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The Inevitable O-Lounge Blondes Vs Brunettes!


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[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow]Blondes [/COLOR] Vs [COLOR=Sienna]Brunettes[/COLOR]

"Who's teh best-er-est!?"

Need I say anymore really?

I'm not really sure where I stand on this front. I always used to have a head of bright golden hair and now that I'm older it's more of a really dark blonde/really light brown affair. Maybe I'm somewhere in the middle but meh.

As far as the colour goes on girls, I really don't have a preference but maybe you all do, so tell us about it.

Let the arguments begin!

[NOTE: Not really sure where black-haired people fit in on this *Shrugs*][/SIZE]
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[COLOR=Indigo][quote name='Andrew][SIZE=1][NOTE: Not really sure where black-haired people fit in on this *Shrugs*'][/SIZE][/quote]It's simple...we're better than those silly Blondes and Brunettes. :p

As for choosing between them. It's what's under that color and in the space between the ears that matter. In other words, I don't really think one is better than the other...after all...my hair is black so the blonde vs. brunette thing is sort of a non issue for me. lol

Also, as for guys, I like both colors. [/COLOR]
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[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']I don't even know what brunette means.[/COLOR][/quote]

[SIZE=1]Brunette is just a fancy [AKA Girly] way of saying you have brown-coloured hair. I thought that would have been fairly obvious to anyone.

The colour I put the word in in my original post should have helped too.[/SIZE]
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[color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]Well, I'm a brunette and my daughter is a brunette . There for brunettes are just better. Besides, you don't have any dumb brunette jokes like they have dumb blonde jokes. Plus, the gene that gives a person blonde hair is recessive so one B on the chromosome and *poof* brunette. So we're dominant.

As the Sunsilk commercial says: Sorry blondes, I guess you'll just have to wear shorter skirts.

And as for guys. I've never dated a blonde... made out with one once, but never actually dated him. I stick to brunettes and we all get along just fine.[/color][/font]
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[COLOR=DarkRed]Is it too late to turn this thread into a poll?

Anyways, I say forget the blonds and brunettes. Black hair and redheads are the cool ones. What about dreads and braids? Blonds? No. Brunettes? Maybe, but black is the sure thing. Not much I can say about redheads though, but I hear the red pubis is more valuable than diamonds.[/color]
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[QUOTE=Andrew][SIZE=1] "Who's teh best-er-est!?"

[NOTE: Not really sure where black-haired people fit in on this *Shrugs*][/SIZE][/QUOTE][quote name='indifference][COLOR=Indigo']It's simple...we're better than those silly Blondes and Brunettes. :p [/COLOR][/quote][size=1][B]BLACK-HAIR[/B] [color=#8B008B]FTW!

On a serious note [or perhaps lack thereof], the reason why black-haired people aren't mixed into that whole "Blondes VS Brunettes" argument is because we don't need to feel we have to compare ourselves to other people in terms of our hair color. We know we look good and we know what our strengths are, and besides like Indifference said, "It's what's under that color and in the space between the ears that matter."

As for hair colour on a guy, I don't really care. They could have the colours of the rainbow on their head for all I care. For me, it's all about eye colour, not hair colour.[/size][/color]
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I've always found redheaded girls appealing (not in a sexual way, though). To me they seem more fierce, more emotional and more interesting as opposed to the sensuality of black haired women, the calmness of brunettes and the (excuse me) ditziness of blondes.

These are all just stereotypes, of course, so don't take them too seriously.

As for the other gender, and I hate to admit this, guys with natural blonde, fuzzy hair really turn me on. I'm a sucker for surfer boys... <3

Myself, I change color so often that one can't possibly categorize me into any of these slots. ;P
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[COLOR=goldenrod][quote name='Sandy'] the (excuse me) ditziness of blondes.[/quote]*smacks* You're not excused. :p

You're right about it being a stereotype though. Honestly I get tired of all the dumb blonde jokes. Well sometimes since usually they're so stupid it's pointless to be bothered by them. That and some of them are pretty funny. Though most of the ones I've heard were from when I was a truck driver and those guys are anything but cultured. *gasp! Another stereotype!* Needless to say, most of the blonde jokes I know would violate the site guidelines.

Anyway...my hair has been changing color naturally so even though I started out as a very blonde haired kid. I now have dark blonde hair that is slowly being replaced by reddish brown hair that's rather pretty. :catgirl: So I'm not sure where I fit in at the moment. lol

As for color on guys, the color isn't so important as the length is. I like guys with slightly longer hair instead of the short look. Almost long enough for a ponytail but not quite. There's just something about it that I find appealing. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
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[color=dimgray] When it comes to guys, definitely brown hair. There are great looking blondes, but on average I'd say brunettes are such better. ;)

I do like red hair on girls the best, though. Compared to blonde and brown, red is just more interesting. [/color]
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[color=#9933ff]I am a brunette, although it is a very dark brown, and I do have natural red highlights. Brunettes are totally better.

Maybe I'm just responding to the negative pop culture attitude to blondes, but a lot of times, the blondes I meet either are ditzy, or on top of that, they [i]look[/i] ditzy/spacey. O_o;;; I know blondes who are really smart and witty, but then I know more of them who are like the sterotype. ><; I wish it weren't true, but it actually is. The only thing I don't like are blonde jokes. All the ones I've ever heard in my life just suck, and there's no reason for them.

People always say red hair is SO interesting, and that people with red hair are strong, fiery, fierce, blah blah blah, and they're attracted to them. Since I live with my mother who is a redhead (AND an aries, dear GOD), I have no attraction, or desire to ever date a redhead. That fierceness is completely overrated when they're yelling at you for no reason. And BTW, strawberry blonde does NOT equal red; thinking that just makes you stupid.

