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Energy Drinks


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How many other caffeine addicts out there can't get enough of these things? Does anyone know if Taurine is bad for you? What about ginseng? Is it really a good idea to get 2000% vitamin B in an 8oz drink?

My favorite energy drink right now is by that rockstar brand. It's half guava juice, half "energy". I'm pretty sure I'm taking years off my life by drinking these things, but some nights I prefer getting wired rather than trashed. I'll also do just about anything for a boost of energy in the morning.
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I have no idea about Taurine and humans but I can give you my professional veterinary input on Taurine and cats. Cats have to have Taurine as a part of their diets. Without it they can have all kinds of health issues such as feline dilated cardiomyopathy (heart problems) and/or eye issues including blindness. Taurine for your kitty is a good thing. Taurine for you, I have no clue.

As for energy drinks, I've never had one. I prefer coffee as my "energy drink" of choice. I am a coffee junkie and can't imagine my life without it. Coffee just doesn't seem as damaging to my health as those extreme energy drinks with 500x the daily recommended amounts of supplements, vitamins and misc. chemicals.
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[COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Well... i remember there being some scientist around that believed in super doses of vitamin C. Of course, there's no scientific data to support his theory. Though... i do think he lived to a ripe old age. Don't quote me on it though.

I doubt getting 2000% of anything is really good for you. Energy drinks aren't good for you anyways. Ridiculous amounts of sugar and a bunch of other bad stuff. I try to stay away from 'em.

That said, i do like the green monster energy drinks. They're quite tasty. The diet Amp is also pretty good.

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[font=Arial]I drank a Red Bull right before my karate belt exam because I was going to operate off four hours of sleep and one meal. I'm not sure about any physiological effects, but I can attest to the fact that it made me feel more focused (assuming this isn't the placebo at work).

I generally stay away from them though. I chugged two Rockstars in ten minutes and felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest... I assume this means it causes serious strain within you.[/font]
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[FONT="Arial"]Some of the energy drinks I've tried are gross. I really don't like Red Bull or Celsius very much, but if I feel like staying up all night I usually like to get a lemon lime Celsius to split with my friends; it has about 200 mg of caffeine and is claimed to burn calories.

Regular Full Throttle is one of my favorites. When I drink it, it doesn't really taste very good, but afterwards I start to crave it again. I love Vault, especially cherry, and I can buy a bottle of it very cheaply from the gas station across the street from my school.

Energy drinks don't really have an effect on me anymore. Usually, the first time I try one, I'll just start trembling a lot. It never really gives me an energy boost or anything. [/FONT]
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I'm not much of an energy drink person,because the rush of sugar within my system makes me wired for hours on end and sleeping just goes out the door. I like the Rockstar guava stuff, just because it tastes different than most energy drinks.

As far as the taurine and stuff goes, you'd have to ask a dietrician (or wikipedia, since they seem to know EVERYTHING) . They can recommend what's good for you and what's not. I wouldn't personally recommend being hooked on these things, because then you start to develop a need for them and then when your body can't have them, it starts to suffer some massive side effects. Have you ever seen a coffee drinker when there's no coffee? They're more hyper than with the coffee.

I'm a religious soda drinker, and I feel that helps me stay focused enough. Also, staying in shape and getting lots of sleep helps with energy. I drink energy drinks for a change of pace....when the soda's get tiring. But , for the record, energy drinks are very expensive. I can't believe people shell out close to 10 bucks for 6 cans of Rockstar. That's pretty absurd to me.

Whatever happened to Jolt Cola by the way? Remember them? Twice the sugar, with the same caffeine?
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[quote name='Panda']As for energy drinks, I've never had one. [/QUOTE]Same here, about the only thing I've ever have that would come close is the occasional Coke or Pepsi. I do drink tea, but as far as I know it's not meant to give one energy. One of my roommates does like different energy drinks, but after seeing how wired those things make him... I just stay clear of the stuff.
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