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What has anime taught you?


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[color=#9933ff]Kind of on the same premise as What has playing video games taught you, but for anime instead. Because I actually watch anime and I need something to do.

So what I've learned from Anime is:

1.) It [I]is[/I] entirely possible to leap fifty-two stories and live ([B]Heero Yuy- Gundam Wing[/B])

2.) Chasing after someone who wants to kill you is a good idea ([B]Relena Peacecraft/ Dorlan Gundam Wing[/B])

3.) The laws of exchange are very defined and bringing people back from the dead always turns out really nasty-[B]Full Metal Alchemist[/B]

4.) Books don't eat people, but they will cause you to end up in strange worlds- [B]Fushigi Yugi[/B]

5.) Jumping down ancient wells will land you in Fuedal Japan- [B]InuYasha[/B]

6.) Pink is a perfectly natural hair color- pretty much any anime

7.) You should pretty much expect your teacher to spaz every once in a while- [B]Azumanga Daioh[/B]!

8.) Whatever you do stay away from Tokyo Tower unless you want to end up in an alternate dimension or get your butt kicked by a man who looks like a woman-[B] Sailor Moon[/B] and [B]Magic Knight Rayearth[/B]- but probably other anime as well.

That's all I can think of for now, but I think I might watch more anime and think of more things I've learned. Until then- please participate[/color]
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  • 6 months later...
1) Ala Gintama: it doesn't matter how tough it is, theres always light at the end.

2) Ala GTO: Onizuka is the greatest teacher in existance... nuff said.

3) Gurren Lagann: True friends never leave, they just wait until you're ready to see them again.

4) Also Gurren Lagann: Yoko's chest... is huge.

5) Reborn: If you're a wimpy kid without friends, watch out. Tommorow you might be a Mafia boss.

Truly lessons I will remember forever..
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- Robots have feelings too. ([b]Kikkaider[/b])
- It's always teens that are destined to save the world. (Lots of anime)
- The girl will always trip when being chased. ([b]InuYasha[/b], [b]Fushigi Yuugi[/b], etc.)
- No matter how tough the battle or how injured you are, your fellow fighters will always just stare in horror at the action while waiting (perfectly safe) on the sidelines. ([b]InuYasha[/b] again)

I'll think of more later, this is a good start for now.
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Any problem can be solved by rushing in blindly, oblivious to the consequences. If the consequences strike back, just rush them again.
- Just about any anime :animesigh

It's always a good idea to comment on your defender's use of fighting styles and special moves even though by that time you should be praying for your life.
- Rurouni Kenshin (TV), Inuyasha.

The more numerous of the two opposing armies suffers from the imperial stormtrooper syndrome.
- Any anime with a more or less large-scale action scene.
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[FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Navy"][B]1.[/B] Ninjas should learn to keep there @$#%& mouths shut. - [I]Naruto[/I]

[B]2.[/B] Having breasts larger than many people's heads is a perfectly normal, everyday thing. - [I]Various[/I]

[B]3.[/B] Making animals fight each other is a perfectly acceptable way of solving your own petty differences. - [I]Pokemon[/I]

[B]4.[/B] Giant, man-shaped robots are the prefered military tool of the future. - [I]Any Gundam or other Mecha series[/I]

[B]5.[/B] Every school in japan makes it's female students wear mini-skirts. - [I]Various[/I][/COLOR][/FONT]
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Your enemy will always wait and listen patiently to your story about your heartbreaking past, and you will return the favor. -Naruto, Bleach, lots of others.

If you ever find yourself in a jam, just think about something bad that happened to you, say something heroic, or just plain scream and shout as you rush at your opponent. - Naruto, Bleach, DBZ, more.

People will not say anything about your nutty hair or eye color because it's perfectly normal. -Tons of anime.

Girls with no chest=magic. Girls with chest=guns. -Lots...

The main character almost never dies. And if they do, it signifies the end of the series. Or they're not really dead. - Most anime.
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All female underwear is white (as seen through action scenes) until outer garments are removed and said underwear changes colors, has bows, frills, or lace. - various

Every teen, new to mech, knows how to "drive" it. - various

It takes 26 episodes for a pansy male lead to express his feelings to a girl he likes all the while whining. - [i]Suzuka[/i], various

Haruhi Suzumiya is the best drawn anime character I've ever seen and remains my inspiration to do better digital art. - [i]Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya[/i]

Prodigy students always leave to the United States after high school. [i]Azumanga Daioh[/i], [i]Clannad[/i], others.

