Aaryanna_Mom Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#5d0b08][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] But without hentai... what would the world come too :animedepr Besides, what would happen if we [I]didn't [/I] have hentai?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]Honestly, all of you are almost acting like no Hentai at OB would mean it would cease to exist. It's ridiculously easy to find on the Internet. Much to the dismay of many parents of young children. We don't need a Hentai section at OB. Following the logic I've seen so far, not including it won't change one's ability to find it one bit. We've already got a good system here and just like someone would need to go to say a Harry Potter Forum for more in depth information or pictures, or one about any other type of topic that isn't really covered here, there's no reason why someone can't go elsewhere for Hentai. Just as many of you are crying about your rights to view what you want, there are those of us who don't want to view such things. And there's nothing stopping any one of you who want it from creating your own forum with Hentai. Just be sure you keep in mind the ramifications of keeping out youngsters as much as possible since such stuff is considered illegal for a minor in many countries. You don't need to change OB to get what you want and you know it. Besides, the advantage of setting up your own site would mean that you'd be able to do whatever you wanted, including allowing bigger signature banners.[quote name='James][font=arial][color=olive]The Anti-Terrorist Unit is failing miserably at the moment; I don't think you guys are going to win this round.[/font'][/color][/quote]*pulls out her paddle* Don't make me spank you young man. [spoiler]I'm kidding. ^_~[/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheResplendent Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [FONT=Tahoma]As it's been stated a number of times, the disagreement with a Hentai section of the boards being offered seems to have little to do with the acknowledgement that those arguing against it have seen or even enjoy it. When considering such a suggestion as it pertains to the masses and the addition of something that seems unnecessary to the equilibrium of the community, it's best to take into consideration the ramifications of it's acceptance into the board. As much as hentai is to anime, as the traditional meaning of media pornographic movies is to television, there are places on the web in addition to many other institutes where this type of material can be seen. Many free sights, many paysites, many sites specific to many sexual-philias, fetishes, and preferences. Including a section to encompass some or all of this on OB is not only extraneous, but it will hinder the basic harmony of the community, as members will inevitably join for this section and despite the increased traffick, OB will soon enough become associated with this too strongly and will have it's established reputation transformed. I have seen it happen with forums with normal pornography. Much can be argued to protect little children or those offended by such material, but the simple fact of the matter is...why should such tactics need to be thought up in the first place? It isn't needed for OB, OB does not need the help from this section and certainly does not need to rely on something like this in order to increase it's value or name. As i stated already it isn't necessary to keep equilibrium here and isn't necessary to salvage a fictitious sinking ship. The old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". If something is to be added, it should be something that the masses can enjoy and that can make contributions to the board taking all ages into consideration since we already have specific sections in those that appeal to gamers, anime fans, manga fans, RPers, artists, writers, etc. There's so much that already appeals to a specific type of person, with the Otaku Longue being the off-topic forum where people can come together. Even the community events section lately have been geared toward a specific type of community member and with fastidious restrictions. With the most recent being a short attempt at an anime themed event, and those before it involving types of RPs and a game with limited members. Not to mention, if somewhere down the line it were to somehow be instated...if something goes wrong and it's shut down, the launch sequence has already been triggered. There was something back in history during the time of Henry IV in France called the Edict of Nantes, where religious tolerance was granted to those who would choose against the catholic religion. Then it was taken away, and those who appreciated the religious freedom were broken and feeling at loss because of their religious liberties being cut short. Because of the taste of equality they had, going back to the old way of living seemed even more unbearable to the point where it caused those to convert in order to once again know peace. To make a slant comparison on a much lighter scale, though with the overall concept being in tact, if this section is implemented, there's a good chance that once taken away to deal with a possible problem with it, the rest of what the community offers will decrease in credability in the eyes of those primarily here for the hentai section and it will spread. People will seek elsewhere and OB will be back to square one from the moment the section was added. Meanwhile, this route is what those who would come here for that reason should have taken in the first place. The difference is OB doesn't have to suffer for it this way. Why potentially sacrifice what we already have and know for something that could deface it with not only it's presence but it's lingering image. [/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Desbreko Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [color=#4B0082]I must've missed it. When did the Suggestions & Feedback forum turn into Adventure Square's playground?[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [quote name='James][font=arial][color=olive]The Anti-Terrorist Unit is failing miserably at the moment; I don't think you guys are going to win this round.[/font'][/color][/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/3923/awesomefq0.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']I must've missed it. When did the Suggestions & Feedback forum turn into Adventure Square's playground?[/color][/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/6035/philip1kp6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andy Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial] Today is truly a glorious day.