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Digital Convergence


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Avian couldnt help but wonder about this guy. He did seem different from the others but maybe that was her own mind. She took his "warning" into consideration.

"Ok... Anyways is that all?" She asked coldly but not trying to sound that way.

He glanced at her again and then averted his eyes to some trash blowing down the street. "Uh yeah i guess so."

She shifted her eyes to the glowing yellow eye hovering next to her and then back at him. This boy made her wonder many things. For such a young guy he seemed under way more stress. Of course with the digital crisis she cant really say much about normal stress levels and teenagers but he seemed even more stressed out than the others. He also was mysterious to her which peaked a curiosity that she thought very unatural for her. She shrugged it off and gave him a fake faint smile.

"Then i might be seeing you again. If not in the heat of battle which is where you will always find me and Rraik. After all the fight is what keeps us going."

He couldnt help but notice in her eyes that there was more meaning to that than what she had just said but knew best not to question anything. They parted ways the he silently watched the girl and the floating mist turn the corner and vanish out of sight.
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[FONT="Tahoma"] As the girl walked out of sight Kredion turned around and started back home. It would be hard enough to explain why he was past cerfew already. as he walked down the street a sudden noise catches his attention and as he moves over to investagate he find out is was merely the cool wind blowing a trash can lid off. As he contiunes on his way home he wonders who the strange man who looks like him is.[/FONT]

Kredion: might as well start go in the back way lest then i don't have to explain why i am late.

[FONT="Tahoma"]As Kredion comes out by his house he goes in the gate and towards the chimmney. Puting one foot on the wall he jumps and pushes off the chimaney and workds his way up to the window. as he reached in the open window he pulls himself in and rolls onto his bed.[/FONT]

Ugamon: Where have you been i been looking everywhere for you!

Kredion: dealing with a few problems

Ugamon: well maybe.
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Impmon walked through the park he had degsignated as his home in the real world dispite him Digivolving for the first time he couldn't help but feel sick. He punched a tree and looked at the sky.

Impmon: So... I digivolved but i still needed help on a equal level Digimon... Humilated again! *He growled* What makes them so powerful... It can't be those meat sacks... They are just there to tell us what to do... But when i absorbed that Digimons data... I felt... Stronger.

He looked at his hand and then looked around with a slight smirk on his face.

Impmon: If more of these hostile guys show up... I will just absorb thier data that way I can get stronger. And then i will show those human lovers... But in the mean time... *he looked out on the street and saw a pizza guy walking around the corner* Perfect...

As the man approched Impmon hoped out of the bushes.

Impmon: Bada Boom! *he threw a little ball of flame at the man making him run and drop the pizza* Well well... At least humans do something right... *Takes the whole box and jumps into the bushes carrying it above his head*

While he was chowing down on the pizza he saw a shadow moving in the dark. He shruged it off as a squrill or something of the sort.

Impmon: Isn't like its a Digimon fixing to attack me or something. It better not... Cause unlike the others i won't any mercy. Not a smidge.... *he ate a whole piece whole*
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Avian sighed as they turned yet another corner and crossed the street. As they turned another corner Avian locked eyes with a purple fox that stood at her height just a few feet away. Avian glared.

The fox grinned, "New play toys!"

Rraikmon reformed into physical form. "We are no ones play toys!" She growled.

"Sure looks like it to me!" She leaped backwards into the air and send dark crystals flying at her.

Rraikmon turned into mist again and the crystals flew right through her but she still let out a small sound that let Avian know that even though she was in that form digital attacks still hurt while passing throug her, though they might not hurt as much as a full direct physical hit.

"Dont you dare!" Rraikmon growled and still in that form flew at the fox at full speed. She wrapped her misty form around her and began to squeeze.

Avian saw steam rising off of the both of them and knew Rraikmon was rasiing her misty body tempreture extreamly fast. The fox screamed as it began to burn. She managed to get an arm lose and punch the misty form where its head was.

Rraikmon let go and flew back away. After returning to physical form she glared at the fox to leap farther back.

Avian sighed, "Prepare yourself my friend. DarkRenamon is digivolving."

"I can smell that. So its my turn."

Both digimon glow and change form at the same time. DarkKyubimon faces Rylonamon. Fangs bared and claws shapened, ready for battle.

