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Find Ezra Black


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[QUOTE][b]Dear friend,[/b]

[i]You know, there's an old redman method for hunting buffalo that beats any paleface with a sixgun. Wear a wolfskin. That's 'cause buffalo are so big and powerful they ain't too much afraid of a pack of wolves near their herd. Once the redmen hunters have chosen their prey, the men in wolves' clothing bring it down with relative ease.
Are you a wolf? If you are, then you won't make it, partner. Take a little time to learn from ole' Black. Do that and I'll teach you about the patience of God, the power of nature, and the measure of a man.
Your best way to start learning is to stand up; you've been lying down too long and you're wasting daylight.

Your friend,[/i]

[b]Ezra Black[/b][/QUOTE]

You have in your hand a letter written in black ink on general store paper. When you finish reading it, you fold it up, unsure of what to do next. You survey your surroundings.
Your choices in life haven't always been agreeable with the world at large: You're a thief, a killer, a lawyer, a harlot, a pimp, a drunk, a foreigner, an undertaker, or maybe even a jack preacher. What's all that got to do with anything? Those are the people Ezra Black goes for, that's what.
Everyone knows about "the justice of Ezra Black." Some call him the only real American hero; right up there with Paul Bunyan and George Washington. But that's because those 'some' ain't you--yet. After all, Ezra Black goes for people with vices--which means he goes for everyone, right?
You've heard the same people in saloons all over the territory call him the messenger of God and a son of Satan in the same breath. He's the Law, and the Lawless, so they say. He tracks 'em down, but he don't never bring 'em in. But it don't really matter what 'they' say anymore. After all, you've got a better chance than anyone else of finding out exactly who Ezra Black is. He's got you, and all you've got is your wits, the piss in your veins, and the clothes on your back, for now. Don't fret, though. Ezra Black don't leave 'em hangin' too long without goadin' 'em with a stick. You'll hear from him.

Just one thing to do: Find Ezra Black.


To be fair, I have to say that this story is only halfway mine. A friend of mine posted it originally a long time ago under the username Ezra Black, but it didn't get much attention. He's is school in Montgomery now, and I've decided to rehash the story with full creative license.

This is your laundry list:

Describe your surroundings:

The gate for people who get in on this is fairly wide open. Don't be stupid, and you'll get in...initially. But the quality and originality of your sign up will dictate the difficulty of your circumstances. You guys will be writing the story, not me. I'm just creative director.

Here are your rules:

-You're alone, for now, in the wilderness of the US Midwest.

-Your immediate surroundings are, in fact, determined by you, but you're precise location on the map is known only to Ezra Black, playable only by me.

-This is basically a quality-based game of which there will be a definite winner.

-If none of you win, I do.

-The quality/originality of your character development within the set boundaries are key in determining what clues will be given to you, and what items/secrets you do or do not receive.

The aforementioned boundaries are these:

1) No killing fellow competitors without permission from Ezra Black. This permission will be worked into gameplay(and via PMs), but use it (and each other) wisely.

2) The name of the game is "Find Ezra Black" it's a little misleading. You see, you don't find Ezra Black, so much as he reveals himself to you gradually. It is through, as mentioned, your own creativity (and some more blatant measures such as puzzles and riddles) that you will come to a final confrontation with your captor. So no finding Ezra Black on your own.

3) As mentioned, you begin alone, with no weapons. Only you're own wiles, and the environment around you. I repeat: "The environment around you." Rest assured, weapons will come.

4) On beginning alone: As you progress, it would be beneficial to you to locate other competitors. Do this in good taste, though.

5) There is no such thing as civilization to you at this time. When you do find it, make note that this is set in the 1850s-1900s time frame.

Character elimination:

Most of this will take place in form of showdowns. I will give out various tokens allowing these showdowns, via the story line, or private message. This will be played out in story form, and judged by me. I may be willing to accept another judge, should a suitable one be interested.

However, should the challenged also hold a token of equal or lesser value, he may turn down the challenge, costing both of you the tokens.

They are as follows:

1) The Challenge Token: This gives any player holding such a token the right to challenge any other player to a showdown. Any token in the game may be used to counter this token.

2) The Ambush Token: It allows the holder to set up a showdown from which there is no fleeing. Again, all showdowns are subject to judgment by myself or another to determine the victor.

3) The Justice Token: This token allows the holder to seek revenge on another player for a past deed. This automatically gives the holder an advantage in a grading system I'll discuss later in this post.

4) The Murder Token: Only three will be awarded in the game, and solely via PM. This gives the holder the right to kill any character in the game, save myself. They may only be prevented by a special token, called the Token of Righteousness.

5) Token of Righteousness: Only one will exist in the game. Though, it may be recycled to another player after use. This token gives the holder immunity to all other tokens except the Ambush Token, which can, in no way, be avoided. It will also be available solely via PM.

[B]Making the Grade[/B]

My grading system is fairly simple. Each challenger gets one description of the showdown, sent to my PM box. I'll determine the winner by the following criteria, and post the winning version with no notification to either participant:

Creativity: I want to see an artist when I read your posts.

Style: Give me unique language, relative to the time and situation.

Grammar: This is basic. You won't get far without it. Typos, I understand. Era-correct language is encouraged. But bad grammar is self-defeating.

Value to the story: You can affect your showdowns by making yourself of greater value to the story than anyone else. That doesn't mean you can write a masterpiece of a character and then just let your showdowns go to hell, though. It's all balanced.

Justice Token: If you're holding a Justice Token, and you are the challenger, this section of the grade is a check for you.

Historical Accuracy: I don't want to see laser cannons of death.

[B]The Final Showdown[/B]

I mentioned earlier that one character would win this game. It may be you, or it may be me. How is that fair you ask? I'm going to have another, capable, unbiased judge determine who wins this showdown. Someone either no longer in the game, or who wasn't ever in it at all.

If there is more than one character left and one of you meets my criteria for "Finding Ezra Black" the game will progress until only one remains.

[QUOTE]"No redman knows buffalo like me."[/QUOTE]

Give me what ya got.


You forgot to add a rating to this game, so I will put [M-LV] to the title for you. If you want to change it one way or the other, just PM me.
- Sandy[/COLOR][/size]
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