[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]Yes it is. I mean, I was actually beginning to wonder whether or not the OB would get any hentai or not. I mean, considering the fact that it [I]is[/I] a form of anime, you would think that we would have already had this. In any case, I hope that we do get us some hentai around here. Because i'm getting tired of discussing my hentai fav's with just Ikillion....lol. Well, I guess i'm off to wait for the this debate to be over, and for the OB to finally get a hentai forum. Yay.^^ [/COLOR][/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Copycatalyst Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Stop the obfuscation of denotation of the word pornography--all you're doing is connotating, and therefore pleaing to a treason of reason with a bit of a season of the fall of man say like I conjugate pwnage upon the page for you all! I call an embargo on morals and a more-alls of hentai! Let us all become cartoon ape-lizards and flamingo in 2-D. It will be great, my mature Otakuites--it will be so very hentaistic and perversive in a subversive cursive of [i]now this is [b]really[/b] otakuboards[/i]. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheShinje Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 The membership of the forum has matured significantly since it's founding way back in the early 2000's. Members have grown up here, and newer members tend to be already in the older age range when joining. OtakuBoards' has always grown with the memberbase. Remember a time when swearing was prohibited in all corners of the site? Now it is prevalent in creative writing, and role playing. OtakuBoards rose to the occasion and grew up with it's memberbase the day it relaxed the rules on swearing in relation to creative works. The idea was nearly transferred over to the boards as a whole no too long ago. A hentai forum would be just like that. It would be another step in the boards evolution to grow up with members who have themselves grown up. We need to realise that OB has become a hub of adult and mature discussion, and that a hentai forum would not be so out of line around here anymore. The members who want such a forum are not suggesting we allow Otaku Lounge to be bombarded with hentai galore, we just want a little corner where we can enjoy and appreciate this underrated medium. Anyone who doubts the pulling power of such a forum would be invited to count how many roleplaying games are marked with a rating tag that looks like this: [M-V[b]S[/b]L] There is no denying it. The membership is gagging for sexytime. [b]Bigger Things:[/b] I can only agree that this board needs a bigger size limit for it's avatars and banners. The current size limit for banners is a relic of the pre-V7 days when the display area for posts was smaller. It needs to be relaxed so that those of us who want a banner that stretches the length of the postbit can do so again! The avatar needs to be at least twice the size. A good avatar is one that can stop a reader engaged in conversation dead in their tracks, in admiration for the stunning artwork laid there before their eyes. How is this possible with a puny 150x80 size limit? This is the broadband internets now. Image restrictions should accurately reflect that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SaiyanPrincessX Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Neuvoxraiha][font=times][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I think it would be great if we could have a hentai forum for the adult or seemingly adult members to post in. Not only would we be able to talk about one more face of anime, we'd be able to share things that bring us happiness. Bible Black, Fruits Basket, and so on and so forth. Furthermore, bigger signature banners would be awesome. Not just in a Freudian sense, or a Jungian one, but it'd be super if there was more of us to love. Bigger is always better! [/COLOR][/font][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1]Well I completely disagree. I can't stand Yaoi/Yuri, or Hentai, so I would hate to see these sections up on OB. I always see OB as a family friendly place, as Shy said. As for larger signatures and avatars, I agree with Shy on this aswell. Bigger isn't better in this case.[/SIZE] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dagger Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [quote name='Aaryanna][COLOR=goldenrod']Oh and I'd join the terrorist group, just so I could see what type of bounty Dagger would offer to do I'm Not Nomura in. Though perhaps I should just freelance and offer to do it just the same? :p[/COLOR][/quote] I'm certainly willing to entertain offers from any party... ~Dagger~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wondershot Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 As far as a hentai section on our forum goes, I really don't know what else I can say on the matter, aside from the fact that there are so many other sites that feature hentai sections readily available and I see no reason for the members of this to request their own hentai section when they can just as easily find it elsewhere and discuss it privately while causing far less friction with the current membership here. What I can say about the established banner size, though, stems from an aesthetic standpoint. Aside from the nightmare it would cause those running a 56k connection, I have reason to believe that a variable banner size would have an adverse effect on the artistic design of this site. I like the fixed width of the banners because they ensure that I never have to scroll left or right to read all the text in a post. I think the fixed height is appropriate because it never interferes with actual text and doesn't make a post seem larger than it actually is. In my eyes, the size restriction fits a neat and functional requisite that allows the members to express themselves artistically without interfering with the site's layout. Furthermore, it is my view that the size restriction actually forces the members who design their own banners to use the space available to them more effectively. Using their 100 x 500 pixel dimensions, they have to be able to create a personal image that is still eye-catching despite what some would consider its meager size. Just as haiku has its syllabic restrictions or music has its scales and modes, the banner art here on OB is fascinating not only because of the efforts of our artists but because they have had to conform to our size restrictions and produce something that would wow their viewers despite being the same size as everyone else's. This practice, I believe, has made them better artists