Avian thinks to herself, [I]I wonder why when I am alone and I run into a dark digimon there is no one else around. No other normal people on the streets. Its completely otherworldly... its just my luck. But no worries, we have this under control. To easy.[/I]
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Impmon heard the sound of battle and hurried towards it. When he arrived he saw that both the DarkRenamon and Rraikmon were digivolving. He smirked and deciding to do so as well. He walked into the scene as he glowed darkly.

Impmon: I was hoping one of these idiots would show up.... *he digivolved into IceDevimon*

IceDevimon: ...That way i can smear them all across the street and absorb thier data to become stronger. No one will stop me from doing this.

Rylonamon: This isn't your fight it is mine...

Icedevimon: You think i am asking you?! Hahaha. Ice Claw! *he clawed at the Dark Kyubimon*

DarkKyubimon: *it dodged and fought back* Fox Tail Dark Inferno! *It fired several fireballs at IceDevimon*

The fireballs hit and Icedevimon was struck and after a few seconds he dispursed the flame with a spread of his wings. He looked angry at the attack and began to attack back.

IceDevimon: Tundra Freeze! *he fired freezing beams from his eyes and hit DarkKyubimon freezing it* I told you... *he spread his wings and began to do one last attack* Evil Wing...
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[FONT="Tahoma"]The World of Dreams

[I]As the world of dreams swirled in Kredion's mind he walks forwards hopeing beyond hope to avoid the stresses of him real life. For years Kredion as been concerned about things that he shouldn't however his mind wouldn't allow him to release his fears and worries. Now as he stood in this world he fears suddenly returned as his dream world swirled at increasing rates until the darkened castle corridor settled into view.

Standing in the middle of the room the cloaked figure stood as before however this time the figure walked towards him. [b]Ahh finally i can speak to you again He said.[/b]As the figure stopped before him Kredion felt the fear suddenly spike and he started to tremble. Fearing me is the wrong thing to do brother.. [b]The time has come for you to join me and set this world back into the order that is so badly needs I don't need to be your enemy.[/b] He seemed to speak with a conviction.

Kredion starred him in the eye and settled himself to a point. [b] you don't want to be my enemy however at every turn you try to stop me with my mission.[/b]

Looking back at Kredion the figure stared with a sort of sadiness. I see your digital friend has convinced you againest me. [b]However I will do what i can to change your mind. It must be so if you are to live.. My brother Kredion i am not the true master and you know this in your heart.[/b]

Kredion Looked at him and repleyed. [b]Then we need an explaination. Who are you and what do you want of this world. How do you know me and why don't you speak to the others? Who is your true master then and to what end do we need to complete our mission.[/b]

[b]Ryukai Is my name the rest of which you speak will be explained in time but what i must warn you is that the overlords of the digital world are corrupted it is time to purify the world.. So much to do and the damage that we must inflict to make them show their faces. Cowards they are hiding them themselves and their sources of power. Know this they have only their best intrests in mind to fight us helps them and will ruin are plan to send this world into a peaceful chaos so that we can show the world what it truely is.[/b]Repleyed the cloaked figure of Ryukai

Before the either of them chould say another word the world of dreams came to a halt and the swirlling effect appeared again. As Kredion was sucked back in Ryu send the following words with him. [b]Trust me Brother for I am your only Salvation[/b]
Back In the Real World

As Kredion Woke up his hand flew to the side of the bed where his pants were and pulled out his cell phone quickly dialing a number with one hand he hit the call button[/I][/FONT]
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Avian watched the battle and Icedevimon's attacks broke down DarkKyubimon quickly. She did not mind to much though, her mind kept her distracted for some reason. She had a feeling something was going to happen soon.

"evil wing"

The attack hit right in the middle of Kyubimon's chest. and she pahsed in and out a few times before becoming tiny particles of data.

Ive Devimon moved into absorb it but Rylonamon was there first. She got eavery ounce of it and glared at IceDevimon.

"What the!?" He growled.

Rylonamon stood up and prepared to defend herself if needed, "It was MY battle to begin with. You should have never interefered. So I took the data that was rightfully mine. Buzz of Bat Boy."

Just then Avian felt a shake in her pocket and then a ring followed. She let out a Sigh and yanked out the Cell Phone. It sure as hell wasnt a number she recognised but she answered it anyways.

"Yes this is Avian." She said first.

"Avian... Its Kredion"

"Oh..." She seemed a little annoyed, "Whas is it then?"

