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Signature of the Week | Entries | Week 009


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[size=10][FONT="Times New Roman"]Signature Of The Week[/size]
[size=5]Week 009[/FONT][/size][/center]

[size=1][b]Theme[/b]: [b][color=red]‘‘Things I [color=darkred]Hate[/color]’’[/color][/b]. The theme of this week is ‘‘Things I Hate’’ to compensate with last time's ‘‘Hobbies’’. So you could see it as ‘‘Anti-Hobbies’’... Or you could take the theme anyway you like!
Side note for entrants: Like last time, you may want to elaborate on your signature when you post it, if you think its unclear.

[b]Entries Deadline[/b]: [b][color=red][u]Monday[/u] 22 December, 2008 @ 23:59 GMT[/b][/color][/size]

[size=1][b]1st Place[/b]: 1st Place OtakuBoards Signature Of The Week "Winner" Medal (which will be added onto your profile under your username.)
[b]2nd Place[/b]: 2nd Place Naming in the Hall of eternal OtakuBoards Fame

[center][b][u]Rules For Entrants[/b][/u]:
[LIST=1][*][i]Always[/i] follow the Signature Of The Week theme.
[*]Only submit your own work. Plagiarism is not accepted.
[*]Only ONE (1) entry is allowed per person.
[*]You cannot enter the same signature in more than ONE (1) Signature Of The Week at OtakuBoards.
[*]Entries can be changed [b]BEFORE[/b] voting begins. Just edit your post with your new entry.
[*]The dimensions of your entry must not exceed 550x120 pixels. (OtakuBoards' limit)[/LIST][/center]

Note: No discussion in this thread please. If you have any questions or comments you can post them in the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59290][b][u]Discussion Thread[/u][/b][/url], but feel free to PM me or any other member of the staff.

This is a [b]Bi-Weekly[/b] contest. This will give entrants more time to complete and submit their art, as well as give more time for our fellow members of OB to vote for a winner. (And it secretly gives me as the moderator some flexibility in posting threads and everything)

Also, [b]everyone is encouraged to make and submit a signature[/b], whatever your skill level may be.

Have fun![/size]
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[size=1]I'll give this another shot. I better stop making a habit though hahaaa.

[B]Things I Hate:[/B] People yelling. Considering I have a hangover the majority of my life I hate - absolutely [i]hate[/i] people yelling. I also hate even more when they yell "I'M NOT SHOUTING!". Yes, you are, be quiet...[/size][/center]
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Here is my entry. Not my best work at all since my computer system had to be reloaded and I haven't gained all my graphic tools back.

I couldn't think of something I hated instead i used one of my favorite movies 10 Things I Hate About You and I think some has thought this part of Kat's poem themselves at least once.

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