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The Almagest Legacy


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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]

[indent][size=1]It had been the Gallant, a scouting craft which had first spotted them, the collection of mismatched and converted airships which had made up the Underdog Fleet. With haste, the loyalist crew had radioed the Sentinel, it's comm. officer, a young man who Daedalus knew by the pitch and horror in his voice had never expected to see real combat from his tiny ship. His few frantic words had been cut off mid-sentence by the enemy missile barrage which had consumed the Gallant and it's eight crewmen in a fireball which had for a moment seemed brighter than the setting sun.

Panic had not swept the bridge, nor the fleet thankfully, only a mild feeling of distress for their comrades and the battle they were now going to face. Daedalus' own orders had been sharp and concise, ordering as many troops as he could spare from the surface to return to the fleet, they would not have full crews, but neither would they be fighting on skeleton crews. It all seemed so familiar, except things were playing out of order to his memories.

The first blips had shown up on the radar about ten minutes after the Gallant's contact, although Daedalus clearly had the advantage in terms of numbers and firepower, he was still limited by the fact his fleet had to be spread out to try to prevent the Underdogs from simply levelling High Czenoble from the air. At their current speed, it was predicted the enemy fleet would arrive in less than eight minutes, which would hopefully be just after the last of the recalled crew had arrived back.

"[b]Air-General sir, Fleet Command reports that His Highness and the other VIPs have been moved successfully to the secure bunker. His Highness wishes you luck in the coming battle, and to remember that you fight for all Czenovia holds dear.[/b]"

His expression had contorted unconsciously into a scowl with the last few words of the message. "All that Czenovia holds dear" ? No Highness, from your perspective I'm fighting for all that you hold dear, your power, your wealth, your status-quo, all the lies and treachery which you and your family have proven so adept at to hold on to the secure lease you have around the people's throats. If I fight for anyone Primas, I fight for the normal citizens of this kingdom who have not turned to madness or murder in an effort to remove you.

"[b]Lieutenant, tell Fleet Command that we are bolstered by His Majesty's sincere words of encouragement, and that as long as I command this fleet, I will allow no harm to befall the citizens of Czenovia from these traitors.[/b]"

Might as well answer insincerity with insincerity Daedalus thought with a small smile, though hopefully to his crew who had bought into his response it would seem to be one of determination and give them some more confidence, Gods know, they would probably need it. Although Major Gast maintained an almost omniscient presence on the bridge with the Air-General, Daedalus couldn't help but note how many of his officers were what he would classify as being "green" in that certainly looked as if they'd never seen combat before in this life, and a trial by fire was not the optimal way of smoothing off those raw edges.

"[b]General. The dock officer has just reported Colonel Almagest has arrived back onboard and in enroute to the bridge. All the crew should now be at battle stations, we're ready to fight on your orders.[/b]"

Daedalus wasn't sure whether or not Gast's statement had been intended as a personal report for him, or whether the Major had just been professional in reporting the return of his senior officer, perhaps it had been measures of both. Off-handedly he wondered why Gast was still only a Major, from what he'd observed of the man in his capacity as an officer, it was clear he could have qualified further in his career.

The first thing Daedalus noticed about his son when he strode through onto the Sentinel's bridge was not the dirt and blood on his cheeks and uniform, no doubt earned during the ground counter-assault on the Underdogs, but rather it was the satisfied grin on his face, as though he was only too eager to fight this new threat head on. Locking eyes with his face, the smile faded a fraction as he began self-consciously trying to straighten his uniform.

"[b]At ease Colonel, I don't think the Underdogs have a dress code for battles.[/b]"

A small ripple of laughter echoed round the bridge, not at the Colonel's expense, but rather the concept the Underdogs might be offended at the idea of fighting someone with a dirty uniform. Saluting Dwalish, Gast dismissed the Lieutenant who'd been manning the weapons control console before taking the empty seat. The levity quickly melted away as the enemy fleet became clearer and clearer to the naked eye, most of them were retrofitted, but one or two of the ships looked like they were built specifically for the battle. Evidently someone in Brigit Town hadn't accepted their loss forty years previously with good graces.

"[b]Two minutes to weapons range sir !![/b]"

"[b]Steady helm. Lieutenant Fulbrook.[/b]" He'd remembered her name at least, if only because probably calling just lieutenant on his bridge would draw more than one person's attention. "[b]Is the Fleet fully prepared ?[/b]"

"[b]Aye sir. The other Commanders report their ships battle-ready and willing to engage the enemies on your orders.[/b]"

Fulbrook's tone showed no fear, good, he'd need her to have a level head to redirect the fleet as the battle changed.

"[b]...Sir, we've got an incoming communication from the Underdog Fleet, apparently their commander wants to speak to you personally.[/b]"

To his credit, Daedalus hadn't instantly shown his surprise, his brow furrowing slightly after a moment as he tried to work out exactly why they were being contacted. Was the enemy trying to work out which ship he might have been on to focus their attack ? Pointless, he'd been in command less than a week, and the status reports of the other commanders showed them to be capable of operating equally well whether or not he issued them orders. So what could it have been ?

"[b]Comm. Put the Underdog Commander through to the bridge, I want to hear what he has to say.[/b]"

The old man's voice might have been a shade too quiet to be reassuring.

"[b]Aye sir. Patching him through now.[/b]"

There was a momentary lapse of static before the voice came through, it was rich, amused and instantly recognisable to just about everyone in the 1st Fleet. Daedalus' eyes widened as he realised his mistake in putting the man through.

"[b]Well, well, still warming my chair Daedalus ? How's everyone on the bridge ? Dwalish, how's it feel working for dad ? And you Jennifer, asked out that nice lad from Engineering yet ? Thanks ever so much for putting me through.[/b]"

"[b]...Litheway ?[/b]"

"[b]The one and only. Now Daedalus, let's try to be gentlemen about this. I have the clear advantage here, I know the exact capabilities and strategies of your entire fleet, because it's really my fleet, I built her practically from the ground up. I'll accept your surrender in the next two minutes, after which we will engage one another and you will lose. Please do not force me to kill so many good crews in saving a morally bankrupt monarchy from the sweeping tide of democracy.[/b]"

Daedalus had to admit, he was now on the back foot. If Litheway was half the General Daedalus had assumed him to be, the rest of the fleet likely knew they were facing him as well, which probably in itself killed half their morale to fight the battle. Just the idea that Litheway was a traitor was almost impossible for him to believe, the man was aristocracy without a shadow of a doubt, so why was his supporting the Underdogs ?

Seconds ticked by. It made no sense. Worse still, he hadn’t bluffed anything he’d said, he did know the fleet better than Daedalus, it’s commanders, it’s crews, it’s strategies. But that still wasn’t enough to guarantee him victory, he’d need something more to be able to stand up to the Sentinel...

“[b]BRACE FOR IMPACT !!!!![/B]”

The roar came as the huge chunk of the port side of the ship was blasted away into a cloud of steam and molten metal. Lights and consoles showered sparks down on the bridge crew as screams ran the length of the ship. Damage reports flew in immediately, key systems have been lost but were being rerouted as best as possible, damage control teams were already moving throughout the ship, the medical bay was prepped and ready for the injured. His voice was raw from shouting orders after only moments.

...The cannon, he should have seen it, should have known it all along, it was the only thing which could have given the Underdogs the audacity of attacking their fleet head-on. Everything made sense now, Leonhart’s kidnapping, the other alchemists kidnapping, they’d been trying to restore the cannon, but how could they have known it needed an Almagest to prime it ? Or had they simply grabbed Leonhart and been fortunate ? Daedalus had never revealed, not even to Mideus the cannon needed an Almagest to fire it, it was too destructive to ever be used, and he could simply have lied and said it was beyond repair.

“[b]Still alive Daedalus ?[/b]”

The voice was partially distorted by the damage to the radio systems, but still recognisable, and still smug. Grabbing the transmitter piece from the comm. station in a grip that threatened to break the piece of equipment.

“[b]So much for your wonderful care about your former crew Litheway.[/b]”

He‘d growled it out, staring into the wide blue eyes of Lt. Fulbrook as she struggled to press down on the chest wounds of a nearby ensign who‘d been struck by some of the shrapnel from the explosion. Her hands were already slick with blood as the young man‘s breathing came faster and shallower with every passing second until at last his eyes glazed over and rolled back. She whimpered as tears began to spill down her cheeks and dapple her bloodied uniform. Dwalish was issuing orders from another console to the repair teams... everything seemed to be moving in slow motion to Daedalus, just like the day he‘d thought he‘d lost Leonhart.

Reactivating the transmitter, he‘d switched the frequency to that used by the 1st Fleet, although doubtlessly Litheway would be listening.

“[b]This is Air-General Almagest, all Commanders are ordered to engage the Underdog vessels as closely as possible, get right into their teeth men !![/b]”

It was gamble there was no doubt about it, he couldn‘t be sure Litheway or the Starks wouldn‘t risk hitting their own ships in order to destroy Daedalus‘ fleet, logic or sanity seemed to be in extremely short supply among the Underdogs.

“[b]Major Gast, do we know where that blast came from ?[/b]”

“[b]Negative sir... We have a rough estimate, but even then, that strike disabled our ventral heavy guns, even if we could see whatever delivered that strike, we couldn’t retaliate.[/b]”

Frustration literally bled from the Gast’s voice... Gods know what they were left to do now...[/size][/indent]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
Catherine had been oblivious to the sounds of the Underdogs getting ready for whatever they had in mind, her thoughts elsewhere. But Leonhart had paid close attention, noting how the Underdogs had been preparing for what had to be a battle. With the firepower of the cannon on their side? Things were going to get ugly, even if...

But when the cannon, with a deafening roar was fired, the sheer force of the blast shaking the very cavern they were in, resulting in several small cave ins; even he was startled by it's sheer power. With a start, Catherine's head shot up in surprise from where she was sitting next to Leonhart, their backs to the wall in their cell. The tears that she had finally gotten under control, starting up again, only this time, just silently running down her face.

"[B]Catherine,[/B]" he began, waiting for her to turn and look at him. "[B]Can you turn it off? If you got the chance?[/B]"

She shook her head negatively, "[B]It would take too long to figure out the sequence. You noticed the etchings when you activated the first key right?[/B]"

Leonhart nodded, he had seen the writings, though like what was on the side of the cannon he had not known what it said.

"[B]Each one of those is a puzzle in itself, a clue telling you how to find the next key.[/B]" She explained. "[B]Some of them required that you literally press certain letters in the question in answer to the puzzle before the next key would become open for activation.[/B]"

Catherine looked away from Leonhart and down at her hands that were tightly clutched together. "[B]The entire board was one logical puzzle after another, to ensure that one of Almagest blood couldn't just simply keep pushing the buttons that responded in an attempt to eventually find the right sequence.[/B]"

"[B]So why did you keep finding the next key?[/B]"

"[B]Because that type of puzzle indicates a means to undo what you are releasing.[/B]" She sighed, looking back at Leonhart. "[B]The cannon has a means to set it to self-destruct, I was looking for that sequence.[/B]"

"[B]Did you find it?[/B]"

Catherine choked a bit, struggling to keep her emotions under control. "[B]You saw how the first panel was replaced by a new one when the cannon turned on right?[/B]" He nodded, indicating that he had seen it.

"[B]The sequence is on that panel instead of the first one. I failed to realize that one couldn't access the ability to set it to self-destruct or to switch it off unless it was on.[/B]" She almost laughed at the sheer irony, but not quite. "[B]I hunted for it and instead ended up turning it on. Donner did not give me the chance to work out the remaining keys.[/B]"

Catherine smiled sadly, "[B]Even if I could somehow get to the panel, it would take more than simply pressing the right button. I'm sorry.[/B]" She found herself unable to stop the tears, after all, she had foolishly given the Starks what they wanted and who knew how many people had just died when the cannon had been fired. It was her fault, she should have known better.

"[B]Don't be,[/B]" He finally said in answer to the guilt he could see in her expression. "[B]The only one who should be sorry is the Starks.[/B]" Catherine just said nothing, not even when Leonhart put his arm around her to comfort her as best he could, the shackles getting in the way a painful reminder that they were still prisoners.
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[font=Georgia]The underground city was almost deserted, as the Underdog troops were all up in New Czenoble engaged in their final, desperate battle. The only ones left were the prisoners and their guards. Gadget was able to knock them out swiftly under his guise of invisibility. He grabbed the keys from one of the guard’s belt, and moved from cell to cell, unlocking the doors and opening the shackles. The captives couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the doors and shackles open by themselves.

Gadget didn’t unveil himself until everyone were released. He found Leonhart and Lady Catherine standing in the middle of the astonished crowd.

[b]“You!”[/b] both Leonhart and Catherine exclaimed in unison, although Catherine sounded surprised while Leonhart’s voice was more ominous.

[b]”Specimen 071… How did you survive?”[/b], Leonhart inquired.

[b]“Macey… Your daughter, sir. She brought me to safety through the tunnels”[/b], Gadget explained. Leonhart Almagest’s voice reminded him of the time he was lying helpless on the bed of the laboratory, when Macey’s caretaking was his only comfort.

[b]”Leonhart, this is Gadget, the assistant of Macey’s I mentioned you about”[/b], Catherine introduced. [b]“Although I have no idea what he is doing here.”[/b]

[b]“He is no assistant, dear sister”[/b], Leonhart said. [b]”He was subjected to experimentations by the order of Dynast King Mideus, who wanted to create an army of human chimaeras, and I agreed to fund the project. But it didn’t go well, as this boy here was the only one who survived.”[/b]

Leonhart measured Gadget from head to toes. The eyes of the seasoned tycoon and veteran made Gadget very uncomfortable, but he gathered himself and took out the device that Gustave Achard had given him.

[b]“Sir, this compass allows us to find Macey and the others who came down here to rescue you. We agreed that because of abilities, I would release you and take you to them.”[/b]

[b]“Very well, young man. Catherine, you take the compass and lead the others out of here. I need to take care of the cannon first.”[/b] The old man then looked at Gadget again. [b]“And you will help me with that.”[/b]

Gadget couldn’t refuse. Surely his abilities would help to protect Leonhart, who was weakened by the weeks spent under captivity. He handed the compass to Catherine, who gave a worrying look at her brother. Gadget wasn’t sure what this cannon was – perhaps it was the Giant that Victoria had gone on and on about – but it seemed like Leonhart felt responsibility over it.

Leonhart lead Gadget towards the mouth of a large tunnel at the edge of the city, while Catherine and the other kidnapped scientists went the way that Gadget had arrived from.

[b]“So you have been living in my house all this time, then?”[/b] Leonhart suddenly asked as they walked onwards.

[b]“Uh, not exactly, sir. But your daughters, Miss Macey and Miss Eva, they’ve tried to help me get rid of whatever was injected in me”[/b], Gadget explained.

[b]“Since you managed to sneak to our rescue without being noticed, I assume they weren’t successful.”[/b]

[b]“No, sir, not yet. But Eva promised me we would start the treatments once things have settled to normal.”[/b]

[b]“Ah, normal… I’m afraid it’ll be quite a while before things are normal again, young man.”[/b]

[b]“I suppose so, sir. After all, my parents have made things quite difficult for everyone.”[/b]

[b]“Your parents?”[/b] Leonhart asked, stopping. Gadget realized he had said too much again. Then again, it would’ve come out sooner or later, so why try to hide it. [b]“You mean the Starks? My, that is quite a coincidence… Then again, I always sensed that there was more to the couple than met the eye. You are no different in that sense, young man.”[/b]

They continued on. The tunnel lead up towards the surface. The ground had two wide tracks from the wagon they had used to move the cannon, so it was very easy to follow where they had taken it.

[b]“You mustn’t blame your parents solely”[/b], Leonhart said abruptly. This time his voice let through another kind of emotion. Regret, maybe. [b]“During my captivity I saw with my own eyes how different things looked like from the perspective of a mere worker. I always thought they should be grateful to me for providing them with employment and housing. I thought they lacked the ambition and will to become anything else that what they were born into. I always believed in the greater good, that the end justifies the means. That’s why I didn’t object when you and your neighbors were abducted to be experimented in Project Alchimaera. I thought that in the end you’d be happy to serve your country in the Dynast King’s army, just like I was back in the Mine Wars. When I first heard about the Underdog’s rebellion and kidnappings, I was enraged, but now it makes much more sense to me. They are only doing to us what we have been doing to them for years.”[/b]

Gadget remained silent. Hearing the old man say these things confused him. Was Leonhart Almagest really saying he was no better than the Underdogs?

[b]“But it’s not just a matter of aristocracy versus the commoners anymore. You see, the Starks got their money not only from inside the Mirror Palace, but from New Globe as well. Politics are never black-and-white, young man. I do not know why someone from the royal family would fund the rebellion, but there is a whole nation on the other side of the ocean who despises our technology and machinery, claiming that they are a crime against nature. Dynast King Mideus knew about this, and he was desperate to find a way to defend his country against a foreign army. But our enemy was more clever than expected – they tore us apart from inside. Now the Underdogs have the ancient cannon that was discovered by me and my brother decades ago, and they are using it against the military airforces. And you, Gadget, are the only one who can stop the cannon. This is why you were created.”[/b]

Gadget sighed. It really was his destiny to be a living weapon…

Eventually they came to the hill where the cannon was situated. Gadget was stunned by the brutality of it all. Many buildings below the hill were aflame, and the air was thick with rain and smoke and ash. The smog above the city was flashing and thundering as the airships fired their cannons, but none of them could match the sheer destructive force of the large cannon on the ground.

Leonhart stood behind him, and placed his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. [b]“Once they have shot down the airships, they will turn the cannon towards High Czenoble. They think they can build a new nation out of the ashes, but it cannot work. I am sorry it has come to this…”[/b]

Gadget turned to look the old man straight into his dark grey eyes. He saw tears in them. [b]“I really am sorry. Go now, Legacy of Celsius!”[/b]

Hearing the man call him that made something change inside Gadget. Suddenly he felt the full force of his abilities taking over him. He didn’t even notice the pain pulsating through his whole body. All he could think of anymore was destroying the cannon.

In a flash of bright green light he dashed forward into the crowd of rebels defending the cannon, pushing them from his path with brutal force. Suddenly he saw his father standing in front of him, aiming at him with his massive rifle, but he just slammed right against him, sending him flying against the side of the cannon. He didn’t hear the cries of the wounded, he didn’t feel the bullets reflecting from his metallic skin, he didn’t see the remains of Donner Stark huddled on the wet ground under the massive structure. He just followed his instincts, climbed on top of the cannon, pushed off the man on the controls, and put his hands on the panel. Then he closed his eyes, and everything went white. All the noise, all the scents, all the tastes vanished.


Raindrops falling on his face woke him up. It took a while before he remembered what had happened. He opened his eyes and looked around, and saw that he was lying inside a massive crater. He wasn’t sure if it had been hours or days, but, as he slowly realized, he was still alive. He tried moving his limbs, and to his amazement there was no pain, although they did feel sore. He stood up and saw that there was nothing left of the hill or the cannon. The sky above was empty and silent as well. He could only hear the rain. Then he looked down, and saw that his skin was still invisible.

Gadget tried to make himself visible again many times over the following years, but with no avail. Convinced that he could never return to his past life, Gadget left Czenovia and grew old in solitude in the Anovan countryside, giving birth to a story about a ghost lord living in an abandoned mansion.

When Leonhart Almagest returned to his family, he told that Gadget had sacrificed himself while making the cannon self-destruct. While it was doubtful that a mere mechanic would be able to do that, the crater was a solid proof that the cannon had indeed exploded, so nobody bothered to question Leonhart’s tale. Although Gadget himself would never know it, he would be celebrated as a hero in both Czenobles.[/font]
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[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]
As the Cygnus soared over the clouds, Jack fell silent. In light of seeing the Sentinel, the airman in him told him that the Cygnus couldn't win. Running his hands over the smooth metal of the captain's chair, he couldn't help but feel an uneasiness. For he knew, as most captains facing unmeasurable odds knew, if he were to have his way, the Cygnus wouldn't survive.

His hand grasped at the edges of the seat, and Jack felt everything. He'd designed every minute detail of his ship, right down to the 'fwoosh' sound the doors made as they slid open and closed. His concentration found itself broken as Clarke appeared.

[B]"Sir," [/B]he began, adjusting his glasses, [B]"the wings are ready."[/B]

Jack nodded and smiled, [B]"Clarke, by now you should be aware that I'm a wanted man by the Underdogs as well."[/B]

Clarke nodded. Before Jack could continue, he spoke. [B]"Sir, the crew and I knew full well who it was that took your arm. Perhaps you were lucky enough to receive true freedom fighters under your command, ones who only wanted what was best for the people of Czenovia. We know that's what you wanted."[/B]

Jack stood up, staring steadily out of cockpit at the sun and clouds.

[B]"Any man who would dare face down king and country for the good of the people I'd be more than happy to serve under. Underdog or not. But I cannot speak for all of the crew."[/B]

Jack nodded again. [B]"Thankyou Clarke."[/B]

He proceeded to exit the cockpit, Clarke close in tow. Jack's eyes focused forward, determined not to marvel at his creation a moment longer lest he loose his nerve and leave Meredyne in the hands of those dogs who took her. The doors flew open and closed as the two of them walked, Jack's pace steady until they entered the rear hatch, where the crew were. Each of them had on a set of iron wings. The wings, using a jetpack and a thin veil, allowed their users to glide. The crew all looked as if waiting for Jack to say something. Jack, looked at Audrey who sat by a lone set. [B]"Were you saving those for me?" [/B]he asked, walking over to her.