There was some silence at the end of the line, "Uh... He spoke to me again. I wont go into the boring stuff but he thinks he is like the only salvation or something. I wanted you to..."

Avian nodded, "What?"

"Be extra careful."

Avian couldnt hold back the laugh, It almost sounded as though this kid cared. Why would a teenager care about a cold hearted silent girl he never knew. "What? To get murdered by some dark entity and watch with my last breaths as my Partner gets absorved?"

That made the silence on the other end almost deafning

Avian twitched, "Uh only kidding only kidding. It would never happen! Rylona and are to close to let it happen." She waved her hand in front of her as though she was trying to calm and old friend which wasodd behavior for her Rylonamon noticed.

"Uh right. Just watch yourselves please. But uh now that I think abouit it. I should explain. I had a dream, and could you please come over to my place so we can discuss it?"

Avian nodded though he couldnt see that, "Yeah fine. Just got done with a battle. Where you live? And how the heck did you get my celll number!?"
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[FONT="Tahoma"][i]Sitting in the kitchen of his home with a cup of hot Jasmine tea in his hands, as he waited for his midnight guest to appear he noticed that neither of his parents were home. As his nerves started to grate on him he got up to pace and suddenly he heard a knock on the door and he went to answer it.

Standing in the doorway was Avian. [b]So can i come in?[/b] Kredion stared open mouth for a moment and then Spoke. [b] Oh of course how could i be so silly i got some tea on the table just get comfortable[/b] Stepping aside he allowed her to get into the house before softly shutting the door. As they sat down Kredion started to spill the ordeal about what happened in his dream and the last words the strange twin said before he woke up. [b]He wants me to help him but i ain't sure what to do i feel like i should trust him but how can i he is obliously the enemy. What should i do?[/b]

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Avian thought on this for a while and took a sip of tea. "Hmm well I would say you need a little more information about him before you can make a full assement."

He glanced at her awkwardly, "Uh..."

Avian grinned, "Have you ever thought of pushing back?"

"I dont follow..."

Avian sighed and put her cup down. "Ok this dude pushes into your brain and his every whim. When HE wants to. Wny dont you try to do the same thing back? Get into his brain. Recon or something. Find out his true intentions before making your decision."

Rraikmon floated in the room as a mist beast with a single yellow eye glowing in her misty form, "I agree. I mean there are different sides to every situation. Night, Day, Up Down, Good Evil. There is no difference they are all opposites but each is run in its own. There is real evil and then there are those who want power. There are those who are truly good and those who do good things to look better in other peoples eyes or to make up for what they have done in their past. Maybe you should do what Avian suggests."

"Find out what you can before you decide what you will do. Who knows, maybe we all are on the wrong side."
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Icedevimon was enraged he didn't get a chance to vent his anger on the Digimon that stole his Data. He stomped around the park trying to dedigivolve but something was keeping him from doing it.

Icedevimon: I had enought of these human pets interefereing with me! *he looked at his claw* I won't be so nice next time... I will destroy who ever gets in my way.

He stomped around until a mist fell on the park. He recognized it.

IceDevimon: Good...something is emerging... As soon as it does i will delete it and absorb it's data.

He felt that it was a Champion Level and ran towards the Digimon. When he arrive there was a Garurumon standing in the mist. It wasn't dark like the others nor was it hostilely coming towards IceDevimon.

IceDevimon: FINALLY A FIGHT WITH NO HUMANS IN THE WAY! *he attacked the Garurumon* Avalanche Claw! *he shot ice cicles at the Garurumon who dodged and was looking at Ice with surprise*

Garurumon: Why are you attacking?! I haven't done anything!
IceDevimon: I don't care with every one of you i destroy i become stronger! Avalanche Claw! *he fired more icicles*

Garurumon: *He dodged* Howling Blaster! *he hit Icedevimon*

Icedevimon: Right no mercy! Tundra Freeze!
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[FONT="Tahoma"][I]Kredion and Avian sit there talking a little bit more about the problem when suddenly both their Digivices go off. [b]Uhoh looks like Impmon is up to no good again[/b]. Kredion said. [b]Well then lets go![/b] Avian Repleyed as she started towards the door Ugamon Flew down the stairs and followed her out the door as Kredion Threw on his boots unlaced and ran out the door in without grabbing a jacket.