because of it. Finally, just because people can't have large images in their signatures doesn't mean they are unable to display them elsewhere on the site. Their signatures can always contain a text link pointing to one of their threads featuring wallpaper-size art. The same desired effect is achieved without morphing the shape of all the posts in the thread and slowing the connections of those still on 56k. No harm, no foul. That's my stance on the subject. It is the restrictions of the banner sizes that keeps the site dimensions normal and aesthetically pleasing while also inspiring our artists to get better at what they do...and they still have a right to large images, just not right in the middle of their signatures. I fail to see where the problem lies with this system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Boo Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [size=1]Interesting, most interesting. *gets shot* For starters, the [b]Otaku[/b] in OtakuBoards doesn't mean just 'anime fan'. James made very clear earlier in a Suggestions & Feedback thread that OtakuBoards isn't an Anime forum. In fact, it was initially based on videogames if I remember correctly. As pointed out by the Terrorists: Otaku means something around "real big fan" and "geek". It does not specifically mean "anime fan", nor does it in this site's title. This is [i]not[/i] an anime forum ? anime is just a part of OtakuBoards. In fact, the whole anime part of OtakuBoards has been shrunk down over time to one board with a subforum for manga. Period. So, throw all of your ?It?s a type of anime so it?s supposed to be allowed? arguments away. OtakuBoards isn?t a totally anime orientated forum ? it will never be ? so it doesn?t have to include all of the types of anime either. It has a forum for all types of anime that don?t have any kind of porn in it, which should be enough. This way everyone can look everywhere without the possibility being exposed to porn on OtakuBoards. With everywhere, I also mean that they aren't being blocked from a board, because they're too young of age. That's discrimination. Pfft. The banner restrictions are just fine, though I can?t see how increasing them is really a Terrorist Unit worthy spam subject. Anyway, you are being a bunch of hypocrites now. The TU keeps bringing arguments in the CTU?s direction about us being people who **** with OtakuBoards? hospitality and fun and all, while at the same time you?re saying ?**** 56k users?. Well, there are plenty of 56k users left, so you?re not being very good freedom fighters or anything. You?re just ruining the fun for a lot of users of OtakuBoards by demanding big banners. They will surely stop visiting as the loading time will increase dramatically, and no one really wants to turn off banners. It?s something that would ruin the fun that you?re so fond about. Right now, we?re the ones who want to keep this place user-friendly and open, while you?re being the ones to scare off people. The only result you?ll get with a hentai forum is attracting [i]mad[/i] parents and porn addicted perverts. They aren?t really the groups that I believe OtakuBoards is aiming for. Now I don?t agree with James who said that the TU are at the winning hand, as they keep bringing up unreasonable arguments that make no sense, but because of that they keep this debate going anyway. In fact they already lost. Meh.[/size] elisabethqv4 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nomurah! Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=#5d0b08][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS] But without hentai... what would the world come too :animedepr Although I though we already had a Supah Secret Hentai Lounge in the staff forum but I could have been dreaming. Although I remember some kind of white, memory erasing beam coming soon after that. If you need a warning image though I have the [I]perfect [/I]sign [CENTER][IMG]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/2935/cthulhufx2.png[/IMG][/CENTER] There shouldn't even be a tentacle monster outbreak unless we have people who dress as schoolgirls on a daily basis, have unusually short skirts, or hang around bathrooms far too often... Unless we get some of those rare yaoi tentacle monsters... Besides, what would happen if we [I]didn't [/I] have hentai?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=hotpink][b]I couldn't said it better... For one reason, because I'm officially dead in this thread, and another reason is....umm...Thumbs up. You rawk. Yeah.[/color][/b] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Allamorph Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [FONT=Arial][quote name='James][font=arial][color=olive]The Anti-Terrorist Unit is failing miserably at the moment; I don't think you guys are going to win this round.[/color'][/font][/quote] That is because currently the CTU is actually catering to the hentai-ists on their own ground instead of forcing them to fight on ours. We are losing because we are being drawn into issue traps instead of fighting fallacies of logic. Charles, I attack you directly. First, hentai. [quote name='Charles']It's not pornography--it's cartoon art that is shared freely in Japan.[/quote] By definition, it [I]is[/I] pornography. Proof given by Nerdsy in Post #16. As for your alternate definition: a rose by any other name, boy. Still a rose. [QUOTE][I]Come now, Shy. Is stereotyping really necessary?[/I][/QUOTE] Stereotyping is unavoidable. Whether it is necessary is therefore irrelevant. As much as I wish to the contrary, there will always be stereotypes because there will always be multiple persons who are the basis for said stereotypes and are thereby uniformly predictable. E.g.: a "cheerleader" stereotype exists not because someone arbitrarily decided what the epitome of a cheerleader was, but because a large amount of cheerleaders were found to act in an identical manner. In a relevant example, the "fangirl" stereotype emerged through the same process. [QUOTE][I]I think that ordinary people can enjoy this form of art. It could be said that any message board is capable of attracting deviants, but we all know that the moderating staff is capable of dealing with that issue.[/I][/QUOTE] To the former: [indent]That statement is true. However, it is a statement based on a possibility. The issue is not "can ordinary people enjoy hentai?". It is not even "will ordinary people enjoy hentai?", though that argument comes close alongside. The issue is "will the addition/availability of hentai serve to keep the forum's reputation [U]respectable[/U]?", and the answer is a solid No. I shall return to this point several times.