[B]"Perhaps." [/B]she said, her accent silky. Jack took the set and put it on his back before facing the crew once more.

[B]"This ship won't survive the day, so on my command evacuate and set your sights on the Sentinel. I want everyone fully armed. Decide amongst yourselves who will do the honor of securing another vessel for us to leave on. Don't bother being picky, they're all equally bad."
A collective 'aye sir' rose from the crew. Jack looked over the faces in front of him. All looked scared, even though some hid their fear behind a veil of bravery. Jack closed his eyes and thought for a moment, thinking of the task ahead. The sound of cannonfire could be heard over the engines, and from there he knew that he was close to the Sentinel. A large rumble could be heard shaking the ship. Jack had designed for acoustics also. His ship would reverberate the sounds of the air around him, and right now, he knew they were close to the Sentinel. A ship that massive was indeed a loud one, and a sitting target. Another mechanical sound permeated the room as the gears in Jack's arm began shifting, loading itself. His hand stiffened slightly as the operation took place. The crew watched as a used shell popped from Jack's arm as it cocked itself. Jack balled his fingers into a fist, feeling the motion through the nerve implants in his arm. It was time...

Back at the helm, Jack immediately set the Cygnus at a dive, plunging into the clouds below. Sparks of lightning and droplets of rain filled the cockpit window as the it hurtled toward the ground. No sooner than he entered them, the clouds broke, revealing the warzone below. Flack was flying everywhere around them as the ship descended. Dodging both ships and cannonfire, the Cygnus's path was undettered by the forces of war below it. Jack held the ship steady, angled straight at the Sentinel. His mechanical arm rattled violently with the ship as g-forces built up around it and felt terribly as if it were about to shake free of his shoulder. [I]I'm so sorry, [/I]Jack thought, [I]we never had our chance together. [/I]

The Cygnus began shaking apart from its own velocity. Jack pulled a lever, releasing the rear hatch. As he did so, he undid his seatbelt and immediately made way toward the back the ship. As he stood, a violent shake took hold of the ship, someone had hit it. Jack chanced one more look out of the cockpit window and realized he was blown off course. Cursing himself, he ran back to the helm and began trying to straighten the bird out. Whatever hit them made the controls damned stiff, but Jack was determined. Dodging more fire, he kept his course, descending still more rapidly toward the Sentinel. His path had become near vertical, and once again he tried to make his way toward the back. It was significantly harder this time, seeing as he was moving up rather than back. For the first time, he cursed the smooth figure of the Cygnus. His journey to the back was an arduous one, but he made it where the rear hatch was open. The crew had already evacuated. Jack, not wasting time, Leapt from the back on the Cygnus. His wings engaging as he took to the air. He turned to watch his ship as it slammed directly into the Sentinel's side, exploding nearly on contact. [I]Farewell, my love...[/I]

Jack's crew soared in close, waiting for him to make a move. Jack's hand receded, his arm becoming a gun once more. He immediately leaned toward the Sentinel and led his crew through the trail left by the Cygnus. The crew immediately landed in the smoldering hole, and were met by gunfire. Jack aimed his arm steady and began firing on the soldiers, they went down easily. Wasting no time, the crew dropped their wings and split. Audrey went with a group to the bay while Jack and his group went forward with their assault. They were a small force, but in the narrow corridors of the Sentinel, the military's numbers counted for nothing. The crew moved forward, finding themselves trapped and unable to go forward. Rather than risk the death of his men, Jack gave the order to fall back to the ship bay until he could regroup.

after the crash, and the bay was quite a wide area filled withInside the bay, Jack checked the ammo of his arm only to find out he was running low. There was debris left everywhere fighters. There were a few gunboats onboard, one of which his crew was feverishly working to make operational. Jack cursed himself again, this time for not really thinking his plan through. For all he knew, the Cygnus could have hit Meredyne. As he was about to stand up to begin the second wave, he saw something moving from the corner of his eye. Before he could react, he yelped in pain. Looking down he saw the tip of a sword stuck into his leg. He traced it to its hilt and then to the boy holding it...[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/daedalusavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
Harrison had finally been sent to his quarters for the day, Dwalish was still gone, and other than before dinner, he had not seen his father at all. Though he imagined that with being the Air-General for the fleet, it was unlikely that his day was over. Though it was semi-similar for Harrison as well since once he got cleaned up he was taking advantage of the free time before bed to read up on what Dwalish had started him on the other day. Even if he had been down in High Czenoble, Harrison doubted he?d take that as an excuse for him to have done nothing. And even if the spars with both him and his dad were enjoyable, getting clobbered was not. He was still a little sore from the last whack Dwalish had delivered, and getting hit again? That was an experience he was not eager to repeat.

Once he had gotten far enough that his mind was starting to wander, Harrison finally got up with a stretch and froze when the unmistakable sound of being called to battle stations was heard. [I]What? Battle stations? Here? Is it some sort of drill? There can?t possibly be a battle over High Czenoble, can there?[/I] He shook off the thoughts and got back into full uniform, taking a moment to strap on his standard issue sword. He did not have anything else yet, on account of being required to be trained and cleared first. Which was fine by him, other than a few times, he had never used any type of firearm anyway.

He hadn?t gotten that far out of his quarters to head for the bridge when he ran into his training instructor, Sergeant Garett. Who to his surprise was actually looking for him.

?[B]There you are[/B],? He sounded satisfied. ?[B]Colonel Almagest is on his way back from High Czenoble and I?ve gotten leave for having you help out with a few things before the Underdogs Fleet arrives.[/B]?

?[B]Yes sir.[/B]? Harrison didn?t know what he had in mind, but it was his job to do as told, even if it seemed to be contrary to what he should be doing. But at the same time, he didn?t know enough to determine just what his duties really entailed beyond being Dwalish?s aide.

But Garett?s quick explanation was easy enough to follow and he was off to the different departments to do as told. It wasn?t much different than the errands he had been sent on by Dwalish, though sometimes the messages he was given made no sense to him. But those he gave them to merely looked satisfied and Harrison noticed that he was not the only one running around doing similar tasks.

It took very little time for him to finish up and then make his way to the bridge for whatever Dwalish would have for him to do, by now it was likely that he was back on board. Harrison had seen others arriving and hurrying to their positions on the ship. He was closer to the back of the ship when something struck, causing the entire ship to shudder from the impact. The force of whatever it was causing the lights of the corridor he was in to flicker and he stumbled and fell into the wall, hard. [I]What the hell was that?!? [/I] He wondered as he straightened back up, his heart pounding a bit from being startled. A hint of fear ran through his mind as his imagination ran a bit wild as it attempted to determine just what was powerful enough to affect the [I]Sentinel[/I] like that.

Not wanting to look like a fool, he hurried to the bridge, taking care to avoid running. Just as he did his best to not stare or cringe at the sight of injured personnel being taken to the medical bay. He couldn?t help but cringe inwardly at the thought of actually being in a battle. How the hell had this happened? He hadn?t even barely been on board for two days, he didn?t have any real training other than those sword lessons at Chaos. Hell, he was four years too young to even enlist! He was so rattled that when he was almost to the bridge he nearly ran into Daedalus who was going the opposite direction, his demeanor quiet and almost grim.

?[B]Sorry Dad,[/B]? He apologized as he moved out of the way, forgetting protocol in his rattled state of mind, something that Daedalus seemed to pick up on as he didn?t even bother to correct him.

Instead he reached out with his right hand, grasping his shoulder. ?[B]Go wait with Dwalish and stay safe Harrison.[/B]? And then he let go and continued on his way, saying nothing else.

Puzzled, Harrison just stood there, watching his father leave until he found himself moving to follow him instead of going to the bridge like he was suppose to. He wasn?t entirely sure why he felt the urge to do so, he just did. The thought that he was disobeying a direct order never crossed his mind. He couldn?t shake an uneasy feeling that had settled in his stomach as all sorts of alarms went off in his mind. He kept back, shadowing his father, staying out of sight, or so he thought. When Daedalus arrived at one of the many bays for launching ships, he stopped at the door and sighed before turning around. Harrison was out of his line of sight, but it didn?t matter.

?[B]You can stop sneaking around and come out Harrison.[/B]? He ordered.

Embarrassed, Harrison did so, moving over until he was facing him from a few feet apart, looking down at his feet a bit. ?[B]Sorry.[/B]?

Daedalus just chuckled a bit, causing Harrison to look up at him in astonishment. ?[B]It?s alright, just be sure you get to the bridge once I?m gone.[/B]?


?[B]Never forget Harrison that I love you and that I?m very proud of you.[/B]?

[I]What?[/I] But Daedalus was already on his way to one of the fighter ships docked in the massive bay, leaving Harrison standing there at the entrance, watching him as he got into the vessel. [I]Why is he leaving the ship?[/I] But it was too late to ask him, he had been too startled by what he said and by the time the thought crossed his mind, the hatch to the ship had already been secured. Harrison knew better than to attempt to go over essentially knock on the door.

Unlike other fighters for the [I]Sentinel[/I], this craft was for the Air-General of the fleet, easily far more powerful and sleek. There just wasn?t any comparison really. Harrison didn?t know the full details, but even to his untrained eye it was impressive. A moment later and the sounds of the engine being fired up could be heard, a deep and powerful rumble that made the deck vibrate, something Harrison could feel through the soles of his shoes.

And then, with a powerful roar and a backlash of air that tossed his hair about and forced him to squint to protect his eyes and the ship was gone as it was flawlessly launched from the bay. For the longest time Harrison just stood there, staring at where the ship had been. He didn?t know how long it was before he finally turned and left for the bridge. By now Dwalish had to be wondering where he was. [I]Oh hell! He?s going to clobber me for sure![/I]

[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
Harrison didn?t get too far before he was startled by what seemed to be something else hitting the ship, though it didn?t seem as powerful as what he had felt earlier. [I]Now what?[/I] The sound of gunfire echoing through the corridors caused him to freeze in panic. [I]Gunfire?!? How did someone get on board?[/I] Without fully understanding why, when he heard the sound of people coming towards his location, he ducked into the closest door leading into another one of the bays of the ship. The sight was rather startling to say the least as the smaller fighters were scattered across the bay and debris was all over the place.

When the doors to the place opened, he was over to the right and partially behind one of the scattered fighters. Once again he froze in place; then moved further out of sight upon realizing that the small group of people who had entered couldn?t possibly be members of the [I]Sentinel.[/I] Their clothing and arms not standard military issue. All of them older, and moving with the same sureness that he had grown accustomed to seeing among those who had been on the [I]Sentinel[/I] for some time.

Ice crawled up Harrison?s spine, making him feel sick, his hand clutching the hilt of his sword tightly. [I]All they have to do is search and they?ll find me - and even if they don?t, if I try to fight them, I?ll die. Oh, gods, I can't challenge them! They can?t expect it of me - I?m no match for any of them![/I] But the group was more interested in one of the less damaged gunboats and other than the occasional hint of their voice, he couldn?t see them anymore. Instead he stayed hidden, struggling with deciding on what he should do, and the sounds of what seemed like even more people arriving didn?t help his state of mind.

He was wondering what he should do when of all people he saw Jack Deacon taking a seat not far from where he was hiding. Harrison couldn?t decide which was more startling, seeing him on the [I]Sentinel[/I] or the fact that he seemed to have an autogun arm, something he was sure he would have remembered from the last time he saw him. [I]When did he get that?[/I] But more importantly, seeing him there gave him no choice, Jack was a wanted man and as a member of the military he was duty bound to attempt to bring him to justice. He couldn?t keep hiding, hoping no one would see him, there was no point in even bothering to serve if one was too afraid to act.

Harrison took a deep breath and let it out in an attempt to steady himself, pulling his sword free as quietly as possible. He would only get one chance, the element of surprise working in his favor. It would do him no good against the others, but here against Jack? [I]Why did he have to come here? Hell![/I] And then before he could change his mind he attacked. But he had never raised a sword against someone with the intent to kill, he cringed, closing his eyes without meaning to. His right foot hit what had to be debris on the floor and he stumbled slightly. Harrison opened his eyes when the sword struck and Jack yelped in pain. He was surprised to realize that he had hit him in the leg instead of his chest like he had intended.

His breath caught in his throat and his heart started pounding even faster. He blanched in fear when Jack?s eyes met his, their expression something Harrison had never seen before. His mind froze, but his body did not as the swordsmanship training he had gotten from Chaos took over. Telling his body what to do as his mind was lost in the anxiety of the situation. With a hasty jerk he pulled the sword free, stepping back one pace and then raised the sword, bringing it down with all his strength where Jack was sitting. He had but one thought running through his mind, to stop him before he could bring his autogun arm to bear.

Jack merely rolled off the crate he had been sitting on, avoid the blow altogether, coming back to his feet in a quick fluid motion. ?[B]Knock it off kid.[/B]? He growled at him, but Harrison wasn?t listening, having already pulled the sword free from where it hit, immediately moving to cut yet again.

But Jack just avoided his blows, sidestepping them and then snatching what looked like a section of a metal pipe from one of the railings for the platforms where the fighters normally were nestled, waiting to be launched at need. A tiny part of Harrison?s mind wondered why Jack was blocking his attacks with the pipe as if it was a makeshift sword, just as it also wondered why the others hadn?t interfered yet. But then the thought was lost as he focused on defending as now Jack was pressing the advantage, his skill with a sword like weapon clearly more than what Harrison had learned.

A hard downward strike nearly ripped the sword from his hands, but the effort to hang onto it gave Jack the opening he needed to move in to deliver another quick blow from the side. This time the force of the blade being struck from the side forced it out of Harrison?s hands and with a loud clatter it went skittering across the bay before finally coming to a halt when it hit another damaged fighter. [I]Shit![/I]

Hastily he turned, backpedaling as he did so, intending to attempt to retrieve it. Jack was too quick, closing the gap and swinging hard at Harrison?s half turned back. The force of the stunning blow from the pipe as it hit him across the back and the back of his head knocked him to the floor. Harrison landed hard, dazed from the blow. He was sprawled half on his back, too stunned to attempt to get up. [I]So. This is what it comes to. This is how it ends.[/I] He thought as he heard the sound of Jack?s footsteps on the deck as he approached where he was lying.

And strangely, he felt like laughing. [I]At least I put up some kind of a fight.[/I] Time seemed to stand still and he found himself oddly conscious of little things, of his ankle bending the wrong way, of a bit of debris that was digging in his cheek, of a strand of hair in his eyes. And then Jack was standing over him, looking far from amused. But what he did next was not what Harrison expected. He simply reached over and with both hands - grabbed the front of his uniform and hauled him to his feet.

?[B]I told you to knock it off you [I]stupid little brat![/I][/B]?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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[indent][size=1]In mere moments, the tide of the battle had turned completely. Daedalus hated to use such a commonplace colloquialism to describe the situation, but it was unfortunately by far the more apt that came to mind. The blast from that magitech cannon had nearly crippled the ability of the Sentinel's ability to fight, like a wounded animal, she struck back hard at anything which came too close, but there were too many predators circling around, waiting for the kill.

Another shockwave ran through the bridge, strained electrical systems blasting out shower after shower of sparks like blood from a freshly opened wound. The three Underdog cruisers circling the Sentinel, trying to cut it off from the rest of the fleet continued to lay down volley after volley of fire on the battleship. Damage and casualty reports continued to flood in, thirty had been killed or were missing so far, the majority of them in the sections where the magitech cannon strike had hit.

News from the fleet was better, Litheway had taken a sizable chunk of his fleet and thrown it at the Sentinel, hoping to use it and the cannon to take out the Czenovian dreadnought early while the rest just mopped up. Evidently he'd also expected a hell of a lot more hesitation from the commanders who'd served under him before his betrayal, men who were now thankfully engaging the Underdog fleet as hard as they could.

It was only a matter of time though, as tough as the Sentinel was, she couldn't take more than another two hits of that cannon without going down. Comm. from Fleet Command had already confirmed what Daedalus new instinctively, all of the other Fleets were too far out to make it back for the battle.

One of the Underdog cruisers began to lose altitude after the Sentinel's last volley of fire, explosions dotting the hull before finally the entire craft was encapsulated in a flash of flame and crashed down as debris into the city, fresh fires renewing the plumes of smoke so recently put out from the violence.

He had no idea how long it would take the cannon to fire again, maybe their first shot had been intended to cripple or destroy the Sentinel early, and their one ace in the hole had been overplayed. It was a pity Daedalus couldn't trust that assumption. The distance between them and the fleet was growing, even with that one downed cruiser, there were still two more trading fire with them, and four after them holding off.

"[b]Colonel Almagest. We need to break through the enemy lines. If we get too far from the fleet, we won't be able to offer them any of our heavy fire.[/b]"

If his son had offered him a gape and then asked to have his father removed from command for clearly losing his mind, Daedalus probably wouldn't have been that surprised. Instead, Dwalish merely nodded to him and ordered passed on the order with the same authoritative tone his father had just used. The helm officer, who'd been doing his level best to keep the ship's damaged side away from the brunt of enemy fire gave him a quick glance before nodding and shifting the course of the ship back towards the rest of the 1st Fleet.

"[b]Lt. Fulbrook, I want you to contact the closest commanders and order them to provide additional suppression fire. Once we rendezvous back with the rest of the fleet, we're going to switch to engaging them with fighter craft to maximise the effectiveness of our counter-attack.[/b]"

She'd managed to pull-herself together admirably in the few short minutes since the battle had begun, even as her uniform was still soaked in blood, she'd refocused her attention back to where it was needed most. Either that or she'd just managed to completely shutdown her emotional responses, it didn't matter either way that much.

"[b]Aye sir, transmitting orders now.[/b]"

Calling it a gamble was the absolute most pleasant way to put what he was doing into words, gross stupidity and suicide were other pretty accurate ones too, if things turned out badly. The vast majority of the Underdog's fleet were converted for military purposes, only a few of their cruisers, like the ones attacking the Sentinel now had actually been built for combat. That meant, almost certainly that they lack fighter-defences common to most military air-ships, if they deployed their own fighters, and co-ordinated the attacks properly, they'd be able to stave off the Underdog fleet, even if the majority of their own cruisers were destroyed by the cannon.

"[b]SIR !!! We've got confirmation of a gigantic explosion in Czenoble !!![/b]"

Daedalus' mind raced, had the enemy already started firing on the city ? Impossible, they couldn't afford to split their attention like that. Fulbrook's voice lifted as the finished the message, almost to an ecstatic shout.

"[b]Co-ordinates indicate it's the last rough estimate of where the cannon was located !!![/b]"

"[b]By the gods, we might actually win this.[/b]"

Trust Major Gast to chime in with his optimistic cynicism right at that moment. Daedalus gave him a genuine grin, before his mind moved back to Leonhart...If he'd been near the cannon when it exploded...No. He couldn't think like that no, not whilke there was still a battle to be fought.

"[b]Sir, the cruisers that were firing on us are moving back to join the main Underdog fleet sir.[/b]"

"[b]Thank you Colonel. Evidently Litheway knows his one major advantage has just been lost to him. That should also put a major dent into the rebel's morale. Even so, I don't imagine he'll switch back to regular fleet tactics just yet...[/b]"

He turned back to Lt. Fulbrook and gave her a similar smile.

"[b]Lieutenant, tell Litheway I want to talk to him again, and put it on full-broadcast to the rest of the rebel fleet, let's cause some dissension in the ranks.[/b]"

The young woman beamed at him before punching in several commands into the comm. console she was seated in front of.

"[b]Understood sir, ready to transmit.[/b]"

Got you now, you traitorous son of a bitch.

"[b]Litheway, this is Daedalus. By now you know the cannon has been destroyed, and your plot against Czenovia has failed. Surrender now, or be destroyed.[/b]"

The response came back barely after Daedalus had finished speaking, and just angry enough to make him smile with satisfaction again.

"[b]Sentinel, this is the Liberator, each of us knows the penalty for so called "acts of treason". We are prepared to fight you to the last man.[/b]"

Not going to surrender huh ? Guess that just saves time, you were going to die either way Litheway.

"[b]Sir, the Underdog ship engaging the Valiant has changed direction... IT'S ON A DIRECT COLLISION-COURSE WITH THE CRUISER SIR !!![/B]"

By the gods, they wouldn't go this far, would they ? The Valiant lurched to try and get away from the oncoming cruiser but it was too late, for one gods-awful moment the two vessels twisted in some terrible dance before the explosion flared and reduced all about to ashes. The silence which swept over the bridge for those few moments could only be described as deathly. Never in his wildest dreams had Daedalus thought they'd use a tactic like this, truly they were fanatics in every sense of the word.

"[b]Lieutenant order all commanders to withdraw from the enemy at once !! I repeat, withdraw and regroup at once !![/b]"

Obviously the commanders had already issued their own orders to do so, but Daedalus couldn't help but do so anyway, feeling absolutely helpless.


Two more flashes, two more loyal crews joining the comrades in the Great Beyond. This was going to become a massacre for both sides...