As they ran down the streets at one in the morning suddenly a police car pulled out after them with it's lights flashing. [b]We gotta split up and meet at the park then at least one of us can make it. Ugamon go with her i got this handled[/b] Kredion said. As the Three run off Kredion stopped and tried to talk to the police.

As the Police car pulled up the two officers ran out and pinned him to the car. [i]You are under arrest for loitering around after curfew.[/b] one of the officer said. [b]What do you mean i am under arrest![/b]Kredion repleyed. [B]It's a new city law no one under the age of eighteen outside after ten pm.[/B] the other officer told him. As they marched him into the car Kredion and drove them all down to the police station.[/I][/FONT]
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For some reason Avian could hear everything going on over the digivice as she ran. She cursed aloud to herself and ugamon questioned.

"Whats wrong?" He asked.

Avian sighed, "I should have been the one to stop and distract the cops. I am over age. They wouldnt have caught Kredion if they got me to worry about. To late now."

As they kept going she found IceDevimon pulverising what seemed to be an Innocent Garurumon who seemed determined to defend himself. Not destroy things. Avian looked at Rraikmon and both agreed silently.

In a flash Rylonamon was standing in front of Avian while Ugamon watched. "NOW!"

Rylona blazed into action. First thing she did was let her eyes glow. IceDevimon was weak enough compared to the other digimon the battled before that its extra effect could take hold.

Her eyes released a red beam that hit IceDevimon right in the eyes and his body froze. He went to attack but everything stopped working. He was able to shift his gaze enough to see who interfered.

"Dont look at me like that you data-thirsty beast!" Rylonamon growled. "I am not the one attacking random digimon for data!"

"Might as well be! Whats wrong with getting stronger!?"

Rylonamon slammed into him with her heavy skull. "Everything. The way YOU do it! You cant sacrafice the lives of Innocent digimon just because you cant get strong enough."

The next few seconds were spent plowing her claws into him like well aimed punches. Each knocking him down farther till he was on his knees. The effects of the Tiger Eye attack was wearing off because he was able to reach up and use his arm to knock Rylonamon back.

"How dare you human loving weakling judge me!" He broke loose of the bind and lunged.

He got in a few good hits before she leapt away. She was to fast for most of his attacks.

That same fammiliar sound began to ring through the air and sonic waves blasted from her horns. The noise hit him in the head and he grasped his headwith both claws. Screams of agony echoed through the park.

She slammed her tail into and kept punching and Kicking him down. "Dont even try it buster!"

It was even for a while but another Tiger Eye and a speed boost gave Rylona the Advantage. She hit him so hard he slammed into a tree. He quickly devolved back into Impmon.

She stood over his small beat up body that was barely able to move.

"Going to absorb me now huh?"

Rylonamon grinned, "Oh how i would love to but then I remember how you got most of your data. Innocent lives, it would feel bad."

"They are not strong. They deserved to... their only purpous is for others to get strong off of them."

"Not true. I know it isnt!"

"You say that because you only get your power from that human!"

"No. If i was alone like you were I would be strong anyways. I get my strength from our friendship. I get strength from everyone around me not just her. We work together for a cause! You go around griping about meat bags and data. When you work together, you encourage each other, and work together you become much stronger. If you continue thinking this way that you are, You will be no where fast. You think you dont need friends but beleive it buster, Life is so much more fufilling when you have some."

She devolved and returned to Avian "We need to help Kredion"
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[FONT="Tahoma"]In the Real world From Kredions Eyes at 1:23 Am
As Kredion is herded into the room he sees that his parents are in there and his breath stops for a minute. The police officer pushes him forward and as he is pushed into the chair across from his parents his parents give him a confused and strange look. He glances away and the officer speaks. [B]We arrested him under the impression that while he was out after curfew he might be the drugdealer we were after.[/B] At this Kredion's father stands up at this and looks outraged and says. [B]What makes you think Kredion was a drug dealer. This is a outrage he is part of a respectable family. I should sue you for this.[/B]

Now sir that ain't nessasary we were just trying to clean the area up. Besides he was out at one in the morning who does that? the officer on th left told his father. Meanwhile Kredion Looks at his mother in a way that seems to unnerve her Finally she burst and asked this him a question. [B]Why are you looking at me like that. We are the ones who were dragged down here just after we got home.[/B]

Kredion Looked at her and said. [B]You never told me i had a twin brother.[/B] At this both his parents looked freaked out and the police stared at him with wide eyes. Suddenly a beep at the officers belts sent them out of the room but before they left they said. [B]There seems to be a breakout in the cell area you stay here we will figure out what going on and be right back. [/B] As they left Kredion's father stood up abruptly and smacks Kredion back into the wall. [B]You have no right to talk to your mother or me in that fashion relieze your place. we raised you to be better then this and to live a respectful life.[/B] Kredion's eyes flash into a hard jade color. [B]You mean it's true... i did have a brother and you never told me..[/B] Kredion spat back at his father.

