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The Classic Games Club: 1 Game a Month, and We All Discuss It!


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Play games with others and discuss it!

That's pretty much the main idea of this little idea of mine. Essentially, for one month, we will all play a classic game, and discuss it as we all play through it. We will all share our thoughts and observations of the game(s) as we play through them.

What are the requirments? There are none. Just so long as you are willing to participate, that is good enough for me.

What shall we do in detail? Well, basically, we will first decide which game we will play. They won't be limited to just PC Games - although our first game very well will be - and after that, we will give a 2-3 week period before starting the game. Then, we play the game for a month, at our own pace.

You don't need to play at a super heightened pace. Just play it, and comment on it. Of course, we'd prefer it if you played it each day, but meh, do what you want.

After the month has passed, we will recycle the cycle.

Sound good guys? If so, say so! If it's popular enough, I'll start a forum, I'll make our first poll, and we can get this ball rolling.
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[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Wow! This sounds great! However, if by any chance we cannot get a hold of the game, what do we do then? I have a lot of games, but I'm not sure if some will be on the list.:animeswea Anyways, I'd love to participate. Great idea.:catgirl:[/COLOR]
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Well, I was thinking we could have a 2 week period between the "start" and when we start to play the game. That should be enough time for people to buy it/torrent it.

I think we'll start off with PC, because chances are, we all have a PC. The games would be fairly old - I think 2004 is a good limit. That should be enough so that as many people as possible can play the game. After all, both PoP and Beyond Good & Evil were released in 2004, and they are just $10 on Steam!
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[quote name='Matt']I think we'll start off with PC, because chances are, we all have a PC. The games would be fairly old - I think 2004 is a good limit. That should be enough so that as many people as possible can play the game. After all, both PoP and Beyond Good & Evil were released in 2004, and they are just $10 on Steam![/QUOTE]

[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I'd recommend starting with multiplatform, just to keep the widest range available. Besides, some people's systems don't meet decent gaming requirements. Just the point of view of an interested outsider, for the time being.[/FONT]
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Well, that's why our games would be OLD.

I'm thinking either Deus Ex, or Grim Fandango. Both games have a very low system requirements, so essentially, anybody should be able to play them. And PCs have such a wider history than consoles, and genres the average gamer probably had never played.

But rest assured, we won't be limited to just PC's. Consoles have their classics too!

Ocarina of Time, anyone? :D
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[SIZE="1"]The problem with older games like Grim Fandango Matt is that people mightn't be able to get a hold of them, I know I went through hell to try and get a copy of Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis off eBay without paying through the nose for it.

That said this is a novel idea and I quite like it, it reminds me of when we used to generate 500 post threads on the latest GTAs when they came out going through every nuance of the game.

As for OoT, great game I really must buy a Wii since my Gamecube broke to play the Collector's Edition again.[/SIZE]
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[quote name='Matt']Well, that's why we'd give you a few weeks after deciding on the game to get it.

And since Grim Fandango is nearly 10 years old, you can easily torrent it without fear of moral implications.[/QUOTE]

Speak for yourself. My soul would be ravaged if I ever did that.

[FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]This is a good idea, but making the first game something that is not READILY accessible is kinda silly. I think if we are looking for classic games, you should start with something that is easy to obtain, even if you have to get a PC emulator for it. Maybe start with games like Super Mario Bros or F-Zero or anything of that nature. That way, people can find the roms, d/l them and play the game as opposed to doing some sort of torrenting (which some systems just CAN NOT do, due to their connections [people still use dial-up?]).

So I'd say we need to stick to games that are easy to download for people across the spectrum, because not all of us can just torrent whatever we want (I can, but meh).[/FONT]
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Well, *I* personally don't want to start off with consoles. Maybe it's because I want to jump back into PC Gaming, but I would like to show people something beyond the standard console fare.

I don't think many of you have experienced Grim Fandango or Deus Ex. Both can be downloaded easily AND are very cheap as well. So, they are easy to acquire.

And anyone who doesn't want to experience THIS has to be dead!

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[FONT=Arial]And here I was thinking Deus Ex was relatively new.

What about the old DOS versions of Commander Keene? I'm pretty sure they're basically public domain now, might be easier to get ahold of free. Plus, the stun gun and pogo stick were the best weapon set ever.[/FONT]
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The problem with DOS games is that they are REALLY hard for them to work proper. I say even more so than games like Blood Omen 1, Red Alert, Arcanum, etc.

And Deus Ex is only new if being 8 years old is considered new.

OK, so I need a consensus - who here wants to do this? All that do, say I!
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Well, it will depend on the game.

Deus Ex is easily torrented,since it is only 700MB, but you can also play it for free via GameTap, via direct download. Takes about 20 minutes. The minus side is that you have to play via GameTap...which takes up additional CPU.

Grim Fandango, on the other hand, is only available via torrent, as far as I know. If you can find it cheap via eBay, that is also another option. Shouldn't be more than, oh, $10 or $20.
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Not having a personal PC is really killing me now that this idea sprung up. I'll be more than happy to add my two cents once you've hit consoles up, but for now, alas, I must sit on the sidelines.

Be careful getting into games that cost $ to play, especially this time of the year. Most people are looking to spend their hard on cash on others and many may not be able to participate. Thus the first one being console that's free to download is probably the best bet right out of the gate, unless you're looking to get started sometime after the new year.

Though this is your baby Matt, your best bet would be to select 5 games (depending on how many people are interested) and let everyone vote. Don't pick the same games over and over again such as: First vote a) Mario III b)Contra c) Final Fantasy I d) Zelda: Link to the past f) Sonic the Hedge hog.

Then on the next month since you did games that are easily accessible for console switch it up. Next vote do strictly PC games, that way you can do a different genre every month (just the way I would do it if I were you. Plus this way you maintain control and not everyone is just rattling off ideas for weeks trying to decide on one game)
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Well, whenever I do decide to start this thing, I would give you guys 2 weeks to get the games. So, at the very least, we will start around the new year. Secondly, the games will be old. Thus, they SHOULD be cheap.

And if money is a problem...I could always provide alternative methods to those that are willing. :D

At first, we'll probably start off with either Deus Ex or Grim Fandango. But after that, yeah, I'll definitely have at least 3 options, if not more!

But Drizzt, you don't need to play at a super fast pace to join. Just play when you can, how fast you can. This is supposed to be fun, remember? :)
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  • 2 weeks later...
[URL="http://s1.zetaboards.com/classicgames/index/"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]And so it begins.[/COLOR][/URL]

We start off with mother effin' Deus Ex! So, go visit the forum, say a few words, get the game, and let's get on the road GTA style!


[SIZE="1"]Oh, and err, sorry about that double post. Yeah.[/SIZE]
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