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The Blood Wars

Darth Vectis

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Dash entered his new home, a small room with bare walls, a cot, and a bathroom. "Well its more comfotable then then I'm used to." He had been on the run for a year an a half now. A year and a half since he killed his parents and inharited that white wolf's curse. He set down the brefcase and sat on the cot and rubed his hands over his face. He need to think about his new "family." Thats what Seraphim had called it a; family. During ther first meeting Dash sat quitely and listend to his story, the history of Vampires, Werewolves and Sprits. Explaning his new powers how to sense a Vampire or a Sprite. The start of his war. The reson behind it the only thing that caught dashs attention, Seraphim wanted a place in the world he wanted people to know what lerked in the night. Dash couldn't help but think what if he had known. He would still be human, he would still have his parints, he would still have a life. The thought almost caused him to go Feral but he tred to keep it in check. Seraphim had noticed
"Youll learn to control it in time young blood" this vamp commanded respect. He was a leader, he was being honest with him, so dash gave him it "Always willing to learn some thing new ..sir"
Seraphim smiled "Take this brifcase to your new room. Welcome dash to The Harbingers. Do you have any questions?"
Dash "One."
Seraphim "Go on"
"Is ther a cure for this?"
Seraphim smiled and said "One "
Dash smiled "Glad its so easy to come by then." Dash turned for the door.
Seraphim had caught his arm "Do I need to worry about your loyalty?"
Dash smiled "No.. I'm a dog remember?"
Seraphim let go "Nemo will contat you later. Be on your way."
"Yes sir" and Dash walked out. A fine first impression with his new boss. Dash left his room. He wanted to explore the camp while it was still day light, to avoid vamps. So far he had only meet 2. The rest looked at him with distain. He came to a large obstickel course on the out skirts of the camp. Mabye later he ,thought. As he strolled around the camp back to his room, his thoughts turned to his new allies. K. was the first to mind he seemed ok for a vamp, at least he had been kind enough to introduce himself. Next Nemo. Seraphim had warrned him about this sprite but he couldint help but like the first side of him he meet in the grave yard. He had gone to visit his parents after the explosions in the city. He figuerd the cops would be to busy with the fires to be looking for a now 18 year old runaway murderer, He had made it to ther grave stones and set down his belongings. "Here lies John and Amy Dashing." He hit his knees and tryed to scream but only a long sorrow filled howl filled the air. He had gone feral involintary again. Then he smelled some thing. He wiped around to see a boy, about his age, smiling, not scared, just smiling. Dash fought to regain his composer "What?" The boy's scent changed. He smelled like a spent fire cracker his attitude changed too. He looked at the graves
"Oh is the poor puppy crying about his parints?"
Dash laughed at the boy "I dont think you whant to do this" The boys demeaner changed again. He smiled.
"Yes we do"
Dash "We?" A flash of lightning sent him though a mosolim, tumbling end over end. Dash stood up, bared his fangs, and went Feral, jumped over the mosolim ruins
"Since when does the CRTF recuit pups?" the boy asked as he rolled right and lunged at him. The boy reacted just as fast lobing a fire ball at Dashs chest knocking him on his back. He rolled to his feet and growled. The boy smiled "Why wont you just DIE!!" Lightning surged though his body he couldn't move. He was exusted. He chaned back to his human form. The boy stop, still smiling, walked over, and looked down at him.
Dash maneged to speak "What are you?"
The boy looked confused "You..you dont know?"
"Forgive me I'm still new at this." Dash moaned
"Ah we're going to guess your not CRTF, are you?"
"Nope, and who the fuck is 'we'? Are the others here?"
The boy "Yes and no"
"You lost me" Dash replied.
"We are Nemo" The boy said.
Dash paused. "Oh, I get it. You're crazy."
The boy laughed "Well one of us is"
"Well I'll just be going now then" Dash tried to stand but fell over
"We hurt you"
"Well no duh! I'll be fine. Thanks for your concern."
"We know a place you can rest."
"I'll be all right. Just give me one thing."
"What do you ask of us?"
"We can not. We are busy"
"Then good bye"
Dash stood and started to limp away.
"We know some one who can." Nemo called out. Dash looked to his parints graves.
"Well, I got nothing to lose."
"Good. Let's go pup."
Dash grabed his things and walked over to the boy. Dash held out his hand "My name is Dash and I'm not a puppy"
The boy similed "We are Nemo, and yes you are" Their first encounter was rough, but if it wasn't for Nemo, he would still be on the run. Now he had a place to live, a cause to fight for, and a family to protect. Dash gathered himself and made his way to the obsical course.
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[FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"]Firenze bounced her knee up and down impatiently. She understood the purpose of her being her, but it didn't change the fact that she hated drawn out meetings. She guessed that was probably the reason most of her clan had died out centuries ago. Order was never her best friend and planning things just seemed to take too long.