This time his mother looked at him with horrified eyes. [B]How did you find out. did you find some paper about him? or maybe someone told you.[/B]Kredion looked at her with cold eyes.[B]No worse grandfather's skills told me. I had to find out by the fact that we all know i was empathic from birth and i had to have him touch my mind to know he existed And still does.[/B]As reliezation crept along her face she pulled out of her chair and moved towards the door just as Ugamon Expolded thru the door and stoped within a inch of her face. at this shock she fainted and Kredion's father looked at the digimon in horror and fear before he lifted the chair above his head as he did that Ugamon circled around him and tripped him out the door. As he did this avian dodged the falling man and ran in the door with a angry look on her face. [B]You coming or what![/B] she yelled at him. A little shocked Kredion got up and walked out the handcuffs scraping againest his wrists as he pasted by Ugamon used his tail to break the chain in half. [b]Lets get out of here it's long past time we left this world to find out what we can really do.[/b]At this the Digidestined ran out of the police station in the twilight city with a life of it's own.
In the Real World From Ugamons Eye 1:24 am

Ugamon,Avian and Rylonamon all charged into the police station as soon as they went in the people in there went crazy freaking out and several police officers took a few shots at them. Ducking gracefully around the shots Ugamon preformed Uga fury and created a dozen copys of him self and sent them out to distract the cops as he and rylonamon ran deeper into the building. Avian went behind a desk and started to look up the cell number to find out which cell they placed Kredion in and used her connection with Rylonamon to keep in contact.

As Ugamon and Rylonamon went deeper in the building they found out that the cell's were spilt in two different directions as the two split up to save time they both ran into a squad of officer and as Ugamon just Hypertackled them Rylonamon used her Tiger Eye Attack on a group and ran past. As Ugamon went into the main cell room he looked quickly around didn't see Kredion anywhere and a pair of police officers rounded the corner and Ugamon did a twist and lashed out with his tail sending one sprawling to the ground and as he made another turn he wrapped his tail around the others wrist and twisted it around and pinned him againest the wall.

[B] So if a Guy wanted to know where his friend was at how would he go about it?[/B] Ugamon asked sweetly to the officer. [B]GAhh Damn You... WHo you looking for?[/B] The officer repleyed. Ugamon Looked at him then said. [B]a Teenager in black with untied boots and a strange device sound familar?[/B] The police officer's eyes poped open. [B]He is in the visitors room down the main hall third door from this end.[/B] He said. Ugamon Let him go and used Flew off with a simple Thanks over one shoulder.

As he flew back down the hallway he looked in the rooms and when he reached the one the officer talked about he slammed into as a woman was coming out and scared her. As he looked up he saw the older male grab a chair and swing it at him. Dodging it easily he went between the legs and tripped the man. As he did this Avian Came in and said [B]You Coming or what[/B]? A little shocked Kredion got up and walked out the handcuffs scraping against his wrists as Kredion pasted by Ugamon used his tail to break the chain in half. [b]Lets get out of here it's long past time we left this world to find out what we can really do.[/b] Kredion said.At this the Digidestined ran out of the police station.[/FONT]
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(posted the human Chara in the Inn)

Impmon limped back to where he first arrived in the Human World. He still had a look that could kill.

Impmon: I don't need anyone... I have been alone all my life and i have been fine... After how i have been treated... All because i am a Virus Type... *he slammed his fist on the ground* I am tired of everyday being discriminated against! Everyday feeling weak and no one gives a damn! *He started to sound sorrowful* I never had anyone...

Meanwhile on the other side of the city a 17 year old boy was typing on his computer and looked like he was very into it. He was Ichi Himura. He had been writing the story for his manga for years perfecting it. He was finally on the last page.