Before the 1st Fleet had managed to regroup, they'd lost six ships altogether, Valiant, Triumph, Defiant, Integrity, Guardian and Ardent... over nine-hundred lives... and almost a quarter of the fleet. Their only chance was with the fighters now...

"[b]Comm. orders to the Fleet, I want every fighter remaining launched with the heaviest ordinance available equipped, the rebel's fleet needs to be destroyed before they start targeting High Czenoble with those suicide runs.[/b]"

"[b]Air sir.[/b]"

Quietly Daedalus moved towards the bridge exit, in a dash that was most certainly the most civilian looking thing Daedalus had ever seen Dwalish do, he caught his father's shoulder and turned him back around to face him. He'd never seen such desperation in his son's eyes before, he could feel his hands shaking despite the grip he held on the Air-General's uniform. Major Gast issued sharp looks to anyone who's attention strayed from their consoles.

"[b]Where are you going ?![/b]"

It was a hoarse, pleading whisper.

"[b]You already know the answer to that.[/b]"

Daedalus' voice was soft, he wasn't talking like Dwalish's superior officer, or even like a father to a grown son, this was him talking as though Dwalish was still a boy, back when he had begged him not to go back to the duty and leave him again.

"[b]This isn't part of your duty sir !! If anyone should lead our fighters, it should be me, or Major Gast !! Please... Dad... Don't...[/b]"

That was probably the most personal thing he'd ever said, and it hurt like hell for Daedalus to hear, for a moment he looked away, before locking eyes with his son again.

"[b]You have to let me go Dwalish... It's your time now... I'm just an old man doing his last duty...[/b]"

"[b]...I...I don't...I don't understand dad...[/b]"

"[b]A Commander doesn't leave his ship for any reason, you know that don't you ?[/b]"

"[b]So why are you... ?!!! [/b]"

Reaching into his breast pocket, Daedalus pulled the small gold insignia out and watched Dwalish's eyes widen. Carefully he removed Dwalish's silver Colonel crest and replaced it, before allowing his hands to fall back to his sides.

"[b]...Because the Sentinel is yours now, Commander Almagest.[/b]"

"[b]You...you can't do that... you can't...[/b]"

"[b]I just did.[/b]"

Briefly, he thumbed his son's rank markings before tossing them through the air over to Gast.

"[b]Colonel Gast, your final orders from me are to ensure the Commander stays here on the bridge and directs the Fleet to victory.[/b]"

"[b]Understood sir.[/b]"

"[b]Take care of yourself Dwalish, and your mother... and your brother...I love you and am very proud of you son, and I always will be.[/b]"

Finally Dwalish's grip slackened, and the material of Daedalus' uniform passed from between his fingers. His mouth was open, but no words came, his gaze falling to the floor between them. With a final squeeze of his shoulder, Daedalus turned on his heel and exited through the heavy metal door of the bridge.

He'd barely got half way down the corridor when Harrison slammed into him, for one infinitesimally small moment, Daedalus almost wished he'd managed to leave without seeing Harrison, if only to spare both of them the pain that would come from the meeting. In a repeat of the gesture he had performed only moments beforehand, Daedalus grasped his youngest son's shoulder and gave him a small, reassuring smile.

"[b]Go wait with Dwalish, and stay safe Harrison.[/b]"

Without further word, his pace began again towards the Sentinel's main bay. Groups of other pilots were dashing down the air-dreadnought's metallic corridors with haste to get to their fighters...Litheway had been right about one thing, they were all good crews, all of them men and women who deserved to go home to their families and tell them that they had defended the nation against traitors...so many had died without being able to do so...

All along he'd know he was there, inwardly Daedalus sighed at his son's stubbornness, after three decks, he stopped just outside the bay and spoke quietly.

"[b]You can stop sneaking around Harrison and come out...[/b]"

With the same benevolent smile again, Daedalus watched the boy turn the corner and make up all but a few feet of the distance between them. Harrison's face was flush with awkwardness as he muttered a small apology to his father. He has a good heart, like his brother, Daedalus thought, Czenovia will need that in the future, heart and duty, and compassion and loyalty. He would be a fine man some day...Daedalus only wished he could be around to see it... He spoke almost without realising it.

"[b]It?s alright, just be sure you get to the bridge once I?m gone.[/b]"


These would be their last words together, make them count old man.

"[b]Never forget Harrison that I love you and that I?m very proud of you.[/b]"

Just as he had with Dwalish, Daedalus turned from Harrison and marched towards his fighter. He'd built her from the ground up practically, she was Czenovian in every aspect of design, but at her heart she was all Almagest. Daedalus had hoped to make a present of her to Dwalish eventually, but it seemed fate wouldn't be so kind to allow him to leave such a memento. Sealing his helmet over his head, he activated the fighter controls, casting on last look back at Harrison, as he stood staring only meters away from the ship. As the engines roared, he watched the open sky envelop all his perceptions.

"[b]This is Air-General Almagest...Sentinel Fighter Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 on me, 5 through 16, you're to await orders from Commander Almagest.[/b]"

"[b]Understood sir.[/b]"

Slowly the thirty-two craft formed up behind him.

"[b]Our target is the Liberator, if we bring her down men, we can end this battle here and now. I'm not going to ask you to do this for me, or for the Dynast King, or even for Czenovia, do it for your families and your friends, and for the things that mean the most to you.[/b]"

There was a general chant of sir over the radio which caused Daedalus to smile, surging the craft forward, he watched the distance between the hundreds of 1st Fleet's fighters and the Underdog fleet shorten. Most of the enemy ships already showed moderate damage to their outer hulls, the Liberator however was almost entirely unscathed from battle. Wordlessly, as though held together in some great link, the fighters broke into smaller groups to attack their targets.

Retaliatory fire from the enemy came thick and fast, auto-cannons welded to the exteriors of the ships laid down a barrage against the on-coming craft. From his cockpit Daedalus could see several fighters burst into flames and smash into the sides of the cruisers, scoring their surface and increasing the damage. Guided magitech missiles streaked from the fighters, aimed for the weakest parts of the enemy and exploded in violent torrents of energy. There was a thick cheer as the first enemy cruiser crumbled up into a blaze of nothingness.

The evening sun had brought rain-clouds, dappling the canopy with tear-like droplets. Daedalus couldn?t help but acknowledge the metaphor, even the heavens were weeping at their follies, and yet there was only more death to follow before the conflict would finally draw to a close. A hail of fire came from the Liberator, intent on avoiding the fate of it?s sister ships. The tightened sensation in his chest grew worse, like a fire in his breath.

?[b]All fighters, fire at will.[/b]?

The fury that erupted sent shockwaves that rocked even their fighters. Large black holes, like fatal scars, which ran the length of the Underdog flagship became visible as the smoke cleared, another almost deafening cheer ran through over the radio. The rest of the 1st Fleet began to close the distance, circling round to prevent any of the enemy from escaping. The long range cannons of the Sentinel directed a further barrage of fire into the routed enemy...Victory was theirs.

?[b]DAEDALUS !!!!![/B]?

The roar came out over the airways and utterly silenced the shouts of jubilation...it seemed Litheway had one final address to give. Explosions sounded in the background of the crackling transmission, death-throes and wails followed suit.

?[b]If I cannot defeat the monarchy by force, then I will at least take away their foundation !! You may have won the battle, but the cost will be greater than anything you could have imagined.[/b]?

Fire burst from the great engines for the Liberator, it?s nose inclined directly for High Czenoble, his intention utterly evident. Cries over the radio told Daedalus what he already knew, his sight was deteriorating, as the pain worsened, spreading through his limbs like a numbing force. Blood seeped into his mouth, it?s metallic tang fresh on his tongue.

With a final effort, his guided the fighter alongside the Liberator?s enormous engines, slowly he flicked the last two switches on his cockpit console... The deafening rumble that came from his own engines didn?t matter... his eyes were already closed... the light that expanded out from the craft, encompassing his body had no effect, he was already dead... For an instant, it seemed as though Czenovia had a second sun, which then vanished, along with the final threat to the city...

[I]I?m sorry Harriet...I truly am. I wish I could simply have returned home once more to hold you in my arms, to whisper to you have much you mean to me, and how you make me feel like the luckiest man in the world when you tell me you love me. I wish that my debts, decisions and destiny had not taken me away from you so often, I wish that I had had the wisdom to guide my intelligence to realise what was truly important to me in life, and that it had not come to me so near the end. I will always love you, and I will always be with you.

My sons, of all that I have created you are the greatest because you do not destroy, I have dedicated myself to the wrong things for too long. Live and love, and follow your hearts. I will always be proud of you. Dwalish, find someone you can share your heart with, and be a better father than anyone before you, love your children and more importantly, show them you love them better than I did. Harrison, my dear boy, try to keep out of trouble. Don?t let doubt stand in your way of taking your dreams, whatever they may be, and try to keep your brother out of trouble too, he will need you, even if he doesn?t show it.

Leonhart and Catherine... I hope you are safe, I hope that you can accept my sacrifice without sadness, and that in the face of this new world, you will treasure what has survived more than ever.

Helen, I?m sorry I could not protect you, I hope you can forgive me... More than anything, I hope you are waiting, and I hope to see you.

Goodbye everyone...[/I][/size][/indent]
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Victoria knew that the others were right about them needing to head back instead of attempting to help Grandfather Leonhart and Auntie Catherine. It didn't mean that she liked it though. The talk from Gustave was at least enough to help her feel less worried, but not enough, especially when he confirmed that the new noise was likely an Underdog fleet.[I] But... Harrison and Uncle Daedalus and Dwalish are in the fleet![/I] First they kidnapped the others and now...?

As if to confirm that thought, the powerful hum that had first startled Victoria before the others caught up to her intensified with an almost roaring sound causing the ground to shake as if something was hitting it. Dirt and debris was shaken loose, falling onto the group. Victoria just held onto the reigns tightly, closing her eyes to shield them from the dust. She could feel Lucy tensing underneath her and then it was over.

"[B]We'd better hurry.[/B]" Gustave's voice was calm and firm, making her feel a little better.

"[B]It sounds like the fighting has started.[/B]" Macey sounded a little strained.

"[B]Those fools.[/B]" Eva started to say and then for whatever reason, she fell silent.

It only took a little urging from Gustave for Lazarus and Lucy to continue. By Victoria's memory, they were close to being two thirds of the way back along the path she had taken. Which if the map was correct, meant they were under High Czenoble. [I]I wonder if Gadget was able to free the others.[/I] She wished there was a way to find out. But now, even if only faintly, the sounds of what had to be the two groups fighting in the air could be heard, it was a bit faint at times, but still.

"[B]This is ridiculous.[/B]" Fonty finally said. Victoria just looked over at him, wondering if he meant something other than the fighting, but other than to give her a tiny strained smile, he said nothing else.

Victoria turned her attention back to watching their progress, no one seemed to feel like talking and she understood it. Or at least she thought she did. She was quite sure that the others were worried like she was. They were almost to another huge cavern when another jolt shook the tunnels, this one far more powerful than the other. A startled shriek escaped her lips as all hell seemed to break loose.

A terrible roaring sound could be heard from just in front of them, as if something was collapsing in on itself and this time parts of even the tunnel they were in came down, narrowly missing the group other than some light rocks and dirt. Without even thinking about it Victoria tried to shield Lucy with her hands only to grunt in surprise when Gustave pulled her back close against him, shielding her instead. The two chimera's danced sideways making nervous chips as if debating whether or not to bolt and then, it was over, the air thick with dust floating in the air.

"[B]Is everyone alright?[/B]" Gustave asked the group, waiting until he got nods and replies in return. "[B]We need to get out of here.[/B]" Once again he got the chimeras going but only a few minutes later they were forced to stop at the sight facing them.

The large cavern before them had caved in completely, making it impossible to continue and in the center of the cave in, the night sky could be seen as the cave in had broken through to the surface of High Czenoble. At least Victoria assumed it was High Czenoble based on the map and the sounds of what had to be airships and gunfire. Their view was restricted, but every now and then they could see a streak of light from the fighting.

"[B]Oh my god.[/B]" Fonty choked.

"[B]Who has the maps?[/B]" Gustave asked, sounding surprisingly calm.

"[B]Here.[/B]" Macey fetched them out of Victoria's backpack that had been fastened to the supplies on Lucy. She handed them forward to Gustave who in turn handed them to Victoria Ann.

"[B]Start looking for another path Victoria.[/B]" He requested, even as he got the group turned around and heading back the way they had just come.

Victoria just opened it up and started looking at it to figure out where they were since until that point they had been relying on the Chimera's to simply retrace their path. It shouldn't be too hard since she remembered how many larger caverns she had been through before they caught up with her.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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If not for the events earlier in the day with the disaster at the Royal Police Guard headquarters, Alexander would have almost believed that he was seeing things. That the two fleets over High Czenoble were but an illusion; remnants of some terrible nightmare that he had but to shake his head to wake up from. But in the fading twilight as night began to set in, the charred, smoldering remains of the RPG headquarters, clearly visible from their vantage point in the second story of the hospital, crushed any thoughts or wishes that what was before him was not real.

It was clear as to which force had to be that of Czenovia and that of what could only be the Underdogs. Every citizen knew the shape and form of the First Air Fleet as it was responsible for Czenovia’s internal defenses. The opposing fleet, the one making the unusual hum that had caught their attention in the first place was even to Alexander’s untrained eye clearly not military in nature. Only a few of the cruisers even looked like they were built for battle, the rest looked like they had been converted, making them less of a threat.

The two opposing fleets couldn’t be more than a few minutes away from being in firing range of one another, and the thought going through Alexander’s mind was to wonder what they hoped to accomplish, other than dying. It was madness to think they could stand up against a real military fleet, especially since he knew they would deploy the fighters that they had at their command. It was to be frank every bit as suicidal as the attack on the [I]Vigilant [/I]had been. They had managed to win, but that was an RPG gunship, something that despite it’s firepower, was tiny in comparison to the flagship of the First Air Fleet, the [I]Sentinel[/I].

[I]Are they really this foolish? What can they possibly hope to accomplish?[/I] He was about to turn to Alecia when a brilliant flash of light streaked across the sky, slamming into the [I]Sentinel[/I], literally blasting away a huge chunk of the port side of the ship. [I]Oh my God… What the hell…? [/I]Alexander tensed as Alecia gave out a startled gasp, reaching desperately for his right arm, clutching him tightly as she moved until she was leaning into him.

“[B]W… What just happened?[/B]” It was a rhetorical question, driven more by the feeling of fear that both of them were feeling over what they had just seen. What kind of terrible weapon had the Underdogs built?

But Alexander had no idea, he had never seen anything like it, and though he shook his head to indicate that, he was speechless at that moment. His own knowledge of weaponry insufficient for even making a guess as he had never heard of anything that could do such a thing. Ever. As if that one moment spurred the others on, the two forces began to fight in earnest, three of the more powerful ships of the Underdogs pinning down the [I]Sentinel[/I], laying down volley after volley of fire in an attempt to take the ship out.

As if mesmerized by the terrible destruction and fighting; both Alecia and Alexander couldn’t seem to anything but stare helplessly, wanting to do something and yet unable to do more than watch. It was maddening and terrifying all in one.[I] Surely they’ll be able to stop them, they can’t possibly lose can they?[/I] Even as that thought crossed Alexander’s mind, one of the Cruisers attacking the [I]Sentinel [/I]began to falter as explosions raced along its hull before the entire ship exploded in a flash of fire; debris from the ship raining down on the city below.

It took Alexander a split second to realize that parts of the ship were going to land either close to the Eshe Rehema Medical Center or literally crash into it. [I]Oh hell! [/I]With a startled oath he grabbed Alecia, moving her over to the other side of the bed before pulling her down on the floor to use the bed as a shield. If it hit where they were… With a terrible roar it struck nearby, the force of the remnant of the destroyed ship crashing into the ground causing the building to shudder with the impact; and the window to their room shattered, blowing glass into the room.

After what seemed like an eternity, it was over. The two cautiously raised their heads, peering over the side of the bed towards the window before finally getting up and walking over the glass fragments on the floor to take a look at what had happened. Across and down the street from the medical center, a huge section of the downed air ship had smashed into the building, crushing more than half of it. With a loud clatter even more bits and pieces could be heard slamming into the ground and then it stopped, other than the continual sounds of the fight above them.

“[B]Come on![/B]” Alecia grabbed Alexander’s hand and started dragging him out the door to their hospital room.

“[B]What are you doing?[/B]” But the moment he asked her the question he knew. Stubbornly he hung on tightly to her hand and then pulled her to a stop. “[B]No Alecia, it’s too dangerous.[/B]”

Stubborn blue eyes met his as she looked up at him and he knew in that moment he was going to lose. “[B]We don’t have time to argue about this. I can’t do anything to stop the fighting, but I can see to those who have been hurt.[/B]”

More than anything he wanted to make her stay put, but at the same time, that stubborn caring streak of hers was part of why he loved her so much. It was just that if anything were to happen to her… [I]Stop it fool. You can’t think like that. [/I]Alexander took a deep breath and then let it out.

“[B]Alright.[/B]” He finally said as he let go. Alecia just smiled and then took his hand in hers again and then turned and started running for the stairs leading down to the main level and the entrance to the medical center.
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][i]Macey leaned forward slightly in the saddle to get a better look of the maps Gustave and Victoria had opened. The compass in her hand, the cord looped over her gloved wrist, felt like a dead weight. She pushed that thought and it's connotations aside, and blinked a few times as Victoria Anne traced a fresh path with her finger, Gustave expertly manipulating Lucy across the rough terrain.

She held onto his waist with her free hand, looking over her shoulder at Fauntleroy and Eva, both of whom were sitting very quietly, perhaps both lost in thought, while Lazarus automatically followed Lucy along the edge of the paths, picking his way almost daintily. Lucy's powerful claws gripped the dirt and rock that formed the tunnel floor, and if Macey hadn't strained her hearing, she would've missed it. A human voice. In the relative silence of the group it was easy to pick out. There it was again! It sounded like- It couldn't be. As if she'd suddenly taken leave of her senses, Macey whipped one of her legs free of Lucy's stirrup, and whipped it around, leaping down from her back. Eva turned to look at her twin with some confusion.[/i]

"What is it Macey?"

"I heard something back the way we came. It sounded like Father!"

"No way! How could they be free? I thought-"

[i]Fauntleroy looked like he'd been struck on the head. Macey took off at a dead run down the tunnel, towards the place they'd already come from, fear and hope both rising in her throat, threatening to choke her. And as she ran down the hall, the footsteps that weren't her own began to grow louder until she realized there were more than just one. It was Auntie Catharine as well. Both of them, looking slightly worse for wear, but still her Father and his sister. He opened his arms to his dust stained daughter, and she threw herself into them for a hug, holding on as if he'd disappear if she let go.[/i]

"Father. Oh...we thought you'd been-"

[i]Macey had been choking back tears since she'd turned the corner and seen his face, and now they burst free, while she groped for her handkerchief in her pocket and tried to embrace her aunt at the same time. Behind them thundered up Lazarus and Lucy alike. Victoria Ann had already leapt down, skinning her knees in the process but not caring in the least. Aunt Catharine smiled down through tears of her own, streaking her dirty face, while Victoria clung to her and then held up one of her own slightly mussed kerchiefs. Eva held her father's hand while Fauntleroy remained on Lazarus, looking rather stiff. Gustave hung back as well, but for other reasons, a smile on his face at seeing a family re united. The smile on Macey's face a brilliant glow, transforming her usually somber features.

The orgy of happiness, gushing laughter, and tears of joy over, Victoria showed Catharine the maps, while Macey listened to her Father's account of what had happened in the tunnels.[/i]

"So after finding her, and Gadget going forward into the caves, you sent him on to complete his mission..."

"And he did. As far as we can tell. Now all that remains is to get out of this ridiculous hole and back into the sunlight."

"Even though all that's waiting for us is gunships, and insanity?"

[i]Fauntleroy's dry tone cut across their thoughts as keenly as the slash of the knife. In their momentary happiness they'd forgotten they were still underneath a massive warzone. Giving up her saddle for Aunt Catharine, Macey shrugged her shoulder and picked up the walking stick she'd had the presence of mind to bring along.[/i]

"Better than death by premature burial."[/FONT][/COLOR]
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Gears and cranks shifted and clicked in Jack's arm as the battery ram pounded against the door. His crew held precious cargo, and the military was rightly pissed about it. Lighting a cigar, Jack began pacing back and forth in the hangar. He didn't want to be there, and he knew that feeling would only escalate in the moments to come. He walked up to Harrison, and released smoke into his face. Looking rather insulted, Harrison tried to keep a stern look before Jack spoke,[B]"Be glad you're family you little twit."[/B]

Harrison remained silent. His eyes couldn't help but fall onto Jack's freshly bandaged leg. He felt somewhat smug.

The door boomed open and Jack immediately threw his cigar out. As he turned, he found himself on the wrong end of multiple guns. To his surprise he wasn't dead yet.[B] "Gentlemen,"[/B] he said, a slight smirk on his face,[B] "you know what I'm here for. Hand her over."[/B]

From behind the soldiers came Dawlish, Jack recognized him from a week or so ago. His blonde hair looked positively sweated out, as if he'd been stressing. Jack snapped his fingers, calling Harrison and his captor forward.[B] "An exchange?"[/B]

Dawlish's eyes narrowed into slits as he saw his brother. Jack noticed the look of hatred in his eyes. As he was about to speak again, from behind Dawlish appeared Meredyne. Jack licked his lips as he saw her, she didn't look as rough as he'd expected, which was a good thing considering he would have done everything in his power to make them pay if they had hurt her.[B] "Let her go. I should not have had to come here."

