had drained into this man before him. Long brown locks framed and covered a thin and sharp face that hid a secret grin. His hair was twisted back like - or covered up - twisted upwards horns. His attire was a melange of red and teal, deep and grandeur designs traced throughout. A tail lay between his strong and yet thin looking legs, whipping softly with boredom as he looked at Ezekiel. [b]" 'Ello."[/b] The figure said simply, and Ezekiel felt like this was someone he knew, but lost contact with as time went on. The man flexed his crimson and bone-white coloured wings, the world moving in extreme slow motion around Ezekiel and the handsome man in front of him. [b]"Er...hello to you too. Now, I want some answers, and I want 'em quick, and I want them straight. No beating around the brush."[/b] Ezekiel said it with force, even though his anger had been overcome with an overpowering feeling of awe that shook his very reality to his core. [b]"Eh, seems fair 'nough. M'name's Aufgermacht, and you're Ezekiel, and I'm you, 'n you're me. Simple 'nough?"[/b] The figure produced a cigar from his strange clothing and offered it to Ezekiel. He paused and looked at him. [b]"We like cigars, and don't worry, it's not real. For you, at least. And me? Well, let's just say I'm not worried about dyin' of cancer anytime soon."[/b] Slowly, Ezekiel look the cigar and placed it between his lips. Aufgermact leaned forward and flicked his fingers, the tip of the cigar bursting into flames. To his surprise, the cigar was almost like one of those cinnamon flavored toothpicks that he usually chewed whenever he had them. However, the cigar was a bit thicker with an even stronger taste. Ezekiel felt extremely strange. It wasn't every day that you were confronted by someone who claimed to be you that gave you a cinnamon-tasting cigar. Or any day, for that matter. [b]"...What do you mean?"[/b] [b]"It doesn't matter. Oh, don' chew that cigar, the taste is a littl' strong. I'm surprised yeh accepted it, as I checked, you're not 18. Meh, it doesn't matter, I guess, it's not even real."[/b] Aufgermacht muttered to himself, loosing attention in Ezekiel. However, the poke of a burning cigar held in Ezekiel's fingertips against his warm flesh alerted him. [b]"Anywho. All I have to say know me, more than you know anyone else, even that pretty littl' girlfriend of ours. Yes, ours. I'm Ezekiel and you're Aufgermacht, and yet you're Ezekiel and I'm Aufgermacht at the same time. 'Sall really confusin'. Anyway...I've come here for a reason."[/b] [b]"...What reason...?"[/b] Ezekiel stared at him, twirling the cigar in his fingers. He might have to get some of these from the creature - or rather, this thing that claimed to be himself and Ezekiel at the same time - as it was pretty good. Maybe the creature wasn't lying. [b]"To give yeh yer gift. Give me yer right hand, 'Zeke."[/b] Aufgermacht held his own right hand out for his. Slowly, Ezekiel gave him his right hand and instantly, he saw the flesh and muscle and bone melt off of his shoulder, dissapearing into drops of colour that rejoined the canvas of the world. In a wreath of smoke and flame, Ezekiel's arm had grown back, but with a new addition. A reddish orange, metal plated fighting glove that extended up his arm. As it was right now, it resembled the left arm of the devil that stood before him, and Aufgermact's right arm was Ezekiel's. [b]"Dun worry, it's just a glove. And it won't always look like that. When yer not in trouble, it'll look like a normal, maroon coloured fingerless grip glove like you wore today. And you can take it off when ya wish. Yer new arm however, might take a little time to settle in with the skin tone. I'm not as quite as dark as you are. Your body will slowly began to gain my properties. Like I said, I'm you, and you're me."[/b] With a wave, Aufgermact dissapeared in whisps of colours and smoke, the cigar bursting into a green flame that trailed off and rejoined the trees as colour. When Ezekiel came to, Summer had his head on her lap, and was biting on her lip something fierce. A droplet of blood splashed on his forehead and he stirred, looking up at her. She'd worried her lip into a raw, red mess. [b]"'s okay, Summer. I'm okay. Are you?"