[/indent] To the latter: [indent]The moderators purpose when dealing with deviants is to curtail them, no? How, then, will they do so when the means to the deviants' end is provided for them? A hentai forum cannot be moderated because moderation implies a standard to adhere to, and if a forum should not place restrictions on the inclusion of hentai, what would it serve to put restrictions on the material that would appear there? Is it not contradictory to impose standards on a forum designed around self-gratification? Degenerating even further, if we the Forum cannot place restrictions on the content of a particular board, how then shall we presume to censor the boards that the Forum also sponsors? By your logic, we should eventually remove all restrictions on content material and cry [I]"Do as you will!"[/I] across the boards, the result of which would be nothing short of utter chaos. From there, who are we to place standards on post quality? Such "outdated" practices then would be anathema to the Forum's policy, or rather the lack thereof. If we cannot presume to control one area, how then can we control any area? Answer.[/indent] [QUOTE][I]I do not think that we should live in fear of predators and deviants; they are all over the place on the Internet and we cannot restrict features just because they may be "out there." But, we can always keep an eye on things and deal with them if need be.[/I][/QUOTE] Indeed? By that logic, we should not live in fear of neighborhood burglars, larcenists, and murderers; they are all over the world, and we cannot restrict access to our homes just because they may be "out there". But we can always keep an eye on things and deal with them if need be. I laud you. [QUOTE][I]I mean, by the same token, myOtaku could be a window for sexual predators to contact children, couldn't it?[/I][/QUOTE] To borrow a parental idiom that is usually taken along with the rolling of eyes, if myOtaku jumped off a cliff, would you have the OB follow? We are not the same site, and this discussion is not about what other sites are doing. It is about what we are doing. Stay relevant. [QUOTE][I]I am sure that not only does the desire for this genre exist on OtakuBoards, it would probably be a healthy diversion for many of our members. At least they could relieve tension by lusting after fictional cartoons instead of stalking real ones on the Internet.[/I][/QUOTE] And what, pray tell, is healthy about redirecting lust from the [I]possibility[/I] of fantasy to the [I]assurance[/I] of fantasy? In either case, the member in question is encouraged not to leave Dreamland and make meaningful relationships on their own, but instead are encouraged to wallow in self-gratification and relationships of their own fabrication that will never be. Neither one is by any stretch of the imagination "healthy". [QUOTE][I]Furthermore, if you do not want to see the hentai, then it's not for you. Do not visit that area of the forums. Who are you to tell me that I cannot fap while browsing OtakuBoards?[/I][/QUOTE] To the first and second statements: [indent]You contradict yourself. You ask that restrictions be removed, yet you wish to impose restrictions on those opposed to your viewpoint? You also fail to notice a vital point in your admonitions. We do not wish to see the hentai here. We also do not wish to [I]provide ourselves the opportunity to see the hentai here and break with our own self-imposed limits.[/I] We already decline to visit those areas here, by making them nonexistent. You presume to tell us how to restrict ourselves?[/indent] To the third statement: [indent]Are you incapable, then, of running two different windows at the same time? Or do your hands/organs not function unless an erotic image is in front of your eyes? I will take it for granted that you will not be replying and "fapping" at the same time, since the reply window would deprive you of your desired visual input. If the above is untrue, then I say that you are already quite capable of "fapping" while browsing the OB, and so your argument is moot.[/indent] [QUOTE][I]So wait. I am just a little lost here. You do not believe that a facet of anime belongs on OtakuBoards? Perhaps you need to reconsider exactly what an Otaku is.[/I][/QUOTE] Perhaps. Let us see what you throw our way. [QUOTE][I][QUOTE=dictionary.com]Main Entry: otaku Part of Speech: n Definition: an avid collector or enthusiast, esp. one who is obsessed anime, video games, or computer and rarely leaves home Etymology: Japanese 'house'[/QUOTE] The word "Otaku" directly refers to a group of people [B]so depraved[/B] that they do not wander out of the domicile.[/I][/QUOTE] So then you [U]willingly[/U] call yourself depraved? Ah. Then let me show you something. [QUOTE=Dictionary.com][FONT=Arial][B]ob·scene[/B] (əb-sin') [U]?adjective[/U] [indent]1. offensive to morality or decency; indecent; [B][U]depraved[/U][/B]: obscene language. [U]2. causing uncontrolled sexual desire.[/U] 3. abominable; disgusting; repulsive.[/indent] [Origin: 1585?95; < L obscénus, obscaenus][/FONT][/QUOTE] Now from one of your allies: [quote name='Copycatalyst']Also, there is no "obscenity" in our sexuality, or the barbarity of our natures that is present in it.[/quote] Obscenity is defined as depravity. You admit that you are depraved in your sexual desires. Therefore, your sexuality is obscene by its inherent and self-admitted depraved nature. If you wish to fight for the same cause, at least agree with each other. [QUOTE][I]To suggest that OtakuBoards should not allow these people to browse sexually themed materials is depriving many of them their rights as Otakus--their rights to ogle over well-endowed anime illustrations engaging in artistic sexual activity. We may as well stop Pizza Hut from serving pizza because pizza is too "fatty."[/I][/QUOTE] You misuse the term "right". John Locke defined this for us: humans have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property. You are alive, and your life is your own to do as you see fit; you are not deprived of life by the exclusion of hentai. You are free to own your own property, just as others own the OB; you cannot explicitly own any portion of the OB; you are not deprived of property by the exclusion of hentai, because you never had it, and your possession of it would deprive others of their rights to own the OB. This leaves only liberty for discussion. And since we are so [I]very[/I] fond of definitions these days: [QUOTE=Dictionary.com][FONT=Arial]lib·er·ty (lɪb'-ər-ti) [U]?noun[/U], [U]plural[/U]: -ties. 1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control. 2. freedom from external or foreign rule; independence. 