Japanese girls are the strongest humans on earth, able to kick/hit 300lb men, in one shot, through walls. - various, especially with no magic, armor, etc.

Japanese men, who aren't in the spotlight (leading character) have eye problems, given most, if not all, wear glasses. - various (side note: they also discretely flip you off when adjusting them)

An explosion's sound concussion always points upward, as this never seems to kill anyone (dodging the flames) within yards of detonation. - various

Space travel between planets happens within hours, not years. Minutes if using warp/jump gates. -various

Flamboyant hair color is never discussed, until said color turns blond (or is blond). - various (okay, I know why this is, but it's still comical)

There are 20 cats for every 1 Japanese.

The only 4 items a Japanese can eat are: fish, rice, curry, and miso soup. Bread is used for bag filling only, unless it's of the melon variety. - various
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Dating a girl then cheated on her or a family or friend murder a girl's lover, will cause a yandere moment or else she just plain mad psycho - School Days, Higurashi no naku koro ni, Shuffle! and others.

No matter what you can date anybody; Girl, boy, old man, siblings, parents, even a hobo - Many animes.

People who are able to change the world have god-like powers - Death Note, Code Geass and others.

A spot stealing freak who is a nobody will always be annoying - Sonic X (Chris XD)

Never mess with a short and flat chest girls - Some anime.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Peoples heads grow largely and/or they have these sharp pointy monster teeth when angry and it seems perfectly fine- Tenchi, Bleach and 95 percent of any anime with any level of sillyness

People tend to handstand or headstand when they faint.- MOst anime I've seen that wasnt super serious like Blue sub6 or GITS
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[SIZE="1"]Hot-bloodedness will allow you to defeat every enemy you encounter eventually, their greater skill, power and experience will amount to nothing. - [B]The 1st Law of Shounen.[/B][/SIZE]
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If I wore a mask/helmet I get to do silly poses like an idiot and not feel embarassed about it because they don't know my face.... The Great Saiyaman. (I could've included Lelouch in here...)
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[quote name='Jax Rhapsody']Afros are the shiznit- Cowboy Bebop, Bo BoBo, DBZ[/QUOTE]
Don't forget Nabeshin. Afro Attack!!

Also, people not important to the current event usually lack facial features. Sometimes you only see dark silhouettes, sometimes they turn into random animals or dolls.
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[COLOR="Blue"]Anime has taught me:

1. Humankind can't gain anything without offering anything in return. That is the first law of equivalent exchange.

2. Be loyal, be brave, be honest, and NEVER give up, EVER.

3. The power of bravery can make 0% into 1034%! Even your limbs are cut off!


5. Some ninjas wear orange.

6. "Naruto" dub: BAD. "Fullmetal Alchemist" dub: GOOD.

7. Don't start a fight unless you intend of finishing it.

8. Your friends are just as important as your family.

9.Dragonballs make great paperweights.

I could go one, but it would be half-past March if I did.[/COLOR]
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  • 5 weeks later...
[color=#9933ff][font=monotype corsiva][size=4]Wow months of nothing now this! And it's a featured link on the OB this month (shameless plug) I guess I may as well post

[B][U][CENTER]I've learned:[/CENTER][/U][/B]

To just stay the heck away from Tokyo Tower at all costs ( [B]Sailor Moon [/B]and [B]Magic Knight Rayearth[/B])

Poor people have the potential to be considered a rare and exotic species in the right environment([B]Ouran High School Host Club[/B])

Rich people are crazy ([B]Ouran High School Host Club[/B])

Swords made out of the teeth from your dad are quite easy to use. But ones made from your own teeth are next to impossible the first thousand times ([B]Inu Yasha[/B])

Beware of masked men wearing tuxedos because they possess the most boring monologs ever spoken. ( [B]Sailor Moon [/B])

Before kissing your boyfriend check the sky to make sure no small children are about to fall on your head ( [B]Sailor Moon [/B])

Don't let your puppy around where people may shoot at it or try to cook it for dinner ([b]Full Metal Alchemist[/b])

Yeah that's all I know. Love ya'll[/color][/size][/font]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B]Things I've learned from Anime. For one, life lessons that teachers just don't understand.[/B]

[U]To be specific though: (From various Anime and my own observations.)[/U]

- Most stories are metaphors for life.