[/b] He looked at her, his deep eyes stained with worry as he leaned forward and hugged her close, kissing her to stop her teeth from biting right through her lip, and to comfort her. [/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doublehex Posted March 3, 2007 Author Share Posted March 3, 2007 [color=white]The man walked through the streets of Boston-Two. He was an old man, but if you were tell him that, he?d probably hit you on the side of the head and deny the fact. He?d then go on to say that the power of youth in the heart can defeat all obstacles. You?d also call him insane, and indeed, that would be a very accurate description. The man, who called himself Job, had once worked at a certain organization many, many years ago. He was one of their top researchers working on a certain project with a specific goal in mind that would complete some grand agenda for a noble cause, or something like that. But through a series of unfortunate events, there was this huge explosion, and everyone thought Job went kabloee. But Job didn?t go kabloee! In fact, the exact opposite happened! Job was alive! But something else happened! The great plans of the world were revealed to him, as well ad the Devil Children that would be involved a great deal with those plans. The night was very dark. It was day just moments ago! It must have been the Devil Children, Job decided. And so he was off, to see the mighty Wizard of Oz! But that was another story. For now, he had to pay a visit to the Devil Children. [center]*[/center] Matt?s back was against the trunk of a tree, his whole body shivering, all but his clawed hand. He stared with horror the details on the claw, like how some of its skin was peeling off like it was dead. Bone was protruding from the top of the claw like it was some sort of guard or at least, it looked like bone to Matt. It was white, and smooth, whereas the rest of the claw was rock hard and blue. Before, somehow, Matt had managed to comfort that girl, but he managed to slip away from the crowd to stay to himself in silence. What had just [i]happened[/i]? Was it all a dream? No, that was impossible, because everyone else was having this SAME, EXACT, THING happen to them. Maybe this was a nightmare? Suddenly, a tree slammed down beside him, almost crushing him. Terrified, Matt ran out, far out of range of whatever it was that caused the tree to fall. What he saw was a man sitting idly on the felled tree, clothed in a giant jacket, with a?paper bag on his head? If it wasn?t for the fact that his leg was hurting, he would have sworn that he was dreaming. ?Oh, ho ho ho! This is indeed a very Merry Christmas! They have come! I mean, you, and they, and everyone had come! Now the fun begins!? Matt was speechless. He wanted to ask just what the hell this crazy man was talking about, but he had an indescribable fear of the man with the paper bag. It was like he could sense this man?s power, like it was oozing out of him like his horrid stench. ?Where is everyone? Oh where o where can they be? They should be here, yes they should! Unless they are deaf, but that don?t make any sense, no it does not! So come here already! Anyone, everyone, and no one!? The man?s rant made no sense to Matt. All Matt knew was that he needed to run. So run Matt did, in the opposite direction. He didn?t notice that it was as dark as night. He didn?t notice no cars drove on the streets, or pedestrians walked across the sidewalks. All he knew was that he had to run. But he didn?t run for long. He quickly bumped into the man. ?You can?t go now! The fun has just begun!? Suddenly, he saw somebody approach. ?Oh ho ho! You?ve come. About time I say! But where is the other eight, heh? They should be here! Oh, there they are! Let the circus begin! With a grand battle! Now!? At once, light sparkled in the man?s hands, and a giant spear emerged. ?Let?s begin.? [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cyriel Posted March 4, 2007 Share Posted March 4, 2007 [size=1][color=darkred]As she continued to watch different children awaken, Ana jumped as a tremendous tremor ran through the ground and up her legs. Turning around, she saw that a little ways away, a tree had somehow been ripped from the ground, and had slammed into the dirt. Looking more closely, she saw a boy that she recognized from school, although she didn?t yet know his name. He had barely managed to escape being crushed, and now was looking shocked and astonished at?a strange figure that was sitting on the trunk as if nothing had happened. From the appearance, the figure looked to be male, but his features were indiscernible because of a strange, paper sack covering his entire head. The man cocked his head oddly, and then began speaking to the startled boy; however, Ana couldn?t hear what was being said, but she could feel even from this distance the odd aura that surrounded the stranger. He had a threatening stance, and then a moment later the boy turned, and began running. She continued to watch, her feet locked to the ground, until suddenly the bizarre man abruptly disappeared. He was just?gone. [b]?There is no way this is happening??