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Hardwired Guidelines


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[center][size=4]Hardwired Guidelines[/size][/center]

Welcome to the Hardwired forum, where you can talk about gaming, technology and web development. There's a few guidelines to follow though.

1. Game specific topic deal with only that one game. A single topic is used for all discussion of that game and can be posted in regardless of its age. Please check the [thread=56766][u]Topic Directory[/u][/thread] before creating a new game specific topic.

2. General topics have topics involving more than one game. For example, the [thread=57780][u]What Are You Playing?[/u][/thread] topic is a general topic. Please look over the first two pages or use the search function to look for similar topics before creating a new general topic. If there are none recently active, a new one may be created.

3. To avoid revealing major plot elements of a game under discussion, please use spoiler tags. They black out the text between them, requiring others to highlight the text to read the spoiler.


[indent][sp[size=2]o[/size]iler]This is a spoiler.[/spoiler][/indent]Becomes:

[INDENT][spoiler]This is a spoiler.[/spoiler][/INDENT]

4. Topic that don't spark conversation should generally be avoided. Search topic, asking where to find something, are one example; simply use [url=http://www.google.com][u]Google[/u][/url] or the [URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=61079"]Ask a question topic[/URL] instead. Favorite topics, asking what people's favorite whatever is, are another and are only permitted if reasons are given for people's choices.

5. When in general topic about gaming, such as " What is your favorite video game music" please refrain from simply listing information. This does not generate discussion and your post will be immediately deleted.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM one of the Hardwired Moderators and we'll be glad to help.
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