"Jack Deacon you are under arrest for your wreckless acts of terrorism. You will stand trial before a military tribunal and sentenced accordingly. Oh, and I'll make sure to add child abductor to your list of charges." [/B]Dawlish immediately called Meredyne forward, she walked with a silent dignity to stand beside him.[B] "She will be released upon your arrest and all charges against her will be dropped pending your trial."

"Son of a bitch."[/B] Jack quiped. Dawlish kept his military bearing throughout.

[B]"Is that your answer, Mr. Deacon?"[/B] Dawlish asked.

Jack stepped back slightly, feeling slightly defeated. He turned his head to look at Harrison, and then suddenly, pulled the boy in front of him and aimed his arm directly at the back of Harrison's head.[B] "I didn't come here to negotiate the terms of my arrest. I came here to demand Meredyne back. Now I've already fought back the urge to kill this kid, don't make me go back on that decision."

"You wouldn't dare..."[/B] Dawlish spat. [B]

"You wouldn't want to find out."

[/B]There was silence spread throughout the hangar as Jack's words settled in.[B] "I'm a dangerous man, Dawlish. Don't make me prove it to you."

[/B]Dawlish's bearing broke to show absolute anger at Jack. Jack held his composure, knowing that it alone would get him through this. Dawlish's hand went up, and suddenly Meredyne was shoved forward. Jack kicked Harrison in the back, sending him forward. It wa an ackward moment as the two came closer to each other. A red mark still sat on Meredyne's face from the day before, and Harrison was still nursing bruises from the pounding Jack had given him earlier. The two of them passed each other, Harrison immediately breaking out into a run and falling in behind his brother. As he did so, he noticed his brother give the slightest of nods and from the corner of his eye he noticed a soldier raising a gun. He was hidden in the cut near a ship, completely invisible to Jack, but Jack was not invisible to him. Harrison, confused, said nothing, scared of the outcome of this situation.

Meredyne, who was also tired of being held captive, broke into a run towards Jack, embracing him. She held on tightly, relieved that he had come back for her. She let go of her embrace to take Jack in. He was smiling as usual, a cocky smirk. Looking at his face, she began to notice something strange, it was a small red dot sitting square between his eyes. She didn't have to think twice before she knew what it was. She shoved Jack just as she heard the sound of the blast. Her body went numb and she fell once again into Jack's arms. She felt cold, really cold.

Jack laid her down on the ground, her body trembling. It was a shocking moment, one he didn't expect to come. Meredyne looked at him, tears coming from her eyes. [B]"Jack...s-save me."[/B] with that she stopped moving.

Soldiers began looking at Dawlish. This was indeed something that had gone horribly wrong. The gears in Jack's arm started shifting again, loading him down with more ammo. Someone was about to pay for this, and right now Jack's eyes were set on Dawlish. Jack lifted his arm, and without thinking began blasting into the crowd of soldiers. Some tried to shoot back, but most ducked for cover, afraid of the hail of bullets coming their way. Jack's crew members began falling one by one. Jack didn't care though, right now he felt like dying. He felt like taking as many of them with him as possible. His chamber emtied, and his arm hollow. Helpless, he fell to his knees ready to see Meredyne and his mother on the other side.

Meanwhile, Audrey and a few members of the crew had commandeered a vessel in the Hangar, detaching it just as the firing was over. Quickly she had the crew pilot the ship behind Jack. [B]"Fire!" [/B]she yelled and the ships cannons immediately fired. Dawlish and Harrison had already left, disappearing from the hangar as soon as Harrison was recovered. Jack stood and walked back toward the small ship, he was out of the line of fire. Upon boarding the ship, Jack immediately took the helm and piloted the ship out. Audrey, walked up and put her hand on his shoulder, but he removed it, prefering not to be touched at that moment. He needed some time to clear his head.[/COLOR][/FONT]

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Alecia didn?t waste any time in heading towards the entrance to the Eshe Rehema Medical Center once she stopped to pick up a basic kit. Nor did she give much attention to the patients or the staff that was starting to panic, there just wasn?t time, not when she was fighting down her own feelings of horror and fear over what was happening. But at the same time, she couldn?t just hide either, hoping another remnant from an air ship wouldn?t hit the center. Alexander was right in that it was too dangerous and yet, she could argue it was the same for staying put after what had just happened to the building across the street. More than half of it crushed, just like that. [I]There has to be survivors, I just know it.[/I]

The trip down the hallway and then the stairs didn?t take very long; but it wasn?t going to be that easy to get out of the center though as the pair found their way blocked by four members of the military; members who had been helping out with the chaos caused by the attack on the Royal Police Guard Headquarters earlier in the day. She was going to have to convince them to let her and Alexander out, to allow her to organize a team to help retrieve any survivors and tend to their injuries. She came to a halt, facing the four with Alexander right behind her.

?[B]Stand aside,[/B]? Alecia demanded in a no nonsense tone of voice. ?[B]We need to see if there are any survivors and see to any who may have been injured when the building was crushed.[/B]?

?[B]It?s too dangerous miss,[/B]? the closest soldier objected. ?[B]We?ve already sent a crew over to check the building. If you want to help, stick to keeping people here from panicking.[/B]?

Alecia started to object and halted when Alexander put his hand on her left shoulder, stepping forward to address the man. ?[B]Do any of you even know how to treat someone who is injured?[/B]?

?[B]Of course,[/B]? He nodded. ?[B]Everyone when going through training is required to learn basic field medicine.[/B]?

?[B]Basic training? Basic field medicine?[/B]? Alecia interjected incredulously. ?[B]Are you out of your mind?[/B]? The soldier started to object but she brushed past him before he could stop her. ?[B]If someone is seriously hurt and you don?t know what you?re doing, moving them would be fatal.[/B]? She glared at him sternly, her right hand on the handle to the main doors.

?[B]If you want to help, you?ll start organizing relief teams to assist the doctors and the potionists who are willing to help out.[/B]? She indicated the group who had started to gather in the corridor upon realizing what she and Alexander were up to.

He started to object again but Alexander just shook his head at him. ?[B]You?re wasting your time, we?re going.[/B]? He pushed past them as well. ?[B]We?ll be counting on you, so don?t let us down.[/B]?

Alecia took a deep breath and pushed the door open, leaving the building, closely followed by Alexander. She didn?t get very far when for the briefest moment she faltered as the sounds of the fight above them became more vivid without the walls of the building to muffle the horrible sound of gunfire, the explosions from the heavier fire sounding almost like she was right there. It was unbelievably loud and terrible, making her feel the urge to turn around and run back inside. The horrible stench of gunpowder and smoke made her feel sick to her stomach. [I]What am I thinking?[/I] She could feel herself starting to tremble in fear. [I]What good will I be if I?m too afraid to even move?[/I]

She came to a halt at the sound of even more debris raining down onto the city her breathing starting to race. [I]Gods, I?m such a fool![/I] Alexander caught her by the shoulders, turning her so she was facing him. Unlike her, his expression was more calm, or so it seemed to her. [I]I should have listened to him. I should not have left the building.[/I] She flinched at the sound of what had to be something larger hitting the city off in the distance. [I]I should have never come out here![/I] She could feel tears starting to run down her face, her fear of the situation starting to drown out her ability to reason. [I]How can people hurt others like this? This is madness![/I] But then to her surprise, instead of guiding her back inside, Alexander merely gave her the tiniest of smiles.

?[B]Everyone feels that way you know.[/B]? He explained, his voice surprisingly quiet in comparison to the hellish noise of the battle raging above High Czenoble.


He just smiled even more. ?[B]You focus on one thing at a time, doing your best to not let what?s going on around you to bother you.[/B]?

Alexander just waited patiently for her to gain some of her resolve back, behaving as if nothing was going on around them, something that was hard for her to understand. Though it was oddly soothing to see him appearing to be so calm in spite of what was going on around them. Alecia took several deep breaths, ignoring the urge to run back into the center before she finally nodded, turning to head across the street when he let go of her shoulders. [I]If I quit now, I?ll never be able to forgive myself.[/I] It was of no real comfort, but it was enough.

The trip over to the building was quick and yet felt like an eternity just the same. So many things were going on and Alecia was trying to take it all in, to absorb what was going on all around her. There was the noise of the battle raging above their heads, the sound of debris as it fell on the city, a deep rumble that she felt in the ground when yet another part of a ship slammed into the ground with a terrible roar several blocks over. There was the sound of screams from people who were either terrified or hurt, along with that of people panicking. Though some were staying put while others were attempting to flee the madness going on above them.

There were members of the military still on the ground, doing their best to attempt to get the people who were trying to flee back under the shelter of the buildings. Just as many of them were helping those who had been hurt by the falling air ship parts. Everything was overshadowed by a cover of dust and smoke as the fires that had been put out were now starting back up again. It was in short, overwhelming, and then her and Alexander were at the building that had been partially crushed and there was no more time to even think about the rest of the city.

To Alecia?s relief the crew the soldier back at the center had referred to was already there, some of them checking as best they could for any survivors while the others were helping those who were trapped in the parts of the building that had not been crushed. The remains of the air ship that had hit looked to be a part of the engines with all the metal parts and how it was still smoldering and radiating a terrible heat. It was too hot for any of them to get close enough to see if anyone was close to it.

?[B]Oh my?[/B]? Alecia choked when she realized that there were charred bodies that had been half crushed by the monstrosity that had destroyed the building. Hastily she turned her head away, moving instead to help some of the soldiers who were in the process of unburying what appeared to be other members of the military. Two of them were clearly dead, their injuries fatal. While the crew was helping the other three who were pinned under the rubble; one was attempting to stanch the flow of blood from a badly mangled arm. Either the young man was panicking or he had no idea what to do as he attempted to help the injured soldier. Alecia just moved in instantly, taking over since she knew just what to do.

It was with real relief that they moved aside to let her take over. Alecia knew that pale look, she had seen it so often, that barely controlled queasiness of one unaccustomed to blood. She just smiled kindly and shoved the young man towards one of the others who Alexander was already helping them unbury. While she swiftly tied up the wound and applied the necessary powders to help slow the bleeding, the others finished getting the others out. She had been so caught up in what she was doing that Alecia didn?t even notice when more helpers from the Eshe Rehema Medical Center showed up to take the injured back with them.

Alexander had barely helped Alecia back to her feet when a violent explosion rocked the entire city, causing the buildings and the ground to tremble. With a resounding roar the rest of the damaged building began to collapse. The two, after a startled glance at the wall that was leaning in their direction, broke into a run towards the street, barely getting clear of the building as it came apart.

?[B]What the hell was that?[/B]? Alecia stammered as the two looked around wildly for whatever had caused the explosion. But there was nothing that they could see, other than the continued battle above them. A battle that entered a new level of insanity as one of the ships deliberately rammed one of the other air ships causing both of them to explode and then shower the city with even more wreckage.

?[B]Gods? they?re insane.[/B]? Alexander exclaimed as the two moved to help whoever needed it, trying to make sense of the madness around them. As they went from building to building, as one rush of debris after another fell, they continued to help those who had been less fortunate. Five more times, terrible flashes filled the sky as more ships rammed into the others. It was if the sky was grieving as more metal and even the [I]dead[/I] rained down on the already battered city.

Before Alecia could gag at the sight of mutilated bodies that had hit the ground, her attention was caught by one of the larger pieces of the destroyed air ships landing in the middle of the street in front of the charred remains of the Royal Police Guard Headquarters, instantly crushing a group on the ground that couldn?t get out of the way in time. Sickened, Alecia turned away, fighting the urge to be sick, somehow she knew if she was, she?d lose it.

?[B]If they don?t stop this and soon,[/B]? Alecia ignored the tears running down her dirt streaked face. ?[B]The city and everyone will be destroyed.[/B]?

?[B]Alecia,[/B]? Alexander started to say but she wasn?t listening, already moving to the next area where cries for help could be heard, forcing him to run to keep up with her. So far they had managed to escape harm, but he wondered just how long they could continue to do so as a new sound caught his ears. One that looking up briefly proved to be the small fighter craft that the First Air Fleet had at it?s command.

Both of them were covered in dirt and soot as they continued to help as many as they could, along with those from the medical center who were brave enough to venture out in to the war zone. And yet even with their help and that of the military that was still in the area, it was heart wrenching to hear the cries for help that were becoming too many for them to get to them all.

Alecia was already exhausted and she wondered how Alexander was holding up as he too looked about ready to collapse. She was kneeling in front of the restaurant that her and Alexander often spent their lunch time at, thinking how it was ironic that now she was there helping a poor fellow who had been hit by falling debris. She had just finished bandaging him up with the last of the materials she had with her with a brilliant explosion lit up the sky.

Both of them looked up briefly as for just a moment it seemed as if Czenoble had a second sun and then the light faded. To both of them, it seemed if the battle was finally starting to come to an end, but as exhausted as she was, Alecia wasn't sure if she was imaging it or not. With a shake of her head, she got to her feet with Alexander's help and simply looked for the next person who needed help. [i]I hope this is over soon.[/i] [/FONT][/COLOR]
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It was hard to believe that they had somehow managed to find the others, Catherine hadn't been sure what to expect once they had become separated from the others that Gadget had freed. They had no choice but to continue as different sections of the tunnels had collapsed giving them no choice. But now, having found the others, they were having the same problem, three times they had followed a path Victoria Ann had said lead to a way out, only to have to turn around and backtrack on account of the path being buried in rock and rubble. It only made Macey's words ring even more true, that facing gunships and insanity was better than being buried alive.

"[B]I'm sorry,[/B]" Victoria Ann said despondently as they were forced to turn around the third time, the path blocked. "[B]Maybe someone else should find a way out, I keep picking bad ones.[/B]"

"[B]Don't be sorry Victoria Ann,[/B]" Gustave reassured her. "[B]You're doing just fine.[/B]"

The others just nodded in agreement as they continued back towards the next junction to head for the next possible exit, the same thought on each of their minds, one of wondering if they would manage to get out before they were trapped. It was an ugly thought, and it weighed on each of them heavily. That they wouldn't get out of there alive. Even the Chimeras were clearly nervous as they danced a little from time to time, their distress clear.

Once again they followed the directions from Victoria Ann as she kept track in her mind of the paths that were no longer clear in her mind. They had barely headed down the section to the next spot when yet another rumble ran through the tunnels and the group instinctively moved forward quickly at the sound of the tunnel collapsing behind them. They managed to outrun the collapse, pausing momentarily to make sure everyone was alright before continuing forward.

"[B]Uh...[/B]" Victoria Ann spoke up hesitantly. "[B]If this way isn't clear, that was the only way back into the tunnels.[/B]"

Before anyone could object Fonty smiled at Victoria Ann and spoke up, "[B]Then the way will be clear.[/B]" The others gave him an odd look which he just seemed to ignore. But a short while later, it proved to be correct as they finally came to a set of wide steps carved into the stone leading up to a set of double doors.

"[B]Finally![/B]" Eva was relieved, "[B]I was beginning to wonder if we'd never get out of the tunnels.[/B]" She wasn't the only one who was happy to see the doors.

In no time all of them were off of the Chimeras and up the stairs to force the double doors open, Gustave coming up behind leading the Chimeras up the steps and into what appeared to be a type of work shed with all sorts of equipment for tending to gardens and lawns.

"[B]Where in the world are we,[/B]" Macey was heading for the closest set of doors leading out, the sounds of the battle in the air could be heard. Without hesitation she opened the doors and just stood there, saying nothing as the others moved to join her. The view one of horror.

Leonhart pushed past the group and looked up behind them to see that they were at the base of the Mirror Palace, in one of the many private gardens for the royal family. He turned back to the others who were staring out at the city, the sight of the First Air Fleet fighting an Underdog fleet and the fires breaking out in the city was like something from a nightmare.

"[B]We're in the private gardens for the palace.[/B]" The others just looked at him, startled that the tunnels had taken them there, other than Victoria Ann who merely nodded.

"[B]So do we stay here until that madness is over with or do we look for someone to see if we can find better shelter?[/B]" Catherine was asking when Victoria pipped up.

"[B]How come that ship is heading right for us?[/B]" She pointed at one of the larger cruisers that seemed to be headed their way. The others turned to look, various degrees of startlement and horrified surprise coming from each one.

For one horrifying moment they were frozen in place and then Gustave was shouting frantically, "[B]Back inside! Now![/B]" He snatched up Victoria Ann and ran for the doors leading down, calling to the two Chimeras as well.

Time seemed to stand still as they hurried back inside in a desperate rush for the doors leading back into the tunnels before seconds later a terrible roar filled the air as the ship exploded, the shock wave shaking the shed they were in and then before even one of them had managed to make it to the doors leading down, the sound of debris hitting the ground outside could be heard.

Then something huge slammed into the ground nearby, the force knocking all of them off of their feet, sending them sprawling to the ground, the Chimeras instinctively crouching as they backed into a corner of the shed. Then just as suddenly the sound of the wreckage hitting the ground and the palace was over. Cautiously the group started to get back up, Victoria Ann immediately running to see what had happened, slipping past Catherine before she could stop her.

"[B]Victoria Ann! No![/B]" She called after her, but it was too late.

Gustave was quick to get to his feet and go after her, but instead of grabbing her and coming back in, he just stood there. "[B]It's alright,[/b]" He called back. "[b]The ship, well just come and see for yourself.[/B]"

Hesitantly the others did, stopping at the door and looking at the remains of the ship that had slammed into the base of the palace not to far from the shed. Somehow, the First Air Fleet must have stopped their suicidal run against the Mirror Palace. Saving not only the Dynasts but them as well. The group just stood there, watching the rest of the battle as it finished up.
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[indent][size=1]He felt dizzy... and sick... and lonely... and hurt. All these sensations had hit Dwalish the moment his father had closed the heavy bridge door behind him. In retrospect, it was just like when he had been a child, and his father had left for a mission... Dwalish had been proud of what his father did, at least, as proud as a five year old child could be when he had absolutely no comprehension of what exactly his father's job had involved. "Your father protects us all." That was how his mother had put it, and he'd simply accepted it.

His entire life he'd tried to emulate his father, or at least, tried to do things he believed would make his father proud of him. If Dwalish had any one major flaw to his character, it was his worship of his father, as far as he'd ever been concerned, no problem was too difficult for him to overcome, and nothing, nothing could ever kill him... In some respects, even the latter belief had endured even when Dwalish was an adult... Strange that it had only been in the last few weeks that he'd ever considered his father's mortality... sitting with him there in Eshe Rehema as he fought death, he'd genuinely believed that nothing could kill him...

But in that moment, when his father had promoted him to Commander and left the bridge... Dwalish knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that his father would not be coming back, and it had felt like someone had torn all the hope he'd had inside him away. Memories had flooded back, the day his father had been made Commander, the day Dwalish had graduated from the High Academy and entered the Fleet, the day he'd been made Captain, the day he'd been made Colonel....

When mother had asked him why he'd chosen to enter the Fleet...Dwalish hadn't been sure what answer to give her, he'd graduated top of his Academy class with perfect marks... just like his father and uncle. In the days afterwards, he'd received dozens of offers from businesses looking to employ him... His godfather Gaul had personally spoken to him about joining the Royal Police Guard, citing that with his skills and personality, there was no reason why he shouldn't even replace Gaul himself as it's Commander on day.

Hero worship though. is an incredibly difficult thing to break... and when Dwalish had asked his father what he believed he should do, he'd simply responded for Dwalish do to what he thought best... less than an hour later, he'd finished and mailed his application to the Air-Fleet Academy. Why had he chosen to enter the Air-Fleet ? Simple, he'd wanted to be just like his father, his mentor, his hero.

At the time, he was something that had made him laugh nostalgically, when his father had revealed he'd be training Harrison... Dwalish had recalled his own training, and Jacob's training, and Helen's training. Unconsciously he could remember almost every bruise his father had given him, and as he'd gotten older, every bruise that they'd traded, until finally, he'd beaten him. It was a sad, and proud moment for both of them, his father had admitted he had no more that he could teach Dwalish... Yeah, Dwalish supposed he'd just been waiting for the day when his father would repeat the same words to Harrison, but now, that day would never come... Now, Dwalish would have to be the one to say them.

Slowly, almost painfully, he'd turned from facing the doorway, and taken his father's seat at the centre of the room. Major, no, Colonel Gast, he corrected himself, continued to issue intra-ship orders at a steady pace, filling Dwalish's own shoes far more comfortably than Dwalish could fill his father?s. The battle continued at a frantic pace, the Underdog fleet taking more, and more damage from the longer ranged, more powerful guns of the Sentinel. Fighter bays emptied with haste, the military craft?s occupants eager to bring down the final curtain on the rebellion.

Then he?d heard his father?s voice, ordering the remaining eleven squads of fighters, eighty-eight men to await orders from Dwalish as he assaulted the Liberator with only thirty-two. As tempted as Dwalish had been to order the rest to follow his father to ensure the flagship?s destruction, he knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt they could not be spared without placing the rest of the fleet in danger. Quietly he?d examined the radar screen in front of him, before assigning his targets, and watched, equally silently as they split further and further from his father.