3. freedom from control, interference, obligation, restriction, hampering conditions, etc.; power or right of doing, thinking, speaking, etc., according to choice. 4. freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint: The prisoner soon regained his liberty. 5. permission granted to a sailor, esp. in the navy, to go ashore. 6. freedom or right to frequent or use a place: The visitors were given the liberty of the city. 7. unwarranted or impertinent freedom in action or speech, or a form or instance of it: to take liberties. 8. a female figure personifying freedom from despotism.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I will address each of these sub-headings individually. The idiom was omitted because it is irrelevant. If you wish to discuss it, prove me otherwise. [list=1][*]The administration of the OB has not created a hentai forum for a reason; there is no presence of arbitrary government/control. I fail to see the need for disproving the despotic clause; you must prove it first. [*]See nonlist below [*]See nonlist below [*]You are not bound to the OB. You are free to roam wherever on the internet you so desire. [*]The OB is not a ship, and this sub-heading is irrelevant. [*]You are free to use the OB whenever you wish. [*]This is similar to the purpose of the idiom. This is also what you and your compatriots are doing in this thread. :) [*]You are not a gigantic copper statue, and this sub-heading is irrelevant.[/list] As has been shown, so far you are not denied liberty under six of the eight parts to liberty's definition. Points #2 and #3 are inherently tied together, and I will discuss them now. The freedom from control and freedom from external government are almost exactly the same; the only difference lies in that [I]self[/I]-control only fits under point #3, and since you obviously care naught for that subject, we will abandon its discussion. Government is perpetually locked in a struggle between freedom and order. The greatest freedom occurs when there is no external government, and the most effective government exists when there is absolutely no freedom. For a government to be successful in both governing and appeasing [I][U]all[/U][/I] its constituents, it must constantly balance itself between the two poles. Your claim that the administration of OtakuBoards is unfair to you and yours is all well and good, and may even be true; however, the fact remains that the administration must make a decision based on [U][I]all[/I][/U] its constituents, and unfortunately some party will always be denied their liberty is some way as the administration maintains order, [I]as per its job[/I]. Also, it is much more difficult to overturn a preexisting statute than it is simply to create a new rule. In this case, the OB is preestablished as a family-geared forum, and the addition of a hentai forum would overturn that decision. If you are deprived of liberty, of [U]right[/U], at all, it is in this manner, and since such deprivation was bound to occur to someone, that someone seems to be you. I am sorry, but it is as unavoidable as a stereotype. The issue of banning Pizza Hut from serving pizza is ridiculous. If one were to call Pizza Hut and order a large pizza with grass, cocaine, and/or cockroaches as toppings, the Pizza Hut representative on the other end would most likely say [I]"I'm sorry, but we don't serve those toppings."[/I] Your argument translated to this situation would be [I]"But your advertisement says I can order a pizza with any topping I want! I want grass, cocaine, and cockroaches!"[/I] Their response: [I]"I'm sorry, but [U]we don't serve those toppings here.[/U]"[/I] It is the same thing here. You argue that, since hentai is a flavor of anime, it should be included in general uncensored discussion, and even have its own forum. I'm sorry, but we don't serve that flavor here. [QUOTE][I]Well, it is natural for children to be curious. That is not saying that I am condoning the distribution of pornography to minors. However, they are going to uncover it (no pun intended) regardless, if they are so inclined. If we offer an age restriction, we are upholding our end of the legal issue here.[/I][/QUOTE] Granted, children are indeed curious. However, this fact does not [I]ipso de facto[/I] make it acceptable to provide them an easy method of satisfying their curiosity. It is also the parents' (or parent's, or legal guardian's/guardians') responsibility to direct and control their child's curiosity. It is inherent in their role as parent. (Or legal guardian; I shall cease making this clarification for the sake of redundancy, but it is still recognized.) However, it is irrational to assume that a parent will be lurking over the shoulder of their child the entire time that the child is online. The parent can choose to block sites, but since the OB is reputed to be family-friendly, they will likely allow it, especially if either the child or the parent has an interest in anime. The parent is thereby [U][I]placing their trust[/I][/U] in the OB administration to uphold their reputation. If the OB provides a hentai forum, regardless of the restrictions or [I]offered warnings[/I] (*cough*) in place, that reputation would be ruined, and we would also lose a desirable member base and the opportunity to help shape that member and introduce them to the joy of anime. [QUOTE][I]I was an admin before and you are not convincing me; I doubt you will convince the others. I am calling for free love on OtakuBoards; how is that unreasonable?[/I][/QUOTE] You are not convinced because you do not wish to be convinced. If you did, this thread would quickly see you change your stance. Whether or not you are/were staff is irrelevant. Thank you, Boo, for pointing out that this is not [I]specifically[/I], nor [I]solely[/I], an anime forum. Second, banners. [QUOTE][I]The banners we use right now are currently sickly small. A huge size increase would surely attract more members because big banners send a message of big fun.[/I][/QUOTE] I would like you to explain what you define as "sickly small". I would also wonder what would be the results of a survey about what attracted members to this site. Oh, wait. We've already got one handy. How nice. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=57210&page=1][B][U]Why are you here on Otakuboards?[/U][/B][/URL] The actual reasons start being posted at #23 (skip #24) and continue on from there. Following is a list compiled from the responses. [list][*]People - 16 [*]General Topics/Conversation - 12 [*]Anime - 12 [*]Boredom - 8 [*]RP forum - 8 [*]Artwork[size=1]*[/size] (creating/sharing/critiquing) - 4 [*]Friend - 3 [*]Happenstance (aka search engine) - 3 [*]Rules/Guidelines - 2 [*]Creative Writing - 2[/list] [size=1]* There were no mention of banners specifically with this reason; though it can be successfully argued that banners fall under the Artwork category, the reason itself was uniformly along the lines of the three concepts mentioned in the parentheses.