Ichi: There... Finally its done. *he got up with a yawn and headed to the kitchen* Something to eat for a job well done. *he said smileing lightly at a box on his table that was take out* All i have to do now is print it all and then take it to Shonen... *he chowed down on his food and after he was done returned to his computer* Ok... now... Print.

[I]Critical Error[/I]

What?! NO! *he ke;pt clicking the print button* NO NO NO NO! A year writing this!

After a while his screen blinked white and started to surge with electricity after which his tower followed soon his comp turned a bright red and he ducked down before it exploded in his face. After a minute he rose and looked at the wreckage of what was his computer.

Ichi: *looked sorrowful* No... All that work... Everything i have worked so hard for... *he punched the floor of his apartment/after that he looked to see what the full damage was* Totally wreaked... *he then saw something strange in the rubble of his Computer Moniter he saw a small black,maroon and purple device/he picked it up* What is this... *its screen flashed slightly* Two dots... What are they?
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Avian sighed, this dramatic night was getting more and more taxing on her nerves. First interference in battle, then dream talks, then another fight, ending with a jail break. She was becoming quite the little hoodlum.

After they all got a chance to rest a little Rraikmon formed beside her. Her large furry form leaned against Avian wanting to make her partner feel better. "Whats wrong now?"


"Impmon huh?" Rraikmon smiled in her own way, "I could have said some things differently I suppose. I mean if he wasnt so "i dont need anybody" bab digi like I would have had no problem being his friend, if only he realized that his attitude might be the main problem. I hope I didnt hurt him to much."

Ugamon laughed, "From the looks of it I think you beat him up pretty badly but I also think you hurt his pride or whatever more than anything else."

Avian nodded, "Anyways Kredion, How do we go about getting into the digital world. I had a though, Isnt there some way we can lock earth down, keep them from getting in through these normal gateS?"

"I suppose but i am not entirely sure. I do know if we blocked them from getting in, and we went there, how would we get back?"

Avian thought, "Well to be honest i thought i heard some digimon discussing that once. Something about smaller portals for smaller digimon, not huge ones like greymon or anything, but they also said you need some kind of code or key to use them. I was hoping we could block the baddies from getting in and causing to much damage while we were gone, and still able to come back using these gateways... But its just an idea that formed from a good game of eavesdropping."

They thought on it a while and then Kredion spoke, "Well, I beleive it is time to round up EVERYONE we can to go in. I know the others are around here somewhere."

About that moment another dot appeared on both their digivices indicating yet another digivice was in range.

"I wonder who that is..."
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Ichi took the elevator down and went to a different floor. The small device said the dots or what ever were in the apartment.

Ichi: They have to be somewhere on the different floors.. What the hell is going on anyway.

He walked up to a door and knocked on it. This was turning out to be a strange night first the computer exploding on him and now this little device he found among its remains. And the reaction it had when it got closer to the dots on the screen.

Ichi: Hey, who evers in there open up... *the little device beeped* Why are you beeping now huh? I swear if this kid has anything to do with my computer blowing up i am going to throw him out the window.

He had ran into a kid named Kredion on the elevator several times and when he got in from work most of the time.

Ichi: *He knocked* Come on kid.
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[FONT="Tahoma"][I] Siting down in the kitchen the four digidestined hear a knock at the door. [B]Stay here I will check it out I know it ain't the parents they don't knock period. [/B]Kredion said. Walking over to the door he opened it and stand there was a Teenager who looked somewhat angry. [B]Kredion why is my computer acting up and when i went to look at it i find "THIS[/B]."the teenager yelled at him as he thrusted a Purple Digivice at his face. Blinking at the Brand New digivice Kredion Looked at him calming and said. [B]Come in here we need to talk.[/B]

As Kredion and the Teenager whom he now recongized as a guy named Ichi that lived Upstairs. Kredion spoke softly and clearly. [B]Avian please call Cody I will handle this one. Now Ichi you found this by your computer?.[/B] Ichi repleyed. [B]Yeah i was trying to print a paper and when i noticed the error i found this sitting by the keyboard.[/B] Kredion Looked him dead in the eye. [B]Ok first of all this means your in a sense one of the ones who can turn the tides of a battle beyond this world. We were just about to leave and open a portal to this world. If you want to come you should but we can't force you. Also do you have a partner yet?[/B]
Ichi looked at Kredion then at the Digivice finally he spoke aloud. [B]Are you saying we are some sort of heros and that i Arrived later then you guys And what is this about a Partner?[/B]Kredion Looks at him with a sigh and finally releases the full story all the way down to what happened tonight. As Ichi's reliezation sinks in Avian walks back in and sits down finishing her tea in a single sip and both Rylonamon and Ugamon come in. [/I][/FONT]
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Avian pulled out her cell and called cody. It rang several times before his voice answered. She explained all that was happening and what they had planned to do. She left the choice up to him and let him know how they planned to do it so he could catch up later if he couldnt get with them right away.