The cheer that had run through the bridge, as the Liberator buckled under the barrage of missiles of the Sentinel?s fighters had not had included Dwalish?s voice. He?d sat there, eyes closed, absolutely still, praying that his father had pulled off a miracle, and would be returning unharmed... Instead, the comm. channels had flooded with Litheway?s final mad proclamation, as he directed what remained of his ship, like some giant blade directly towards the Mirror Palace, and set his collision course.

Having served with the man for so long, it almost didn?t seem like him now, the same voice, but a different speaker. He recalled how the Air-General had always tried to make him feel at ease in his position, how he?d treated his crew like an extension of his own family. He?d been a man Dwalish had been proud to say he?d been able to serve under, Dwalish had wondered, as the battle had went on, how much of his pleasantries had been genuine, and how much of it had been simply his attempts to recruit members of the Underdogs... As much as he didn?t want to admit it, Dwalish felt, in his heart, Litheway was simply fighting for what he believed in, regardless of how far he would have to go to achieve his aims... It made him a traitor yes, a monster even, but still, Dwalish could not hate him abjectly, as he did the other faceless Underdog leaders.

With the flash that had followed, that had cleared the sky of Czenovia?s final threat, Dwalish both his father, and Litheway were dead. If he could have allowed himself the weakness of crying in front of his crew, the deck-plates would have been wet with tears. Instead he simply rubbed his forehead and waited to see the results, a torrent of emotions barely withheld. Each of them knew what had just occurred, in one single act, his father had made as big a mark on this crew as Litheway had with years of command, the silence was enough to tell Dwalish that.

?[b]Commander Almagest, we confirm the Liberator destroyed... and... I?m sorry to say sir, we?re not longer tracking General Almagest?s fighter... it seems he...[/b]?

?[b]Thank you Colonel, I already know...[/b]?

?[b]Sir. Fleet reports that two of the Underdog commanders have offered unconditional surrender. The Commanders want to know your orders sir.[/b]?

Surrender ? SURRENDER ?!! How dare they ? They had come with every intention of killing everyone who stood in their way with that cannon, and when it went, they had resorted to suicide runs against Fleet vessels, and now, now that their flagship had been destroyed, they expected to be able to tuck tail and expect mercy ? No, there would be no mercy.

"[b]Colonel Gast...[/b]" Dwalish's voice was eerily soft. "[b]New orders to the fleet... Any offer of surrender by Underdog forces is to be rejected. All the remaining air-ships are to be destroyed, and any retrieved life-craft to have their occupants executed immediately. If they were willing to kill for their beliefs, let them be equally prepared to die for them...[/b]"

?[b]Yes sir.[/b]?

If Colonel Gast had any reservation about the orders, he did not show it. Dwalish knew that none of the other Commanders would hesitate either, in fact, he suspected that he?d just earned himself a medal for the slaughter he?d just ordered. Somewhere inside, he felt a pang of shame, but he pushed it far down below the surface of his feelings to deal with later.

Systematically the fleet co-ordinated fire, bloom after bloom formed from the remnants of the Underdog fleet, the 1st Fleet?s fighters forming a net at their rear, leaving them unable to retreat. In less than ten minutes, not a soul of the Underdog fleet remained. The penalty for treason was death, each and every one of the men and women who would?ve surrendered would face it, the Dynast King would ensure it. In reality, all Dwalish had really done was saved the Czenovian courts years of passing sentence and the cost of financing show trials. The thought, however, did not sooth his shame.

?[b]It?s finally over...[/b]?

?[b]Commander sir, one of the repair teams has just located several bodies in one of the outer corridors of the Sentinel...[/b]?

As hard hearted as it might?ve seemed, Dwalish wondered why Gast was bringing it to his attention. They?d been in battle, the other corridors taking the most damage, a repair team finding bodies was not something unusual, so why was...

?[b]According to the report sir, they were killed by gunfire...[/b]?

Impossible. The shells traded between fleets would have left only a red mist had it hit even near a soldier. That could only mean...

?[b]Colonel Gast, dispatch security teams to that section immediately. Obviously we?ve either got a group of traitors aboard, or a group of intruders managed to get on board during the battle. Lead the teams personally Colonel, and keep in constant contact with the bridge.[/b]?

Before the Colonel could even leave his station, Lt. Fullbrook ?s brow furrowed as she relayed a new message.

?[b]Sir, we?ve got another message coming through from the internal comm. system... It?s Jack Deacon sir ! He claims to have Lt. Almagest held hostage and wants to negotiate terms of Ms Artemis? release ! He demands you bring her to the Auxiliary Bay on Deck 4 immediately.[/b]?

The level of shock in Jennifer?s voice was not unexpected, nor in the quiet chatter which now moved all around the bridge. As the message settled in, Dwalish found himself out of his seat and heading towards the bridge exit, before turning to issue orders.

?[b]Lt. Fullbrook, contact Deacon, tell him I will bring Ms. Artemis to the Auxiliary Bay in ten minutes, also tell him, if he has laid one hand on my brother, there is nowhere he can run that I will not find him...[/b]?

?[b]I understand sir.[/b]?

He paused and turned to the Gast.

?[b]Colonel, take your best squad of sharpshooters and get to that bay, there should be some good firing position on the upper level. When we enter the room, Deacon?s attention should be on us, giving you time to get into position and out of sight. When I give the signal, if you have a clear shot, take him out.[/b]?

?[b]Understood. Sir, where are you going though ?[/b]?

?[b]Obviously to retrieve Ms. Artemis, we can?t make the trade without her.[/b]?

With a small smile, Dwalish turned once again and walked through the door, a pair of guarding falling in step behind him.

Deacon. On some levels, Dwalish was glad it was him, after today, everything would be wrapped up, and he could avenge the last injuries to his father and godfather?s pride. The thought of Harrison being captured by the pirate infuriated him, he?d assumed his brother had simply reported to help with the repairs, or with the injured... or, well, at worst, something awful had happened to him. Yes, he?d meant it when he said it, if Deacon had so much as left one mark on his brother, Dwalish would kill him with his bare hands.

Consumed by thought, Dwalish had reached Meredyne?s quarters almost without realising it, the two guards on duty briefly saluting before unlocking the door. As he stepped in, he found the rival businesswoman looking rather more composed than she had when she?d arrived, cleaner, less pale, and the red mark on her face having softened significantly. She gave him a somewhat quizzical glance.

?[b]Colonel Almagest ? What?s going on ? Is the battle over ?[/b]?

?[b]Yes, the battle is over, we?ve won.[/b]? His voice was flat before the tone was infused with a measure of regret. ?[b]I?m sorry to say Ms. Artemis, Jack Deacon broke aboard during the battle, kidnapped my brother and is now demanding I turn you over to him, or he will likely kill my brother before trying to escape. Obviously he?s unaware that you?ve had all the charges against you dropped and is attempting some kind of misguided rescue. [/b]?

?[b]Jack ? He what ? Oh the fool. Colonel, please, I?ll go with you right away, I don?t want to see anyone hurt for my sake.[/b]?

?[b]Thank you Meredyne, genuinely.[/b]?

Another pang of guilt. He?d had been sincere in his regret she?d been drawn into this mess, but it seemed she assumed Dwalish was going to do his best to arrest Jack without killing him. Quickly she drew herself out of her seat exited the room, Dwalish following behind her after a moment.

The walk to the Auxiliary Bay was at best described as measured, no further words were exchanged. A full platoon of men was waiting of whom four were already at the door, operating a pneumatic ram to break it open, the captain in charge gave Dwalish a heavy salute. Dwalish imagined Gast was reading himself and his squad to get into position, if Meredyne had seen them, she?d likely have guessed what he was going to do.

With the metallic yawn the doors fell open, troops pouring into the bay, weapons shouldered. Dwalish could here Deacon?s smug voice even before he saw him. Only Harrison?s safety prevented him from immediately ordering his execution. When Dwalish finally caught sight of his brother, with Deacon?s suggestion of an exchange, it took all of his restraint not to beat the man senseless, new automail arm or not, Harrison?s uniform was torn, and by the pained expression on his face, he?d been hurt.

Finally after another round of traded barbs, the two prisoners were finally exchanged, Harrison clutching the edge of his brother?s uniform as a pair of soldiers moved to shield him from any reprisal fire. Actually coming face to face with Deacon had left Dwalish? composure fragile, already it had broken with Deacon?s threat to kill Harrison in front of Dwalish, now his knuckles were white and shaking slightly as a sign of immense rage.

The signal came silently, a brief nod. After Deacon was killed, Dwalish would execute the other members of his crew, they were all likely Underdogs, they all would face the same penalty. Harrison?s grip did not slacked, Dwalish could feel the shivers running through it, making him even angrier.

It melted though, the moment the shot rang out... and Meredyne Artemis fell in Jack?s place. Dwalish had never intended to hurt her, he was a soldier, not a murderer, the blood spilled out of the wound with vigour the floor around the woman becoming slick within seconds. He felt sick for the briefest of moments, as the soldiers turned to him for guidance, and Dwalish tried to understand why she would sacrifice himself for her.

He didn?t get the change though, Deacon?s automail arm unloaded rounds and rounds of ammunition into the platoon of soldiers, Dwalish knowing every shot was meant for him. Two fell instantly, as all around fire was exchanged. Quickly he grabbed Harrison and pushed him behind the coverage of supply drums. If Deacon wanted this to be his last stand, Dwalish would happily provide it. Bullets continued to spray from all directions, Dwalish withdrew his side-arm and dispatched the first member of Deacon?s crew with a shot through his left eye, for a moment the man?s body writhed before finally falling still.

The sharpshooters picked off the rest, Dwalish had already grabbed his brother and dashed out into the hall, unable to forgive himself on the off-chance that something might happen to him. After less than a second he heard Deacon?s voice again before there was a flash of fire and the deck rumbled, almost throwing Dwalish off his feet. Smoke billowed out into the hallway as the whine of a gunship engine roared before becoming fainter.

Slowly walking back into the bay, Dwalish found several more soldiers dead from the blast, as the rest withdrew from their cover... one of the gunships was missing, and Deacon?s body was nowhere to be found, Dwalish?s fingernails dug so hard into the skin of palm that blood actually began to seep in, before dribbling down onto the floor... He?d gotten away again... Gast was already descending down the ladder joining the upper and lower levels of the bay, he face was completely drained of colour.

?[b]...Commander sir... Forgive me, I didn?t think she?d take the shot...[/b]?

Ah, so it had been Gast. An immense weight descended down on Dwalish?s shoulders, right now, he needed to talk to Harrison... He?d had enough of fighting, and enough of death...

?[b]It doesn?t matter Colonel... See to the men here... I... I?m going to my father?s quarters....[/b]?

Leaving the room, he found Harrison huddled down on the floor, he cheeks wet with tears as he sobbed quietly into his hand. Slumping down against the wall next to him, Dwalish grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it reassuring, wondering how in the hell he was going to tell his brother that their father was dead...

?[b]You?re alright Harry, come on, let?s get out of here.[/b]?

?[b]Dw...Dwalish I... I?m sorry.[/b]?

?[b]Don?t be Harry, it wasn?t your fault at all. If you want to blame anyone, blame Deacon.[/b]?

Without further word, Dwalish rose to his feet, watching his brother do likewise, his tears having stopped, but his eyes still a distinct shade of red. Squeezing his shoulder again, Dwalish picked up his pace as he marched away from the disaster scene, medical personnel passing him at haste, Harrison still right behind him, the reassuring sound of his footsteps in Dwalish?s ears.

Compared with reaching the bay, or Meredyne?s quarters, the walk to their father?s room had seemed almost like a funeral march, Harrison still completely silent, at least until Dwalish went to open the door.

?[b]Dad still on the bridge ?[/B]?

He could lie to Harrison, weave a thousand pleasant falsehoods together to reassure his brother the worst was over, but it would be fair to either of them, and in the long run, it would just make his pain that much worse to confront.

?[b]No Harry... I?ll explain inside.[/b]?

Dwalish had been in the captain?s quarters only a handful of times, but there were still as spacious as he remembered, even as compared with Dwalish?s own. By comparison to Litheway, his father?s chamber was rather barren, several containers of yet-unpacked personal effect... Just seeing them broke Dwalish?s self-control, his hands rubbing through his hair as he let out a pained breath, and his own tears spilled down his face.

?[b]...Dwalish... what?s happened to dad ?[/b]?

Harrison?s voice was soft, the threat of renewed sobs painfully evident. Through sighs, Dwalish somehow found the strength to answer his brother honestly.

?[b]...He?s gone Harry... Died in the battle.... Gave his life to save, gods know how many innocent people from all this...[/b]?

His brother offered no response, instead he simply wrapped his arms around his brother?s wide frame, and sobbed quietly into his chest, as Dwalish did likewise, fresh tears streaming down his cheeks... With everything over, after this, all Dwalish could do was to try to rebuild as best as he could... but right now, as childish as it might?ve sounded, he wanted to feel his mother?s embrace, and her soft voice telling him everything was going to be OK...[/size][/indent]
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[size=1][indent]King Primas, his advisors, and guests were ushered underground long before the bombs began to burst over High Czenoble. Although he had been advised the contrary, the new Dynast King was wary of the threat that the Underdog force presented. With thoughts of Augustine’s murder still fresh in his mind, Primas had little interest in being proven wrong, or betrayed, once again.

Given the state of the dungeon following the Underdog’s attack, it seemed ironic that the Dynast Family would turn to their own jail for safety. Several servants had brought in colorful lanterns and food to try and lighten to mood underground, but no amount of decorations could mask the quiet tension that was building. Most of the small crowd sat in uncomfortable silence, while others spoke softly, their conversations frequently interrupted by the heated battle taking place overhead.

Morphia sat huddled with a small group of palace servants and invited guests from the coronation. Although many of them were openly weeping, the young woman maintained her composure. With the sound of each bomb exploding overhead her concern for her brother and Henry continued to grow. However, Morphia would not allow herself a moment of weakness. Her own worry and emotions were nothing, she thought, compared to the tremendous pain she imagined that her king must have felt.

Only a single cell remain undamaged from the fire and explosions, and it was now being used to hold Prince August. Primas had not so much as bothered to acknowledge his brother’s actions, nor did anyone. Instead the prince sat in the corner, his shackled hands still stained red with the blood of his sibling. August’s final fate had yet to be decided upon by the king -- now more than ever the needs of Czenovia’s citizens outweighed his own personal crisis.

Lady Bavaria sat at Primas’ side. She was noticeably shaken by the day’s events, but could not begin to imagine the pressure that her king felt. The two shared a brief glance, and Primas placed his hand firmly onto her own.

“[b]What can I do?[/b]” he whispered.

There was a pause. Bavaria turned towards Primas, “[b]What do you mean?[/b]”

“[b]I should be above ground, commanding my personal airship during the firefight. Instead we have treated underground in fear…[/b]”

“[b]Daedalus is one of the most capable Airship Generals the armada has ever seen; surely he can resolve the situation.[/b]”

Suddenly the ground began to shake wildly, as the sound of a large crash echoed throughout the entire palace. Startled, Lady Bavaria clutched onto Primas tightly.

“[b]That one was nearby![/b]” one of the guards called out, “[b]The battle must be drawing closer.[/b]”

“[b]We have to get out of here,[/b]” cried one of the servants, “[b]The palace could collapse![/b]”

“[b]Please, please![/b]” Agron Deacon pleaded, “[b]Everyone must remain calm. We have no reason to believe that General Daedalus has failed.[/b]”

Another moment passed, and another loud crash shook the walls of the cavern.

“[b]We have to evacuate![/b]” screamed a young guard.

“[b]You will do no such thing![/b]“ Agron Deacon commanded, his hands trembling, “[b]Everyone please try to remain calm.[/b]”

“[b]You can’t be serious, father,[/b]” Morphia replied incredulously as she rose to her feet, “[b]It sounds as if the battle is taking place right over our heads.[/b]”

“[b]We will not abandon the Mirror Palace during a time of war. We [I]cannot[/I].[/b]”

Bavaria shook her head, “[b]No. My sister is right. It is foolish to risk our lives for an outdated sense of honor.[/b]”

“[b]It is the only thing we have left,[/b] Agron said coldly, “[b]If you are to leave the Mirror Palace you must be prepared to flee all of Czenovia.[/b]”

Primas watched the argument closely, unsure of how to react. He slowly came to his feet, and placed his hand firmly onto Agron’s shoulder.

“[b]I have lost so much in hardly two days‘ time. Perhaps it is time we leave, old friend.[/b]

“[b]Your highness, please…[/b]”

“[b]Even the strongest of us can only take so much…[/b]”

One of the sentries entered the dungeon from the palace above. His face was covered in thick black soot, and a wide grin.

“[b]VICTORY, my lord! Victory![/b]”

“[b]Are you certain?[/b]”

“[b]We have received word that the Underdog air forces have been eradicated by the 1st Fleet. The battle is won.[/b]”

Bavaria clasped her hands together, “[b]Oh thank heavens.[/b]”

Primas motioned for his guests as he climbed up the stairway, “[b]Come everyone. We are to give General Daedalus and our brave soldiers a hero’s welcome![/b]”

King Primas opened the doorway to his palace, and was immediately taken back by the sight in front of him. The polished silver floors were covered in thick dust, as several windows had been shattered from the impact of the explosions, allowing dirt to settle in. Several statues had fallen to the ground in the chaos, now shattered. Lady Bavaria followed closely behind the king, quietly trying to gauge his demeanor.

“[b]The damages are minor, Primas. You can always rebuild...[/b]”

“[b]It is not that, my dear. I have spent a lifetime aspiring to reach the throne, yet now I find the palace in shambles. Your father wants a strong and resolute leader, but would it not only strengthen the cause of the revolution to kill countless hundreds more with further strikes?[/b]”

Bavaria nodded, “[b]There are other options available to you, Primas, but for now try to savor the victory of the day...[/b]”

Bavaria turned around to face one of the palace’s glass walls. Many of the small glass tiles were shattered, or covered with dust. However, there were more than enough openings for her to have a clear view of the palace grounds, and of High Czenoble. She collapsed to her knees, Primas immediately rushing to her side, now noticing the burning skyline as well.

“[b]What has happened here?![/b]” he said, “[b]Guards! Someone explain to me at once![/b]”

“[b]Losses were heavy, your highness. But the Underdog force has been defeated.[/b]”

Primas’ eyes began to fill with tears as he watched the cloud of smoke rise of the capital. He fell to the ground, holding Bavaria tightly.

“[b]This is not a victory…[/b]” he whispered, “[b]This is madness.[/b]”

Agron Deacon, his eyes filling with tears, approached the two, "[b]Rise, my lord. There is still much work to be done. Rebuilding the dynasty will be the greatest challenge this nation has ever faced.[/b]"


Primas thought of his dear sister, and the countless others who had died in service to the throne. For the first time since he had become king, his next decision seemed perfectly clear.

"[b]Find me the Underdogs, Deacon, and tell them that their king is ready to negotiate. This revolution ends now.[/b]"
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The small airship struggled as it broke through thick cloud. Its small engines whirred and sputtered.

Jack was sitting in the pilot's seat, gently guiding the craft through the unusually silent night sky. A blanket of ivory sprawled below them. Thick columns of black smoke penetrated the silvery blanket in places.

Half of the crew was gone. The remaining crew were nowhere to be seen; they had disappeared inside the vessel's modest cargo bay and were being attended to by Clarke. Audrey was the only crew member who remained uninjured; she sat in the tattered and worn co-pilot's chair, next to Jack.

At first he did not talk to her. She could not imagine what he must have been thinking at that moment. But, to her surprise, he reached over and put his hand on hers.

Audrey did not know what to say. Jack had witnessed Meredyne's death and Audrey knew that there had been a relationship of sorts between them.

'I'm sorry about Meredyne,' said Audrey awkwardly. 'I didn't know her, but if she found herself in your company, she must have been a special woman.'

Jack almost smirked. He flicked a switch on the instrument panel in front of him and the airship's hull shuddered. 'Her engines are damaged from gunfire,' he said. 'She's having some trouble at this altitude.'

Audrey looked away. Jack had avoided her question. She felt bad for reminding him of what had just happened.

'Don't worry about Meredyne,' said Jack softly. 'I know that she died a proud Czenovian, at least.'

'There's something I just can't understand,' said Audrey after a brief pause. 'The Underdogs surrendered - that part made sense. There's no way their fleet would ever be able to defeat Czenovia's military. And yet...'

'What is it?' asked Jack.

'Well, when the Underdogs surrendered, the First Fleet destroyed them. I just expected more, especially now that Gaul is no more. I almost thought they would agree to a truce or a ceasefire. The only thing they achieved is to make the New Czenobles even more angry.'

Jack nodded slowly. 'I suppose that's how Imperial military machines work,' he mumbled. 'They are given the perfect chance to right some serious wrongs and they blow it.'

Audrey shifted uncomfortably in her seat. 'I mean, they had that chance to singlehandedly wipe-out the rebellion [i]and[/i] satisfy all sides. Yet they chose to be petty.'

Jack turned to Audrey and smiled for the first time. 'Look, I wouldn't worry about it too much. You can't expect the best from everyone, especially people in positions of great power. The Dynasty has ruled this nation for so many generations - do you think they will give that up easily? Revolution is the only solution for those who have no voice.'