[/b] she said to herself, unable to believe. But then she remembered the threatening aura, and the fear that she had seen on the boy?s face, and she couldn?t stand still. Ana started to run as quickly as she could, for some reason shouting back at the others to follow and help her. She didn?t look back to see if they followed, only hoping that all of them were recovering, and would follow her. She had a horrible feeling in her stomach that they would need all the help they could get? Meeting a wide street, Ana stopped for a moment to see where the boy had gone. It was then that she noticed that the streets were completely empty, and there were no other people around. Looking up at the sky, she saw that it had gotten surprisingly dark? [i]When did it get this dark? It can?t be this late already?can it?[/i] She couldn?t remember what time it was anymore, but no doubt the awakening had probably warped their sense of time. Looking to her left, she saw the boy still running like a demon was after him. About to call after him, it was then that she noticed his odd gait, and then looking for a source, her eyes traveled down his arm? [i]What is that?[/i] Ana was slightly sickened at the sight: the boy?s arm looked as if it had been thrust into a furnace, with skin blistered and peeling back from a grotesquely clawed limb that protruded where his hand should have been. Then the man appeared again, cutting off the boy?s escape; his voice rang through the dark silence,[/color] [b]?You can?t go now! The fun has just begun!?[/b] [color=darkred]It was not until Ana heard the timbre of his voice that she felt the threat and enormity of the power that surged through the mysterious being. It took all of her courage to take another step closer to the boy, and then another, until she was running again towards him.[/color] [b]?Oh ho ho! You?ve come. About time I say! But where are the other eight, heh? They should be here! Oh, there they are! Let the circus begin! With a grand battle! Now!?[/b] [color=darkred]With that, from two holes in the bag, the stranger?s eyes glinted, giving off a strange color. Hearing steps behind her, Ana took a quick glance back, and saw that the others had followed her. Jonas was first after her, but was still some distance away; his eyes widened, and he yelled to the boy,[/color][color=darkslategray] [b]?Matt! Get out of the way!?[/b][/color] [color=darkred]Ana looked back towards the boy, Matt, and saw that the odd man had dropped into a strange position, with his arm outstretched at a misshapen angle. In his hand was a giant spear, the length at least two times taller than he, and ending in a beautiful and sickeningly sharp tip. Flipping open the packet of quills she still carried, one of the slender instruments came instantly into her hand, and Ana knew it was the right one; her fingers closed around it, and her fear dissipated. She only saw the threat that the man presented, the attack that was aimed at Matt. The boy put up his normal hand to defend himself ? it was reflex: he was protecting his clawed limb as if it was injured. Flinging herself towards him, Ana pushed him out of the way, [b]?Move!?[/b] The strange man?s arm came down, smashing the spear into the ground. Ana had barely managed to shove Matt out of the way, but her arm was almost impaled instead ? she felt the length of the spear burning her skin as it slid by her outstretched forearm. Grabbing onto it, she hung on for life as she found herself lifted up into the air as the man raised the spear for another attack. He laughed, looking up towards her, his eyes glinting again,[/color] [b]?So, you like to play, neh? Let?s see how far you can fly!?[/b] [color=darkred]Before he had the chance to fling her, Ana let go of the spear, letting gravity carry her straight down towards the man below her. The spear flew over her head in a circle as he swung it, but she didn?t pay attention. Instead, she circled her arms around his neck as she fell, scrabbling to keep a hold on him to break her fall. With one of her hands she plunged the quill into his back, in the small bit of skin that was showing at the base of his neck. She felt sick as she felt the sharp tip sink into his flesh, but had no more time. His hand had already reached back and grabbed her shirt, and he flung her viciously away. Landing in the street, the rough asphalt shredded her skin and ripped into her clothes. She sat up dizzily, her eyes out of focus; her head cleared when the quill was thrown after her ? it clattered gently beside her. Picking it up in her hand again, she felt the instrument pulse, blood trailing from its tip.[/color] [color=green][b]?Ana! Are you alright??