[COLOR="Plum"][I]'Firenze, what are you going to do now?" an older gentleman called after her. She turned to look at him. He was a massive wolf made up of mostly grey fur. He had stopped changing into his human form some seven centuries before she met him telling her some non-sense about it was going to kill him. She hardly paid attention to him.

"I'm going to find him." She called back to him.

"And what will that do you except cause more trouble."

"What do I have left, Pan?" Firenze shifted into her wolf form, smelling the surrounding area before looking back at the grey wolf.

"You have me." He walked up to her.

Firenze laughed at him. "You are a grand-sire, there's no way I'd stay here with you. Besides, I would drive you mad." She looked around at her slaughtered commrades. One day her kind would be seen as more than just beasts.

"He can set this right," Firenze yipped.

"Are you sure its not just lust for his blood that drives you to follow him Firenze? What if you find him and he wants nothing more than for you to be dead." The grey wolf sniffed around the bodies.

Firenze snarled at him. "I will have his blood again and he will be mine."

"I think you're crazy wolf. That vampire will have your head on a plate."

Firenze turned on him then, ripping into his shoulder with her teeth. He whimpered, falling to the ground. She sneered at him, her long snout in his face. "I have no loyalty to you or you have witted ideas. You follow me and I will kill you." She snapped at him before leaping over him, gracefully loping off into the distance.[/I][/COLOR]

Firenze looked over at Seraphim, his long hair pulled back away from his face. He was discussing his new mission with this men. He held her hand in his and it felt...ackward.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[SIZE="1"]He looked to his right, his hand was placed in the steady grip of his only love. And, he could feel the tension between them, she had been looking for him for a thousand years and suddenly he let her back into his life. He not only allowed her into his new life he was creating, but made her an important part as well. He sighed internally, he understood what he was doing was forcing her into this situation much quicker then expected. He soon felt he could no longer take the awkwardness between them, he stood from his chair and looked down at her. He squeezed her hand for just a moment.
"Care to spar my dear?"[/B] He suddenly a revitalization, a dramatic change in her demeanor. He saw how her eyes lit up and how her posture changed. She nodded her head furiously and he let a small smirk touch the right corner of his lips. He moved away from his desk and walked out the door. Firenze was right beside him, he could see that the fire was back in her. He was gonna keep it that way, even if it meant he had to fight her everyday, even if it meant he had to leave her to her hunts. He walked through the make shit corridors, past the quickly constructed rooms and walked outside. He saw the fires burning, the tents pitched in a seemingly haphazard fashion. Fortunately they had worked out a proper way and placement of tents to make sure movement was not impeded if they needed to move again.