'I suppose so,' replied Audrey.

As she looked out the windows again, Audrey did not see any more black smoke. All she saw was a pearly white expanse that stretched deep into the horizon ahead.

'Where are we going?'

'We have to stop in Muldova for some light repairs,' said Jack. 'This bucket of bolts isn't going to make it all the way back to New Czenoble. Lucky you're a better pilot than you thought; any more hits and she'd have crash-landed for sure.'

Jack rubbed his eyes with one hand. He must have been exhausted, thought Audrey. He'd been awake for hours on end and he'd put himself at great risk.

'Listen,' whispered Audrey, 'why don't I take the controls? You should go the pilot's quarters and lay down...you will need your energy and if anything else happens, we'll need your help.'

'All right,' said Jack hesitantly. 'I suppose you are right. You can get us to Muldova can't you?'

Audrey nodded. 'I can. You just need to rest now.'

Jack and Audrey swapped places. As she took the controls, she felt Jack's hand on her cheek. As she turned to face him, she felt his lips touch hers. It was a surprisingly gentle kiss from someone who was otherwise so rough around the edges. As he pulled away from her, Jack smiled again. 'Thank you, lass.'

Jack had gone to sleep thirty minutes ago. They were getting closer to their destination. Audrey found it difficult to keep the ship on a straight path; the gyroscopes that controlled pitch and yaw were faulty. In fact, Audrey thought it was much like being at sea, as the vessel rolled delicately over an ocean of clouds.

Just as she was preparing to descend, Audrey heard an odd electronic crackle nearby. At first she thought it was just another piece of malfunctioning hardware. But as the crackling became louder, she soon realized that the ship's communication system was lighting up.

A small red light flashed on the instrument panel. Above it, Audrey saw what looked like a small telephone. She balanced the controls carefully and took the phone in her free hand.

The voice on the other end was vaguely familiar, but she could not place it.

'Hello? Is this AV 104? Come in, AV 104.'

Audrey glanced around the bridge. Sure enough, she saw the moniker "AV 104" embossed on a small brass panel near the window.

'This is AV 104. Who are you?'

For a moment Audrey felt a slight sense of panic. What if the military was closing in on them? They wouldn't stand a chance in their current state.

'This is Agron Deacon, adviser to the Dynast King.'

Audrey froze in her seat. Her heart pounded in her chest. Now was the moment of truth.

'What do you want? The battle is over.'

After a moment of static, the voice spoke again. 'You are the only Underdog crew we can identify,' said Agron. 'The remaining Underdogs were either killed or arrested on sight. I believe Jack is with you...'

Audrey suddenly realized what was happening; Agron was Jack's father. Surely, then, his intention was not to apprehend them.

'Jack is here,' said Audrey slowly. 'I am piloting the vessel now.'

'I see,' said Agron. 'What is your name?'

'Audrey. Audrey Bertrand. Listen, I don't want to play games - state your intention.'

She heard a sigh on the other end. 'Do not be afraid, Audrey. Nobody is following you. We do not seek your arrest.'

'What, then?'

'The King has indicated that he wishes to talk. He wishes the war to end once and for all.'

Audrey did not know what to think. Was this simply a hoax, given the military's performance after the Underdogs' surrender?

'I don't understand,' replied Audrey angrily. 'You destroy the Underdog fleet - [i]after[/i] it surrenders - and then you have the nerve to suggest some sort of compromise? Your military made its position very clear only a couple of short hours ago.'

Her hands were shaking as she tried to steady the controls.

'I'm sorry,' said Agron as he sighed deeply. 'I have no way to convince you. You will have to rely on my word. My son is on that ship, Audrey...there is no way I would do anything to harm him. Please, I urge you and your crew to talk with the King.'

'We are not Underdogs,' said Audrey finally. 'We are sympathetic to their cause, but we were never members.'

For a moment, Audrey heard nothing but static. And then, finally, Agron spoke again.

'I understand,' he said. 'Unfortunately, we believe that the entire Underdogs leadership has been killed...there is nobody left. I urge you to at least speak to my son. Tell him that his father contacted you. I will await your response.'

And with that, the phone went silent.
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/gustave-avatar.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG]
[IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/maceyellen-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/marieevangeline-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][size=1][indent]Fauntleroy, Catherine, Macey and the rest slowly approached the Mirror Palace. From behind the shattered glass and broken doorframes there appeared to be some sort of bustling activity taking place within. With the sun recently set over High Czenoble, the small kerosene lanterns inside were the only lights in the entire city.

“[b]Do you think the King is alright?[/b]” Eva asked worriedly, “[b]The Palace is a wreck.[/b]”

“[b]I’m sure they’re fine,[/b]” Catherine said, her voice strained from the day’s events.

Gustave nodded, “[b]There doesn’t appear to be any damage to the structure, at least. As long as they stayed indoors they should be fine.[/b]”

Fauntleroy shared an awkward glance with his father. With his pale complexion and disheveled appearance Leonhart Almagest no longer looked like the larger-than-life figure who had been present throughout his son’s entire life. Though he tried to hide it, he was clearly exhausted, and trembling slightly. This was not the same man who had dismissed Fonty so many times before; perhaps in time, he thought, he might be able to form a relationship with this stranger who had come out of the tunnels.

Victoria Ann leapt from Lucy and immediately dashed through the Palace doors, “[b]I’m starving! I hope they have something to eat here…![/b]”

Catherine rolled her eyes as she, and the rest of the group, followed the young girl inside. Only a few of the Almagests had ever seen the Mirror Palace, and even in its’ current state it was still a sight to behold. Gustave watched in amazement as dozens of servants dutifully swept and scrubbed the palace floors, removing any trace of the battle.

“[b]Watch your feet![/b]” a housemaid cried as the group traced in dust from the tunnels, “[b]We only just got this floor clear![/b]”

“[b]Pardon us dear,[/b]” Macey said politely, “[b]But we must see the King right away. There are matters that demand his attention.[/b]”

“[b]You will have to wait. King Primas is locked in his quarters at the moment with Lady Bavaria, and there are strict orders not to disturb them.[/b]”

“[b][I]I would expect as much from the harlot.[/I][/b]” Macey replied callously, “[b]…Oh, sorry about that, Father.[/b]”

Leonhart narrowed his eyes as he looked at the maid, “[b]Never you mind, girl. I'll find Bavaria myself.[/b]”

The woman stared at Leonhart curiously for a moment before realizing who she was speaking to, “[b]My, whatever you'd like Lord Almagest![/b]”

[center][img]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/morphiaavatar.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/center]

With all of the activity in the palace, Morphia found the need to leave her family and find some peace and quiet. As a result, she retreated once again into the dungeon below, where a lone guard watched over Prince August. The young man sat quietly in the corner as the soldier watched Morphia carefully.

“[b]No visitors are allowed for the prisoner, Lady Markham.[/b]”

“[b]I’m merely trying to hide from my father,[/b]” she replied with a feigned smile, “[b]I’m sure you won’t mind me in here for a few moments.[/b]”

“[b]And here I thought we servants were the only ones afraid of your father,[/b]” he said, “[b]Stay as long as you‘d like. It‘s not as if our prisoner has been much for conversation…[/b]”

Morphia approached the large cell holding Prince August. The two locked eyes, and Morphia let out a warm smile, “[b]Hello August.[/b]”

There was a moment of silence before Augustus finally spoke up.

“[b]H-- h-- hello, Morphia,[/b]” he said sheepishly, “[b]I-- I’m sorry for the things I said to you.[/b]”

“[b]What do you mean?[/b]”

“[b]I knew that someone was p--p--plotting against my family. I thought it was Agron, b-but it was really Augustine...[/b]

Morphia’s eyes widened, “[b]Do you mean that’s why you did… what you did?[/b]”

August nodded slowly, his eyes streaming with tears, “[b]I-- I saw her with The Starks. She was behind everything.[/b]”

Morphia turned to the guard, “[b]Call for my father right away! He has to hear this for himself![/b]”

“[b]Of course![/b]” he replied as he rushed up the steps.

“[b][I]Oh August[/I],[/b]” Morphia said softly, extending her hand through the bars to August,“[b]Everyone has been so afraid to speak to you, of your condition. But I knew there had to be an explanation of some kind…[/b]”

“[b]She was lying to me, Morphia. She had even hired Hugo Black to sabotage your race.[/b]”

There was an uncomfortable moment of silence as Morphia’s mind began to put the pieces together. She had always known that Black was a tool of the Dynast, but never did she imagine how far this loyalty went. Though her family had blamed Henry for what happened, she knew better. Now finally she was able to prove it.

“[b]You have to tell them everything, August. It will save your life.[/b]”

“[b]My life is already o-over,[/b]“ August said as he turned his head away sharply, “[b]I was already a prisoner in this Palace, Morphia. What I did was a mistake, I have no interest in r--ruining the name of my sister.[/b]”

“[b]August, please![/b]”

“[b]This c--crown has ruined my family. Don’t let it do the same to you.[/b]”

The thunder of footsteps stormed down the stairway. Agron Deacon, closely followed by a pair of guards, quickly entered the dungeon.

“[b]Morphia! Back away from the prisoner![/b]”

Morphia rose to her feet, “[b]Father, please. Prince August has something that you must hear.[/b]”

The Prince shook his head, “[b]Go![/b]”

“[b]Guards keep an eye on the Prince,[/b]” Agron commanded, “[b]Under no circumstances shall he receive visitors of any kind, do you understand?[/b]”

“[b]Yes, sir.[/b]”

Her eyes welling with tears, Morphia slowly walked upstairs at his father’s side. He attempted to hold her hand, but she pulled away sharply.

“[b]You scared me half to death, Morphia,[/b]” Agron exclaimed, “[b]I was trying to contact your brother when I heard that you were with Prince August. How can you be so foolish?[/b]”

“[b]Prince August is an innocent soul. You know as well as I do that he wouldn’t commit a crime like that unless provoked.[/b]”

“[b]Provoked or not, the law is the law. There are no exceptions to that.[/b]”

“[b]Exceptions? Jack is as much a murderer as August. How many ships has he downed over the years, father? Yet you desperately call for him to return to High Czenoble, under the pretense that he‘s needed as some sort of figurehead.[/b]”

“[b]Jack‘s actions can be overlooked during a time of war. I am merely trying to protect him.[/b]”

“[b]And who is there to protect August?[/b]”

“[b]Has it not occurred to you that the Prince might be satisfied with his fate?[/b]” Agron asked, “[b]After all, to royalty dishonor is a fate worse than death.[/b]”

“[b]How can they live like that?[/b]”

Agron sighed, “[b]They simply have no choice. Nor do we.[/b]”

Morphia shook her head, She turned her back to her father, and began walking towards the palace doors.

“[b]Morphia, where are you going?![/b]”

“[b]Where I should have been in the first place, father. I need to find Henry.[/b]”

Agron sighed as he rubbed his forehead softly, “[b][I]That girl is just like her brother…[/I][/b]”

"[b]That's the nature of children, I'm afraid,[/b]" said a familiar voice from behind, "[b]Were we no different?[/b]"

Agron Deacon turned around slowly to discover a scruffy-looking older man standing before him. His eyes quickly widened is disbelief as he realizes that this was no stranger, but Leonhart Almagest himself.

"[b]Leonhart!? You're alive!?[/b]"

"[b]There will be time to discuss what happened to me later, but I'm told that there is still much work to be done.[/b]"

There was a moment of silence as Agron struggled to collect his thoughts.

"[b]Why yes, of course. As we speak Czenovia is forming a new democracy, the likes of which the New Globe has never seen before.[/b]"

"[b]Do you really think this will end the conflict?[/b]"

"[b]I am certain of it. After all, who else is more qualified to save the nation than my own daughter?[/b]"

"[b]Bavaria is an amazing woman...[/b]" Leonhart replied with a grin.

"[b]Just like her mother, I suppose. Come with me, old friend. Let's be a witness to history.[/b]"[/size][/indent]
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"][LEFT][i]A fire burned in the hearth and Macey Ellen reached for the stack of research and notes that she and her sibling had conducted on Gadget. Brushing away a few tears irritably she threw the lot into the fire, one bundle at a time. The flames licked up her work, work that had taken years, in just a few moments. Her research disappearing, becoming nothing more than a few ashes swirling up the chimney. Eva sat close by, poking up the fire every now and then.[/i]

"So you're going to get rid of all of it then? Even those?"

[i]Macey nodded with a determined look on her face, reaching for the last pile of papers. The original ones that had made Gadget's transformation possible rested in her hands. For a moment she looked down at them, feeling a certain wistfulness, then her expression hardened and she hurled them into the fireplace.[/i]

"Nobody will ever be able to duplicate this. Nobody will ever sacrifice orphans on the altar of silence with my research."

"Are you going to give up on it entirely?"

"In this country yes. I can't stomach the thought of going through this again. Gadget deserved far better"

[i]For awhile the only sound was the fire crackling. Eva nodded slowly, her face distorted in the firelight, while Macey looked down at her handkerchief, twisted in her fingers. Eva looked like she was going to say something, then shook her head and looked into the fire instead, seeing the entire long bloody month written in it.[/i]

[i][b]Six months later.[/b]

Macey sat in the orchard, underneath the peach trees that had begun putting out small pink speckled blossoms in the gentle spring weather. Her horse stood close by, his head dropped and his nose in a patch of freshly blooming clover. An invitation from Gustave for dinner lay loosely clasped in her hand, her head tossed back carelessly over the tree trunk, her hair down around her shoulders. Her father's return to the mansion had caused so much insanity, she was obliged to leave even her own room to find some peace and quiet. Just as she was dozing off in the warm midday sun, the sound of her horse whinnying a greeting woke her up, the dull thud of hoofbeats obliging her to stand up. Eva in a smart traveling dress appeared, the silver peplum of her suit complimenting the color of her hair, which had changed yet again. Macey brushed the leaves and twigs from the back of her skirt and lifted a hand in greeting.[/i]

"So you're off then? Studying Chimaeras abroad. Going to unknown distant lands?"

"Absolutely. I came to see you before I went to the station. That and I wanted to know if you were going to come with me to the station. Since Mel tells me you're leaving to see Gustave tonight."

[i]Macey grinned ruefully. Was nothing sacred? She mounted up and the twins rode out of the orchard, Gustave's note folded up in Macey's pocket, while the flowers bloomed furiously on every tree. The two rode down the mountain, perhaps for the last time, the creak of their leather sidesaddles the only breaks in the long silences. There wasn't much they could say to each other for now. Words would've ruined it all anyway. At the station, Eva and Macey squeezed each other's hands. Hugged one another. And then Eva stepped onto the train and was gone. All the way back to the mansion, leading Eva's riderless horse behind, Macey wept.

At dinner Gustsave watched Macey carefully. Even if it had been six months, some wounds took longer to heal than others, and after all, there had been so much to heal from.[/i]

"How are things in Rosengard now?"

"Insane. Absolutely dreadful. The servants are rushing around constantly, obliging most of us to find our own meals. And Father's just been reinstalled as the lord of the manor and the head of the company again. You simply can't imagine the mountain of paperwork that's poured in on top of our heads."

"I have a rough idea. Ever tried to import six Chimaeras through security when the legal limit is normally two?"

"Don't you have to sign some form stating their purpose and listing their pedigree back to the sixth generation?"

"Something like that."

[i]Gustave swirled the exquisite white dessert wine in his glass casually, even though it had already aerated for hours while the two lingered over sorbet in ginger ale. It always ended up this way. Both discussing some complicated subject like alchemy in Chimaeras and how it affects their performance, or the musical developments from various nations. Gustave set down his glass and looked at Macey with a look of excited expectancy.[/i]

"Let's take an airship to Al Ahmar. We can ride camels and wear bed sheets in public."

[i]A thousand thoughts rushed into her mind all at once. The very concept of leaving the confines of Czenoble for a place further than Anova was a totally alien idea to her. Leonheart laughing with her at his birthday party, after what felt like years. Vincent whirling her through the steps of a waltz flawlessly. Eva shaking her head when Macey took off her wedding band. Gadget holding her hand at the races just before he disappeared. Racing Chimaeras with Gustave through the forest in Anova. Currying Lazarus in the stables while Gustave lazed around on the lawn. Her rampant fear of heights. Seeing her father board an airship with her mother while she was still alive. Macey smiled at him, and picked up her wineglass, making a vain attempt to appear coy.[/i]

"I'll have to think about it."[/LEFT][/FONT][/COLOR]
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It had only been four months since that terrible battle over High Czenoble, but the clean up and rebuilding of the city was far from over, bringing home to all citizens what a terrible price the fighting had caused. More than just the city was being rebuilt as even the government itself was in the process of changing, something that was both exciting to Alexander and equally terrifying at the same time. Though it would be safe to say that what made him the most nervous was being caught up in helping that change come about. He had always dreamed of improving the law and procedures used by the Royal Police Guard, but he had never expected to actually have the chance to do it.

When the battle had finally ended that night and the dust had settled in the next couple of days, it had been to learn that far more than the Royal Police Guard headquarters had been lost. It was as if every high ranking officer in the Guard had a target painted on them. More than ninety five percent of those who once lead the organization were dead. Even the Commander, Gaul Rosier had not survived the terrible events of that day. In the immediate aftermath, Alexander had not been looking for any form of leadership; he had only acted on what he had seen as a hesitation on others who were too shocked by the events to know what to do.

Every waking moment had been spent helping to organize rescue and cleanup crews as well as coordinate with the military to restore order as much as was possible. Alexander thought little of the fact that he was essentially ordering others around, it was a matter of things needed to be done and very few were stepping forward to do it. Who was in charge was irrelevant in his mind. No one seemed to be bothered by his actions, but his thoughts that King Primas would simply appoint someone new to take over were far from correct.

Three weeks later he had been surprised by a request from King Primas to him and those few left who held any form of authority, to rebuild the Royal Police Guard from the ground up. The King?s words had been clear on that. They were to revamp the current system much in the same way that the monarchy was being changed. No more would the system be unaccountable for its actions on any level. From the beginning it had been clear to Alexander that those who had no familiarity with law beyond the policy and procedures of the Royal Police Guard, they had no idea how to really go about it. They were too use to the previous status quo of how things had always worked.

It had been an uphill battle as Alexander had found himself in the uncomfortable position of patiently explaining how to better organize personnel, jurisdiction, global policy, power restrictions and new guidelines for both conduct and accountability. Not that the other members didn?t understand... but rather they were not use to considering those of New Czenoble as equals, something that Alexander understood all too well. He was use to being considered[I] ?less worthy? [/I]and in light of that he also pushed for the new leader of the Royal Police Guard to be elected by the members of the city instead of appointed. Something he pointed out would give greater control to the people instead of to the government as well as open it up to more than just the wealthy.

Three months after the revolution, the ideas were presented and other than a few things, they were universally accepted, the former Royal Police Guard commissioned to the new name of the [B]Czenoble Police[/B]. At the same time, it was opened up for people to be recommended for the first vote for their new Chief of Police who would assume a leadership role like Gaul Rosier had. Also, those who were interested in the position could put their name forth for consideration as well, to become the first Chief of Police. Of all things, Alexander had never in his wildest dreams imagined that anyone would recommend him, and part of him wished that they had not.

But, that had been over a month ago and he had been too startled by it to object in time.[I] I only hope no one really votes for me. I?m far too young for this sort of thing. I don?t mind helping out? but I?m not sure if I want that kind of responsibility.[/I] His thoughts were cut short by Alecia entering their bedroom, dressed in a beautiful soft gown in greens much like the one she had worn to Leonhart?s birthday party so long ago. She was radiantly beautiful as always, her pregnancy only serving to bring out that inner glow.

?[B]You ready?[/B]? She asked him as she fussed with her dress a bit to get the material to hang properly, something her bit of a stomach she now had made difficult.

Alexander smiled, ?[B]You look lovely.[/B]? He smiled even more at her blush.

?[B]You always say that.[/B]? She accused him.

?[B]That?s because it?s true.[/B]?

?[B]Well true or not, we?d better hurry or we?ll be late for the announcement of who was selected as the first Chief of Police.[/B]? Alecia frowned slightly at Alexander?s sigh. ?[B]You can stop that you know. We?ve discussed this already. Age has nothing to do with it, most if not all of the changes being implemented were your idea to begin with.[/B]?

Alexander took her arm in his as they made for the front door to their home. ?[B]I know. I?m just hoping they choose someone else.[/B]?

Alecia just smiled as they left their home. ?[B]I?m not. The city needs a change and someone who won?t ignore a person or treat them differently just because of where they were born or how much money they have, is just what the people need.[/B]?

He sighed as they moved to get into the carriage waiting for them, she had a point? He only wished that his brother Thomas had survived the battle, even if it would have created a terrible conflict on account of him being a member of the Underdogs? Seeing the changes was something he knew his brother would have loved to see.