[/b][/color] [color=darkred]Summer called to her. Ana only nodded in response, watching the odd man warily. He stood in between them, watching the other children that now approached. In his voice she could hear him smile,[/color] [b]?The rest have finally come! The more the merrier; we can have a grand performance now! All the little children want to play now??[/b] [color=darkred]She didn?t notice the large gashes on her legs and arms, or the small bit of blood soaking through her white linen shirt. Instead, she looked at the others, noting some of the new things that they carried. The most noticeable was the new weapon that [b]Kain[/b] carried, a slender and elaborate glaive that he carried with seemingly no effort. He supported a girl that she knew as [b]Claudia[/b], who still seemed a little bit dizzy, but who was recovering very quickly. [b]Jonas[/b] she recognized instantly; he was beside [b]Matt[/b], checking over the younger boy, and studying the clawed appendage that Matt was still clutching. [b]Ezekiel[/b] and [b]Summer[/b] were also there, Ezekiel holding onto Summer?s hand to make sure that she was with him. The white-haired boy had on a strangely tinted glove that Ana hadn?t seen before; he kept checking on Summer, who smiled to reassure him. [b]Zedidiah[/b] she recognized as well; one of his sleeves was ripped open, revealing a bit of what looked like an ornate tattoo. She thought she saw blood on his hand, but on closer examination, Ana saw that there were four dark-crimson rings on his fingers. A girl she hadn?t met before, [b]Aizen[/b], now also ran up to Matt, her eyes full of worry, and [b]Cameron[/b] followed as well, looking around to take in the new surroundings. The strange man seemed to covet their attention; he walked forward menacingly, spearhead twinkling as he swung it towards them,[/color] [b]?Come now children, all work and no play brings death, don?t you know??[/b] [color=darkred]He laughed again psychotically. Glimmers of light seemed to surround the group, and shadows of weapons appeared in their hands. A dark silhouette seemed to appear from [b]Summer?s[/b] hand, and then it solidified into a beautiful, traditional looking fan that had pale designs flowing across it?s black surface. She unfolded it gently, and then swirled it a few times, getting the feel of it in her hand. [b]Claudia[/b] drew in a sharp breath, attracting Ana?s attention. She watched as the outline of wings surrounded her wrists and ankles, although she couldn?t make it out clearly. Suddenly a pair of twin sai materialized and flew into the girl?s hands, the handles engraved with gold. Ice seemed to gather and swirl around [b]Aizen?s[/b] hands, with motes of shimmering color finally settling into the shape of a slender and gracefully curved katana. The case was a rich, deep blue, reflecting the color of the girl?s eyes, and she grasped it resolutely in her hands. In [b]Cameron's[/b] hands the glow erupted into a large and intricate scythe-like weapon. It's wicked blade seemed to flower off with other sharp tips at the end of a long, arced handle, which the strawberry-haired girl clutched instantly. While Ana didn?t notice [b]Jonas[/b] holding anything, there was a slight glow from his pocket, and could guess that he had already received his gift. The odd man now started whistling a jolly little tune that one would often hear at the circus. He cocked his head again, as he looked at the group in front of him. Ana stared at his back, watching as he slowly walked away from her. Suddenly, he leapt into the air, spear raised at the gathered children in front of him.[/color] OOC: Sorry about the mega-post... I tried to form everyone's weapons, so hopefully it's ok. If you guys seriously hate the way I did it, please tell me so I can fix it... ^_^;; EDIT 1: Cameron's in.[/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doublehex Posted March 12, 2007 Author Share Posted March 12, 2007 [color=white]A thousand thoughts rang in Matt?s head as he saw the insane man leap into the air, spear lowered towards the ground. They all resembled one simple phrase, however: Get the hell outta the way! Obeying his conscience, Matt jumped upwards, not willing to have a spear lunged through his spine, running across the field. He didn?t look behind: he did, however, feel an enormous shockwave that sent him flying. He landed on the ground, hard, and he rolled. He eventually recovered enough friction to come to a complete stop. He raised his head. He was bleeding a little bit. Matt wearily raised the rest of his body up. He was shivering a little bit, probably from the shock. Breathing hard, he stared behind him. The earth had erupted from a single point, most likely where the spear slammed into the earth. It looked like an earthquake had hit just that one, single, area. A few people were on the ground; most were bleeding. Matt couldn?t tell if they were dead or