She took her cup of tea and headed out with ugamon and her partner Rraikmon in mist form. The entered the room and she drank her tea in one go and looked at the new kid.

"New one huh?" She said simply, "Fantastic, but by the looks of it he is as clueless as I was when I got mine. I didnt have my partner then, same here i expect?"

Kredion nodded, "Yes..."

Avian introduced herself, "Yo, My name is Avian. This here mist cloud is Rraikmon my partner in crime, I mean my digimon partner" She laughed, what the heck was wrong with her. Were these people actually having an odd effect on her?

He seemed pretty confused and not only that but straight out shocked about the two creatures near her.

"They are digimon as I explained."

"Hearing and see... TWO BIG DIFFERENT issues. Anyways My name is Ichi and I guess I am a part of your team now..."

Avian thought the herself about how she never ment to get caught up in any "teams" to begin with and how suddenly she couldnt get away from it. Being around people worried her. If she let them to close... bad things were bound to happen. And of course being part of a team brought together to fight evil or whatever surely ment being.... close to people. "What a drag..." She muttered out loud.


"Oh sorry, im just uh," she thought something up real quick, "Really tired from the battle with impmon."

Rraikmon formed the full sized dog, "I did allthe work!"

"I know dear but what you do takes some of my energy too. And you used alot of it today."
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Ichi sat back in his chair looking rather calm. He was surprised at the creatures he saw but not afraid

Ichi: Hey you said i have a partner then where is he? Or She? How am i supposed to find it? *he was mashing the buttons on the digivice until he found a picture of something* hey... WHat is this little Imp thing...

He showed it to Avion.

Avion: Its that little trouble maker Impmon... Your his partner apperently he is gong to be thrilled. *Said mildly sarcastic*

Ichi laughed.

Ichi: Well... Looks like someone is more close to me then i thought... Where is he at?

At that time Impmon was in a tree recuperating. He was starting to doze off until he felt a kind of bump.

Impmon: What now.... *he looked down* A black Guilmon... Thats not good. *It rammed the tree* WHA?! Whats up pal i haven't done anything to you now get!

BlackGuilmon: *Looks up* Black Pyro Sphere! *blasts at him with a blast*

Impmon: *jumps barely dodging* Hey get out of here with that!
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"You won't dodge it this time. Black Pyro Sphere.*Charges the black ball of energy, when sharp objects fly at his head and pounds it into a tree saving impmon from dieing*" Impmon looked up at the person saving him. "Long time no see, why aren't you destroying this dumb dinosaur Impmon.*Flashes his Digivice and starts to dile a number on it* Impmon looks in astonishment fearing he was still going to die. "Cody, why are you calling the others, you got a champion and going up against Rookie.*Impmon stared at him as if he were crazy*I knew humans were dumb." "Look again, he isn't a blackguilmon anymore." It turned into BlackWarGrowlmon and started getting up. "Ok, I'm on the phone with them now. Hey, we need some help down, we got a BlackWarGrowlmon, over." "Kredion, Ichi, Cody needs some help, let's get going Rraikmon."

Sorry this is all I can write right now, I'll post again today if anyone else posts.
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Ooc: Gam plz read the posts a little better you at best barely know Ichi.
[FONT="Times New Roman"][I]Kredion got out of his Chair after He noticed His Digivice going off again pulling His Laptop and the small amount of Gear He packed then He grabbed His Coat when his Cell phone rang. On the other end of a frantic Cody yelling about a Digimon in the park. Looking up he said. [B]Look guys we need to hurry Cody is in over his head and once it's dealt with we can move onto the next phase so lets get this overwith[/B]. As the rest of the group got ready Ugamon and Rylonamon waited by the door for the Digisdestined as they started to rush out the door.