- Never give up, no matter how dark the future seems.

- Things are not always what they seem...sometimes even the second time around.

- Several things featured as notes in subbed Anime.

- A strong heart can defeat a strong mind. (I used to be so bent on being logical it was sickening... so much I became emotionally numb. Now I see logic is a personal thing, just like any belief. I could say something irrationalsounding, but to me it could be logical.)

- Everybody deserves a chance. (already thought that but it's also a message in Anime.)

- Your friends are family and for some people, you're more motivated when doing something for them. (It's true for me. Even down to stupid things, I have trouble cleaning my room on self motivation, but the minute I start thinking of someone important to me, or just what I can do to help, I remember that small pieces of the puzzle are still required for completetion.)

[U]Here are my own quotes based off of my own feelings and other ideas (Especially from Anime).[/U]

- Beliefs mean nothing if they are not executed in a considerable manner.

- Thinking killing is okay is not a belief, it's an excuse.

- (When refering to my beliefs on war) When fighting fire with fire (death with death, bomb with bomb) there is never a winner, instead you create a bigger flame (larger ***** of people and earth gone). You must fight fire with water before it has a chance to get big and spread. (Spread the message of peace and it's benefits)

- (when saying my beliefs on government) You know if people are for the most part good, then a government is bad. If people are for the most part bad, then the government, being made of people, is still bad.)

- A warrior could kill a lot of people, a king could kill a lot more people, a god can't kill any... and he wouldn't want to.

- Why would you walk all over someone you think is dirt, when there is a whole lot of sunshine?

- I have more respect for a poor person who steals... than a rich person who doesn't give.

- I've never seen a prophet write about anything good that's upcoming.... that's because if what they say is true, it's a warning. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't write all that for the purpose of being right 500 years after their death.

- It's a good question as to why people are afraid of what they don't know. Stupid kids sure were not afraid to smoke that plant, that cancer, or drink that liver killing, fool in a bottle.

- When a loved one is hurt by another person, do you fight because of your love for your friend, or your hate for that bastard that hurt them. The anser is the line between hate and love is not there. The only difference is one is man made and not natural born. Do you remember hating when you were a baby. Look at another baby, very hating right? Hate... what a rediculous creation.

- As much as I respect religion, I realize that it is a double-edged sword. For all the good things it's done it's also caused many wars. Fighting over a belief and acting blindly.... just like that of a child....without the luck children have tough.

- I'm not crazy... just think about this...everybody is different...so who is normal. Who created the standard for normal anyways.... I want to know what mental illness he or she was suffering from.

- You know you don't always know when you're being manipulated. People don't always know when they're manipulating you. This is for sure though... if you stick to what you believe....because you believe it...not because someone told you to believe it...not because it was passed down through time....not because your bible said it...your chances of being manipulated are as low as can be.

Sorry if I got off topic. I've been known to do that a lot on every thread. I like change things up, and it's good to know how some things you say or do... can lead into other things happening. I'm not just talking about action/reaction either...I'm talking about complete transformations from one thing to the other. Kind of like how an argument turns into a fist fight, and in some cases that turns into a fight to the death. That's why I believe in self containment and control. Their are ways to actually reprogram your subconcous mind..which is the mind that does all instinct and relfex actions. It is all kind of programmed in fro things you were thaught, and it's just been proven... that DNA has next to nothing to do with it.

Sorry for always preaching my part with everything I say... I just think that maybe it will be of some use to someone, someday.
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[SIZE="1"]This one relates to pretty much every BFS-featuring anime/manga.

"If you see someone carrying a gigantic sword, while you are entitled to be surprised by such a sight, do not be stupid enough to assume they wear such a weapon for decoration and cannot use it with extreme lethality."[/SIZE]
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  • 4 weeks later...
[color=#9933ff][size=4][font=monotype corsiva]I LIVE!!!

Okay so anime has currently taught me that:

Any woman with a flat chest or small breasts will be mistaken for a guy every time (Ouran High School Host Club, Sailor Moon)

People with gloves can make fire by snapping their fingers (Full Metal Alchemist)

I can't think of anything else. I need to go watch more anime[/color][/font][/size]
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  • 1 month later...

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