not. Licking his lips, he turned around. The man was staring right at him, mere inches from his face. ?Peek-a-boo.? He flicked Matt?s forehead, and sent him flying into a tree. The bark shattered. ?Come on now! Everyone fight me! You can do it! Beat me, blast me! Hit me with all you?ve got!? [/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darth Vectis Posted March 12, 2007 Share Posted March 12, 2007 [SIZE=1]Kain only saw the man with the brown bag over his head coming down on them with his spear. He was about to jump out of the way himself when he remembered Claudia, and how she was still rather drained from the receiving of there new, weapons and such. He instead threw her out of the way and held his glaive up in both hands, the shaft facing the spear as it slammed down beside him and sent him and a few others to the ground. The shockwave resonated from the blast area and effected the rest that had managed to avoid his direct attack. Kain lay face first in the ground, his face cut up in several places along with his clothes and body. He laid there for severals econds before gripping his glaive again and stnading shakly. He stood up on one knee, using his glaive to support him, one of his eyes were closed from a cut just above it, as blood steadily ran over his eyelid and forced him to keep it close. It dripped off his face in slow drops, Kain used what strength he could muster and pulled himself to his feet. Standing up straight and holding himself up as confidently as possible. He witnessed at the man meerly flicked Matt on the forehead and sent him hurdiling through the air into a tree. He listened to the maniacal words of the brown bagged man. [B] ?Come on now! Everyone fight me! You can do it! Beat me, blast me! Hit me with all you?ve got!?[/B] Kain growled himself as he used his shirt to wipe the blood from over his eye, once he noticed the blood flow wasn't going to stop he jammed his glaive into the ground and tore of the bottom part of his shirt and tied it around his head tightly. Hoping to stop the blood from flowing into his eye, he need both if he was going to do any sort of damage to this man. He grabbed his glaive and whistled loudly to grab the mans attention. The man turned to face him, Kain could see the crazed look in his eyes. [B] "If you want to fight, come here and fight."[/B] Kain said in a harsh tone as he lowered his body, crouching almost, and placed his left arm in front of him and held up his glaive, while slightly resting it on his left. The man smiled as he gracefully and menacingly made his way to Kain, kain onyl had to wait a few moments for him to be within in striking distance and then struke. He thrusted the glaive forward, using as much strength the push it forward. The man dodged it and Kain withdrew and struck again. Repeating this motion as he stepped forward with eavh thrust, gaining ground while trying to formulate a plan. the man didn't wait for Kain to get a steady plan, he used his spear with such speed and ferocity that all Kain could do was dodge and parry, barely. The man hit Kains glaive in just the right place that it spun it in his hand and Kain was able to let it rest across his shoulders and turn his body side ways. He planted his feet once more put on a fierce face, his features hardening and responding just like his ancestors had so long ago in that battle that had put them at such odds. He used his right hand as the power and thrust, as he used his left hand to guide his glaive to its target. He thrusted the glaive forward, taking a step as the man with the brown bag over his head dodged and parried. Kain grwing more aggresive and fersome as the battle waged, using more power, more precisions and hidden skills that he never knew he had. He kept thrust the glaive, twisting it at the same time to see if he could use the hooked edge to snatch the spear and twist it out of the mans hands. He failed at every attempt, but still refused to give up. Kain then took it off his shoulders and swung it from behind him at the mands knees, hoping to knock him down. Letting the spiked edge do its damage if it hit. Unfortunetly, the man reacted far quicker then Kain could swing. He had brought his spear down to cover his legs. Kains glaive collided with his spear shaft and bounced off, Kains arm went back with it as he gripped it tightly. He man brought his hand up and smacked Kain right in the forehead with his palm. Sending Kain through the air, sliding across the grass and dirt. The dirt digging into all of his wounds and cuts, the pain was barely noticable on one cut, but the many he had was rather painfully. Kain cringed as the dull and throbbing feel corused through him. He lifted his arm up and planted his glaive into the