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[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I usually don't remember my dreams, but I can usually manipulate or wake from the ones I do if I force myself.

For instance, I had one the other day where I was fighting the Joker. I don't remember if I was actually Batman, but I did get caught and tortured once and reversed time to return to before I was caught. I then cornered him and beat the crap out of him with Karate. While we were fighting, he nearly blew up Batgirl by pressing my body like a keypad. After the fight, my super friends who I don't remember from anywhere hauled him off to Arkham no problem and I'm pretty sure he didn't have an escape plan.

So yeah, I don't know if it was a dream or if someone forced acid on me. It sure felt like drugs.[/FONT]
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[quote name='EmoSock']I don't dream.

Oh- [B]What now?[/B][/QUOTE]No, you just don't remember your dreams. It's common in our society for people to not recall their dreams. Dream science tells us we have dreams about every 90 minutes of sleep, more towards the end of the sleep period, for about 20 minutes per dream. This makes about six dreams per night that we are capable of recalling if we were to be awakened and asked. But there are other factors.

The main one seems to be what we do immediately after waking up. If our thoughts are trained to immediately start thinking about the future the dream can forever remain lost. Thinking such thoughts as planning the day, what to wear, who we have to contact, what meetings we are going to, what's for breakfast, all lead to loss of dream recall. For some this is a lifetime habit so strong they will swear they never have had a dream.

Seriously. If you fall in that category, and a lot of people do, you have to train yourself to remember your dreams since you're use to getting up and thinking they don't happen at all.
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[COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I had the most absurdly bizarre dream that I was taping up my arms and wrists ninja/Naruto style ...well...tape. And then for some reason I was already at the convention, like a time warp forward, and then I was applying makeup to JASON STATHAM'S face.

Yes, it sounds like it's a dream come true, and to be fair he was really nice in person but then of course time warped again and I was sitting outside the convention hall late at night with some of my old school mates sitting around me from high school and elementary. Some were older but I knew who they were anyway just by looking at them. And we sat and watched people come out of the building for a long time, and then of course things got a little weirder so hey.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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[FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"]I was in some sort of basement in a house with a family. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were the parents and they had 6 kids who were just randoms. Then the house flooded so we had to run upstairs and I looked outside and there were like three guys wearing clown masks. One of them waved at me.

So I turn around and everyone is handing out guns. I get myself a pistol or something I don't really remember and for some reason we run downstairs. There in the basement is a friend of mine named Joel who then proceeds to try and fight me and throws two punches which I swiftly dodge. The third punch gets me right in the face and I think "Ouh. He hit me. Enough to wake me up." And I woke up.

It was craaazy. But my dreams are usually that weird. It's kind of neat that I can relate every significant thing in my dream to something that has happened recently. I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith, house flooding would be the ridiculous amount of Stargate: Atlantis I've been watching in the past few days, clown masked men would be Dark Knight mixed with The Strangers (bad movie), the guns is Stargate: Atlantis and Pineapple Express and for the past 2 days a lot of people have been talking to me about Joel so I guess he decided to make a cameo in my dream. :/[/COLOR][/FONT]
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( this was after I had played Kingdom Hearts II for 19 hours straight) I had a dream that I had went swimming in a pool and Sora and Kairi and real-life friends were with me. We had stated swimming at night and I kept looking at my watch, keeping tabs on time. But then, it was dawn and I was really worried, because my mom had wanted us back at the hotel rooms by 12:00 AM, but now it was 6:00 AM. When we tried finding the way to the rooms we got lost and found a room that had a red glowing heart and I picked it up and it started to play music. It was [i]Link[/i] by L'Arc~en~Ciel, and all of a sudden some one screamed, "RUN!" It was Sora, there was a heartless trying to get to the music-playing heart. Then the Anti-form of eberyone there showed up, just as I had started fighting mine, I woke up.
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