Funnily enough, I find blonde anime bishies to be extremely attractive. I'm also partial to long(ish) hair a la j-rockers and such, although I prefer brunette Gackt to blonde. ^^;; The other hair color I like on guys is black, with a European/Greek "look" to their face. But now I'm really getting in to facial structure and such, so I'll stop. lol.[/color]
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[SIZE=1][FONT=Georgia]Well, naturally my hair is Dark Brown...
But currently it's highlighted with blond.. so that makes it brown with blond highlights.
Normally I prefer dark haired guys... it makes it seem like they have mystery (probably because in books usually a guy full of mystery is dark haired.)

I'm going to say that some people just look better with a certain color hair. I, personally, would look horrible with blond hair. One isn't better than another...

But being a brunette/ and naturally black haired :P I would have to go with that hair color. :) Plus (overgeneralizing) the girls in my school who are blond besides a very select few.. tend to be ditzy. Usually they are also from cosmetology... which means they have bleach blond dyed hair or just naturally blond.
Heh. -.-[/FONT][/SIZE]
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I've tried all the basic haircolours. Red, blonde, brunette, and an ALMOST black (I couldn't bring myself to do the real thing, I'm too pale and I look ghostly as it is) and in the end, I prefer myself in dark dark browns or blondes. Though between the two I really am not sure which looks better on me. I dye my hair lots anyway, so the two colours get equal wear =P

On guys, I tend to be attracted to those with really dark hair. Of course I've seen some super hot blonde boys, but the ones I have serious crushes on usually end up being those of the dark haired variety. It's not really a preference, or I guess it is, it's just subconcious, haha.
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[QUOTE=Anomaly]I've tried all the basic haircolours. Red, blonde, brunette, and an ALMOST black (I couldn't bring myself to do the real thing, I'm too pale and I look ghostly as it is)...


[color=dimgray] Oh god, thank you for not dying your hair black. I hate it when non-Asian people with pale skin dye their hair black. *facepalm* They look like idiots.

But when Asians dye their hair blonde, it possibly looks worse than than the pale skin/black hair combo. [/color]
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[quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Oh god, thank you for not dying your hair black. I hate it when non-Asian people with pale skin dye their hair black. *facepalm* They look like idiots.[/color][/quote]

[COLOR=DarkOrange] :animesigh sadly, you cannot tell them this. Riots ensue. Besides, it works out every once and a while *looks at all my goth friends* I'd say 1/5 at most.

But then, that could because I'm not as attracted to pale people - in any event, regarding the debate, I'm not much a fan of blonde or brunette on anyone. when it comes to girls, i can't see myself attracted to a blonde girl unless she resembles an anime character, and brunette is just kinda boring. [/COLOR]
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My hair's been everywhere when it comes to brown & blonde. I remember trying to dye it "Natural Light Neutral Blonde" 3 times, and it never turned out right. That's part of the reason I love brown hair. It's so beautiful!
I'm currently trying to go back to my natural color, which we think is brown.
And blondes are so over-rated! I mean, come one! Brown hair is the skit, ESPECIALLY FOR GUYS!! :D There are so many beautiful shades, and it goes with a lot more clothes than blonde hair does. Trust me, I would know. Blegh. Plus, it looks more serious & "mature" than blonde.

[url]http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b340/taperson/senior/senior21.jpg[/url] <--my current BRUNETTE hair![/COLOR]

PS, I strayed from my default "Deep Sky Blue" for this. :D[/SIZE]
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[size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Ordinarily, I am only attracted to vagina-owners with dark hair, so brown or black. Blondes? They may have more fun, but if you want me to like you you better have a damn good personality. I mean, seriously - no demented bunny boiling fetishes or nothing. Redheads are usually freaks mentally, so I avoid them. Oh, and they're an aberration of brown, not blonde, so whoever said it's a subcategory of blonde is a total stooge.

I have dark brown hair and it's all wavy like. chicks love it.[/font][/color][/size]
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[FONT=Tahoma]Have to say I tend to be more attracted to girls with dark black/brunette/red hair. Blondes are great, and believe me i don't often discriminate, if a girl is hot then a girl is hot. A lot more things come into play when deciding that in addition to hair color, eventhough it's a large aspect. Just judging based on what my preferences seem to be due to my experiences and interests, redheads and dark haired girls win in almost every aspect for me. In looks, intellegence, personality, etc. Not saying there aren't smart blondes or blondes with personalities that stand out, but I just havn't met many :).[/FONT]
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[COLOR=goldenrod][quote name='BKstyles][FONT=Tahoma'] Not saying there aren't smart blondes or blondes with personalities that stand out, but I just havn't met many :).[/FONT][/quote]First Sandy and now you! *sob* Haha, I kid. I still stand by my earlier statement that slightly longer hair is very appealing on guys. Regardless of the color. ^_~[/COLOR]
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[quote name='SunfallE][COLOR=goldenrod']First Sandy and now you! *sob* Haha, I kid. I still stand by my earlier statement that slightly longer hair is very appealing on guys. Regardless of the color. ^_~[/COLOR][/quote]

[font=tahoma]Hehe, remember I said I havn't met [i]many[/i]. You guys exist out there somewhere ;). Hehe. Where I live though the stereotype is all too true. In some cases, it's kind of cute. In other cases...it's just plain lamentable.[/font]
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[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Ordinarily, I am only attracted to vagina-owners with dark hair, so brown or black. Blondes? They may have more fun, but if you want me to like you you better have a damn good personality. I mean, seriously - no demented bunny boiling fetishes or nothing. Redheads are usually freaks mentally, so I avoid them. Oh, and they're an aberration of brown, not blonde, so whoever said it's a subcategory of blonde is a total stooge.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1][color=DimGray]I think this ends the discussion.

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