As the group ran towards the park Kredion looked at Ugamon who just nodded in reponse and flew off. Avian did the same with Rylonamon and the two Digimon ran off for the fight. As they neared the bend into the park they saw signs of the fight and a Blackwargrowlmon Angerly advancing on Cody and his Digimon. As soon as they saw that Rylonamon, Ugamon and Impmon Digivolved and prepared themselves for a fight.[/I][/FONT]
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Rylonamon already being in her champion form did little but prepare to attack/ She noticed Impmon getting up and ready for more she shook her large head and smiled, "Seems you are doing better. Not so bitter at the moment I hope. You know these human loving freaks here to help yet again. Hope you dont feel to disgusted by our presence."

Before IceDevimon could make a comment she turned to him, "Hey sorry about that. I just dont understand how you can hate them so much. You say you have been alone, always alone. Look around you, are you alone right now? We came to help you guys, dont think your alone. You are never alone with friends nearby. And before you say anything yes i said friends. Even though your attitude ticks me off you are still a friend to me. Digi Pals in action. Raarrrh!"

And with that she leapt at the oppponent who loomed over them with rage in his eyes. The dark ultimate seemed far more angry than a usual digimon rampaging through the street.

Avian saw what was going on, "Hmm whats his problem..."
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OOC: And you kind of missed Impmons Personality o.o... he would be more ticked off then surprised.


Ichi looked wide eyed at the huge monster before him. He was shocked that something like this exsisted.

Ichi: This looks like something i would write in my Manga... *he looked over and saw Impmon hurt from before* Hey yo! *he ran over* Already in bad shape huh?

Impmon looked up and was feeled with anger.

Impmon: *smacks his hand away* Don't touch me you meat sack!

Ichi: Listen here bub! This thing says your my partner! *shows digivice* If that is the case then i am here to help you.

Impmon: *looks insulted* What ...Someone took pity on me and sent me a meatbag to help me get strong... I DON"T NEED IT!

BlackWarGrowlmon: Radiation Blade! *he fired blades at Impmon and Ichi*

Ichi: Holy hell! *he grabbed impmon and jumped out of the way in time* Damn...

Impmon was stunned.

Impmon: he saved me... *he thought*
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Ooc: Ohhh now you did it... I was saving this for later..Time for me to reach for my inner Black Man!
[COLOR="SeaGreen"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][I]Kredion watched at the BlackWargrowlmon attacked the newest Digidestined and Digimon and something snapped inside. In a deathly quiet tone Kredion said. [B]Ugatorimon it's time we take this beyond our normal level[/B]. Suddenly Kredion's Digivice glowed with a green Fire of power and Suddenly Kredion ripped the digivice off his waist and preformed a move of grace and Inner strength from Tai Chi and at the top of his lungs he screamed. [B]Ugatorimon i Give you my RAW ANGER AND STRENGTH DESTORY THIS MONSTER DIGITAL POWER CONVERANGENCE!![/B]

This Statement brought Ugatorimon into a state of Strength and power beyond his normal as the two's power became one as they both moved the power moved in them both. As Ugatorimon unleashed a attack of power beyond a Ultimate. MEMORY SEAL! The wave of energy slammed into the ultimate digimon and forced him to Dedigivolve. However the attack made both Ugatorimon revert back to a In-Training Level and made Kredion Fall to his knee Abruptly.

As Rylonamon finished him off with a quick attack and absorbed his data Avian Looked at kredion like he had just grown two heads and Impmon and Ichi where to busy talking things out to notice him.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR]
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Ichi did notice the defeat of Blackwargrowlmon but had something much more important to take care of.

Impmon: *Forces Ichi off of him* Get off of me!

Ichi: *picks him up by the bandana* Hey listen you ungrateful purple midget. You should be glad I am a good guy any other guy would have left you to take the blow...

Impmon: I dont need your help... I never needed anyones. No one ever treated me with respect when i was a Yaamon... Why should i respect anyone now as Impmon.

Ichi set him down with a thud.

Ichi: You honestly think your the only one with that probelm... Feeling like your nothing and no one wants to be your friend... Your wrong. I was like that once but i found several things that was great about myself. After I saw value in myself others saw value in me. The same goes with you. You are stubborn that is just a crude form of something that can become much more great... The willing ness not to back down when someone is in trouble.

Impmon was sitting on the ground and stood.

Ichi: *Extends his hand* What you say... Partners?

Impmon: I... *he looked tempted* What ever... *he left*

Ichi: *sighs* He'll come around... I was given the same speech and had the same reaction
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