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Thimoc... retro burn... abe


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you all have to stop posting porn!!! Dammit anyways some people are less than 10 years old... jeez you really suck... you messed with the wrong fish you oversized piece of ****!!! Leave the otaku the **** alone...
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Guest Retro Burn
I stoppped posting porn an hour ago, geez you must type really slow. We're all the same people... well, Abe was thimok and now that name's gone so shut the fu ck up.
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Guest firemac
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Retro Burn [/i]
[B]I stoppped posting porn an hour ago, geez you must type really slow. We're all the same people... well, Abe was thimok and now that name's gone so shut the fu ck up. [/B][/QUOTE]
thimoc you were always a dumbass weren't ya
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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Retro Burn [/i]
[B]I stoppped posting porn an hour ago, geez you must type really slow. We're all the same people... well, Abe was thimok and now that name's gone so shut the fu ck up. [/B][/QUOTE]

so you're still ****ing spamming go to hell you bastard
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****ing shut the **** up you ****ing dumb bitches.. damnit, get a ****in life.. who cares if he is postin porn on the boards.... well, maybe that's over doing but oh well.. otaku has gone gay.. some of the members are still cool..but the others.. eh, they're just pathetic lil kids.. it's okay.. haha......
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Guest firemac
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i]
[B]****ing shut the **** up you ****ing dumb bitches.. damnit, get a ****in life.. who cares if he is postin porn on the boards.... well, maybe that's over doing but oh well.. otaku has gone gay.. some of the members are still cool..but the others.. eh, they're just pathetic lil kids.. it's okay.. haha...... [/B][/QUOTE]
hmm you shouldn't be calling people gay when they are not
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Guest Altron Gundam
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticGohan [/i]
[B]****ing shut the **** up you ****ing dumb bitches.. damnit, get a ****in life.. who cares if he is postin porn on the boards.... well, maybe that's over doing but oh well.. otaku has gone gay.. some of the members are still cool..but the others.. eh, they're just pathetic lil kids.. it's okay.. haha...... [/B][/QUOTE]

This is the only reason we fight but hell. This is what starts flame wars. Just shut your mouth right now. THis is a stupid little topic debating whether people should see porn on this board or not. Well...the fact of the **** matter is there are kids on this board who would appreaciate if they didn't see another guys penis or a girls titties for the first time. Instead of being a bunch of self-centered whore supporters, just consider them instead of thinking on your own **** agendas for once.
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