Alexander pulled his thoughts back to the present as he helped Alecia into the carriage before getting inside himself, pulling the door shut behind him. A few moments later, the driver left to take them to where the ceremony was being held.
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[COLOR="DarkGreen"][FONT="Book Antiqua"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/fauntleroy-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/beatrist-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
Victoria Ann had always known that adults did silly things, but seriously... fighting and squabbling like a bunch of spoiled children? Somehow as things settled down and she learned more about what had caused the fight in the first place, it just made her mad. What was the point in teaching and telling her the importance of fairness if you turned around and weren't fair to others? [I]I swear, adults come up with the stupidest reasons for justifying their behavior![/I]

She knew that the others didn't take her seriously at all, well other than perhaps Auntie Catherine, but still... It didn't stop her from pestering everyone with questions non-stop once they had returned to Rosengard in the days following the air battle over High Czenoble. Even the normally patient Fonty, who was working with some documents at his desk in the study, finally looked up from what he was doing and fixed her with a stare.

"[B]Victoria Ann! Go and bother someone else please! I can't get anything done with you pestering me nonstop like this.[/B]"

"[B]Fine![/B]" Victoria Ann made a face, sticking her tongue out at him before she turned and flounced out of the room in a huff.

[I]What am I suppose to do? There's no school yet and when I try to help with the cleaning or anything else for that matter, I'm told to go and bug someone else![/I] With a sigh she made her way to Auntie Catherine's room and halted at the sight of her waiting patiently near the main doors to Rosengard. Puzzled she moved to join her, wondering what she was doing.

"[B]You look like you're waiting for someone Auntie Catherine.[/B]"

Catherine just smiled, reaching out and giving her a quick hug when she got close enough. "[B]That's because I am waiting for someone.[/B]"

"[B]Are you going somewhere?[/B]" Victoria Ann looked up, puzzled as to where her aunt could possibly be going.

School would not be starting until after more clean up and repairs to the city were made. With all the debris and injured, it was considered too dangerous for the children to be out walking on the streets just yet. Plus, most of the train system, at least the part that was still operational, had been taken over by the remains of the Royal Police Guard and the Military to help with the clean up and repairs. So most children had no means of even getting to Chaos.

"[B]I'm not going somewhere, someone is coming here.[/B]" Catherine explained. "[B]Now that things have calmed down a little your mother and the children are returning to Rosengard.[/B]"

Victoria Ann groaned. "[B]That's the last thing we need. All mother will do is get melodramatic and fuss like a ninny over all that's happened.[/B]" She turned to leave and halted when Catherine grasped her left shoulder.

"[B]That's not very nice Victoria Ann.[/B]"

Victoria Ann rolled her eyes. "[B]It's still the truth. If I did things like her, no one would have even realized you were missing.[/b]"

Catherine shook her head. "[B]It's still better to be polite young lady.[/B]"

"[B]Maybe later... I'll think about it.[/B]" Victoria Ann smirked a bit and then pulled free and took off for the attic; heading for the huge window that faced High Czenoble. She couldn't really see the details as well as she would have liked but at least it gave her some idea of what was going on.

"[B]Where's Victoria Ann?[/B]" Beatriste's voice filtered up from the main room below to where she was standing; Victoria Ann just scoffed and turned back to looking out at the city.

A while later the sounds of someone entering the attic could be heard and she turned with a frown on her face, expecting it to be her mother. Not that she didn't care for her, but rather her mother's way of turning things into a crisis when they weren't bugged her a lot a times.

It wasn't Beatriste who had come up but rather Harrison, still dressed in a military uniform and looking far to serious, even for him. "[B]I figured you'd be up here brat.[/B]"

"[B]Harrison![/B]" With a shriek she threw herself at him, hugging him tightly.

"[B]Whoa brat! Not so hard.[/B]"

Confused Victoria Ann pulled back and then let go upon seeing his pained expression. "[B]Are you okay? You didn't get hurt did you?[/B]"

"[B]Just some bruises brat.[/B]" He moved past her to look out the window at the city, sighing softly as he did so.

[I]Why is he...?[/I] Victoria Ann moved to join him, wondering why he was so reserved and then it hit her. "[B]You're only back for Uncle Daedalus' funeral, aren't you?[/B]" Harrison didn't answer and Victoria Ann said nothing, moving to stand next to him and look out at the city as well. It was just like dealing with the others in the family, he was [I]different[/I] somehow.

"[B]You'll be going back to the military.[/B]" It was a statement of fact and not really a question, but Harrison answered it just the same.


Victoria Ann was the one to sigh this time. "[B]I swear, if becoming moody like all of you have is what it means to grow up, I'd rather not thank you very much![/B]" This time she got a tiny laugh out of Harrison, but the mood quickly settled back to one of being quiet.

[I]I'll be glad for school to start again,[/I] she thought as she watched what she could see of the repairs being done in the city. Though she had to wonder just how many faces would also be missing there too. [I]All the more reason to grow and make sure the stupid adults never fight like that again![/I] Decided she turned her attention back to what was going on in the city.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/catherinesaraavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/damegrimalkinavatar.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/leonhartavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
A lot had changed in the past two months as Catherine along with the rest of the staff at CHAOS waited for the go ahead to reopen the school. It would have been sooner if not needing to wait for a group of inspectors to carefully check the school to make sure nothing was wrong structurally. Even though debris from the overhead battle had not struck the school, some of the tunnels close to the school had collapsed, rendering one of the roads leading to the school useless until further repairs could be done.

Since the tunnel in question was one that led to the school itself, it had been thought best to make sure the ground under the school itself was still stable. Once crews had moved in to seal the tunnel leading to where the collapsed section was and ensure that the instability was not an issue, the school had been reopened and the first level of staff had moved in to get things ready. They had started by replacing the windows that had been shattered and cleaning up the ash and dust that had settled into the school.

Now as Catherine along with Victoria Ann and Dame Anna rode the train for the first day of school to begin, she wondered how it was going to feel. They would be double checking to be sure of the reports, but it would feel different with those who would be missing because of the terrible battle that had happened two months ago. So many innocent people had been hurt and killed by the falling debris. No one had been safe, not even the children.

?[B]I wonder if the other students kept up with their studies.[/B]? Victoria Ann ventured hesitantly when it became apparent that the two adults with her weren?t going to say much if anything at all.

?[B]Perhaps,[/B]? Catherine replied. ?[B]It won?t matter if they did or not.[/B]?

?[B]You made me keep up as if school was still running.[/B]? Victoria Ann looked at her through narrowed eyes as she realized something. ?[B]You did that to keep me busy and out of the way.[/B]?

Catherine smiled at her perceptiveness. ?[B]You?re correct young lady.[/B]?

Victoria Ann just sighed slightly as the train came to a halt at the station closest to the school and then took off, leaving the two behind. She was eager to see her friends and teachers again.

?[B]Are you sure this is a good idea Catherine?[/B]? Dame Anna asked after Victoria Ann was out of hearing range.

?[B]I am, with everything that has happened; I?m going to need someone to manage the supplies at CHAOS.[/B]? She grimaced slightly. ?[B]The Headmaster still considers such mundane duties beneath him and I can think of no one better suited to oversee that aspect of the housekeeping at the school.[/B]?

?[B]People will still object though,[/B]? Dame Anna sounded a bit worried.

?[B]Things are changing for all of Czenovia at the King?s orders no less.[/B]? Catherine smiled. ?[B]Just let them try and object to what the King himself wishes to see done.[/B]?

Catherine was not expecting any real objections to creating the position of an executive housekeeper for the school. In the past all of the decisions regarding supplies and the needs of the teacher had been handled by the Headmaster. Until recently such a system had worked well, that is until the new Headmaster had been appointed. His indifference and unwillingness to oversee what had traditionally been part of his duties had lead Catherine to the conclusion that someone needed to take care of those concerns.

It hadn?t been all that hard to convince him. She had brushed aside his indignation over the idea by calmly explaining that he could accept the new position and the person she felt best suited to the task, or she could take her concerns about his leadership of the school to the board of directors or even further if need be. For all of his posturing, he had at least been smart enough to realize when Catherine was not bluffing and though he still objected a bit, he had approved it.

Later, as the first day of school came to a close and Catherine stood in her office, watching the students leaving the grounds, she was both pleased and sad. Pleased at how well Dame Anna?s introduction had gone with the rest of the staff. After all the complaints she had gotten about the Headmaster neglecting that side of his duties, they had been thrilled to have someone who would see to such matters. It had been sad to find out just who and how many were gone though.

Catherine turned at the sound of a knock at her door, instead of moving she called out for whoever was there to enter. To her surprise it was Leonhart. With all the work he was doing to help with the changes, she knew he didn?t have the time to come and visit her like he had done in the past, even if that was but a rare occurrence.

?[B]What brings you here?[/B]?

Leonhart moved to join her, both of them turning to watch the children as they continued to head home. ?[B]I had a brief moment and decided to see how you were doing sister.[/B]?

?[B]You haven?t once asked me about the cannon since this whole mess ended.[/B]? Catherine had already made her decision, but she had been surprised that nothing was said yet. She had been expecting someone to talk to her about what had happened during the time she had been kidnapped by the Starks.

?[B]Nothing will be said unless you wish it sister.[/B]? He met her gaze when she turned to give him a puzzled look. ?[B]The King knows of the cannon, just as he knows it was destroyed.[/B]?

?[B]I don?t understand, why would you and the others say nothing?[/B]?

?[B]The others do not understand the technology behind how it works and I have made it clear that we will not pursue it.[/B]?

Catherine turned back to the window, the front grounds to the school now empty. ?[B]Good,[/B]? she finally said. ?[B]I would not have helped even if you wished it.[/B]?

?[B]I know.[/B]? Leonhart replied. ?[B]We need to build a better future for our children, instead of creating even more weapons.[/B]? He placed his right hand on her shoulder, prompting her to look at him.

?[B]I have enough time to see you home before I must get back.[/B]?

Catherine smiled at the thought. ?[B]Let me get my things.[/B]? A moment later and the two left CHAOS to head for Rosengard.
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[center][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/jackavatar.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/8797/audreyavatarxe5.jpg[/IMG]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]He worked in solitude, etching out in pencil his vision. Every curve that he traced, he felt it, measured it, approximated, working unwaivered toward perfection. In his mind, the new ship was already complete. The engines were already already humming, the console was already lit, and Jack's mind was squarely on his next raid. He could even smell it. The engine chamber smelled of oil and blood, the finish in the cockpit smelled like polish, he was home again. These were the thoughts that fermented his mind as he brought the ship to life with ever stroke of lead.

The desk lamp he worked under scorched his brow, making him every so often wipe the sweat from his forehead. It only became dirtier though, as his hands were filthy from the heavy lead art pens he used for his drawings.

Some would consider him lucky. Meredyne had left him a very beautiful and capable ship, her own personal corvette which sadly she wouldn't be needing anymore. Avante Garde in its build yet so conventional in its design. Of course that presented a unique problem. How could he make the ship his? Even though it was her last onofficial gift to him, he couldn't bring himself to fly it. He couldn't see it as anything more than some else's craft, they're baby, not his. Given the paint and canvas, it was his job to make a masterpiece. Quickly he balled up his work and started once again from scratch.

Hardly anyone in the crew had spoken to him all morning. Kil'ani only occasionally appeared to give him food, always humming a strange song as she served him. She was a good kid, albeit a tad too easily impressed. Morphia showed up once that morning as well. She didn't expect to find Jack and his crew there in the hangars. She was there to take a tour of her new company, surveying it and getting a feel for her new offices. She walked over to her working brother and kissed him on the cheek. Jack rested his new hand upon hers. He didn't feel her, but he knew this would comfort her and help her through this uncertain time. The days were new for everyone it would seem...

Noon came and Audrey sat with the rest of the crew away from Jack. While the men talked of conquest and adventure, Audrey sat with Kil'ani, talking to the young girl and keeping her company. She couldn't help but give Jack his respect for pulling away a full crew from the Underdogs. Perhaps he'd won over their hearts in his recent showing of heroics. Or maybe he just wooed them over with promises only a pirate could make. Audrey put a hand over her heart, wondering how he wooed her. She had only known him for a day or so, and already, the two of them had experienced what many were lucky enough to never have experienced in their lifetimes.

Jack had emerged from his study, holding in his metallic hand a large stack of papers and on his face hairs in desperate need of being shaven. He shoved the stack into Audrey's arms and looked her squarely in the eye. [B]"Fix them, and then fix her." [/B]Jack turned and left, with Kil'ani hopping up to leave with him and beg him to pay attention to her. The poor girl had fallen heads over heels for him. Audrey knew that may mean trouble later on.Audrey could only assume he spoke of the ship. So for the next hour or so she combed through his drawings, handing off the ones she felt ready to be implemented to the different crew members. Each one was scanned through with an engineer's precision, her one taking in everything. Though she wasn't an engineer by any means, Jack had detailed each drawing so thoroughly it was hard not to catch a mistake or inconsistency. He really took alot of pride in his work, Audrey noticed. She stole a glance at he and Kil'ani, who were engaged in small talk. Kil'ani curled her hair in her finger like a school girl as she spoke with Jack, the poor star struck girl. Audrey knew well she'd have to keep an eye on that girl lest she wanted to become a knotch on the belt of the famous Jack Deacon. Audrey chuckled at the idea. [I]The famous Jack Deacon[/I]...

Work on the ship began moving soon enough. Jack oversaw all from his study located on a platform near the ship, all while Audrey gave orders specific to his layouts. Using a clipboard to document changes and having Audrey quickly implement them, by the afternoon, most of the aesthetic changes were done. The ship began to take on a more curvacious design, and the propellors were all dismantled. Propellors were going to be rendered obsolete within the next ten years with Jack creative backing Morphia's position over Artemis Air Transports. He could see it now, the 3rd generation of airships would be ushered in with his foresight. Of course, all credit would go to his younger sister Morphia, but he wouldn't have it any other way.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]A rapping came at his door. Jack cringed slightly as he didn't want to entertain Kil'ani, instead he continued drawing and annotating. The rapping came again, this time more distinct. Realizing that she wouldn't go away, Jack decided to get it over with. [B]"Come in."[/B] he said in a grudging voice.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]The door cracked slightly and in walked Audrey, who closed the door gently behind her. Jack, who was overly-relieved by her arrival immediately sat up from his desk. In her arms were drawings in need of correction. She sat them on his desk and looked at him. He was filthy. His elbows, forearms, hands and face were darkened with a shiny tint, from the lead. Seeing a towel near the overseer window, Audrey immediately wet it in a small bowl nearby and wrung it out. She walked up to Jack, who at this point still said nothing and began wiping the chalk from his forehead.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][B]"They want to negotiate the terms of a cease fire." [/B]Audrey said as she wet the towel once again, [B]"They say you're the last living senior officer in the Underdogs."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][B]"Bloody hell, it hasn't been a full day and they're already fishing for martyrs!"[/B] exclaimed Jack, attempting to move but held still by Audrey.[/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][B]"It was Agron Deacon who requested you. He... sounded worried."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]Jack closed his eyes for a moment before speaking again. [B]"I will not go," [/B]his voice trembled slightly as he thought of his father, [B]"my place is not within the halls of the crystal palace, nor in the streets and neighborhoods of High Czenoble, its out there, in the sky. As much as I want to see the old man, he'll know I'm alive the next time he speaks to Morphia."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][B]"But Jack, surely you won't just abandon them will you? They're your family."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT]

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy][B]"And they always will be..." [/B]Jack immediately sat back down at his desk and continued drawing. [B]"Here are the final revisions, you should get to work." [/B]he handed Audrey another role of papers and began drawing once more.

[FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]By late evening, the ship was done. All of Jacks' changes had been implemented and everything looked smooth enough. Audrey approached Jack. [B]"Does it fit your specifications?[/B]"

[B]"Yes Audrey, inform the crew that we will set off within the next hour."

"So soon? We've only just finished."

"True, but we're on borrowed time now. Once we get in the air we'll rest."[/B] Jack said.

[B]"One more thing." [/B]said Audrey, pulling Jack to the side away from anyone's perked ears. [B]"The girl's young, Jack."

[B][B]"Well, you'll keep her safe. She needs a den mother."[/B][/B][/B][/COLOR][/FONT][COLOR=Navy] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Jack said with a smile.[/FONT][/COLOR][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Navy]

Audrey punched him the arm playfully. It was the first time Jack had smiled since that awful scene aboard the Sentinel. The easy smile made everything lose the tension that had built up around the hangar and Audrey couldn't help but smile also. Jack grabbed Audrey, and in full sight of the crew kissed her. Audrey was taken aback from this sudden action. [B]"Jack, I don't think this is the time." [/B]she said, shoving him off of her. As her hands grazed his retreating arms, she noticed the cut off where his new arm began. It was a rickety little thing, attached on the fly so that Jack could be up and ready to go.

[B]"I'm sorry, [/B][B]sometimes I surprise myself."[/B] said Jack, still smiling.

[B]"You're too bold Mr. Deacon. I don't think you're in any condition to try me right now."[/B] Audrey took Jack's new hand in both of hers and looked it over. [B]"Perhaps you should be more worried about replacing this."

[B]"I can't say I have the time. We have so much to do." [/B][/B]he retorted, looking down at the wires and brass that made up his hand.

Audrey leaned in close, looking him in the eye. [B]"Make the time."[/B] with that she stepped back and walked toward the ship.

Jack held his arm up to examine it. He didn't want to admit it, but he agreed with Audrey. A change needed to be made.

[B]"Where to, Jack?" [/B]asked Audrey who now occupied the navigator seat. The pilot slot was occupied by a separate crew member. Jack had his very own captain's chair now.

[B]"I heard there's an ice megalith deep inside the northern continent near the poles. No one who has dared enter it has come back alive. An ancient chimaera, said to have been created in the shadow of a once great civilization, is known to reside there. Any objections?"[/B]

No one said a word. Jack looked around, taking in everyone in his crew's faces.

[B]"Good. Miss Bertrand, set a course for the northern continent."

[/B]The ship's engines hummed on as Audrey punched in the coordinates. [B]"Albatross."[/B] Jack muttered under his breath.

The crew looked at him, all wondering what he said. [B]"Her name will be Albatross."[/B]

After a collective [B]"Aye, Sir."[/B] the ship sailed off, with the wind at its back, into the sky.
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[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alecialeanna-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
It was hard to believe that just over seven months had passed since that terrible day, just as it was also very hard to believe that so many changes were being made. The city itself was already falling back into place as most of the terrible damage had been repaired and new buildings built to replace those that had burned to the ground during the disaster. It was not the same and some of the construction was not finished, but it pointed towards a city willing to move on instead of looking back.

There were still issues with those who stubbornly held onto the idea that those of their sister city were inferior somehow and realistically, Alecia knew that would take more than a few months to change. If she could somehow pound that notion into their stubborn mindset, she probably would have. Instead she finished up her lunch and went back to doing her work like always. It was becoming harder and harder to keep up as her pregnancy crept ever closer to the approximate date she was due.

Alecia made her way to her office since she had altered her schedule to only include morning rounds, she just couldn?t do both anymore, it was too tiring and hard on her back to stay on her feet all day long. But that didn?t mean she couldn?t take care of paperwork during the afternoon until Alexander was done for the day. Technically he was never done since he had so much work that needed to be taken care of. But when it became harder for her, he had delegated some of that work load in order to make sure he was available to take her home each evening.

A tiny kick brought a smile to her face as she set the paper work she had in her hands down. She was hit by another twinge of something else altogether, something that was repeated several times and then eventually followed up by a clear indication that she was not imagining things. [I]Oh my, is it time already?[/I] Alecia stood up and made her way to her office door. She caught the attention of one of the medical staff passing by.

?[B]It?s time,[/B]? She told the woman who instantly moved to help her, after all it was obvious as to what Alecia was referring to. It was impossible to miss that she was clearly pregnant.

?[B]Right this way Lady Almagest,[/B]? the woman did not bother to question Alecia?s statement, after all Alecia knew how to tell the difference between false labor and true labor.

After seeing her into one of the waiting rooms the woman turned to leave but halted when Alecia caught her hand, causing her to look back. ?[B]Please make sure a message is sent to my husband.[/B]? Once the woman nodded, Alecia made herself as comfortable as possible and did her best to simply wait the symptoms out. Someone would be in to tend to her long before they became more urgent.

The one thing that Alexander found distasteful when it came to his new duties was the sheer amount of meetings it required. Every day was filled with some sort of meeting, making him miss the days when he simply patrolled the streets. It wouldn?t have been too bad if not for the tendency for things to get dragged out far longer than they really needed. Something that had prompted him to take the stance of ending things whether they were done or not when five o?clock came around, least he miss out on taking Alecia home at the end of her work day. There had been objections at first, but now they were use to it.

As he listened to yet another person endlessly drag yet another issue out, the thought crossed his mind to put prioritizing what would be handled and what wouldn?t in the meetings on the agenda. [I]Most of this stuff isn?t even worth wasting our time on when it can be handled efficiently by someone at a more local level. This habit of thinking every little thing has to go to the top is absurd.[/I] Alexander knew it was merely what they were use to but still, if they didn?t break things down, they?d never get anything done, ever. A knock at the door interrupted the meeting, something he seized upon to get up and answer the door to the conference room immediately. It was a messenger.

?[B]I?m sorry to bother you sir, but I was told the message was urgent.[/B]? He pressed the folded piece of paper into Alexander?s hands.

His brow furrowed, Alexander opened it up and then a moment later his eyes went a bit wide at the content. Then with a nervous smile he thrust the paper back into the messenger?s hands. ?[B]Do me a favor and tell the others what that says,[/B]? he indicated the rest of the group still waiting in the conference room. Then before anyone could say a word he left, ignoring the weak protests that it wasn?t five o'clock yet.

