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Hope of Revenge


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Travis' blade crashed into the ground where the man stood. "You have a lot to learn about playing with the big boys pup" Travis stared in awe as another Diego grew from the ground where the first stood.

"A Golem?" Travis said in wonder as the mass of earth took shape. The Golem began to speak. "Yes pup, a golem. I'm surprised it took you so long to figure out"

Travis lept at the next golem. He had heard Golem's were easy to bring down. All brawn and no real brains. The one controling the golem had to see an attack and react. That usually allowed the opponent plenty of time to dispatch it....this golem however proved fast. He quickly blocked Travis' blade with the handle of his war hammer. He brought the hammer upwards into Travis' gut sending him sprawling.

Diego didn't know that the forest held all kinds of beasties that were Travis' friends. So when the warning howl echoed through the forest, only Travis' ears were alerted. [B] He's in the tree to the right of the Golem [/B] That was all Travis needed. He lept into that tree and before Diego could react flung the man out of the tree ten feet to the ground.

With the agility of a wolf himself Diego landed on his hands and back sprung himself. Sometime during the recovery maneuver his weapon came out and there he stood. Weapon in hand looking at Travis.

[I] Such agility...This could be harder than I thought [/I]Travis thought to himself as he got into his fighting stance. He noticed the golem fade into the earth. "Just you and me Diego. Let us see who is the better". Not giving the man a chance to reply he lept into the REAL batt.e
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