[/size] Granted, this was not truly a random survey; it was technically an observational study. However, since those who replied to the thread came from across the spectrum of the OB's members, I would hazard that an independent survey would turn up similar results, and that Banners as a specific attraction would be minimal, if nonexistent. [QUOTE][I]I do not think they would. If we are talking about basic large image with a requirement still placed on the memory of the image, we could still get away with allowing the increase without sacrificing speed. Furthermore, members have the option of disabling signatures if they do not wish to view them. So, if someone is behind-the-times enough to be using 56k, they should have no problem sacrificing signatures in favor of speed. Basically, the options allow them to decide what is practical or not. We should not have to suffer because someone has a slow connection speed.[/I][/QUOTE] By the same token, if there are members whose only access to the internet ? and thus OtakuBoards ? is through a 56k or dial-up connection, they should not have to "suffer" because of banners that cause slower load time on those connections. Also, what if the members in question still want to be able to view other members' banners? Answer. [QUOTE][I]I visit many forums that allow big banners and none of them load slowly; keep in mind that these are far more active forums. So, I doubt that OtakuBoards would be affected too much.[/I][/QUOTE] And what is your connection type, I wonder? I doubt it is either dial-up or 56k. [QUOTE][I]And the current image restrictions are hardly a nice balance. I would go as far as to say that they are anemic.[/I][/QUOTE] Again, clarify. Your opinion is unsubstantiated, and therefore cannot be agreed with nor disagreed with, rendering it irrelevant. Most of your associates are arguing that the current banner limits are restrictive of their artistic and creative capabilities. I pose this to you: what is creativity without restriction? If you were to tell me, [I]"Write a short story."[/I], I would quite honestly respond with a simple [I]"What The Hell!!?"[/I], because of the sheer monstrosity of the task. I would then go about [I][U]setting limitations for myself[/U][/I] so that I could actually write a short story without being completely overwhelmed. A quick glance into the art forum shows even more restrictions: [list][*][B]The Graphic Worm:[/B] Each successive entry is confined by [U][I]both[/I][/U] the size of the [I]initial[/I] entry and the extreme right side of the [I]preceding[/I] entry. In order for the Worm to function, the left of the added entry [U]must[/U] flow from the preceding entry; deviations occur at the artist's discretion [U][I]mid-piece[/I][/U], unless the previous artist has provided the means to alter immediately at the connection. [*][B]Banner/art Requests:[/B] The sub-forum sticky states specifically that one should provide images for the artist(s) to work with per request, since they are taking the time to fabricate a banner for the requester. Is this yet another unfair limitation? Or should the artist be free/be forced to create from scratch, which is, though more free, arguably more difficult on the muse and intensive on the researching; and then must the artist abide by the possibly [I]unfair[/I] verdict of the requester, who is not obligated to use the banner that they have poured themselves into? [*][B]Sub-forum Games:[/B] Like it or not, all of these threads mandate some form of restriction; otherwise, they would quickly degenerate into chaos and and possible flamewars.[/list] If we are to abolish size restrictions, why not abolish all restrictions? Or is size the only important aspect? Should an artist be free to throw up life-size masterpieces? Or should they be allowed to demonstrate their creativity by communicating a given theme within a set boundary? Isn't the latter just as skillful? There's a reason why we don't call them 'landscapes'. So far, all of your arguments are reminiscent of a child arguing with its parent(s) about why it can't have a cookie right before dinner. "Why should we have to suffer?" = "Why are you being so mean to me?" "We can have it on other forums!" = "I can have them over at Johnny's house!" "We have the 'right' to!" = "I can do what I want!" "Who are you to tell me that I can't fap while browsing the Boards?" = [right]= "You aren't the boss of me!"[/right] And finally, the all too obvious: [center][size=7]"That's Not Fair!"[/size][/center] Guess what? Life's not fair. It happens. [center]-----------------[/center] One last thing before I go: Copycatalyst, I would reply to your arguments as well, but your purpose is not actually to advance your position. Your purpose is to hide the holes in your own arguments in the clouded realm of the pith. I could play you at your own game, but I prefer not to sink to that level of pettishness. As a dear mentor of mine once told me: [QUOTE][FONT=Arial][I]What is the purpose of utilizing a morpheme of elephantine proportions when a synonymous diminutive construction will adequately suffice?[/I][/FONT][/QUOTE] Ironic, no? Translation: speak clearly, or not at all. Until such time as you deign to emerge from behind your safety wall of verbosity, your arguments will fall on deaf ears.[/FONT] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2010DigitalBoy Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 there's no way in hell I'm reading through the 5 pages that mysteriously appeared in my 24 hour abscence, but i will say this: An anime board with no hentai. WHUDUFXUP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheResplendent Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [quote name='Nonentity']there's no way in hell I'm reading through the 5 pages that mysteriously appeared in my 24 hour abscence, but i will say this: An anime board with no hentai. WHUDUFXUP![/quote] [font=tahoma]This has been one of the best arguments in [i]our[/i] favor in this entire thread.[/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2010DigitalBoy Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [quote name='BKstyles][font=tahoma]This has been one of the best arguments in [i]our[/i'] favor in this entire thread.[/font][/quote] I fail to see how. If your thinking OB is cool in it's uniqueness in not having hentai, that's a terrible mistke. That's like saying sugarless koo-aid is unique and cool cuz it's the only kool-aid with no sugar. All it really isis pure suckage that defeats the purpose of kool-aid. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Allamorph, I would argue with your post but there is no way I am wading through all of that. If you need to type that much to prove your point, you are obviously making stuff up. Regardless, hentai is merely sexually explicit illustrations. I have taken several art history classes and analyzed famous art that was at one time criticized for being "pornographic," but is now seen as high culture. Hentai sits in the same unfortunate position; we are viewing artwork that depicts natural beauty, the most intimate expression of human love and desire. Why is it okay that RPGs can feature graphic violence on OtakuBoards, but we shy away from viewing a natural human function that everyone does? It is just a fact of life. Also, someone mentioned that our side of the debate is seeking to exclude people from OtakuBoards by encouraging larger image sizes. On the contrary, this measure would finally give 56k stragglers the incentive to finally get with the times. Furthermore, your side lost complete credibility when Nerdsy said that I am irrelevant. I could post a suggestion about toilet paper and it would get over one-hundred replies and change the boards in some way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2010DigitalBoy Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Charles]Allamorph, I would argue with your post but there is no way I am wading through all of that. If you need to type that much to prove your point, you are obviously making stuff up. Regardless, hentai is merely sexually explicit illustrations. I have taken several art history classes and analyzed famous art that was at one time criticized for being "pornographic," but is now seen as high culture. Hentai sits in the same unfortunate position; we are viewing artwork that depicts natural beauty, the most intimate expression of human love and desire. Why is it okay that RPGs can feature graphic violence on OtakuBoards, but we shy away from viewing a natural human function that everyone does? It is just a fact of life. Also, someone mentioned that our side of the debate is seeking to exclude people from OtakuBoards by encouraging larger image sizes. On the contrary, this measure would finally give 56k stragglers the incentive to finally get with the times. Furthermore, your side lost complete credibility when Nerdsy said that I am irrelevant. I could post a suggestion about toilet paper and it would get over one-hundred replies and change the boards in some way.[/QUOTE] Agree'd. For such a high-class site as this, it's absurd to not have some kind of pornography, especially if it's artistic. Also, exactly how many people ar even using 56k? As a matter of fact, what kind of otaku is using a 56k?! XD Also, I'd love to see that toilet paper thread. I know we'll see an essay by me about my favorite type, and at some point Allamorph and FasteriskHead will get into a debate over the relevance of toilet paper's place in the universe, or some psychological stuff about how we only reconceive the same design instead of thinking of something new - dear god i can see it now!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheResplendent Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Charles] Furthermore, your side lost complete credibility when Nerdsy said that I am irrelevant. I could post a suggestion about toilet paper and it would get over one-hundred replies and change the boards in some way.[/QUOTE] [font=tahoma]It is rather unfortunate that this is somewhat true. I know you tend to rest a lot on your name because you've managed to coax many members over the years (you'll have to forgive me i'm not looking at your profile right now to see exactly how long you've been here, fairly long i'm sure) who don't know better themselves into the idea that regardless of what the content of something is, if it has a certain name on it then it must mean it's instantly credible and intellectual. Whether it's true or not, the formula isn't reliable because it becomes susceptible to manipulation once you've gained a certain amount of miscontrued trust. Though now that actual words are needing to be said, you'll find that the actual intellegent members involved here won't be swayed by the past laurels of your name or contributions solely. This is the most civil and straightforward way of saying it in order to let you know it'll take a little more then claiming who you are and then expecting a flock to your argument however effortless it is. I know a lot of us on both sides have been reiterating a lot of points, but the more i see the points in favor of these proposals the more and more weak they seem. Not to mention in your last one specifically, you are relying in the fact that you will be degenerating the atmosphere of OB in order to induce change on the user whether they are willing or not. It takes away from the kind of community OB is for you to say "If you have 56K, too F***king bad, go get cable or DSL". Sometimes it isn't about not wanting to keep up with the times, sometimes it's about money. Once upon a time I had to wait several years to get my cable modem when 56k was starting to become obsolete. I don't see why members should be put in that kind of situation. [/font] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aberinkula Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Aaryanna_Mom]Honestly, all of you are almost acting like no Hentai at OB would mean it would cease to exist. It's ridiculously easy to find on the Internet. Much to the dismay of many parents of young children. We don't need a Hentai section at OB. Following the logic I've seen so far, not including it won't change one's ability to find it one bit. [/QUOTE] [B]I completely agree. We shouldn't fill the boards with useless smut. Yes I admit, I would like to see a pic at least once. I don't know how they draw a manga [spoiler]vagina Mmembers under 18 would feel hormonally absent and jealous that members over 18 could look at the hentai. Plus there's ways to get past that. Finding the password from a friend on OB who's over 18, or joining as an 18 year old. I don't care if it's hot or sexy, I don't want **** like that on these mother ****ing boards![/B] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2010DigitalBoy Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=Premonition][B]I completely agree. We shouldn't fill the boards with useless smut. Yes I admit, I would like to see a pic at least once. I don't know how they draw a manga [spoiler]vagina Mmembers under 18 would feel hormonally absent and jealous that members over 18 could look at the hentai. Plus there's ways to get past that. Finding the password from a friend on OB who's over 18, or joining as an 18 year old. I don't care if it's hot or sexy, I don't want **** like that on these mother ****ing boards![/B][/QUOTE] ...what the **** is wrong with you? What kind of terrorist are you? Get the hell out of here! An OB without porn is a forgettable wasteland of a website! These boards are dying, and porn can save them!!! Also, BK: Not true. Even intelligent people follow Charles' name. Why do you think this is so big? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Engel Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [color=crimson][size=1]The view on Hentai taken differs from person to person and topic to topic. It may declare human beauty, and it may be related to Anime, but such images have no place on Otakuboards. Otakuboards is a site oriented for viewers of all ages, not 18+, or 21+, or whatever the legal age might be. (Or, what age you choose to portray yourself as, though that shouldn't be brought up.) While you're free to look at hentai, pornography, and other such depictions of graphical nudity and human (And tentacle, etc.) form on your own basis, I see no need for hentai or otherwise on Otakuboards. If you want hentai, do a google search. It'll take you the effort of typing "google.com" and clicking on the text entry field, and writing "Hentai", and then clicking "Search". Or, you could go to 4chan. Just because gamefaqs has an Anime messageboard and is centered around games doesn't mean they have a hentai board. In fact, such posts result in heavy penalties. Before you make cries of innovation, remember. What's new isn't always the best. (George Bush, anyone?) Why have hentai here? For convinence? While it might be convinient, it would turn away an audience who had previously viewed OB, and not for hentai or pornography, and who would be dissapointed in the sight for taking on such material. Addressing bigger banners; While I have had a few grievances over the size of banners, it's caused me no great pain or discomfort. I learn to deal with it. We should indeed count ourselves lucky at being able to have banners after all, as some message board sites don't have this functionality. Avatars? The same deal. Up until a year ago, I was on a dial-up connection and I was thankful that banners weren't that large. In personal view, I think that large banners look quite silly, and quite pointless. But that is personal view, and I'm trying to keep this writing objective. :3 In short, hentai is not needed, and for the most part, not wanted. I have a feeling that most people are arguing here just to be right, and not actually thinking of the OB community. You want a link for hentai and porn? Go to 4chan, google, hell, even torrents and otherwise. Not Otakuboards. Otakuboards is a place of viewing for all ages, and while you could lock down the board to posters only 18+, what would be the point? You could get a gmail account, create a new OB profile, and get in. Age verification? Too much hastle to try and prove, and that's probably easily falsified as well. You want bigger banners? Buy everyone a DSL connection or up and you can have your bigger banners. We've got members from all over the world, and DSL may not be provided (DSL or higher) where they live. As a matter of fact, the only reason I was on dial up was because I wasn't able to get anything else. I moved down the road and Comcast offered me a cable connection. Other people aren't as fortunate, and some may be more fortunate. This whole argument is detracting from the actual subjects at hand, and becoming an argument that I fear will reduce itself to petty name calling and grief. If you want that, may I suggest your local playground and or Chuck E. Cheese's.[/color][/size] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charles Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 Could someone quote Bksytles for me. I can't see his post because he is on my ignore list. Thanks! :catgirl: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aberinkula Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [B]Okay then... I didn't want to sound like a perv. But I'd actually love Hentai on the boards. Hell when I found out about the secret hentai forum, I flipped. Yes I'd be the one to sign-up as an 18 year old, yes I'd beg the password to it from a friend. I'd visit it whenever my parents aren't home. Then as I was looking at it I would [spoiler] Ha! made ya look! [/spoiler] my you know what. There I said it...[/B] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2010DigitalBoy Posted June 8, 2007 Share Posted June 8, 2007 [QUOTE=BKstyles][font=tahoma]It is rather unfortunate that this is somewhat true. I know you tend to rest a lot on your name because you've managed to coax many members over the years (you'll have to forgive me i'm not looking at your profile right now to see exactly how long you've been here, fairly long i'm sure) who don't know better themselves into the idea that regardless of what the content of something is, if it has a certain name on it then it must mean it's instantly credible and intellectual. Whether it's true or not, the formula isn't reliable because it becomes susceptible to manipulation once you've gained a certain amount of miscontrued trust. Though now that actual words are needing to be said, you'll find that the actual intellegent members involved here won't be swayed by the past laurels of your name or contributions solely. This is the most civil and straightforward way of saying it in order to let you know it'll take a little more then claiming who you are and then expecting a flock to your argument however effortless it is. I know a lot of us on both sides have been reiterating a lot of points, but the more i see the points in favor of these proposals the more and more weak they seem. Not to mention in your last one specifically, you are relying in the fact that you will be degenerating the atmosphere of OB in order to induce change on the user whether they are willing or not. It takes away from the kind of community OB is for you to say "If you have 56K, too F***king bad, go get cable or DSL". Sometimes it isn't about not wanting to keep up with the times, sometimes it's about money. Once upon a time I had to wait several years to get my cable modem when 56k was starting to become obsolete. I don't see why members should be put in that kind of situation. [/font][/QUOTE] This post quoted for the Mighty One's convenience and because it's so funny it deserves a second laugh XD Also, Prem, good boy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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