ground. Using all his strength to lift himself up, the blood had oozed out of the makeshift bandage and flowed over his left eye. He spit to his right and let the taste of copper exit his mouth as his blood stained the earth. He brought his glaive up and his left arm across his body once more as he rest the glaive on it. His left arm cut up and bruised along with his glaive arm, his face hd more dirt smeared into it and more blood seeping from it. Several new cuts had been made by the man, every time Kain had dodged, he somehow had a new cut. The man smiled through his brown paper sac in his head. [B] "Come on, you must be tired from that. I can see it, you my boy are on ther verge of collapse. Just lay down and go to sleep, just do it, just do it!"[/B] He let out his cruel and maddened laugh echo, his twisted smile showing his pleasure and lust. Kain remained silent, gripping his glaive tightly, his knuckles turning white. Kain could feel how weak he was, his body was almost out of stength and he didn't know how much more of a beating he could take. But, something inside of him, something deep with in the dark recesses of his mind urged him on. Telling to never quit, to keep fighting until the only release was death. Kain smirked through the blood and brusing. The man turned his head, his smile still on his face, as if it was forever painted on. He moved swiftly, quickly and with no mercy, thrusting his spear toward Kain, Kain, at the same time, thrusted his glaive. Roaring with such ferocity, rage, anamalisim and power, that he could feel the glaive move faster, harder, with more force behind the thrust then any other time he had before. In that one moment, in that very instant. You could see it. The mere image of a proud spartan. Of a warrior who was raised to fight, to battle, to kill. Of a being that was beyond anything that any could fathom. That was such a force, then any that had hear the ring of his blade, would fall to there knees and weep. But, in the same instant, the sight was gone and all that stood was Kain, his polearm thrusted before him. Held in the air in front of him, tip to tip with the mans spear. The man just smiled as he held his spear out with such ease, Kain was huffing and puffing as his struggled to keep his up. To keep from faultering and losing his life to this psychopath, his left arm was still held across his body. As if a shield rested on it. The man licked his lips, and let out a breath. He then swiftly brought the other end of his spear across Kains head, sliding his hand effortlessly across the shaft as he smashed his spear butt against Kains face. The sheer force twisted Kains whole body and flung him through the air. Skidding across the dirt and grass once more, and forcefully hitting a tree. He lay limp for a moment, he looked dead to any who coudlsee him. His head hung and blood dripped from his mouth. The gash under the bandage gushed more, it looked grim for Kain Cull. That was, until his hand twitched. then his whole arm moved, his head swung a bit and his whole body moved slowly. Trying to gain some strength back, he lifted his head and looed around with one eye. He found his glaive laying a foot away from him. He reached out and grabbed it, then pushed himself up. Using his glaive once more to support him, he stood up. He spit once more, the copper taste was all that he coudl tasted. He wipped his forearm across his left eye to remove the blood. The man crouched down and held his spear firmly as he smiled sisnterly and observed Kain. [B] "Your very resiliant. You are fun, well come on. Hit me some more, you did very well with parrying tip to tip. Now show me some more, theres no time to waste."[/B] Kain huffed and puffed, summing what strength he had and brought his arm across his body and his polearm up. Standing in the spartan phalanx position as if he was born in it, he waited for what was to come. He couldn't move or else he would collapse, all he coudl do was wait for the next attack to attempt to aprry once more. The man took this oppurtunity, standing up and readied his spear. Kain stood at the ready, feeling weak and tired. But going to let himself rest until he knew he had held this man off long enough for the other to recover. [B] "Come on! Show me what you can do against a Spartan!"[/B] Kain yelled without realizing what he had spoken aloud. He stood waiting for the next attack, hoping to not collapse, and that he wouldn't die just yet.[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]OOC: Anyone can jump in and fight him, or you can continue to watch Kain fight in the Spartan Phalanx style. Your choice. :animesmil [/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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