[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alecialeanna-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/alexanderedward-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
[INDENT]~Eleven hours later?[/INDENT]
The hospital staff had finally left, leaving the three all alone in the small room. The newest addition to the Almagest clan finally sleeping, carefully wrapped up in a blanket, lying in a special little bed next to the one Alecia was in. Alecia herself was not that far behind as she struggled to stay awake, tired from the whole ordeal.

?[B]The others, how many of them are still here?[/B]? She asked Alexander sleepily. It was two in the morning after all.

?[B]I?m not sure. Did you want me to go and get them?[/B]?

Alecia shook her head, ?[B]No, little Daedalus Thomas only just fell asleep, they can come back in the morning.[/B]? She yawned a bit before closing her eyes, ?[B]Make that late morning.[/B]? Alecia shifted a bit in an effort to get more comfortable.

Alexander chuckled and got up from the chair he had been sitting in next to the bed, he bent over and kissed her on the forehead before responding. ?[B]I?ll go and tell them love.[/B]?

Alecia?s responded with a tired smile and then drifted into sleep. She did not hear the sound of the door to the room opening and closing when Alexander left, nor did she hear him return and take a moment to go to the other side of the bed and check on the baby before he finally took a seat next to her bed once again.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[b]Two Weeks Later?[/b]

The summer house looked different now. The gardens had been trimmed back from their former wildness. It looked ready for a new owner.

It had not taken long for Gustave to decide to sell the home. While there were still many fond memories here, he knew it was time to leave them behind. Despite everything, this house still reminded him of his deceased cousin ? this is where he?d heard the tragic news and things had gone from bad to worse within a very short space of time.

Gustave had always been strong, but Vincent?s death tempted him to stay in Czneovia longer, if only to cling to the Almagest family for a few more precious weeks. The Almagests had very much become Vincent?s adoptive family, but he had never had the chance to say goodbye to them.

And then, of course, there was Victoria-Ann. Gustave smiled to himself as he pictured her little face. She was almost like a daughter to him; in fact, she was almost like the daughter he wished he?d had. Before he left, he knew he would have to see her and say goodbye. Perhaps someone would bring her to visit him in Le Monde.

A deep rumbling interrupted Gustave?s thoughts momentarily. It was one of his steamcars with a large wooden trailer attached. Lazarus was inside.

The window rolled down and a head popped out. It was Jacques. He was Gustave?s right-hand-man when it came to Chimaera; he had supported in their training for races and he was responsible for their general care. His young, round face was framed with short blonde curls. He was only nineteen and it was his great dream to become a Chimaera Jockey one day.

?Sir?are you ready to head to the Aerodrome?? he piped up.

Gustave turned to him. ?Not quite,? he replied. ?We must first stop off at Rosengard to bid farewell to the Almagests. And I want to check in on Lucy and see how she is going ? I haven?t yet seen the new stables.?

Jacques nodded. ?Sounds good, Sir. I have been notified that the other Chimaera were loaded onto the airship fifteen minutes ago and they?ve been given fresh feed, so they can wait.?

Gustave nodded and smiled. He took one look at the summer house again. As he did so, he slipped on his leather gloves and propped his top hat on his head. ?Now I?m ready,? he said to himself.
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  • 2 weeks later...

[indent][size=1]The return to the city had been such a quiet thing. Despite the cheers which had filled the air-waves only hours beforehand, the full horror of what had occurred had slowly set in among the minds of the crew. Hundreds of their comrades had been killed, the funerals would go on for days, weeks even, a whole new cemetery would likely have to be created to accommodate the bodies of the fallen... His father would likely get a monument, yes, that much was almost guaranteed, in hindsight, a mere stone statue seemed a poor recompense for a life, but then, Dwalish supposed it was the symbolism that mattered.

Perhaps in reality, what had troubled him more was that though they had lost so many, he had, in anger and grief ordered the deaths of countless more. No survivors. Those had been his words... his orders. Not a traitor to be let live. The Underdog fleet had been completely annihilated... How many fathers had he taken away ? How many sons ? Daughters ? Mothers ? They had been traitors... willing to kill gods-knew how many people to affect their changes. But... had that been over-simplifying things ? Were they all "traitors" simply because had made it easier to order their extermination ? Had he painted Litheway's face on every body simply because he had wanted to view them all that way ? No answers came readily.

He had tucked his sleeping brother into their father's bed, the tear streaks still fresh down his cheeks. Running his rough fingers through Harrison's hair, Dwalish had taken one of the spare pillows and collapsed into the nearest chair, exhaustion claiming him quickly. He had expected his sleep to be broken, marred by nightmares, instead it had been oddly peaceful, oddly deep. That too troubled him, as though it confirmed his worst fears that he could be so comfortable with death to rest so soundly. He tried to imagine words of comfort and support his father might've offered, but his mind remained silent. Like everything else about the day, he would have to deal with it himself, alone.

Three sharp knocks on the solid door had woken him. Unsteadily he drew himself out of the chair, casting a quick look over at the bed, confirming his brother still slept. Dwalish smiled slightly, despite the rapid growth his fourteen year old brother had made in recent weeks, there were still aspects to him that thankfully remained truly child-like.

Slowly unlocking the door, he had stepped out into the corridor to be greeted by the worn face of Colonel Gast. His eyes were bloodshot, and heavily shadowed. He hadn't slept yet, the realisation struck Dwalish hard as he forced himself fully awake. He had truly let his emotions get the better of him. An entire fleet was relying on him to lead them now, at least, in theory, and he had instead left his duty to Colonel Gast, unacceptable.

"[b]...Albrecht, you look absolutely exhausted. You should have woken me earlier.[/b]"

Gast gave him a funny look. As though Dwalish had been a child chiding a parent.

"[b]Don't worry about it Dwalish... You needed the rest more than I did...[/b]"

He cast his eyes towards the door, before returning his gaze to Dwalish's face.

"[b]How's your brother ?[/b]"

There was genuine concern in the older man's voice. Despite the fact that Dwalish was himself in his mid thirties, the twenty-year age-gap between the two men had never really had any significant impact on their working relationship. Perhaps it was because Albrecht's own youngest son Felix was only a few years older than Harrison that his paternal side was now showing.

"[b]No worse for wear, thank the gods. He's still sleeping, I imagine it'll take some time for him to recover fully though...[/b]"

Dwalish smiled reassuring.

"[b]...And you ?[/b]"

The smile faded, as Dwalish's right hand pinched the bridge of his nose in agitation.

"[b]...I...I don't know..[/b]"

His hand shifted, the cover his mouth, his eyes falling to the floor between them.

"[b]Tell me Albrecht, did I do the right thing ?[/b]"

The old man's brow creased at the question.

"[b]...You know I can't tell you that Dwalish... Whether I agree with what you did or not will not allay your doubts, the only person who can do that is you alone...[/b]"

Dwalish's expression fell further.

"[b]...I'm sorry I can't offer you any reassurances Dwalish. I will say however, that I do not believe you to be an evil man. Take that how you will.[/b]"

Nodding slowly, Dwalish's gaze returned to Gast's face.

"[b]How's the Fleet ?[/b]"

"[b]As well as can be expected in reality. The most severely damaged ships have already docked at the yards for repairs. Despite the damage we took during the battle, the Sentinel's only been confirmed for docking in the last few minutes. That's why I came actually, Fleet Command wants to speak to you as soon as we've successfully secured.[/b]"

"[b]Sounds like a debriefing...[/b]"

"[b]That's what I thought myself.[/b]"

"[b]Odd that they want me to wait until we've docked, I could just as easily take a shuttle.[/b]"

"[b]I imagine it's the Brass' version of courtesy Dwalish, giving you so time to get yourself in order after all that's happened.[/b]"

"[b]Maybe...Or maybe they're waiting to see people's reaction to the battle, before they make any politically unfavourable decisions by supporting, or condemning me.[/b]"

Gast gave a slight smile.

"[b]I guess you'll find out soon enough.[/b]"

[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/dawlish-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/primas-avatar.jpg[/IMG][/center]

It seemed he would not face a war-crimes tribunal yet...In the time that had passed since the battle, the remaining Air-Generals had returned to High Czenoble, along with parts of their fleets. Much as it had been only hours beforehand, the skies above the capital were filled with air-ships, though, their presence now seemed more reassuring for the populace. Dwalish didn't imagine any of the other powers would try to attack Czenovia in it's weakened state, but then, he supposed, he had never imagined they would deal with rebellion on such a scale either. A valid precaution then.

He had showered thoroughly, somewhat surprised by the amount of blood and dirt which had come on, before donning a new uniform to replace the torn and bloodied one he had been wearing. For a moment, he'd been tempted to use his dress uniform, facing the seven remaining Air-Generals, the Air-Marshal and possible even His Highness himself , it may have been prudent but then again, it may have looked conceited on his part. It had probably been best to use his ordinary uniform.

The room had been smaller than expected. For Fleet Command, he'd expected a rather grander room, but this seemed far more frugal. Twelve seats, set in a semi circle, one in the centre raised above the rest, the seat reserved for the ruler monarch of Czenovia. The marble walls and columns exuded a sense of presence and authority without any need for further decoration. If he had been willing to admit it, Dwalish had been slightly apprehensive. As the doors of the room had parted to him, he had locked eyes immediately with King Primas, who had in turn merely nodded, and gestured for him to take his seat, in front of the ten remaining members, his father's seat to Primas' left, and Litheway's seat next to Air-Marshal Bertineau both noticeably vacant.

"[b]Commander, thank you for joining us so promptly. First, may I extend both my deepest sympathies on the passing of your father and my most heart-felt admiration on the First Fleet's actions in protecting the populace in the face of that horrific battle. You are all, without doubt, heroes of Czenovia and we are honoured by your bravery and steadfast loyalty.[/b]?

Primas?s voice was rich and charismatic, and Dwalish had been slightly taken aback by the Dynast?s speech, despite his reputed desire to rebuild Czenovia as a more democratic entity, he was also apparently astute enough to keep the favour of those who held the greatest loyalty to the Crystalline Throne. If he had moved too fast in altering Czenovia to the designs of the people of New Czenovia, it was conceivable that men like Dwalish, and those of the Fleet who had survived would not best pleased, giving their lives in the name of the nation, only to have it appear that victory yielded the same result at defeat.

?[b]I am humbled by your praise Highness, and greatly appreciative of your sympathies. I know that my father was honoured to give his life in the name of protecting the people.[/b]?

The remaining Air-General?s murmured softly among themselves, until the aged Marshal Bertineau had cut them off with a raised hand and a single stare. Rising from his seat, and leaning on his elegant walking stick for support, he locked eyes with Dwalish, his thin, sharp features and snow white hair retaining a strength that belied the fact he had reached his ninth decade of life earlier in the year. His cold blue eyes narrowed, as Dwalish willed himself not to quall, as he spoke, Dwalish realised that although his voice shared the same authority of Primas?, he possessed none of the same warmth.

?[b]Though I do not wish to contradict his Highness? commendations Commander Almagest, I believe you have put the Air-Fleet in an uncomfortable position with your particular actions during the later stages of the battle. The Air-Fleet is a representation of his Majesty, and our actions reflect upon him. When you exterminated the remainder of the defeated Underdog Fleet, including the late Vice-Marshal Litheway, you stained his Highness? name by appearing as butchers of broken foes.[/b]?

?[b]...You?ve got be joking...[/b]?

The room?s attention was suddenly diverted to Air-General Von Heisenberg, as he lazily ran a hand through his dark blond hair.

Marshal Bertineau?s eyes might well had been shut they had narrowed so much, a low growl escaping from his throat.

?[b]Would you care to repeat that comment Air-General ?[/b]?

Taking the stare, Von Heisenberg merely smiled with distain.

?[b]I said you must be joking. If anything, the Commander here should be given a medal. They were traitors, all of them including your precious protégé Air-Marshal. Let?s not forget the fact that they stole the Almagest Cannon, and were prepared to use it against his Highness himself and the rest of High Czenoble. And yet here you stand having crawled out from your secure bunker and guard to berate his choice, the right choice in the heat of battle...[/b]?

Von Heisenberg?s smile faded gradually. Apparently Gast had been right, his decision had been supported as well as vilified.

?[b]...Ridiculous, what would happen if they were still alive and were not satisfied by His Majesty?s changes to the governing system of this country ? We would face sedition and rebellion for years, not to mention Air-Marshal the length of time it would take to process and try all those guilty of treason, which I might also remind you carries the penalty of death. You are so concerned with the privilege and honour of the Air-Fleet you would have it wiped out rather than make the hard decisions.[/b]?

King Primas who had been listening silently now raised his own hand.

?[b]Gentlemen, I thank you for both of your valid and honest assessments of the battle. Debating Commander Almagest?s decision to execute the defeated rebels is pointless however, as is it?s effect on my public perception. I am sure that like here, there are those who would regard it as an act of necessity and valour as much as an act of unnecessary brutality, and I imagine the debate will continue for many years to come...[/b]?

Though the mood of the room remained considerably volatile, both Air-Marshal Betineau and Air-General Von Heisenberg assumed their seats again without further word. Dwalish had been surprised by Von Heisenberg actually retorting the most senior flag officer of the entire Air-Fleet even in Dwalish?s own defence... Still, at ninety years of age, Bertineau?s tenure was likely coming to an end, and his own lack of action during the battle meant he too was in a perilous position if questioned.

?[b]...However Commander, the death of Ms. Meredyne Artemis in the aftermath of the battle cannot be overlooked. Reports confirm that the death itself occurred during an attempted arrest of Jack Deacon, when the latter was pushed out of the path of sniper?s shot by Ms. Artemis resulting in her death. While that in itself is most unfortunate, it is the fact you were willing to trade Ms. Artemis for your younger brother, the recently commissioned Lt. Almagest that is under scrutiny. Can you please offer us your explanation ?[/b]?

Dwalish?s breath was caught in his throat for a moment, they couldn?t be accusing him of what he thought they were accusing him of could they ? He willed himself to remain calm.

?[b]Respectfully Highness, my father, the late Air-General cleared Ms. Artemis of any involvement with the Underdogs. As such, she actually volunteered to make the trade to save Lt. Almagest when she learned of the situation, as well as Mr. Deacon?s presence onboard the Sentinel. I immensely regret the loss of her life, however, I believe that I would have done the same for any member of my crew, it was simply fortune on Mr. Deacon?s part that he managed to capture my brother, whom he recognised.[/b]?

Primas remained expressionless.

?[b]I see. It is simply, with Artemis? recent bid on Magitech Corporation, you can see how this may look.[/b]?

?[b]I do Highness, but equally, I have little to no interaction with the company, aside from my inherited shares. As I said, her death was very unfortunate, but also, her own choice.[/b]?

By the gods, he was actually being asked had he killed Meredyne to prevent a business deal ?! It took all his remaining self control not to laugh or shout at the stupidity of it. She had chosen her own death, and as much as he regretted it occurring, he had not been responsible.

Slowly Primas? face twisted into a smile, whether or not a sincere one, Dwalish couldn?t tell.

?[b]Thank you for your honesty Commander. I believe we have heard all we need to from you, you?re dismissed.[/b]?

Saluting, Dwalish turned to leave.

?[b]Oh, one final thing Commander. In light of your father?s sacrifice, and with your support, I?d like to rename the Sentinel to the Daedalus, in honour of her previous Commander.[/b]?

Ever the master of propaganda.

?[b]Of course Highness, I would be truly honoured, as would her crew I?m sure.[/b]?

Leaving the chamber, Dwalish knew well how perilous his career had become in the space of a single battle, while younger, more action-oriented Air-Generals like Von Heisenberg would likely support him, he had also likely alienated himself from much of the "old guard" like the Air-Marshal. Although not too long ago, such a thought would have worried him considerably, he now found himself oddly freed by it... perhaps it was his father's passing... perhaps he needed to stop simply living up to other people's expectations, and start setting his own bar.

As a career officer, he had made Commander before forty, although it was unlikely he'd remain in command of the Daedalus, he would still likely have his pick of commands in the future, it was a very welcome thought...

"[b]Thank you father... for everything.[/b]"

Sorry I couldn't finish this, the details as to why can be found here: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showpost.php?p=812933&postcount=959"][U]Click[/U][/URL][/size][/indent]
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[COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/harrison-chronicle.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/almagest/victoriaann-chronicle.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER]
Naturally it was raining, a cold miserable drizzle that was just enough to soak everything. It flattened the dying vegetation to the ground in misshapen shapes that only served to enhance the sense of death that hovered around the family sepulcher at Rosengard. It was just as dismal if not more so than the last time Harrison had stood there with the rest of the family. When they had held the private service for Daedalus and Helen, a moment he would never forget? Harrison couldn?t forget even though part of him wished that he could.

He no longer saw Rosengard as his home; in truth he had never seen it in that light. Once he had been old enough to understand or see how his father was never around or that his siblings were so estranged they may as well been strangers, he had desired to escape that life. There was no point in having material wealth if your life had no meaning. At the time it had all seem so hypocritical and in many ways it still did.

However, for a brief time, Harrison had finally gotten what he had always wanted; something more than just a daily existence of wishing he was elsewhere. It hadn?t even lasted a week before that had been taken from him when his father had died in the battle over High Czenoble. But the madness had not stopped there; it had only escalated even further at Daedalus? funeral when Jacob had shown up drunk and out of his mind. Loudly saying things about their father and Helen that even if some of them were true, couldn?t take away from that brief glimpse that Harrison had gotten into how his father really felt.

The events after that was something that even now, gave him pause if he dwelled on it too long. He shoved the memory aside, barely noticing that the rain was starting to ease up. It wouldn?t be long until it was replaced by snow. Harrison wouldn?t be around to see it this year, unless he was reassigned again. He doubted that would happen though. He was only here for a short time anyway, in just a little while he along with Dwalish would be heading back to where they were assigned. He shook his head a bit as he looked at the name on the tomb he was visiting.

Mom had never quite been the same after that day, Harrison had known she was ill but it had never really sunk in just how little time she had left. He hadn?t even been there when she had passed on in her sleep since he had been with Dwalish for the past seven months. Or it was better to say that he was currently serving in Air-General Von Heisenberg?s 2nd Fleet that was patrolling Czenovia?s furthest western borders near the New Globe. He had been reassigned along with Dwalish about a month after their father?s funeral and Jacob?s death.

Now, with Harriet?s death, he and Dwalish were the only ones left. On some level, it didn?t feel real. He hadn?t been here when Harriet passed on and pictures taken by Fauntleroy of her holding baby Daedalus only a week ago just added to the feeling that what he was experiencing was nothing more than some bizarre nightmare. He took small comfort in the fact that she had at least looked happy in the pictures.

Harrison could hear footsteps approaching him from behind, reminding him that he had very little time left before he would need to go and join Dwalish who was probably waiting out in front of Rosengard for him. He did not bother to turn and see who it was; the faint sound of the steps telling him that it was probably Victoria Ann. Something that was confirmed when she stopped once she was standing next to him, staring at Harriet?s tomb.

?[B]It?s almost time to go.[/B]?

?[B]I know.[/B]? Harrison smiled sadly, wishing he could stay a little longer, though what for he didn?t know. Hanging around wouldn?t bring anyone back and other than Victoria Ann and a few others, he had no desire to be around any of them.

?[B]Do you have to go back?[/B]?


Victoria Ann sighed. ?[B]I wish you didn?t, besides,[/B]? She said with a tiny smirk. ?[B]Even if you?re finally fifteen, you?re still too young to be in the military. I know, I checked.[/B]?

?[B]You would.[/B]? Harrison chuckled in spite of himself. ?[B]You?re still a nosy brat after all.[/B]?

?[B]No, I?m smart.[/B]? She corrected him.

Then both of them just stood there for a while in the rain that was finally starting to end, saying nothing until finally Victoria Ann spoke up again.

?[B]You?d better write like you promised me you would.[/B]?

?[B]Of course, I?ve already been doing that haven?t I?[/B]? Harrison pointed out.

?[B]Well yeah,[/B]? Victoria Ann conceded, ?[B]Just don?t get busy and forget.[/B]?

?[B]I won?t.[/B]? Both of them turned at the sound of one of the servants coming out to tell Harrison that the carriage to pick up him and Dwalish had arrived. Once they were gone Harrison reached into his pocket for the little package he had put there so he wouldn?t forget. Before he could change his mind he pulled it out and pressed it into Victoria Ann?s hands.

She gave him an odd look, frowning slightly. ?[B]What is this for?[/B]?

?[B]It?s your birthday next week and I won?t be here to give it to you.[/B]?

Victoria Ann just looked at him her mouth opening into a little o as understanding dawned on her small face. Then, to his embarrassment, she threw herself at him, hugging him tightly while thanking him at the same time.

?[B]Whoa, it?s nothing to get excited over brat.[/B]?

Victoria Ann pulled back and mock glared at him, a bit of a smile gracing her face. ?[B]Of course it is. It?s the first time you remembered on your own.[/B]? She tried to keep her face straight and failed, beaming widely as she tucked the package into her pocket.

?[B]I?m riding with you and Dwalish to the aerodrome.[/B]? She declared in a voice that indicated there would be no argument.

Harrison opened his mouth, intending to object and then shrugged. ?[B]If you really want to, that?s fine by me.[/B]? After all, it wouldn?t really hurt anything. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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