He walked past several of his troops, they stared blankly as they saluted him and waited for him to salute back before he went about his walk. He saw the recruits all gathered around the sparing area they had set up, Seraphim had been hesitant at first to give them a reason to fight each other. But, he figured that he could allow them to do this so they could learn how to fight to some degree. He kept walking forward as the crowd of vampires, werewolves, and sprits all huddled around, rooting on their chosen fighter. He tapped shoulders and they instantly moved out of his way, occasionally he ran into and ill tempered vampire or werewolf and was forced to move them out of his way. He finally made it through the crowd and saw his captain of his personal guard giving some lessons to some young ones. He walked over to her, his hands behind her back.
"Cora."[/B] She instantly turn away from her student and stood rigid. She saluted him.
"Master, what is you need?"[/B] He gave her that critical look, the one a commander gives all his troops. Never giving them satisfaction of doing a job well done, if they thought they disappointed him, then they would work harder to try to impress him. His hands were still behind his back as he stood over her.
"I require this arena. Mrs. Firenze and I have a long over due issue that needs to be dealt with. I need you to provide crowd control and then, when this altercation is settled I need you in my office."[/B] She nodded and instantly moved to the circle of people and moved them back a little bit, providing a bigger area for them to fight in. Seraphim turned to his love and looked into her eyes. He then turned away and walked a few feet away then turned back to face her.
"Lets see if you still have the skills to try and take me down my dear."[/B] A grin spread across Firenze's face and she crouched down as was her natural instinct. She instantly leaped at him and tried to scratch at him with her nails, she narrowly missed as he leaned to his right. She skid on the ground and turned on him instantly, lunging again, this time stopping short of him and running at him. She lashed out with her nails and her claws, they shifted as she swung at him. He avoided her as best he could, they would get close and then she would miss by a mile. He had to move back to make sure she couldn't get a firm hit on him.

He knew she was getting dangerously close when she managed to snag some of his vest and tore a good chunk out of the material. He briefly looked at the missing piece, and then saw red marks developing on his chest. A small amount of blood started to ooze from his chest from the four new cuts in his chest. He saw the look in her eyes when she saw his blood, the crazed look he had seen earlier this night. He shifted his stance, pulling his hands from behind his back and holding them out, one was balled up into a fist, the other was open.
"Come again my dear."[/B] She had a wide smile on her face this time.
"Gladly, Seraphim." [/B]She struck instantly, moving faster then most werewolves could. He used his open right hand to push her first strike away then swung with his left to try and catch her of balance. She evaded it and struck again, he batted it away again and struck again. This time trying to his her with both hands, he missed and she twisted away from him and attempted to jump on his back. He maneuvered out of the way and then their was a sudden metallic ring. Seraphim had drawn his blade and was hold it down. He saw the tension building in her muscles, seeing the predator in her coming out. He held the blade with one-hand and looked deep into her blue eyes. He didn't wait for her this time. He rushed her, swing his blade with a sort of grace that came from centuries of practice and use. She evaded the first few strikes and managed to strike back.

When she struck out, he managed to avoid the attack and then drew his blade back right across her forearm. She with drew instantly and backed away from him for a moment, her blood dripped slowly from his blade. She licked at her arm as a wound does to an injury. She still had that tenacity that wasn't going to go away, it was only going to build as they fought. He held his blade up and looked at her again, trying to read her before she even moved. She started to walk around him, shifting between wolf and human as she did. Either form she took, she was still dangerous, even though she preferred her wolf form more then anything. But, as expected, she lunged for his back. It was her nature to attack from behind and get her prey at its weakest point. He didn't even attempt to turn around, he instead had reached inside of his vest and pulled out a small piece of bone from his hidden inside pocket.

He clenched the piece of bone and focused it behind him, a wall of pure bone suddenly erupted from the ground and Firenze smashed right into it. Cracking the bone and sending herself to the ground, Seraphim turned around and touched the wall. It crumbled under his hand, and then he saw someone he hadn't expected. He smirked again, he noticed Firenze was getting back up. He slid his sword into its scabbard. He saw she was about to lunge when he held his hand to her.
"No, I have someone else in mind for you to take your anger out on."[/B] He looked to the face in the crowd that had caught his attention so quickly.
"Nero. Come here"[/B] The young hybrid pushed through the crowd and stood before his master. He bowed his head to him and relaxed his posture after the formality's were down with.
"Yes Seraphim?"[/B] He looked to the woman standing up from her impact, her eyes shifted to Nero.
"I want to see you combat Mrs. Firenze here. She is rather intent on fighting, after this fight is over were all going back to my office."[/B] Nero looked up at him, then nodded to him. He took a few steps away and readied himself. Seraphim turned to Firenze and walked toward her, he stopped right beside her and talked into her ear.
"I want you to experience first hand how strong he is. If I remember, this is the only proper way to see how strong anyone is. Good luck, my love."[/B] Seraphim walked away from the fight and stood in front of the crowd. Ready to witness a very interesting battle between a hybrid and a very adaptive Werewolf.

OOC: Hope I portrayed your character correctly DC. Omega and DC, have at it.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE="1"][B]OOC:[/B] I changed Nero?s appearance and outfit to something that I felt was more accurate to the character. Oh, and demonchild, I didn't want to have all the fun, so take it from here. [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/ao-cc-cannon-male.jpg"][Nero][/URL] [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Reizou/aegoc-quinn.jpg"][Outfit][/URL][/SIZE]


[FONT="Garamond"][B]IC:[/B] Nero stared intently at Firenze, looking her over as Seraphim walked past her. He didn?t quite understand the nature of this battle?nor was he required too. What Seraphim willed was final. However, he didn?t feel quite right battling an opponent who was already injured. He felt it gave him an unfair disadvantage. He grabbed his katana and pistol and tossed them to Cora, who was standing at the side of the arena. Firenze scoffed with disapproval.

[B]?Do you think me so weak that you don?t even need your manmade toys, boy??[/B] Nero chuckled and faced her once again, moving his hands to his side. The air crackled as he summoned electric bolts through his conduit rings. He assumed a low crouched pose, lightning still present, and responded.

[B]?No. I think you a formidable enough opponent that I want to fight you as naturally as I can. Shall we??[/B] Firenze grinned and morphed into her wolf form. Nero quickly released a bolt of lightning at her, unwilling to allow her the first strike. She carefully leapt away from the bolt and sprinted forward, lunging directly at Nero?s chest. Surprisingly, he did not attempt to evade her. Thinking like a wolf, he charged her head on. He used his left arm to hold back the ferocious might of the wolf, and with the other, launched a concentrated lightning bolt into her chest. She whimpered lightly and flew backwards, landing a few paces away from him. Her fur was smoking from the strike, and his arm was bleeding from her claws, but they barely noticed. Already she could see that his fighting style was different from Seraphim?s; already she could see that he had grown to resemble her as a warrior, despite their years of separation.

This time Nero rushed forward, aiming to claw at Firenze?s neck with his nails. It was a risky move, as getting close enough to her neck to strike meant getting close enough to her mouth that she could easily bite him. Regardless, he went ahead with his plan, and skillfully managed to avoid her jaw as he swiped at her neck. Firenze was too quick, however; Nero only managed to brush his claws against her back legs as she passed. Due to the unexpected miss he went stumbling onto his hands, and opened up the perfect opportunity for Firenze to strike at his back. She pounced at him, but she, too, was met with disappointment. Always alert and battle savvy, Nero had swung his legs upwards forcefully after bracing his hands against the ground, and thus sent Firenze reeling past him. He steadied himself and then addressed his opponent.

[B]?You?re faster and stronger than any other wolf I?ve ever faced. I?m somewhat regretful now to have given up my katana.?[/B] Firenze, who had been forced back into her human state by the impact with the ground, shifted back into her wolf form and laughed through her monstrous teeth.
?How sad. What will you do now??[/B] She dashed full speed at Nero, looking to bare her fangs into his stomach. Nero grinned and cupped his hands together at her. Before she even knew what happened, she was launched to the very end of the arena, and could barely dig her claws into the ground fast enough to keep from falling off. She looked, intrigued with a sick combination of motherly love and warrior like passion at Nero. The electricity was now traveling through his whole body, and the palms of his hand were still smoking from massive burst of energy he had shot at her. He replied playfully.

[B]?I?ll just have to give you everything I?ve got.?[/B][/FONT]
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